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Easy Conversations, 1. I Live in Pasadena

1. I Live in Pasadena

A: Do you have a car?

B: Yes, I do.

A: What kind of car do you have?

B: I have a Honda.

A: Is it new?

B: It was new in 2003.

A: So, it's pretty old now.

B: Yes, it is.

But it still looks good. A: Do you take good care of it?

B: Oh, yes.

I wash it once a week. A: Do you change the oil?

B: My mechanic changes the oil twice a year.

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1. I Live in Pasadena |||Pasadena California 1. Ich wohne in Pasadena 1. Vivo en Pasadena 1. J'habite à Pasadena 1. Vivo a Pasadena 1.パサディナ在住 1) Mieszkam w Pasadenie 1. Vivo em Pasadena 1. Я живу в Пасадене 1. 我住在帕萨迪纳

A: Do you have a car? A: ¿Tienes un coche? A: Apakah Anda punya mobil? R: Tem um carro? A: Ali imaš avto? A: Bạn có xe hơi không? A: 你有车吗?

B: Yes, I do. B: Sí, lo tengo. B: Da, imam.

A: What kind of car do you have? ||tipo||||| A: ¿Qué tipo de coche tienes? A:どんな車を持っていますか? A: Kakšen avto imaš?

B: I have a Honda. ||||Tengo un Honda. B: Imam Hondo.

A: Is it new? A: Je nova?

B: It was new in 2003. Era nuevo||era|| B: Bila je nova leta 2003.

A: So, it’s pretty old now. |||bastante|| A:それで、それは今かなり古いです。 A: Torej, zdaj je precej staro.

B: Yes, it is. B: Ja, je.

But it still looks good. Mas continua a ter bom aspeto. Ampak še vedno dobro izgleda. A: Do you take good care of it? |||||cuidas|| A:よく管理していますか? R: Cuida bem dele? A: Ali dobro poskrbite zanj?

B: Oh, yes. B: Oh, ja.

I wash it once a week. Lavo-o uma vez por semana. Operem ga enkrat na teden. A: Do you change the oil? A: Ali menite olje?

B: My mechanic changes the oil twice a year. ||automotive technician|replaces||||| B: O meu mecânico muda o óleo duas vezes por ano. B: Moj mehanik menja olje dvakrat na leto.