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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Fifty-eight: Socializing through the Net

Fifty-eight: Socializing through the Net

Steve: Hi Jill.

Jill: Hi Steve.

Steve: Today, you know, I want to talk about the way people socialize today. We are all part of the new, you know, Internet inter-connectivity, the way we connect with people whom we have not met. We know people through the Linguist and the LingQ that we feel we know quite well. We probably communicate with them more than with a lot of people that we know face to face. It's a new world.

Jill: Yeah, it certainly is. It's very easy to communicate with people all over the world and people you don't know and I think a lot of people make friends, meet their future husbands and wives that way.

Steve: I know I saw a statistic that some remarkable percentage, I don't know if it was Canadians or people in what country, meet their future partner on the web. Like, it's like 30%-40% so you don't have to go to the church dance anymore or hang out at some bar or go join the hiking club.

Jill: That's right. I mean I know quite a few, I know at least three young girls who are, young women who are on these different Internet dating sites and I know somebody who married her husband who she met through one of those so it's very common now.

Steve: And, you know, I'm trying to understand it, because I have a blog and I don't really know how to use the blog. The ideal situation for me would be that there was a lot of feedback from people commenting on my blog. Either that they agree with what I say, which is nice or that they have constructive criticism or different opinions. But, of course sometimes you get the kind of person who just wants to come and throw dirt at you so that's okay too, at least there is some reaction out there.

But, through the blog you know, we can, one of the reasons why I blog is to try to connect with more people. And, do you have a blog?

Jill: I have one through the Linguist, the old site, but I don't have my own personal blog. I wouldn't, I'm not really that interested.

Steve: I mean, I must say if it weren't for the fact that I think it's somehow beneficial to our effort to introduce LingQ and the Linguist to people I don't think I would do it. And, today we had a consultant come in and give us some advice on what to do.

It's, there's a whole different culture out there and I'm doing my blog the wrong way. I'm doing it the wrong way, because I'm sending out these messages on how you should learn languages so, it's me drawing on my experience and saying here's a good way to learn languages.

Apparently I shouldn't be doing that. It's got to be more of a cooperative, oh I saw this interesting post on someone else's blog and so then I quote that on my blog. That someone else, whose blog post I quoted, he's then happy and maybe he'll quote something from my blog. The whole thing is one of you know, we're all in it together and you scratch my back and I scratch yours and I shouldn't be sort of up on a pedestal like …

Jill: Promoting your own.

Steve: Well A. not promoting my own and B. not pretending to be some kind of an expert. I should be more of I happened to hear.

Then part, have you heard of Twitter?

Jill: Very briefly I looked at it for a couple of minutes to see kind of what goes on and so I know a little bit.

Steve: You know, we, I once submitted a YouTube of myself speaking ten languages to a very popular French blog run by a guy called Loïc Le Meur. And, then I subscribed to his.

Now I get daily emails with all these Twitter messages. I got up, I had a cup of coffee, so and so had a cup of coffee. His friend went to you know, Lyons, and I'm trying to understand who would possibly read these things, but apparently it's big. Have you heard about this?

Jill: I have heard. I've gone, I went to one. I don't know what the URL is, but I just put Twitter in the search engine and it took me right to a page where you could see, I don't know there were maybe eight posts right on that front page. One line mostly, maybe a couple of lines, mostly five words, ten words of people just saying yeah, I got my new phone today. Another person saying I took my wife for lunch. I'm on time for a change. Just different things like this and I guess people kind of do that throughout the day, just put what they're doing at the moment on their Twitter, I don't even know what it's called.

Steve: Very strange phenomenon, but, I mean, yeah. If this can help people find out about us, because fundamentally yeah, we work here and we would like more people to be on our site, but we also believe, fundamentally believe that our site is a tremendous solution. But, if I say that then immediately everyone is suspicious that I'm promoting my own thing. So, you're not allowed to do that. So, we won't do that.

But, in the same vein, in the same vein of you know, how we can participate, I think people like participating in other people's lives to some extent without any commitment. And, so that some of the content that our learners are creating for us is really very good. You had a look for example at what Paco did. What was your impression of that?

Jill: Oh it was great. It was in Spanish and it was short. Very good for the beginner and I mean, even an intermediate person or low intermediate person. Just really, I had an image in my mind. I could see him doing this, you know, getting up and having to turn off his alarm clock twice and starting his day with a latte, because he's really not awake until he's got his coffee and brushing his teeth and all the different things he does. And, I think he goes for a jog or something at some point and it was neat. It was like I was in a day in the life of Paco.

Steve: You know, it's true. First of all his, I think first time around it would be difficult for a beginner, because he speaks quite quickly. Maybe one day we'll have control so we can slow it down. But, I must say I'm interested to see the next episode.

Paco gets up, whatever, he has his coffee, he does that then he goes off to work. I want to hear what happened to him in the rest of his day. But, that's not Twitter.

Jill: That's what I was going to say. That, to me is different. It's almost like a little story. I'm really not interested in hearing five words even from people I know. I don't care what they're doing every hour of the day, if they've stepped out to grab a sandwich. I don't care so I really don't have a lot of interest in what strangers are doing from moment to moment.

Steve: Right, but what is interesting and this is where it connects with language learning, is that Paco lives in Spain. So, he's getting up in Spain and he's speaking Spanish and he's talking about his daily routine. And, if we had maybe, we had a lady in Japan who gets up in the morning and she makes her rice or whatever she does in the morning and she sends her kids off to school or she goes off to work or whatever, and if this is done in short episodes like this it's very interesting.

And, of course all of the words that we use in our daily lives are there. And, of course it's short. It's a minute, two minutes long. You can listen to it over and over again. The first time you hear it it's difficult to understand. You save the words, the phrases, you read it, you listen to it and pretty soon you're able to talk about these daily things in a way that's pleasant.

And, I think others, Irene has done some great stuff, Marianne, and we're only going to get more and more of this, so, that kind of sharing about where you live, about what you do in two minute, three minute bites, I can see that. And, of course everything relates to language learning.

But, the Twitter I don't really see, but it's popular.

Jill: Yeah, I think it's, well it seems to be really popular. So, I don't know, I don't personally know anybody who does it, but when I went there it seemed like there were a lot of people on this site I went to chatting back and forth so I guess it's popular.

Steve: I mean, we do have to, there's so many, many people blogging and there are people who are addicted to blogging. There are people who run multiple blogs. They spend their whole day blogging. Amazing. But, it's there and I think it's connected to this other phenomenon we have of, particularly young people, spending so much of their time text messaging each other. Do you know people who do that?

Jill: Yeah, yeah, I do. A lot of people I know do that. And, I find it annoying. I would rather just pick up the phone and call somebody to tell them what I need to tell them than sit on a little keypad on my phone typing words. I just, I don't get it, but everybody I know does it.

Steve: Well, I guess it's something we're going to have to learn more about and maybe it's the fact that the people who are most involved in this are of this sort of new generation of…

Jill: Like technology.

Steve: Like technology and so forth and so on. But, you know what we might do one of these days is to try, not to Twitter, but maybe have a short dialogue where we talk about the daily things of life in very simple language. Maybe that's what we'll do next. And, maybe we'll end our discussion here today. Thank you.

Jill: Thank you.

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Fifty-eight: Socializing through the Net Achtundfünfzig: Sozialisierung durch das Netz Fifty-eight: Socializing through the Net Cincuenta y ocho: Socializar a través de la Red پنجاه و هشت: معاشرت از طریق شبکه Cinquante-huit : la socialisation par le net Cinquantotto: Socializzare attraverso la rete 五十八ネットを通じての交流 58: 인터넷을 통한 소셜 네트워킹 Pięćdziesiąt osiem: Spotkania towarzyskie w sieci Cinquenta e oito: Socializar através da Net Пятьдесят восемь: Общение в сети Femtioåtta: Socialt umgänge via nätet Elli sekiz: İnternet Üzerinden Sosyalleşme П'ятдесят вісім: Спілкування через мережу 五十八:通过网络进行社交 五十八:透過網路進行社交

Steve: Hi Jill.

Jill: Hi Steve.

Steve: Today, you know, I want to talk about the way people socialize today. ||||||||||||社交| ||||||||||||socializan| We are all part of the new, you know, Internet inter-connectivity, the way we connect with people whom we have not met. ||||||||||互联|互联互通||||||||||| ||||||||||interconnexion Internet|||||||||||| Todos formamos parte de la nueva, ya sabes, interconectividad de Internet, la forma en que nos conectamos con personas que no conocemos. Hepimiz yeni internet bağlantısının, tanışmadığımız insanlarla bağlantı kurma şeklinin bir parçasıyız. 我们都是新的一部分,你知道的,互联网互联性,我们与我们没有见过的人联系的方式。 We know people through the Linguist and the LingQ that we feel we know quite well. Linguist ve LingQ aracılığıyla oldukça iyi tanıdığımızı düşündüğümüz insanlar tanıyoruz. 通过语言学家和 LingQ,我们认识了许多我们觉得很了解的人。 We probably communicate with them more than with a lot of people that we know face to face. Muhtemelen onlarla yüz yüze tanıdığımız pek çok insandan daha fazla iletişim kuruyoruz. 我们可能与他们沟通过的比与很多我们见面的人还要多。 It’s a new world.

Jill: Yeah, it certainly is. It’s very easy to communicate with people all over the world and people you don’t know and I think a lot of people make friends, meet their future husbands and wives that way. Tüm dünyadaki insanlarla ve tanımadığınız insanlarla iletişim kurmak çok kolaydır ve bence birçok insan arkadaş edinir, gelecekteki kocalarıyla tanışır ve bu şekilde eşleri olur.

Steve: I know I saw a statistic that some remarkable percentage, I don’t know if it was Canadians or people in what country, meet their future partner on the web. Steve: Bir istatistik görmüştüm, Kanadalıların mı yoksa hangi ülkedeki insanların gelecekteki eşleriyle internette tanıştığına dair kayda değer bir yüzde vardı. Like, it’s like 30%-40% so you don’t have to go to the church dance anymore or hang out at some bar or go join the hiking club. Mesela% 30 -% 40 gibi, yani artık kilisenin dansına gitmene, bir barda takılmana ya da yürüyüş kulübüne katılmana gerek yok

Jill: That’s right. I mean I know quite a few, I know at least three young girls who are, young women who are on these different Internet dating sites and I know somebody who married her husband who she met through one of those so it’s very common now. Conozco a bastantes, conozco al menos a tres chicas jóvenes que están en estos diferentes sitios de citas por Internet y conozco a alguien que se casó con su marido al que conoció a través de uno de ellos, así que ahora es muy común.

Steve: And, you know, I’m trying to understand it, because I have a blog and I don’t really know how to use the blog. The ideal situation for me would be that there was a lot of feedback from people commenting on my blog. Either that they agree with what I say, which is nice or that they have constructive criticism or different opinions. Ya söylediklerime katılıyorlar, hangileri hoş, ya da yapıcı eleştiriler veya farklı görüşler var. But, of course sometimes you get the kind of person who just wants to come and throw dirt at you so that’s okay too, at least there is some reaction out there. Ama tabii ki bazen sadece gelip size çamur atmak isteyen insanlar da olabiliyor, bu da sorun değil, en azından dışarıda bir tepki var.

But, through the blog you know, we can, one of the reasons why I blog is to try to connect with more people. And, do you have a blog?

Jill: I have one through the Linguist, the old site, but I don’t have my own personal blog. Jill : J'en ai un via le Linguiste, l'ancien site, mais je n'ai pas mon propre blog personnel. I wouldn’t, I’m not really that interested.

Steve: I mean, I must say if it weren’t for the fact that I think it’s somehow beneficial to our effort to introduce LingQ and the Linguist to people I don’t think I would do it. Steve : Je veux dire, je dois dire que si ce n'était pas le fait que je pense que c'est en quelque sorte bénéfique pour nos efforts de présenter LingQ et le Linguiste aux gens, je ne pense pas que je le ferais. Steve: Demek istediğim, LingQ ve Dilbilimciyi yapamayacağımı düşündüğüm insanlara sunma çabamızın bir şekilde faydalı olduğunu düşündüğüm için söylemeliyim. And, today we had a consultant come in and give us some advice on what to do. Y hoy ha venido un asesor a aconsejarnos qué hacer. Et, aujourd'hui, un consultant est venu nous donner des conseils sur ce qu'il faut faire. Ve bugün bir danışman geldi ve ne yapmamız gerektiği konusunda bize bazı tavsiyeler verdi.

It’s, there’s a whole different culture out there and I’m doing my blog the wrong way. C'est, il y a une culture complètement différente et je fais mon blog dans le mauvais sens. I’m doing it the wrong way, because I’m sending out these messages on how you should learn languages so, it’s me drawing on my experience and saying here’s a good way to learn languages. Lo estoy haciendo mal, porque estoy enviando estos mensajes sobre cómo deberías aprender idiomas, así que soy yo basándome en mi experiencia y diciendo aquí hay una buena manera de aprender idiomas. Je le fais dans le mauvais sens, parce que j'envoie ces messages sur la façon dont vous devriez apprendre les langues, donc c'est moi qui puise dans mon expérience et dis que voici une bonne façon d'apprendre les langues. Yanlış yoldan yapıyorum çünkü dilleri nasıl öğrenmeniz gerektiğine dair bu mesajları gönderiyorum, bu yüzden deneyimlerime göre çizim yapıyorum ve işte size dil öğrenmek için iyi bir yol.

Apparently I shouldn’t be doing that. Görünüşe göre bunu yapmamalıydım. It’s got to be more of a cooperative, oh I saw this interesting post on someone else’s blog and so then I quote that on my blog. Tiene que ser más una cooperación, oh, he visto este interesante post en el blog de otra persona y entonces lo cito en mi blog. Ça doit être plus une coopérative, oh j'ai vu ce post intéressant sur le blog de quelqu'un d'autre et alors je le cite sur mon blog. Daha fazla işbirlikçi olmalı, oh bu ilginç yazıyı başka birinin blogunda gördüm ve bundan sonra blogumda alıntı yapıyorum. That someone else, whose blog post I quoted, he’s then happy and maybe he’ll quote something from my blog. ||||||||||||||trích dẫn|||| |||cuyo||||||||||||||| Ce quelqu'un d'autre, dont j'ai cité le billet de blog, il est alors content et peut-être qu'il citera quelque chose de mon blog. Blog yazısını alıntıladığım başka biri, o zaman mutlu olur ve belki benim blogumdan bir şeyler alıntılar. The whole thing is one of you know, we’re all in it together and you scratch my back and I scratch yours and I shouldn’t be sort of up on a pedestal like … |||||||||||||||gãi||||||||||||||||bệ đỡ| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||基座| Todos estamos juntos en esto y tú me rascas la espalda y yo te rasco la tuya y no debería estar en un pedestal como... Le tout, c'est que l'un d'entre vous sait, nous sommes tous dans le même bateau et vous me grattez le dos et je gratte le vôtre et je ne devrais pas être en quelque sorte sur un piédestal comme … Her şey biriniz biliyor, hepimiz beraberiz ve sırtımı kaşıdınız, ben de sizinkini kaşıdım ve bir kaide üzerine çıkmamalıyım…

Jill: Promoting your own. Jill: La promoción de su propia. Jill: Kendini tanıt.

Steve: Well A. not promoting my own and B. not pretending to be some kind of an expert. Steve: Bueno A. no promocionando lo mío y B. no pretendiendo ser una especie de experto. Steve : Eh bien, A. ne fait pas la promotion de la mienne et B. ne prétend pas être une sorte d'expert. Steve: Pekala A. kendimi desteklemiyor ve B. bir uzman gibi davranmıyor I should be more of I happened to hear. Debería ser más de lo que oí por casualidad. Je devrais être plus d'il m'est arrivé d'entendre. Daha fazla duymam gereken şeyler olmalıyım.

Then part, have you heard of Twitter? Entonces, en parte, ¿ha oído hablar de Twitter? Alors partie, avez-vous entendu parler de Twitter ? O zaman Twitter'ı duydunuz mu?

Jill: Very briefly I looked at it for a couple of minutes to see kind of what goes on and so I know a little bit. Jill: Sehr kurz habe ich es mir ein paar Minuten angesehen, um zu sehen, was los ist, und deshalb weiß ich ein bisschen. Jill : Très brièvement, je l'ai regardé pendant quelques minutes pour voir ce qui se passe et donc j'en sais un peu.

Steve: You know, we, I once submitted a YouTube of myself speaking ten languages to a very popular French blog run by a guy called Loïc Le Meur. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||梅爾 |||||||||||||||||||||||||Loïc Le Meur||Le Meur |||||||||||||||||||||||||ロイック||ルメール |||||||||||||||||||||||||Loïc Le Meur||Le Meur Steve: Weißt du, wir haben einmal ein YouTube von mir eingereicht, das zehn Sprachen spricht, und zwar in einem sehr beliebten französischen Blog, das von einem Typen namens Loïc Le Meur betrieben wird. Steve: Sabes, una vez envié un vídeo a YouTube en el que aparecía hablando diez idiomas a un blog francés muy popular dirigido por un tipo llamado Loïc Le Meur. Steve : Vous savez, nous, j'ai une fois soumis un YouTube de moi-même parlant dix langues à un blog français très populaire dirigé par un gars qui s'appelle Loïc Le Meur. Steve: Biliyor musunuz, bir keresinde Loïc Le Meur adında bir adam tarafından yönetilen çok popüler bir Fransız bloguna on dil konuştuğum bir YouTube göndermiştim. Стів: Знаєте, ми одного разу надіслали на YouTube відео про себе, де я розмовляю десятьма мовами, до дуже популярного французького блогу, який веде хлопець на ім’я Лоїк Ле Мер. And, then I subscribed to his. Et puis je me suis abonné au sien.

Now I get daily emails with all these Twitter messages. I got up, I had a cup of coffee, so and so had a cup of coffee. Me levanté, me tomé un café, fulanito se tomó un café. Je me suis levé, j'ai pris une tasse de café, untel a pris une tasse de café. His friend went to you know, Lyons, and I’m trying to understand who would possibly read these things, but apparently it’s big. ||||||Lyon||||||||||||||| ||||||リヨン||||||||||||||| ||||||Lyon||||||||||||||| Son ami est allé chez vous savez, Lyons, et j'essaie de comprendre qui pourrait éventuellement lire ces choses, mais apparemment c'est gros. Have you heard about this?

Jill: I have heard. I’ve gone, I went to one. He ido, fui a una. Je suis allé, je suis allé à un. I don’t know what the URL is, but I just put Twitter in the search engine and it took me right to a page where you could see, I don’t know there were maybe eight posts right on that front page. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||bài viết||||| |||||URL de Twitter||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| No sé cuál es la URL, pero puse Twitter en el motor de búsqueda y me llevó directamente a una página en la que se podían ver, no sé, tal vez ocho mensajes en la portada. Je ne sais pas quelle est l'URL, mais je viens de mettre Twitter dans le moteur de recherche et cela m'a amené directement à une page où vous pouviez voir, je ne sais pas, il y avait peut-être huit messages directement sur cette page d'accueil. One line mostly, maybe a couple of lines, mostly five words, ten words of people just saying yeah, I got my new phone today. Une ligne principalement, peut-être quelques lignes, principalement cinq mots, dix mots de personnes disant juste oui, j'ai eu mon nouveau téléphone aujourd'hui. Çoğunlukla bir satır, belki birkaç satır, çoğunlukla beş kelime, on kelime insanlar sadece evet, bugün yeni telefonumu aldım diyor. Another person saying I took my wife for lunch. Une autre personne disant que j'ai emmené ma femme déjeuner. Öğle yemeğine karımı aldığımı söyleyen bir kişi I’m on time for a change. Para variar, llego a tiempo. Je suis à l'heure pour un changement. Değişim için zamanında geliyorum. Just different things like this and I guess people kind of do that throughout the day, just put what they’re doing at the moment on their Twitter, I don’t even know what it’s called. Juste des choses différentes comme ça et je suppose que les gens font ça tout au long de la journée, il suffit de mettre ce qu'ils font en ce moment sur leur Twitter, je ne sais même pas comment ça s'appelle. Bunun gibi farklı şeyler var ve sanırım insanlar bunu gün boyunca yapıyorlar, sadece şu an yaptıklarını Twitter'larına koyarlar, ne dendiğini bile bilmiyorum.

Steve: Very strange phenomenon, but, I mean, yeah. If this can help people find out about us, because fundamentally yeah, we work here and we would like more people to be on our site, but we also believe, fundamentally believe that our site is a tremendous solution. Si cela peut aider les gens à nous connaître, parce que fondamentalement oui, nous travaillons ici et nous aimerions que plus de personnes soient sur notre site, mais nous croyons aussi, croyons fondamentalement que notre site est une solution formidable. Bu, insanların bizi bulmasına yardımcı olabilirse, çünkü temelde evet, burada çalışıyoruz ve daha fazla insanın sitemizde olmasını istiyoruz, ancak aynı zamanda sitemizin muazzam bir çözüm olduğuna da inanıyoruz. But, if I say that then immediately everyone is suspicious that I’m promoting my own thing. Pero, si digo eso, inmediatamente todos sospechan que estoy promocionando lo mío. Mais, si je dis cela, tout le monde soupçonne immédiatement que je fais la promotion de mon propre truc. Ama eğer bunu söylersem, hemen herkes kendi işimi terfi ettirdiğim için şüpheleniyor. So, you’re not allowed to do that. Donc, vous n'êtes pas autorisé à le faire. Yani, bunu yapmanıza izin verilmiyor. So, we won’t do that. Yani bunu yapmayacağız.

But, in the same vein, in the same vein of you know, how we can participate, I think people like participating in other people’s lives to some extent without any commitment. Mais, dans la même veine, dans la même veine que vous savez, comment nous pouvons participer, je pense que les gens aiment participer à la vie des autres dans une certaine mesure sans aucun engagement. Ancak, aynı damarda, aynı damarda, nasıl katılabileceğimizi biliyoruz, bence başkalarının hayatlarına bir ölçüde hiçbir taahhütte bulunmadan katılmak gibi. And, so that some of the content that our learners are creating for us is really very good. Et, pour qu'une partie du contenu que nos apprenants créent pour nous soit vraiment très bonne. You had a look for example at what Paco did. ||||||||ce que Paco| What was your impression of that? Bu hakkındaki izleniminiz neydi?

Jill: Oh it was great. It was in Spanish and it was short. Very good for the beginner and I mean, even an intermediate person or low intermediate person. Just really, I had an image in my mind. Sadece gerçekten, aklımda bir imaj vardı. I could see him doing this, you know, getting up and having to turn off his alarm clock twice and starting his day with a latte, because he’s really not awake until he’s got his coffee and brushing his teeth and all the different things he does. |||||||||||||||||||||||||拿鐵||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||to brush||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||latte||||||||||||||||||||| And, I think he goes for a jog or something at some point and it was neat. |||||||trote||||||||| Y, creo que sale a correr o algo así en algún momento y fue genial. Ve bence bir noktada koşuya ya da başka bir şeye gitti ve çok temizdi. It was like I was in a day in the life of Paco. Paco'nun hayatında bir gündeydim.

Steve: You know, it’s true. First of all his, I think first time around it would be difficult for a beginner, because he speaks quite quickly. Tout d'abord le sien, je pense que la première fois ce serait difficile pour un débutant, car il parle assez vite. Maybe one day we’ll have control so we can slow it down. Peut-être qu'un jour nous aurons le contrôle pour que nous puissions le ralentir. Belki bir gün kontrolümüz olur, böylece onu yavaşlatabiliriz. But, I must say I’m interested to see the next episode. ||||||||||installment

Paco gets up, whatever, he has his coffee, he does that then he goes off to work. Paco|||||||||||||||| Paco se levanta, lo que sea, se toma su café, hace eso y luego se va a trabajar. Paco ayağa kalkar, her neyse, kahvesini almış, o da işe gidince yapıyor. I want to hear what happened to him in the rest of his day. But, that’s not Twitter.

Jill: That’s what I was going to say. Jill: Söyleyeceğim şey buydu. That, to me is different. Bu, benim için farklı. It’s almost like a little story. I’m really not interested in hearing five words even from people I know. No me interesa oír cinco palabras ni siquiera de gente que conozco. Tanıdığım insanlardan bile beş kelime duymak istemiyorum. I don’t care what they’re doing every hour of the day, if they’ve stepped out to grab a sandwich. |||||||||||||stepped out||||| |||||||||||||han salido||||| Me da igual lo que estén haciendo cada hora del día, si han salido a comer un bocadillo. I don’t care so I really don’t have a lot of interest in what strangers are doing from moment to moment. Je m'en fous donc je n'ai vraiment pas beaucoup d'intérêt pour ce que font les étrangers d'un moment à l'autre. Umurumda değil bu yüzden yabancıların şu an ne yaptıklarına gerçekten fazla ilgi duymuyorum.

Steve: Right, but what is interesting and this is where it connects with language learning, is that Paco lives in Spain. So, he’s getting up in Spain and he’s speaking Spanish and he’s talking about his daily routine. And, if we had maybe, we had a lady in Japan who gets up in the morning and she makes her rice or whatever she does in the morning and she sends her kids off to school or she goes off to work or whatever, and if this is done in short episodes like this it’s very interesting. Y, si tal vez tuviéramos, tuviéramos una señora en Japón que se levanta por la mañana y hace su arroz o lo que sea que haga por la mañana y manda a sus hijos a la escuela o se va a trabajar o lo que sea, y si esto se hace en episodios cortos como este es muy interesante.

And, of course all of the words that we use in our daily lives are there. And, of course it’s short. It’s a minute, two minutes long. You can listen to it over and over again. The first time you hear it it’s difficult to understand. You save the words, the phrases, you read it, you listen to it and pretty soon you’re able to talk about these daily things in a way that’s pleasant.

And, I think others, Irene has done some great stuff, Marianne, and we’re only going to get more and more of this, so, that kind of sharing about where you live, about what you do in two minute, three minute bites, I can see that. ||||艾琳|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||Irène|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||アイリーン||||||マリアン|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||Marianne|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Y creo que otros, Irene ha hecho cosas estupendas, Marianne, y cada vez vamos a tener más de esto, así que, ese tipo de compartir sobre dónde vives, sobre lo que haces en bocados de dos o tres minutos, puedo verlo. Et, je pense que les autres, Irene a fait des choses formidables, Marianne, et nous n'en aurons que de plus en plus, donc, ce genre de partage sur l'endroit où vous vivez, sur ce que vous faites en deux minutes, trois minutes morsures, je peux le voir. And, of course everything relates to language learning. Ve tabii ki her şey dil öğrenimi ile ilgilidir.

But, the Twitter I don’t really see, but it’s popular. Mais, le Twitter, je ne le vois pas vraiment, mais il est populaire.

Jill: Yeah, I think it’s, well it seems to be really popular. Jill : Ouais, je pense que c'est, eh bien ça semble être très populaire. So, I don’t know, I don’t personally know anybody who does it, but when I went there it seemed like there were a lot of people on this site I went to chatting back and forth so I guess it’s popular. Así que, no sé, no conozco personalmente a nadie que lo haga, pero cuando fui allí parecía que había mucha gente en este sitio al que fui chateando de un lado a otro, así que supongo que es popular. Donc, je ne sais pas, je ne connais personne personnellement qui le fait, mais quand je suis allé là-bas, il semblait qu'il y avait beaucoup de gens sur ce site, je suis allé discuter dans les deux sens, donc je suppose que c'est populaire. Yani, bilmiyorum, şahsen bunu yapan birini tanımıyorum, ama oraya gittiğimde bu sitede ileri geri sohbet eden pek çok insan varmış gibi görünüyordu, bu yüzden sanırım popüler.

Steve: I mean, we do have to, there’s so many, many people blogging and there are people who are addicted to blogging. |||||||||||||||||||||viết blog Steve: Quiero decir, tenemos que, hay tanta, tanta gente blogueando y hay gente que es adicta a los blogs. Steve: Yani, yapmak zorundayız, bloglaşan çok fazla insan var ve bloglamaya bağımlı olan insanlar var. There are people who run multiple blogs. Birden fazla blog yayınlayan insanlar var. They spend their whole day blogging. Amazing. Şaşırtıcı. But, it’s there and I think it’s connected to this other phenomenon we have of, particularly young people, spending so much of their time text messaging each other. Mais, c'est là et je pense que c'est lié à cet autre phénomène que nous avons, en particulier les jeunes, qui passent une grande partie de leur temps à s'envoyer des SMS. Do you know people who do that? Bunu yapan insanları tanıyor musunuz?

Jill: Yeah, yeah, I do. A lot of people I know do that. Tanıdığım birçok insan bunu yapıyor. And, I find it annoying. Y me resulta molesto. Ve onu sinir bozucu buluyorum. I would rather just pick up the phone and call somebody to tell them what I need to tell them than sit on a little keypad on my phone typing words. |||||||||||||||||||||||||鍵盤||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||キーパッド||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||teclado numérico||||| Prefiero coger el teléfono y llamar a alguien para decirle lo que tengo que decirle que sentarme en un pequeño teclado de mi teléfono a teclear palabras. Je préfère simplement décrocher le téléphone et appeler quelqu'un pour lui dire ce que je dois lui dire plutôt que de m'asseoir sur un petit clavier de mon téléphone pour taper des mots. Telefonu açıp, telefonumdaki kelimeleri yazarak küçük bir tuş takımında oturmak yerine onlara ne söylemem gerektiğini söylemeleri için birini aramayı tercih ederim. I just, I don’t get it, but everybody I know does it. No lo entiendo, pero todos los que conozco lo hacen. Sadece anlamadım, ama tanıdığım herkes yapıyor.

Steve: Well, I guess it’s something we’re going to have to learn more about and maybe it’s the fact that the people who are most involved in this are of this sort of new generation of… Steve : Eh bien, je suppose que c'est quelque chose sur lequel nous allons devoir en savoir plus et peut-être que c'est le fait que les gens qui sont le plus impliqués là-dedans font partie de ce genre de nouvelle génération de… Steve: Şey, sanırım bu konuda daha fazla şey öğrenmek zorunda kalacağımız bir şey ve belki de bununla en çok ilgilenen insanların bu tür yeni nesil ...

Jill: Like technology.

Steve: Like technology and so forth and so on. Steve: Teknoloji ve diğerleri gibi. But, you know what we might do one of these days is to try, not to Twitter, but maybe have a short dialogue where we talk about the daily things of life in very simple language. Mais, vous savez, ce que nous pourrions faire un de ces jours, c'est d'essayer, pas sur Twitter, mais peut-être d'avoir un court dialogue où nous parlerons des choses quotidiennes de la vie dans un langage très simple. Maybe that’s what we’ll do next. C'est peut-être ce que nous ferons ensuite. Belki bundan sonra yapacağımız şey budur. And, maybe we’ll end our discussion here today. Thank you.

Jill: Thank you.