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Seven Habits of Spectacularly Unsuccessful Executives, Part 2

Part 2

Habit #3: They think they have all the answers Here's the image of executive competence that we've been taught to admire for decades: a dynamic leader making a dozen decisions a minute, dealing with many crises simultaneously, and taking only seconds to size up situations that have stumped everyone else for days. The problem with this picture is that it's a fraud. Leaders who are invariably crisp and decisive tend to settle issues so quickly they have no opportunity to grasp the ramifications. Worse, because their leaders need to feel they have all the answers, they aren't open to learning new ones. CEO Wolfgang Schmitt of Rubbermaid was fond of demonstrating his ability to sort out difficult issues in a flash. A former colleague remembers that under Schmitt, "the joke went, 'Wolf knows everything about everything. ' In one discussion, where we were talking about a particularly complex acquisition we made in Europe, Wolf, without hearing different points of view, just said, 'Well, this is what we are going to do. '" Leaders who have need to have all the answers shut out other points of view. When your company or organization is run by someone like this, you'd better hope the answers he comes up with are going to be the right ones. At Rubbermaid they weren't. The company went from being Fortune's most admired company in America in 1993 to being acquired by the conglomerate Newell a few years later. Warning Sign: A leader without followers John Keogh, another big-time underwriter of D&O insurance, pointed out what he looks for when CEOs are being interviewed by analysts: "[Was] the management team incredibly arrogant? [Did the CEO or CFO] have all the answers and is [he or she] pretty [much] on top of his or her game?" CEOs who believe they have all the answers don't really need other people, except to do what they want them to do. One of the critical side effects of a CEO's fixation on being right is that opposition can go underground, effectively closing down dissent. As middle management begins to realize that their personal contributions aren't important, an entire organization can grind to a halt. When a leader's perspective and the management team's perspective drastically differ, take note. The difference in perception between Schmitt and his staff at Rubbermaid was striking, and was characteristic of many executives' predicament. He was a leader without followers. Habit #4: They ruthlessly eliminate anyone who isn't completely behind them CEOs who think their job is to instill belief in their vision also think that it is their job to get everyone to buy into it. Anyone who doesn't rally to the cause is undermining the vision. Hesitant managers have a choice: Get with the plan or leave. The problem with this approach is that it's both unnecessary and destructive. CEOs don't need to have everyone unanimously endorse their vision to have it carried out successfully. In fact, by eliminating all dissenting and contrasting viewpoints, destructive CEOs cut themselves off from their best chance of seeing and correcting problems as they arise. Sometimes CEOs who seek to stifle dissent only drive it underground. Once this happens, the entire organization falters. At Mattel, Jill Barad removed her senior lieutenants if she thought they harboured serious reservations about the way that she was running things. Schmitt created such a threatening atmosphere at Rubbermaid that firings were often unnecessary. When new executives realized that they'd get no support from the CEO, many of them left almost as fast as they'd come on board. Eventually, these CEOs had everyone on their staff completely behind them. But where they were headed was toward disaster. And no one was left to warn them. Warning Sign: Executive departures A revolving door at the top is one of the strongest signals that there has been executive failure at a company. Whether executives leave under "false pretenses," or are sent to some distant outpost where they'll have no further influence at headquarters, a pattern of executive departures speaks volumes for what is going on at a company. At Mattel, along with firing senior lieutenants on a moment's notice, Jill Barad drove six direct reports to resign for "personal reasons." The same thing has happened at Sun Microsystems over the last year. A mass exodus may be an indication that the CEO is out to eliminate any contrary opinions, or it may reflect inside information senior executives are acting on. In either case, it's a powerful warning sign. Analysts and many investors regularly track insider sales of stock, but executive departures may provide an even clearer window on the company. After all, what stronger statement can an executive make than to leave his or her job and the company entirely? Habit #5: They are consummate spokespersons, obsessed with the company image. You know these CEOs: high-profile executives who are constantly in the public eye. The problem is that amid all the media frenzy and accolades, these leaders' management efforts become shallow and ineffective. Instead of actually accomplishing things, they often settle for the appearance of accomplishing things. Behind these media darlings is a simple fact of executive life: CEOs don't achieve a high level of media attention without devoting themselves assiduously to public relations. When CEOs are obsessed with their image, they have little time for operational details. Tyco's Dennis Kozlowski sometimes intervened in remarkably minor matters, but left most of the company's day-to-day operations unsupervised. As a final negative twist, when CEOs make the company's image their top priority, they run the risk of using financial-reporting practices to promote that image. Instead of treating their financial accounts as a control tool, they treat them as a public-relations tool. The creative accounting that was apparently practiced by such executives as Enron's Jeffrey Skilling or Tyco's Kozlowski is as much or more an attempt to promote the company's image as it is to deceive the public: In their eyes, everything that the company does is public relations. Warning Sign: Blatant attention-seeking The types of behaviour exhibited by Napoleonic CEOs tend to be so blatant that they can't be missed. Warning signs begin with the executive lifestyle-they may start to run with a very cool crowd, buy expensive art, and hobnob with political dignitaries and celebrities. The CEO will seem to spend more time with PR personnel and making public appearances than doing something as mundane as visiting customers. Other times, a company will build a striking new headquarters, designed to serve as a corporate symbol. In more extreme cases, the CEO will try to acquire the naming rights for a new sports arena or stadium.

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Part 2 भाग 2 के संदर्भ में <Part> का अनुवाद करें। अधिकतम 3 शब्द। Teil 2 Μέρος 2 Part 2 Parte 2 Partie 2 Parte 2 パート2 파트 2 Część 2 Parte 2 Часть 2 Bölüm 2 Частина 2 第2部分 第2部分

Habit #3: They think they have all the answers Here's the image of executive competence that we've been taught to admire for decades: a dynamic leader making a dozen decisions a minute, dealing with many crises simultaneously, and taking only seconds to size up situations that have stumped everyone else for days. |Они||||||ответы|||||исполнительный|компетентность||||научили||восхищаться||||динамичный|лидер|принимающим||дюжина|||минута|разбираясь с|||кризисы|одновременно|||только несколько секунд|||размер|||||озадаченные|||| ||||||||||image|||||||||||||||||||||||||||prenant|||||||que||déconcerté|||| ||||||||||||leadership|skill or expertise|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||puzzled|||| |||||||||||||||||ensinados a||||||dinâmico||||||||||||||||segundos||avaliar|||||deixaram perplexos||os outros|| ||||||||||||||||||zu||||||||||||||||||||||||||||überfordert|||| ||||||||||图像||高管|能力|||||||||||||||||||||危机|同时进行|||||||||||困惑|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||dejado perplejos|||| ||||||||||||מנהל|יכולת ניהול|||||||||||||||||||||משברים|||||||||||||||| Gewohnheit # 3: Sie denken, sie haben alle Antworten Hier ist das Bild von Führungskompetenz, das wir seit Jahrzehnten zu bewundern gelernt haben: ein dynamischer Führer, der ein Dutzend Entscheidungen pro Minute trifft, viele Krisen gleichzeitig behandelt und nur Sekunden braucht, um zu bemessen Situationen, die jeden anderen tagelang überrumpelt haben. Habit #3: They think they have all the answers Here's the image of executive competence that we've been taught to admire for decades: a dynamic leader making a dozen decisions a minute, dealing with many crises simultaneously, and taking only seconds to size up situations that have stumped everyone else for days. Hábito n.º 3: Creen que tienen todas las respuestas Esta es la imagen de la competencia ejecutiva que nos han enseñado a admirar durante décadas: un líder dinámico que toma una docena de decisiones por minuto, se enfrenta a muchas crisis simultáneamente y toma solo unos segundos para adaptarse. situaciones que han dejado perplejos a todos los demás durante días. Habitude n°3 : Ils pensent avoir toutes les réponses Voici l'image de la compétence exécutive que nous avons été amenés à admirer depuis des décennies : un leader dynamique prenant une douzaine de décisions par minute, faisant face à de nombreuses crises simultanément et prenant seulement quelques secondes pour évaluer des situations qui ont déconcerté tout le monde pendant des jours. 習慣#3:彼らはすべての答えを持っていると思う何日もの間、他のみんなを悩ませてきた状況を改善する。 Vane nr. 3: De tror de har alle svarene. Her er bildet av utøvende kompetanse som vi har lært å beundre i flere tiår: en dynamisk leder som tar et dusin avgjørelser i minuttet, takler mange kriser samtidig, og tar bare sekunder på størrelse opp situasjoner som har stumpet alle andre i flere dager. Hábito # 3: Eles acham que têm todas as respostas Aqui está a imagem da competência executiva que fomos ensinados a admirar por décadas: um líder dinâmico tomando uma dúzia de decisões por minuto, lidando com muitas crises simultaneamente e levando apenas alguns segundos para dimensionar situações que confundiram todo mundo por dias. Привычка № 3: Они думают, что у них есть ответы на все вопросы Вот образ исполнительной компетентности, которым нас учили восхищаться на протяжении десятилетий: динамичный лидер, принимающий дюжину решений в минуту, справляющийся со многими кризисами одновременно и тратящий всего несколько секунд на расчет ситуации, которые ставили в тупик всех остальных в течение нескольких дней. Alışkanlık # 3: Tüm cevaplara sahip olduklarını düşünüyorlar. İşte onlarca yıldır bize öğretilmemiz gereken yönetici yeterliliğinin görüntüsü: Dinamik bir lider, bir dakika düzine kararlar veren, aynı anda birçok krizle başa çıkan ve sadece birkaç saniye süren dinamik bir lider günlerce herkesi şaşırtan durumlar. 习惯 3:他们认为自己知道所有答案。几十年来,我们一直被教导要钦佩这样的高管能力:一位充满活力的领导者,每分钟做出十几个决定,同时处理许多危机,只用几秒钟就能评估困扰其他人好几天的情况。 The problem with this picture is that it's a fraud. Проблема|проблема|с||||||| |||||||||Betrug |||||||||deception |||||||||uma fraude |||||||||欺诈 Le problème avec cette image, c'est que c'est une fraude. この写真の問題は、それが詐欺だということだ。 O problema com esta imagem é que é uma fraude. Проблема с этой картиной в том, что это мошенничество. Bu resimdeki sorun, sahtekarlık olması. 这张图片的问题在于这是欺诈。 Leaders who are invariably crisp and decisive tend to settle issues so quickly they have no opportunity to grasp the ramifications. Лидеры||||||||||вопросы||||||||||последствия ||sont||clairs et précis|||||trancher||||||||à|comprendre||conséquences |||consistently|clear and concise|and also|resolute||||||||||||||consequences |||invariavelmente|claro e decisivo|||||resolver|||||||||compreender|| |||unweigerlich|prägnant||entscheidend|||lösen|||||||||verstehen|| ||||||果断||||||||||||掌握||后果 ||||decididos||||||||||||||comprender|| |||תמיד באופן עקבי|בהירים ומדויקים||מכריע||||||||||||להבין||השלכות Leaders who are invariably crisp and decisive tend to settle issues so quickly they have no opportunity to grasp the ramifications. Azok a vezetők, akik mindig rendkívül éles és döntőek, hajlamosak olyan gyorsan rendezni a kérdéseket, hogy nincs lehetőségük megérteni a következményeket. いつも歯切れがよく決断力のあるリーダーは、問題をすぐに解決してしまうため、その影響を把握する機会がない。 Líderes que são invariavelmente claros e decisivos tendem a resolver questões tão rapidamente que não têm oportunidade de compreender as ramificações. Лидеры, которые неизменно четкие и решительные, как правило, решают проблемы так быстро, что у них нет возможности понять последствия. Her zaman net ve belirleyici olan liderler, sorunları o kadar çabuk çözme eğilimindedirler ki, sonuçları kavrama şansları yoktur. 总是干脆果断的领导者往往会如此迅速地解决问题,他们没有机会把握后果。 Worse, because their leaders need to feel they have all the answers, they aren't open to learning new ones. |||||||||||ответы||||||| Sőt, ami még rosszabb, mert a vezetőknek úgy kell érezniük, hogy megkapják az összes választ, ezért nem nyitottak újak megtanulására. さらに悪いことに、彼らの指導者たちは彼らがすべての答えを持っていることを感じる必要があるので、彼らは新しいものを学ぶことにオープンではありません。 Pior, porque seus líderes precisam sentir que têm todas as respostas, eles não estão abertos para aprender novas. Хуже того, потому что их лидеры должны чувствовать, что у них есть ответы на все вопросы, они не открыты для изучения новых. Daha da kötüsü, liderleri tüm cevaplara sahip olduklarını hissetmeleri gerektiği için, yenilerini öğrenmeye açık değillerdir. 更糟糕的是,因为他们的领导者需要感觉到他们拥有所有答案,所以他们对学习新的答案并不开放。 CEO Wolfgang Schmitt of Rubbermaid was fond of demonstrating his ability to sort out difficult issues in a flash. ||Шмитт|||||||||||||||| |Wolfgang Schmitt|||||aimait|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||instantly ||||||gostava de|||||||||||| ||||||gern|||||||||||| |沃尔夫冈|施密特||橡胶制造商||||展示|||||||||| ラバーメイド社のウォルフガング・シュミット最高経営責任者(CEO)は、困難な問題を瞬時に解決する能力を発揮するのが好きだった。 Rubbermaid CEO'su Wolfgang Schmitt bir anda zor sorunları çözme yeteneğini kanıtlamaktan hoşlanıyordu. Rubbermaid的首席执行官Wolfgang Schmitt喜欢展示自己的能力,可以迅速解决各种难题。 A former colleague remembers that under Schmitt, "the joke went, 'Wolf knows everything about everything. ||||||施密特|||||||| |antigo||||sob|||||Lobo|||| 元同僚はシュミットの下で、「冗談は行きました、 'ウルフはすべてについてのすべてを知っています。 Один из бывших коллег вспоминает, что при Шмитте "ходила шутка: "Вольф знает все обо всем". Eski bir meslektaşı, Schmitt'in altında “şakanın” Wolf'un her şey hakkında her şeyi bildiğini hatırlıyor. 一位前同事记得,在施密特(Schmitt)的统治下,“笑话流传,'沃尔夫(Wolf)知道一切。 ' In one discussion, where we were talking about a particularly complex acquisition we made in Europe, Wolf, without hearing different points of view, just said, 'Well, this is what we are going to do. |||||||||||purchase|||||||||||||||||||||| ある話し合いで、私たちがヨーロッパで行った特に複雑な買収について話していたとき、ウルフはさまざまな意見を聞くことなく、ただ『じゃあ、こうしよう』と言ったんだ。 'I en diskusjon, hvor vi snakket om et spesielt komplekst oppkjøp vi gjorde i Europa, sa Wolf, uten å høre forskjellige synspunkter,' Vel, dette er hva vi skal gjøre. «В одном из обсуждений, где мы говорили о особенно сложном приобретении, которое мы сделали в Европе, Вольф, не услышав разных точек зрения, просто сказал:« Ну, это то, что мы собираемся делать. “Avrupa’da yaptığımız karmaşık bir satın alma işleminden bahsettiğimiz bir tartışmada, Wolf, farklı bakış açıları duymadan,“ Sadece yapacağımız şey bu. 在一次讨论中,当我们谈论我们在欧洲进行的一项特别复杂的收购时,沃尔夫没有听到不同的观点,只是说:“好吧,这就是我们要做的。 '" Leaders who have need to have all the answers shut out other points of view. |||||||||סוגרים את||||| "" A vezetők, akiknek minden választ meg kell adniuk, kizárják a többi szempontot. 「すべての答えを得なければならない指導者たちは他の見方を覆い隠しています。 «Лидеры, которым нужно знать ответы на все вопросы, игнорируют другие точки зрения. '" Tüm cevaplara ihtiyaç duyan liderler, diğer bakış açılarını dışlar. '“需要获得所有答案的领导者将其他观点拒之门外。 When your company or organization is run by someone like this, you'd better hope the answers he comes up with are going to be the right ones. あなたの会社や組織がこのような人物によって運営されている場合、彼が導き出す答えが正しいものであることを祈るしかない。 Şirketiniz veya kuruluşunuz böyle biri tarafından yönetildiğinde, geldiği cevapların doğru cevaplar olacağını umarsınız. 当您的公司或组织由这样的人经营时,您最好希望他提出的答案将是正确的答案。 At Rubbermaid they weren't. The company went from being Fortune's most admired company in America in 1993 to being acquired by the conglomerate Newell a few years later. Warning Sign: A leader without followers John Keogh, another big-time underwriter of D&O insurance, pointed out what he looks for when CEOs are being interviewed by analysts: "[Was] the management team incredibly arrogant? |||||||||财富||||||||||||企业集团|纽威||||||||||||约翰·凯厄||||承销商|||||||||||||||||分析师||||||非常傲慢 |Rubbermaid||||||||||||||||||||conglomérat|||||||||||||||||Souscripteur d'assurance||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||Fortune's||||||||||||large corporation||||||||||||||||time frame|insurance provider||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||adquirida||||||||||sinal de alerta||||seguidores|John|Keogh||||||||seguro D&O||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||נרכשה|||תאגיד גדול|ניוול|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||יהיר ラバーメイド社はそうではなかった。同社は1993年にフォーチュン誌の「アメリカで最も称賛される企業」に選ばれたものの、数年後にはコングロマリットのニューウェル社に買収された。警告のサイン:フォロワーのいないリーダー D&O保険のもう一人の大物アンダーライターであるジョン・キョウは、CEOがアナリストのインタビューを受ける際に何を見るかを指摘している:「経営陣は信じられないほど傲慢だったか? На Rubbermaid их не было. Компания перешла от самой восхитительной компании Fortune в Америке в 1993 году, которую приобрел конгломерат Ньюэлл несколько лет спустя. Предупреждающий знак: лидер без последователей Джон Кеох, еще один крупный андеррайтер по страхованию D & O, указал, что он ищет, когда аналитики анализируют руководителей: «[Была ли команда менеджеров невероятно высокомерной? Rubbermaid'da onlar değildi. Şirket, Fortune’un Amerika’daki 1993’te Amerika’nın en beğenilen şirketi olmasından birkaç yıl sonra Newell’in kurumu tarafından satın alınmaya başlandı. Uyarı İşareti: D&O sigortasının bir başka büyük zaman sigortacısı olan takipçisi olmayan bir lider olan John Keogh, CEO'ların analistler tarafından röportaj yaptığı zaman ne aradığını belirtti: 在Rubbermaid,他们不是。该公司从1993年成为《财富》杂志在美国最受赞赏的公司,几年后又被集团Newell收购。警告标志:没有追随者的领导者另一位D&O保险的大型承销商约翰·基奥(John Keogh)指出,当分析师接受CEO采访时,他期待什么:“ [管理团队令人难以置信的自大吗? [Did the CEO or CFO] have all the answers and is [he or she] pretty [much] on top of his or her game?" CEOs who believe they have all the answers don't really need other people, except to do what they want them to do. ||||首席财务官|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||CEO||Chief Financial Officer|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| [CEOやCFOは)すべての答えを持っているのだろうか?自分がすべての答えを持っていると信じているCEOは、自分がしてほしいことをする以外には、本当は他の人を必要としていない。 [Имел ли генеральный директор или финансовый директор] все ответы и [он или она] довольно [много] на вершине своей игры? »Руководители, которые считают, что у них есть все ответы, действительно не нужны другим людям, кроме как делать что они хотят от них делать. [CEO ya da CFO] tüm cevaplara sahip miydi ve [oyun] başında [çok] hoş biri miydi? ” ne yapmalarını istiyorlar. [CEO或CFO是否有所有答案,并且[他或她]在[他或她的游戏中]表现出色?”相信自己拥有所有答案的CEO真的不需要其他人,除了要做他们想要他们做什么。 One of the critical side effects of a CEO's fixation on being right is that opposition can go underground, effectively closing down dissent. ||||||||||||||||||||||la dissidence |||||||||obsession|||||||||hidden|in a way that is successful|||disagreement |||||||||fixação|||||||||subterrânea||||dissidência |||||||||执着||||||反对|||||||异议 ||||||||||||||||||||||disenso ||||||||||||||||||||||sprzeciw |||||||||התקשרות המוחית||||||התנגדות|||מתחת לפני השטח||סוגר את||מרד One of the critical side effects of a CEO's fixation on being right is that opposition can go underground, effectively closing down dissent. 最高経営責任者(CEO)の正しさに対する固執の重大な副作用の1つは、反対派が地下に行き、異議を事実上なくすことができるということです。 Одним из важных побочных эффектов фиксации CEO на то, что он прав, является то, что оппозиция может уйти в подполье, эффективно закрывая инакомыслие. Bir CEO'nun fikrinin haklı olma konusundaki kritik yan etkilerinden biri, muhalefetin yer altına inerek muhalefeti etkin bir şekilde kapatmasıdır. 首席执行官固执己见的关键副作用之一是,反对派可以进入地下,有效地关闭异议人士。 As middle management begins to realize that their personal contributions aren't important, an entire organization can grind to a halt. ||||||||||||||||s'arrêter brusquement||| |middle|middle management||||||||||||||slow down|||stop |meio|||||||||||||||pode parar|||parar |||||||||||wichtig|||||ins Stocken geraten|||Halt |||||||||贡献|||||||停滞不前|||停滞 ||||||||||||||||detenerse|||detenerse por completo |||||||||תרומות||||שלמה|||להיתקע|||עוצר לחלוטין As middle management begins to realize that their personal contributions aren't important, an entire organization can grind to a halt. 中間管理職が自分の個人的な貢献は重要でないと気づき始めると、組織全体が停止してしまう可能性がある。 Поскольку руководство среднего звена начинает понимать, что их личный вклад не важен, целая организация может приостановиться. Orta yönetim kişisel katkılarının önemli olmadığını anlamaya başladığında, tüm bir kuruluş durma noktasına gelebilir. 当中层管理人员开始意识到他们的个人贡献并不重要时,整个组织就会陷入停顿。 當中階管理人員開始意識到他們的個人貢獻並不重要時,整個組織就會陷入停滯。 When a leader's perspective and the management team's perspective drastically differ, take note. |||point de vue||||||||| ||||||||||||preste atenção |||Perspektive||||||||| |||视角||||团队||大相径庭||| ||||||||||difieren significativamente|| ||||||||||שונה|| リーダーの視点と経営陣の視点が大きく異なる場合は要注意だ。 Når en lederperspektiv og ledergruppens perspektiv drastisk er forskjellige, må du ta oppmerksom på. Обратите внимание, что перспектива лидера и перспектива управленческой команды резко отличаются. Bir liderin bakış açısı ve yönetim ekibinin bakış açısı büyük ölçüde farklı olduğunda, not alın. 当领导者的观点与管理团队的观点截然不同时,请注意。 The difference in perception between Schmitt and his staff at Rubbermaid was striking, and was characteristic of many executives' predicament. ||||||||||||frappant|||||||situation difficile |||||||||||||||||||difficult situation |||||Schmitt|||||||notável|||||||dilema ||||||||||||auffällig||||||| ||||||||||Rubbermaid公司|||||特征|||高管|困境 ||||||||||||sorprendente||||||| |||תפיסה|||||||||בולט|||מאפיין||||מצב קשה The difference in perception between Schmitt and his staff at Rubbermaid was striking, and was characteristic of many executives' predicament. SchmittとRubbermaidのスタッフの間の認識の違いは顕著であり、多くの幹部の苦痛の特徴でした。 Разница в восприятии Шмитта и его сотрудников в Rubbermaid была поразительной и была характерна для многих затруднительных посягательств руководителей. Schmitt ile Rubbermaid'teki personeli arasındaki algı farkları dikkat çekiciydi ve birçok yöneticinin sıkıntılarının özelliği idi. 施密特和他在Rubbermaid的员工之间的观念差异令人震惊,这是许多高管困境的特征。 He was a leader without followers. Habit #4: They ruthlessly eliminate anyone who isn't completely behind them CEOs who think their job is to instill belief in their vision also think that it is their job to get everyone to buy into it. ||||||||sans pitié|||||||||||||||instiller|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||without mercy|||||||||||||||instill||||||||||||||||believe in|| ||||||Hábito||sem piedade|||||||||||||||incutir|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||rücksichtslos|||||||||||||||einpflanzen|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||无情地|||||||||||||||灌输|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||despiadadamente|||||||||||||||inculcar|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||בלא רחמים|למנוע||||||||||||||הנחיל אמונה|||||||||||||||||| 彼はフォロワーのいないリーダーでした。習慣#4:彼らは、彼らのビジョンの信念を植え付けることが彼らの仕事であると考えているCEOも無責任に排除します Он был лидером без последователей. Привычка № 4: они беспощадно устраняют всех, кто не полностью отстает от них. Руководители, которые считают, что их работа заключается в том, чтобы внушить веру в свое видение, также считают, что это их задача заставить всех покупать в нее. Takipçisi olmayan bir liderdi. Alışkanlık # 4: Tamamen arkasında olmayan herkesi acımasızca ortadan kaldırırlar. İşlerinin vizyonuna inancını aşılamak olduğunu düşünen CEO'lar da herkesin içine almasını sağlamak için onların işi olduğunu düşünüyor. 他是没有追随者的领袖。习惯四:他们会残酷地淘汰那些没有完全落后于他们的人。那些认为自己的工作是要灌输对自己的愿景的首席执行官们也认为,让所有人都参与进来是他们的工作。 Anyone who doesn't rally to the cause is undermining the vision. |||se rallie|||||sape la vision|| |||support|in support of|||||| |||se une|||||minando|| |||sich versammeln||||||| |||团结||||||| |||unirse a|||||socavando|| ||||||מטרה||חותר נגד|| Anyone who doesn't rally to the cause is undermining the vision. 原因に反抗しない人は誰でもそのビジョンを損なっています。 Любой, кто не сплотится по этой причине, подрывает видение. Sebep için toplanmayan herkes vizyonu baltalıyor. 任何不团结事业的人都会破坏视野。 Hesitant managers have a choice: Get with the plan or leave. The problem with this approach is that it's both unnecessary and destructive. 犹豫不决|||||||||||||||||||||| Uncertain|||||||||||||||||||||| hesitantes|||||||||||||||||||ambas|desnecessária|| Indecisos|||||||||||||||||||||| ס hesitant||||||||||||||||||||מיותר|| 躊躇するマネージャーには選択肢がある:計画に従うか、去るかの二者択一だ。このアプローチの問題点は、不必要かつ破壊的であることだ。 У менеджеров Hesitant есть выбор: получить с планом или уйти. Проблема с этим подходом заключается в том, что он является ненужным и разрушительным. Tereddütlü yöneticilerin bir seçimi var: Planla alın veya bırakın. Bu yaklaşımla ilgili sorun hem gereksiz hem de yıkıcı olmasıdır. 犹豫不决的经理们有一个选择:选择计划还是离开。这种方法的问题在于它既不必要又具有破坏性。 CEOs don't need to have everyone unanimously endorse their vision to have it carried out successfully. ||||||一致地|支持|||||||| ||||||without dissent|support publicly|||||||| ||||||de forma unânime|||||||executada com sucesso|| ||||||unánimemente|respaldar|||||||| ||||||באופן אחיד|לתמוך ב|||||||| CEOs don't need to have everyone unanimously endorse their vision to have it carried out successfully. CEOがビジョンを成功させるために、全員が一致団結して賛同する必要はない。 Руководителям не обязательно, чтобы все единодушно одобряли свое видение, чтобы оно успешно выполнялось. CEO'ların herkesin başarıyla yerine getirilmesi için vizyonunu oybirliğiyle onaylamasına gerek yoktur. CEO不需要所有人都一致认可其成功实现愿景的愿景。 In fact, by eliminating all dissenting and contrasting viewpoints, destructive CEOs cut themselves off from their best chance of seeing and correcting problems as they arise. |||消除||不同意见的||对立的|观点||||||||||||||||| |||||dissidents||||||||||||||||||||se présentent |||||disagreeing||||||||||||||||||||arise |||||dissidentes||||||||||||||||||||surgem |||מבטלים||מנוגדים||מנוגדים|נקודות מבט||||||||||||||||| In fact, by eliminating all dissenting and contrasting viewpoints, destructive CEOs cut themselves off from their best chance of seeing and correcting problems as they arise. 実際、反対意見や対照的な視点をすべて排除することで、破壊的なCEOは、問題が発生したときにそれを察知して修正する最善のチャンスを自ら断ち切ってしまう。 Фактически, устраняя все несогласные и контрастные точки зрения, деструктивные руководители отрезали себя от своих лучших шансов увидеть и исправить проблемы по мере их возникновения. Aslında, muhalif ve karşıt görüşlerin tümünü ortadan kaldırarak yıkıcı CEO'lar kendilerini ortaya çıktıkları sorunları görme ve düzeltme şanslarından alıkoyuyorlar. 实际上,破坏性的CEO通过消除所有持异议和相反的观点,使自己摆脱了看到和纠正出现的问题的最佳机会。 Sometimes CEOs who seek to stifle dissent only drive it underground. |||||étouffer||||| |||||suppress dissent||||| |||procuram||sufocar|dissidência|||| |||||压制|异议|||| |||||reprimir||||| |||מחפשים||למנוע|הסכמה|||| Sometimes CEOs who seek to stifle dissent only drive it underground. 反対意見を封じ込めようとするCEOは、時に反対意見を地下に追いやるだけだ。 Иногда руководители, которые стремятся подавить инакомыслие, только подталкивают его под землю. Bazen muhalifleri bastırmak isteyen CEO'lar sadece yeraltını kullanıyor. 有时,试图压制异议的首席执行官只会将其驱逐到地下。 Once this happens, the entire organization falters. ||||||s'effondre ||||||struggles or fails ||||||vacila ||||||动摇 ||||||falla ||||||מתמוטט Once this happens, the entire organization falters. これが起こると、組織全体が衰えます。 Как только это произойдет, вся организация колеблется. Bu olduğunda, tüm organizasyon bozulur. 一旦发生这种情况,整个组织就会动摇。 At Mattel, Jill Barad removed her senior lieutenants if she thought they harboured serious reservations about the way that she was running things. |美泰|吉尔|巴拉德||||中尉|||||怀有||顾虑|||||||| ||||dismissed them|||senior aides|||||held|||||||||| ||Jill|Barad||||tenentes seniores|||||nutriam|||||||||| ||||||בכירים|סגני מנהל|||חשבה||חבשו|רציניות|הסתייגויות|||||||| At Mattel, Jill Barad removed her senior lieutenants if she thought they harboured serious reservations about the way that she was running things. マテル社では、ジル・バラッドが、自分の経営方針に重大な疑念を抱いていると判断すれば、上級副官を解任した。 В Mattel Джилл Барад удалила своих старших лейтенантов, если она думала, что у них есть серьезные сомнения относительно того, как она работает. Mattel'de Jill Barad, işleri yürütme şekliyle ilgili ciddi çekinceler barındırdıklarını düşünüyorsa kıdemli teğmenlerini çıkardı. 在美泰,吉尔·巴拉德(Jill Barad)罢免了她的高级中尉,如果她认为他们对自己的办事方式持有严重保留。 Schmitt created such a threatening atmosphere at Rubbermaid that firings were often unnecessary. 施密特|||||||||解雇||| |||||||||dismissals||| |||||||||despidos||| ||||ameaçadora|||Rubbermaid||demissões|eram|| ||||מאיימת|אווירה מאיימת||||||| シュミットはそのような脅迫的な雰囲気をラバーメイドに創り出したため、発砲はしばしば不必要であった。 Шмитт создал такую ​​угрожающую атмосферу в Rubbermaid, что стрельбы часто не нужны. Schmitt, Rubbermaid'de, ateşlemelerin genellikle gereksiz olduğu tehdit edici bir atmosfer yarattı. 施密特在Rubbermaid营造了一种威胁性的气氛,以至于通常无需开火。 When new executives realized that they'd get no support from the CEO, many of them left almost as fast as they'd come on board. ||高管|||他们会|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||à bord When new executives realized that they'd get no support from the CEO, many of them left almost as fast as they'd come on board. CEOから何の支援も得られないことを知った新任幹部たちの多くは、入社とほぼ同時に去っていった。 Yeni yöneticiler CEO’dan destek alamayacaklarını anladıklarında, birçoğu neredeyse gemideki kadar hızlı kaldı. 当新高管意识到他们不会得到首席执行官的支持时,其中许多人离职的速度几乎与他们任职的速度一样。 當新高管意識到他們得不到執行長的支持時,他們中的許多人離開的速度幾乎和他們加入公司的速度一樣快。 Eventually, these CEOs had everyone on their staff completely behind them. 最終的には、これらのCEOは完全に彼らの後ろに彼らのスタッフで皆を持っていました。 Sonunda, bu CEO'lar herkesi çalışanlarının üzerinde tamamen geride bıraktı. 最终,这些首席执行官让所有员工全力以赴。 But where they were headed was toward disaster. ||||se dirigeaient||| |onde|||dirigidos||em direção a|desastre しかし、彼らが向かっていたのは災難だった。 Fakat nereye gittikleri felakete doğru gidiyordu. 但是他们走向的是灾难。 And no one was left to warn them. Warning Sign: Executive departures A revolving door at the top is one of the strongest signals that there has been executive failure at a company. |||||||||||高管离职||旋转门||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||rotative||||||||||||||||||| ||||deixado|||||||||porta giratória|porta giratória|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||עזיבות||סובב||||||||||||||||||| And no one was left to warn them. Warning Sign: Executive departures A revolving door at the top is one of the strongest signals that there has been executive failure at a company. そして、それを警告する者は誰もいなくなった。警告のサイン:幹部の退社 トップが入れ替わることは、企業で幹部の失敗があったことを示す最も強いシグナルの一つである。 Ve onları uyaracak kimse kalmadı. Uyarı Levhası: İcra çıkışları Tepedeki döner bir kapı, bir şirkette icra hatası olduğu en güçlü sinyallerden biridir. 没有人留下警告他们。警告标志:高管离职顶部的旋转门是公司发生高管失败的最强烈信号之一。 Whether executives leave under "false pretenses," or are sent to some distant outpost where they'll have no further influence at headquarters, a pattern of executive departures speaks volumes for what is going on at a company. |高管||||虚假借口|||||||偏远地点||||||||总部|||||离职||大量信息|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||siège social||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||puesto remoto||||||||||||||||||||||| se||||falsas pretensões||||||||posto avançado|||||mais influência|||sede da empresa||um padrão|||saídas de executivos|||||||||| ||||שקריים|מראי פנים||||||מרוחק|מוצב|איפה|||||||||||||מדבר||||||||| Whether executives leave under "false pretenses," or are sent to some distant outpost where they'll have no further influence at headquarters, a pattern of executive departures speaks volumes for what is going on at a company. Függetlenül attól, hogy a vezetők "hamis állítások szerint" távoznak, vagy eljuttatnak valamilyen távoli előőrsbe, ahol nem lesznek tovább befolyásuk a központban, a végrehajtó távozások mintája a vállalkozásban zajló dolgokról szól. 幹部が「誤ったふり」をしたり、本社でそれ以上影響を及ぼさないような遠方の前哨基地に派遣されたりするかどうかにかかわらず、幹部からの離脱パターンは、会社で何が起こっているのかを示します。 Yöneticiler "sahte iddialar" altında mı, yoksa merkezde başka bir etkisi olmayacak olan uzak bir karakola gönderilsin mi, bir işten ayrılma kalıbı bir şirkette olup bitenler için hacimler konuşuyor. 不管高管是假装离开还是被派往遥远的前哨基地,他们在总部都没有进一步的影响力,高管离职的模式充分说明了公司的状况。 無論高階主管是以「虛假藉口」離職,還是被派往某個遙遠的前哨基地,在那裡他們對總部不再有進一步的影響力,高階主管離職的模式足以說明公司正在發生的情況。 At Mattel, along with firing senior lieutenants on a moment's notice, Jill Barad drove six direct reports to resign for "personal reasons." The same thing has happened at Sun Microsystems over the last year. |美泰|||||高级助手|||瞬间|||巴拉德||||||辞职|||||||||||微系统|||| ||||licenciement||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||aviso inmediato|||obligó a|||||||||||||||||||| ||||demissão||tenentes superiores|||||Jill|Barad|levou|||||pedir demissão||||||||||Sun|Microsistemas|||| |||||||||||||הניעה||ישירים|דיווחים||להתפטר||||||||||||||| At Mattel, along with firing senior lieutenants on a moment's notice, Jill Barad drove six direct reports to resign for "personal reasons." The same thing has happened at Sun Microsystems over the last year. A Mattelnél, miközben egy időre felszólította a hadnagyokat, Jill Barad hat közvetlen jelentést készített, hogy "személyes okokból" lemondjon. Ugyanez történt a Sun Microsystemsnél az elmúlt évben. Mattelでは、Jill Barad氏は、ちょっとした通知で上級大尉を解雇するとともに、「個人的な理由」で辞任するために6人の直属の部下を運転した。昨年も同じことがSun Microsystemsで起こっています。 Mattel’de, bir dakika sonra üst düzey teğmenleri kovmanın yanı sıra, Jill Barad “kişisel nedenlerden” istifa etmek için altı doğrudan rapor verdi. Aynı şey Sun Microsystems'da da geçen yıl oldu. 吉尔·巴拉德(Jill Barad)在美泰(Mattel)迅速解雇了中尉,并驱逐了六份直接报告,原因是出于“个人原因”而辞职。去年,Sun Microsystems也发生了同样的事情。 A mass exodus may be an indication that the CEO is out to eliminate any contrary opinions, or it may reflect inside information senior executives are acting on. ||大规模撤离||||迹象|||||||消除||相反的|||||||||||| ||exode massif||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||mass departure||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||גירוש גדול|||||||||||||||||||||בכירים|||| A mass exodus may be an indication that the CEO is out to eliminate any contrary opinions, or it may reflect inside information senior executives are acting on. 大量流出は、CEOが反対意見を排除しようとしていないことを示している場合もあれば、上級管理職が行動している内部情報を反映している場合もあります。 Массовый исход может быть признаком того, что генеральный директор стремится устранить любые противоположные мнения, или он может отражать внутреннюю информацию, на основе которой действуют руководители высшего звена. Kitlesel bir sızıntı, CEO'nun herhangi bir aykırı görüşü ortadan kaldırmak için çıktığını ya da üst düzey yöneticilerin hareket ettiği bilgileri içerisine yansıtabileceğinin bir göstergesi olabilir. 大量外流可能表明首席执行官正在消除任何相反的意见,也可能反映出高级管理人员正在采取的内部信息。 大規模離職可能表明執行長正在努力消除任何相反的意見,或者可能反映了高階主管正在採取行動的內幕訊息。 In either case, it's a powerful warning sign. em qualquer caso||||||| いずれにせよ、これは強力な警告サインだ。 Her iki durumda da, güçlü bir uyarı işaretidir. 无论哪种情况,这都是一个强有力的警告信号。 Analysts and many investors regularly track insider sales of stock, but executive departures may provide an even clearer window on the company. ||||||内部人士||||||离职||||||||| |||||||||||dirigeants|départs des dirigeants||||||||| |||||||||||||||||mais clara|||| アナリストや多くの投資家は定期的に株式のインサイダー販売を追跡していますが、役員の退任は会社に対してさらに明確なウィンドウを提供するかもしれません。 Analistler ve birçok yatırımcı düzenli olarak içeriden hisse senedi satışlarını izler, ancak yönetici ayrılışları şirket üzerinde daha da net bir pencere sağlayabilir. 分析师和许多投资者定期跟踪股票的内幕销售,但高管离职可能为公司提供更清晰的窗口。 After all, what stronger statement can an executive make than to leave his or her job and the company entirely? Habit #5: They are consummate spokespersons, obsessed with the company image. You know these CEOs: high-profile executives who are constantly in the public eye. |||||||||||||||||||||||圆满的|发言人||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||porte-parole||||||||||||||||||| ||||declaração|||||||||||||||completamente||||exímios|porta-vozes|obcecados com|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||מומחים מוחלטים|דוברים||||||||||||||||||| After all, what stronger statement can an executive make than to leave his or her job and the company entirely? Habit #5: They are consummate spokespersons, obsessed with the company image. You know these CEOs: high-profile executives who are constantly in the public eye. 結局のところ、エグゼクティブにとって、自分の仕事と会社を完全に辞めること以上に強い声明があるだろうか?習慣その5:完璧なスポークスマンであり、会社のイメージにこだわる。あなたは、このようなCEOを知っている:常に世間の注目を浴びている知名度の高い幹部たちだ。 Ne de olsa bir yönetici, işini ve şirketi tamamen bırakmaktan daha güçlü ne yapabilir? Alışkanlık # 5: Onlar şirket imajına takıntılı, sıkı konuşmacılar. Bu CEO'ları biliyorsunuz: sürekli kamuoyunda olan üst düzey yöneticiler. 毕竟,与完全离开工作岗位和公司之外,高管人员还能做出什么更有力的声明?习惯5:他们是精湛的代言人,对公司形象着迷。您知道这些首席执行官:不断受到公众关注的知名高管。 The problem is that amid all the media frenzy and accolades, these leaders' management efforts become shallow and ineffective. ||||||||||||||||superficielles|| ||||||||hype||praise and recognition|||||||| O||||em meio de||||frenesi||elogios||||esforços de gestão||superficiais||ineficazes ||||在……中||||狂热||荣誉||||||肤浅|| ||||en medio de||||frenesí mediático||elogios||||||superficiales|| ||||בעיצומו של||||היסטריה||הכרת תודה|||||||| 問題は、メディアの熱狂と賞賛の中で、こうしたリーダーたちの経営努力が浅薄になり、効果がなくなってしまうことだ。 Sorun, tüm medya çılgınlığı ve övgülerinde bu liderlerin yönetim çabalarının sığ ve etkisiz hale gelmesidir. 问题是,在所有媒体的狂热和赞誉中,这些领导人的管理工作变得肤浅而无效。 Instead of actually accomplishing things, they often settle for the appearance of accomplishing things. Behind these media darlings is a simple fact of executive life: CEOs don't achieve a high level of media attention without devoting themselves assiduously to public relations. |||完成||||||||||||||媒体宠儿||||||||||||||||||投入||勤奋地||| |||||||se contenter de||||||||||chouchous médiatiques||||||||||||||||||||||| em vez de|||realizando||||contentam-se|||aparência||realizando|||||queridinhos da mídia||||||||||||||||||||assiduamente||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||להקדיש|את עצמם|במסירות רבה|||יחסי ציבור Ahelyett, hogy ténylegesen megvalósítanák a dolgokat, gyakran a megvalósító dolgok megjelenésével döntenek. A média drágáinak mögött egy egyszerű tény látható a végrehajtó életben: A vezérigazgatók nem érik el a média magas szintű figyelmét anélkül, hogy odafigyelnek a közönségkapcsolatokra. 実際に物事を成し遂げる代わりに、彼らはしばしば物事を成し遂げたように見せることに落ち着く。このようなメディアの寵児の背後には、経営者の人生における単純な事実がある:最高経営責任者(CEO)は、広報活動に熱心に取り組まなければ、メディアの注目を集めることはできない。 Aslında bir şeyleri başarmak yerine, genellikle bir şeyleri başarmanın görünüşüne razı olurlar. Bu medyanın arkasında sevgililer, yürütme hayatının basit bir gerçeğidir: CEO'lar kendilerini halkla ilişkilere özen göstermeden yüksek düzeyde medyanın ilgisini çekmezler. 他们通常不满足于完成事情,而是真正地完成事情。这些媒体宠儿的背后是执行生活的一个简单事实:CEO在不专心于公共关系的情况下,无法获得媒体的高度关注。 When CEOs are obsessed with their image, they have little time for operational details. ||||||||||||运营细节| ||||||image||||||| When CEOs are obsessed with their image, they have little time for operational details. CEOがイメージにこだわると、経営の細部にまで手が回らなくなる。 CEO'lar imajlarına takıntılı olduklarında, operasyonel ayrıntılar için çok az zamanları olur. 当首席执行官沉迷于自己的形象时,他们几乎没有时间了解运营细节。 Tyco's Dennis Kozlowski sometimes intervened in remarkably minor matters, but left most of the company's day-to-day operations unsupervised. As a final negative twist, when CEOs make the company's image their top priority, they run the risk of using financial-reporting practices to promote that image. 泰科||||干预|||微不足道||||||||||||无人监督||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||tournure négative finale|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||giro negativo final|||||||||||||||||||||| |Dennis|Kozlowski||interveio||notavelmente|menores questões|questões|||||||||||||||||||||||||||correm o risco||||||||||| |||||||קטנים|עניינים|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| TycoのDennis Kozlowskiは時々、非常に小さな問題に干渉しましたが、同社の日常業務の大部分は監督されずに残っていました。最後のマイナスの策として、CEOが会社のイメージを最優先事項にすると、財務報告の慣行を利用してそのイメージを宣伝するリスクがあります。 Tyco'dan Dennis Kozlowski bazen çok küçük sorunlara müdahale etti, ancak şirketin günlük işlemlerinin çoğunu denetimsiz bıraktı. Son olumsuz bir büküm olarak, CEO'lar şirketin imajını birinci öncelik haline getirdiğinde, bu imajı tanıtmak için finansal raporlama uygulamalarını kullanma riskiyle karşı karşıya kalırlar. 泰科(Tyco)的丹尼斯·科兹洛夫斯基(Dennis Kozlowski)有时会介入一些次要的事情,但该公司的大部分日常运营都不受监督。作为最后的负面转折,当首席执行官将公司形象作为头等大事时,他们冒着使用财务报告实践来提升形象的风险。 Instead of treating their financial accounts as a control tool, they treat them as a public-relations tool. ||tratando|||||||||tratarão|||||| 財務会計を管理ツールとして扱うのではなく、広報ツールとして扱っているのだ。 Finansal hesaplarını bir kontrol aracı olarak değerlendirmek yerine, onlara bir halkla ilişkiler aracı olarak davranırlar. 他们没有将其财务帐户视为控制工具,而是将其视为公共关系工具。 The creative accounting that was apparently practiced by such executives as Enron's Jeffrey Skilling or Tyco's Kozlowski is as much or more an attempt to promote the company's image as it is to deceive the public: In their eyes, everything that the company does is public relations. Warning Sign: Blatant attention-seeking The types of behaviour exhibited by Napoleonic CEOs tend to be so blatant that they can't be missed. |||||||||||安然||斯基林||||||||||||||||||||欺骗||||||||||||||||明显的|||||||||拿破仑式||||||明显的||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||napoléonien||||||flagrant||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Descarado|||||||||||||||Descarado||||| |||||||||||da Enron|Jeffrey|Skilling||||||||||||||||||||enganar|||||||||||||||||||||||exibida pelos||||||||evidente|||||não podem ser ignoradas |||||||||||||||||||||||ניסיון||לקדם||||||||להטעות||||||||||||||||בוטה|||||||שהוצגו||||||||||||| The creative accounting that was apparently practiced by such executives as Enron's Jeffrey Skilling or Tyco's Kozlowski is as much or more an attempt to promote the company's image as it is to deceive the public: In their eyes, everything that the company does is public relations. Warning Sign: Blatant attention-seeking The types of behaviour exhibited by Napoleonic CEOs tend to be so blatant that they can't be missed. La contabilidad creativa que aparentemente practicaron ejecutivos como Jeffrey Skilling de Enron o Kozlowski de Tyco es tanto o más un intento de promover la imagen de la empresa como de engañar al público: a sus ojos, todo lo que hace la empresa son relaciones públicas. Señal de advertencia: búsqueda de atención descarada Los tipos de comportamiento exhibidos por los directores ejecutivos napoleónicos tienden a ser tan descarados que no se los puede pasar por alto. エンロンのジェフリー・スキリングやタイコのコズロフスキーのような経営陣が行っていたように見える創造的な会計は、世間を欺くためと同じかそれ以上に、会社のイメージを宣伝するための試みである:彼らの目には、会社のやることはすべて広報活動だと映るのだ。警告のサイン:露骨な注目集め ナポレオン的CEOが示す行動のタイプは、見逃すことができないほど露骨な傾向がある。 Görünüşe göre Enron's Jeffrey Skilling veya Tyco's Kozlowski gibi yöneticiler tarafından uygulanan yaratıcı muhasebe, şirketin halkı aldatmak için olduğu gibi imajını tanıtmak için bir girişimdir: Onların gözünde, şirketin yaptığı her şey halkla ilişkilerdir. Uyarı İşareti: Dikkatsizce dikkat çekmek Napolyon CEOları tarafından sergilenen davranış türleri, kaçırılmayacak kadar keskin olma eğilimindedir. 安然(Enron)的杰弗里·斯基林(Jeffrey Skilling)或泰科(Tyco)的科兹洛夫斯基(Kozlowski)等高管显然实行了创造性会计,这或多或少都是为了提高公司的形象,就像欺骗公众一样:在他们看来,公司所做的一切都是公共关系。警告信号:公然寻求注意拿破仑首席执行官们表现出的行为类型过于公然,以至于不能错过。 Warning signs begin with the executive lifestyle-they may start to run with a very cool crowd, buy expensive art, and hobnob with political dignitaries and celebrities. ||||||||||||||||人群|||||交际|||官员|| ||||||mode de vie|||||||||||||||fréquenter||||| ||||||||||||||||uma boa companhia|||||socialize with|||dignitários políticos|| ||||||||||||||||multitud selecta|||||codearse con||||| Warning signs begin with the executive lifestyle-they may start to run with a very cool crowd, buy expensive art, and hobnob with political dignitaries and celebrities. 警告のサインはエグゼクティブのライフスタイルから始まる-彼らは非常にクールな仲間と一緒に行動し、高価な美術品を購入し、政治的要人や有名人と付き合い始めるかもしれない。 Uyarı işaretleri yürütme yaşam tarzıyla başlar - çok havalı bir kalabalıkla koşmaya başlayabilir, pahalı sanatlar satın alabilir ve siyasi saygınlar ve ünlülerle birlikte toplanabilir. 警告标志始于高管的生活方式-他们可能开始在非常酷的人群中奔跑,购买昂贵的艺术品,并与政要和名人共舞。 The CEO will seem to spend more time with PR personnel and making public appearances than doing something as mundane as visiting customers. ||||||||||||||公开露面|||||平凡的||| |||||||||||||||||||banal||| |||||||||relações públicas|a equipe de relações públicas|||||||||algo trivial||| |||||||||||||||||||שגרתי||| The CEO will seem to spend more time with PR personnel and making public appearances than doing something as mundane as visiting customers. CEOは、顧客を訪問するような平凡なことよりも、広報担当者と一緒にいる時間や公の場に姿を現すことに時間を費やすようだ。 CEO, PR personeli ile daha fazla zaman geçirecek ve müşterileri ziyaret etmek kadar sıradan bir şey yapmaktan daha açık görünecek gibi görünüyor. 首席执行官似乎要花更多的时间在公关人员和公开露面上,而不是像拜访客户那样平凡。 Other times, a company will build a striking new headquarters, designed to serve as a corporate symbol. |||||||引人注目的||总部||||||企业的|象征 |||||||||main office||||||business| |||||||impressionante||sede||||||| Other times, a company will build a striking new headquarters, designed to serve as a corporate symbol. また、企業のシンボルとして印象的な本社ビルを建設することもある。 Diğer zamanlarda, bir şirket kurumsal bir sembol olarak hizmet etmek üzere tasarlanmış çarpıcı bir yeni merkez inşa edecek. 其他时候,公司将建立一个醒目的新总部,旨在作为公司的标志。 In more extreme cases, the CEO will try to acquire the naming rights for a new sports arena or stadium. |||||||||||||||||||体育场 |||||||||adquirir|||||||||| さらに極端なケースでは、CEOは新しいスポーツ・アリーナやスタジアムの命名権を獲得しようとする。 Daha aşırı durumlarda, CEO yeni bir spor alanı veya stadyum için adlandırma haklarını edinmeye çalışacaktır. 在更极端的情况下,CEO将尝试获得新的运动场或体育场的命名权。