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Critical thinking in a Nutshell., An Introduction to Hannah Arendt's The Human Condition.

An Introduction to Hannah Arendt's The Human Condition.

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A Macat Analysis of Hannah Arendt's The Human Condition. “The [essential purpose] of politics is freedom – and its field of experience is action.”

So says German-born political theorist and philosopher, Hannah Arendt, who wrote her book, The Human Condition in 1958.

It tracks human existence and experience; right from the Ancient Greeks to the modern-day – but focusing specifically on what makes political experiences distinctive. Arendt draws comparisons between two lives – the ‘vita activa'; the life of action and the ‘vita contemplative'; the life of contemplation.

The active life, she says, has three components – labour, work and action.

The first two keep us alive and make the world fit for us – but the third – action – is the one Arendt finds most philosophically important. It gives us the freedom to invent. It allows us to do new things and to pursue them in social settings. In political terms, ‘vita activa' involves not only coming up with new ideas, but putting them into the world.

By doing this in public form with others, Arendt says, man engages in political deliberation and decision-making – and his or her actions become political. So, how can we best understand what Arendt means by “vita active”?

What are the three components of her theory? Let's imagine a mining company, its role and its manufacturing strategy.

Its work is to dig ore from the ground. It is the bare activity of retrieving the raw material. How the company processes this ore to make it saleable on the market – is labour. It reshapes the world to make it ideal for our use. If we think of both these processes in modern terms, they can both be automated by machines.

So where do humans come in? In the third category – action.

Coming up with new ideas and making them a reality. The mining director must decide where to point the machines to drill and where to sell the metal. But this example still doesn't demonstrate Arendt's view of how action works in politics. To do this, the mining director must invent something and act upon it in the public eye – for its own sake. So, he brings together the directors of all the mining companies.

Together they decide to ensure that employees are treated well and the mining industry gives back to the community. Now, rather than ideas being economically driven, this new idea is an end in itself – a political act. Arendt believes that modernity has emphasised the life of work – doing things within an economic framework – and that the sharing of political opinions in public no longer occurs as it did in ancient Greece.

What do you think?

A more detailed examination of Arendt's ideas can be found in the Macat Analysis.

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An Introduction to Hannah Arendt’s The Human Condition. |||Hannah|Arendt'in||| Eine Einführung in Hannah Arendts The Human Condition. Εισαγωγή στην Ανθρώπινη Κατάσταση της Hannah Arendt. Introducción a La condición humana de Hannah Arendt. Introduction à la condition humaine de Hannah Arendt. Introduzione a La condizione umana di Hannah Arendt. ハンナ・アーレントの『人間の条件』入門。 한나 아렌트의 <인간 조건>을 소개합니다. Įvadas į Hannah Arendt "Žmogaus būklę". Wprowadzenie do Kondycji ludzkiej Hannah Arendt. Introdução à obra de Hannah Arendt A Condição Humana. Введение в книгу Ханны Арендт "Состояние человека". Hannah Arendt'in İnsanlık Durumuna Giriş. Вступ до "Стану людини" Ганни Арендт. 汉娜·阿伦特 (Hannah Arendt) 的《人类状况》简介。 汉娜·阿伦特 (Hannah Arendt) 的《人类状况》简介。 漢娜·阿倫特 (Hannah Arendt) 的《人類狀況》簡介。

Welcome to the Macat Multimedia Series. |||Macat Çoklu Ort|| Willkommen bei der Macat Multimedia-Serie. Bienvenido a la Serie Multimedia Macat. Selamat datang di Seri Multimedia Macat. Benvenuti alla serie Macat Multimedia. 欢迎来到 Macat 多媒体系列。

A Macat Analysis of Hannah Arendt’s The Human Condition. |Macat分析||||||| Eine Macat-Analyse von Hannah Arendts The Human Condition. Un análisis Macat de La condición humana de Hannah Arendt. Sebuah Analisis Macat dari The Human Condition karya Hannah Arendt. Analisi Macat de La condizione umana di Hannah Arendt. 对汉娜·阿伦特 (Hannah Arendt) 的《人类状况》的 Macat 分析。 “The [essential purpose] of politics is freedom – and its field of experience is action.” |||||||||realm|||| ||temel amacı||||||||||| ||||||liberdade|||campo|||| “El [propósito esencial] de la política es la libertad, y su campo de experiencia es la acción”. "Tujuan utama dari politik adalah kebebasan - dan bidang pengalamannya adalah tindakan." "Lo scopo essenziale della politica è la libertà e il suo campo di esperienza è l'azione". “政治的[基本目的]是自由——它的经验领域是行动。”

So says German-born political theorist and philosopher, Hannah Arendt, who wrote her book, The Human Condition in 1958. ||||||||汉娜||||||||| |||||||||Arendt|||||||Durum| Então (1)||||||||||||||||| Demikian kata ahli teori politik dan filsuf kelahiran Jerman, Hannah Arendt, yang menulis bukunya, The Human Condition pada tahun 1958. Così dice la teorica politica e filosofa di origine tedesca Hannah Arendt, che nel 1958 scrisse il suo libro "La condizione umana". 德国出生的政治理论家和哲学家汉娜·阿伦特 (Hannah Arendt) 如是说,她于 1958 年写了她的书《人类状况》(The Human Condition)。

It tracks human existence and experience; right from the Ancient Greeks to the modern-day – but focusing specifically on what makes political experiences distinctive. |||||||||||||||||||||||unverwechselbar |follows||||||||classical antiquity|Ancient Greek civilization||||||||||||| |izler||||||||||||||||||||||ayırt edici |acompanha||||||||||||||||||||||distintivas Es spürt der menschlichen Existenz und Erfahrung nach - von den alten Griechen bis zur Gegenwart - und konzentriert sich dabei besonders auf das, was politische Erfahrungen auszeichnet. Realiza un seguimiento de la existencia y la experiencia humana; desde los antiguos griegos hasta la actualidad, pero centrándose específicamente en lo que hace que las experiencias políticas sean distintivas. Buku ini melacak keberadaan dan pengalaman manusia; mulai dari zaman Yunani Kuno hingga zaman modern - tetapi secara khusus berfokus pada apa yang membuat pengalaman politik menjadi berbeda. Il libro ripercorre l'esistenza e l'esperienza umana, dagli antichi greci ai giorni nostri, concentrandosi in particolare su ciò che rende distintive le esperienze politiche. Nó theo dõi sự tồn tại và trải nghiệm của con người; ngay từ thời Hy Lạp cổ đại cho đến thời hiện đại - nhưng đặc biệt tập trung vào những gì làm cho trải nghiệm chính trị trở nên đặc biệt. 它追踪人类的存在和经历;从古希腊到现代——但特别关注是什么让政治经历与众不同。 Arendt draws comparisons between two lives – the ‘vita activa'; the life of action and the ‘vita contemplative'; the life of contemplation. |||||||生活|积极生活|||||||||||| |makes|||||||||||||||||||thoughtful reflection ||||||||||||||||düşünsel|||| |faz comparações|comparações||||||||||||||||||vida contemplativa Arendt vergleicht zwei Leben - die "vita activa", das Leben der Aktion, und die "vita contemplative", das Leben der Kontemplation. Arendt establece comparaciones entre dos vidas: la 'vita activa'; la vida de acción y la 'vita contemplativa'; la vida de contemplación. Arendt membuat perbandingan antara dua kehidupan - 'vita activa'; kehidupan tindakan dan 'vita contemplative'; kehidupan kontemplasi. Arendt mette a confronto due vite: la "vita activa", la vita dell'azione, e la "vita contemplativa", la vita della contemplazione. Arendt iki yaşam arasında karşılaştırmalar yapar: 'vita activa'; eylem yaşamı ve 'vita contemplative'; tefekkür yaşamı. 阿伦特对两种生活进行了比较——“vita activa”;行动的生活和“沉思的生活”;沉思的生活。

The active life, she says, has three components – labour, work and action. |||||||||||行动 |||||||parts|||| ||||||||trabalho||| Aktywne życie||||||||||| Das aktive Leben, sagt sie, hat drei Komponenten - Arbeit, Arbeit und Aktion. La vida activa, dice, tiene tres componentes: trabajo, trabajo y acción. Kehidupan yang aktif, katanya, memiliki tiga komponen - kerja, kerja dan kerja. La vita attiva, dice, ha tre componenti: lavoro, opera e azione. 她说,积极的生活由三个部分组成——劳动、工作和行动。

The first two keep us alive and make the world fit for us – but the third – action – is the one Arendt finds most philosophically important. |||||sustain our life||||||||||action||||||||deeply significant| |||||hayatta||||||||||||||||||| o verbo|||||||||||||||||é||||considera||| Die ersten beiden halten uns am Leben und machen die Welt fit für uns - aber die dritte - das Handeln - ist diejenige, die Arendt für die philosophisch wichtigste hält. Los dos primeros nos mantienen vivos y hacen que el mundo se adapte a nosotros, pero el tercero, la acción, es el que Arendt considera filosóficamente más importante. Dua hal pertama membuat kita tetap hidup dan membuat dunia ini cocok untuk kita - tetapi hal ketiga - tindakan - adalah hal yang menurut Arendt paling penting secara filosofis. Le prime due ci tengono in vita e rendono il mondo adatto a noi, ma la terza - l'azione - è quella che Arendt ritiene più importante dal punto di vista filosofico. 前两者使我们得以生存,并使世界适合我们,但第三者——行动——是阿伦特认为在哲学上最重要的。 It gives us the freedom to invent. ||||||create new things Sie gibt uns die Freiheit zu erfinden. Nos da la libertad de inventar. Hal ini memberikan kami kebebasan untuk berkreasi. Ci dà la libertà di inventare. 它给予我们发明的自由。 It allows us to do new things and to pursue them in social settings. |enables||||||||chase after|||group interactions|social environments |||||||||peşinden koşmak||||ortamlarında isso||||||||||||| Nos permite hacer cosas nuevas y perseguirlas en entornos sociales. Hal ini memungkinkan kita untuk melakukan hal-hal baru dan mengejarnya dalam lingkungan sosial. Ci permette di fare cose nuove e di perseguirle in contesti sociali. In political terms, ‘vita activa' involves not only coming up with new ideas, but putting them into the world. |||||includes taking action|||||||concepts||implementing|||| Politisch gesehen bedeutet "vita activa", nicht nur neue Ideen zu entwickeln, sondern sie auch in die Welt zu setzen. En términos políticos, la 'vita activa' implica no solo generar nuevas ideas, sino ponerlas en el mundo. Dalam istilah politik, 'vita activa' tidak hanya berarti memunculkan ide-ide baru, tetapi juga mewujudkannya ke dalam dunia. In termini politici, la "vita activa" implica non solo l'elaborazione di nuove idee, ma anche la loro messa in pratica.

By doing this in public form with others, Arendt says, man engages in political deliberation and decision-making – and his or her actions become political. ||||openly with others|||||||participates in|||careful consideration||choice||||||deeds|| por meio de|||||||||||||||||||||||| Indem der Mensch dies in öffentlicher Form mit anderen tut, so Arendt, nimmt er an politischen Überlegungen und Entscheidungen teil - und sein Handeln wird politisch. Al hacer esto en forma pública con otros, dice Arendt, el hombre se involucra en la deliberación política y la toma de decisiones, y sus acciones se vuelven políticas. Dengan melakukan hal ini dalam bentuk publik dengan orang lain, kata Arendt, manusia terlibat dalam pertimbangan politik dan pengambilan keputusan - dan tindakannya menjadi politis. Facendo questo in forma pubblica con altri, dice Arendt, l'uomo si impegna in una deliberazione politica e in un processo decisionale - e le sue azioni diventano politiche. So, how can we best understand what Arendt means by “vita active”? Entonces, ¿cómo podemos entender mejor lo que Arendt quiere decir con "vita active"? Jadi, bagaimana kita dapat memahami dengan baik apa yang dimaksud oleh Arendt dengan "vita aktif"? Allora, come possiamo comprendere al meglio ciò che Arendt intende per "vita attiva"?

What are the three components of her theory? |||||||set of ideas ¿Cuáles son los tres componentes de su teoría? Apa saja tiga komponen teorinya? Quali sono le tre componenti della sua teoria? Let’s imagine a mining company, its role and its manufacturing strategy. |envision||Resource extraction operations|Mining enterprise|||||production process|Operational game plan |||||sua||||| Imaginemos una empresa minera, su rol y su estrategia de manufactura. Mari kita bayangkan sebuah perusahaan pertambangan, peran dan strategi manufakturnya. Immaginiamo una società mineraria, il suo ruolo e la sua strategia di produzione.

Its work is to dig ore from the ground. ||||extract|mineral-bearing rock||| |||||ruda||| ||||escavar|minério||| Su trabajo es extraer el mineral del suelo. Il suo lavoro consiste nello scavare il minerale dal terreno. It is the bare activity of retrieving the raw material. |||simple|simple task||getting back||unprocessed| ||||||geri alma||| |||simples|atividade básica||||bruto| |||czysta|||||| Es handelt sich um die bloße Tätigkeit des Abrufens von Rohstoffen. Es la mera actividad de recuperar la materia prima. È la nuda attività di recupero della materia prima. How the company processes this ore to make it saleable on the market – is labour. |||||||||可销售的||||| |||||Erz||||||||| |||treats||||||fit for sale||||| |||||maden||||satılabilir hale|||||iş gücü |||||minério||||vendável||||| La forma en que la empresa procesa este mineral para que sea vendible en el mercado es trabajo. Bagaimana perusahaan memproses bijih ini agar dapat dijual di pasar - adalah tenaga kerja. Il modo in cui l'azienda lavora questo minerale per renderlo vendibile sul mercato è il lavoro. It reshapes the world to make it ideal for our use. |重塑||||||||| |alters||||||perfect for us||| |şekillendirir||||||||| |reconfigura||||||||| Sie formt die Welt so um, dass sie für unsere Zwecke ideal ist. Remodela el mundo para hacerlo ideal para nuestro uso. Ini membentuk kembali dunia agar ideal untuk kita gunakan. Rimodella il mondo per renderlo ideale per il nostro uso. Dünyayı bizim kullanımımız için ideal hale getirecek şekilde yeniden şekillendirir. If we think of both these processes in modern terms, they can both be automated by machines. ||||the two|||||modern language|||||done by machines|| Se (1)|||||||em termos||||||||| Si pensamos en estos dos procesos en términos modernos, ambos pueden ser automatizados por máquinas. Jika kita memikirkan kedua proses ini dalam istilah modern, keduanya dapat diotomatisasi oleh mesin. Se pensiamo a questi due processi in termini moderni, entrambi possono essere automatizzati dalle macchine.

So where do humans come in? |||people|| |||insanlar|| Entonces, ¿dónde entran los humanos? Allora, dove entrano in gioco gli esseri umani? In the third category – action. |||group| En la tercera categoría – acción.

Coming up with new ideas and making them a reality. |||||e|||| Proponer nuevas ideas y hacerlas realidad. Memunculkan ide-ide baru dan mewujudkannya menjadi kenyataan. Elaborare nuove idee e trasformarle in realtà. The mining director must decide where to point the machines to drill and where to sell the metal. ||mining operations manager||make a choice|||||||bore into earth||||||ore or mineral |||||||||||delmek|||||| |mineração|||||||||||||||| Der Bergbaudirektor muss entscheiden, wohin er die Maschinen zum Bohren schickt und wo er das Metall verkauft. El director de mina debe decidir hacia dónde apuntar las máquinas para perforar y dónde vender el metal. Direktur pertambangan harus memutuskan ke mana mesin-mesin tersebut harus diarahkan untuk mengebor dan ke mana harus menjual logamnya. Il direttore della miniera deve decidere dove puntare le macchine per perforare e dove vendere il metallo. But this example still doesn’t demonstrate Arendt’s view of how action works in politics. ||illustration|yet|does not|illustrate||||||operates/functions/acts|| |||||göstermiyor|||||||| Aber dieses Beispiel zeigt immer noch nicht, wie Arendt das Handeln in der Politik sieht. Pero este ejemplo todavía no demuestra la visión de Arendt de cómo funciona la acción en la política. Namun contoh ini masih belum menunjukkan pandangan Arendt tentang bagaimana tindakan bekerja dalam politik. Ma questo esempio non dimostra ancora la visione di Arendt su come funziona l'azione in politica. To do this, the mining director must invent something and act upon it in the public eye – for its own sake. ||||||||||||||||||||um seiner selbst willen ||||resource extraction industry||||||take action|based on||||general view|public view|on behalf of||its intrinsic value|intrinsic value ||||||||||hareket etmek|||||||||| Dazu muss der Bergbaudirektor etwas erfinden und es in der Öffentlichkeit umsetzen - um seiner selbst willen. Para hacer esto, el director de minería debe inventar algo y actuar en consecuencia a la vista del público, por su propio bien. Untuk melakukan hal ini, direktur pertambangan harus menciptakan sesuatu dan menindaklanjutinya di mata publik - demi kepentingannya sendiri. Per farlo, il direttore minerario deve inventare qualcosa e agire in pubblico, per il suo stesso bene. So, he brings together the directors of all the mining companies. ||gathers|||company leaders||||extracting minerals| Entonces, reúne a los directores de todas las empresas mineras. Quindi, riunisce i direttori di tutte le società minerarie.

Together they decide to ensure that employees are treated well and the mining industry gives back to the community. ||||make certain||staff members||cared for||||||||||local population ||||sağlamak|||||||||||||| ||||||os empregados|||||||||||| Gemeinsam beschließen sie, dafür zu sorgen, dass die Beschäftigten gut behandelt werden und die Bergbauindustrie etwas an die Gemeinschaft zurückgibt. Juntos deciden asegurarse de que los empleados reciban un buen trato y que la industria minera retribuya a la comunidad. Insieme decidono di garantire che i dipendenti siano trattati bene e che l'industria mineraria dia un contributo alla comunità. Birlikte, çalışanlara iyi davranılmasını ve madencilik sektörünün topluma geri dönmesini sağlamaya karar verdiler. Now, rather than ideas being economically driven, this new idea is an end in itself – a political act. |||||financially motivated|motivated by|||concept or notion|||final goal||intrinsically valuable||| |||||||esta nova ideia|||||||||| Jetzt ist diese neue Idee nicht mehr wirtschaftlich motiviert, sondern ein Selbstzweck - ein politischer Akt. Ahora, en lugar de que las ideas sean impulsadas económicamente, esta nueva idea es un fin en sí misma: un acto político. Ora, invece che le idee sono guidate dall'economia, questa nuova idea è un fine in sé, un atto politico. Arendt believes that modernity has emphasised the life of work – doing things within an economic framework – and that the sharing of political opinions in public no longer occurs as it did in ancient Greece. ||||||||||||innerhalb||||||||||||||||||||| |is convinced||contemporary era||highlighted|||||||inside||financial system|||||exchange|||political views||||more extended|takes place||||||ancient Greece |||||vurguladığını||||||||||||||||||||||gerçekleşir|||||eski| |||||enfatizado||||||||||estrutura econômica||||||||||||se dá|||||| Arendt ist der Meinung, dass die Moderne das Leben der Arbeit - das Tun im Rahmen der Wirtschaft - in den Vordergrund gestellt hat und dass der Austausch politischer Meinungen in der Öffentlichkeit nicht mehr wie im alten Griechenland stattfindet. Arendt cree que la modernidad ha enfatizado la vida del trabajo -hacer las cosas dentro de un marco económico- y que el intercambio de opiniones políticas en público ya no ocurre como en la antigua Grecia. Arendt ritiene che la modernità abbia enfatizzato la vita del lavoro - fare le cose all'interno di un quadro economico - e che la condivisione delle opinioni politiche in pubblico non avvenga più come nell'antica Grecia.

What do you think? ¿Qué piensas?

A more detailed examination of Arendt’s ideas can be found in the Macat Analysis. |further|more thorough|closer look||||||located in|||| uma||||||||||||| Se puede encontrar un examen más detallado de las ideas de Arendt en el Análisis Macat. Un esame più dettagliato delle idee di Arendt si trova nell'Analisi Macat.