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Crash Course 2: Philosophy., 01b. What is Philosophy?: Part 2/2.

01b. What is Philosophy?: Part 2/2.

Well, as questions go, these might not seem super…practical. But there's another area of philosophy that helps frame your thinking around what you actually do -- like, how you should act, and what you should attach meaning to.

It's called Value Theory. And it's usually divided into two main branches. The first is Ethics. You've heard of it -- it's the thing that politicians are always said to lack? And Jedi are supposed to have in great supply? Though, don't get me started on the prequels.

In philosophy, though, ethics isn't just a code of what's right and what's wrong. It's the study of how humans should live with each other. Rather than just sitting around and judging people, ethics involves posing questions like: How should I live?

Is there any reason that I should treat, say, strangers differently than the people I love? And for that matter, do I owe anything to myself? What about animals? Or the earth? And if I do have any of these obligations at all, where do they come from? Who says? Ultimately, whatever system you use to decide what's good or evil, as human behavior goes, is determined by your values -- that's why ethics is considered part of Value Theory.

But the other part of value theory isn't about what's right -- it's about what's beautiful. Aesthetics is the study of beauty, and art. Now, the concept of beauty is talked about practically everywhere, from the media, to art school to barber college. But for philosophers, the pursuit of aesthetics involves considering what beauty is, and whether it even exists. Aesthetics is a part of value theory, because beauty, and art, are things we value, and evaluate. And many people who study this particular kind of philosophy -- known as aestheticians -- believe there is such as thing as The Beautiful -- something that doesn't depend on what you happen to find attractive, but something that's just objectively true.

And finally, there's one more aspect of philosophy that I should mention, because it doesn't ask questions, so much as help us find answers. Yes, finally, some answers! And that thing, which I happen to think can be beautiful in its own way, is logic. Logic is the philosopher's toolbox. It contains the saws and hammers, the microscopes and beakers, that philosophers use to go about answering their questions in a clear, systematic way. Logic is about reasoning, giving strong arguments that don't fall victim to fallacies, which are, as you'll learn, the mortal enemies of philosophical precision.

Ok, so metaphysics, epistemology, value theory -- they might all seem pretty airy and abstract. But don't worry, because you have already done philosophy, even though you might not realize it. You do it in almost every aspect of your life.

Every time you argue with your parents, or wonder if you should date someone, or decide to eat a salad instead of a ham ‘n' cheese Hot Pocket, you are doing philosophy. Because you're thinking about the world, and your place in it. You're figuring out what you value, why you value it, and what you should do about it.

So here's our plan. We're going to learn about the major fields of philosophy, posing questions and considering possible answers along the way. And each time, we will use a two-step method.

● First, we'll really try to understand. You're not going to agree with all of the ideas that I present to you – and I won't agree with them either! That's not the point. The point, in step one, is to really try to get inside of an idea – to understand it as charitably as possible.

● Then, in step two, you'll subject your understanding to some serious critical evaluation – basically, you'll try to knock down what you think you know about a particular view of the world. And you'll do this whether you agree with the view or not. Why? Because: Only when you challenge your understanding of how some people view the world, can you decide for yourself if theirs is a view worth having.

Which leads me to my final point: Philosophy is not your usual field of study.

I'm not going to be teaching you a body of knowledge where success means you know a bunch of stuff. Success, in this course, will mean that you know how to think. All we have are questions. And all you have is a brain. And the goal of philosophy is for you to use your brain to come up with the answers that make the most sense to you. You'll learn how to formulate arguments to support your ideas, so you can explain why you think you're right. Which, if you've ever been on the Internet, you know is something that not a lot of people are good at.

In order to do that, you're going to need to understand philosophical reasoning – the tools we use to investigate life's most perplexing questions! And that is where we're gonna be headed the next time we meet.

For now you've learned about the historical origins of philosophy in ancient Greece, and its three main divisions: metaphysics, epistemology, and value theory. We also talked about logic, and how you're going to use it to understand and critically evaluate a whole host of different worldviews. But not about golf.

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01b. What is Philosophy?: Part 2/2. 01b. Was ist Philosophie?: Teil 2/2. 01b. ¿Qué es la filosofía? 01b.哲学とは何か:パート2/2. 01b. 철학이란 무엇인가요?: 2부/2부. 01b. Wat is filosofie?: Deel 2/2. 01b. Czym jest filozofia?: Część 2/2. 01b. O que é a filosofia?: Parte 2/2. 01b. Что такое философия?: Часть 2/2. 01b. Що таке філософія: частина 2/2. 01b.哲学是什么?

Well, as questions go, these might not seem super…practical. Bueno, como preguntas, estas pueden no parecer muy... prácticas. Nou, als vragen gaan, lijken deze misschien niet super...praktisch. Eh, sorular giderken, bunlar süper görünmeyebilir… pratik. Що ж, ці питання можуть здатися не дуже... практичними. But there’s another area of philosophy that helps frame your thinking around what you actually do -- like, how you should act, and what you should attach meaning to. ولكن هناك مجالًا آخر من الفلسفة يساعد في صياغة تفكيرك حول ما تفعله بالفعل - مثل كيف يجب أن تتصرف، وما الذي يجب أن تعلق عليه معنى. Pero hay otra área de la filosofía que ayuda a enmarcar tu pensamiento en torno a lo que realmente haces -como, por ejemplo, cómo deberías actuar y a qué deberías atribuir significado. Ancak, düşüncelerinizi gerçekte ne yaptığınız (neye benzeyeceğiniz, nasıl davranmanız gerektiği ve neye anlam vermeniz gerektiği) etrafında çerçevelemeye yardımcı olan başka bir felsefe alanı vardır. Але є ще одна область філософії, яка допомагає сформувати ваше мислення навколо того, що ви насправді робите - наприклад, як ви повинні діяти і в що ви повинні вкладати сенс.

It’s called Value Theory. يطلق عليها نظرية القيمة. Buna Değer Teorisi denir. And it’s usually divided into two main branches. Ve genellikle iki ana kollara ayrılır. The first is Ethics. You’ve heard of it -- it’s the thing that politicians are always said to lack? هل سمعتم به - هل هو الشيء الذي يقال دائمًا أن السياسيين يفتقرون إليه؟ Bunu duydunuz - politikacıların her zaman eksik olduğu söylenir mi? Ви чули про це - це те, чого, як кажуть, завжди бракує політикам? And Jedi are supposed to have in great supply? ومن المفترض أن يكون لدى الجيداي مخزون كبير؟ ¿Y se supone que los Jedi tienen en gran cantidad? Ve Jedi'nin büyük bir kaynağı olması mı gerekiyor? І джедаї повинні мати великий запас? Though, don’t get me started on the prequels. رغم ذلك، لا تجعلني أبدأ في العروض المسبقة. Aunque, no me hagas hablar de las precuelas. Maar laat me niet beginnen over de prequels. Rağmen beni seçmelere başlama. Хоча, не змушуйте мене починати про приквели.

In philosophy, though, ethics isn’t just a code of what’s right and what’s wrong. Yine de felsefede, etik sadece neyin doğru neyin yanlış olduğunun bir kodu değildir. У філософії, однак, етика - це не просто кодекс того, що правильно і що неправильно. It’s the study of how humans should live with each other. İnsanların birbirleriyle nasıl yaşaması gerektiği konusundaki çalışma. Це дослідження того, як люди повинні жити один з одним. Rather than just sitting around and judging people, ethics involves posing questions like: How should I live? Más que sentarse a juzgar a la gente, la ética implica plantearse preguntas como: ¿Cómo debo vivir? Etrafta oturmak ve insanları yargılamak yerine, etik şu soruları içerir: Замість того, щоб просто сидіти і судити людей, етика передбачає постановку питань на кшталт Як я повинен жити?

Is there any reason that I should treat, say, strangers differently than the people I love? هل هناك أي سبب يجعلني أعامل الغرباء، على سبيل المثال، بشكل مختلف عن الأشخاص الذين أحبهم؟ Sevdiğim insanlardan farklı yabancılara davranmamın bir nedeni var mı? Чи є якась причина, чому я повинен ставитися, скажімо, до незнайомців інакше, ніж до людей, яких я люблю? And for that matter, do I owe anything to myself? Ve bu konuda kendime bir şey borçlu muyum? What about animals? Or the earth? And if I do have any of these obligations at all, where do they come from? Ve eğer bu yükümlülüklerden herhangi birine sahipsem, nereden geliyorlar? І якщо я взагалі маю якісь із цих зобов'язань, то звідки вони беруться? Who says? ¿Quién lo dice? Ultimately, whatever system you use to decide what’s good or evil, as human behavior goes, is determined by your values -- that’s why ethics is considered part of Value Theory. في النهاية، أيًا كان النظام الذي تستخدمه لتحديد ما هو الخير أو الشر، كما هو الحال في السلوك البشري، يتم تحديده من خلال قيمك - ولهذا السبب تعتبر الأخلاق جزءًا من نظرية القيمة. Sonuçta, neyin iyi ya da kötü olduğuna karar vermek için kullandığınız sistem ne olursa olsun, insan davranışı devam ederken, değerleriniz tarafından belirlenir - bu yüzden etik, Değer Teorisinin bir parçası olarak kabul edilir. Зрештою, яку б систему ви не використовували, щоб вирішити, що є добром, а що злом, людська поведінка визначається вашими цінностями - саме тому етика вважається частиною теорії цінностей.

But the other part of value theory isn’t about what’s right -- it’s about what’s beautiful. Fakat değer teorisinin diğer kısmı doğru olan şeyle ilgili değildir - güzel olanla ilgili. Aesthetics is the study of beauty, and art. Estetik, güzellik ve sanat çalışmasıdır. Now, the concept of beauty is talked about practically everywhere, from the media, to art school to barber college. الآن، يتم الحديث عن مفهوم الجمال عمليا في كل مكان، من وسائل الإعلام، إلى مدرسة الفنون إلى كلية الحلاقة. Şimdi, güzellik kavramı, medyadan sanat okuluna, berber kolejine kadar hemen her yerde konuşuluyor. Зараз про поняття краси говорять практично скрізь, від ЗМІ до художньої школи та перукарні. But for philosophers, the pursuit of aesthetics involves considering what beauty is, and whether it even exists. لكن بالنسبة للفلاسفة، فإن السعي وراء الجماليات ينطوي على النظر في ماهية الجمال، وما إذا كان موجودًا بالفعل. Fakat filozoflar için estetik arayışı, güzelliğin ne olduğunu ve var olup olmadığını düşünmeyi içerir. Але для філософів прагнення до естетики передбачає роздуми про те, що таке краса і чи існує вона взагалі. Aesthetics is a part of value theory, because beauty, and art, are things we value, and evaluate. الجماليات جزء من نظرية القيمة، لأن الجمال والفن أشياء نقدرها ونقيمها. La estética forma parte de la teoría del valor, porque la belleza y el arte son cosas que valoramos y evaluamos. Estetik değer teorisinin bir parçasıdır çünkü güzellik ve sanat değer verdiğimiz ve değer verdiğimiz şeylerdir. 美学是价值理论的一部分,因为美和艺术是我们重视和评价的东西。 And many people who study this particular kind of philosophy -- known as aestheticians -- believe there is such as thing as The Beautiful -- something that doesn’t depend on what you happen to find attractive, but something that’s just objectively true. Estetikçiler olarak bilinen bu özel felsefe türünü inceleyen birçok insan, Güzel olduğunu düşündüğünüz bir şeyin olduğuna inanıyor - çekici bulduğunuz şeylere bağlı olmayan bir şey, ancak objektif olarak doğru olan bir şey. І багато людей, які вивчають цей особливий вид філософії - відомих як естетики - вірять, що існує така річ, як Прекрасне - щось, що не залежить від того, що ви вважаєте привабливим, а є об'єктивно істинним.

And finally, there’s one more aspect of philosophy that I should mention, because it doesn’t ask questions, so much as help us find answers. Y por último, hay otro aspecto de la filosofía que debo mencionar, porque no hace preguntas, sino que nos ayuda a encontrar respuestas. Ve son olarak, söylemem gereken bir felsefe daha var, çünkü cevapları bulmamıza yardım ettiği kadar soru sormuyor. І, нарешті, є ще один аспект філософії, про який я повинен згадати, тому що вона не стільки ставить питання, скільки допомагає нам знаходити відповіді. Yes, finally, some answers! And that thing, which I happen to think can be beautiful in its own way, is logic. Y esa cosa, que creo que puede ser bella a su manera, es la lógica. Ve düşündüğüm o şey, kendi yolunda güzel olabiliyor, mantık. І ця річ, яка, як мені здається, може бути по-своєму прекрасною, - логіка. 而我认为,逻辑本身就是一种美。 Logic is the philosopher’s toolbox. Mantık, filozofun araç kutusudur. It contains the saws and hammers, the microscopes and beakers, that philosophers use to go about answering their questions in a clear, systematic way. Contiene las sierras y los martillos, los microscopios y los vasos de precipitados que los filósofos utilizan para responder a sus preguntas de forma clara y sistemática. Filozofların sorularını net ve sistematik bir şekilde cevaplamak için kullandıkları testereleri ve çekiçleri, mikroskopları ve beherleri içerir. Вона містить пилки та молотки, мікроскопи та мензурки, які філософи використовують для того, щоб відповісти на свої запитання у чіткий, систематичний спосіб. 它包含锯子和锤子、显微镜和烧杯,哲学家们使用它们来以清晰、系统的方式回答他们的问题。 Logic is about reasoning, giving strong arguments that don’t fall victim to fallacies, which are, as you’ll learn, the mortal enemies of philosophical precision. Mantık, akıl yürütmeyle ilgilidir, öğreneceğiniz gibi, felsefi hassasiyetin ölümcül düşmanları olan yanlışlara kurban gitmeyen güçlü argümanlar sunar. Логіка - це міркування, наведення сильних аргументів, які не стають жертвами помилок, які, як ви дізнаєтесь, є смертельними ворогами філософської точності.

Ok, so metaphysics, epistemology, value theory -- they might all seem pretty airy and abstract. حسنًا، الميتافيزيقا، ونظرية المعرفة، ونظرية القيمة - قد تبدو جميعها مجردة ومتجددة الهواء. De acuerdo, la metafísica, la epistemología, la teoría de los valores... todo ello puede parecer muy ligero y abstracto. Tamam, metafizik, epistemoloji, değer teorisi - hepsi oldukça havadar ve soyut görünebilir. Отже, метафізика, епістемологія, теорія цінностей - все це може здатися досить повітряним і абстрактним. But don’t worry, because you have already done philosophy, even though you might not realize it. Ama endişelenme, çünkü siz farkında olmasanız bile, zaten felsefe yaptınız. Але не хвилюйтеся, адже ви вже займалися філософією, хоча й не усвідомлювали цього. You do it in almost every aspect of your life. Hayatının hemen her alanında bunu yapıyorsun.

Every time you argue with your parents, or wonder if you should date someone, or decide to eat a salad instead of a ham ‘n' cheese Hot Pocket, you are doing philosophy. Кожного разу, коли ви сперечаєтесь з батьками, або роздумуєте, чи варто вам з кимось зустрічатися, або вирішуєте з'їсти салат замість бутерброда з шинкою та сиром Hot Pocket, ви займаєтеся філософією. Because you’re thinking about the world, and your place in it. You’re figuring out what you value, why you value it, and what you should do about it. Neye değer verdiğini, niçin değer verdiğini ve bu konuda ne yapman gerektiğini çözüyorsun. Ви з'ясовуєте, що ви цінуєте, чому ви це цінуєте, і що ви повинні з цим робити. 您正在弄清楚您重视什么、为什么重视它以及您应该对此做些什么。

So here’s our plan. We’re going to learn about the major fields of philosophy, posing questions and considering possible answers along the way. سوف نتعرف على المجالات الرئيسية للفلسفة، ونطرح الأسئلة ونفكر في الإجابات المحتملة على طول الطريق. Felsefenin belli başlı alanlarını öğreneceğiz, sorular yönelteceğiz ve yol boyunca olası cevapları göz önünde bulunduracağız. And each time, we will use a two-step method. Y cada vez, utilizaremos un método de dos pasos.

● First, we’ll really try to understand. You’re not going to agree with all of the ideas that I present to you – and I won’t agree with them either! Size sunduğum tüm fikirlere katılmayacaksınız - ben de onlarla aynı fikirde olmayacağım! That’s not the point. Konu o değil. Не в цьому справа. The point, in step one, is to really try to get inside of an idea – to understand it as charitably as possible. النقطة المهمة في الخطوة الأولى هي محاولة التعمق في الفكرة وفهمها بأكبر قدر ممكن من الإحسان. Смысл первого шага заключается в том, чтобы действительно попытаться проникнуть в идею - понять ее как можно более милосердно. Birinci adımdaki amaç, gerçekten bir fikrin içine girmeye çalışmak - mümkün olduğunca hayırlı bir şekilde anlamaktır. Суть першого кроку полягає в тому, щоб дійсно спробувати вникнути в ідею - зрозуміти її якомога благодійніше.

● Then, in step two, you’ll subject your understanding to some serious critical evaluation – basically, you’ll try to knock down what you think you know about a particular view of the world. ● بعد ذلك، في الخطوة الثانية، ستُخضع فهمك لبعض التقييم النقدي الجاد - في الأساس، ستحاول هدم ما تعتقد أنك تعرفه عن وجهة نظر معينة للعالم. A continuación, en el segundo paso, someterás tus conocimientos a una seria evaluación crítica: básicamente, intentarás derribar lo que crees saber sobre una determinada visión del mundo. ● Sonra, ikinci adımda, anlayışınızı bazı ciddi eleştirel değerlendirmelere tabi tutacaksınız - temel olarak, dünya hakkında belirli bir görüş hakkında bildiklerinizi yıkmaya çalışın. Потім, на другому кроці, ви піддасте своє розуміння серйозній критичній оцінці - по суті, ви спробуєте зруйнувати те, що, на вашу думку, ви знаєте про певний погляд на світ. And you’ll do this whether you agree with the view or not. Ve siz de görüşe katılıp katılmayacağınızı siz yapacaksınız. І ви зробите це незалежно від того, чи згодні ви з цією думкою, чи ні. 无论你是否同意这个观点,你都会这样做。 Why? Because: Only when you challenge your understanding of how some people view the world, can you decide for yourself if theirs is a view worth having. Porque sí: Sólo cuando desafías tu comprensión de cómo algunas personas ven el mundo, puedes decidir por ti mismo si la suya es una visión que vale la pena tener. Çünkü: Sadece bazı insanların dünyayı nasıl gördüğünü anlamanıza meydan okuduğunuzda, eğer onların sahip olmaya değer bir manzara olup olmadığına kendiniz karar verebilirsiniz. Тому що: Тільки тоді, коли ви кинете виклик своєму розумінню того, як деякі люди бачать світ, ви зможете вирішити для себе, чи варта їхня точка зору того, щоб її прийняти.

Which leads me to my final point: Philosophy is not your usual field of study. Bu beni son noktama yönlendirir: Felsefe, her zamanki çalışma alanınız değildir. Що підводить мене до останнього пункту: Філософія - це не звична для вас сфера навчання.

I’m not going to be teaching you a body of knowledge where success means you know a bunch of stuff. No voy a enseñarte un cuerpo de conocimientos en el que el éxito signifique que sabes un montón de cosas. Size başarının bir sürü şey bildiğiniz anlamına geldiği bir bilgi kütlesi öğretmeyeceğim. Я не збираюся викладати вам сукупність знань, де успіх означає, що ви знаєте купу речей. 我不会教你一套知识体系,让你知道很多东西才算成功。 Success, in this course, will mean that you know how to think. Başarı, bu kursta nasıl düşüneceğinizi bildiğiniz anlamına gelecektir. All we have are questions. Todo lo que tenemos son preguntas. Tek sahip olduğumuz sorular. 我们所拥有的只是疑问。 And all you have is a brain. Ve sahip olduğun tek şey bir beyin. And the goal of philosophy is for you to use your brain to come up with the answers that make the most sense to you. وهدف الفلسفة هو أن تستخدم عقلك للتوصل إلى الإجابات الأكثر منطقية بالنسبة لك. Ve felsefenin amacı sizin için en mantıklı cevapları bulmak için beyninizi kullanmanızdır. А мета філософії полягає в тому, щоб ви використовували свій мозок для пошуку відповідей, які мають для вас найбільший сенс. You’ll learn how to formulate arguments to support your ideas, so you can explain why you think you’re right. Fikirlerinizi desteklemek için argümanları nasıl formüle edeceğinizi öğreneceksiniz, böylece neden haklı olduğunuzu düşündüğünüzü açıklayabilirsiniz. Which, if you’ve ever been on the Internet, you know is something that not a lot of people are good at. İnternette hiç bulunmadıysanız, birçok insanın iyi olmadığı bir şey olduğunu biliyorsunuz. Якщо ви коли-небудь користувалися Інтернетом, то знаєте, що небагато людей вміють це робити.

In order to do that, you’re going to need to understand philosophical reasoning – the tools we use to investigate life’s most perplexing questions! Bunu yapabilmek için, hayatın en şaşırtıcı sorularını araştırmak için kullandığımız araçlar olan felsefi akıl yürütmeyi anlamalısınız! Для цього вам потрібно зрозуміти філософські міркування - інструменти, які ми використовуємо, щоб дослідити найзаплутаніші життєві питання! And that is where we’re gonna be headed the next time we meet. Ve bir dahaki sefere karşılaştığımızda oraya gideceğiz. І саме туди ми попрямуємо наступного разу, коли зустрінемося. 这就是我们下次见面要去的地方。

For now you’ve learned about the historical origins of philosophy in ancient Greece, and its three main divisions: metaphysics, epistemology, and value theory. Şimdilik, antik Yunanistan'daki felsefenin tarihsel kökenlerini ve üç ana bölümünü öğrendiniz: metafizik, epistemoloji ve değer teorisi. Наразі ви дізналися про історичні витоки філософії в Стародавній Греції та її три основні розділи: метафізику, гносеологію та теорію цінностей. We also talked about logic, and how you’re going to use it to understand and critically evaluate a whole host of different worldviews. تحدثنا أيضًا عن المنطق، وكيف ستستخدمه لفهم مجموعة كاملة من وجهات النظر العالمية المختلفة وتقييمها بشكل نقدي. Ayrıca mantık ve farklı bir dünya görüşünün tamamını barındırmak ve eleştirel olarak değerlendirmek için nasıl kullanacağınız hakkında konuştuk. Ми також говорили про логіку і про те, як ви будете використовувати її, щоб зрозуміти і критично оцінити цілу низку різних світоглядів. But not about golf. Ama golf hakkında değil.

This episode of Crash Course Philosophy is made possible by Squarespace. Squarespace is a way to create a website, blog or online store for you and your ideas. Squarespace, sizin ve düşünceleriniz için bir web sitesi, blog veya çevrimiçi mağaza oluşturmanın bir yoludur. Squarespace features a user-friendly interface, costume templates and 24/7 customer support. Squarespace cuenta con una interfaz fácil de usar, plantillas de disfraces y atención al cliente 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana. Squarespace kullanıcı dostu bir arayüz, kostüm şablonları ve 7/24 müşteri desteğine sahiptir. Squarespace має зручний інтерфейс, шаблони костюмів і цілодобову підтримку клієнтів. Squarespace 具有用户友好的界面、服装模板和全天候客户支持。 Try Squarespace at squarespace.com/crashcourse for a special offer.

Crash Course Philosophy is produced in association with PBS Digital Studios. You can head over to their channel to check out some amazing shows like The Good Stuff, PBS Space Time, and Physics Girl. The Good Stuff, PBS Space Time ve Physics Girl gibi harika şovlara göz atmak için kanallarına gidebilirsiniz.

This episode of Crash Course was filmed in the Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Crash Course Studio with the help of these amazing people and our Graphics Team is Thought Cafe. تم تصوير هذه الحلقة من Crash Course في استوديو Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Crash Course بمساعدة هؤلاء الأشخاص الرائعين وفريق الرسومات لدينا وهو Thought Cafe. 《速成课程》的这一集是在 Cheryl C. Kinney 博士速成课程工作室拍摄的,得到了这些了不起的人和我们的图形团队 Thought Cafe 的帮助。