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TED 2014, 8 traits of successful people - Richard St. John

8 traits of successful people - Richard St. John


Now, my subject is success, so people sometimes call me a "motivational speaker." But I want you to know right up front, I'm not a motivational speaker. I couldn't pass the height requirement. And I couldn't motivate anybody, my employees actually call me a de-motivational speaker.

What I try to be is an informational speaker.

I went out and found out some information about success,

and I'm just here to pass it on. And my story started over 10 years ago, on a plane.

I was on my way to the TED Conference in California,

and in the seat next to me was a teenage girl,

and she came from a really poor family, but she wanted to get somewhere in life.

And as I tapped away on my computer, she kept asking me questions,

and then out of the blue, she asked, "Are you successful?" I said, "No, I'm not successful." Terry Fox, my hero, now there's a big success. He lost a leg to cancer, then ran thousands of miles

and raised millions for cancer research.

Or Bill Gates,

a guy who owns his own plane and doesn't have to sit next to some kid asking him questions. (Laughter)

But then I told her about some of the stuff I'd done. I love communications, and I've won lots of awards in marketing. I love running, and I still sometimes win my age group,

old farts over 60.

My fastest marathon is two hours and 43 minutes

to run the 26 miles, or 42 kilometers.

I've run over 50 marathons, in all seven continents. This was a run my wife and I did up the Inca trail to Machu Picchu in Peru.

And to qualify for the seven continents,

we had to run a marathon in Antarctica.

But when we got there, it didn't look nice and calm like this, it looked like this. The waves were so high we couldn't get to shore. So we sailed 200 miles farther south to where the seas were calm,

and ran the entire 26-mile marathon

on the boat.

Four hundred and twenty-two laps around the deck of that little boat.

My wife and I have also climbed two of the world's seven summits, the highest mountains on each continent.

We climbed Aconcagua, the highest mountain on the American continent,

and Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa.

Well, to be honest, I puked my way to the top of Kilimanjaro,

I got altitude sickness. I got no sympathy from my wife;

she passed me and did a lap around the top while I was still struggling up there.

In spite of that, we're still together, and have been for over 35 years. I'd say that's a success these days. So I said to the girl,

"Well, you know, I guess I have had some success." And then she said, "Okay, so are you a millionaire?" Now, I didn't know what to say, because when I grew up, it was bad manners to talk about money.

But I figured I'd better be honest, and I said, "Yeah. I'm a millionaire. But I don't know how it happened. I never went after the money,

and it's not that important to me." She said, "Maybe not to you, but it is to me. I don't want to be poor all my life. I want to get somewhere,

but it's never going to happen." I said, "Well, why not?" She said, "Well, you know, I'm not very smart. I'm not doing great in school." I said, "So what? I'm not smart. I barely passed high school.

I had absolutely nothing going for me.

I was never voted most popular or most likely to succeed.

I started a whole new category -- most likely to fail.

But in the end, I did okay.

So if I can do it, you can do it." And then she asked me the big question:

"Okay, so what really leads to success?" I said, "Jeez, sorry. I don't know. I guess somehow I did it. I don't know how I did it." So I get off the plane and go to the TED Conference,

and I'm standing in a room full of extraordinarily successful people in many fields -- business, science, arts,

health, technology, the environment --

when it hit me: Why don't I ask them what helped them succeed, and find out what really leads to success for everyone?

So I was all excited to get out there and start talking to these great people,

when the self-doubt set in.

I mean, why would people want to talk to me?

I'm not a famous journalist. I'm not even a journalist. So I was ready to stop the project before it even began,

when who comes walking towards me but Ben Cohen,

the famous co-founder of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. I figured it was now or never. I pushed through the self-doubt,

jumped out in front of him, and said, "Ben, I'm working on this project. I don't even know what to ask you, but can you tell me what helped you succeed?" He said, "Yeah, sure, come on. Let's go for a coffee." And over coffee and ice cream, Ben told me his story.

Now here we are over 10 years later,

and I've interviewed over 500 successful people face-to-face, and collected thousands of other success stories.

I wanted to find the common factors for success

in all fields,

so I had to interview people in careers ranging from A to Z.

These are just the careers I interviewed beginning with the letter A,

and in most cases more than one person.

I interviewed six successful accountants,

five corporate auditors, five astronauts who had been into space,

four actors who had won the Academy Award for Best Actor,

three of the world's top astrophysicists, six of the world's leading architects and, oh yeah, four Nobel Prize winners.

Yeah, I know it doesn't start with A, but it's kind of cool. And I want to say a sincere thanks

to all the great people that I've interviewed over the years. This really is their story; I'm just the messenger. The really big job was taking all the interviews

and analyzing them, word by word, line by line,

and sorting them into all the factors that people said helped them succeed.

And then you start to see the big factors

that are common to most people's success. Altogether, I analyzed and sorted millions of words.

Do you know how much work that is?

That's all I do, day and night -- sort and analyze. I'll tell you, if I ever get my hands on that kid on the plane ... Actually, if I do, I'll thank her. Because I've never had so much fun and met so many interesting people. And now I can answer her question.

I discovered the eight traits successful people have in common,

or the eight to be great.

Love what you do; work really hard;

focus on one thing, not everything;

keep pushing yourself; come up with good ideas;

keep improving yourself and what you do;

serve others something of value, because success isn't just about me, me, me; and persist, because there's no overnight success. Why did I pick these?

Because when I added up all the comments in my interviews,

more people said those eight things helped them

than anything else.

The eight traits are really the heart of success, the foundation,

and then on top we build the specific skills

that we need for our particular field or career.

Technical skills, analytical skills, people skills,

creative skills -- lots of other skills we can add on top,

depending on our field.

But no matter what field we're in, these eight traits will be at the heart of our success.


8 traits of successful people - Richard St. John 8 سمات للأشخاص الناجحين - ريتشارد سانت جون 8 Charaktereigenschaften erfolgreicher Menschen - Richard St. John 8 traits of successful people - Richard St. John 8 rasgos de la gente de éxito - Richard St. John 8 traits de caractère des personnes qui réussissent - Richard St. John 8 sėkmingų žmonių bruožai - Richard St. John 8 cech ludzi sukcesu - Richard St. John 8 características das pessoas de sucesso - Richard St. 8 черт успешных людей - Ричард Сент-Джон Başarılı insanların 8 özelliği - Richard St. John 8 рис успішних людей - Річард Сент-Джон 成功人士的 8 个特质 - Richard St. John

(Music) (موسيقى)

Now, my subject is success, so people sometimes call me a "motivational speaker." الآن، موضوعي هو النجاح، لذلك يطلق علي الناس أحيانًا "المتحدث التحفيزي". But I want you to know right up front, I'm not a motivational speaker. لكن أريدك أن تعلم مقدمًا أنني لست متحدثًا تحفيزيًا. I couldn't pass the height requirement. لم أتمكن من اجتياز متطلبات الارتفاع. And I couldn't motivate anybody, ولم أتمكن من تحفيز أي شخص، my employees actually call me a de-motivational speaker. في الواقع، يناديني الموظفون بالمتحدث غير التحفيزي.

What I try to be is an informational speaker. ما أحاول أن أكونه هو متحدث إعلامي.

I went out and found out some information about success, خرجت ووجدت بعض المعلومات عن النجاح،

and I'm just here to pass it on. وأنا هنا فقط لتمريرها. And my story started over 10 years ago, on a plane. وبدأت قصتي منذ أكثر من 10 سنوات، على متن طائرة.

I was on my way to the TED Conference in California, كنت في طريقي إلى مؤتمر TED في كاليفورنيا،

and in the seat next to me was a teenage girl, وفي المقعد المجاور لي كانت هناك فتاة مراهقة،

and she came from a really poor family, but she wanted to get somewhere in life. وهي تنحدر من عائلة فقيرة حقًا، لكنها أرادت الوصول إلى مكان ما في الحياة.

And as I tapped away on my computer, she kept asking me questions, وبينما كنت أتصفح جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بي، استمرت في طرح الأسئلة عليّ،

and then out of the blue, she asked, "Are you successful?" وفجأة سألتها: "هل أنتِ ناجحة؟" I said, "No, I'm not successful." فقلت: لا، لست ناجحاً. Terry Fox, my hero, now there's a big success. تيري فوكس، بطلي، الآن هناك نجاح كبير. He lost a leg to cancer, then ran thousands of miles لقد فقد ساقه بسبب السرطان، ثم ركض آلاف الأميال

and raised millions for cancer research. وجمعت الملايين لأبحاث السرطان.

Or Bill Gates, أو بيل جيتس

a guy who owns his own plane and doesn't have to sit next to some kid asking him questions. رجل يملك طائرته الخاصة وليس عليه أن يجلس بجانب طفل ما ويطرح عليه الأسئلة. (Laughter)

But then I told her about some of the stuff I'd done. ولكن بعد ذلك أخبرتها عن بعض الأشياء التي قمت بها. I love communications, and I've won lots of awards in marketing. أحب الاتصالات، وقد فزت بالعديد من الجوائز في مجال التسويق. I love running, and I still sometimes win my age group, أحب الجري، وما زلت أحيانًا أفوز بفئتي العمرية،

old farts over 60. فرتس القديمة أكثر من 60.

My fastest marathon is two hours and 43 minutes أسرع ماراثون لي هو ساعتين و43 دقيقة

to run the 26 miles, or 42 kilometers. لتشغيل مسافة 26 ميلاً أو 42 كيلومترًا.

I've run over 50 marathons, in all seven continents. لقد شاركت في أكثر من 50 ماراثونًا في جميع القارات السبع. This was a run my wife and I did up the Inca trail to Machu Picchu in Peru. لقد كانت هذه رحلة أنا وزوجتي في طريق الإنكا إلى ماتشو بيتشو في بيرو.

And to qualify for the seven continents, والتأهل إلى القارات السبع،

we had to run a marathon in Antarctica. كان علينا أن نجري ماراثونًا في القارة القطبية الجنوبية.

But when we got there, it didn't look nice and calm like this, ولكن عندما وصلنا إلى هناك، لم يبدو الأمر لطيفًا وهادئًا هكذا، it looked like this. بدا الأمر هكذا. The waves were so high we couldn't get to shore. كانت الأمواج عالية جدًا لدرجة أننا لم نتمكن من الوصول إلى الشاطئ. So we sailed 200 miles farther south to where the seas were calm, لذلك أبحرنا مسافة 200 ميل جنوبًا حيث كانت البحار هادئة،

and ran the entire 26-mile marathon وركضت ماراثون طوله 26 ميلًا بالكامل

on the boat. على القارب.

Four hundred and twenty-two laps around the deck of that little boat. أربعمائة واثنان وعشرون دورة حول سطح ذلك القارب الصغير. Четыреста двадцать два круга по палубе этой маленькой лодки.

My wife and I have also climbed two of the world's seven summits, لقد تسلقت أنا وزوجتي أيضًا اثنتين من قمم العالم السبعة، the highest mountains on each continent. أعلى الجبال في كل قارة.

We climbed Aconcagua, the highest mountain on the American continent, تسلقنا أكونكاجوا، أعلى جبل في القارة الأمريكية،

and Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. وكليمنجارو، أعلى جبل في أفريقيا.

Well, to be honest, I puked my way to the top of Kilimanjaro, |||||rzygałem||||||| حسنًا، لأكون صادقًا، لقد تقيأت في طريقي إلى قمة كليمنجارو، Честно говоря, меня тошнило на вершине Килиманджаро,

I got altitude sickness. ||wysokość nad poziomem morza| لقد أصبت بمرض المرتفعات. I got no sympathy from my wife;

she passed me and did a lap around the top while I was still struggling up there. لقد تجاوزتني وقمت بجولة حول الجزء العلوي بينما كنت لا أزال أكافح هناك.

In spite of that, we're still together, and have been for over 35 years. وعلى الرغم من ذلك، ما زلنا معًا، منذ أكثر من 35 عامًا. I'd say that's a success these days. أود أن أقول أن هذا نجاح هذه الأيام. So I said to the girl, فقلت للفتاة

"Well, you know, I guess I have had some success." "حسنًا، كما تعلم، أعتقد أنني حققت بعض النجاح." And then she said, "Okay, so are you a millionaire?" ثم قالت: "حسنًا، هل أنت مليونير؟" Now, I didn't know what to say, الآن، لم أعرف ماذا أقول، because when I grew up, it was bad manners to talk about money. لأنه عندما كبرت، كان من الأخلاق السيئة التحدث عن المال.

But I figured I'd better be honest, لكنني اعتقدت أنه من الأفضل أن أكون صادقًا، and I said, "Yeah. I'm a millionaire. But I don't know how it happened. لكني لا أعرف كيف حدث ذلك. I never went after the money, لم أسعى وراء المال أبداً،

and it's not that important to me." وهذا ليس مهما بالنسبة لي." She said, "Maybe not to you, but it is to me. فقالت: ربما ليس لك، ولكنه لي. I don't want to be poor all my life. لا أريد أن أبقى فقيراً طوال حياتي. I want to get somewhere, أريد أن أصل إلى مكان ما،

but it's never going to happen." لكن هذا لن يحدث أبدًا." I said, "Well, why not?" قلت: "حسنًا، لماذا لا؟" She said, "Well, you know, I'm not very smart. فقالت: "حسنًا، كما تعلم، أنا لست ذكية جدًا. I'm not doing great in school." أنا لا أقوم بعمل جيد في المدرسة." I said, "So what? I'm not smart. أنا لست ذكيا. I barely passed high school. بالكاد اجتزت المدرسة الثانوية.

I had absolutely nothing going for me. لم يكن لدي أي شيء على الإطلاق بالنسبة لي.

I was never voted most popular or most likely to succeed. لم يتم التصويت لي أبدًا على أنني الأكثر شعبية أو الأكثر احتمالية للنجاح.

I started a whole new category -- most likely to fail. لقد بدأت فئة جديدة تمامًا - من المرجح أن تفشل.

But in the end, I did okay. لكن في النهاية، قمت بعمل جيد.

So if I can do it, you can do it." لذلك إذا كنت أستطيع أن أفعل ذلك، يمكنك أن تفعل ذلك." And then she asked me the big question: ثم سألتني السؤال الكبير:

"Okay, so what really leads to success?" "حسنًا، ما الذي يؤدي حقًا إلى النجاح؟" I said, "Jeez, sorry. قلت: "جيز، آسف. I don't know. I guess somehow I did it. أعتقد بطريقة ما أنني فعلت ذلك. I don't know how I did it." لا أعرف كيف فعلت ذلك". So I get off the plane and go to the TED Conference, لذلك نزلت من الطائرة وذهبت إلى مؤتمر TED،

and I'm standing in a room full of extraordinarily successful people وأنا أقف في غرفة مليئة بالأشخاص الناجحين بشكل غير عادي in many fields -- business, science, arts, في العديد من المجالات - الأعمال والعلوم والفنون،

health, technology, the environment -- الصحة، التكنولوجيا، البيئة --

when it hit me: Why don't I ask them what helped them succeed, عندما صدمني: لماذا لا أسألهم ما الذي ساعدهم على النجاح، and find out what really leads to success for everyone? ومعرفة ما الذي يؤدي حقًا إلى النجاح للجميع؟

So I was all excited to get out there and start talking to these great people, لذلك كنت متحمسًا جدًا للخروج والبدء في التحدث إلى هؤلاء الأشخاص الرائعين،

when the self-doubt set in. عندما يبدأ الشك في النفس.

I mean, why would people want to talk to me? أعني، لماذا يريد الناس التحدث معي؟

I'm not a famous journalist. أنا لست صحفيا مشهورا. I'm not even a journalist. أنا لست حتى صحفيا. So I was ready to stop the project before it even began, لذا كنت على استعداد لإيقاف المشروع حتى قبل أن يبدأ،

when who comes walking towards me but Ben Cohen, عندما يأتي من يمشي نحوي سوى بن كوهين،

the famous co-founder of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. المؤسس المشارك الشهير لآيس كريم بن وجيري. I figured it was now or never. اعتقدت أنه كان الآن أو أبدا. I pushed through the self-doubt, لقد دفعت من خلال الشك الذاتي ،

jumped out in front of him, and said, "Ben, I'm working on this project. قفزت أمامه، وقالت، "بن، أنا أعمل في هذا المشروع. I don't even know what to ask you, ولا أعرف حتى ماذا أسألك، but can you tell me what helped you succeed?" ولكن هل يمكنك أن تخبرني ما الذي ساعدك على النجاح؟" He said, "Yeah, sure, come on. قال: نعم، بالتأكيد، هيا. Let's go for a coffee." دعنا نذهب لتناول القهوة." And over coffee and ice cream, Ben told me his story. وأثناء تناول القهوة والآيس كريم، أخبرني بن قصته.

Now here we are over 10 years later, وها نحن الآن بعد أكثر من 10 سنوات،

and I've interviewed over 500 successful people ولقد أجريت مقابلات مع أكثر من 500 شخص ناجح face-to-face, and collected thousands of other success stories. وجهاً لوجه، وجمعت الآلاف من قصص النجاح الأخرى.

I wanted to find the common factors for success أردت أن أجد العوامل المشتركة للنجاح

in all fields, في كافة المجالات،

so I had to interview people in careers ranging from A to Z. لذلك اضطررت إلى إجراء مقابلات مع أشخاص في وظائف تتراوح من الألف إلى الياء.

These are just the careers I interviewed beginning with the letter A, هذه فقط المهن التي قابلتها والتي تبدأ بالحرف A،

and in most cases more than one person. وفي معظم الحالات أكثر من شخص واحد.

I interviewed six successful accountants, لقد أجريت مقابلات مع ستة محاسبين ناجحين،

five corporate auditors, five astronauts who had been into space, ||audytorzy korporacyjni||||||| خمسة مدققين للشركات، خمسة رواد فضاء ذهبوا إلى الفضاء،

four actors who had won the Academy Award for Best Actor, أربعة ممثلين فازوا بجائزة الأوسكار لأفضل ممثل،

three of the world's top astrophysicists, |||||astrofizycy ثلاثة من أفضل علماء الفيزياء الفلكية في العالم، six of the world's leading architects ستة من كبار المهندسين المعماريين في العالم and, oh yeah, four Nobel Prize winners. وأوه نعم، أربعة فائزين بجائزة نوبل.

Yeah, I know it doesn't start with A, but it's kind of cool. نعم، أعلم أنها لا تبدأ بالحرف "أ"، لكنها رائعة نوعًا ما. And I want to say a sincere thanks وأريد أن أقول شكرا جزيلا

to all the great people that I've interviewed over the years. لجميع الأشخاص العظماء الذين أجريت مقابلات معهم على مر السنين. This really is their story; I'm just the messenger. هذه هي قصتهم حقًا؛ أنا مجرد رسول. The really big job was taking all the interviews كانت المهمة الكبيرة حقًا هي إجراء جميع المقابلات

and analyzing them, word by word, line by line, وتحليلها، كلمة كلمة، سطرًا سطرًا،

and sorting them into all the factors that people said helped them succeed. وتصنيفهم إلى جميع العوامل التي قال الناس إنها ساعدتهم على النجاح.

And then you start to see the big factors وبعد ذلك تبدأ في رؤية العوامل الكبيرة

that are common to most people's success. التي هي مشتركة لنجاح معظم الناس. Altogether, I analyzed and sorted millions of words. وإجمالاً، قمت بتحليل وفرز ملايين الكلمات.

Do you know how much work that is? هل تعرف كم هذا العمل؟

That's all I do, day and night -- sort and analyze. هذا كل ما أفعله، ليل نهار، فرز وتحليل. I'll tell you, if I ever get my hands on that kid on the plane ... سأخبرك، إذا وضعت يدي على ذلك الطفل على متن الطائرة... Я скажу вам, что если я когда-нибудь попаду в руки к тому парню в самолете... Actually, if I do, I'll thank her. في الواقع، إذا فعلت ذلك، سأشكرها. Because I've never had so much fun and met so many interesting people. لأنني لم أحظى بهذا القدر من المرح من قبل ولم أقابل الكثير من الأشخاص المثيرين للاهتمام. And now I can answer her question. والآن أستطيع الإجابة على سؤالها.

I discovered the eight traits successful people have in common, لقد اكتشفت السمات الثمانية المشتركة بين الأشخاص الناجحين،

or the eight to be great. أو الثمانية أن تكون عظيمة.

Love what you do; work really hard; حب ما تعمل؛ العمل بجد.

focus on one thing, not everything; التركيز على شيء واحد، وليس كل شيء؛

keep pushing yourself; come up with good ideas; استمر في دفع نفسك؛ الخروج بأفكار جيدة.

keep improving yourself and what you do; استمر في تحسين نفسك وما تفعله؛

serve others something of value, because success isn't just about me, me, me; خدمة الآخرين بشيء ذي قيمة، لأن النجاح لا يتعلق بي فقط، أنا، أنا؛ and persist, because there's no overnight success. واستمر، لأنه لا يوجد نجاح بين عشية وضحاها. Why did I pick these? لماذا اخترت هذه؟

Because when I added up all the comments in my interviews, لأنه عندما قمت بجمع كل التعليقات في مقابلاتي،

more people said those eight things helped them قال عدد أكبر من الأشخاص إن تلك الأشياء الثمانية ساعدتهم

than anything else. من أي شيء آخر.

The eight traits are really the heart of success, the foundation, السمات الثمانية هي في الحقيقة قلب النجاح، الأساس،

and then on top we build the specific skills ومن ثم في الأعلى نبني المهارات المحددة

that we need for our particular field or career. التي نحتاجها في مجالنا أو مسيرتنا المهنية.

Technical skills, analytical skills, people skills, المهارات الفنية، والمهارات التحليلية، ومهارات الناس،

creative skills -- lots of other skills we can add on top, المهارات الإبداعية -- الكثير من المهارات الأخرى التي يمكننا إضافتها في الأعلى،

depending on our field. اعتمادا على مجالنا.

But no matter what field we're in, ولكن بغض النظر عن المجال الذي نحن فيه، these eight traits will be at the heart of our success. هذه السمات الثمانية ستكون في قلب نجاحنا.
