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Anne of Green Gables, Chapter 9, Part 2

Chapter 9, Part 2

Anne came running in presently, her face sparkling with the delight of her orchard rovings; but, abashed at finding the delight herself in the unexpected presence of a stranger, she halted confusedly inside the door.

She certainly was an odd-looking little creature in the short tight wincey dress she had worn from the asylum, below which her thin legs seemed ungracefully long. Her freckles were more numerous and obtrusive than ever; the wind had ruffled her hatless hair into over-brilliant disorder; it had never looked redder than at that moment.

"Well, they didn't pick you for your looks, that's sure and certain," was Mrs. Rachel Lynde's emphatic comment. Mrs. Rachel was one of those delightful and popular people who pride themselves on speaking their mind without fear or favor. "She's terrible skinny and homely, Marilla. Come here, child, and let me have a look at you. Lawful heart, did any one ever see such freckles? And hair as red as carrots! Come here, child, I say. " Anne "came there," but not exactly as Mrs. Rachel expected. With one bound she crossed the kitchen floor and stood before Mrs. Rachel, her face scarlet with anger, her lips quivering, and her whole slender form trembling from head to foot.

"I hate you," she cried in a choked voice, stamping her foot on the floor. "I hate you--I hate you--I hate you--" a louder stamp with each assertion of hatred. "How dare you call me skinny and ugly? How dare you say I'm freckled and redheaded? You are a rude, impolite, unfeeling woman!" "Anne!" exclaimed Marilla in consternation.

But Anne continued to face Mrs. Rachel undauntedly, head up, eyes blazing, hands clenched, passionate indignation exhaling from her like an atmosphere.

"How dare you say such things about me?" she repeated vehemently. "How would you like to have such things said about you? How would you like to be told that you are fat and clumsy and probably hadn't a spark of imagination in you? I don't care if I do hurt your feelings by saying so!

I hope I hurt them. You have hurt mine worse than they were ever hurt before even by Mrs. Thomas' intoxicated husband. And I'll never forgive you for it, never, never! " Stamp!


"Did anybody ever see such a temper!" exclaimed the horrified Mrs. Rachel.

"Anne go to your room and stay there until I come up," said Marilla, recovering her powers of speech with difficulty. Anne, bursting into tears, rushed to the hall door, slammed it until the tins on the porch wall outside rattled in sympathy, and fled through the hall and up the stairs like a whirlwind. A subdued slam above told that the door of the east gable had been shut with equal vehemence.

"Well, I don't envy you your job bringing that up, Marilla," said Mrs. Rachel with unspeakable solemnity. Marilla opened her lips to say she knew not what of apology or deprecation. What she did say was a surprise to herself then and ever afterwards.

"You shouldn't have twitted her about her looks, Rachel. " "Marilla Cuthbert, you don't mean to say that you are upholding her in such a terrible display of temper as we've just seen?" demanded Mrs. Rachel indignantly.

"No," said Marilla slowly, "I'm not trying to excuse her. She's been very naughty and I'll have to give her a talking to about it. But we must make allowances for her. She's never been taught what is right. And you were too hard on her, Rachel. " Marilla could not help tacking on that last sentence, although she was again surprised at herself for doing it.

Mrs. Rachel got up with an air of offended dignity.

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Chapter 9, Part 2 Kapitel 9, Teil 2 Capítulo 9, parte 2 第9章 後編 Capítulo 9, Parte 2 第 9 章,第 2 部分

Anne came running in presently, her face sparkling with the delight of her orchard rovings; but, abashed at finding the delight herself in the unexpected presence of a stranger, she halted confusedly inside the door. ||||||||||||||Streifzüge im Obstgarten||verlegen||||||||unerwarteten|||||||||| Anne entra en courant à l'instant, son visage étincelant de délices de ses mèches de verger; mais, abasourdie de trouver le plaisir elle-même dans la présence inattendue d'un étranger, elle s'arrêta confusément à l'intérieur de la porte. アンは現在走り込んで来て、彼女の顔は果樹園のロービングの喜びで輝いていました。しかし、見知らぬ人の予期せぬ存在に喜びを見いだしたことに恥ずかしそうに、彼女は戸口の中で混乱して立ち止まりました。 Niebawem wbiegła Anne z twarzą błyszczącą radością jej sadów; ale zawstydzona, że sama znajduje radość w nieoczekiwanej obecności nieznajomego, zatrzymała się zdezorientowana w drzwiach. Anne entrou a correr, com o rosto a brilhar com o prazer dos seus passeios no pomar; mas, envergonhada por encontrar esse prazer na presença inesperada de um estranho, parou confusamente dentro da porta. Anne şimdi koşarak içeri girdi, yüzü meyve bahçesindeki fitillerin neşesiyle ışıl ışıl parlıyordu; ama beklenmedik bir yabancının varlığından aldığı hazzı bulmaktan utanarak, kapının içinde kafası karışmış bir şekilde durdu. Енн прибігла, її обличчя сяяло від захвату від прогулянки по саду; але, збентежена несподіваною присутністю незнайомця, вона розгублено зупинилася у дверях.

She certainly was an odd-looking little creature in the short tight wincey dress she had worn from the asylum, below which her thin legs seemed ungracefully long. |sicherlich|||||||||||||||||||||||||| 彼女は確かに亡命から身に着けていた短いタイトなウィンシードレスを着た奇妙に見える小さな生き物であり、その下では彼女の細い脚は優雅に長く見えた。 Era, sem dúvida, uma criaturinha de aspeto estranho, com o vestido curto e apertado que usava desde o asilo, por baixo do qual as suas pernas finas pareciam deselegantemente longas. Tımarhaneden giydiği, altında ince bacakları nezaketsiz bir şekilde uzun göründüğü kısa, dar, pırıltılı elbisesiyle kesinlikle tuhaf görünümlü küçük bir yaratıktı. Вона, безумовно, була дивним маленьким створінням у короткій обтислій сукні, яку вона носила з притулку, під якою її тонкі ноги здавалися непристойно довгими. Her freckles were more numerous and obtrusive than ever; the wind had ruffled her hatless hair into over-brilliant disorder; it had never looked redder than at that moment. Ses taches de rousseur étaient plus nombreuses et envahissantes que jamais; le vent avait ébouriffé ses cheveux sans chapeau en un désordre trop brillant; il n'avait jamais paru plus rouge qu'à ce moment-là. 彼女のそばかすはこれまで以上に多く、邪魔になりました。風が彼女の帽子のない髪を波立たせて、過度に輝かしい無秩序にした。その瞬間よりも赤く見えたことはありませんでした。 As suas sardas eram mais numerosas e intrusivas do que nunca; o vento tinha-lhe desfeito o cabelo sem chapéu numa desordem excessivamente brilhante; nunca tinha parecido mais vermelha do que naquele momento. Çilleri her zamankinden daha fazla sayıda ve rahatsız ediciydi; rüzgar şapkasız saçlarını aşırı parlak bir düzensizliğe sürüklemişti; hiç o andan daha kırmızı görünmemişti. Її веснянки були більш численними і нав'язливими, ніж будь-коли; вітер розкуйовдив її волосся без капелюха в надмірно блискучий безлад; воно ніколи не виглядало червонішим, ніж у ту мить.

"Well, they didn’t pick you for your looks, that’s sure and certain," was Mrs. Rachel Lynde’s emphatic comment. «Eh bien, ils ne vous ont pas choisi pour votre apparence, c'est sûr et certain», fut le commentaire emphatique de Mme Rachel Lynde. 「まあ、彼らはあなたの外見のためにあなたを選んでいませんでした、それは確かで確かです」とレイチェル・リンド夫人の強調したコメントでした。 "Bem, não a escolheram pela sua aparência, isso é certo e seguro", foi o comentário enfático da Sra. Rachel Lynde. "Ну, вони вибрали вас не за вашу зовнішність, це точно", - категорично зауважила пані Рейчел Лінде. Mrs. Rachel was one of those delightful and popular people who pride themselves on speaking their mind without fear or favor. ||||||||||||||||||Furcht|| Mme Rachel faisait partie de ces personnes charmantes et populaires qui se targuent de s'exprimer sans crainte ni faveur. レイチェル夫人は、恐れや好意を抱くことなく自分の心を話すことに誇りを持っている、楽しくて人気のある人々の1人でした。 A Sra. Rachel era uma dessas pessoas encantadoras e populares que se orgulham de dizer o que pensam sem medo ou favor. Пані Рейчел була однією з тих чудових і популярних людей, які пишаються тим, що висловлюють свою думку без страху чи прихильності. "She’s terrible skinny and homely, Marilla. 「彼女はひどく痩せていて家庭的だ、マリラ。 "Ela é muito magra e caseira, Marilla. "O berbat sıska ve çirkin, Marilla. "Вона страшенно худа і домашня, Марілла. Come here, child, and let me have a look at you. 子よ、ここに来て、あなたを見てみましょう。 Vem cá, filha, e deixa-me olhar para ti. Lawful heart, did any one ever see such freckles? Coeur légitime, est-ce que quelqu'un a déjà vu de telles taches de rousseur? 合法的な心、誰もがそのようなそばかすを見たことがありますか? Coração legítimo, alguma vez alguém viu tais sardas? Yasal kalp, hiç kimse böyle çiller gördü mü? Законне серце, хто-небудь коли-небудь бачив такі веснянки? And hair as red as carrots! そして、にんじんのように赤い髪! E cabelos vermelhos como cenouras! Come here, child, I say. " ここに来て、子よ、私は言います。 「」 Vem cá, filha, digo eu. " Anne "came there," but not exactly as Mrs. Rachel expected. |||||||||erwartet アンは「そこに来た」が、レイチェル夫人が期待した通りではなかった。 Anne "chegou lá", mas não exatamente como a Sra. Rachel esperava. Енн "прийшла туди", але не зовсім так, як очікувала пані Рейчел. With one bound she crossed the kitchen floor and stood before Mrs. Rachel, her face scarlet with anger, her lips quivering, and her whole slender form trembling from head to foot. ||||||||||||||||||||||||schlanke|||||| D'un bond, elle traversa le sol de la cuisine et se tint devant Mme Rachel, le visage écarlate de colère, les lèvres tremblantes et toute sa silhouette élancée tremblant de la tête aux pieds. 片方のバウンドで彼女は台所の床を横切り、レイチェル夫人の前に立った。彼女の顔は怒りで緋色になり、唇は震え、彼女のほっそりした姿は頭から足まで震えた。 De um salto, atravessou o chão da cozinha e pôs-se diante da Sra. Rachel, com o rosto escarlate de raiva, os lábios a tremer e toda a sua forma esguia a tremer da cabeça aos pés. Bir sıçrayışla mutfak zeminini geçti ve Bayan Rachel'ın önünde durdu, yüzü öfkeyle kıpkırmızı, dudakları titriyor ve bütün ince formu tepeden tırnağa titriyordu. Одним рухом вона перетнула кухонну підлогу і стала перед пані Рейчел, її обличчя було червоним від гніву, губи тремтіли, а вся її струнка постать тремтіла з голови до ніг.

"I hate you," she cried in a choked voice, stamping her foot on the floor. "Je te déteste," cria-t-elle d'une voix étranglée, frappant du pied sur le sol. 「私はあなたが嫌いです」と彼女は窒息した声で叫び、床に足を踏みつけた。 "Odeio-te", gritou ela com uma voz sufocada, batendo com o pé no chão. "I hate you--I hate you--I hate you--" a louder stamp with each assertion of hatred. "Je vous hais - je vous hais - je vous hais -" un timbre plus fort à chaque affirmation de haine. 「私はあなたを憎む-私はあなたを憎む-私はあなたを憎む-」憎しみの各主張を伴うより大きなスタンプ。 "Odeio-te... odeio-te... odeio-te...", um estampido mais alto a cada afirmação de ódio. "Я ненавиджу тебе - я ненавиджу тебе - я ненавиджу тебе - я ненавиджу тебе", - з кожним твердженням ненависті звучить все голосніше. "How dare you call me skinny and ugly? 「どうして私を痩せて醜いと呼んでいるの? "Como te atreves a chamar-me magra e feia? "Як ти смієш називати мене худою і потворною? How dare you say I’m freckled and redheaded? 私がそばかすで赤毛だとあなたはどのように敢えて言いますか? Como te atreves a dizer que sou sardenta e ruiva? Як ти смієш казати, що я веснянкуватий і рудий? You are a rude, impolite, unfeeling woman!" あなたは失礼で、失礼で、気持ちの悪い女性です!」 És uma mulher rude, indelicada e insensível!" "Anne!" 「アン!」 exclaimed Marilla in consternation. マリラは驚いて叫んだ。 exclamou Marilla consternada.

But Anne continued to face Mrs. Rachel undauntedly, head up, eyes blazing, hands clenched, passionate indignation exhaling from her like an atmosphere. Mais Anne a continué à faire face à Mme Rachel sans hésitation, la tête haute, les yeux flamboyants, les mains serrées, une indignation passionnée expirant d'elle comme une atmosphère. しかし、アンはレイチェル夫人に臆することなく向き合い続け、頭を上げ、目を輝かせ、手を握り締め、情熱的な憤慨を彼女から雰囲気のように吐き出しました。 Mas Anne continuava a encarar a Sra. Rachel sem hesitar, com a cabeça erguida, os olhos a brilhar, as mãos cerradas, a indignação apaixonada a exalar dela como uma atmosfera. Ama Anne yılmadan Bayan Rachel'la yüzleşmeye devam etti, gözleri parıldıyordu, elleri sıkıştı, tutkulu bir öfke ondan bir atmosfer gibi soluyordu. Але Енн продовжувала стояти перед місіс Рейчел безстрашно, з піднятою головою, палаючими очима, стиснутими руками, пристрасним обуренням, що видихалося з неї, наче з атмосфери.

"How dare you say such things about me?" 「あえてそんなこと言ってくれるの?」 "Como te atreves a dizer essas coisas sobre mim?" she repeated vehemently. 彼女は激しく繰り返した。 repetiu ela com veemência. "How would you like to have such things said about you? 「そんなことをどうやって言わせたいですか? "Gostavas que te dissessem essas coisas sobre ti? "Sizin hakkınızda böyle şeylerin söylenmesine ne dersiniz? "Як би ви хотіли, щоб про вас говорили такі речі? How would you like to be told that you are fat and clumsy and probably hadn’t a spark of imagination in you? |||||||||||||||||||Fantasie|| あなたは太っていて不器用で、おそらくあなたの中に想像力の火花がなかったとどのように言われたいですか? Gostarias que te dissessem que és gordo e desajeitado e que provavelmente não tens uma centelha de imaginação em ti? Як би вам сподобалося, якби вам сказали, що ви товстий і незграбний і, ймовірно, не маєте жодної іскри уяви? I don’t care if I do hurt your feelings by saying so! そう言ってあなたの気持ちを傷つけても構わない! Não me importo de ferir os vossos sentimentos ao dizê-lo!

I hope I hurt them. 私は彼らを傷つけることを望みます。 Espero ter-lhes feito mal. Umarım onları incitirim. You have hurt mine worse than they were ever hurt before even by Mrs. Thomas' intoxicated husband. トーマス夫人の酔っ払った夫によってさえ、以前よりもひどく傷つけられました。 Magoou mais os meus do que eles alguma vez foram magoados, mesmo pelo marido embriagado da Sra. Thomas. And I’ll never forgive you for it, never, never! " そして、私は決してあなたを許しません、決して、決して! 「」 E nunca te vou perdoar por isso, nunca, nunca! " Stamp! Carimbo!


"Did anybody ever see such a temper!" ||||||Laune 「誰もがそのような気性を見たことがありますか!」 "Alguma vez alguém viu um feitio assim!" exclaimed the horrified Mrs. Rachel. 恐ろしいレイチェル夫人は叫んだ。 exclamou a horrorizada Sra. Rachel.

"Anne go to your room and stay there until I come up," said Marilla, recovering her powers of speech with difficulty. 「アンはあなたの部屋に行き、私が来るまでそこにとどまります」とマリラは言いました。 "Anne, vai para o teu quarto e fica lá até eu subir", disse Marilla, recuperando com dificuldade a capacidade de falar. Anne, bursting into tears, rushed to the hall door, slammed it until the tins on the porch wall outside rattled in sympathy, and fled through the hall and up the stairs like a whirlwind. Anne, fondue en larmes, se précipita vers la porte du couloir, la claqua jusqu'à ce que les boîtes de conserve sur le mur du porche à l'extérieur tremblent de sympathie, et s'enfuit dans le couloir et monta les escaliers comme un tourbillon. アンは涙を流し、玄関のドアに駆け寄り、外のベランダの壁の缶が同情してガタガタと音を立てるまでそれを叩き、廊下を通り抜け、旋風のように階段を上った。 Anne, desatando a chorar, correu para a porta do hall, bateu-a até que as latas na parede do alpendre lá fora estremeceram em solidariedade, e fugiu pelo hall e subiu as escadas como um turbilhão. Anne gözyaşlarına boğuldu, salon kapısına koştu, dışarıdaki sundurma duvarındaki teneke kutular sempati içinde çınlayana kadar kapıyı çarptı ve bir kasırga gibi koridordan ve merdivenlerden yukarı kaçtı. A subdued slam above told that the door of the east gable had been shut with equal vehemence. Un claquement modéré au-dessus a dit que la porte du pignon est avait été fermée avec la même véhémence. 上記の落ち着いたスラムは、東の切妻のドアが同じように激しく閉じられていたことを示しています。 Uma batida moderada em cima indicava que a porta da empena leste tinha sido fechada com igual veemência.

"Well, I don’t envy you your job bringing that up, Marilla," said Mrs. Rachel with unspeakable solemnity. "Eh bien, je ne vous envie pas votre travail pour en parler, Marilla," dit Mme Rachel avec une solennité indicible. 「まあ、それを育てるあなたの仕事をうらやましくないよ、マリラ」とレイチェル夫人は言いようのない厳粛さで言った。 "Bem, não te invejo o trabalho que tiveste para trazer isso à tona, Marilla", disse a Sra. Rachel com uma solenidade indescritível. "Şey, seni bu konudaki işini kıskanmıyorum, Marilla," dedi Bayan Rachel ağza alınmayacak bir ciddiyetle. Marilla opened her lips to say she knew not what of apology or deprecation. Marilla ouvrit les lèvres pour dire qu'elle ne savait rien des excuses ou de la dépréciation. マリラは唇を開いて、謝罪や非難については知らないと言った。 Marilla abriu os lábios para dizer não sei o quê de desculpa ou de depreciação. Marilla öppnade sina läppar för att säga att hon inte visste vad av ursäkt eller förakt. Marilla, özür veya küçümseme ne olduğunu bilmediğini söylemek için dudaklarını açtı. What she did say was a surprise to herself then and ever afterwards. 彼女が言ったことは、その時もその後も自分自身に驚きでした。 O que ela disse foi uma surpresa para si própria na altura e sempre depois.

"You shouldn’t have twitted her about her looks, Rachel. " "Du hättest Rachel nicht über ihr Aussehen zwitschern sollen." «Tu n'aurais pas dû la tweeter à propos de son apparence, Rachel. 「レイチェル、彼女の外見について彼女をひねってはいけませんでした。」 "Não devias ter falado mal da aparência dela, Rachel. " "Marilla Cuthbert, you don’t mean to say that you are upholding her in such a terrible display of temper as we’ve just seen?" "Marilla Cuthbert, willst du wirklich sagen, dass du sie in einem so schrecklichen Anfall von Temperament unterstützt, wie wir gerade gesehen haben?" «Marilla Cuthbert, vous ne voulez pas dire que vous la soutenez dans une telle démonstration de colère comme nous venons de le voir? 「マリラ・カスバート、私たちが今見たようなひどい気性の表示で彼女を支持していると言うつもりはありませんか?」 "Marilla Cuthbert, não quer dizer que a está a apoiar numa demonstração de temperamento tão terrível como a que acabámos de ver?" "Marilla Cuthbert, onu az önce gördüğümüz gibi korkunç bir öfkeyle koruduğunu söylemek istemiyorsun değil mi?" demanded Mrs. Rachel indignantly. verlangte Frau Rachel empört. レイチェル夫人に憤慨して要求した。 perguntou a Sra. Rachel, indignada.

"No," said Marilla slowly, "I’m not trying to excuse her. 「いいえ」とマリラはゆっくりと言いました。「私は彼女を許そうとはしていません。 "Não", disse Marilla lentamente, "não estou a tentar desculpá-la. She’s been very naughty and I’ll have to give her a talking to about it. 彼女はとてもいたずらで、私は彼女にそれについて話をしなければなりません。 Ela tem sido muito marota e vou ter de lhe dar uma conversa sobre isso. But we must make allowances for her. Mais nous devons lui faire la part des choses. しかし、私たちは彼女を考慮に入れなければなりません。 Mas temos de a ter em conta. Ama ona izin vermeliyiz. She’s never been taught what is right. 彼女は正しいことを教えられたことがありません。 Nunca lhe ensinaram o que é correto. And you were too hard on her, Rachel. " そして、あなたは彼女にあまりにも大変でした、レイチェル。 「」 E tu foste demasiado dura com ela, Rachel. " Marilla could not help tacking on that last sentence, although she was again surprised at herself for doing it. Marilla ne put s'empêcher de clouer sur cette dernière phrase, même si elle fut à nouveau surprise de l'avoir fait. マリラはその最後の文に取り組むのを仕方がありませんでしたが、彼女はそれをしたことで再び自分自身に驚いていました。 Marilla não pôde deixar de acrescentar esta última frase, embora tenha ficado novamente surpreendida consigo própria por o ter feito.

Mrs. Rachel got up with an air of offended dignity. Mme Rachel s'est levée avec un air de dignité offensée. レイチェル夫人は、気分を害した尊厳の空気に立ち上がった。 A Sra. Rachel levantou-se com um ar de dignidade ofendida.