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Wuthering Heights Chapter1~34end (British Accent), Chapter2, Part2

Chapter2, Part2

‘Ah, certainly—I see now: you are the favoured possessor of the beneficent fairy,' I remarked, turning to my neighbour. This was worse than before: the youth grew crimson, and clenched his fist, with every appearance of a meditated assault. But he seemed to recollect himself presently, and smothered the storm in a brutal curse, muttered on my behalf: which, however, I took care not to notice.

‘Unhappy in your conjectures, sir,' observed my host; ‘we neither of us have the privilege of owning your good fairy; her mate is dead. I said she was my daughter-in-law: therefore, she must have married my son.' ‘And this young man is—' ‘Not my son, assuredly.' Heathcliff smiled again, as if it were rather too bold a jest to attribute the paternity of that bear to him.

‘My name is Hareton Earnshaw,' growled the other; ‘and I'd counsel you to respect it!' ‘I've shown no disrespect,' was my reply, laughing internally at the dignity with which he announced himself. He fixed his eye on me longer than I cared to return the stare, for fear I might be tempted either to box his ears or render my hilarity audible. I began to feel unmistakably out of place in that pleasant family circle. The dismal spiritual atmosphere overcame, and more than neutralised, the glowing physical comforts round me; and I resolved to be cautious how I ventured under those rafters a third time.

The business of eating being concluded, and no one uttering a word of sociable conversation, I approached a window to examine the weather. A sorrowful sight I saw: dark night coming down prematurely, and sky and hills mingled in one bitter whirl of wind and suffocating snow.

‘I don't think it possible for me to get home now without a guide,' I could not help exclaiming. ‘The roads will be buried already; and, if they were bare, I could scarcely distinguish a foot in advance.' ‘Hareton, drive those dozen sheep into the barn porch. They'll be covered if left in the fold all night: and put a plank before them,' said Heathcliff. ‘How must I do?' I continued, with rising irritation.

There was no reply to my question; and on looking round I saw only Joseph bringing in a pail of porridge for the dogs, and Mrs. Heathcliff leaning over the fire, diverting herself with burning a bundle of matches which had fallen from the chimney-piece as she restored the tea-canister to its place. The former, when he had deposited his burden, took a critical survey of the room, and in cracked tones grated out—‘Aw wonder how yah can faishion to stand thear i' idleness un war, when all on 'ems goan out! Bud yah're a nowt, and it's no use talking—yah'll niver mend o'yer ill ways, but goa raight to t' divil, like yer mother afore ye!' I imagined, for a moment, that this piece of eloquence was addressed to me; and, sufficiently enraged, stepped towards the aged rascal with an intention of kicking him out of the door. Mrs. Heathcliff, however, checked me by her answer.

‘You scandalous old hypocrite!' she replied. ‘Are you not afraid of being carried away bodily, whenever you mention the devil's name? I warn you to refrain from provoking me, or I'll ask your abduction as a special favour! Stop! look here, Joseph,' she continued, taking a long, dark book from a shelf; ‘I'll show you how far I've progressed in the Black Art: I shall soon be competent to make a clear house of it. The red cow didn't die by chance; and your rheumatism can hardly be reckoned among providential visitations!' ‘Oh, wicked, wicked!' gasped the elder; ‘may the Lord deliver us from evil!' ‘No, reprobate! you are a castaway—be off, or I'll hurt you seriously! I'll have you all modelled in wax and clay! and the first who passes the limits I fix shall—I'll not say what he shall be done to—but, you'll see! Go, I'm looking at you!' The little witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out, praying, and ejaculating ‘wicked' as he went. I thought her conduct must be prompted by a species of dreary fun; and, now that we were alone, I endeavoured to interest her in my distress.

‘Mrs. Heathcliff,' I said earnestly, ‘you must excuse me for troubling you. I presume, because, with that face, I'm sure you cannot help being good-hearted. Do point out some landmarks by which I may know my way home: I have no more idea how to get there than you would have how to get to London!' ‘Take the road you came,' she answered, ensconcing herself in a chair, with a candle, and the long book open before her. ‘It is brief advice, but as sound as I can give.' ‘Then, if you hear of me being discovered dead in a bog or a pit full of snow, your conscience won't whisper that it is partly your fault?' ‘How so? I cannot escort you. They wouldn't let me go to the end of the garden wall.' ‘You! I should be sorry to ask you to cross the threshold, for my convenience, on such a night,' I cried. ‘I want you to tell me my way, not to show it: or else to persuade Mr. Heathcliff to give me a guide.' ‘Who? There is himself, Earnshaw, Zillah, Joseph and I. Which would you have?' ‘Are there no boys at the farm?' ‘No; those are all.' ‘Then, it follows that I am compelled to stay.' ‘That you may settle with your host. I have nothing to do with it.' ‘I hope it will be a lesson to you to make no more rash journeys on these hills,' cried Heathcliff's stern voice from the kitchen entrance. ‘As to staying here, I don't keep accommodations for visitors: you must share a bed with Hareton or Joseph, if you do.' ‘I can sleep on a chair in this room,' I replied. ‘No, no! A stranger is a stranger, be he rich or poor: it will not suit me to permit any one the range of the place while I am off guard!' said the unmannerly wretch.

With this insult my patience was at an end. I uttered an expression of disgust, and pushed past him into the yard, running against Earnshaw in my haste. It was so dark that I could not see the means of exit; and, as I wandered round, I heard another specimen of their civil behaviour amongst each other. At first the young man appeared about to befriend me.

‘I'll go with him as far as the park,' he said. ‘You'll go with him to hell!' exclaimed his master, or whatever relation he bore. ‘And who is to look after the horses, eh?' ‘A man's life is of more consequence than one evening's neglect of the horses: somebody must go,' murmured Mrs. Heathcliff, more kindly than I expected. ‘Not at your command!' retorted Hareton. ‘If you set store on him, you'd better be quiet.' ‘Then I hope his ghost will haunt you; and I hope Mr. Heathcliff will never get another tenant till the Grange is a ruin,' she answered, sharply. ‘Hearken, hearken, shoo's cursing on 'em!' muttered Joseph, towards whom I had been steering.

He sat within earshot, milking the cows by the light of a lantern, which I seized unceremoniously, and, calling out that I would send it back on the morrow, rushed to the nearest postern.

‘Maister, maister, he's staling t' lanthern!' shouted the ancient, pursuing my retreat. ‘Hey, Gnasher! Hey, dog! Hey Wolf, holld him, holld him!' On opening the little door, two hairy monsters flew at my throat, bearing me down, and extinguishing the light; while a mingled guffaw from Heathcliff and Hareton put the copestone on my rage and humiliation. Fortunately, the beasts seemed more bent on stretching their paws, and yawning, and flourishing their tails, than devouring me alive; but they would suffer no resurrection, and I was forced to lie till their malignant masters pleased to deliver me: then, hatless and trembling with wrath, I ordered the miscreants to let me out—on their peril to keep me one minute longer—with several incoherent threats of retaliation that, in their indefinite depth of virulency, smacked of King Lear.

The vehemence of my agitation brought on a copious bleeding at the nose, and still Heathcliff laughed, and still I scolded. I don't know what would have concluded the scene, had there not been one person at hand rather more rational than myself, and more benevolent than my entertainer. This was Zillah, the stout housewife; who at length issued forth to inquire into the nature of the uproar. She thought that some of them had been laying violent hands on me; and, not daring to attack her master, she turned her vocal artillery against the younger scoundrel.

‘Well, Mr. Earnshaw,' she cried, ‘I wonder what you'll have agait next? Are we going to murder folk on our very door-stones? I see this house will never do for me—look at t' poor lad, he's fair choking! Wisht, wisht; you mun'n't go on so. Come in, and I'll cure that: there now, hold ye still.' With these words she suddenly splashed a pint of icy water down my neck, and pulled me into the kitchen. Mr. Heathcliff followed, his accidental merriment expiring quickly in his habitual moroseness.

I was sick exceedingly, and dizzy, and faint; and thus compelled perforce to accept lodgings under his roof. He told Zillah to give me a glass of brandy, and then passed on to the inner room; while she condoled with me on my sorry predicament, and having obeyed his orders, whereby I was somewhat revived, ushered me to bed.

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Chapter2, Part2 Kapitel2, Teil2 Κεφάλαιο2, Μέρος2 Chapitre 2, partie 2 第2章 後編 2 skyrius, 2 dalis Глава2, Часть2 第二章,第二部分

‘Ah, certainly—I see now: you are the favoured possessor of the beneficent fairy,' I remarked, turning to my neighbour. ||||||||||||kind-hearted||||||| 'Ah, zeker - ik zie het nu: jij bent de favoriete bezitter van de weldadige fee,' merkte ik op, terwijl ik me tot mijn buurman wendde. This was worse than before: the youth grew crimson, and clenched his fist, with every appearance of a meditated assault. ||||||||||tightened||||||||planned attack| Dit was erger dan voorheen: de jongen werd vuurrood en balde zijn vuist, met alle schijn van een gemediteerde aanval. But he seemed to recollect himself presently, and smothered the storm in a brutal curse, muttered on my behalf: which, however, I took care not to notice. ||||||||suppressed violently|||||harsh curse|||||for me||||||||

‘Unhappy in your conjectures, sir,' observed my host; ‘we neither of us have the privilege of owning your good fairy; her mate is dead. |||guesses|||||||||||||||||||| 'Ongelukkig met uw vermoedens, mijnheer,' merkte mijn gastheer op; 'wij hebben geen van beiden het voorrecht uw goede fee te bezitten; haar partner is dood. I said she was my daughter-in-law: therefore, she must have married my son.' ‘And this young man is—' ‘Not my son, assuredly.' Heathcliff smiled again, as if it were rather too bold a jest to attribute the paternity of that bear to him. |||||||||||||||fatherhood||||| Heathcliff glimlachte weer, alsof het een te gewaagde grap was om het vaderschap van die beer aan hem toe te schrijven.

‘My name is Hareton Earnshaw,' growled the other; ‘and I'd counsel you to respect it!' ||||||||||advise|||| ‘I've shown no disrespect,' was my reply, laughing internally at the dignity with which he announced himself. |||disregard|||||within myself|||||||| 'Ik heb geen gebrek aan respect getoond,' was mijn antwoord, inwendig lachend om de waardigheid waarmee hij zich aankondigde. He fixed his eye on me longer than I cared to return the stare, for fear I might be tempted either to box his ears or render my hilarity audible. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||make audible||laughter|audible Hij hield zijn blik langer op mij gericht dan ik de moeite nam hem terug te staren, uit angst dat ik in de verleiding zou komen om zijn oren dicht te knijpen of mijn hilariteit hoorbaar te maken. I began to feel unmistakably out of place in that pleasant family circle. ||||clearly|||||||| Ik begon me onmiskenbaar niet op mijn plaats te voelen in die gezellige familiekring. The dismal spiritual atmosphere overcame, and more than neutralised, the glowing physical comforts round me; and I resolved to be cautious how I ventured under those rafters a third time. |gloomy|||overpowered, surpassed||||counteracted||radiant||luxuries||||||||||||||ceiling beams||| De sombere spirituele atmosfeer overwon, en neutraliseerde meer dan de gloeiende fysieke gemakken om me heen; en ik besloot voorzichtig te zijn hoe ik me voor de derde keer onder die spanten waagde.

The business of eating being concluded, and no one uttering a word of sociable conversation, I approached a window to examine the weather. Toen de zaak van het eten was afgerond en niemand een woord van gezellig gesprek uitsprak, naderde ik een raam om het weer te bekijken. A sorrowful sight I saw: dark night coming down prematurely, and sky and hills mingled in one bitter whirl of wind and suffocating snow. ||||||||||||||||||twist||||choking| Een treurig gezicht zag ik: de donkere nacht viel voortijdig in, en lucht en heuvels vermengden zich in een bittere werveling van wind en verstikkende sneeuw.

‘I don't think it possible for me to get home now without a guide,' I could not help exclaiming. ‘The roads will be buried already; and, if they were bare, I could scarcely distinguish a foot in advance.' ‘Hareton, drive those dozen sheep into the barn porch. They'll be covered if left in the fold all night: and put a plank before them,' said Heathcliff. |||||||enclosure|||||||||| ‘How must I do?' I continued, with rising irritation.

There was no reply to my question; and on looking round I saw only Joseph bringing in a pail of porridge for the dogs, and Mrs. Heathcliff leaning over the fire, diverting herself with burning a bundle of matches which had fallen from the chimney-piece as she restored the tea-canister to its place. ||||||||||||||||||bucket||oatmeal dish|||||||||||diverting||||||||||||||||||||tea container||| The former, when he had deposited his burden, took a critical survey of the room, and in cracked tones grated out—‘Aw wonder how yah can faishion to stand thear i' idleness un war, when all on 'ems goan out! |||||deposited||||||||||||||grated out||oh|||||manage to|||there in||idleness||||||them|going out| Bud yah're a nowt, and it's no use talking—yah'll niver mend o'yer ill ways, but goa raight to t' divil, like yer mother afore ye!' |you are||good-for-nothing||||||you all|||you are||||go||||devil||||like your mother before you| I imagined, for a moment, that this piece of eloquence was addressed to me; and, sufficiently enraged, stepped towards the aged rascal with an intention of kicking him out of the door. |||||||||speech or expression||directed towards|||||very angry|||||scoundrel|||||||||| Mrs. Heathcliff, however, checked me by her answer.

‘You scandalous old hypocrite!' she replied. ‘Are you not afraid of being carried away bodily, whenever you mention the devil's name? |||||||||||||devil| I warn you to refrain from provoking me, or I'll ask your abduction as a special favour! ||||||||||||kidnapping|||| Stop! look here, Joseph,' she continued, taking a long, dark book from a shelf; ‘I'll show you how far I've progressed in the Black Art: I shall soon be competent to make a clear house of it. The red cow didn't die by chance; and your rheumatism can hardly be reckoned among providential visitations!' |||||||||arthritis||||counted||divine intervention|visitations ‘Oh, wicked, wicked!' gasped the elder; ‘may the Lord deliver us from evil!' ‘No, reprobate! |scoundrel or rascal you are a castaway—be off, or I'll hurt you seriously! I'll have you all modelled in wax and clay! ||||sculpted, shaped||model|| and the first who passes the limits I fix shall—I'll not say what he shall be done to—but, you'll see! Go, I'm looking at you!' The little witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out, praying, and ejaculating ‘wicked' as he went. ||||||malevolence|||||||||||||||exclaiming|||| I thought her conduct must be prompted by a species of dreary fun; and, now that we were alone, I endeavoured to interest her in my distress. ||||||||||||||||||||endeavored||||||

‘Mrs. Heathcliff,' I said earnestly, ‘you must excuse me for troubling you. I presume, because, with that face, I'm sure you cannot help being good-hearted. Do point out some landmarks by which I may know my way home: I have no more idea how to get there than you would have how to get to London!' ‘Take the road you came,' she answered, ensconcing herself in a chair, with a candle, and the long book open before her. ‘It is brief advice, but as sound as I can give.' ‘Then, if you hear of me being discovered dead in a bog or a pit full of snow, your conscience won't whisper that it is partly your fault?' |||||||||||||||||||moral sense|||||||| ‘How so? I cannot escort you. They wouldn't let me go to the end of the garden wall.' ‘You! I should be sorry to ask you to cross the threshold, for my convenience, on such a night,' I cried. ‘I want you to tell me my way, not to show it: or else to persuade Mr. Heathcliff to give me a guide.' ‘Who? There is himself, Earnshaw, Zillah, Joseph and I.  Which would you have?' ‘Are there no boys at the farm?' ‘No; those are all.' ‘Then, it follows that I am compelled to stay.' ‘That you may settle with your host. I have nothing to do with it.' ‘I hope it will be a lesson to you to make no more rash journeys on these hills,' cried Heathcliff's stern voice from the kitchen entrance. ‘As to staying here, I don't keep accommodations for visitors: you must share a bed with Hareton or Joseph, if you do.' ‘I can sleep on a chair in this room,' I replied. ‘No, no! A stranger is a stranger, be he rich or poor: it will not suit me to permit any one the range of the place while I am off guard!' said the unmannerly wretch. ||rude|

With this insult my patience was at an end. I uttered an expression of disgust, and pushed past him into the yard, running against Earnshaw in my haste. ||||||||||||||into, towards|||| It was so dark that I could not see the means of exit; and, as I wandered round, I heard another specimen of their civil behaviour amongst each other. |||||||||||||||||||||example||||||| At first the young man appeared about to befriend me. ||||||||make friends|

‘I'll go with him as far as the park,' he said. ‘You'll go with him to hell!' exclaimed his master, or whatever relation he bore. ‘And who is to look after the horses, eh?' ‘A man's life is of more consequence than one evening's neglect of the horses: somebody must go,' murmured Mrs. Heathcliff, more kindly than I expected. ||||||||||overlooked care|||||||||||||| ‘Not at your command!' retorted Hareton. |Hareton ‘If you set store on him, you'd better be quiet.' ||value, rely|value|||||| ‘Then I hope his ghost will haunt you; and I hope Mr. Heathcliff will never get another tenant till the Grange is a ruin,' she answered, sharply. |||||||||||||||||renter|||farmhouse|||||| ‘Hearken, hearken, shoo's cursing on 'em!' Listen||shoo is|cursing|| muttered Joseph, towards whom I had been steering. |||||||guiding direction

He sat within earshot, milking the cows by the light of a lantern, which I seized unceremoniously, and, calling out that I would send it back on the morrow, rushed to the nearest postern. |||hearing range|dairy farming||||||||||||without ceremony||||||||||||next day|hurriedly went||||back door Hij zat binnen gehoorsafstand de koeien te melken bij het licht van een lantaarn, die ik zonder pardon greep, en terwijl hij riep dat ik hem de volgende dag terug zou sturen, haastte hij zich naar de dichtstbijzijnde poort.

‘Maister, maister, he's staling t' lanthern!' |||stealing||the lantern shouted the ancient, pursuing my retreat. ‘Hey, Gnasher! |Gnasher Hey, dog! Hey Wolf, holld him, holld him!' |Wolf|hold||| On opening the little door, two hairy monsters flew at my throat, bearing me down, and extinguishing the light; while a mingled guffaw from Heathcliff and Hareton put the copestone on my rage and humiliation. ||||||||||||||||putting out|||||mixed|loud laugh|||||||final touch||||| Fortunately, the beasts seemed more bent on stretching their paws, and yawning, and flourishing their tails, than devouring me alive; but they would suffer no resurrection, and I was forced to lie till their malignant masters pleased to deliver me: then, hatless and trembling with wrath, I ordered the miscreants to let me out—on their peril to keep me one minute longer—with several incoherent threats of retaliation that, in their indefinite depth of virulency, smacked of King Lear. |||||determined, intent, focused||||||yawning||||tails|||||||||||||||||||evil|||||||without a hat||||||||scoundrels|||||||danger|||||||||disjointed threats|||revenge||||vague and unspecified|||intense bitterness|suggested|||King Lear

The vehemence of my agitation brought on a copious bleeding at the nose, and still Heathcliff laughed, and still I scolded. |intensity|||disturbance, anxiety, unrest|||||||||||||||| I don't know what would have concluded the scene, had there not been one person at hand rather more rational than myself, and more benevolent than my entertainer. ||||||||||||||||||||||||kind-hearted|||host This was Zillah, the stout housewife; who at length issued forth to inquire into the nature of the uproar. |||||domestic manager|||||came out||ask about||||||commotion or disturbance She thought that some of them had been laying violent hands on me; and, not daring to attack her master, she turned her vocal artillery against the younger scoundrel. ||||||||||||||||||||||||verbal weapons||||rascal

‘Well, Mr. Earnshaw,' she cried, ‘I wonder what you'll have agait next? ||||||||||against| Are we going to murder folk on our very door-stones? I see this house will never do for me—look at t' poor lad, he's fair choking! Wisht, wisht; you mun'n't go on so. wish|wish||must not||| Come in, and I'll cure that: there now, hold ye still.' With these words she suddenly splashed a pint of icy water down my neck, and pulled me into the kitchen. Mr. Heathcliff followed, his accidental merriment expiring quickly in his habitual moroseness. ||||||fading away||||customary|sullen mood

I was sick exceedingly, and dizzy, and faint; and thus compelled perforce to accept lodgings under his roof. |||||||||||by necessity|||accommodations||| He told Zillah to give me a glass of brandy, and then passed on to the inner room; while she condoled with me on my sorry predicament, and having obeyed his orders, whereby I was somewhat revived, ushered me to bed. |||||||||brandy|||||||||||expressed sympathy||||||situation||||||by which way|||partially||led|||