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Vlog Brothers 2., 07. Why the Word "Millennial" Makes me Cringe.

07. Why the Word "Millennial" Makes me Cringe.

Good Morning John, a few weeks ago I was on an airplane, sitting next to a young woman maybe 23 years old. Over the course of the flight, talking to her I discovered that she does this flight a lot in the last 2 years she's taken this same flight 150 times. She didn't like the flying, she did it for her job and her job... she didn't seem to like that much either, but she gotten a degree so she could get a good job and it had worked and now she's working at a company where there are opportunities for advancement but not unless you have more than 5 years of experience, and as miserable as spending this much time in the middle seat in coach sounds to me. She was fine, she was happy, she was working her but off doing a job that she didn't find that interesting but she wanted a good life and she was willing to wait for it. John I present to you an American Millennial, universally ridiculed as entitled and self-centered but in fact understanding the world in deeply different ways than previous generations, with new and unique pressures on their identities and tasked with dealing with problems unlike anything our economy and our country and our world has ever seen.

During this weeks recording of Dear Hank and John, you told me about an article you wrote for the World Economic Form in Why the word millennial makes me cringe and I immediately ran to go read that article as soon as we were done recording because yeah the word millennial totally makes me cringe. Among a ton of good points you make in this article you mention that the word millennial was not assigned to themselves by themselves it was assigned by baby boomers. It was then later popularized in articles and op-eds by other people who weren't millennials that generally did one of three things: 1) made sweeping generalizations about the most diverse group of young people in American history,

2) complained that a young person was acting in a way that they did not expect them to or,

3) gave other generations anxiety about what these unknowable snake people are doing to America.

So basically one group of people created a term for another group of people and then used that term to talk about how scary they were and belittle them and make fun of them. Yeah, that's going to make some people cringe, but of course the original definition of millennial, the creation of the word, was separate from all this other like 'let's use that term now to talk about how weird young people are', but it does not change that that has happened and continues to happen and it's a...tuuuuhhh god.... There may have a time when America was homogeneous enough to intelligently talk about generational trends, but I think that time has kind of passed. Like the idea that millennials are the first generation to have grown up with the internet blindly ignores the fact that there are still young people in America who don't have access to the internet. And in general these conversations ten to replace the reality of the 'young American' with like 'the kind of young American that people who have opinions professionally tend to interact with'. All of this kind of makes me want to cringe a little bit, but additionally we so rarely talk about the actual challenge that young people in America face right now both pratically and existentially. Many young people these days have been told that in order to be valuable these days, they need to be everything, and they need not to just find a good job but to find a good job that is also extraordinarily impactful and meaningful. And while they are doing that they might as well also find themselves in a perfect relationship, and eat ethically, and become a home-owner, and pay off their student loans.

Now I don't want to be mad at anybody for any of these things, I'm happy to cringe, but for the most part these people are just trying to get clicks. 'Cuz when it comes down to it previous generations worked really hard to make life better for me than it was for them, and I really do believe that's the case. Whether that's the fact that gay people can get married, or that I can get all of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the rest of Netflix for just $7.99 per month, or that cars are much less likely to kill people now, but while solving problems they also created problems, and also just put a tremendous amount of pressure on the upcoming generation to expect more of themselves and of their lives. That's not the easiest thing to deal with, not least when things aren't turning out as planned. And it's very strange to me that one of the chief complaints of the older generation, this generation that worked so hard to make life easier for their kids, is that young people these days have it too easy, especially when it's increasingly clear that they don't. John, I'll see you on Tuesday.

07. Why the Word "Millennial" Makes me Cringe. 07. Warum mich das Wort "Millennial" erschaudern lässt. 07. Why the Word "Millennial" Makes me Cringe. 07. Pourquoi le mot "millénaire" me fait grincer des dents. 07. Perché la parola "Millennial" mi fa rabbrividire. 07.なぜ「ミレニアル世代」という言葉は私をうんざりさせるのか? 07 - Porque é que a palavra "Millennial" me faz estremecer. 07. "Y Kuşağı" Kelimesi Beni Neden Yaltaklatıyor? 07.为什么 "千禧一代 "这个词让我感到恶心?

Good Morning John, a few weeks ago I was on an airplane, sitting next to a young woman maybe 23 years old. Доброе утро, Джон, несколько недель назад я летел в самолете и сидел рядом с молодой женщиной лет 23-х. Over the course of the flight, talking to her I discovered that she does this flight a lot in the last 2 years she's taken this same flight 150 times. В ходе полета, поговорив с ней, я обнаружил, что она часто летает этим рейсом, за последние 2 года она летала этим же рейсом 150 раз. She didn't like the flying, she did it for her job and her job... she didn't seem to like that much either, but she gotten a degree so she could get a good job and it had worked and now she's working at a company where there are opportunities for advancement but not unless you have more than 5 years of experience, and as miserable as spending this much time in the middle seat in coach sounds to me. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Fortschritt||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ей не нравилось летать, она делала это для своей работы и своей работы... похоже, ей это тоже не очень нравилось, но она получила степень, чтобы найти хорошую работу, и это сработало, и теперь она работа в компании, где есть возможности для продвижения по службе, но только если у вас есть более 5 лет опыта работы, и это так же жалко, как и проводить столько времени на среднем сиденье в автобусе. She was fine, she was happy, she was working her but off doing a job that she didn't find that interesting but she wanted a good life and she was willing to wait for it. Она была в порядке, она была счастлива, она работала, но не выполняла работу, которая ей не казалась интересной, но она хотела хорошей жизни и была готова ждать ее. John I present to you an American Millennial, universally ridiculed as entitled and self-centered but in fact understanding the world in deeply different ways than previous generations, with new and unique pressures on their identities and tasked with dealing with problems unlike anything our economy and our country and our world has ever seen. |||||||||verspottet||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Probleme|anders als|||Wirtschaft||||||||| Джон, я представляю вам американского миллениала, которого повсеместно высмеивают за правомерность и эгоцентричность, но на самом деле понимающего мир совершенно иначе, чем предыдущие поколения, с новым и уникальным давлением на свою идентичность и задачей решения проблем, не похожих ни на что в нашей экономике и наша страна и наш мир когда-либо видели.

During this weeks recording of Dear Hank and John, you told me about an article you wrote for the World Economic Form in Why the word millennial makes me cringe and I immediately ran to go read that article as soon as we were done recording because yeah the word millennial totally makes me cringe. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Aufnahme|||||Millennial-Generation|vollständig total|||fremdschämen Во время этой недели записи «Дорогие Хэнк и Джон» вы рассказали мне о статье, которую вы написали для World Economic Form, в статье «Почему слово «миллениал» заставляет меня съеживаться, и я сразу же побежал читать эту статью, как только мы закончили запись, потому что да, Слово «миллениал» полностью заставляет меня съеживаться. Among a ton of good points you make in this article you mention that the word millennial was not assigned to themselves by themselves it was assigned by baby boomers. ||Ton|||Punkte||||||||||||||zugewiesen|||||||||Babyboomer|Babyboomer Среди множества хороших моментов, которые вы делаете в этой статье, вы упоминаете, что слово «миллениал» не было присвоено им самим, оно было присвоено бэби-бумерами. It was then later popularized in articles and op-eds by other people who weren't millennials that generally did one of three things: ||||popular gemacht||||Meinungsspalt|Meinungen||||||Millennials||generell||||| Позже это было популяризировано в статьях и публикациях других людей, которые не были миллениалами, которые обычно делали одну из трех вещей: 1) made sweeping generalizations about the most diverse group of young people in American history, ||||||vielfältige||||||| 1) сделал опрометчивые обобщения о самой разнообразной группе молодых людей в американской истории,

2) complained that a young person was acting in a way that they did not expect them to or, beschwert||||||||||||||||| 2) жаловались, что молодой человек вел себя не так, как они ожидали, или,

3) gave other generations anxiety about what these unknowable snake people are doing to America. 3) заставили другие поколения беспокоиться о том, что эти непостижимые люди-змеи делают с Америкой.

So basically one group of people created a term for another group of people and then used that term to talk about how scary they were and belittle them and make fun of them. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||herabsetzen|||||| Таким образом, в основном одна группа людей создала термин для другой группы людей, а затем использовала этот термин, чтобы говорить о том, насколько они страшны, принижать их и высмеивать. Yeah, that's going to make some people cringe, but of course the original definition of millennial, the creation of the word, was separate from all this other like 'let's use that term now to talk about how weird young people are', but it does not change that that has happened and continues to happen and it's a...tuuuuhhh god.... Да, это заставит некоторых людей съежиться, но, конечно, первоначальное определение миллениала, создание этого слова, было отделено от всего прочего, например, «давайте использовать этот термин сейчас, чтобы поговорить о том, какие странные молодые люди», но это не меняет того, что произошло и продолжает происходить, и это ... туууууххх боже .... There may have a time when America was homogeneous enough to intelligently talk about generational trends, but I think that time has kind of passed. Возможно, было время, когда Америка была достаточно однородной, чтобы разумно говорить о тенденциях поколений, но я думаю, что это время прошло. Like the idea that millennials are the first generation to have grown up with the internet blindly ignores the fact that there are still young people in America who don't have access to the internet. Например, идея о том, что миллениалы — первое поколение, выросшее в Интернете, слепо игнорирует тот факт, что в Америке все еще есть молодые люди, у которых нет доступа к Интернету. And in general these conversations ten to replace the reality of the 'young American' with like 'the kind of young American that people who have opinions professionally tend to interact with'. И в целом эти разговоры направлены на то, чтобы заменить реальность «молодого американца» чем-то вроде «молодого американца, с которым склонны взаимодействовать люди, имеющие профессиональное мнение». All of this kind of makes me want to cringe a little bit, but additionally we so rarely talk about the actual challenge that young people in America face right now both pratically and existentially. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||praktisch|| Все это заставляет меня немного съежиться, но, кроме того, мы так редко говорим о реальной проблеме, с которой молодые люди в Америке сталкиваются прямо сейчас как в практическом, так и в экзистенциальном плане. Many young people these days have been told that in order to be valuable these days, they need to be everything, and they need not to just find a good job but to find a good job that is also extraordinarily impactful and meaningful. Многим молодым людям в наши дни говорят, что для того, чтобы быть ценными в наши дни, они должны быть всем, и им нужно не просто найти хорошую работу, но найти хорошую работу, которая также будет чрезвычайно эффективной и значимой. And while they are doing that they might as well also find themselves in a perfect relationship, and eat ethically, and become a home-owner, and pay off their student loans. И пока они делают это, они также могут оказаться в идеальных отношениях, и питаться этично, и стать домовладельцами, и погасить свои студенческие кредиты.

Now I don't want to be mad at anybody for any of these things, I'm happy to cringe, but for the most part these people are just trying to get clicks. Теперь я не хочу ни на кого злиться ни за что из этого, я счастлив съежиться, но по большей части эти люди просто пытаются получить клики. 'Cuz when it comes down to it previous generations worked really hard to make life better for me than it was for them, and I really do believe that's the case. «Потому что, когда дело доходит до этого, предыдущие поколения очень усердно работали, чтобы сделать мою жизнь лучше, чем она была для них, и я действительно верю, что это так. Whether that's the fact that gay people can get married, or that I can get all of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the rest of Netflix for just $7.99 per month, or that cars are much less likely to kill people now, but while solving problems they also created problems, and also just put a tremendous amount of pressure on the upcoming generation to expect more of themselves and of their lives. То ли дело в том, что геи могут жениться, то ли в том, что я могу получить всю «Баффи — истребительницу вампиров» и остальную часть Netflix всего за 7,99 долларов в месяц, то ли в том, что автомобили теперь гораздо реже убивают людей, но, решая проблемы, они также создали проблемы, а также просто оказали огромное давление на подрастающее поколение, чтобы оно ожидало большего от себя и от своей жизни. That's not the easiest thing to deal with, not least when things aren't turning out as planned. С этим не так-то просто справиться, особенно когда что-то идет не так, как планировалось. And it's very strange to me that one of the chief complaints of the older generation, this generation that worked so hard to make life easier for their kids, is that young people these days have it too easy, especially when it's increasingly clear that they don't. И мне очень странно, что одна из главных жалоб старшего поколения, этого поколения, которое так много работало, чтобы облегчить жизнь своим детям, заключается в том, что молодым людям в наши дни слишком легко, особенно когда становится все более очевидным, что они не 'т. John, I'll see you on Tuesday. Джон, увидимся во вторник.