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LingQ Academy - Tech Startup Course, How my First Blog Post got 200,000+ Visitors (2)

How my First Blog Post got 200,000+ Visitors (2)

It's not a conclusion Finally, after doing all this I got more than 200,000 visitors and hundreds of comments. My mailing list quickly hit 5,000 subscribers and it's still growing. But the adventure is just beginning and I have already written many other articles since then, reaching 1,5 millions page views after 5 months. I keep going writing as a new passion and my French spelling doesn't suck anymore!

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How my First Blog Post got 200,000+ Visitors (2) Wie mein erster Blogbeitrag 200.000+ Besucher bekam (2) Cómo mi primera entrada de blog consiguió más de 200.000 visitas (2) Comment mon premier article de blog a attiré plus de 200 000 visiteurs (2) 私の最初のブログ記事が20万人以上の訪問者を獲得した理由 (2) Kaip mano pirmasis tinklaraščio įrašas sulaukė daugiau nei 200 000 lankytojų (2) Como é que a minha primeira publicação no blogue teve mais de 200 000 visitantes (2) Как моя первая запись в блоге привлекла 200 000+ посетителей (2) 我的第一篇博文如何获得 200,000+ 访问者 (2) 我的第一篇部落格文章如何獲得超過 20 萬名訪客 (2)

It's not a conclusion Finally, after doing all this I got more than 200,000 visitors and hundreds of comments. 結論ではありません最後に、これをすべて行った後、20万人以上の訪問者と数百のコメントがありました。 My mailing list quickly hit 5,000 subscribers and it's still growing. 私のメーリングリストはすぐに5,000人の購読者にヒットし、それはまだ成長しています。 But the adventure is just beginning and I have already written many other articles since then, reaching 1,5 millions page views after 5 months. Mas a aventura está apenas a começar e, desde então, já escrevi muitos outros artigos, atingindo 1,5 milhões de visualizações de páginas ao fim de 5 meses. I keep going writing as a new passion and my French spelling doesn't suck anymore! 私は新しい情熱として書き続けています、そして私のフランス語のスペリングはもうダメです! Continuo a escrever como uma nova paixão e a minha ortografia francesa já não é uma porcaria!