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Crash Course 2: Philosophy., 09a. Anselm and the Argument for God. Part 1/2.

09a. Anselm and the Argument for God. Part 1/2.

Male voice: Crash Course Philosophy is brought to you by Squarespace. Squarespace: share you passion with the world.

Hank: It's about time we had a serious talk about religion. The philosophy of religion is often confused with theology, which makes sense, because they both take God and religion as their subjects. But theology starts by assuming that God exists, and then figures out what follows. Or theology might try to solve philosophical problems that might arise from a belief in God. But one thing that's never on the table in theology is simply not believing in God. Atheism is not an option. That's what separates the philosophical study of religion from the theological. Philosophers take nothing as a given, and that include religious belief. Everything is on the table, and everything needs and argument. So, no area of belief is sacred, and that means even your sacred beliefs are going to need to be examined, and evidence will need to be given.

Some people say that religion is the one area where you don't need arguments, that faith alone is enough. But philosophers don't take faith for an answer. After all, I might have faith that the moon is made of green cheese, so what? Faith is definitionally unprovable, which makes it, from a philosophical perspective, not valuable.

So, if you're a theist, now's the time to offer some justification for your religious beliefs. And if you're an atheist, it's time for you to pay attention too. No one's off the hook, we all need to pay attention to these arguments, because religion is hugely important. Can you think of many things that have been as influential in shaping history than religious belief? Probably not. So if we can get to the bottom of it, we should.

(Crash Course Philosophy Intro)

I'll get to God in a minute. But first I want to go over a few other things that the philosophy of religion is not. It's not about believing whatever your parents taught you. Because that doesn't prove anything about the truth of a religious belief. If how you were raised proved something about religious truth, then every religion, and therefore no religion, would be true. So, how you were raised can give you a reason that you hold a certain belief, but it says nothing whatsoever about its truth.

Philosophy of religion is also not the study of the Bible, because you can't use what's written in a book to prove the truth of the book. You need outside evidence. There's also a whole area of scholarship devoted to understanding the Bible, by considering the time and place of which it was written, and such study can be very helpful in understanding certain things about religion. But it doesn't help here. Philosophy of religion is also not religious anthropology, or religious sociology, or psychological understanding of our reasons for religious belief. Those are all wonderful things that you can and should study, but they are not what we're studying here. What we are doing is considering whether we can offer arguments in support of belief in God's existence. And a long time ago there was a man who argued that God's existence is provable, 11th century French monk Anselm of Canterbury. He offered a deductive argument for the existence of God, based on what he understood to be the nature of God's being, or the definition of God. Because the study of being is called ontology, this argument, and others like it, are called ontological arguments.

Now, what do you think God is like? Long, flowing white beard, robe to match? Nice guy, hard to reach on the phone? Well, Anselm aimed a little bit higher. In fact, he thought that God is, by definition, the best possible thing we can imagine. THE. BEST. THING. Just try to think of the coolest, awesomest, most amazing and wonderful thing you can imagine. And whatever you're thinking of, Anselm said that God is better. He's just the best. In Anselm's words, "[God is] that than which no greater can be conceived." So what does that mean? Well, it means that God must exist, according to Anselm?

After all, he pointed out there are just two ways in which something can exist. Something can exist only in our minds and be strictly imaginary, like Santa, or unicorns. Or it can exist in our minds but also in reality, like pizza and horses, something that we can imagine but that's also real. Anselm pointed out, and he does appear to be right about this, that any good thing would be better if it existed in reality as well as our minds. I mean, unicorns. They're pretty great. But wouldn't they be better if they were real? Or the perfect romantic partner; smart, funny, hot, likes the same movies and games that you do? Pretty rich? Would be pretty nice in your mind, but even better if they actually existed.

09a. Anselm and the Argument for God. Part 1/2. 09a. Anselm und das Argument für Gott. Teil 1/2. 09a.アンセルムと神の論証。パート1/2。 09a. 안셀름과 신에 대한 논쟁. 1/2부. 09a. Anselm en het godsargument. Deel 1/2. 09a. Anzelm i argument za Bogiem. Część 1/2. 09a. Anselmo e o Argumento de Deus. Parte 1/2. 09a. Ансельм и аргумент в пользу Бога. Часть 1/2. 09a. Ансельм і аргумент на користь Бога. Частина 1/2. 09a。安瑟伦与上帝论证。第 1/2 部分。

Male voice: Crash Course Philosophy is brought to you by Squarespace. Squarespace: share you passion with the world.

Hank: It's about time we had a serious talk about religion. The philosophy of religion is often confused with theology, which makes sense, because they both take God and religion as their subjects. But theology starts by assuming that God exists, and then figures out what follows. Or theology might try to solve philosophical problems that might arise from a belief in God. But one thing that's never on the table in theology is simply not believing in God. 但神学中绝对不会考虑的一件事是不相信上帝。 Atheism is not an option. 无神论不是一个选择。 That's what separates the philosophical study of religion from the theological. 这就是哲学研究宗教与神学之间的区别。 Philosophers take nothing as a given, and that include religious belief. 哲学家不会认为任何事情理所当然,包括宗教信仰。 Everything is on the table, and everything needs and argument. 一切都可以被讨论,一切都需要论证。 So, no area of belief is sacred, and that means even your sacred beliefs are going to need to be examined, and evidence will need to be given. 因此,没有信仰领域是神圣不可侵犯的,这意味着即使是你的神圣信仰也需要被审视,需要提供证据。

Some people say that religion is the one area where you don't need arguments, that faith alone is enough. 有人说宗教是一个你不需要论据的领域,单纯的信仰就足够了。 But philosophers don't take faith for an answer. 但哲学家们不会接受信仰作为答案。 After all, I might have faith that the moon is made of green cheese, so what? 毕竟,我可能相信月球是由绿色奶酪制成的,那又如何? Faith is definitionally unprovable, which makes it, from a philosophical perspective, not valuable. 信仰在定义上是无法证明的,这从哲学的角度来看并不有价值。

So, if you're a theist, now's the time to offer some justification for your religious beliefs. 因此,如果你是一位有神论者,现在是时候为你的宗教信仰提供一些正当理由了。 And if you're an atheist, it's time for you to pay attention too. 而如果你是一位无神论者,现在也是时候你注意一下了。 No one's off the hook, we all need to pay attention to these arguments, because religion is hugely important. 没有人能置身事外,我们都需要关注这些争论,因为宗教至关重要。 Can you think of many things that have been as influential in shaping history than religious belief? 你能想到有什么比宗教信仰更具影响力塑造历史的吗? Probably not. 大概没有。 So if we can get to the bottom of it, we should. 如果我们能查清楚事情的底细,我们应该这么做。

(Crash Course Philosophy Intro) (哲学速成课开场白)

I'll get to God in a minute. 我马上就会谈到上帝。 But first I want to go over a few other things that the philosophy of religion is not. 但首先,我想先讨论一下宗教哲学并非是什么。 It's not about believing whatever your parents taught you. 这不是指坚持你父母教导的东西。 Because that doesn't prove anything about the truth of a religious belief. 因为这并不能证明任何宗教信仰的真实性。 If how you were raised proved something about religious truth, then every religion, and therefore no religion, would be true. Si la forma en que te educaron demostrara algo sobre la verdad religiosa, entonces todas las religiones, y por tanto ninguna, serían verdaderas. 如果你的成长方式证明了某种宗教真理,那么每个宗教,因此也没有宗教都是真的。 So, how you were raised can give you a reason that you hold a certain belief, but it says nothing whatsoever about its truth. 所以,你的成长方式可能是你持有某种信仰的原因,但它对这种信仰的真实性毫无意义。

Philosophy of religion is also not the study of the Bible, because you can't use what's written in a book to prove the truth of the book. 宗教哲学也不是圣经研究,因为你不能用一本书中写的内容来证明这本书的真实性。 You need outside evidence. There's also a whole area of scholarship devoted to understanding the Bible, by considering the time and place of which it was written, and such study can be very helpful in understanding certain things about religion. 还有一整个学术领域致力于通过考虑圣经被写就的时间和地点来理解圣经,这类研究对于理解宗教的某些事情非常有帮助。 But it doesn't help here. 但在这里没有帮助。 Philosophy of religion is also not religious anthropology, or religious sociology, or psychological understanding of our reasons for religious belief. 宗教哲学也不是宗教人类学,宗教社会学,或者对于我们宗教信仰原因的心理理解。 Those are all wonderful things that you can and should study, but they are not what we're studying here. What we are doing is considering whether we can offer arguments in support of belief in God's existence. 我们正在考虑的是,我们是否能提出支持对上帝存在的信仰的论点。 And a long time ago there was a man who argued that God's existence is provable, 11th century French monk Anselm of Canterbury. 很久以前,有一位坚称上帝的存在是可以证明的人,11世纪的法国僧侣坎特伯雷的安塞尔姆。 He offered a deductive argument for the existence of God, based on what he understood to be the nature of God's being, or the definition of God. 他提出了一种推理论证上帝存在的论证,基于他理解的上帝的本质,或者上帝的定义。 Because the study of being is called ontology, this argument, and others like it, are called ontological arguments. 因为研究存在被称为本体论,这个论证和其他类似的都被称为本体论论证。

Now, what do you think God is like? 那么,你认为上帝是什么样子的? Long, flowing white beard, robe to match? 长长的白色胡须,一身匹配的长袍? Nice guy, hard to reach on the phone? Nice guy, hard to reach on the phone? 好人,难以通过电话联系? Well, Anselm aimed a little bit higher. In fact, he thought that God is, by definition, the best possible thing we can imagine. THE. BEST. THING. Just try to think of the coolest, awesomest, most amazing and wonderful thing you can imagine. And whatever you're thinking of, Anselm said that God is better. He's just the best. In Anselm's words, "[God is] that than which no greater can be conceived." So what does that mean? Well, it means that God must exist, according to Anselm?

After all, he pointed out there are just two ways in which something can exist. 毕竟,他指出事物存在的方式只有两种。 Something can exist only in our minds and be strictly imaginary, like Santa, or unicorns. 事物只能存在在我们的头脑中,严格来说是想象的,像圣诞老人,或者独角兽。 Or it can exist in our minds but also in reality, like pizza and horses, something that we can imagine but that's also real. 或者它可以存在于我们的头脑中,同时也存在于现实中,像披萨和马这样的事物,是我们可以想象但也是真实的。 Anselm pointed out, and he does appear to be right about this, that any good thing would be better if it existed in reality as well as our minds. 安瑟姆指出,他似乎是对的,任何好事物都会更好,如果它真实存在于现实中,而不仅仅存在于我们的头脑中。 I mean, unicorns. 我的意思是,独角兽。 They're pretty great. 它们相当棒。 But wouldn't they be better if they were real? Or the perfect romantic partner; smart, funny, hot, likes the same movies and games that you do? Pretty rich? Would be pretty nice in your mind, but even better if they actually existed.