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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Why I Learn Languages: Persian

Why I Learn Languages: Persian

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here.

Uh, and today I wanna talk about why I learn languages and I want to

use as an example, Persian, which is what I'm learning right now.

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So, uh, if any of you read my book, The Linguist, A Personal Guide to

Language Learning uh, you will remember that I always get interested in the

history, the culture, countries that influence other countries, how countries

are an amalgamation of different influences and, and, and peoples.

And that's been the history of the world.

And that's what kind of motivates me to learn languages and learn about all

these different cultures and so forth.

Persian is no exception.

I'm very lucky that I have a, a Persian tutor, collaborator in Iran who has

created tremendous content for me on the history of Iran, foods of Iran, has

interviews with ordinary people in Iran.

So I have a bit of a smattering of that background, but as with, when

we learn languages and we learn and forget words, things that I learn

about, the history of a country, I tend to forget them as well, but every

time I forget them, something remains.

And so my appreciation of the history does improve a little bit

each time, but it gives me a basis from which to learn more things.

And so right now, uh, at LingQ, I am doing a series of four episodes of

a podcast about Iranian identity put out by this podcast service called

epitome.ir or epitome books.ir.

I'll leave a link to the, to, to the, uh, podcast in the description box.

It's all in, uh, in Farsi, in Persian, of course.

And so I am just enjoying so much participating in this series of

discussions, uh, and the narrator quotes different books where the question

of Iranian identity is discussed.

So I have the sort of sensation that I am participating in a discussion

amongst Iranians about their identity and through that, I am

exposed to aspects of their history.

Some of which is new to me, some of which I have already been exposed to.

And so the whole experience to me is, is my reward.

That's why I learn languages, to be able to do that kind of thing.

And I've done it in Ukrainian.

When my, uh, Ukrainian tutor sent me material on Ukrainian history,

I've done it in Polish when I went to this website and found audiobooks

and eBooks about Polish history.

These are the things that I'm interested in.

Czeck the, uh, ... about Czeck history.


that's what drives me to learn languages, but let's get back to Persian.

And I also wanted to comment on Persian because someone asked me here, uh,

on my YouTube channel, what has been my reaction to learning pPersian.

Well, first of all, there are a lot of Iranian immigrants in Vancouver

and just the yesterday or the night before we were at a restaurant and

low and behold the family sitting beside us are recent immigrants.

I don't know how recent, but from Iran.

The Iranians respond so positively when you speak to them in their

language, it's it's astounding.

And they also immediately ask you, are you familiar with Persian poetry?

And of course, because Persian poetry is very important to the Iranians.

Uh, but it's too difficult for me.

So I, I disappoint them when I say no.

Uh, but very often too, they'll ask me if I speak Turkish because one in

five or 18 or whatever percent, 15% of Iranians are of Azeri Turk origin.

So therein, we begin to see that there's this historical connection between

Turks and Persians or Iranians now.

But the, the interesting thing, what I found so fascinating is, is, is in this

series of, of episodes about Iranian identity if we go back 2,500 years, To

the emperor, the, the empire of, of, uh, Cyrus and, and I think the greatest extent

of the Persian empire was under Darius.

The great, I don't remember becasue I forget it all, but the, the

old, uh, Achaemenid or however it's pronounced Achaemenid empire

was two thirds non Iranians.

Uh, if we look at a map, it included, you know, at, at various times, Greece

and, and maybe the Northern part of India, and you had Turkic people there.

And of course, uh, originally you had the Elamites and the Acadians because ancient

Persia included uh, what is today Iraq.

It included, you know, the fertile Crescent from which the Abrahamic

religions came eventually Islam, but initially, uh, Judaism and Christianity.

So right off the bat, it was a multiethnic, multilingual empire.

And so what was the identity at that point?

Of course there, people guess at it, but apparently Herodotus the Greek,

uh, historian said that people who were identified as Persian, Parse or whatever

term was used, they had certain advantages over non Persians within that empire.

So obviously there was a sense of Persian identity at that time.

Uh, when Alexander the Great of Macedonia invaded he tried to bring

in Greeks and make Iran more Greek, which didn't really please the locals

who've preferred their Persian identity.

So there was some kind of Persian identity.

The Persians also had their own religion, the Zoroastrian religion,

which was essentially the, the state religion as near as, as we can tell.

So there's this identity as part of the, uh, Achaemenid empire, uh, which

included many ethnic groups, uh, Cyrus in his great constitution was,

uh, very say magnanimous, but very tolerant of different religions and

different, different ethnic groups.

And maybe he had no choice because they were, they outnumbered

the Persians in his empire.

Um, so there was that.

And then after, um, Alexander, the uh, the Greeks under, I, I think I might have said

it or it wasn't Alexander who tried to bring in Greeks and make Iran more Greek.

It was Seleucus who was...

seleucus or however it's pronounced who basically, as the, uh, the

Alexander's empire was split he ended up with iran basically.

And he tried to make it more Greek, which didn't work.

But after a few hundred years, there was once again, an Iranian dynasty,

an Iranian control of their country.

And, uh, so there is now this, obviously there was a sense of identity as Iranians

through the language, through their Zoroastrian , uh, religion, uh, through a

sense of where they lived through identity with identifying with their ruler.

I don't know, they even had a flag.

They had certain things that represented identity for them.

Uh, and then passing through my forgetfulness, uh, you know, you

had the, uh, what we call the, the Partheon empire, I think, which,

uh, It goes under a different name in Persian, which I've forgotten.

And then the Sasanian period where Iran was fighting with Rome all

the time and eventually the Arab invasion and Islam was introduced.

So now we have Islam.

So there's identity through language, identity through territory, identity

through this Persian ethnicity, which for a long time was a minority, uh, you know,

group within the greater Persian empire, and now we have identity through religion

and the religion was mostly Sunni.

And, uh, and then around the 10th, 11th century, we have a series

of Turkish dynasties in Iran.

And so the, again, I'm going from memory, but as I read it, I enjoy it.

And then I forget it, but so Arab was...

the Arabic language was perhaps more prestigious through religion, but

eventually the, basically the education standards in, in Iran were higher

than amongst the Arab conquerors.

And so, um, Persian had a, um, pride of place in the administration and so forth,

but then the Turks came in and they tended to speak Turkish in the court.

And then at a certain point, perhaps coinciding with the Mongol

invasion, there was a revival of, uh, the Farsi or Persian language.

So there was, again, you, you can sense through all of that as this person quotes

the different sources, debating about, you know, what represented the Iranian

identity and so forth, uh, that, uh, there was a revival of the Persian language.

And then with the Safavid dynasty, Um, the shiite religion is

established as the national religion.

And so now we have an identity.

So we have a Islamic identity.

We have a Shia identity as opposed to the Sunni Ottoman empire.

Uh, we have of course that Iranian identity.

So we have this accumulation of different identities and getting back to the

poetry, uh, which I always get asked.

Uh, the sort of, one of the main periods of flowering of poetry in Iran

was during the time that the Mongols, I think initially the Turks, this

again, I'm going from memory and then the Mongols, the Ilkhan dynasties.

And so there was this flowering of poetry, which focused to a large degree on, you

know, myths and traditions and, and, and the history of the great flowering of

the Persian empire back 2,500 years ago.

So the Iranians have been imbued with this sense of their identity, which

consists of all these different elements.

And depending on which Iranian you speak to, he may identify, or she may

identify more with the period prior the greatness of the, you know, Persian

empire or more may identify more with, um, you know, Islam and so forth.

So there's there's as an in...

and even today, as I mentioned earlier, there's this ethnic mixture in Iran.

You have Azeri Turks, you have Turkmans who are small number, but were very

influential initially, uh, in, um, some of the dynasties that were established.

You have Kurds, you have Arabs.

This, and then you have various, uh, sort of nomad groups.

So there's quite a variety of peoples within Iran.

And so probably today, the identity is one of Iran as a nation, the country

of Iran with all of the ethnic, uh, uh, you know, minorities that they have.

And in this, um, series, it has pointed out that amongst the people in the

Middle East, the Iranians have a much stronger sense of national identity.

You know, are you proud of being an Iranian?

And so a, a much higher percentage in Iran will say, yes, I am.

Whereas in places like Jordan or Egypt, apparently the identification is more

with Islam and less with the country.

So all of this is interesting.

The fact that I'm able to read and listen to all of this information

and kind of span the period from 2,500 years ago to today.

Uh, try and picture Iraq when it was part of Iran and or Persia and now and stuff.

Is, uh, to a large extent due to Sahra and her ability to create

material for me and find stuff for me.

I wish I could find someone to do the same for Arabic, uh, Arabic as a whole, or,

you know, Egypt or, or, uh, north Africa or the, the Levant, you know, Syria,

Lebanon, uh, Palestine, and so forth.

So, because that to me is the fun of language learning is, is exploring through

language, history, culture, people.

And, uh, so I'm very grateful to Sahra and I enjoy doing this in Persian

and I will certainly be looking forward to doing it in Arabic and in

other languages, uh, moving forward.

So there you have it.

Uh, I will leave you with a couple of videos on this issue of language and

culture, and I'd be interested in your own reactions and how you deal with,

uh, and to what extent you're attracted to the idea of, of learning about

culture and history through language.

Thanks for listening.

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Why I Learn Languages: Persian ||||波斯语 Warum ich Sprachen lerne: Persisch Why I Learn Languages: Persian Por qué aprendo idiomas: Persa Pourquoi j'apprends des langues : Le persan Perché imparo le lingue: Il persiano 私が語学を学ぶ理由ペルシア語 Dlaczego uczę się języków: Perski Porque é que aprendo línguas: Persa Neden Dil Öğreniyorum? Farsça Чому я вивчаю мови: перська 我为什么学习语言?波斯语

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here. |||考夫曼| سلام، استیو کافمن اینجاست.

Uh, and today I wanna talk about why I learn languages and I want to

use as an example, Persian, which is what I'm learning right now.

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So, uh, if any of you read my book, The Linguist, A Personal Guide to 所以,呃,如果你們中有人讀過我的書,語言學家,個人指南

Language Learning uh, you will remember that I always get interested in the

history, the culture, countries that influence other countries, how countries

are an amalgamation of different influences and, and, and peoples. ||融合体||||||| ||combination||||||| ||ترکیبی از||||||| 是不同影響和,和,和人民的融合。

And that's been the history of the world. 這就是世界的歷史。

And that's what kind of motivates me to learn languages and learn about all

these different cultures and so forth. ||||等等|等等 這些不同的文化等等。

Persian is no exception. |||例外

I'm very lucky that I have a, a Persian tutor, collaborator in Iran who has ||||||||||合作者|||| ||||||||||همکار||||

created tremendous content for me on the history of Iran, foods of Iran, has

interviews with ordinary people in Iran. 採訪伊朗普通民眾。

So I have a bit of a smattering of that background, but as with, when |||||||一点点背景||||||| |||||||کمی آشنایی||||||| بنابراین من کمی از آن پس زمینه دارم، اما مانند زمانی که 所以我對那個背景有一點了解,但就像,當

we learn languages and we learn and forget words, things that I learn ما زبان ها را یاد می گیریم و کلمات را یاد می گیریم و فراموش می کنیم، چیزهایی که من یاد می گیرم

about, the history of a country, I tend to forget them as well, but every

time I forget them, something remains. 當我忘記它們時,有些東西仍然存在。

And so my appreciation of the history does improve a little bit |||理解||||||||

each time, but it gives me a basis from which to learn more things. 每一次,但它給了我一個學習更多東西的基礎。

And so right now, uh, at LingQ, I am doing a series of four episodes of

a podcast about Iranian identity put out by this podcast service called |||伊朗人|||||||| 這個播客服務推出了一個關於伊朗身份的播客,名為

epitome.ir or epitome books.ir. 缩影书籍||||| epitome.ir 或 epitome books.ir。

I'll leave a link to the, to, to the, uh, podcast in the description box.

It's all in, uh, in Farsi, in Persian, of course.

And so I am just enjoying so much participating in this series of ||||||||参与||||

discussions, uh, and the narrator quotes different books where the question ||||叙述者|引用书籍||||| 討論,呃,和敘述者引用不同的書問題

of Iranian identity is discussed.

So I have the sort of sensation that I am participating in a discussion

amongst Iranians about their identity and through that, I am |伊朗人|||||||| |ایرانیان|||||||| 在伊朗人中關於他們的身份,通過這個,我是

exposed to aspects of their history. 接触到||||| 暴露於他們歷史的各個方面。

Some of which is new to me, some of which I have already been exposed to.

And so the whole experience to me is, is my reward. 所以對我來說,整個經歷就是我的獎勵。

That's why I learn languages, to be able to do that kind of thing.

And I've done it in Ukrainian. 我已經用烏克蘭語做到了。

When my, uh, Ukrainian tutor sent me material on Ukrainian history,

I've done it in Polish when I went to this website and found audiobooks

and eBooks about Polish history. |||波兰历史|

These are the things that I'm interested in.

Czeck the, uh, ... about Czeck history. 捷克历史||||| ||||چک| 切克,呃,……關於切克的歷史。


that's what drives me to learn languages, but let's get back to Persian.

And I also wanted to comment on Persian because someone asked me here, uh, 我也想評論一下波斯語,因為有人在這裡問我,呃,

on my YouTube channel, what has been my reaction to learning pPersian. 在我的 YouTube 頻道上,我對學習 pPersian 的反應是什麼。

Well, first of all, there are a lot of Iranian immigrants in Vancouver ||||||||||||温哥华

and just the yesterday or the night before we were at a restaurant and

low and behold the family sitting beside us are recent immigrants. ||بنگر|||||||| baja|||||||||| なんと、私たちの隣に座っていたのは、最近移民してきた家族でした。 瞧,坐在我們旁邊的家人是新移民。

I don't know how recent, but from Iran.

The Iranians respond so positively when you speak to them in their 當你在他們的談話中與伊朗人交談時,他們的反應如此積極

language, it's it's astounding. |||令人震惊 語言,令人驚嘆。

And they also immediately ask you, are you familiar with Persian poetry? 他們還立即問你,你熟悉波斯詩歌嗎?

And of course, because Persian poetry is very important to the Iranians. Y por supuesto, porque la poesía persa es muy importante para los iraníes.

Uh, but it's too difficult for me.

So I, I disappoint them when I say no. |||disappoint|||||

Uh, but very often too, they'll ask me if I speak Turkish because one in |||||آنها خواهند||||||||| 呃,但也經常,他們會問我是否會說土耳其語,因為一個在

five or 18 or whatever percent, 15% of Iranians are of Azeri Turk origin. |||||||||阿塞拜疆人|土耳其人|起源 |||||||||آذری ترک|ترک‌های آذری| 5%、18% 或其他百分比,15% 的伊朗人是阿塞拜疆土耳其人。

So therein, we begin to see that there's this historical connection between |در آنجا|||||||||| 因此,在其中,我們開始看到兩者之間存在這種歷史聯繫

Turks and Persians or Iranians now. 現在是土耳其人和波斯人或伊朗人。

But the, the interesting thing, what I found so fascinating is, is, is in this |||||||||引人入胜|||||

series of, of episodes about Iranian identity if we go back 2,500 years, To

the emperor, the, the empire of, of, uh, Cyrus and, and I think the greatest extent |皇帝|||帝国||||居鲁士||||||| ||||||||کوروش بزرگ||||||| 皇帝,那個,帝國,呃,居魯士和,我認為最大程度

of the Persian empire was under Darius. ||||||大流士 ||||||داریوش 波斯帝國在大流士的統治下。

The great, I don't remember becasue I forget it all, but the, the |||||زیرا که فراموش|||||||

old, uh, Achaemenid or however it's pronounced Achaemenid empire ||阿契美尼德|||||| 古い、ええと、アケメネス、またはアケメネス帝国と発音されています

was two thirds non Iranians. 3 分の 2 は非イラン人でした。 三分之二是非伊朗人。

Uh, if we look at a map, it included, you know, at, at various times, Greece 呃,如果我們看一張地圖,它包括,你知道,在不同的時間,希臘

and, and maybe the Northern part of India, and you had Turkic people there. |||||||||||突厥人|| そして、おそらくインドの北部で、そこにはテュルク系の人々が住んでいました。 而且,也許還有印度北部,那裡有突厥人。

And of course, uh, originally you had the Elamites and the Acadians because ancient ||||||||埃兰人||||| 當然,呃,最初你有埃蘭人和阿卡迪亞人,因為古代

Persia included uh, what is today Iraq. 波斯包括今天的伊拉克。|||||| ペルシャには、今日のイラクが含まれていました。 波斯包括呃今天的伊拉克。

It included, you know, the fertile Crescent from which the Abrahamic |||||肥沃的|新月地带||||亚伯拉罕的 |||||fertile||||| ||||||||||ابراهیمی Incluía, ya sabes, la media luna fértil de la que el Abrahamic それには、ご存知のように、アブラハムがそこから生まれた肥沃な三日月が含まれていました。 它包括,你知道,肥沃的新月,亞伯拉罕

religions came eventually Islam, but initially, uh, Judaism and Christianity. |||伊斯兰教||最初||犹太教||基督教 |||||||یهودیت||مسیحیت 宗教は最終的にイスラム教になりましたが、最初はユダヤ教とキリスト教でした。 宗教最終出現了伊斯蘭教,但最初,呃,猶太教和基督教。

So right off the bat, it was a multiethnic, multilingual empire. ||||||||多民族|| ||||||||چند قومیتی|| 所以從一開始,它就是一個多民族、多語言的帝國。

And so what was the identity at that point? では、その時点でのアイデンティティは何でしたか? 那麼當時的身份是什麼?

Of course there, people guess at it, but apparently Herodotus the Greek, ||||||||显然|希罗多德||希腊人 もちろん、人々はそれを推測しますが、どうやらギリシャのヘロドトスは、 當然在那裡,人們猜測它,但顯然希羅多德是希臘人,

uh, historian said that people who were identified as Persian, Parse or whatever |historian||||||||||| ええと、歴史家は、ペルシャ人、パース人、またはその他と識別された人々は 呃,歷史學家說那些被認定為波斯人、帕西人或其他人的人

term was used, they had certain advantages over non Persians within that empire. 用語が使用されたとき、彼らはその帝国内の非ペルシャ人よりも特定の利点がありました. 使用術語,他們在該帝國內比非波斯人具有一定的優勢。

So obviously there was a sense of Persian identity at that time. 当時、明らかにペルシャ人のアイデンティティーの感覚がありました。 所以很明顯,當時有一種波斯人的認同感。

Uh, when Alexander the Great of Macedonia invaded he tried to bring マケドニアのアレキサンダー大王が侵略したとき、彼は持ち帰ろうとした 呃,當馬其頓的亞歷山大大帝入侵時,他試圖將

in Greeks and make Iran more Greek, which didn't really please the locals ギリシャ語で、イランをよりギリシャ風にしますが、これは地元の人々を本当に喜ばせませんでした 在希臘人中,讓伊朗更希臘化,這並沒有真正取悅當地人

who've preferred their Persian identity. که هویت ایرانی خود را ترجیح داده‌اند|||| ペルシャのアイデンティティを好む人。 誰更喜歡他們的波斯身份。

So there was some kind of Persian identity.

The Persians also had their own religion, the Zoroastrian religion, 波斯人也有自己的宗教,瑣羅亞斯德教,

which was essentially the, the state religion as near as, as we can tell. 私たちが知る限り、それは本質的に国教に近いものでした。 據我們所知,這基本上是國教。

So there's this identity as part of the, uh, Achaemenid empire, uh, which

included many ethnic groups, uh, Cyrus in his great constitution was, |||||||||قانون اساسی| 多くの民族グループが含まれていました。 包括許多種族,呃,居魯士在他偉大的憲法中是,

uh, very say magnanimous, but very tolerant of different religions and |||بزرگوار و بردبار||||||| ええと、非常に寛大であると言えますが、異なる宗教に対して非常に寛容であり、 呃,很坦蕩,但是很包容不同的宗教和

different, different ethnic groups. 異なる、異なる民族グループ。

And maybe he had no choice because they were, they outnumbered ||||||||||بیشتر بودند そして、彼らは数が多かったので、彼には選択の余地がなかったのかもしれません 也許他別無選擇,因為他們是,他們的人數超過了

the Persians in his empire. 彼の帝国のペルシア人。 波斯人在他的帝國。

Um, so there was that. あれ、あったんですね。

And then after, um, Alexander, the uh, the Greeks under, I, I think I might have said そして、アレキサンダー、あー、ギリシア人の下で、私は、私は言ったかもしれないと思います 然後,嗯,亞歷山大,呃,下面的希臘人,我,我想我可能會說

it or it wasn't Alexander who tried to bring in Greeks and make Iran more Greek. ギリシャ人を連れてきて、イランをよりギリシャ人にしようとしたのはアレキサンダーではなかった。 或者不是亞歷山大試圖引進希臘人並使伊朗更加希臘化。

It was Seleucus who was... 是塞琉古……

seleucus or however it's pronounced who basically, as the, uh, the سلوکوس|||||||||| seleucus またはしかし、基本的に誰が発音されているか、ええと、

Alexander's empire was split he ended up with iran basically. اسکندر||||||||| El imperio de Alejandro se dividió y terminó básicamente con Irán. アレクサンダーの帝国は分割され、基本的にイランになりました。 亞歷山大的帝國被分裂了,他基本上以伊朗結束。

And he tried to make it more Greek, which didn't work. そして彼はそれをよりギリシャ風にしようとしましたが、うまくいきませんでした。

But after a few hundred years, there was once again, an Iranian dynasty, しかし、数百年後、再びイランの王朝が誕生しました。 但幾百年後,又出現了一個伊朗王朝,

an Iranian control of their country. 彼らの国に対するイランの支配。

And, uh, so there is now this, obviously there was a sense of identity as Iranians そして、ええと、今これがあります、明らかにイラン人としてのアイデンティティの感覚がありました

through the language, through their Zoroastrian , uh, religion, uh, through a 言語を通して、彼らのゾロアスター教を通して、ええと、宗教を通して、ええと、

sense of where they lived through identity with identifying with their ruler. 支配者との同一化による同一性を通じて、彼らが住んでいた場所の感覚。 通過認同與統治者的身份來了解他們生活的地方。

I don't know, they even had a flag. わかりませんが、彼らは旗さえ持っていました。 我不知道,他們甚至有一面旗幟。

They had certain things that represented identity for them. 彼らは、彼らのアイデンティティを表す特定のものを持っていました。 他們有某些代表他們身份的東西。

Uh, and then passing through my forgetfulness, uh, you know, you ||||||فراموشکاری|||| ||||||Vergesslichkeit|||| ええと、そして私の物忘れを通り抜けて、ええと、あなたは知っています 呃,然後穿過我的健忘,呃,你知道,你

had the, uh, what we call the, the Partheon empire, I think, which, 私たちがいわゆるパルテオン帝国を持っていたと思います。 有,呃,我們所說的,帕提翁帝國,我想,

uh, It goes under a different name in Persian, which I've forgotten. ええと、ペルシャ語で別の名前になっていますが、忘れてしまいました。

And then the Sasanian period where Iran was fighting with Rome all そして、イランがローマと戦っていたサーサーン朝時代

the time and eventually the Arab invasion and Islam was introduced. その時、そして最終的にはアラブの侵略とイスラム教が導入されました。 時間和最終阿拉伯入侵和伊斯蘭教被引入。

So now we have Islam. だから今、私たちはイスラム教を持っています。

So there's identity through language, identity through territory, identity つまり、言語によるアイデンティティ、領土によるアイデンティティ、アイデンティティがあります。

through this Persian ethnicity, which for a long time was a minority, uh, you know, 長い間少数派だったこのペルシャ民族を通じて、

group within the greater Persian empire, and now we have identity through religion 大ペルシャ帝国内のグループであり、今では宗教を通じてアイデンティティを持っています

and the religion was mostly Sunni.

And, uh, and then around the 10th, 11th century, we have a series そして、ええと、そして10世紀、11世紀頃にシリーズがあります

of Turkish dynasties in Iran. ||سلسله‌های ترکی در ایران||

And so the, again, I'm going from memory, but as I read it, I enjoy it. 繰り返しになりますが、私は記憶から離れていますが、読んでいると楽しんでいます。

And then I forget it, but so Arab was... そして、私はそれを忘れましたが、それでアラブ人は...

the Arabic language was perhaps more prestigious through religion, but アラビア語はおそらく宗教を通じてより権威がありましたが、

eventually the, basically the education standards in, in Iran were higher 最終的に、基本的にイランの教育水準はより高かった

than amongst the Arab conquerors. ||||فاتحان عرب ||||завоеватели

And so, um, Persian had a, um, pride of place in the administration and so forth, |||||||Stolz|||||||| それで、ええと、ペルシャ人は、ええと、行政などに誇りを持っていました。

but then the Turks came in and they tended to speak Turkish in the court. ||||||||usually|||||| しかしその後、トルコ人が入ってきて、法廷でトルコ語を話す傾向がありました。

And then at a certain point, perhaps coinciding with the Mongol |||||||همزمان شدن با|||مغول‌ها |||||||zusammenfallend|||

invasion, there was a revival of, uh, the Farsi or Persian language. ||||احیای زبان فارسی|||||||

So there was, again, you, you can sense through all of that as this person quotes 繰り返しになりますが、あなたは、この人物が引用しているように、そのすべてを通して感じることができます

the different sources, debating about, you know, what represented the Iranian |||بحث کردن دربارهٔ||||||| さまざまな情報源が、イラン人を代表するものについて議論しています。

identity and so forth, uh, that, uh, there was a revival of the Persian language. アイデンティティなど、ええと、ええと、ペルシャ語の復活がありました。

And then with the Safavid dynasty, Um, the shiite religion is

established as the national religion. 国教として成立。

And so now we have an identity. そして今、私たちはアイデンティティを持っています。

So we have a Islamic identity. だから私たちはイスラムのアイデンティティーを持っています。

We have a Shia identity as opposed to the Sunni Ottoman empire. ||||||||||عثمانی سنی| スンニ派のオスマン帝国とは対照的に、私たちはシーア派のアイデンティティーを持っています。

Uh, we have of course that Iranian identity. ええと、もちろん、私たちはそのイランのアイデンティティを持っています.

So we have this accumulation of different identities and getting back to the |||||||identities||||| このように、さまざまなアイデンティティが蓄積され、元の状態に戻ります

poetry, uh, which I always get asked. いつも聞かれる詩です。

Uh, the sort of, one of the main periods of flowering of poetry in Iran ||||||||||цветения|||| Uh, el tipo de, uno de los principales períodos de florecimiento de la poesía en Irán یکی از دوره های اصلی شکوفایی شعر در ایران ええと、一種の、イランで詩が開花した主な時期の1つ

was during the time that the Mongols, I think initially the Turks, this در زمانی بود که مغول ها، فکر می کنم در ابتدا ترک ها، این بود

again, I'm going from memory and then the Mongols, the Ilkhan dynasties. دوباره از خاطره می روم و بعد مغول ها، سلسله های ایلخانی.

And so there was this flowering of poetry, which focused to a large degree on, you |||||flowering|||||||||| و بنابراین این شکوفایی شعر وجود داشت که تا حد زیادی بر شما متمرکز بود そして、この詩の開花がありました。それはあなたに大きく焦点を当てていました。

know, myths and traditions and, and, and the history of the great flowering of ||||||||||||flourishing| می دانیم، اسطوره ها و سنت ها و، و، و تاریخ شکوفایی بزرگ از 知っている、神話と伝統、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、そして、その偉大な開花の歴史

the Persian empire back 2,500 years ago.

So the Iranians have been imbued with this sense of their identity, which |||||durchdrungen|||||||

consists of all these different elements.

And depending on which Iranian you speak to, he may identify, or she may

identify more with the period prior the greatness of the, you know, Persian |||||||greatness||||| بیشتر با دوره قبل از عظمت پارسی آشنا شوید あなたが知っているように、ペルシャの偉大さの前の時代にもっと共感してください

empire or more may identify more with, um, you know, Islam and so forth. 帝国以上の人は、ええと、イスラム教などにもっと共感するかもしれません。

So there's there's as an in... だからそこには...

and even today, as I mentioned earlier, there's this ethnic mixture in Iran. そして今日でも 先に述べたように イランには民族が混在しています

You have Azeri Turks, you have Turkmans who are small number, but were very ||||||ترکمن‌ها|||||||

influential initially, uh, in, um, some of the dynasties that were established. ||||||||سلسله‌ها|||

You have Kurds, you have Arabs. ||کردها||| あなたにはクルド人がいて、アラブ人がいます。

This, and then you have various, uh, sort of nomad groups. これに加えて、さまざまな遊牧民グループがあります。

So there's quite a variety of peoples within Iran. このように、イランには非常に多様な人々がいます。

And so probably today, the identity is one of Iran as a nation, the country そしておそらく今日、アイデンティティは国としてのイランの一つです。

of Iran with all of the ethnic, uh, uh, you know, minorities that they have. |||||||||||اقلیت‌ها||| イランのすべての民族、ええと、ええと、彼らが持っている少数民族。

And in this, um, series, it has pointed out that amongst the people in the

Middle East, the Iranians have a much stronger sense of national identity. 中東では、イラン人は国民的アイデンティティの感覚がはるかに強い.

You know, are you proud of being an Iranian? イラン人であることを誇りに思っていますか?

And so a, a much higher percentage in Iran will say, yes, I am. そのため、イランでははるかに高い割合で「はい、私はそうです」と答えます。

Whereas in places like Jordan or Egypt, apparently the identification is more ヨルダンやエジプトのような場所では、どうやら識別はもっと

with Islam and less with the country. イスラム教と、そして国との関係は少なくなります。

So all of this is interesting. だから、これはすべて興味深いものです。

The fact that I'm able to read and listen to all of this information O facto de eu ser capaz de ler e ouvir toda esta informação||||||||||||| この情報のすべてを読んだり聞いたりできるという事実

and kind of span the period from 2,500 years ago to today. 2,500年前から今日までの期間にまたがっています。

Uh, try and picture Iraq when it was part of Iran and or Persia and now and stuff. ええと、イランやペルシャの一部だったイラクを想像してみてください。

Is, uh, to a large extent due to Sahra and her ability to create

material for me and find stuff for me. 私のための材料と私のためのものを見つけます。

I wish I could find someone to do the same for Arabic, uh, Arabic as a whole, or, アラビア語全体で同じことをしてくれる人を見つけられたらいいのにと思います。

you know, Egypt or, or, uh, north Africa or the, the Levant, you know, Syria, ||||||||||||||سوریه، شام ご存知のように、エジプト、または、あー、北アフリカ、またはレバント、シリア、

Lebanon, uh, Palestine, and so forth. ||فلسطین||| レバノン、ええと、パレスチナなど。

So, because that to me is the fun of language learning is, is exploring through だから、それが私にとって語学学習の楽しみであり、探求することなのです。

language, history, culture, people.

And, uh, so I'm very grateful to Sahra and I enjoy doing this in Persian |||||||سحر|||||||

and I will certainly be looking forward to doing it in Arabic and in

other languages, uh, moving forward.

So there you have it.

Uh, I will leave you with a couple of videos on this issue of language and

culture, and I'd be interested in your own reactions and how you deal with,

uh, and to what extent you're attracted to the idea of, of learning about

culture and history through language.

Thanks for listening.