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LingQ Academy - Tech Startup Course, 10 Ways to Improve Your Blogging Through Practice

10 Ways to Improve Your Blogging Through Practice

When I was 13 my life was fairly simple and largely revolved around one thing – Tennis.

I was fortunate enough to live next door to two tennis courts and so most evenings after school involved hitting balls with friends, family or even practising with myself hitting against the blue stone wall at the end of the court. I had coaching twice a week and practised a lot.

While I played tennis with quite a few friends there was one who was my nemesis – his name was John.

John played tennis (and most sports) really well. He was tall, athletic and had a good eye and reflexes. While he didn't live next to a court, didn't have coaching and only played once or twice a month the matches we had were always closely fought with him usually winning in tie breakers. John was a natural.

I on the other hand was also a good player but unlike John my ability wasn't a natural one – it came from many many hours of practice. I can remember hitting balls against the wall until after the sun set on many evenings – working on my backhand and even getting up early in the morning to go jogging to work on my endurance.

In the end we ended up playing in the same team (in the highest grade in our competition) and had a very similar standard – but we got to the level we achieved through very different means – John just because he was a natural and me though a lot of work.

Regarding Blogging

For some people the writing of a blog comes fairly naturally – they have a good grasp of language and how to us it to communicate effectively – they find their voice reasonably quickly – they find ideas for posts come easily and readers just seem to respond to them.

For others – blogging is more difficult. It takes longer – finding a rhythm of posting is a struggle – ideas to post about are allusive and translating those ideas that come into words is takes a lot of effort.

Practice makes Perfect

The old saying of ‘practice makes perfect' is true for many aspects of life – including blogging. In the same way that hitting balls against a wall for many hours improved my tennis I've found that my blogging has improved the longer that I've blogged. Some of this has come as a result of time and some of it has been the result of intentional ‘practice'. So how can one practice their blogging? Here are 10 intentional ways to ‘practice' your blogging: 1. Action/Reflection

I am a big believer that the best way to learn is through a combination of Action and Reflection. Do and then analyse what you did. So with blogging this means to post lots and then to set aside time to reflect upon what you learnt from those posts. Here's a little exercise – look back on your last 10 posts and ask yourself some of these questions:

Which posts worked best? Why? Which posts didn't work? Why? What posts did people respond to most (comments/feedback/linking to you)? What could you learn from the writing of the posts? How could you improve the posts? There are a lot more reflection questions that you could ask – but even just asking these ones once a week could lead you to all kinds of learning and improvements to you blogging.

2. Set Yourself Assignments

One of the reasons why I've been running the group writing projects here at ProBlogger over the last few months is because I personally find it really helpful to set myself tasks and assignments to help me move out of my comfort zone and experiment with writing in a different style. So every now and again choose a style of posting that you're not used to or select a topic that is a little different to normal and see what you learn through the process (you may even choose not to publish your assignments and keep them purely as a learning experience).

3. Write for Different Mediums

While I focus fairly heavily upon blogging as my primary medium I do occasionally take on work for other mediums. I've written newspaper and magazine articles, have written for other types of websites and have even tried my hand at non written mediums like podcasting. Each time I've done this I find that it teaches me something new about communication. There's something about writing for a new audience in a slightly unfamiliar medium that makes you pay a little more attention to what you're doing.

4. Write as a Guest Blogger

Similarly, writing for a different audience on someone else's blog can give you the motivation that you need to put a little more effort into your blogging and think more about how you're writing. While I don't do much guest posting these days on others blogs in my early days I did quite a bit of it and found it really beneficial.

5. Ask for Critique

Blogging is a medium where you are likely to get very immediate and at times quite blunt feedback from your readers. They'll tell you what they like and dislike, what mistakes you made and how you should improve your blog. If people don't give you this feedback – ask for it. Ask your readers, ask other bloggers and ask your non blog reading family and friends (they can be particularly insightful). Of course once you've asked for it – you need to be willing to take what you hear on board and learn from it.

6. Read and Analyse others

One of the places that I learned the most about playing tennis was by my yearly trips to the Australian Open Tennis tournament (while I don't play tennis these days I still go). In attending and watching experts do there thing I learned a lot about how to play the game in terms of tactics and technique. Studying other bloggers (and writers and communicators in other mediums) you can learn a lot about blogging. Ask yourself about what voice they write in, what works (and doesn't work) for them, what style of posts people seem to respond to etc. You probably won't want to imitate them completely – but in reading and observing others you'll find some of it will rub off on you.

7. Speak Your Posts

My background in communication is one of public speaking/preaching and so when I started blogging I found it a little odd not speaking and hearing what I was writing. To this day when I'm working up a lot of my posts I'll read them out loud and will listen to how they sound. In doing so you pick up all types of mistakes. I also find that as I read them that I also come up with other ideas.

8. Critique Your Own Old Work

Have you been blogging for a while? Take a wander back through your old posts to some of the first ones you wrote and read them as though you were reading someone else's work. Critique it – correct it and ask yourself how you've changed since writing it.

9. Get an Editor

One of the most confronting things I've done was work with an editor on some of my blog posts. I am very aware that I can improve my blogging in many ways and so a year ago hired an editor to work with me for a week on my blogging. Before hitting publish on any post for that week I made myself run it past her. The results were enlightening, frustrating and confronting. Enlightening because it taught me a lot, frustrating because I realised how much I needed to improve and confronting because it forced me to think about my posts in ways I'd been too lazy to think about previously. One lesson that I learned that week was how many unnecessary words I used in my posts (I think that it could be time to hire that editor for another week).

10. Take a Course

I've been considering enrolling in a writing course for the past 6 months (it's something I'm toying with doing in 2007). I suspect that doing so will teach me a lot.

Just do it

My tennis coach used to encourage me to visualise myself improving as a tennis player with each ball that I hit against the wall. I think the same can be true as a blogger. Each post you write has the potential to not only be a post that impacts others – but one that you can learn something from as a blogger.

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10 Ways to Improve Your Blogging Through Practice ||||블로깅 개선|| 10 Wege, Ihr Blogging durch Übung zu verbessern 10 formas de mejorar tu blog con la práctica 10 façons d'améliorer son blog grâce à la pratique 10 Cara Meningkatkan Blogging Anda Melalui Latihan 練習を通してブログを上達させる10の方法 연습을 통해 블로깅 실력을 향상하는 10가지 방법 10 būdų, kaip pagerinti tinklaraščio rašymą per praktiką 10 sposobów na poprawę jakości blogowania poprzez praktykę 10 maneiras de melhorar os seus blogues através da prática 10 способов улучшить ведение блога с помощью практики 10 Pratik Yaparak Blogunuzu Geliştirmenin Yolları 10 способів покращити свій блог за допомогою практики 通过实践改善博客的 10 种方法 通過練習改進博客的 10 種方法

When I was 13 my life was fairly simple and largely revolved around one thing – Tennis. ||||||quite|||||||| ||||||||||주로 중심이 되었다|||| 私が13歳の時、私の人生はかなり単純で、テニスという1つのことを中心に展開していました。

I was fortunate enough to live next door to two tennis courts and so most evenings after school involved hitting balls with friends, family or even practising with myself hitting against the blue stone wall at the end of the court. |||||||adjacent to|||tennis courts||||||||||||||||||on my own|||||||||||| 私は幸運にも2つのテニスコートの隣に住んでいたので、放課後のほとんどの夜は友人や家族と一緒にボールを打ったり、コートの終わりに青い石の壁を打って練習したりしました。 İki tenis kortunun bitişiğinde yaşayacak kadar şanslıydım ve bu nedenle okuldan sonraki akşamların çoğunda arkadaşlarımla, ailemle topa vurur, hatta kortun sonundaki mavi taş duvara vurarak kendi kendime pratik yapardım. I had coaching twice a week and practised a lot. 私は週に2回コーチングを受け、たくさん練習しました。

While I played tennis with quite a few friends there was one who was my nemesis – his name was John. |||||||||||||||arch-rival|||| |||||||||||||||숙적|||| 私がかなりの数の友人とテニスをしている間、私の宿敵だった人がいました - 彼の名前はジョンでした。 Хотя я играл в теннис со многими друзьями, был один, который был моим заклятым врагом - его звали Джон. Pek çok arkadaşımla tenis oynarken biri vardı ki benim ezeli düşmanımdı - adı John'du.

John played tennis (and most sports) really well. ジョンはテニス(そしてほとんどのスポーツ)をとても上手にプレーした。 He was tall, athletic and had a good eye and reflexes. ||||||||||quick responses 彼は背が高く、運動していて、良い目と反射神経を持っていました。 While he didn’t live next to a court, didn’t have coaching and only played once or twice a month the matches we had were always closely fought with him usually winning in tie breakers. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||tiebreakers ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||타이|타이브레이커 彼はコートの隣に住んでいませんでしたが、コーチを持っていなかったし、我々が持っていた試合はいつもタイブレーカーで勝っていた彼と常に密接に戦った月に1、2回だけプレーしました。 Хотя он не жил рядом с кортом, не имел тренера и играл только один или два раза в месяц, наши матчи всегда проходили в напряженной борьбе, и он обычно выигрывал на тай-брейках. Kortun yanında oturmamasına, koçunun olmamasına ve ayda sadece bir ya da iki kez oynamasına rağmen yaptığımız maçlar her zaman çok çekişmeli geçerdi ve genellikle beraberliklerde kazanırdı. John was a natural. ジョンは当たり前だった。

I on the other hand was also a good player but unlike John my ability wasn’t a natural one – it came from many many hours of practice. 一方、私も優れた選手でしたが、ジョンとは異なり、私の能力は当然のものではありませんでした。 С другой стороны, я тоже был неплохим игроком, но, в отличие от Джона, мои способности не были врожденными - они появились в результате многочасовых тренировок. Öte yandan ben de iyi bir oyuncuydum ama John'un aksine benim yeteneğim doğuştan gelmiyordu - saatlerce çalışarak elde ediliyordu. I can remember hitting balls against the wall until after the sun set on many evenings – working on my backhand and even getting up early in the morning to go jogging to work on my endurance. |||||||||||||||||||backhand stroke||||||||||||||||stamina |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||지구력 私は、太陽が夕方に沈むまで壁にボールを打つことを覚えていることができます。 Я помню, как долгими вечерами бил мячи о стену до захода солнца, работал над своим бэкхендом и даже вставал рано утром на пробежку, чтобы поработать над своей выносливостью. Birçok akşam güneş batana kadar duvara top vurduğumu, backhand'im üzerinde çalıştığımı ve hatta sabah erkenden kalkıp dayanıklılığımı geliştirmek için koşuya çıktığımı hatırlıyorum.

In the end we ended up playing in the same team (in the highest grade in our competition) and had a very similar standard – but we got to the level we achieved through very different means – John just because he was a natural and me though a lot of work. В итоге мы играли в одной команде (в высшем классе нашего соревнования) и имели очень схожий уровень, но достигли его совершенно разными путями - Джон просто потому, что был прирожденным спортсменом, а я благодаря большому труду. Sonunda aynı takımda oynamaya başladık (yarışmamızın en yüksek derecesinde) ve çok benzer bir standarda sahiptik - ancak ulaştığımız seviyeye çok farklı yollarla ulaştık - John sadece doğal olduğu için, ben ise çok çalışarak.

Regarding Blogging ブログについて

For some people the writing of a blog comes fairly naturally – they have a good grasp of language and how to us it to communicate effectively – they find their voice reasonably quickly – they find ideas for posts come easily and readers just seem to respond to them. ブログを書くのはかなり自然なことです - 彼らは言葉をよく理解し、効果的にコミュニケーションをとる方法 - 彼らは自分の声を適度に素早く見つける - 彼らは投稿のアイデアを簡単に見つけ、読者はそれに答える。 Для некоторых людей написание блога происходит довольно естественно - они хорошо знают язык и умеют эффективно использовать его для общения - они довольно быстро находят свой голос - идеи для постов приходят легко, а читатели, кажется, просто откликаются на них. Bazı insanlar için blog yazmak oldukça doğaldır - dili iyi kavrarlar ve etkili bir şekilde iletişim kurmak için nasıl kullanacaklarını bilirler - seslerini oldukça hızlı bulurlar - yazılar için fikirlerin kolayca geldiğini ve okuyucuların bunlara yanıt verdiğini görürler.

For others – blogging is more difficult. 他の人にとって - ブログはもっと難しい。 It takes longer – finding a rhythm of posting is a struggle – ideas to post about are allusive and translating those ideas that come into words is takes a lot of effort. ||||||||||||||||hard to grasp|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||암시적인|||||||||||||| Cela prend plus de temps – trouver un rythme de publication est un combat – les idées à publier sont allusives et traduire ces idées qui se traduisent par des mots demande beaucoup d'efforts. 時間がかかります - 投稿のリズムを見つけるのは大変です - 投稿するアイディアは煩雑であり、それらのアイディアを言葉に翻訳するのは大変な作業です。 Это занимает больше времени - найти ритм постинга очень сложно - идеи для постинга неуловимы, и воплощение этих идей в слова требует много усилий. Daha uzun sürüyor - bir gönderi ritmi bulmak bir mücadele - hakkında gönderi yapılacak fikirler anlaşılması zor ve ortaya çıkan fikirleri kelimelere dökmek çok çaba gerektiriyor.

Practice makes Perfect 練習は完璧になります

The old saying of ‘practice makes perfect' is true for many aspects of life – including blogging. 「実践が完璧になる」という古い言い方は、ブログを含む生活の多くの側面に当てはまります。 Старая поговорка "практика делает совершенным" верна для многих аспектов жизни - в том числе и для блоггинга. Eski bir deyiş olan 'pratik yapmak mükemmelleştirir', blog yazmak da dahil olmak üzere hayatın pek çok yönü için geçerlidir. In the same way that hitting balls against a wall for many hours improved my tennis I’ve found that my blogging has improved the longer that I’ve blogged. 何時間も壁にボールを打つことが私のテニスを改善したのと同じように、私はブログを書いている時間が長くなったことを発見しました。 Точно так же, как многочасовые удары мячом о стену улучшили мой теннис, я обнаружил, что мой блог становится тем лучше, чем дольше я его веду. Tıpkı saatlerce duvara top vurmanın tenisimi geliştirmesi gibi, ben de blog yazdığım süre uzadıkça blog yazmamın geliştiğini fark ettim. Some of this has come as a result of time and some of it has been the result of intentional ‘practice'. |||||||||||||||||||deliberate effort| これのいくつかは時間の結果として来ました、そして、それのいくつかは意図的な '練習'の結果でした。 Некоторые из них появились в результате времени, а некоторые - в результате целенаправленной "практики". Bunun bir kısmı zamanın, bir kısmı da kasıtlı 'uygulamanın' bir sonucu olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. So how can one practice their blogging? それでは、どのようにして彼らのブログを練習することができますか? Peki bir kişi blog yazma pratiğini nasıl yapabilir? Here are 10 intentional ways to ‘practice' your blogging: ここにあなたのブログを「実践」するための10の意図的な方法があります: İşte blog yazarken 'pratik' yapmanın 10 bilinçli yolu: 1\\. Action/Reflection Действие/рефлексия

I am a big believer that the best way to learn is through a combination of Action and Reflection. ||||||||||||||||||반성 私が学ぶ最良の方法は、行動と反射を組み合わせることであると私は強く信じています。 Öğrenmenin en iyi yolunun Eylem ve Yansımanın bir kombinasyonundan geçtiğine inananlardanım. Do and then analyse what you did. |||분석하다||| So with blogging this means to post lots and then to set aside time to reflect upon what you learnt from those posts. だからブログでこれはたくさん投稿してからあなたがそれらの投稿から学んだことを反映するために時間を取っておくことを意味します。 В случае с блоггингом это означает, что нужно много писать, а затем выделять время на размышления о том, что вы узнали из этих записей. Blog yazarken bu, çok sayıda paylaşım yapmak ve ardından bu paylaşımlardan öğrendiklerinizi yansıtmak için zaman ayırmak anlamına gelir. Here’s a little exercise – look back on your last 10 posts and ask yourself some of these questions: Вот небольшое упражнение - оглянитесь на свои последние 10 постов и задайте себе несколько таких вопросов:

Which posts worked best? Why? Which posts didn’t work? Why? What posts did people respond to most (comments/feedback/linking to you)? どのような投稿が最も返信されましたか(コメント/フィードバック/あなたへのリンク)? What could you learn from the writing of the posts? Yazıların yazımından ne öğrenebilirsiniz? How could you improve the posts? There are a lot more reflection questions that you could ask – but even just asking these ones once a week could lead you to all kinds of learning and improvements to you blogging. |||||introspective consideration||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Можно задать еще множество вопросов для размышления, но даже если вы будете задавать их раз в неделю, это может привести вас ко всевозможным знаниям и улучшениям в вашем блоггинге. Sorabileceğiniz çok daha fazla yansıtma sorusu var - ancak bunları haftada bir kez sormak bile sizi her türlü öğrenmeye ve blogunuzu geliştirmeye yönlendirebilir.

2\\. Set Yourself Assignments

One of the reasons why I’ve been running the group writing projects here at ProBlogger over the last few months is because I personally find it really helpful to set myself tasks and assignments to help me move out of my comfort zone and experiment with writing in a different style. ||||||||||||||ProBlogger website|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||프로블로거|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Одна из причин, по которой я провожу групповые писательские проекты здесь, на ProBlogger, в последние несколько месяцев, заключается в том, что лично я считаю очень полезным ставить перед собой задачи и задания, которые помогают мне выйти из зоны комфорта и поэкспериментировать с написанием текстов в другом стиле. Son birkaç aydır ProBlogger'da grup yazma projeleri yürütmemin nedenlerinden biri, kişisel olarak rahatlık alanımdan çıkmama ve farklı bir tarzda yazmayı denememe yardımcı olacak görevler ve ödevler belirlemeyi gerçekten yararlı bulmam. So every now and again choose a style of posting that you’re not used to or select a topic that is a little different to normal and see what you learn through the process (you may even choose not to publish your assignments and keep them purely as a learning experience). Поэтому время от времени выбирайте непривычный для вас стиль публикации или тему, которая немного отличается от обычной, и смотрите, чему вы научитесь в процессе (вы даже можете не публиковать свои задания и оставить их исключительно в качестве учебного опыта). Bu nedenle, ara sıra alışık olmadığınız bir gönderi tarzı seçin veya normalden biraz farklı bir konu seçin ve süreç boyunca neler öğrendiğinizi görün (ödevlerinizi yayınlamamayı ve bunları yalnızca bir öğrenme deneyimi olarak tutmayı bile seçebilirsiniz).

3\\. Write for Different Mediums |||매체들 異なる媒体に書き込む

While I focus fairly heavily upon blogging as my primary medium I do occasionally take on work for other mediums. 私は私の主要なメディアとしてブログにかなり重点を置いていますが、私は時折他のメディアの仕事を引き受けます。 Хотя я уделяю достаточно много внимания блоггингу как своему основному средству, я время от времени берусь за работу для других средств массовой информации. Birincil mecram olarak oldukça yoğun bir şekilde blog yazmaya odaklansam da zaman zaman diğer mecralar için de iş alıyorum. I’ve written newspaper and magazine articles, have written for other types of websites and have even tried my hand at non written mediums like podcasting. 私は新聞や雑誌の記事を書いたり、他のタイプのウェブサイトのために書いたり、ポッドキャスティングのような書かれていない媒体で私の手を試したことさえあります。 Gazete ve dergi makaleleri yazdım, diğer web siteleri için yazdım ve hatta podcasting gibi yazılı olmayan ortamlarda da şansımı denedim. Each time I’ve done this I find that it teaches me something new about communication. 私がこれをするたびに、私はそれが私にコミュニケーションについて何か新しいことを教えてくれることに気付きます。 Bunu her yaptığımda bana iletişim hakkında yeni bir şey öğrettiğini görüyorum. There’s something about writing for a new audience in a slightly unfamiliar medium that makes you pay a little more attention to what you’re doing. 新しい聴衆のために、なじみのない媒体で書くことについて何かがあります。 Есть что-то такое в том, чтобы писать для новой аудитории в немного незнакомой среде, что заставляет вас уделять чуть больше внимания тому, что вы делаете. Yeni bir izleyici kitlesi için biraz yabancı bir mecrada yazmanın, ne yaptığınıza biraz daha fazla dikkat etmenizi sağlayan bir yanı var.

4\\. Write as a Guest Blogger ゲストブロガーとして書く

Similarly, writing for a different audience on someone else’s blog can give you the motivation that you need to put a little more effort into your blogging and think more about how you’re writing. Аналогичным образом, написание статей для другой аудитории в чужом блоге может дать вам мотивацию, чтобы приложить немного больше усилий к ведению блога и больше думать о том, как вы пишете. Benzer şekilde, başka birinin blogunda farklı bir kitle için yazmak, blogunuza biraz daha fazla çaba göstermeniz ve nasıl yazdığınız hakkında daha fazla düşünmeniz için gereken motivasyonu sağlayabilir. While I don’t do much guest posting these days on others blogs in my early days I did quite a bit of it and found it really beneficial. Хотя в наши дни я не так часто пишу гостевые посты в чужих блогах, в начале своей карьеры я делал это довольно часто и находил это действительно полезным. Bugünlerde başka bloglarda pek konuk yazarlık yapmasam da, ilk günlerimde bunu oldukça fazla yaptım ve gerçekten faydalı buldum.

5\\. Ask for Critique ||비평 요청 批評を求める

Blogging is a medium where you are likely to get very immediate and at times quite blunt feedback from your readers. ||||||||||||||||direct and honest|||| ||||||||||||||||직설적인|||| ブログは、あなたが読者から非常に即座に、時には非常に鈍いフィードバックを受ける可能性がある媒体です。 Блоггинг - это среда, в которой вы, скорее всего, получите очень оперативную и порой довольно грубую обратную связь от своих читателей. Blog yazmak, okuyucularınızdan çok hızlı ve zaman zaman oldukça açık sözlü geri bildirimler alabileceğiniz bir mecradır. They’ll tell you what they like and dislike, what mistakes you made and how you should improve your blog. Они расскажут вам, что им нравится и что не нравится, какие ошибки вы допустили и как вам следует улучшить свой блог. If people don’t give you this feedback – ask for it. Если люди не дают вам такой обратной связи, попросите их об этом. İnsanlar size bu geri bildirimi vermiyorsa, isteyin. Ask your readers, ask other bloggers and ask your non blog reading family and friends (they can be particularly insightful). |||||블로거들|||||||||||||| Спросите своих читателей, спросите других блоггеров, спросите своих родственников и друзей, не читающих блоги (они могут быть особенно проницательны). Okuyucularınıza sorun, diğer blog yazarlarına sorun ve blog okumayan ailenize ve arkadaşlarınıza sorun (özellikle anlayışlı olabilirler). Запитайте своїх читачів, запитайте інших блогерів і запитайте своїх родичів і друзів, які не читають блогів (вони можуть бути особливо проникливими). Of course once you’ve asked for it – you need to be willing to take what you hear on board and learn from it. もちろん、あなたがそれを要求したら - あなたはあなたが船上で聞いたことを取り、それから学ぶことをいとわないことを望んでいる必要があります。 Конечно, если вы попросили об этом, вы должны быть готовы принять услышанное на веру и извлечь из него уроки. Elbette bunu bir kez talep ettiğinizde, duyduklarınızı dikkate almaya ve bunlardan bir şeyler öğrenmeye istekli olmanız gerekir.

6\\. Read and Analyse others

One of the places that I learned the most about playing tennis was by my yearly trips to the Australian Open Tennis tournament (while I don’t play tennis these days I still go). |||||||||||||||매년||||||||||||||||| Одним из мест, где я больше всего узнал о теннисе, были мои ежегодные поездки на Открытый теннисный турнир Австралии (хотя в наши дни я не играю в теннис, я все равно езжу туда). Tenis oynamayı en çok öğrendiğim yerlerden biri her yıl Avustralya Açık Tenis Turnuvası'na yaptığım seyahatlerdi (bugünlerde tenis oynamasam da hala gidiyorum). In attending and watching experts do there thing I learned a lot about how to play the game in terms of tactics and technique. 専門家の参加と見守りにおいて、私は戦術とテクニックの観点からゲームの遊び方について多くのことを学びました。 Присутствуя и наблюдая за работой экспертов, я узнал много нового о том, как играть в игру с точки зрения тактики и техники. Uzmanların yaptığı şeylere katılarak ve onları izleyerek taktik ve teknik açıdan oyunun nasıl oynanacağı hakkında çok şey öğrendim. Studying other bloggers (and writers and communicators in other mediums) you can learn a lot about blogging. 他のブロガー(および他の媒体の作家やコミュニケータ)を勉強すると、ブログについて多くを学ぶことができます。 Изучая других блогеров (а также писателей и коммуникаторов в других сферах), вы можете узнать много нового о блоггинге. Diğer blog yazarlarını (ve diğer mecralardaki yazarları ve iletişimcileri) inceleyerek blog yazma hakkında çok şey öğrenebilirsiniz. Ask yourself about what voice they write in, what works (and doesn’t work) for them, what style of posts people seem to respond to etc. Спросите себя, каким голосом они пишут, что работает (и не работает) для них, на какой стиль постов реагируют люди и т.д. Kendinize hangi ses tonuyla yazdıklarını, onlar için neyin işe yaradığını (ve yaramadığını), insanların hangi tarz gönderilere yanıt verdiğini vb. sorun. You probably won’t want to imitate them completely – but in reading and observing others you’ll find some of it will rub off on you. |||||copy or mimic|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||스며들다||| あなたはおそらくそれらを完全に模倣することを望まないでしょう - しかし他の人を読んで観察することにおいてあなたはそれのいくつかがあなたに擦れ落ちるのを見つけるでしょう。 Возможно, вы не захотите полностью им подражать, но, читая и наблюдая за другими, вы поймете, что кое-что из этого может перекочевать к вам. Muhtemelen onları tamamen taklit etmek istemeyeceksiniz - ancak başkalarını okurken ve gözlemlerken bazılarının size de bulaşacağını göreceksiniz.

7\\. Speak Your Posts あなたの投稿を話す

My background in communication is one of public speaking/preaching and so when I started blogging I found it a little odd not speaking and hearing what I was writing. |||||||||delivering sermons|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||설교|||||||||||||||||||| 私のコミュニケーションの背景は人前で話すこと/説教することの1つなので、ブログを始めたとき私はそれが話していないことと私が書いていることを聞いていることを少し変に感じました。 Мой опыт общения связан с публичными выступлениями/проповедями, поэтому, когда я начала вести блог, мне было немного странно не говорить и не слышать то, что я пишу. Benim iletişim geçmişim topluluk önünde konuşma/vaaz verme üzerine ve bu yüzden blog yazmaya başladığımda konuşmamayı ve yazdıklarımı duymamayı biraz garip buldum. To this day when I’m working up a lot of my posts I’ll read them out loud and will listen to how they sound. По сей день, когда я готовлю многие свои посты, я читаю их вслух и слушаю, как они звучат. In doing so you pick up all types of mistakes. При этом вы нахватаетесь всевозможных ошибок. Bunu yaparken her türlü hatayı öğrenirsiniz. I also find that as I read them that I also come up with other ideas. Я также обнаружил, что по мере прочтения у меня появляются другие идеи. Ayrıca bunları okurken aklıma başka fikirler de geliyor.

8\\. Critique Your Own Old Work Критикуйте свои старые работы

Have you been blogging for a while? Take a wander back through your old posts to some of the first ones you wrote and read them as though you were reading someone else’s work. 한번 돌아가다|||||||||||||||||||||||||| あなたが書いた最初の投稿のいくつかにあなたの古い投稿をさかのぼって戻り、まるであなたが他の誰かの作品を読んでいるかのようにそれらを読みます。 Просмотрите свои старые посты, некоторые из первых, которые вы написали, и прочитайте их так, как будто вы читаете чужую работу. Critique it – correct it and ask yourself how you’ve changed since writing it. それを批評しなさい - それを訂正し、あなたがそれを書いた後にどのように変わったか自分自身に尋ねなさい。 Критикуйте его - исправляйте и спрашивайте себя, как вы изменились после его написания.

9\\. Get an Editor

One of the most confronting things I’ve done was work with an editor on some of my blog posts. ||||challenging or difficult|||||||||||||| ||||대면하는|||||||||||||| 私が行った最も直面していることの1つは私のブログ記事のいくつかで編集者と仕事をすることでした。 Одна из самых сложных вещей, которые я сделал, - это работа с редактором над некоторыми из моих записей в блоге. 我做过的最令人头疼的事情之一是在我的一些博客文章中与一位编辑合作。 I am very aware that I can improve my blogging in many ways and so a year ago hired an editor to work with me for a week on my blogging. |||||||||||||||||in the past||||||||||||| Я прекрасно понимаю, что могу улучшить свой блог во многих отношениях, и поэтому год назад наняла редактора, который в течение недели работал со мной над моим блогом. Before hitting publish on any post for that week I made myself run it past her. その週の投稿でpublishを押す前に、私は自分自身を彼女の前でそれを実行させました。 Прежде чем опубликовать любой пост за неделю, я заставлял себя просмотреть его. The results were enlightening, frustrating and confronting. |||eye-opening|challenging|| その結果、啓発的、苛立ち、そして直面しました。 Результаты оказались поучительными, разочаровывающими и вызывающими недоумение. Enlightening because it taught me a lot, frustrating because I realised how much I needed to improve and confronting because it forced me to think about my posts in ways I’d been too lazy to think about previously. それは私に多くのことを教えたので啓発し、私は私が以前考えていたのが面倒だったやり方で私の投稿について考えることを余儀なくさせたために私が改善する必要があることに気づいたためにイライラしました。 Поучительно, потому что многому меня научила, разочаровывающе, потому что я поняла, как много мне нужно улучшить, и конфронтационно, потому что это заставило меня задуматься о своих постах так, как мне было лень думать раньше. Aydınlatıcı çünkü bana çok şey öğretti, sinir bozucu çünkü ne kadar gelişmem gerektiğini fark ettim ve yüzleştirici çünkü beni gönderilerim hakkında daha önce düşünmeye üşendiğim şekillerde düşünmeye zorladı. One lesson that I learned that week was how many unnecessary words I used in my posts (I think that it could be time to hire that editor for another week). Один из уроков, который я усвоил на этой неделе, - это то, как много лишних слов я использовал в своих постах (думаю, пора нанять редактора еще на неделю). O hafta öğrendiğim bir ders de yazılarımda ne kadar çok gereksiz kelime kullandığımdı (sanırım bir hafta daha editör tutmanın zamanı gelmiş olabilir).

10\\. Take a Course 受講する

I’ve been considering enrolling in a writing course for the past 6 months (it’s something I’m toying with doing in 2007). |||||||||||||||thinking about trying||| |||||||||||||||고민하는||| 私は過去6ヶ月間ライティングコースに登録することを検討していました(それは私が2007年にやっていて楽しいものです)。 Последние полгода я подумываю о том, чтобы записаться на писательские курсы (это то, что я хочу сделать в 2007 году). Son 6 aydır bir yazarlık kursuna kaydolmayı düşünüyordum (2007'de yapmayı düşündüğüm bir şey). I suspect that doing so will teach me a lot. そうすることは私に多くのことを教えるだろうと私は思う。 Подозреваю, что это многому меня научит. Bunu yapmanın bana çok şey öğreteceğinden şüpheleniyorum.

Just do it

My tennis coach used to encourage me to visualise myself improving as a tennis player with each ball that I hit against the wall. ||||||||imagine||||||||||||||| ||||||||시각화||||||||||||||| Мой тренер по теннису советовал мне представлять, как я совершенствуюсь как теннисист с каждым мячом, который я отбиваю об стену. Tenis koçum beni, duvara vurduğum her topla bir tenis oyuncusu olarak kendimi geliştirdiğimi gözümde canlandırmaya teşvik ederdi. I think the same can be true as a blogger. 同じことがブロガーにも当てはまると思います。 Bence aynı şey bir blog yazarı için de geçerli olabilir. Each post you write has the potential to not only be a post that impacts others – but one that you can learn something from as a blogger. あなたが書く各投稿は、他の人に影響を与える投稿であるだけでなく、ブロガーとして何かから学ぶことができるものである可能性があります。 Каждый написанный вами пост может не только оказать влияние на других, но и научить чему-то вас как блоггера. Yazdığınız her gönderi yalnızca başkalarını etkileyen bir gönderi değil, aynı zamanda bir blog yazarı olarak sizin de bir şeyler öğrenebileceğiniz bir gönderi olma potansiyeline sahiptir.