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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Eighty-nine: LingQ Update - Activity Score

Eighty-nine: LingQ Update - Activity Score

Mark: Hi everyone, Mark Kaufmann here again for the EnglishLingQ Podcast. Today I'm joined by Jill.

Jill: Hello.

Mark: How's it going?

Jill: Good thanks.

Mark: Another beautiful day here in Vancouver. We were just commenting on the fact that podcast day means it's going to be sunny; it seems like anyway. I don't know why that is, but maybe we only remember the sunny days; selective memory.

Jill: Perhaps you have to be that way to survive the winters in Vancouver.

Mark: It can't be that bad, it's sunny every time we do the podcast. People just say it rains here a lot, it's not true. I guess to start with, we did want to cover a few updates to LingQ, which many of you should have seen over the last week or so, couple weeks, and we haven't talked about, but we probably should to try and clarify particularly the Activity Score. I'm not sure if we've had a lot of questions about it on the forum, we've had some, but it's probably worth going over that score and what we're trying to do with that score. What we are trying to do is get some kind of a measure that allows us to compare our members and particularly the effort or the activity level of our members with the intention that in the future we would award some kind of recognition and probably some points as well for those who are most active because those who are most active will learn best.

So, what we have done based on the statistics that we have in the system, which you can see in your overview page… Obviously, we can't use the listening hours and the words of reading that are more or less manually entered, not because we don't trust all of you, but it just leaves the possibility open for people to start trying to cheat.

Jill: Abuse, yeah. You can just manually enter in 100 listening hours even if you haven't listened at all or update a bunch of content items that you haven't read.

Mark: Exactly. Just to remove that temptation, we are not going to include listening and reading in our Activity Score. Although those are extremely important activities, we assume that if you are doing the other activities you will be doing your listening and reading as well. We needed numbers that the system keeps tracks of so that…

Jill: …it's fair.

Mark: It's a level playing field, it's fair, exactly. Having said that then the Activity Score is the number of created LingQs divided by 2, plus the number of learned LingQs, plus the number of words of writing that you've submitted in the month, plus the number of events that you've participated in, times 60 and that 60 comes from 60 minutes, basically. Even though a one-on-one for 15 minutes is not a 60 minute event, we still consider it as one event and we multiply it by 60 to give us that speaking score, essentially.

Jill: So this is a calculation that you've come up with and really not something that people should worry too much about, right, the actual formula?

Mark: Exactly. You're going to see a score. We're going to start to put up, display, at least the top performers and it will be a way that you can gage your performance against the top performers or the most active members at LingQ. It's just another tool that we want to use to hopefully motivate people to be more active, to do more things, because that's always one of the difficulties with an online system or remote learning situation. How do you motivate people to do what they need to do in order to succeed and so, you know, we can't force people to come to class, so we have to devise different ways of encouraging people to become active, so this is another way and I think it will be quite fun. It will allow people to compare themselves to other members and to see their score increasing every month as they do more and more. Yeah, we're not sure if the formula is in its final state. I'm sure it will probably evolve a bit over time as we start to see some real scores and, of course, any feedback that any of you listeners have about it we'd be very interested to hear. We are going to have a Learner of the Month in November who will be our member with the highest Activity Score. Jill, you'll be announcing that next week, so that will be interesting. I guess we will also list the top ten. We'll have the Learner of the Month and our Honor Roll, so be on the lookout for that. I think that probably covers the Activity Score. Do you have any other thoughts there Jill?

Jill: I think just that the other reason that we'll have that Activity Score is for us to have a way to award prizes and stuff, eventually, when we have it all working properly and the top people may earn points or prizes or something, so there is a lot of incentive to work hard.

Mark: Right and, hopefully, we can do more and more things with that score over time to make things more fun or to help liven up the community or whatever the case may be.

Besides the Activity Score we also want to mention that we do finally have email alerts on the forum so that now you are able to follow a thread or follow a forum, which you weren't able to do before short of checking on the site every day to see what new comments have been added. Obviously, we've been receiving a lot of requests for that and, you know, we want it ourselves because we also were having to search the forum for new posts all the time, so that's great to have and we just want to make people aware of that. You can either watch a whole forum or you can watch an individual thread and there's just a tick box at the top of the forum page or at the top of a thread page which you can tick to watch the forum and then you'll receive email alerts whenever a new post is posted on that thread…

Jill: …or forum.

Mark: Right.

Besides that, what else are we going to talk about? I know we were commenting earlier that our transcriber was asking… Jill, well you can tell the story.

Jill: Well, I think it was on Monday or Wednesday she was doing a transcription for us and she said at the end that she had a feeling that maybe I was having a baby some time soon. I haven't talked about it on any of our podcasts, but your dad and you have just mentioned a couple little things here and there that I think were subtle clues. Certain people picked up on them and certain people didn't and she was one of them, so she asked me if I was pregnant and yes, I am.

Mark: And you are. In case anyone else out there has been wondering the same thing, we thought it might be time to mention that. You are expecting the baby boy in…was it March?

Jill: Well, yeah, March 30th or April 2nd, it depends who you talk to. My doctor and the sonographer have two different dates.

Mark: March 30th or April 2nd?

Jill: Yeah.

Mark: You think it's going to be that precise?

Jill: Well, within a week anyway, so somewhere at the end of March beginning of April.

Mark: Okay.

By the way, I think it's going to be a boy.

Jill: So do a lot of people, actually.

Mark: It hasn't actually…nobody knows.

Jill: We don't know. We don't know even, yeah, we haven't found out.

Mark: But since Jill seems to want a girl I thought it would be worth calling it a boy.

Jill: No, I don't necessarily want a girl anymore. I'm telling you, my nephew changed all that.

Mark: Okay.

Jill: I'm happy to have a boy now. Yeah, so I really don't care, I honestly don't, just healthy.

Mark: Oh, for sure.

Jill: You know, it's so cliché, but it's so true. You just want the baby to have all its fingers and toes and organs and everything and that's it.

Mark: I guess what brought it up was that we were talking about our Christmas party and you were asking if my wife was going to bring the eggnog.

Jill: Her famous homemade eggnog.

Mark: Because most of the time you don't get homemade eggnog you get the stuff out of a carton, which is just not the same. Jill is quite a big homemade eggnog fan, probably eggnog fan.

Jill: I'm a big eggnog fan period, even the store-bought kind.

Mark: So, yeah, you were a little sad that you weren't going to be able to take part in the eggnog and I was encouraging you to go ahead and have a little.

Jill: You're always encouraging me to drink, I know.

Mark: Just a little.

Jill: And, actually, you know what, I would have a few sips. I don't think that's going to hurt anything, but I was saying that there's raw egg in it and I was more concerned about that because, of course, there can be bacteria in raw egg. It might just make me sick, but it could be very, very, dangerous to the baby, so you're not supposed to eat that. Having said that, I've baked cookies a few times in the last couple of months and I still can't resist licking a spoon or having a taste of the batter, which has raw egg in it. I know I probably shouldn't, but I've eaten that my whole life and homemade eggnog with eggs in it and I've never once gotten sick from a raw egg.

Mark: Well, it's one of these things that people, you know, blow out of proportion. There are far more dangerous things that you do all day every day than drinking eggnog or eating cookie dough so, yes, it's possible, but extremely unlikely. I guess you're not supposed to eat sushi.

Jill: No, you're not supposed to eat raw fish.

Mark: Right.

As I was saying to you, I don't think people in Japan worry about those kinds of things when they're pregnant; I could be wrong. All of you Japanese listeners you can let us know.

Jill: Yeah please; I'm interested.

Mark: Please, we want to know. Let us know on the EnglishLingQ Forum. But it seems to me, you know, Japanese women eat sushi. I know that very often in Japanese meals you get a raw egg. You know, like in sukiyaki you beat up a raw egg and dip your meat in it.

Jill: Oh really?

Mark: Yeah.

Jill: So it's kind of on the side?

Mark: It's like in a little bowl. You crack your egg and beat it up and you put a little soy sauce in it.

Jill: And then you don't cook it after?

Mark: Oh no, you cook the meat, yeah, and then you dip it in the egg and eat it.

Jill: Really?

Mark: Yeah, it's good. Yeah so, I mean, I don't know exactly, but I don't think in Japan they worry about it too much. It's just one of those things that I think somebody somewhere decided that's something that we should raise the alarm on and, really, of all the things you do in the day…

Jill: Probably, and I might be wrong about this too, but it seems to me that maybe in North America we worry about these things more than in other countries. We seem to be told don't eat deli meat because it can contain Listeria a bacteria that can cross the placenta, don't eat raw egg, don't eat raw fish, sushi. There are quite a number of items and I just don't think that everywhere else in the world people abstain from all those same things.

Mark: Yeah, I mean I guess because, obviously, some places in the world they don't have as much choice in what they can or can't eat, period. But, I mean to the degree that you can avoid any possible negative consequences you want to avoid everything that might be possibly dangerous. At the same time, if you're always worried about stuff…

Jill: …that's not good for you either.

Mark: And, also, are you worrying about the right things. You know, like the whole pesticides on fruit issue, which I think we've talked about before. I mean there is no proof anywhere that pesticide residue on fruit does any harm to anybody or has ever done any harm to anybody, but it's something that sounds like yeah, that sounds like that should be the case, so people worry about it; whereas, in fact, there are lots of things that are far more dangerous to you out there. Certain things, for whatever reason, grab our imagination and make us worry about them somehow. Like the raw egg thing; raw egg bacteria. That could really…so I'm not going to eat any, but really the chances of that happening are so small.

Jill: The chances are slim, but I guess, it's just do you want to take that chance.

Mark: Well, that's right.

Jill: I mean, for nine months not to eat raw egg is really not a big deal, so why would you take the chance.

Mark: That's right.

Jill: I guess that's sort of more the point and it's the same thing with drinking alcohol. I know we're told here, people think, you know, once you know you're pregnant don't touch alcohol; don't even have a sip. You know, all my aunts and my mom, not that maybe they drank a lot while they were pregnant, but certainly they drank and all of their children have been just fine.

We were in a taxi on the way to the airport in New York with a couple of British guys. We were talking about me being pregnant and I said something about not being able to drink. We hadn't gone to any pubs while we were there because I couldn't drink anyway. He said he had an ex-wife and they had two kids. He said in his very funny accent that his wife would have told you to basically “screw off” if you told her she couldn't have anything to drink while she was pregnant.

Mark: Right.

Jill: So, she'd had two kids and I don't think she drank…

Mark: We don't know what the kids look like.

Jill: Yeah, this is true. I mean he didn't say oh yeah, she was a boozer who drank every day, but he certainly made it seem like she had the odd drink. I just can't imagine that all French women stop drinking wine completely while they're pregnant.

Mark: Yeah.

I mean, back in the day nobody really…I mean the doctors didn't say you were not allowed to drink and everybody turned out fine. I mean yeah, okay, if you're drinking a lot that's going to be bad, but to have a glass of wine with your dinner…

Jill: I think you even said your wife Kindre had the odd half glass while she was pregnant and all three of your children are just fine.

Mark: Yeah.

I mean it's obviously not…and that's the problem when doctors come out and they're just so cut and dried. Like 100 percent, you're not allowed to have any alcohol and no this and no that. Well, I mean, give people a little credit. Say, you know, be smart. You've got a baby in there, so…

Jill: …don't go get drunk.

Mark: Don't go get drunk, but you can have a glass of wine with your dinner and I think some doctors do and some doctors don't.

Jill: Yeah, I agree.

Mark: It's certainly not as cut and dried as they make it out to be or as dangerous as they make it out to be; it's everything in moderation and you're fine.

Jill: So I might just take a sip of Chris' eggnog tomorrow night. Mark: Now, you see, after all that.

Jill: A sip or two.

Mark: Well good. I guess we'll end it there and we'll reconvene on Monday.

Jill: Alright, great, see you tomorrow.

Mark: Yeah, at the party.

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Eighty-nine: LingQ Update - Activity Score Neunundachtzig: LingQ Update - Aktivitätsbewertung Ochenta y nueve Actualización de LingQ - Puntuación de actividad Ottantanove: Aggiornamento LingQ - Punteggio di attività 89歳LingQ最新情報 - アクティビティスコア Osiemdziesiąty dziewiąty: Aktualizacja LingQ - wynik aktywności Oitenta e nove: Atualização do LingQ - Pontuação da atividade Восемьдесят девять: Обновление LingQ - оценка активности Åttionio: LingQ Update - Aktivitetspoäng Seksen dokuz: LingQ Güncellemesi - Etkinlik Puanı 八十九:LingQ 更新 - 活动分数 八十九:LingQ 更新 - 活動分數

Mark: Hi everyone, Mark Kaufmann here again for the EnglishLingQ Podcast. Today I’m joined by Jill.

Jill: Hello.

Mark: How’s it going?

Jill: Good thanks.

Mark: Another beautiful day here in Vancouver. We were just commenting on the fact that podcast day means it’s going to be sunny; it seems like anyway. Estábamos comentando que el día del podcast significa que va a hacer sol; eso parece de todos modos. I don’t know why that is, but maybe we only remember the sunny days; selective memory. No sé por qué, pero quizá sólo recordamos los días soleados; memoria selectiva.

Jill: Perhaps you have to be that way to survive the winters in Vancouver. Jill: Vielleicht muss man so sein, um die Winter in Vancouver zu überleben.

Mark: It can’t be that bad, it’s sunny every time we do the podcast. Mark: So schlimm kann es nicht sein, es ist jedes Mal sonnig, wenn wir den Podcast machen. People just say it rains here a lot, it’s not true. I guess to start with, we did want to cover a few updates to LingQ, which many of you should have seen over the last week or so, couple weeks, and we haven’t talked about, but we probably should to try and clarify particularly the Activity Score. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||make clear|||| Ich denke, zu Beginn wollten wir ein paar Updates zu LingQ behandeln, die viele von Ihnen in den letzten Wochen oder so gesehen haben sollten, ein paar Wochen, und wir haben nicht darüber gesprochen, aber wir sollten es wahrscheinlich versuchen und klären insbesondere der Aktivitäts-Score. I’m not sure if we’ve had a lot of questions about it on the forum, we’ve had some, but it’s probably worth going over that score and what we’re trying to do with that score. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob wir im Forum viele Fragen dazu hatten, wir hatten einige, aber es lohnt sich wahrscheinlich, diese Punktzahl durchzugehen und zu sehen, was wir mit dieser Punktzahl zu tun versuchen. What we are trying to do is get some kind of a measure that allows us to compare our members and particularly the effort or the activity level of our members with the intention that in the future we would award some kind of recognition and probably some points as well for those who are most active because those who are most active will learn best. Was wir versuchen, ist eine Art Maß, das es uns ermöglicht, unsere Mitglieder und insbesondere den Einsatz oder das Aktivitätsniveau unserer Mitglieder zu vergleichen, mit der Absicht, dass wir in Zukunft eine Art Anerkennung und wahrscheinlich einige Punkte vergeben würden gut für diejenigen, die am aktivsten sind, weil diejenigen, die am aktivsten sind, am besten lernen. Lo que intentamos es obtener algún tipo de medida que nos permita comparar a nuestros miembros y, en particular, el esfuerzo o el nivel de actividad de nuestros miembros con la intención de que en el futuro otorguemos algún tipo de reconocimiento y probablemente también algunos puntos a los más activos, porque los más activos aprenderán mejor. Ce que nous essayons de faire, c'est d'obtenir une sorte de mesure qui nous permette de comparer nos membres et en particulier l'effort ou le niveau d'activité de nos membres avec l'intention qu'à l'avenir nous accorderions une sorte de reconnaissance et probablement quelques points comme bien pour ceux qui sont les plus actifs parce que ceux qui sont les plus actifs apprendront le mieux. Yapmaya çalıştığımız şey, üyelerimizi ve özellikle üyelerimizin çabalarını veya faaliyet seviyelerini gelecekte bir tür takdir ve muhtemelen şu şekilde ödüllendireceğimiz niyetiyle karşılaştırmamıza izin veren bir tür ölçü elde etmektir. en aktif olanlar için iyi çünkü en aktif olanlar en iyi öğrenecekler.

So, what we have done based on the statistics that we have in the system, which you can see in your overview page… Obviously, we can’t use the listening hours and the words of reading that are more or less manually entered, not because we don’t trust all of you, but it just leaves the possibility open for people to start trying to cheat. Also, was wir getan haben, basierend auf den Statistiken, die wir im System haben, die Sie auf Ihrer Übersichtsseite sehen können… Natürlich können wir die Hörstunden und die Lesewörter, die mehr oder weniger manuell eingegeben werden, nicht verwenden, nicht weil wir euch nicht allen vertrauen, aber es lässt den Leuten die Möglichkeit offen, zu versuchen zu betrügen. Por tanto, lo que hemos hecho basándonos en las estadísticas que tenemos en el sistema, que puedes ver en tu página de resumen... Obviamente, no podemos utilizar las horas de escucha y las palabras de lectura que se introducen más o menos manualmente, no porque no confiemos en todos vosotros, sino porque deja abierta la posibilidad de que la gente empiece a intentar hacer trampas. Donc, ce que nous avons fait sur la base des statistiques que nous avons dans le système, que vous pouvez voir dans votre page de présentation… Évidemment, nous ne pouvons pas utiliser les heures d'écoute et les mots de lecture qui sont plus ou moins saisis manuellement, non parce que nous ne vous faisons pas confiance à tous, mais cela laisse simplement la possibilité aux gens de commencer à essayer de tricher. Yani, genel bakış sayfanızda görebileceğiniz, sistemde sahip olduğumuz istatistiklere dayanarak ne yaptık… Açıkçası, az çok manuel olarak girilen dinleme saatlerini ve okuma kelimelerini kullanamayız, değil. çünkü hepinize güvenmiyoruz, ancak insanların hile yapmaya başlaması ihtimalini açık bırakıyor.

Jill: Abuse, yeah. Jill: Missbrauch, ja. Jill: Kötüye kullanma, evet. You can just manually enter in 100 listening hours even if you haven’t listened at all or update a bunch of content items that you haven’t read. Sie können einfach manuell 100 Hörstunden eingeben, auch wenn Sie überhaupt nicht zugehört haben, oder eine Reihe von Inhaltselementen aktualisieren, die Sie nicht gelesen haben. Vous pouvez simplement entrer manuellement 100 heures d'écoute même si vous n'avez pas du tout écouté ou mettre à jour un tas d'éléments de contenu que vous n'avez pas lus. Hiç dinlememiş olsanız bile 100 dinleme saatini manuel olarak girebilir veya okumadığınız bir sürü içerik öğesini güncelleyebilirsiniz.

Mark: Exactly. Just to remove that temptation, we are not going to include listening and reading in our Activity Score. Nur um dieser Versuchung zu widerstehen, werden wir Hören und Lesen nicht in unseren Aktivitätswert aufnehmen. Sadece bu cazibeyi ortadan kaldırmak için, Aktivite Puanımıza dinleme ve okumayı dahil etmeyeceğiz. Although those are extremely important activities, we assume that if you are doing the other activities you will be doing your listening and reading as well. Obwohl dies äußerst wichtige Aktivitäten sind, gehen wir davon aus, dass Sie bei den anderen Aktivitäten auch zuhören und lesen werden. Bien qu'il s'agisse d'activités extrêmement importantes, nous supposons que si vous faites les autres activités, vous ferez également de l'écoute et de la lecture. Bunlar son derece önemli etkinlikler olsa da, diğer etkinlikleri yapıyorsanız dinleme ve okuma etkinliklerinizi de yapacağınızı varsayıyoruz. We needed numbers that the system keeps tracks of so that… Wir brauchten Nummern, die das System verfolgt, damit… Necesitábamos números que el sistema registrara para que... Nous avions besoin de chiffres dont le système garde une trace afin que… Sistemin takip ettiği sayılara ihtiyacımız vardı, böylece…

Jill: …it’s fair. Jill: …es ist fair. Jill: …bu adil.

Mark: It’s a level playing field, it’s fair, exactly. Mark: Es igualdad de condiciones, es justo, exactamente. Mark: Düz bir oyun alanı, bu adil, kesinlikle. Having said that then the Activity Score is the number of created LingQs divided by 2, plus the number of learned LingQs, plus the number of words of writing that you’ve submitted in the month, plus the number of events that you’ve participated in, times 60 and that 60 comes from 60 minutes, basically. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||ライティング|||||||||||||||||||||| Cela dit, le score d'activité est le nombre de LingQ créés divisé par 2, plus le nombre de LingQ appris, plus le nombre de mots écrits que vous avez soumis au cours du mois, plus le nombre d'événements auxquels vous avez participé. dans, fois 60 et que 60 vient de 60 minutes, en gros. Aktivite Puanı, oluşturulan LingQ'ların sayısının 2'ye bölümü, artı öğrenilen LingQ'ların sayısı, artı ay içinde gönderdiğiniz yazılı kelimelerin sayısı ve katıldığınız etkinliklerin sayısıdır. içinde, çarpı 60 ve bu 60, temelde 60 dakikadan gelir. Even though a one-on-one for 15 minutes is not a 60 minute event, we still consider it as one event and we multiply it by 60 to give us that speaking score, essentially. ||||||||||||||||||||||scale up||||||||| Auch wenn ein 15-minütiges Einzelgespräch kein 60-minütiges Ereignis ist, betrachten wir es dennoch als ein Ereignis und multiplizieren es mit 60, um uns im Wesentlichen diese sprechende Punktzahl zu geben. Même si un tête-à-tête de 15 minutes n'est pas un événement de 60 minutes, nous le considérons toujours comme un événement et nous le multiplions par 60 pour nous donner ce score de parole, essentiellement. 15 dakikalık bire bir karşılaşma 60 dakikalık bir etkinlik olmasa da, yine de tek bir etkinlik olarak kabul ediyoruz ve esasen bize bu konuşma puanını vermek için 60 ile çarpıyoruz.

Jill: So this is a calculation that you’ve come up with and really not something that people should worry too much about, right, the actual formula? Jill: Así que esto es un cálculo que has venido para arriba con y realmente no es algo que la gente debe preocuparse demasiado, ¿verdad, la fórmula real? Jill : Donc c'est un calcul que vous avez trouvé et vraiment pas quelque chose dont les gens devraient trop s'inquiéter, n'est-ce pas, la formule réelle ? Jill: Yani bu senin yaptığın bir hesaplama ve insanların çok fazla endişelenmesi gereken bir şey değil, değil mi, gerçek formül?

Mark: Exactly. You’re going to see a score. Bir skor göreceksiniz. We’re going to start to put up, display, at least the top performers and it will be a way that you can gage your performance against the top performers or the most active members at LingQ. ||||||||||||top members||||||||||measure||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||測る||||||||||||| Vamos a empezar a mostrar, al menos, a los que más rinden y será una forma de que puedas comparar tu rendimiento con el de los que más rinden o con el de los miembros más activos de LingQ. Nous allons commencer à mettre en place, à afficher, au moins les plus performants et ce sera un moyen pour vous d'évaluer vos performances par rapport aux meilleurs ou aux membres les plus actifs de LingQ. En azından en iyi performans gösterenleri ortaya koymaya, sergilemeye başlayacağız ve bu, performansınızı LingQ'daki en iyi performans gösterenlere veya en aktif üyelere karşı ölçmenin bir yolu olacak. It’s just another tool that we want to use to hopefully motivate people to be more active, to do more things, because that’s always one of the difficulties with an online system or remote learning situation. C'est juste un autre outil que nous voulons utiliser pour, espérons-le, motiver les gens à être plus actifs, à faire plus de choses, car c'est toujours l'une des difficultés avec un système en ligne ou une situation d'apprentissage à distance. İnsanları daha aktif olmaya, daha fazla şey yapmaya motive etmek için kullanmak istediğimiz başka bir araç, çünkü bu her zaman çevrimiçi bir sistem veya uzaktan öğrenme durumundaki zorluklardan biridir. How do you motivate people to do what they need to do in order to succeed and so, you know, we can’t force people to come to class, so we have to devise different ways of encouraging people to become active, so this is another way and I think it will be quite fun. Comment motivez-vous les gens à faire ce qu'ils doivent faire pour réussir et donc, vous savez, nous ne pouvons pas forcer les gens à venir en classe, nous devons donc concevoir différentes façons d'encourager les gens à devenir actifs, donc c'est une autre façon et je pense que ce sera assez amusant. İnsanları başarılı olmak için yapmaları gereken şeyi yapmaya nasıl motive ediyorsunuz ve bu yüzden, bilirsiniz, insanları sınıfa gelmeye zorlayamayız, bu yüzden insanları aktif olmaya teşvik etmek için farklı yollar bulmalıyız, bu yüzden bu başka bir yol ve bence oldukça eğlenceli olacak. It will allow people to compare themselves to other members and to see their score increasing every month as they do more and more. İnsanların kendilerini diğer üyelerle karşılaştırmasına ve her ay daha fazlasını yaptıkça puanlarının arttığını görmelerine izin verecek. Yeah, we’re not sure if the formula is in its final state. Evet, formülün son durumunda olup olmadığından emin değiliz. I’m sure it will probably evolve a bit over time as we start to see some real scores and, of course, any feedback that any of you listeners have about it we’d be very interested to hear. Bazı gerçek puanları görmeye başladığımızda muhtemelen zaman içinde biraz gelişeceğinden eminim ve elbette, dinleyicilerinizden herhangi birinin bu konudaki geri bildirimlerini duymak çok ilgimizi çekecektir. We are going to have a Learner of the Month in November who will be our member with the highest Activity Score. Kasım ayında en yüksek Etkinlik Puanına sahip üyemiz olacak Ayın Öğrencisi seçeceğiz. Jill, you’ll be announcing that next week, so that will be interesting. Jill, bunu önümüzdeki hafta açıklayacaksın, bu ilginç olacak. I guess we will also list the top ten. Sanırım ilk on'u da listeleyeceğiz. We’ll have the Learner of the Month and our Honor Roll, so be on the lookout for that. Tendremos al alumno del mes y nuestro cuadro de honor, así que estate atento. Nous aurons l'apprenant du mois et notre tableau d'honneur, alors soyez à l'affût de cela. Ayın Öğrencisi ve Şeref Künyemiz olacak, bu yüzden buna dikkat edin. I think that probably covers the Activity Score. Bunun muhtemelen Aktivite Puanını kapsadığını düşünüyorum. Do you have any other thoughts there Jill? Orada başka bir düşüncen var mı Jill?

Jill: I think just that the other reason that we’ll have that Activity Score is for us to have a way to award prizes and stuff, eventually, when we have it all working properly and the top people may earn points or prizes or something, so there is a lot of incentive to work hard. Jill : Je pense simplement que l'autre raison pour laquelle nous aurons ce score d'activité est que nous avons un moyen d'attribuer des prix et d'autres choses, éventuellement, lorsque tout fonctionne correctement et que les meilleures personnes peuvent gagner des points ou des prix ou quelque chose comme ça. , il y a donc beaucoup d'incitations à travailler dur. Jill: Bence bu Aktivite Puanına sahip olmamızın bir diğer nedeni de, sonunda, her şey düzgün çalıştığında ve en iyi insanlar puan veya ödül veya başka bir şey kazanabileceği zaman, ödülleri ve benzeri şeyleri ödüllendirmenin bir yolunu bulmamızdır. , bu yüzden çok çalışmak için çok fazla teşvik var.

Mark: Right and, hopefully, we can do more and more things with that score over time to make things more fun or to help liven up the community or whatever the case may be. Mark: Doğru ve umarım, zaman içinde bu skorla işleri daha eğlenceli hale getirmek veya topluluğu canlandırmaya yardımcı olmak için veya durum ne olursa olsun daha fazla şey yapabiliriz.

Besides the Activity Score we also want to mention that we do finally have email alerts on the forum so that now you are able to follow a thread or follow a forum, which you weren’t able to do before short of checking on the site every day to see what new comments have been added. |||||||||||||||email notifications|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Etkinlik Puanının yanı sıra, nihayet forumda e-posta uyarıları aldığımızı da belirtmek isteriz, böylece artık her seferinde siteyi kontrol etmeden önce yapamadığınız bir ileti dizisini veya bir forumu takip edebilirsiniz. hangi yeni yorumların eklendiğini görmek için gün. Obviously, we’ve been receiving a lot of requests for that and, you know, we want it ourselves because we also were having to search the forum for new posts all the time, so that’s great to have and we just want to make people aware of that. Açıkçası, bunun için çok fazla istek alıyoruz ve bilirsiniz, bunu kendimiz istiyoruz çünkü biz de sürekli yeni gönderiler için forumda arama yapmak zorunda kalıyorduk, bu harika bir şey ve biz sadece insanları mutlu etmek istiyoruz. Bunun farkında. You can either watch a whole forum or you can watch an individual thread and there’s just a tick box at the top of the forum page or at the top of a thread page which you can tick to watch the forum and then you’ll receive email alerts whenever a new post is posted on that thread… ||||||||||||||||||check mark||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Puedes ver un foro entero o un tema individual y hay una casilla en la parte superior de la página del foro o en la parte superior de la página de un tema que puedes marcar para ver el foro y luego recibirás alertas por correo electrónico cada vez que se publique un nuevo mensaje en ese tema... Tüm bir forumu izleyebilir veya tek bir konuyu izleyebilirsiniz ve forum sayfasının üst kısmında veya bir konu sayfasının üst kısmında forumu izlemek için işaretleyebileceğiniz bir onay kutusu vardır ve ardından e-posta alırsınız. bu konuya yeni bir gönderi gönderildiğinde uyarılar…

Jill: …or forum.

Mark: Right.

Besides that, what else are we going to talk about? Bunun dışında başka ne hakkında konuşacağız? I know we were commenting earlier that our transcriber was asking… Jill, well you can tell the story. Ik weet dat we eerder zeiden dat onze transcribent het vroeg... Jill, nou, je kunt het verhaal vertellen. Biliyorum, daha önce çeviricimizin sorduğunu söylüyorduk… Jill, hikayeyi anlatabilirsin.

Jill: Well, I think it was on Monday or Wednesday she was doing a transcription for us and she said at the end that she had a feeling that maybe I was having a baby some time soon. Jill: Şey, sanırım Pazartesi veya Çarşamba günleriydi, bizim için bir deşifre yapıyordu ve sonunda, belki yakında bir bebeğim olacağı hissine kapıldığını söyledi. I haven’t talked about it on any of our podcasts, but your dad and you have just mentioned a couple little things here and there that I think were subtle clues. Podcast'lerimizin hiçbirinde bundan bahsetmedim, ama baban ve sen, burada ve orada, ince ipuçları olduğunu düşündüğüm birkaç küçük şeyden bahsettiniz. Certain people picked up on them and certain people didn’t and she was one of them, so she asked me if I was pregnant and yes, I am. Ciertas personas las captaban y otras no, y ella era una de ellas, así que me preguntó si estaba embarazada y sí, lo estoy. Bazı insanlar onları aldı ve bazı insanlar almadı ve o onlardan biriydi, bu yüzden bana hamile olup olmadığımı sordu ve evet, öyleyim.

Mark: And you are. In case anyone else out there has been wondering the same thing, we thought it might be time to mention that. Au cas où quelqu'un d'autre se poserait la même question, nous avons pensé qu'il serait peut-être temps de le mentionner. Dışarıdaki başka birinin de aynı şeyi merak etmesi durumunda, bundan bahsetmenin zamanının geldiğini düşündük. You are expecting the baby boy in…was it March? Espera un niño para... ¿marzo? Erkek bebeği bekliyorsunuz… Mart mıydı?

Jill: Well, yeah, March 30th or April 2nd, it depends who you talk to. Jill : Eh bien, oui, le 30 mars ou le 2 avril, cela dépend à qui vous parlez. Jill: Evet, evet, 30 Mart veya 2 Nisan, kiminle konuştuğuna bağlı. My doctor and the sonographer have two different dates. ||||ultrasound technician|||| ||||超音波技師|||| Mi médico y el ecografista tienen dos fechas diferentes. Mijn dokter en de echoscopiste hebben twee verschillende data.

Mark: March 30th or April 2nd?

Jill: Yeah.

Mark: You think it’s going to be that precise? Mark : Tu penses que ça va être aussi précis ? Mark: O kadar kesin olacağını mı düşünüyorsun?

Jill: Well, within a week anyway, so somewhere at the end of March beginning of April.

Mark: Okay.

By the way, I think it’s going to be a boy. Por cierto, creo que va a ser un niño. Bu arada, sanırım bir erkek olacak.

Jill: So do a lot of people, actually. Jill: Al igual que un montón de gente, en realidad. Jill: Aslında birçok insan da öyle.

Mark: It hasn’t actually…nobody knows. Mark : En fait, ça n'a pas… personne ne le sait. Mark: Aslında değil...kimse bilmiyor.

Jill: We don’t know. We don’t know even, yeah, we haven’t found out. Ni siquiera lo sabemos, sí, no lo hemos averiguado. Nous ne savons même pas, ouais, nous ne l'avons pas découvert. Bilemiyoruz, evet, öğrenemedik.

Mark: But since Jill seems to want a girl I thought it would be worth calling it a boy. Mark : Mais comme Jill semble vouloir une fille, j'ai pensé que ça valait la peine de l'appeler un garçon. Марк: Но поскольку Джилл, похоже, хочет девочку, я подумал, что стоит назвать ее мальчиком. Mark: Ama Jill bir kız istiyor gibi göründüğü için ona erkek demeye değeceğini düşündüm.

Jill: No, I don’t necessarily want a girl anymore. I’m telling you, my nephew changed all that. Sana söylüyorum, yeğenim her şeyi değiştirdi.

Mark: Okay.

Jill: I’m happy to have a boy now. Yeah, so I really don’t care, I honestly don’t, just healthy. Sí, así que realmente no me importa, honestamente no, sólo saludable. Evet, yani gerçekten umurumda değil, gerçekten umrumda değil, sadece sağlıklı.

Mark: Oh, for sure. Mark: Ah, kesinlikle.

Jill: You know, it’s so cliché, but it’s so true. |||||overused expression|||| |||||陳腐な|||| Jill: Biliyorsun, bu çok klişe ama çok doğru. You just want the baby to have all its fingers and toes and organs and everything and that’s it. |||||||||||||internal body parts|everything|||| Sólo quieres que el bebé tenga todos los dedos de las manos y de los pies y los órganos y todo y ya está.

Mark: I guess what brought it up was that we were talking about our Christmas party and you were asking if my wife was going to bring the eggnog. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||holiday drink Mark: Supongo que lo que sacó el tema fue que estábamos hablando de nuestra fiesta de Navidad y tú preguntabas si mi mujer iba a traer el ponche de huevo. Mark: Ik denk dat het naar voren kwam dat we het over ons kerstfeest hadden en dat je vroeg of mijn vrouw de advocaat wilde brengen. Mark: Sanırım Noel partimiz hakkında konuşuyorduk ve sen karımın yumurta likörü getirip getirmeyeceğini soruyorsun.

Jill: Her famous homemade eggnog. Jill: Ünlü ev yapımı yumurta likörü.

Mark: Because most of the time you don’t get homemade eggnog you get the stuff out of a carton, which is just not the same. ||||||||||||||||||store-bought container|||||| Mark : Parce que la plupart du temps, vous n'obtenez pas de lait de poule fait maison, vous sortez les choses d'un carton, ce qui n'est tout simplement pas la même chose. Марк: Потому что чаще всего вы не получаете домашний гоголь-моголь, а покупаете тот, что в коробке, а это совсем не то. Mark: Çünkü çoğu zaman ev yapımı yumurta likörü alamadığınız için her şeyi kartondan alırsınız, ki bu aynı değildir. Jill is quite a big homemade eggnog fan, probably eggnog fan. Jill oldukça büyük bir ev yapımı yumurta likörü hayranı, muhtemelen yumurta likörü hayranı.

Jill: I’m a big eggnog fan period, even the store-bought kind. Jill: Soy un gran fan de ponche de huevo período, incluso el tipo comprado en la tienda. Jill : Je suis une grande fan de lait de poule, même ceux achetés en magasin. Джил: Я вообще большой любитель гоголь-моголя, даже покупного. Jill: Ben büyük bir yumurta likörü hayranıyım, mağazadan satın alınan türden bile.

Mark: So, yeah, you were a little sad that you weren’t going to be able to take part in the eggnog and I was encouraging you to go ahead and have a little. Mark: Así que, sí, estabas un poco triste porque no ibas a poder participar en el ponche de huevo y yo te animaba a seguir adelante y tomar un poco. Mark : Donc, oui, tu étais un peu triste de ne pas pouvoir participer au lait de poule et je t'encourageais à aller de l'avant et à en boire un peu. Mark: Yani, evet, yumurta likörüne katılamayacağın için biraz üzgündün ve ben de seni biraz içmeye teşvik ediyordum.

Jill: You’re always encouraging me to drink, I know.

Mark: Just a little.

Jill: And, actually, you know what, I would have a few sips. |||||||||||small drinks |||||||||||一口 Jill: Y, en realidad, ¿sabes qué, me gustaría tener unos sorbos. Jill: Ve aslında, biliyor musun, birkaç yudum alırdım. I don’t think that’s going to hurt anything, but I was saying that there’s raw egg in it and I was more concerned about that because, of course, there can be bacteria in raw egg. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||harmful microorganisms||| No creo que eso vaya a perjudicar nada, pero decía que lleva huevo crudo y me preocupaba más porque, claro, puede haber bacterias en el huevo crudo. Je ne pense pas que cela va nuire à quoi que ce soit, mais je disais qu'il y avait de l'œuf cru dedans et j'étais plus préoccupé par cela parce que, bien sûr, il peut y avoir des bactéries dans l'œuf cru. Bunun bir zararı olacağını sanmıyorum ama içinde çiğ yumurta var diyordum ve ben bundan daha çok endişelendim çünkü çiğ yumurtada bakteri olabilir tabii. It might just make me sick, but it could be very, very, dangerous to the baby, so you’re not supposed to eat that. A mí me puede sentar mal, pero podría ser muy, muy, peligroso para el bebé, así que no debes comer eso. Beni hasta edebilir ama bebek için çok ama çok tehlikeli olabilir, bu yüzden onu yememelisin. Having said that, I’ve baked cookies a few times in the last couple of months and I still can’t resist licking a spoon or having a taste of the batter, which has raw egg in it. ||||||||||||||||||||licking|||||||||uncooked cookie mixture|||||| Dicho esto, he horneado galletas varias veces en los últimos dos meses y sigo sin poder resistirme a lamer una cuchara o probar la masa, que lleva huevo crudo. Bununla birlikte, son birkaç ayda birkaç kez kurabiye pişirdim ve hala bir kaşık yalamaya ya da içinde çiğ yumurta olan meyilli hamurun tadına bakmaya dayanamıyorum. I know I probably shouldn’t, but I’ve eaten that my whole life and homemade eggnog with eggs in it and I’ve never once gotten sick from a raw egg. Muhtemelen yapmamam gerektiğini biliyorum, ama bunu hayatım boyunca ve içinde yumurta olan ev yapımı yumurta likörü yedim ve bir kez bile çiğ yumurtadan hastalanmadım.

Mark: Well, it’s one of these things that people, you know, blow out of proportion. Mark: Bueno, es una de esas cosas que la gente exagera. Mark: Şey, insanların orantısız bir şekilde havaya uçurduğu şeylerden biri. There are far more dangerous things that you do all day every day than drinking eggnog or eating cookie dough so, yes, it’s possible, but extremely unlikely. ||||||||||||||||||baked sweet treat|uncooked cookie mixture||||||| Yumurta likörü içmekten veya kurabiye hamuru yemekten her gün her gün yaptığınız çok daha tehlikeli şeyler var, bu yüzden, evet, bu mümkün, ancak son derece düşük bir ihtimal. I guess you’re not supposed to eat sushi. Sanırım suşi yememen gerekiyor.

Jill: No, you’re not supposed to eat raw fish. Jill: Hayır, çiğ balık yememen gerekiyor.

Mark: Right.

As I was saying to you, I don’t think people in Japan worry about those kinds of things when they’re pregnant; I could be wrong. Size söylediğim gibi, Japonya'daki insanların hamile olduklarında bu tür şeyler için endişelendiklerini düşünmüyorum; Yanlış olabilirim. All of you Japanese listeners you can let us know. Siz Japon dinleyiciler, bize haber verebilirsiniz.

Jill: Yeah please; I’m interested. Jill: Evet lütfen; İlgilenirim.

Mark: Please, we want to know. Let us know on the EnglishLingQ Forum. EnglishLingQ Forumunda bize bildirin. But it seems to me, you know, Japanese women eat sushi. Ama bana öyle geliyor ki, Japon kadınları suşi yiyor. I know that very often in Japanese meals you get a raw egg. Sé que muy a menudo en las comidas japonesas te ponen un huevo crudo. Japon yemeklerinde çok sık çiğ yumurta aldığınızı biliyorum. You know, like in sukiyaki you beat up a raw egg and dip your meat in it. ||||Japanese hotpot dish||whisk|||||||||| ||||すき焼き|||||||||||| Ya sabes, como en el sukiyaki, bates un huevo crudo y mojas la carne en él. Bilirsin, sukiyaki'de olduğu gibi çiğ bir yumurtayı dövüp etini içine daldırırsın.

Jill: Oh really?

Mark: Yeah.

Jill: So it’s kind of on the side? Jill: Así que es una especie de lado? Jill : Donc, c'est un peu à côté ? Jill: Yani yan tarafta mı?

Mark: It’s like in a little bowl. Mark: Küçük bir kasede gibi. You crack your egg and beat it up and you put a little soy sauce in it. Rompes el huevo, lo bates y le pones un poco de salsa de soja. Yumurtanı kırıp çırpıyorsun ve içine biraz soya sosu koyuyorsun.

Jill: And then you don’t cook it after? Jill: Peki sonra pişirmiyorsun?

Mark: Oh no, you cook the meat, yeah, and then you dip it in the egg and eat it. Mark : Oh non, tu fais cuire la viande, ouais, puis tu la trempes dans l'œuf et tu la manges. Mark: Oh hayır, eti pişiriyorsun, evet, sonra yumurtaya batırıp yiyorsun.

Jill: Really?

Mark: Yeah, it’s good. Yeah so, I mean, I don’t know exactly, but I don’t think in Japan they worry about it too much. It’s just one of those things that I think somebody somewhere decided that’s something that we should raise the alarm on and, really, of all the things you do in the day… C'est juste une de ces choses pour lesquelles je pense que quelqu'un quelque part a décidé que c'était quelque chose sur laquelle nous devrions sonner l'alarme et, vraiment, de toutes les choses que vous faites dans la journée… Bir yerlerde birinin alarmı yükseltmemiz gereken bir şey olduğuna karar verdiğini düşündüğüm şeylerden sadece biri ve gerçekten, gün içinde yaptığınız onca şey…

Jill: Probably, and I might be wrong about this too, but it seems to me that maybe in North America we worry about these things more than in other countries. Jill: Muhtemelen, bu konuda da yanılıyor olabilirim, ama bana öyle geliyor ki, belki Kuzey Amerika'da bu şeyler hakkında diğer ülkelerden daha fazla endişe duyuyoruz. We seem to be told don’t eat deli meat because it can contain Listeria a bacteria that can cross the placenta, don’t eat raw egg, don’t eat raw fish, sushi. |||||||delicatessen cold cuts||||||harmful bacteria|||||||fetal barrier||||||||| |||||||||||||リステリア|||||||胎盤||||||||| Parece que se nos dice que no comamos charcutería porque puede contener Listeria, una bacteria que puede atravesar la placenta, que no comamos huevo crudo, que no comamos pescado crudo, sushi. On semble nous dire de ne pas manger de charcuterie car elle peut contenir de la Listeria, une bactérie qui peut traverser le placenta, de ne pas manger d'œuf cru, de ne pas manger de poisson cru, de sushi. Şarküteri eti yemeyin, çünkü plasentayı geçebilen bir bakteri Listeria içerebilir, çiğ yumurta yemeyin, çiğ balık yemeyin, suşi deniyor gibi görünüyor. There are quite a number of items and I just don’t think that everywhere else in the world people abstain from all those same things. |||||||||||||||||||refrain from doing||||| Es gibt eine ganze Reihe von Dingen, und ich glaube einfach nicht, dass die Menschen überall auf der Welt auf all diese Dinge verzichten. Oldukça fazla öğe var ve dünyanın başka herhangi bir yerinde insanların aynı şeylerden kaçındığını düşünmüyorum.

Mark: Yeah, I mean I guess because, obviously, some places in the world they don’t have as much choice in what they can or can’t eat, period. Mark: Ja, ich meine, ich denke, weil einige Orte auf der Welt offensichtlich nicht so viel Auswahl haben, was sie essen können oder nicht. Mark: Sí, supongo que porque, obviamente, en algunos lugares del mundo no tienen muchas opciones sobre lo que pueden o no pueden comer, y punto. Марк: Да, то есть, я полагаю, потому что, очевидно, в некоторых местах мира у них нет такого большого выбора в том, что они могут или не могут есть, и так далее. Mark: Evet, yani sanırım, çünkü açıkçası, dünyadaki bazı yerlerde ne yiyip ne yiyemeyecekleri konusunda çok fazla seçenekleri yok, nokta. But, I mean to the degree that you can avoid any possible negative consequences you want to avoid everything that might be possibly dangerous. Aber ich meine, in dem Maße, in dem Sie mögliche negative Konsequenzen vermeiden können, möchten Sie alles vermeiden, was möglicherweise gefährlich sein könnte. Mais, je veux dire dans la mesure où vous pouvez éviter toutes les conséquences négatives possibles, vous voulez éviter tout ce qui pourrait être potentiellement dangereux. Ancak, olası olumsuz sonuçlardan kaçınabildiğiniz ölçüde, tehlikeli olabilecek her şeyden kaçınmak istediğinizi kastediyorum. At the same time, if you’re always worried about stuff… Zur gleichen Zeit, wenn Sie immer über Dinge besorgt sind ... Aynı zamanda, her zaman bir şeyler hakkında endişeleniyorsanız…

Jill: …that’s not good for you either. Jill:… das ist auch nicht gut für dich. Jill: …bu da senin için iyi değil.

Mark: And, also, are you worrying about the right things. Mark: Und machst du dir auch Sorgen um die richtigen Dinge? Mark: Y, además, ¿te preocupas por las cosas correctas? Mark: Ayrıca, doğru şeyler için mi endişeleniyorsun? You know, like the whole pesticides on fruit issue, which I think we’ve talked about before. |||||chemical pest control|||||||||| |||||農薬|||||||||| Bilirsiniz, daha önce bahsettiğimizi düşündüğüm, meyve konusundaki tüm pestisitler gibi. I mean there is no proof anywhere that pesticide residue on fruit does any harm to anybody or has ever done any harm to anybody, but it’s something that sounds like yeah, that sounds like that should be the case, so people worry about it; whereas, in fact, there are lots of things that are far more dangerous to you out there. ||||||||chemical for pests|remaining chemicals|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||農薬|残留物|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Quiero decir que no hay pruebas de que los residuos de pesticidas en la fruta hagan daño a nadie o lo hayan hecho alguna vez, pero es algo que suena como que sí, que debería ser así, por lo que la gente se preocupa por ello; mientras que, de hecho, hay muchas cosas que son mucho más peligrosas para ti ahí fuera. Demek istediğim, meyve üzerindeki pestisit kalıntısının herhangi birine zarar verdiğine ya da şimdiye kadar herhangi birine zarar verdiğine dair hiçbir kanıt yok, ama kulağa evet gibi geliyor, kulağa böyle olmalı, bu yüzden insanlar bunun için endişeleniyorlar; Oysa aslında, dışarıda sizin için çok daha tehlikeli olan birçok şey var. Certain things, for whatever reason, grab our imagination and make us worry about them somehow. Ciertas cosas, por la razón que sea, acaparan nuestra imaginación y hacen que nos preocupemos por ellas de alguna manera. Bazı şeyler, herhangi bir nedenle, hayal gücümüzü yakalar ve bir şekilde onlar hakkında endişelenmemize neden olur. Like the raw egg thing; raw egg bacteria. Çiğ yumurta olayı gibi; çiğ yumurta bakterileri. That could really…so I’m not going to eat any, but really the chances of that happening are so small. Bu gerçekten olabilir… bu yüzden hiçbir şey yemeyeceğim, ama gerçekten bunun olma ihtimali çok küçük.

Jill: The chances are slim, but I guess, it’s just do you want to take that chance. Jill: Las posibilidades son escasas, pero supongo que, es sólo ¿quieres correr el riesgo. Jill: Şanslar zayıf, ama sanırım, sadece bu şansı denemek istiyor musun?

Mark: Well, that’s right. Mark: Nun, das stimmt.

Jill: I mean, for nine months not to eat raw egg is really not a big deal, so why would you take the chance. Jill: Ich meine, neun Monate lang kein rohes Ei zu essen ist wirklich keine große Sache. Warum sollten Sie also die Chance nutzen? Jill: Yani, dokuz ay boyunca çiğ yumurta yememek gerçekten çok önemli değil, o zaman neden şansını denesin ki?

Mark: That’s right.

Jill: I guess that’s sort of more the point and it’s the same thing with drinking alcohol. Jill: Ich denke, das ist mehr der Punkt und es ist dasselbe mit Alkohol. Jill: Sanırım bu biraz daha önemli ve alkol almakla aynı şey. I know we’re told here, people think, you know, once you know you’re pregnant don’t touch alcohol; don’t even have a sip. Ich weiß, dass uns hier gesagt wird, die Leute denken, wenn Sie wissen, dass Sie schwanger sind, berühren Sie keinen Alkohol. Ich habe nicht einmal einen Schluck. Burada bize söylendiğini biliyorum, insanlar bilirsin, bilirsin, hamile olduğunu öğrendikten sonra alkole dokunma; bir yudum bile alma. You know, all my aunts and my mom, not that maybe they drank a lot while they were pregnant, but certainly they drank and all of their children have been just fine. Weißt du, alle meine Tanten und meine Mutter, nicht dass sie vielleicht viel getrunken haben, während sie schwanger waren, aber sicherlich haben sie getrunken und all ihren Kindern ging es gut. Знаете, все мои тети и моя мама, не то чтобы, может быть, много пили во время беременности, но точно пили, и все их дети были в полном порядке. Biliyorsun, tüm teyzelerim ve annem, hamileyken çok içmiş olabilirler ama kesinlikle içmişler ve tüm çocukları gayet iyiymiş.

We were in a taxi on the way to the airport in New York with a couple of British guys. Wir waren mit ein paar Briten in einem Taxi auf dem Weg zum Flughafen in New York. Birkaç İngiliz adamla birlikte New York'ta havaalanına giderken bir taksideydik. We were talking about me being pregnant and I said something about not being able to drink. Wir sprachen darüber, dass ich schwanger bin und ich sagte etwas darüber, dass ich nicht trinken kann. Hamile kalmamdan bahsediyorduk ve ben içki içememeyle ilgili bir şeyler söyledim. We hadn’t gone to any pubs while we were there because I couldn’t drink anyway. Wir waren in keinem Pub gewesen, als wir dort waren, weil ich sowieso nicht trinken konnte. Oradayken hiçbir bara gitmemiştik çünkü zaten içki içemezdim. He said he had an ex-wife and they had two kids. Er sagte, er habe eine Ex-Frau und sie hätten zwei Kinder. Il a dit qu'il avait une ex-femme et qu'ils avaient deux enfants. Eski bir karısı olduğunu ve iki çocuğu olduğunu söyledi. He said in his very funny accent that his wife would have told you to basically “screw off” if you told her she couldn’t have anything to drink while she was pregnant. ||||||||||||||||go away||||||||||||||| Er sagte in seinem sehr lustigen Akzent, dass seine Frau dir gesagt hätte, du sollst im Grunde genommen „abhauen“, wenn du ihr gesagt hättest, dass sie während der Schwangerschaft nichts zu trinken haben könnte. Dijo con un acento muy gracioso que su mujer te habría mandado a la mierda si le hubieras dicho que no podía beber nada estando embarazada. Il a dit avec son accent très drôle que sa femme t'aurait dit de "baiser" si tu lui avais dit qu'elle ne pouvait rien boire pendant qu'elle était enceinte. Он сказал со своим очень смешным акцентом, что его жена сказала бы вам "отвали", если бы вы сказали ей, что она не может ничего пить во время беременности. Çok komik aksanıyla, eğer ona hamileyken bir şey içemeyeceğini söyleseydin, karısının sana temelde "saçmalamanı" söyleyeceğini söyledi.

Mark: Right. Mark: Richtig.

Jill: So, she’d had two kids and I don’t think she drank… Jill: Also, sie hatte zwei Kinder und ich glaube nicht, dass sie getrunken hat ... Jill: Yani iki çocuğu vardı ve içtiğini sanmıyorum…

Mark: We don’t know what the kids look like. Mark: Çocukların neye benzediğini bilmiyoruz.

Jill: Yeah, this is true. I mean he didn’t say oh yeah, she was a boozer who drank every day, but he certainly made it seem like she had the odd drink. ||||||||||heavy drinker|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||酒飲み|||||||||||||||| Quiero decir que él no dijo oh sí, ella era una borracha que bebía todos los días, pero ciertamente hizo que pareciera que ella bebía de vez en cuando. Je veux dire qu'il n'a pas dit oh ouais, c'était une alcoolique qui buvait tous les jours, mais il a certainement donné l'impression qu'elle buvait de temps en temps. Yani, evet, her gün içen bir ayyaştı demedi ama kesinlikle tuhaf içki içmiş gibi görünmesini sağladı. I just can’t imagine that all French women stop drinking wine completely while they’re pregnant. Tüm Fransız kadınların hamileyken şarap içmeyi tamamen bıraktığını hayal edemiyorum.

Mark: Yeah. Mark|

I mean, back in the day nobody really…I mean the doctors didn’t say you were not allowed to drink and everybody turned out fine. Ich meine, damals war niemand wirklich ... Ich meine, die Ärzte haben nicht gesagt, dass Sie nicht trinken dürfen, und es ist allen gut gegangen. En aquellos tiempos nadie... los médicos no decían que no se podía beber y todo el mundo salía bien. Yani, eskiden kimse gerçekten… Yani doktorlar içmenize izin verilmediğini söylemedi ve herkes iyi çıktı. I mean yeah, okay, if you’re drinking a lot that’s going to be bad, but to have a glass of wine with your dinner… Ich meine ja, okay, wenn du viel trinkst, wird das schlecht, aber zum Abendessen ein Glas Wein zu haben ... Yani evet, tamam, eğer çok içiyorsan bu kötü olacak ama akşam yemeğinin yanında bir kadeh şarap içmek…

Jill: I think you even said your wife Kindre had the odd half glass while she was pregnant and all three of your children are just fine. ||||||||your wife Kindre|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||キンドレ|||||||||||||||||| Jill: Ich denke, Sie haben sogar gesagt, Ihre Frau Kindre hatte das eine oder andere halbe Glas, als sie schwanger war, und allen drei Ihrer Kinder geht es gut. Jill: Creo que incluso dijo que su esposa Kindre tomó algún que otro medio vaso mientras estaba embarazada y sus tres hijos están bien.

Mark: Yeah.

I mean it’s obviously not…and that’s the problem when doctors come out and they’re just so cut and dried. Ich meine, es ist offensichtlich nicht ... und das ist das Problem, wenn Ärzte herauskommen und sie einfach so geschnitten und getrocknet sind. Quiero decir que obviamente no lo es... y ese es el problema cuando los médicos salen y son tan tajantes. Je veux dire que ce n'est évidemment pas… et c'est le problème quand les médecins sortent et qu'ils sont tellement coupés et secs. Я имею в виду, что это, очевидно, не так... и в этом проблема, когда появляются врачи, и они так прямо и говорят. Demek istediğim, açıkçası değil… ve doktorlar ortaya çıktığında ve onlar çok kesilmiş ve kuru olduklarında sorun bu. Like 100 percent, you’re not allowed to have any alcohol and no this and no that. Yüzde 100 gibi, alkol almanıza izin verilmiyor ve bu yok ve bu yok. Well, I mean, give people a little credit. Eh bien, je veux dire, donner un peu de crédit aux gens. Yani, insanlara biraz kredi verin. Say, you know, be smart. You’ve got a baby in there, so… Orada bir bebeğin var, yani…

Jill: …don’t go get drunk. Jill: ...no vayas a emborracharte. Jill: …sarhoş olma.

Mark: Don’t go get drunk, but you can have a glass of wine with your dinner and I think some doctors do and some doctors don’t. Mark: Sarhoş olma ama akşam yemeğinin yanında bir kadeh şarap içebilirsin ve bence bazı doktorlar yapar ve bazı doktorlar yapmaz.

Jill: Yeah, I agree.

Mark: It’s certainly not as cut and dried as they make it out to be or as dangerous as they make it out to be; it’s everything in moderation and you’re fine. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||balanced approach||| Mark: Es ist sicherlich nicht so geschnitten und getrocknet, wie sie es sich vorstellen oder so gefährlich, wie sie es sich vorstellen. Es ist alles in Maßen und es geht dir gut. Mark: Desde luego, no es tan fácil como lo pintan ni tan peligroso como lo pintan; con moderación, todo va bien. Mark : Ce n'est certainement pas aussi simple qu'ils le prétendent ou aussi dangereux qu'ils le prétendent ; c'est tout avec modération et ça va. Mark: Kesinlikle göründükleri kadar kesilmiş ve kurutulmuş ya da göründükleri kadar tehlikeli değil; her şey ölçülü ve sen iyisin.

Jill: So I might just take a sip of Chris' eggnog tomorrow night. |||||||drink a little||||| Jill: Yani yarın gece Chris'in yumurta liköründen bir yudum alabilirim. Mark: Now, you see, after all that. Mark: Şimdi, görüyorsun, tüm bunlardan sonra.

Jill: A sip or two.

Mark: Well good. I guess we’ll end it there and we’ll reconvene on Monday. ||||||||meet again|| ||||||||再集会する|| Supongo que terminaremos aquí y nos volveremos a reunir el lunes. 私たちはそこでそれを終わらせ、月曜日に再び召集するでしょう。 Ik denk dat we het daar afsluiten en maandag weer bij elkaar komen. Sanırım bunu orada bitireceğiz ve Pazartesi günü tekrar toplanacağız.

Jill: Alright, great, see you tomorrow.

Mark: Yeah, at the party.