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Steve's Cafe, My Views on Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau

My Views on Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here at Steve's Café, this is where I get to rant.

I've done a few videos knocking Donald Trump, which isn't very difficult to do. The most recent thing with Donald is his wife getting all upset because a newspaper reporter didn't quite describe her the way she would have wanted to be described. My experience with the press is every time I give an interview they get everything wrong. I consider that normal, nevertheless we need them. Even though they have their axes to grind and they aren't always all that accurate it's a part of our society, so Donald and his wife should just get over it. But that's not what I'm going to talk about today because people asked me to talk about Canada, Canadian politics, what do I think, so let's start with our Prime Minister.

I am not at all impressed.

I think he's a phony, I think he knows very little and I think he's full of all of the moral rectitude and political correctness that gave rise to people like Donald Trump. Because he thinks he's on the moral high ground, he thinks he can do whatever he wants. Where do I start? He loves taking pictures of himself in various national dress on, so he had a picture taken of himself with the embroidered Ukrainian shirt. Which is fine, but actually the Ukrainians would like the government to take a stronger position vis-à-vis Russia, which Harper did.

The present duo of Dion and Trudeau live in this world of as long as we say nice things and we're polite that will be good, but actually that's not quite how it is in real life.

In real life there are real issues and sometimes you have to take a stand and I don't see Trudeau taking a stand on a real issue. On the other hand, apologizing for the fact that 100 some odd years ago a boatload of people from India weren't allowed in the country he's front and center. That's a real progressive thing to do. I haven't seen an apology for a boatload of Jews that were denied access to Canada and went back to their death in Hitler's concentration camps. However, the Sikhs is a different matter. There are three Sikhs in the Cabinet. Those are important voters, so we have an apology for that.

He also apologized for his absolutely appalling behavior in the Canadian Parliament where, as I gather from what I've seen, there was some milling around.

People weren't at their seats and the liberal party wanted to get a vote going and Trudeau charges over and grabs an opposition member by the arm to try to pull him to sit down in his seat and in so doing elbows a female member in the chest. I think he did it twice. I don't spend a lot of time studying these things, but who does he think he is? I mean that's just unbelievable. So today he has an apology, well, my behavior was not what I expect of myself. Actually, it is exactly what I expect of Trudeau. He thinks that he has some divine right as a son of Pierre to go down there and grab another human being who happens to be a member of the opposition party, drag him and have him sit down where Trudeau wants him to sit down.

Look, Trudeau is not a teacher and that's not his pupil.

Whether or not in the scuffle he elbowed someone else in the chest is almost irrelevant, it's the mindset of someone who would think that in our Parliament if things aren't going his way he can just get up there and grab somebody by the elbow. That whole we are on the moral side of things so whatever we do is good is very much Trudeau, his apology notwithstanding. His apology doesn't amount to a hill of beans, in my opinion.

Then I get a letter from his wife, I don't want a letter from his wife.

I didn't vote for his wife, I didn't vote for Trudeau either. Although Sophie likes to get all the perks that go with being the wife of the Prime Minister, I don't want to hear from her. So I get this letter saying we want to find out more about you because for the last three years we've been meeting in coffee shops, town halls, church basements and gurdwaras, which I presume is a Sikh temple. I mean I don't need that detail. We met, period. Whether in church temples, not in church temples, church basements or gurdwars it's just meaningless, but it's all this sort of sick stuff.

We want to get to know you, help us to get to know you better.

How important is the following to you: economy, middleclass and employment -- very important, somewhat important, not very important, not important. Who's going to say not important? The economy is important. The question is what are you going to do about it, Trudeau? Unfortunately, so far it doesn't look like you're going to improve your economy. The next was fair, open and transparent government. Is that important, not important? I feel like saying not important. The economy, not important. The environment, not important. Nothing is important. Infrastructure in communities, not important. Health care, no, not important. What is all this junk? It's just so negative.

Here's this guy, Trudeau, 43 years old, knows nothing, never did anything, in my opinion.

The few times he is asked for his opinion on something… I remember prior to the election he was asked, which government in the world do you respect the most, he says China. Why, he's asked? He says because there they really can get things done. Again, quoting Trudeau, for example on the environment, “if they have a problem they can just fix it right away.” How can anyone aspiring to be Prime Minister say something so stupid?

There is no amount of explanation that takes away from the fact that anyone who says that is ignorant and stupid because in China they can get things done.

Absolutely, if they want to build a road through your house, your house is moved. Now, is that what you want for Canada? That's the kind of action-oriented government you want that steamrolls over people? If someone in the House of Commons isn't playing your silly little game you just go over there and grab them by the elbow and push them around? Then to suggest that somehow in China they have this tremendous ability to fix their environment. Why are people flocking out of China coming to Canada? Because China is becoming unlivable, so how good a job is their government doing on the environment. I can go on and on.

Another one that annoys me is his focus on diversity all the time.

He goes down to New York and says there is no common culture in Canada. We're all about diversity and diversity is strength. Well, as someone who was not born in Canada, whose wife is half Chinese, half Costa Rican who was not born in Canada and I now have children and grandchildren, I think very much that there is a common culture in Canada. I see all the time how we interact with each other. I was at my CrossFit the other day and there we have people of all kinds of origins, Chinese, this one fellow, 08:07.7, it turns out he's originally from Afghanistan. He speaks English like I do and he feels the same way.

There are ways in which Canadians interact with each other that is Canadian, its part of our living culture.

Yeah, we don't have the Great Wall of China, we don't have the Taj Mahal, we don't paint Easter eggs like the Ukrainians, but we a way that we interact with each other that's our culture. To say that there's no common culture and that diversity is good, that's not true. Diversity to me is irrelevant, at best. If I look upon a person of Chinese, Indian or Afghan origin and I don't see them as being diverse but I see them as part of my community, that's good. The more I see them as diverse and different, the worse. There's no evidence in countries like Finland, Korea or Japan that lack of diversity hurts them in their education system and in their economy and stuff.

So diversity, at best, is irrelevant.

It's not something to crow about and he's trying to portray this picture of Canada as some country full of hate and he's going to come in and sort of soothe everyone's feelings. I've lived in many countries in the world and Canada, today, not 30, 50 or 80 years ago, today, is one of the more tolerant countries I know. That's also part of our common culture and we weren't that way before gays vis-à-vis Chinese, Blacks, you name it. There was lots of prejudice and discrimination and such it is in every country in the world. But today, in fact, Canada is relatively tolerant and accepting and so constantly focusing on diversity rather than solidarity…You remember I did my video about equality, fraternity, which is solidarity, and freedom, that's what we want. We want freedom from politically-correct idiots like our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.

So there you have it, a little bit of a rant on Canadian politics.

That should drive a few negatives from my Canadian followers. Bye for now.

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My Views on Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau |Meinungen|||||| |||캐나다의|총리|총리|저스틴|트뤼도 Meine Ansichten über Kanadas Premierminister Justin Trudeau Mi opinión sobre el Primer Ministro de Canadá, Justin Trudeau Mon opinion sur le Premier ministre du Canada, Justin Trudeau カナダのジャスティン・トルドー首相に対する私の見解 캐나다 총리 저스틴 트뤼도에 대한 나의 견해 Moje poglądy na temat premiera Kanady, Justina Trudeau A minha opinião sobre o primeiro-ministro do Canadá, Justin Trudeau Мое мнение о премьер-министре Канады Джастине Трюдо Kanada Başbakanı Justin Trudeau Hakkındaki Görüşlerim 我对加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多的看法 我對加拿大總理賈斯汀·特魯多的看法

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here at Steve's Café, this is where I get to rant. ||||||||||||||发牢骚 ||||||||||||||schimpfen ||||||||||||||complain loudly ||||||||||||||불평하다 Hallo, Steve Kaufmann hier im Steve's Café, hier komme ich ins Schwärmen. Bonjour, Steve Kaufmann, ici au Steve's Café, c'est ici que je m'exprime. Привет, Стив Кауфманн, здесь, в кафе Стива, это место, где я могу разглагольствовать.

I've done a few videos knocking Donald Trump, which isn't very difficult to do. |||||kritisieren|||||||| |||||비판하는|||||||| |||||criticizing|||||||| I've done a few videos knocking Donald Trump, which isn't very difficult to do. J'ai réalisé quelques vidéos pour critiquer Donald Trump, ce qui n'est pas très difficile à faire. The most recent thing with Donald is his wife getting all upset because a newspaper reporter didn't quite describe her the way she would have wanted to be described. ||neueste|||||||||verärgert||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||신문 기자||||||||||||| Le cas le plus récent de Donald est celui de sa femme qui s'est énervée parce qu'un journaliste ne l'a pas décrite de la manière dont elle aurait voulu être décrite. La cosa più recente con Donald è che sua moglie si è arrabbiata perché un giornalista non l'ha descritta nel modo in cui avrebbe voluto essere descritta. My experience with the press is every time I give an interview they get everything wrong. My experience with the press is every time I give an interview they get everything wrong. Mon expérience avec la presse est qu'à chaque fois que je donne une interview, ils se trompent sur tout. I consider that normal, nevertheless we need them. ||||然而||| |halte|||||| Ich halte das für normal, trotzdem brauchen wir sie. Je trouve cela normal, mais nous en avons besoin. Even though they have their axes to grind and they aren't always all that accurate it's a part of our society, so Donald and his wife should just get over it. |||||私利||私利诉求||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||Eigeninteressen||Eigeninteressen|||||||genau||||||||||||sollten|||| |||possess||personal interests||grind||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||주장||주장||||||||||||||||||||||| Even though they have their axes to grind and they aren't always all that accurate it's a part of our society, so Donald and his wife should just get over it. Même s'ils ont des idées préconçues et qu'ils ne sont pas toujours très précis, cela fait partie de notre société, et Donald et sa femme devraient s'en remettre. But that's not what I'm going to talk about today because people asked me to talk about Canada, Canadian politics, what do I think, so let's start with our Prime Minister. ||||||||||the reason||||||||||||||||||||

I am not at all impressed. |||||beeindruckt ||||at all| Je ne suis pas du tout impressionné.

I think he's a phony, I think he knows very little and I think he's full of all of the moral rectitude and political correctness that gave rise to people like Donald Trump. ||||伪君子|||||||||||||||||道德正直|||政治正确|||||||| ||||Heuchler|||||||||||||||||moralische Integrität|||politische Korrektheit|||geführt hat||||| ||||fraud|||||||||||||||||moral integrity|||political correctness||||||||Donald Trump ||||가짜|||||||||||||||||도덕적 정직함|||정치적 올바|||||||| Je pense que c'est un imposteur, qu'il ne sait pas grand-chose et qu'il est rempli de toute la rectitude morale et du politiquement correct qui ont donné naissance à des gens comme Donald Trump. 我认为他是个骗子,我认为他知道得很少,而且我认为他充满了道德正直和政治正确,正是这些道德正直和政治正确造就了唐纳德·特朗普这样的人。 Because he thinks he's on the moral high ground, he thinks he can do whatever he wants. |||||||moral superiority|ground|||||||| Parce qu'il se croit en position de force, il pense qu'il peut faire ce qu'il veut. Perché pensa di essere in una posizione di superiorità morale, pensa di poter fare quello che vuole. Where do I start? Par où commencer ? He loves taking pictures of himself in various national dress on, so he had a picture taken of himself with the embroidered Ukrainian shirt. |||||||||||||||||||||刺绣的|| |||||||||||||||||||||bestickten|| |||||||||||||||||||||embroidered|| |||||||||||||||||||||자수 놓은|| Il adore se prendre en photo avec différents vêtements nationaux, et il s'est donc fait photographier avec la chemise ukrainienne brodée. 他喜欢给自己穿着各种民族服装拍照,所以他拍了一张自己穿着乌克兰刺绣衬衫的照片。 Which is fine, but actually the Ukrainians would like the government to take a stronger position vis-à-vis Russia, which Harper did. ||||||||||||||||in Bezug auf|||||| ||||||||||||take a stronger|||||toward|toward|||Harper| ||||||||||||||||with respect to|to|with respect to|||Harper| C'est très bien, mais en fait les Ukrainiens aimeraient que le gouvernement adopte une position plus ferme vis-à-vis de la Russie, ce que M. Harper a fait.

The present duo of Dion and Trudeau live in this world of as long as we say nice things and we're polite that will be good, but actually that's not quite how it is in real life. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||nicht ganz|||||| ||||Dion|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||duo = duo||Dion|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Le duo actuel de Dion et Trudeau vit dans un monde où, tant que l'on dit des choses gentilles et que l'on est poli, tout va bien, mais ce n'est pas tout à fait comme cela que les choses se passent dans la vraie vie. L'attuale duo Dion e Trudeau vive in un mondo in cui finché si dicono cose gentili e si è educati va bene, ma in realtà le cose non stanno proprio così nella vita reale. 현재 디온과 트뤼도 듀오는 좋은 말만 하고 예의만 갖추면 잘될 거라는 세상에 살고 있지만, 사실 현실은 그렇지 않습니다. 现在的迪翁和特鲁多二人组生活在这个只要我们说好话、有礼貌就很好的世界,但实际上这并不完全是现实生活中的样子。

In real life there are real issues and sometimes you have to take a stand and I don't see Trudeau taking a stand on a real issue. ||||||||||||||position|||||||||||| Im wirklichen Leben gibt es echte Probleme und manchmal muss man Stellung beziehen, und ich sehe nicht, dass Trudeau zu einem echten Problem Stellung bezieht. Dans la vie réelle, il y a de vrais problèmes et il faut parfois prendre position, et je ne vois pas Trudeau prendre position sur un vrai problème. 현실에는 실제 문제가 있고 때로는 입장을 취해야 하는데, 트뤼도가 실제 문제에 대해 입장을 취하는 것을 보지 못했습니다. On the other hand, apologizing for the fact that 100 some odd years ago a boatload of people from India weren't allowed in the country he's front and center. ||||||||||||||boatload|||||||||||||main focus ||||scusandosi||||||odd||||boatload|의|||||||||||| D'autre part, en s'excusant pour le fait qu'il y a une centaine d'années, un grand nombre d'Indiens n'ont pas été autorisés à entrer dans le pays, il est au premier plan. D'altra parte, scusandosi per il fatto che 100 anni fa una barca di persone provenienti dall'India non era ammessa nel Paese, è in prima fila. その一方で、100数十年前、インドから大勢の人々が入国を許されなかったことを謝罪し、彼は前面に出ている。 반면에 100년 전 인도에서 온 배 한 척이 그가 앞장서고 있는 나라에 들어오는 것이 허용되지 않았다는 사실에 대해 사과했습니다. 另一方面,他对一百多年前不允许一船印度人进入他所领导的国家表示歉意。 That's a real progressive thing to do. |||fortschrittlich||| C'est une véritable démarche progressiste. 이는 정말 진보적인 일입니다. 这是一件真正进步的事情。 I haven't seen an apology for a boatload of Jews that were denied access to Canada and went back to their death in Hitler's concentration camps. ||||||||||||verweigert||||||||||||| |||||||||Jews||||||||||||||possessive form of the name Hitler||camps Je n'ai pas vu d'excuses pour une cargaison de Juifs qui se sont vu refuser l'accès au Canada et qui sont retournés mourir dans les camps de concentration d'Hitler. 캐나다 입국이 거부되어 히틀러의 강제 수용소에서 죽음을 맞이한 수많은 유대인들에 대한 사과를 본 적이 없습니다. However, the Sikhs is a different matter. ||Sikhismus|||| ||Sikhs|||| ||Sikh community|||| Il en va tout autrement pour les Sikhs. Tuttavia, i Sikh sono un'altra cosa. 하지만 시크교도는 다른 문제입니다. There are three Sikhs in the Cabinet. ||||||Cabinet ||||||cabinet Trois sikhs font partie du cabinet. 내각에는 세 명의 시크교도가 있습니다. Those are important voters, so we have an apology for that. Il s'agit d'électeurs importants, et nous devons donc nous excuser pour cela. 중요한 유권자이므로 이에 대해 사과드립니다.

He also apologized for his absolutely appalling behavior in the Canadian Parliament where, as I gather from what I've seen, there was some milling around. ||||||entsetzlichen|||||||||verstehe||||||||Herumstehen| ||apologized|||||||||parlamento||||||||||||milling around| ||||||shocking|||||||||||||||||moving about| Il s'est également excusé pour son comportement absolument épouvantable au Parlement canadien où, d'après ce que j'ai vu, il y a eu un peu d'agitation. Si è anche scusato per il suo comportamento assolutamente spaventoso nel Parlamento canadese dove, da quello che ho visto, c'è stato un po' di baccano. 그는 또한 캐나다 의회에서의 끔찍한 행동에 대해서도 사과했는데, 제가 본 바로는 밀가루를 뿌리는 행위가 있었다고 합니다. Pediu também desculpa pelo seu comportamento absolutamente chocante no Parlamento canadiano, onde, pelo que percebi do que vi, houve alguma confusão. 他还为自己在加拿大议会中的令人震惊的行为道歉,据我所见,那里有一些人在闲逛。

People weren't at their seats and the liberal party wanted to get a vote going and Trudeau charges over and grabs an opposition member by the arm to try to pull him to sit down in his seat and in so doing elbows a female member in the chest. |||||||||||||||||stürmt|über||packt||Oppositionsmitglied||||||||||||||||und|||||||||| |||||||liberal|||||||||Trudeau|charges||||||||||||||||||||||in||doing|elbows|||||| |||||||||||||||||charges||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Les gens n'étaient pas assis à leur place et le parti libéral voulait lancer un vote. Trudeau se précipite et attrape un membre de l'opposition par le bras pour essayer de le faire s'asseoir à sa place et, ce faisant, donne un coup de coude dans la poitrine d'une députée. La gente non era al proprio posto e il partito liberale voleva far votare e Trudeau si avvicina e afferra per un braccio un membro dell'opposizione per cercare di farlo sedere al proprio posto e nel farlo colpisce con una gomitata al petto un membro femminile. 사람들은 자리에 앉아 있지 않았고 자유당은 투표를 진행하기를 원했고 트뤼도는 돌진하여 야당 의원의 팔을 잡고 자리에 앉히려고 시도하고 그 과정에서 여성 의원의 가슴을 팔꿈치로 가격했습니다. 人们不在座位上,自由党想要投票,特鲁多冲了过去,抓住一名反对派议员的手臂,试图把他拉到座位上,这样做时肘击了一名女议员。胸部。 I think he did it twice. Je crois qu'il l'a fait deux fois. I don't spend a lot of time studying these things, but who does he think he is? Je ne passe pas beaucoup de temps à étudier ces questions, mais pour qui se prend-il ? 나는 이런 것들을 공부하는 데 많은 시간을 할애하지 않지만, 그는 자신이 누구라고 생각합니까? I mean that's just unbelievable. C'est tout simplement incroyable. So today he has an apology, well, my behavior was not what I expect of myself. Aujourd'hui, il s'excuse en disant que son comportement ne correspondait pas à ce que j'attendais de lui. 그래서 오늘 그는 제 행동이 제 자신에게 기대하는 것과는 달랐다며 사과했습니다. Actually, it is exactly what I expect of Trudeau. Eigentlich ist es genau das, was ich von Trudeau erwarte. En fait, c'est exactement ce que j'attends de Trudeau. 사실, 트뤼도에게 기대하는 바가 바로 이것입니다. He thinks that he has some divine right as a son of Pierre to go down there and grab another human being who happens to be a member of the opposition party, drag him and have him sit down where Trudeau wants him to sit down. ||||||göttliches||||||||||||||||||||||||Oppositionspartei||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||Pierre||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Il pense qu'il a un droit divin, en tant que fils de Pierre, d'aller là-bas et d'attraper un autre être humain qui se trouve être un membre du parti d'opposition, de le traîner et de le faire s'asseoir là où Trudeau veut qu'il s'assoie. 그는 피에르의 아들로서 야당 의원인 다른 사람을 붙잡아 끌고 가서 트뤼도가 원하는 자리에 앉힐 수 있는 신성한 권리가 있다고 생각합니다.

Look, Trudeau is not a teacher and that's not his pupil. ||||||||||Schüler ||||||||||student Schauen Sie, Trudeau ist kein Lehrer und das ist nicht sein Schüler. Trudeau n'est pas un professeur et ce n'est pas son élève. 트뤼도는 교사가 아니며 제자도 아닙니다.

Whether or not in the scuffle he elbowed someone else in the chest is almost irrelevant, it's the mindset of someone who would think that in our Parliament if things aren't going his way he can just get up there and grab somebody by the elbow. |||||Rauferei|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||scuffle||spingeva con il gomito||||||||irrelevant|||mentalità|||||||||||||||||||||||to grab||||elbow = elbow |||||struggle|||||||||||||mindset||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Il s'agit de l'état d'esprit de quelqu'un qui pense que dans notre Parlement, si les choses ne vont pas dans son sens, il peut simplement se lever et attraper quelqu'un par le coude. Il fatto che nella colluttazione abbia o meno dato una gomitata al petto a qualcun altro è quasi irrilevante, è la mentalità di chi pensa che nel nostro Parlamento, se le cose non vanno come vuole, può semplicemente salire e prendere qualcuno per il gomito. 난투극에서 그가 다른 사람의 가슴을 팔꿈치로 쳤는지 여부는 거의 관련이 없지만, 우리 국회에서 일이 자신의 뜻대로 되지 않으면 그냥 일어나서 누군가의 팔꿈치를 잡을 수 있다고 생각하는 사람의 사고방식입니다. That whole we are on the moral side of things so whatever we do is good is very much Trudeau, his apology notwithstanding. ||||||||||||||||||||||trotzdem ||||||||||||||||||||||in spite of ||||||||||||||||||||||despite that L'idée que nous sommes du côté moral des choses et que tout ce que nous faisons est bon est tout à fait typique de Trudeau, malgré ses excuses. 트뤼도의 사과에도 불구하고 우리는 도덕적 측면에 있기 때문에 우리가 하는 일은 무엇이든 좋은 일입니다. 整体而言,我们站在道德的一边,所以无论我们做什么都是好的,这在很大程度上是特鲁多的做法,尽管他道歉了。 His apology doesn't amount to a hill of beans, in my opinion. ||||||Hügel||||| ||does not|amount|||a small amount||beans||| Ses excuses ne valent pas grand-chose, à mon avis. 제 생각에는 그의 사과가 콩알만큼도 되지 않습니다. 在我看来,他的道歉不值一提。

Then I get a letter from his wife, I don't want a letter from his wife. Je reçois ensuite une lettre de sa femme, dont je ne veux pas. 그러다 그의 아내로부터 편지를 받았는데, 저는 그의 아내로부터 편지를 받고 싶지 않아요.

I didn't vote for his wife, I didn't vote for Trudeau either. 저는 그의 아내에게 투표하지 않았고 트뤼도에게도 투표하지 않았습니다. Although Sophie likes to get all the perks that go with being the wife of the Prime Minister, I don't want to hear from her. |||||||Vorteile||||||||||||||||| |Sophie||||||benefits||||||||||||||||| |||||||benefits||||||||||||||||| Bien que Sophie aime bénéficier de tous les avantages liés à son statut d'épouse du Premier ministre, je ne veux pas entendre parler d'elle. 소피는 총리의 아내로서 누릴 수 있는 모든 특혜를 누리고 싶어 하지만, 저는 소피의 말을 듣고 싶지 않습니다. So I get this letter saying we want to find out more about you because for the last three years we've been meeting in coffee shops, town halls, church basements and gurdwaras, which I presume is a Sikh temple. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Gurudwaras||||||Sikh-Tempel| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||halls||i sotterranei||Sikh temples|||||||temple |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Sikh temples||||||| Je reçois donc une lettre m'informant que nous souhaitons en savoir plus sur vous car, depuis trois ans, nous nous réunissons dans des cafés, des mairies, des sous-sols d'églises et des gurdwaras, c'est-à-dire, je suppose, des temples sikhs. Così ricevo questa lettera in cui si dice che vogliamo saperne di più su di voi perché negli ultimi tre anni ci siamo incontrati in caffetterie, municipi, cantine di chiese e gurdwaras, che presumo sia un tempio sikh. 그래서 지난 3년 동안 커피숍, 마을회관, 교회 지하실, 시크교 사원으로 추정되는 구르드와라에서 만났기 때문에 당신에 대해 더 알아보고 싶다는 편지를 받았습니다. Recebi uma carta a dizer que queríamos saber mais sobre si, porque nos últimos três anos temo-nos reunido em cafés, câmaras municipais, caves de igrejas e gurdwaras, que presumo ser um templo Sikh. I mean I don't need that detail. Je veux dire que je n'ai pas besoin de ces détails. We met, period. ||Punkt Nous nous sommes rencontrés, point final. Whether in church temples, not in church temples, church basements or gurdwars it's just meaningless, but it's all this sort of sick stuff. ||||||||||||||sinnlos|||||||| |||temples||||||||gurdwaras||||||||||| Que ce soit dans les temples des églises, dans les sous-sols des églises ou dans les gurdwars, cela n'a aucun sens, mais il s'agit de toutes ces sortes de choses malsaines. Che si tratti di templi di chiese, non di templi di chiese, di scantinati di chiese o di gurdwars, non ha senso, ma è tutta una specie di roba malata. 교회 성전이든, 교회 지하실이든, 구르드 워든, 아무 의미 없는 일이지만, 이런 종류의 병든 것들입니다.

We want to get to know you, help us to get to know you better. Nous voulons vous connaître, aidez-nous à mieux vous connaître.

How important is the following to you: economy, middleclass and employment -- very important, somewhat important, not very important, not important. ||||||||Mittelschicht||Beschäftigung|||ziemlich wichtig|||||| ||||||||middle class||||||||||| Quelle est l'importance pour vous des éléments suivants : l'économie, les classes moyennes et l'emploi -- très importante, assez importante, pas très importante, pas importante. Who's going to say not important? The economy is important. The question is what are you going to do about it, Trudeau? Unfortunately, so far it doesn't look like you're going to improve your economy. Malheureusement, jusqu'à présent, il ne semble pas que vous allez améliorer votre économie. Purtroppo, per ora, non sembra che migliorerete la vostra economia. The next was fair, open and transparent government. |||just|||transparent|government ||||||transparent| Le deuxième était un gouvernement équitable, ouvert et transparent. Is that important, not important? I feel like saying not important. J'ai envie de dire que ce n'est pas important. The economy, not important. The environment, not important. Nothing is important. Infrastructure in communities, not important. Infrastructure|||| Health care, no, not important. What is all this junk? ||||Kram ||||junk Qu'est-ce que c'est que tout ce bazar ? 이 쓰레기들은 다 뭐죠? It's just so negative.

Here's this guy, Trudeau, 43 years old, knows nothing, never did anything, in my opinion. Voici ce type, Trudeau, 43 ans, qui ne sait rien, qui n'a jamais rien fait, à mon avis. 여기 43세의 트뤼도라는 사람이 있는데, 제 생각에는 아무것도 모르고 아무것도 한 적이 없는 사람입니다.

The few times he is asked for his opinion on something… I remember prior to the election he was asked, which government in the world do you respect the most, he says China. |||||||||||||before||||||||||||||||||| Die paar Male, die er nach seiner Meinung zu etwas gefragt wird … Ich erinnere mich, dass er vor der Wahl gefragt wurde, welche Regierung der Welt Sie am meisten respektieren, sagt er China. 선거를 앞두고 '세계에서 어느 정부를 가장 존경하느냐'는 질문을 받았을 때 그는 중국이라고 답한 적이 있습니다. Why, he's asked? He says because there they really can get things done. Il dit que c'est parce que c'est là qu'ils peuvent vraiment faire avancer les choses. Dice che lì possono davvero ottenere risultati. 他说因为在那里他们真的可以把事情做好。 Again, quoting Trudeau, for example on the environment, “if they have a problem they can just fix it right away.” How can anyone aspiring to be Prime Minister say something so stupid? |||||||||||||||||||||||die anstreben|||||||| |quoting|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Je cite à nouveau Trudeau, par exemple sur l'environnement : "s'ils ont un problème, ils n'ont qu'à le régler tout de suite". Comment quelqu'un qui aspire à devenir Premier ministre peut-il dire quelque chose d'aussi stupide ?

There is no amount of explanation that takes away from the fact that anyone who says that is ignorant and stupid because in China they can get things done. |||||Erklärung||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||explanation||||||||||||||||||||||| Aucune explication n'enlèvera le fait que toute personne qui dit cela est ignorante et stupide, car en Chine, on peut faire avancer les choses. 中国では物事を成し遂げることができるのだから、そんなことを言う人は無知で愚かだという事実から逃れるためには、いくら説明しても無駄だ。 没有任何解释可以否认这样一个事实:任何说这句话的人都是无知和愚蠢的,因为在中国他们可以把事情做好。

Absolutely, if they want to build a road through your house, your house is moved. Absolument, s'ils veulent construire une route à travers votre maison, votre maison est déplacée. Assolutamente sì, se vogliono costruire una strada attraverso la tua casa, la tua casa viene spostata. Now, is that what you want for Canada? Est-ce là ce que vous voulez pour le Canada ? That's the kind of action-oriented government you want that steamrolls over people? ||||||||||überrollt|| ||||||||||steamrolls|| ||||||||||overpowers|| If someone in the House of Commons isn't playing your silly little game you just go over there and grab them by the elbow and push them around? ||||House||Commons||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||House of Commons||||||||||||||||||||| Si quelqu'un à la Chambre des communes ne joue pas à votre petit jeu stupide, vous allez l'attraper par le coude et le bousculer ? Then to suggest that somehow in China they have this tremendous ability to fix their environment. Puis de suggérer que, d'une manière ou d'une autre, la Chine dispose d'une formidable capacité à corriger son environnement. Why are people flocking out of China coming to Canada? |||strömen|||||| |||flocking = are gathering in large numbers|||||| |||gathering in groups|||||| Pourquoi les Chinois viennent-ils en masse au Canada ? Because China is becoming unlivable, so how good a job is their government doing on the environment. ||||unbewohnbar|||||||||||| ||||unlivable|||||||||||| ||||not suitable for living|||||||||||| Parce que la Chine est en train de devenir invivable, alors quelle est la qualité du travail de son gouvernement en matière d'environnement ? I can go on and on. J'en passe et des meilleures.

Another one that annoys me is his focus on diversity all the time. |||짜증나게 한다||||||||| Un autre point qui m'agace est l'accent qu'il met en permanence sur la diversité. Un altro aspetto che mi infastidisce è la sua costante attenzione alla diversità.

He goes down to New York and says there is no common culture in Canada. Il se rend à New York et dit qu'il n'y a pas de culture commune au Canada. We're all about diversity and diversity is strength. Nous sommes tous attachés à la diversité et la diversité est une force. Noi puntiamo sulla diversità e la diversità è forza. Well, as someone who was not born in Canada, whose wife is half Chinese, half Costa Rican who was not born in Canada and I now have children and grandchildren, I think very much that there is a common culture in Canada. |||||||||||||||Rican|코스타리카|||||||||||||grandchildren|||||||||||| En tant que personne qui n'est pas née au Canada, dont la femme est à moitié chinoise et à moitié costaricienne, qui n'est pas née au Canada, et qui a maintenant des enfants et des petits-enfants, je pense sincèrement qu'il existe une culture commune au Canada. I see all the time how we interact with each other. Je vois tout le temps comment nous interagissons les uns avec les autres. I was at my CrossFit the other day and there we have people of all kinds of origins, Chinese, this one fellow, 08:07.7, it turns out he's originally from Afghanistan. ||||CrossFit|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||CrossFit|||||||||||||origins||||||||||| ||||CrossFit gym|||||||||||||||||||||||| J'étais à mon CrossFit l'autre jour et il y avait des gens de toutes sortes d'origines, des Chinois, ce type, 08:07.7, il s'avère qu'il est originaire d'Afghanistan. He speaks English like I do and he feels the same way. Il parle anglais comme moi et ressent la même chose.

There are ways in which Canadians interact with each other that is Canadian, its part of our living culture. Il y a des façons dont les Canadiens interagissent les uns avec les autres qui sont canadiennes, qui font partie de notre culture vivante.

Yeah, we don't have the Great Wall of China, we don't have the Taj Mahal, we don't paint Easter eggs like the Ukrainians, but we a way that we interact with each other that's our culture. ||||||||||||||||||Easter|eggs|||||||||||||||| To say that there's no common culture and that diversity is good, that's not true. Diversity to me is irrelevant, at best. Vielfalt ist für mich bestenfalls irrelevant. If I look upon a person of Chinese, Indian or Afghan origin and I don't see them as being diverse but I see them as part of my community, that's good. ||||||||||Afghan = Afghan|||||||||||||||||||| The more I see them as diverse and different, the worse. |||||||||umso|schlimmer wird es Plus je les vois diversifiés et différents, pire c'est. There's no evidence in countries like Finland, Korea or Japan that lack of diversity hurts them in their education system and in their economy and stuff. |||||||||||Mangel an|||||||||||||| ||evidenza||||||||||||해를 끼친다||||||||||| Rien ne prouve que des pays comme la Finlande, la Corée ou le Japon aient souffert d'un manque de diversité dans leur système éducatif, leur économie, etc.

So diversity, at best, is irrelevant. La diversité n'est donc, au mieux, pas pertinente.

It's not something to crow about and he's trying to portray this picture of Canada as some country full of hate and he's going to come in and sort of soothe everyone's feelings. Es ist||||prahlen||||||darstellen||||||||||||||||||||beruhigen|| ||||자랑하다||||||묘사하다||||||||||||||||||||달래다|| ||||brag||||||||||||||||||||||||||calm|| Il n'y a pas de quoi pavoiser et il essaie de donner du Canada l'image d'un pays plein de haine et il va venir apaiser les sentiments de tout le monde. 这不是什么值得吹嘘的事情,他试图将加拿大的画面描绘成一个充满仇恨的国家,他将介入并安抚每个人的感受。 I've lived in many countries in the world and Canada, today, not 30, 50 or 80 years ago, today, is one of the more tolerant countries I know. |||||||||||||||||||||관용적인||| 我曾在世界上许多国家生活过,今天的加拿大,而不是 30、50 或 80 年前,是我所知道的更宽容的国家之一。 That's also part of our common culture and we weren't that way before gays vis-à-vis Chinese, Blacks, you name it. |||||||||||||gay people|||||Blacks||| Cela fait également partie de notre culture commune et nous n'étions pas ainsi avant les gays vis-à-vis des Chinois, des Noirs, etc. 这也是我们共同文化的一部分,在同性恋与中国人、黑人等凡是你能想到的人面前,我们并不是这样的。 There was lots of prejudice and discrimination and such it is in every country in the world. ||||Vorurteile|||||||||||| 世界上每个国家都存在很多偏见和歧视。 But today, in fact, Canada is relatively tolerant and accepting and so constantly focusing on diversity rather than solidarity…You remember I did my video about equality, fraternity, which is solidarity, and freedom, that's what we want. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||Brüderlichkeit|||Solidarität|||||| ||||||||||||||||||unity or togetherness|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||수용적인||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 但今天,事实上,加拿大相对宽容和接受,因此不断关注多样性而不是团结……你记得我制作了关于平等、博爱的视频,这就是团结和自由,这就是我们想要的。 We want freedom from politically-correct idiots like our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. ||||politisch|||||||| ||||||idiots|||||| 我们希望摆脱像我们的总理贾斯汀·特鲁多这样政治正确的白痴的自由。

So there you have it, a little bit of a rant on Canadian politics. Voilà, c'est un peu une diatribe sur la politique canadienne.

That should drive a few negatives from my Canadian followers. |||||||||팔로워 Cela devrait susciter quelques réactions négatives de la part de mes partisans canadiens. 这应该会给我的加拿大追随者带来一些负面影响。 Bye for now.