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LingQ Academy - Tech Startup Course, How my First Blog Post got 200,000+ Visitors (1)

How my First Blog Post got 200,000+ Visitors (1)

6 months ago, our professor was giving us back our mid-term exams and I was excited to know my grade.

But instead of commendations, I found a conspicuous comment scrawled at the top of the paper: “Your french spelling is unacceptable”.

So what? I needed to work on my f*ing spelling, but this was not motivating at all. However, writing for thousands of people interested in French is a lot more exciting. Thus, I decided to create a blog about French sharing tips to master all the French tricky rules.

Me realizing the huge task to create a blog about French. Then, few times after publishing my first blog post ever, I was checking my Google Analytics and…

KABOUUUM!! Virality was knocking on my new blog door… And I felt like I was dating someone for the first time → Exciting.

One month later, I managed to attract more than 200,000 unique visitors with this single article. How did I achieve this? Read more to find out. The analytics of the article for the first month

1# How to identify the best topic to create a “grosse bertha” A “grosse bertha” was an artillery piece used during WWI and French people created a myth around it. With the “grosse bertha” everything was possible, and that was exactly what I needed.

But how to write a “grosse bertha” piece of content to kickstart the growth of my blog? Here are few steps I followed to achieve that:

1# Find the other blogs in your niche and get their top articles

First, I wanted to have a clear view of what the other were doing within the “French niche”. For that, I recommend using a powerful tool: our friend Google.

Search in Google inurl:blog *popular_term_in_your_niche* and collect the results using a simple scraping browser extension. For each, you can collect some insights about their traffic and from which website the visitors are coming using Similar Web. The similar website section can help you to discover other blogs in your niche.

Then, add them to a spreadsheet and don't hesitate to complete it later: “A quick spreadsheet to spread easily your shit everywhere” 2# Use Google to get badass article ideas Now that you have a clear view of your competitors, it's time to find out what is working in your niche. Good articles often target some interesting keywords for Search Engine Optimization. A quick way to get interesting ideas for a new article is tosearch for topics getting a lot of traffic from Google.

To do so, I use SEMrush. If you don't want to pay for the premium version, they give you one day free and it is sufficient to export all the data you need in the future. Just enter each competitor domain name and export their “best organic keywords”. Besides, Moz wrote a great article about finding the spark of an idea using Google Autocomplete. Just try to enter long-tail keywords and select interesting ideas coming from the autocomplete feature of google. Maybe here is your “grosse bertha”, don't let her get away! 3# Use Social Media to find out what is working People don't share content if it's not f*ing great. If you can spot content with a lot of social sharing, then write a similar article to replicate the buzz. I personally use three tools to find out ideas with social media:

1First, Quicksprout will give you insights about the shares of your competitors. You can spot in the “Page Level Results” section which links are producing more shares. Analyzing carefully this information, you will be able to find out what kind of article people are more likely to share.

2Second, I use Buzzsumo to quickly find the best articles in the niche. Just enter a relevant keyword and you will get the best articles. You can dive into the backlinks to find other competitors and analyze their website.

Then, you can sort the results for each Social Media, getting insights about the amount of social shares. This is one of my favourite technique to easily get trending articles.

Buzzsumo results for “orthographe” Finally, you can enter some keywords on Topsy, to find what is trending on Twitter. You should take the opportunity to find some relevant hashtagsfor your niche. Then, I usually do a quick research on Twitter to spot the best articles showing up in the “Top” section.

4# Create a backlog of headlines So, now you have a lot of interesting articles right? Please don't lose all these future “grosse berthas” and add them to a spreadsheet to be able to get back to them later! Now, it's time to start the game! Try to figure out what are the most interesting headlines structures and combine them to create new ones.

For example you have a title saying “10 rules you really need to know about marketing” and another one “How to master SEO like a king”. Just write “10 rules to master marketing like a king”. Et voilà !

“Yeah but that's fking hard to combine these headlines” Okay, the sloths can use the Hubspot's blog topic generator which gives you creative headlines in few seconds ( → Tweet this if you're a sloth). Try to write headlines with 10 words maximum and using emotional and powerful words. I really like writing articles beginning with “10 rules”, “22 facts”… Don't hesitate to use an odd number, it's even more difficult for curious people to not click on the link. P.S. : If you want to focus on virality, you can take the example of Buzzfeed's headlines. When you think your headline is perfect, I advise you to check it with theheadline analyzer of CoShedule, then it will be really perfect:

→Tips: I use Trello to have a backlog of headlines. Doing so, I never lack article ideas ;)

After these steps, I was able to understand that articles about French spelling rules were what my audience was looking for.

I worked a bit on the headline and finally decided to validate “Les 40 règles de base de l'orthographe française” (The 40 basic rules of French spelling). → It sounds like a Grosse Bertha, right? ;) 2# How I used the skyscraper tactic to write the best spelling article ever After getting my headline, I just wondered:

“Hey cool, but I don't know anything about basic French spelling rules…” Great! I created my blog to learn more about French so it's time to move my ass! After few searches on Google, I got 10 websites talking about basic spelling rules.

The skyscraper technique is about combining this content to create the BESTblog post ever on the subject (for more details, you can check this blog post from Backlinko).

I spent many hours working in combining the rules to finally get 40 basic rules explained like a charm.

It's important to work on the design of your post too. In my case, the other websites were all so ugly you didn't want to read them at all. Improve the design of your post, make it readable and shareable and you will beat them all ( → Tweet this). Left: 2 other spelling blogs ; Right: my article 3# Blogging is 20% writing and 80% promotion We usually say that blogging is about 20% writing and the rest promoting the content. I don't care if the figures are true or not but I do agree:PROMOTION IS EXCEEDINGLY IMPORTANT. You remember when I said virality was like dating someone…? Well, if you write a great blog post and don't work on promoting it, it's like getting a date and don't try to charm him/her at all → it sucks. 1# Prepare your blog for a rocket launch You want to go to Mars and don't even have a damn Cape Canaveral launching pad?? Let's fix this right now. 1. First, be sure you have a hosting being able to handle a huge amount of people in a very short time. It would be such a pity if your blog shuts down because of a viral effect…

If you use Wordpress, I strongly advise you to use Bluehost hosting for Wordpress which allowed me to get more than 300 unique visitors in the same time without crashing… And all this !

If you blog on Medium, no worries about bandwidth, their servers scale brilliantly! ;)

2. Optimize your blog post to load fast. Optimize your images using a website like www.compressor.io. For Wordpress users, you can use plugins such as BJ Lazy Load or EWWW Image Optimizer.

3. People are lazy. They want the easiest way to share your content. For that, add social sharing buttons (you can use plugins such as Sumome) and don't forget to add a call to action at the end of the article. It can be “Please share this article with your friends” or “Want more articles like this? Subscribe to our newsletter” etc.

If you use Medium, Ali Mese gives some great tips to optimize your blog post. The #8 helps you to add sharing buttons like this: You can already share this article, cool no? ;) 2# Launch the rocket I was ready to launch my “grosse bertha”, I just needed to press the button → publish

And suddenly… nothing happened… Oh right, the promotion part! Here are 3 tips to promote efficiently your new article:

1. I use Buffer to schedule all the social media post for a new article. I just buffer the main image of my blog post and enter in the “Power Scheduler” tab to schedule multiple times the post on Facebook and Twitter.

One example from the Buffer Blog 2. Increase the reach of your post sharing it in relevant groups. You have to research relevant Facebook, Linkedin, Reddit… groups within your niche. For Linkedin you can find them easily with google:site:linkedin.com/groups OR site:linkedin.com/grp “keyword”.

Then share your post with a catchy headline. Mine was something like: “Want to discover the 40 French basic spelling rules? There are just here”.

Groups are very important to integrate a community and create links with their members. On Facebook, I'm able to speak to more than 100,000 people just publishing in 20 different groups… and I get 10 times more shares doing that! 3. Last but not least, it's important to reach people you mention in your blog post. Doing so, they will likely share it and spread the word. You can try as well to reach influencers of your niche.

One little “hack” I use is to tag these people in your image on Twitter. Doing so, they will receive a notification and maybe share your content.

Otherwise, you can “cold email” them, saying politely that you mentioned them in your post. Jakob Marovt gives great insights on how to do this with the following template:

For my first blog post on my blog, I regret not having used this technique more. I didn't take the time to discover who were the influencers for French language and I could get even more visitors doing so. 4# How to sustain the virality and get long-term attraction Finally, I now work on getting long-term attraction from my articles. Becauseif virality is great, long-term traction is even better!

After few weeks, I would advise you to reschedule social media post with Buffer. Here is a short video from Kevan Lee explaining how to do that:

Do not hesitate to share quotes, images, headlines etc. from your best article.

Besides, try to build backlinks reaching other blogs and influencers. The idea is to have a bunch of links to your article across the web. And if you manage to do that, you will be likely on the first page of Google for high-searched keywords.

Then, don't forget the power of emails. So many people regret not having setting up a Newsletter subscription form before their article went viral. It's very important to collect the emails of your readers. Doing so, you will be able to make them come back to your website and share your new content.

You can use as well the Sumome plugin to set up pop-ups and a top bar allowing your readers to opt-in for your newsletter. I personally useMailchimp which gives you the opportunity to embed your form at the end of your article.

Last but not least, don't forget to build a relation with your readers. I always try to answer all the comments on my blog and on Facebook. Also, reply to all their questions and don't hesitate to thank people sharing the articles.

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How my First Blog Post got 200,000+ Visitors (1) Wie mein erster Blogbeitrag 200.000+ Besucher bekam (1) Cómo mi primera entrada de blog consiguió más de 200.000 visitas (1) Comment mon premier article de blog a attiré plus de 200 000 visiteurs (1) Come il mio primo post sul blog ha ottenuto oltre 200.000 visitatori (1) 私の最初のブログ記事が20万人以上の訪問者を獲得した方法 (1) Kaip mano pirmasis tinklaraščio įrašas sulaukė daugiau nei 200 000 lankytojų (1) Como é que a minha primeira publicação no blogue teve mais de 200 000 visitantes (1) Как моя первая запись в блоге получила 200 000+ посетителей (1) İlk Blog Yazım Nasıl 200.000+ Ziyaretçi Aldı (1) Як моя перша публікація блогу отримала понад 200 000 відвідувачів (1) 我的第一篇博文如何获得超过 200,000 名访问者 (1) 我的第一篇部落格文章如何獲得超過 20 萬名訪客 (1)

6 months ago, our professor was giving us back our mid-term exams and I was excited to know my grade. Há 6 meses, o nosso professor estava a devolver-nos os exames intercalares e eu estava entusiasmada por saber a minha nota. Полгода назад наш преподаватель раздавал нам промежуточные экзамены, и мне не терпелось узнать свою оценку. 6 місяців тому наш професор повертав нам наші проміжні іспити, і я був радий дізнатися свою оцінку.

But instead of commendations, I found a conspicuous comment scrawled at the top of the paper: “Your french spelling is unacceptable”. Mas, em vez de elogios, encontrei um comentário visível escrito no topo do papel: "A sua ortografia francesa é inaceitável". Але замість похвал у верхній частині газети я знайшов помітний коментар: «Ваша французька орфографія неприйнятна».

So what? E depois? І що? I needed to work on my f***ing spelling, but this was not motivating at all. Eu precisava de melhorar a minha ortografia, mas isto não me motivava nada. Мне нужно было поработать над своим чертовым правописанием, но это совсем не мотивировало. Мені потрібно було попрацювати над своїм орфографією, але це зовсім не мотивувало. However, writing for thousands of people interested in French is a lot more exciting. No entanto, escrever para milhares de pessoas interessadas em francês é muito mais emocionante. Однак писати для тисяч людей, які цікавляться французькою мовою, набагато цікавіше. Thus, I decided to create a blog about French sharing tips to master all the French tricky rules. Assim, decidi criar um blogue sobre dicas de partilha de francês para dominar todas as regras complicadas do francês. Тому я вирішив створити блог про французькі поради, щоб оволодіти всіма хитрими французькими правилами.

Me realizing the huge task to create a blog about French. Eu a perceber a enorme tarefa de criar um blogue sobre francês. Я зрозумів величезне завдання створити блог про французьку. Then, few times after publishing my first blog post ever, I was checking my Google Analytics and… Então, algumas vezes depois de publicar o meu primeiro post de blogue, estava a verificar o meu Google Analytics e... Потім, кілька разів після публікації своєї першої публікації в блозі, я перевіряв свою Google Analytics і…

KABOUUUM!! KABOUUUM!!! KABOUUUM!! Virality was knocking on my new blog door… And I felt like I was dating someone for the first time → Exciting. A viralidade estava a bater à porta do meu novo blogue... E senti-me como se estivesse a sair com alguém pela primeira vez → Emocionante. Віральність стукала в двері мого нового блогу… І я відчував, що вперше зустрічаюся з кимось → Захоплююче.

One month later, I managed to attract more than 200,000 unique visitors with this single article. Um mês depois, consegui atrair mais de 200.000 visitantes únicos com este único artigo. How did I achieve this? Como é que consegui isto? Read more to find out. Leia mais para o descobrir. The analytics of the article for the first month A análise do artigo durante o primeiro mês Аналітика статті за перший місяць

1# How to identify the best topic to create a “grosse bertha” A “grosse bertha” was an artillery piece used during WWI and French people created a myth around it. 1# Como identificar o melhor tema para criar uma "grosse bertha" A "grosse bertha" foi uma peça de artilharia utilizada durante a I Guerra Mundial e os franceses criaram um mito à sua volta. 1# Как определить лучшую тему для создания "Гросс Берта" "Гросс Берта" - это артиллерийское орудие, использовавшееся во время Первой мировой войны, и французы создали вокруг него миф. 1# Як визначити найкращу тему для створення “grosse bertha” “grosse bertha” була артилерійським снарядом, який використовувався під час Першої світової війни, і французи створили міф навколо нього. With the “grosse bertha” everything was possible, and that was exactly what I needed. Com o "grosse bertha" tudo era possível, e era exatamente disso que eu precisava. С "Гросс Бертой" все стало возможным, и это было именно то, что мне нужно. З “grosse bertha” було можливо все, і це було саме те, що мені потрібно.

But how to write a “grosse bertha” piece of content to kickstart the growth of my blog? Mas como escrever um conteúdo "grosseiro" para dar o pontapé de saída para o crescimento do meu blogue? Но как написать "гросс берту", чтобы дать толчок росту моего блога? Але як написати матеріал «grosse bertha», щоб розпочати розвиток мого блогу? Here are few steps I followed to achieve that: Eis alguns passos que segui para o conseguir:

1# Find the other blogs in your niche and get their top articles 1# Encontre os outros blogues do seu nicho e obtenha os seus artigos de topo

First, I wanted to have a clear view of what the other were doing within the “French niche”. Em primeiro lugar, queria ter uma visão clara do que os outros estavam a fazer no "nicho francês". По-перше, я хотів мати чітке уявлення про те, що інші роблять у «французькій ніші». For that, I recommend using a powerful tool: our friend Google. Para isso, recomendo a utilização de uma ferramenta poderosa: o nosso amigo Google. Для цього я рекомендую використовувати потужний інструмент: нашого друга Google.

Search in Google inurl:blog *popular_term_in_your_niche* and collect the results using a simple scraping browser extension. Pesquise no Google inurl:blog *popular_term_in_your_niche* e recolha os resultados utilizando uma simples extensão de navegador de recolha de dados. Шукайте в Google inurl:blog *popular_term_in_your_niche* і збирайте результати за допомогою простого розширення для браузера. For each, you can collect some insights about their traffic and from which website the visitors are coming using Similar Web. Para cada um deles, pode recolher algumas informações sobre o seu tráfego e de que sítio Web os visitantes estão a vir utilizando o Similar Web. Для кожного ви можете зібрати деякі відомості про їх трафік і з якого веб-сайту відвідувачі переходять за допомогою Similar Web. The similar website section can help you to discover other blogs in your niche. A secção de sites semelhantes pode ajudá-lo a descobrir outros blogues no seu nicho. Подібний розділ веб-сайту може допомогти вам знайти інші блоги у вашій ніші.

Then, add them to a spreadsheet and don't hesitate to complete it later:   “A quick spreadsheet to spread easily your shit everywhere” Depois, adicione-os a uma folha de cálculo e não hesite em completá-la mais tarde: "Uma folha de cálculo rápida para espalhar facilmente as suas merdas por todo o lado" Потім додайте їх до електронної таблиці та не соромтеся заповнити її пізніше: «Швидка електронна таблиця, щоб легко розповсюдити ваше лайно всюди» 2# Use Google to get badass article ideas Now that you have a clear view of your competitors, it's time to find out what is working in your niche. 2# Use o Google para obter ideias de artigos incríveis Agora que você tem uma visão clara dos seus concorrentes, é hora de descobrir o que está funcionando no seu nicho. 2# Используйте Google для поиска идей для статей Теперь, когда у вас есть четкое представление о конкурентах, пришло время выяснить, что работает в вашей нише. 2# Використовуйте Google для пошуку крутих ідей для статей Тепер, коли у вас є чітке уявлення про ваших конкурентів, настав час дізнатися, що працює у вашій ніші. Good articles often target some interesting keywords for Search Engine Optimization. Os bons artigos visam frequentemente algumas palavras-chave interessantes para a otimização dos motores de busca. Хороші статті часто націлені на цікаві ключові слова для пошукової оптимізації. A quick way to get interesting ideas for a new article is tosearch for topics getting a lot of traffic from Google. Uma forma rápida de obter ideias interessantes para um novo artigo é procurar tópicos que estejam a receber muito tráfego do Google. Швидкий спосіб отримати цікаві ідеї для нової статті – шукати теми, які отримують великий трафік від Google.

To do so, I use SEMrush. Para o fazer, utilizo a SEMrush. Для цього я використовую SEMrush. If you don't want to pay for the premium version, they give you one day free and it is sufficient to export all the data you need in the future. Se não quiser pagar a versão premium, a empresa dá-lhe um dia grátis, o que é suficiente para exportar todos os dados de que necessita no futuro. Якщо ви не хочете платити за преміум-версію, вони дають один день безкоштовно, і цього достатньо, щоб експортувати всі необхідні дані в майбутньому. Just enter each competitor domain name and export their “best organic keywords”. Basta introduzir o nome de domínio de cada concorrente e exportar as suas "melhores palavras-chave orgânicas". Просто введіть доменне ім’я кожного конкурента та експортуйте їхні «кращі органічні ключові слова». Besides, Moz wrote a great article about finding the spark of an idea using Google Autocomplete. Além disso, a Moz escreveu um excelente artigo sobre como encontrar a faísca de uma ideia utilizando o preenchimento automático do Google. Крім того, Моз написав чудову статтю про те, як знайти іскру ідеї за допомогою автозаповнення Google. Just try to enter long-tail keywords and select interesting ideas coming from the autocomplete feature of google. Tente introduzir palavras-chave de cauda longa e selecionar ideias interessantes a partir da funcionalidade de preenchimento automático do Google. Maybe here is your “grosse bertha”, don't let her get away! Talvez aqui esteja a tua "grosse bertha", não a deixes escapar! 3# Use Social Media to find out what is working People don't share content if it's not f***ing great. 3# Utilize as redes sociais para descobrir o que está a funcionar As pessoas não partilham conteúdo se este não for fantástico. If you can spot content with a lot of social sharing, then write a similar article to replicate the buzz. Se conseguir identificar um conteúdo com muitas partilhas nas redes sociais, escreva um artigo semelhante para replicar o burburinho. I personally use three tools to find out ideas with social media: Pessoalmente, utilizo três ferramentas para encontrar ideias nas redes sociais:

1First, Quicksprout will give you insights about the shares of your competitors. 1Primeiro, o Quicksprout dá-lhe informações sobre as acções dos seus concorrentes. You can spot in the “Page Level Results” section which links are producing more shares. Pode ver na secção "Resultados ao nível da página" quais os links que estão a produzir mais partilhas. Analyzing carefully this information, you will be able to find out what kind of article people are more likely to share. Analisando cuidadosamente esta informação, será possível descobrir que tipo de artigo as pessoas são mais propensas a partilhar.

2Second, I use Buzzsumo to quickly find the best articles in the niche. 2Em segundo lugar, utilizo o Buzzsumo para encontrar rapidamente os melhores artigos no nicho. Just enter a relevant keyword and you will get the best articles. Basta introduzir uma palavra-chave relevante e obterá os melhores artigos. You can dive into the backlinks to find other competitors and analyze their website. Pode analisar os backlinks para encontrar outros concorrentes e analisar o respetivo sítio Web.

Then, you can sort the results for each Social Media, getting insights about the amount of social shares. Em seguida, pode ordenar os resultados para cada rede social, obtendo informações sobre a quantidade de partilhas sociais. Затем вы можете отсортировать результаты по каждой социальной сети, получив информацию о количестве социальных акций. This is one of my favourite technique to easily get trending articles. Esta é uma das minhas técnicas favoritas para obter facilmente artigos de tendências.

Buzzsumo results for “orthographe” Finally, you can enter some keywords on Topsy, to find what is trending on Twitter. Resultados do Buzzsumo para "orthographe" Finalmente, pode introduzir algumas palavras-chave no Topsy, para descobrir o que é tendência no Twitter. You should take the opportunity to find some relevant hashtagsfor your niche. Deve aproveitar a oportunidade para encontrar algumas hashtags relevantes para o seu nicho. Then, I usually do a quick research on Twitter to spot the best articles showing up in the “Top” section. Depois, costumo fazer uma pesquisa rápida no Twitter para identificar os melhores artigos que aparecem na secção "Top".

4# Create a backlog of headlines So, now you have a lot of interesting articles right? 4# Criar uma lista de manchetes Então, agora tem um monte de artigos interessantes, certo? Please don't lose all these future “grosse berthas” and add them to a spreadsheet to be able to get back to them later! Por favor, não percam todos estes futuros "grosse berthas" e adicionem-nos a uma folha de cálculo para poderem voltar a eles mais tarde! Now, it's time to start the game! Agora, é altura de começar o jogo! Try to figure out what are the most interesting headlines structures and combine them to create new ones. Tente descobrir quais são as estruturas de títulos mais interessantes e combine-as para criar novas estruturas.

For example you have a title saying “10 rules you really need to know about marketing” and another one “How to master SEO like a king”. Por exemplo, tem um título que diz "10 regras que precisa mesmo de saber sobre marketing" e outro que diz "Como dominar a SEO como um rei". Just write “10 rules to master marketing like a king”. Et voilà !

“Yeah but that's f**king hard to combine these headlines” Okay, the sloths can use the Hubspot's blog topic generator which gives you creative headlines in few seconds ( → Tweet this if you're a sloth). "Sim, mas é muito difícil combinar estes títulos". Muito bem, os preguiçosos podem usar o gerador de tópicos para blogues do Hubspot, que lhes dá títulos criativos em poucos segundos ( → Tweet isto se fores um preguiçoso). "Да, но чертовски трудно сочетать эти заголовки" Ладно, ленивцы могут воспользоваться генератором тем для блогов Hubspot, который за несколько секунд выдаст вам креативные заголовки (→ Tweet this if you're a sloth). Try to write headlines with 10 words maximum and using emotional and powerful words. Tente escrever títulos com 10 palavras no máximo e utilizando palavras emocionais e poderosas. I really like writing articles beginning with “10 rules”, “22 facts”… Don't hesitate to use an odd number, it's even more difficult for curious people to not click on the link. Gosto muito de escrever artigos que começam com "10 regras", "22 factos"... Não hesite em utilizar um número ímpar, é ainda mais difícil para os curiosos não clicarem no link. Мне очень нравится писать статьи, начинающиеся со слов "10 правил", "22 факта"... Не стесняйтесь использовать нечетное число, любопытным людям будет еще сложнее не перейти по ссылке. Мені дуже подобається писати статті, які починаються з "10 правил", "22 факти"... Не соромтеся використовувати непарну кількість, допитливим людям ще складніше не перейти за посиланням. P.S. : If you want to focus on virality, you can take the example of Buzzfeed's headlines. : Se se quiser centrar na viralidade, pode dar-se o exemplo dos títulos do Buzzfeed. When you think your headline is perfect, I advise you to check it with theheadline analyzer of CoShedule, then it will be really perfect: Quando pensar que o seu título é perfeito, aconselho-o a verificá-lo com o analisador de títulos do CoShedule, e então será realmente perfeito:

→Tips: I use Trello to have a backlog of headlines. →Dicas: Utilizo o Trello para ter uma lista de títulos em atraso. Doing so, I never lack article ideas ;) Assim, nunca me faltam ideias para artigos ;)

After these steps, I was able to understand that articles about French spelling rules were what my audience was looking for. Após estes passos, consegui perceber que os artigos sobre as regras de ortografia francesa eram o que o meu público procurava. После этих шагов я понял, что статьи о правилах французской орфографии - это то, что ищет моя аудитория. Після цих кроків я зрозуміла, що статті про правила французького правопису - це те, що шукає моя аудиторія.

I worked a bit on the headline and finally decided to validate “Les 40 règles de base de l'orthographe française” (The 40 basic rules of French spelling). Trabalhei um pouco no título e decidi finalmente validar "Les 40 règles de base de l'orthographe française" (As 40 regras de base da ortografia francesa). → It sounds like a Grosse Bertha, right? → Parece um Grosse Bertha, não é? ;) 2# How I used the skyscraper tactic to write the best spelling article ever After getting my headline, I just wondered: ;) 2# Como usei a tática do arranha-céus para escrever o melhor artigo ortográfico de sempre Depois de conseguir o meu título, perguntei-me: ;) 2# Как я использовал тактику небоскреба, чтобы написать лучшую статью о правописании в истории После того как я получил свой заголовок, мне стало интересно: ;) 2# Як я використав тактику хмарочоса, щоб написати найкращу орфографічну статтю в історії Після того, як я отримав свій заголовок, я просто замислився:

“Hey cool, but I don't know anything about basic French spelling rules…”   Great! "Fixe, mas eu não sei nada sobre as regras básicas da ortografia francesa..." Ótimo! I created my blog to learn more about French so it's time to move my ass! Criei o meu blogue para aprender mais sobre o francês, por isso é altura de mexer o rabo! Я створила свій блог, щоб дізнатися більше про французьку мову, тож настав час ворушити дупою! After few searches on Google, I got 10 websites talking about basic spelling rules. Depois de algumas pesquisas no Google, encontrei 10 sítios Web que falam de regras básicas de ortografia.

The skyscraper technique is about combining this content to create the BESTblog post ever on the subject (for more details, you can check this blog post from Backlinko). A técnica skyscraper consiste em combinar este conteúdo para criar o MELHOR post de blogue de sempre sobre o assunto (para mais pormenores, pode consultar este post de blogue da Backlinko).

I spent many hours working in combining the rules to finally get 40 basic rules explained like a charm. Passei muitas horas a trabalhar na combinação das regras para finalmente conseguir explicar 40 regras básicas.

It's important to work on the design of your post too. É importante trabalhar também no design do seu post. In my case, the other websites were all so ugly you didn't want to read them at all. No meu caso, os outros sítios Web eram todos tão feios que nem sequer os queria ler. В моем случае все остальные сайты были настолько уродливыми, что их вообще не хотелось читать. У моєму випадку інші сайти були настільки потворними, що їх взагалі не хотілося читати. Improve the design of your post, make it readable and shareable and you will beat them all ( → Tweet this). Melhore o design da sua publicação, torne-a legível e partilhável e vencerá todos eles ( → Tweet this). Left: 2 other spelling blogs ; Right: my article 3# Blogging is 20% writing and 80% promotion We usually say that blogging is about 20% writing and the rest promoting the content. Esquerda: 2 outros blogues de ortografia; Direita: o meu artigo 3# O blogue é 20% de escrita e 80% de promoção Costuma-se dizer que o blogue é 20% de escrita e o resto de promoção do conteúdo. Слева: 2 других орфографических блога; Справа: моя статья 3# Блоггинг - это 20% написания и 80% продвижения Мы обычно говорим, что блоггинг - это 20% написания, а остальное - продвижение контента. Ліворуч: 2 інші блоги про правопис; Праворуч: моя стаття 3# Ведення блогу - це 20% написання і 80% просування Ми зазвичай говоримо, що ведення блогу - це приблизно 20% написання, а решта - просування контенту. I don't care if the figures are true or not but I do agree:PROMOTION IS EXCEEDINGLY IMPORTANT. Não me interessa se os números são verdadeiros ou não, mas concordo: A PROMOÇÃO É EXCEPCIONALMENTE IMPORTANTE. Мені байдуже, правдиві ці цифри чи ні, але я згоден: ПРОМОЦІЯ Є ВИКЛЮЧНО ВАЖЛИВОЮ. You remember when I said virality was like dating someone…? Lembram-se quando eu disse que a viralidade era como sair com alguém...? Well, if you write a great blog post and don't work on promoting it, it's like getting a date and don't try to charm him/her at all → it sucks. Bem, se escrevermos um excelente artigo de blogue e não o promovermos, é como arranjar um encontro e não tentarmos seduzi-lo de todo → é uma porcaria. 1# Prepare your blog for a rocket launch You want to go to Mars and don't even have a damn Cape Canaveral launching pad?? 1# Prepare o seu blogue para o lançamento de um foguetão Quer ir a Marte e nem sequer tem uma maldita plataforma de lançamento no Cabo Canaveral? Let's fix this right now. Vamos resolver isto agora mesmo. 1\\. First, be sure you have a hosting being able to handle a huge amount of people in a very short time. Em primeiro lugar, certifique-se de que dispõe de um alojamento capaz de acolher um grande número de pessoas num curto espaço de tempo. It would be such a pity if your blog shuts down because of a viral effect… Seria uma pena se o seu blogue fechasse por causa de um efeito viral...

If you use Wordpress, I strongly advise you to use Bluehost hosting for Wordpress which allowed me to get more than 300 unique visitors in the same time without crashing… And all this ! Se utilizam Wordpress, aconselho vivamente a utilizarem o alojamento Bluehost para Wordpress, que me permitiu receber mais de 300 visitantes únicos ao mesmo tempo sem falhas... E tudo isto!

If you blog on Medium, no worries about bandwidth, their servers scale brilliantly! ;) Se tem um blogue no Medium, não se preocupe com a largura de banda, os servidores deles têm uma escala brilhante! ;)

2\\. Optimize your blog post to load fast. Optimize a publicação do seu blogue para carregar rapidamente. Optimize your images using a website like www.compressor.io. Optimize as suas imagens utilizando um sítio Web como www.compressor.io. For Wordpress users, you can use plugins such as BJ Lazy Load or EWWW Image Optimizer. Para os utilizadores do Wordpress, pode utilizar plugins como o BJ Lazy Load ou o EWWWW Image Optimizer.

3\\. People are lazy. As pessoas são preguiçosas. They want the easiest way to share your content. Querem a forma mais fácil de partilhar o seu conteúdo. For that, add social sharing buttons (you can use plugins such as Sumome) and don't forget to add a call to action at the end of the article. Para isso, adicione botões de partilha social (pode utilizar plugins como o Sumome) e não se esqueça de adicionar um apelo à ação no final do artigo. It can be “Please share this article with your friends” or “Want more articles like this? Pode ser "Por favor, partilhe este artigo com os seus amigos" ou "Quer mais artigos como este? Subscribe to our newsletter” etc. Subscreva a nossa newsletter", etc.

If you use Medium, Ali Mese gives some great tips to optimize your blog post. Se utiliza o Medium, Ali Mese dá algumas dicas excelentes para otimizar a publicação do seu blogue. The #8 helps you to add sharing buttons like this:     You can already share this article, cool no? O #8 ajuda-o a adicionar botões de partilha como este: Já pode partilhar este artigo, não é fixe? ;) 2# Launch the rocket I was ready to launch my “grosse bertha”, I just needed to press the button → publish ;) 2# Lançar o foguetão Estava pronto para lançar o meu "grosse bertha", só precisava de carregar no botão → publicar

And suddenly… nothing happened… Oh right, the promotion part! E de repente... não aconteceu nada... Ah pois, a parte da promoção! Here are 3 tips to promote efficiently your new article: Aqui estão 3 dicas para promover eficazmente o seu novo artigo:

1\\. I use Buffer to schedule all the social media post for a new article. Utilizo o Buffer para agendar todas as publicações nas redes sociais para um novo artigo. I just buffer the main image of my blog post and enter in the “Power Scheduler” tab to schedule multiple times the post on Facebook and Twitter. Basta colocar em buffer a imagem principal da publicação do meu blogue e introduzir no separador "Power Scheduler" para agendar várias vezes a publicação no Facebook e no Twitter.

One example from the Buffer Blog 2. Um exemplo do blogue do Buffer 2. Increase the reach of your post sharing it in relevant groups. Aumente o alcance da sua publicação partilhando-a em grupos relevantes. You have to research relevant Facebook, Linkedin, Reddit… groups within your niche. Tem de pesquisar grupos relevantes no Facebook, Linkedin, Reddit... dentro do seu nicho. For Linkedin you can find them easily with google:site:linkedin.com/groups OR site:linkedin.com/grp “keyword”. Para o Linkedin, pode encontrá-los facilmente com o google:site:linkedin.com/groups OR site:linkedin.com/grp "keyword".

Then share your post with a catchy headline. Depois, partilhe a sua publicação com um título apelativo. Mine was something like: “Want to discover the 40 French basic spelling rules? O meu era algo do género: "Quer descobrir as 40 regras básicas da ortografia francesa? There are just here”. Há apenas aqui".

Groups are very important to integrate a community and create links with their members. Os grupos são muito importantes para integrar uma comunidade e criar laços com os seus membros. On Facebook, I'm able to speak to more than 100,000 people just publishing in 20 different groups… and I get 10 times more shares doing that! No Facebook, consigo falar com mais de 100.000 pessoas apenas publicando em 20 grupos diferentes... e obtenho 10 vezes mais partilhas ao fazê-lo! На Facebook я могу общаться с более чем 100 000 человек, просто публикуясь в 20 различных группах... и я получаю в 10 раз больше акций, делая это! У Facebook я можу спілкуватися з більш ніж 100 000 людей, просто публікуючи в 20 різних групах... і я отримую в 10 разів більше поширень завдяки цьому! 3\\. Last but not least, it's important to reach people you mention in your blog post. Por último, mas não menos importante, é importante chegar às pessoas que menciona na publicação do seu blogue. Doing so, they will likely share it and spread the word. Se o fizerem, é provável que o partilhem e espalhem a palavra. При этом они, скорее всего, поделятся ею и распространят информацию. Зробивши це, вони, швидше за все, поділяться нею та поширять інформацію. You can try as well to reach influencers of your niche. Pode também tentar chegar aos influenciadores do seu nicho.

One little “hack” I use is to tag these people in your image on Twitter. Um pequeno "hack" que utilizo é marcar essas pessoas na sua imagem no Twitter. Один небольшой "хак", который я использую, - пометить этих людей на своем изображении в Twitter. Один маленький "хак", який я використовую, - це позначити цих людей на своєму зображенні в Твіттері. Doing so, they will receive a notification and maybe share your content. Ao fazê-lo, receberão uma notificação e poderão partilhar o seu conteúdo. При этом они получат уведомление и, возможно, поделятся вашим контентом.

Otherwise, you can “cold email” them, saying politely that you mentioned them in your post. Caso contrário, pode enviar-lhes um "cold email", dizendo educadamente que os mencionou na sua publicação. В противном случае вы можете отправить им "холодное письмо", вежливо сообщив, что вы упомянули их в своем посте. В іншому випадку ви можете написати їм "холодного листа", ввічливо повідомивши, що ви згадали їх у своєму дописі. Jakob Marovt gives great insights on how to do this with the following template: Jakob Marovt dá uma excelente ideia de como o fazer com o seguinte modelo: Якоб Маровт дает отличное представление о том, как это сделать, используя следующий шаблон:

For my first blog post on my blog, I regret not having used this technique more. Para a minha primeira publicação no meu blogue, lamento não ter utilizado mais esta técnica. I didn't take the time to discover who were the influencers for French language and I could get even more visitors doing so. Não tive tempo para descobrir quem eram os influenciadores da língua francesa e poderia obter ainda mais visitantes se o fizesse. Я не нашел времени, чтобы узнать, кто является влиятельными людьми на французском языке, а ведь я мог бы получить еще больше посетителей, сделав это. Я не знайшов часу, щоб з'ясувати, хто є впливовими людьми у французькій мові, а міг би залучити ще більше відвідувачів, якби зробив це. 4# How to sustain the virality and get long-term attraction Finally, I now work on getting long-term attraction from my articles. 4# Como manter a viralidade e obter atração a longo prazo Finalmente, agora trabalho para obter atração a longo prazo dos meus artigos. 4# Как поддержать вирусность и получить долгосрочное привлечение Наконец, теперь я работаю над тем, чтобы получить долгосрочное привлечение от своих статей. 4# Як підтримувати вірусність і отримати довгострокову привабливість Нарешті, зараз я працюю над тим, щоб отримати довгострокову привабливість від моїх статей. Becauseif virality is great, long-term traction is even better! Porque se a viralidade é óptima, a tração a longo prazo é ainda melhor!

After few weeks, I would advise you to reschedule social media post with Buffer. Após algumas semanas, aconselho-o a reagendar a publicação nas redes sociais com o Buffer. Через несколько недель я бы посоветовал вам перепланировать посты в социальных сетях с помощью Buffer. Через кілька тижнів я б порадив вам перенести публікацію в соціальних мережах за допомогою Buffer. Here is a short video from Kevan Lee explaining how to do that: Aqui está um pequeno vídeo de Kevan Lee que explica como o fazer:

Do not hesitate to share quotes, images, headlines etc. Não hesite em partilhar citações, imagens, títulos, etc. from your best article. do seu melhor artigo.

Besides, try to build backlinks reaching other blogs and influencers. Além disso, tente criar backlinks que cheguem a outros blogues e influenciadores. The idea is to have a bunch of links to your article across the web. A ideia é ter uma série de ligações para o seu artigo em toda a Web. And if you manage to do that, you will be likely on the first page of Google for high-searched keywords. E se o conseguir fazer, estará provavelmente na primeira página do Google para as palavras-chave mais procuradas. И если вам удастся это сделать, вы, скорее всего, окажетесь на первой странице Google по ключевым словам с высоким уровнем поиска.

Then, don't forget the power of emails. Depois, não se esqueça do poder das mensagens electrónicas. So many people regret not having setting up a Newsletter subscription form before their article went viral. Muitas pessoas lamentam não ter criado um formulário de subscrição da Newsletter antes de o seu artigo se tornar viral. Многие люди жалеют о том, что не установили форму подписки на рассылку новостей до того, как их статья стала вирусной. Багато людей шкодують, що не створили форму підписки на розсилку до того, як їхня стаття стала вірусною. It's very important to collect the emails of your readers. É muito importante recolher os e-mails dos seus leitores. Doing so, you will be able to make them come back to your website and share your new content. Deste modo, poderá fazer com que voltem ao seu sítio Web e partilhem o seu novo conteúdo.

You can use as well the Sumome plugin to set up pop-ups and a top bar allowing your readers to opt-in for your newsletter. Pode também utilizar o plugin Sumome para configurar pop-ups e uma barra superior que permita aos seus leitores optarem por receber a sua newsletter. I personally useMailchimp which gives you the opportunity to embed your form at the end of your article. Pessoalmente, utilizo o Mailchimp, que lhe dá a oportunidade de incorporar o seu formulário no final do seu artigo.

Last but not least, don't forget to build a relation with your readers. Por último, mas não menos importante, não se esqueça de criar uma relação com os seus leitores. I always try to answer all the comments on my blog and on Facebook. Tento sempre responder a todos os comentários no meu blogue e no Facebook. Also, reply to all their questions and don't hesitate to thank people sharing the articles. Além disso, responda a todas as perguntas e não hesite em agradecer às pessoas que partilham os artigos.