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Steve's Language Learning Tips, What's the Easiest Langauge to Learn?

What are the Easiest Langauges to Learn?

Hi, Steve Kaufmann here.

And today I want to talk about a subject that often comes up.

What is the easiest language to learn?


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So is there an easier language?

I think here there are both, um, subjective factors and objective

factors, which you have to consider.

All right.

So I think the most important consideration is how motivated are you

to learn the language, uh, because if you are very motivated, the, the difficulties,

the objective difficulties, which I'll get into, will kind of disappear.

So when it comes to which language is easiest, you have to begin by saying which

language am I most motivated to learn?

All right.

A second consideration: to what extent is it easy to find interesting material,

compelling input in that language?

Uh, I have to confess that I have had difficulty with some languages where it

has been difficult to find compelling input, Korean, Czech in some ways, uh,

whereas other languages where there's lots of content available on the

internet, especially today, uh, like Russian and like Spanish, like English.

It's a lot easier.

Uh, I'm struggling a bit now with Arabic and Persian.

I have recently found some really good stuff in Arabic.

Um, once I get ahold of some compelling content, it spurs me on, it influences

my, my confidence, my enthusiasm.

So, um, obviously a subjective factor then is how interested are you in the language?

Uh, can you find compelling input in that language?

Another thing is confident levels...

confidence level.

If you sort of think you can't or whatever, if you're, so you're not

interested or you can't find interesting content and you think you can't learn it,

it's going to be very difficult for you.

Whereas if you are convinced that you can do it, this is

another subjective consideration that I think is very important.

And, uh, it, as in any language learning situation, you

have to take the initiative.

You have to take the initiative to go out there and find content of interest and

pursue things that are of interest to you.

So those are some of the subjective considerations, but there is one

factor that's kind of a combination of subjective and objective.

So rather than saying language X is the most difficult or the easiest

to a large extent, it depends on the languages you already know.

So, because to me, vocabulary is the biggest issue.

Language learning is about learning words.

So if you speak a language, say you speak Spanish and you want to learn Italian,

obviously 85% of the words in Italian are identifiable as being similar to

Spanish, even allowing for the odd false friend, which really doesn't matter.

There aren't so many of them.

The fact that the vocabulary is similar is going to help you, uh, similarly for

an English speaker, Spanish, French, all of the Latin based languages have a lot

of vocabulary in common with English.

So I think the vocabulary is the biggest issue.

It's a bigger issue, I think, than grammar.

Because we can get used to the grammar in time, we'll get used to the grammar,

but if we have to learn and relearn and forget and relearn, and, and

there's so many words to learn that makes the language more difficult.

For example, Romanian has a grammatical structure that's quite unique.

They have a number of unique features.

However, 70% of their vocabulary is very similar to other romance languages.

And so with that, Romanian becomes quite easy to learn despite its

different grammatical structure.

So is the vocabulary in the language you want to learn similar

to a language you already know?

So that means that for example, for a person who...

so say a Japanese speaker.

They've got the characters in Japanese and they've got a lot of the vocabulary.

Even the Koreans who don't use Chinese characters, a lot of their

vocabulary, 50% just as the case with the Japanese is of Chinese origin.

So they have an easier time, whereas say Europeans or people from north

America or from the Middle East, or from somewhere else where they

don't have this vocabulary, it's going to be more difficult for them.

Now, objective consideration is things like the writing system.

Obviously, if it's, it it's much easier to learn a language that's

written in your own writing system, because since you were a child you've

been reading in that writing system.

So to get the brain, even if you understand how Chinese characters

work or Arabic writing, uh, it's going to be difficult to get used

to reading, uh, comfortably quickly.

So that...

since reading is such a big part of language learning, if you can't read

comfortably, it's going to slow you down.

So that's an objective consideration.

Now of the different writing systems, some of them are very much parallel

to the Latin alphabet and that's the case with Cyrillic or with Greek,

others are true alphabets, like the Hangul, but very different.

And then you have syllabary is like Japanese hiragana and Katakana.

And then you have, uh, I should point out by the way, the Arabic

script is also an alphabet, but it's for me, difficult to get used to.

Um, and then you have Chinese characters, which are even more difficult.

So writing system is a big consideration.

Another, um, objective consideration is grammar.

I find that of the languages that I have learned, the Slavic languages

have the most complicated grammar, more case endings to try to remember

while you're speaking, uh, certain concepts like, uh, aspects of

verbs, verbs of motion that I found.

But I have never had to struggle with issues in English like articles.

So maybe for speakers of those other languages, the articles

in English, and maybe some other things, make English difficult.

So it again gets back to this idea that certain languages are

subjectively easier or difficult.

I know that the Foreign Service Institute in the United States has

put, you know, their evaluation of how many instructional hours are

required for different languages.

And on that basis, they rated them by level of difficulty.

But that's typically based on an English speaker in a classroom.

So how relevant that is to anybody out there who doesn't happen to be

an English speaker studying in a classroom I don't know, but it's also

a bit of an indicator of the level of difficulty of different languages.

So easiest to learn, I would say for an English speaker is Spanish.

Um, German is somewhat more complicated in its grammar and I haven't done a

study, but I have the feeling that the vocabulary between English and Spanish

is more similar than English and German.

Although there's a lot of vocabulary in German that helps us.

I don't think either of those languages is nearly as difficult as languages where

we have no common vocabulary: Arabic, Persian or, uh, obviously Chinese.

So I hope that's helpful.

And a little bit of a discussion on the difficulty of different languages.

And I'll leave you the couple of videos I've done on the same subject.

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What are the Easiest Langauges to Learn? Which||the|most simple||to verb|study or acquire Was ist die am leichtesten zu erlernende Sprache? ¿Cuáles son los idiomas más fáciles de aprender? Quelle est la langue la plus facile à apprendre ? Qual è la lingua più facile da imparare? 最も習得しやすい言語は? 가장 배우기 쉬운 랭귀지는 무엇인가요? Jakiego języka najłatwiej się nauczyć? Qual é a língua mais fácil de aprender? Какой язык легче всего выучить? Öğrenmesi En Kolay Dil Hangisidir? 最容易学的语言是什么? 最容易學的語言是什麼?

Hi, Steve Kaufmann here. Hi, Steve Kaufmann di sini. Olá, aqui é Steve Kaufmann. Привет, это Стив Кауфманн.

And today I want to talk about a subject that often comes up. Dan pada hari ini, saya ingin bercakap tentang subjek yang selalu diperkatakan. E hoje eu quero falar sobre um assunto que sempre aparece. И сегодня я хочу поговорить о теме, которая часто поднимается.

What is the easiest language to learn? Bahasa apa yang paling mudah untuk dipelajari? Qual é a língua mais fácil de aprender? Какой язык легче всего выучить?

Okay. Okey. Ok. Ладно.

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If you follow me on a podcast, uh, please leave a review. Jika anda ikuti saya di audio siar, sila tinggalkan ulasan. Se você me segue em um podcast, por favor, deixe um comentário. Если вы следите за мной в подкасте, пожалуйста, оставьте отзыв.

So is there an easier language? Jadi, ada bahasa yang lebih mudah? Então, existe uma língua mais fácil? Так существует ли более легкий язык?

I think here there are both, um, subjective factors and objective ここには主観的な要素と客観的な要素の両方があると思います Saya berpendapat ada kedua-dua faktor yakni subjektif dan objektif Acho que há aqui tanto fatores subjetivos quanto Я думаю, что здесь есть, как субъективные факторы, так и объективные факторы,

factors, which you have to consider. あなたが考慮しなければならない要因。 yang anda perlu pertimbangkan. fatores objetivos que você deve considerar. которые вы должны учитывать.

All right. Baiklah. Certo. Я думаю, что самое важное - это то, насколько вы мотивированы,

So I think the most important consideration is how motivated are you ですから、最も重要な考慮事項は、あなたがどれだけやる気があるかということだと思います Saya fikir pertimbangan yang terpenting adalah berapa bersemangatkah anda untuk Então, acho que a mais importante consideração é o quão motivado você está Я думаю, что самое важное - это то, насколько вы мотивированы,

to learn the language, uh, because if you are very motivated, the, the difficulties, 言語を学ぶために、ええと、あなたが非常にやる気があるなら、困難、 belajar bahasa kerana jika anda bermotivasi, kesukaran para aprender a língua, porque se você estiver muito motivado, as dificuldades, чтобы выучить язык, потому что, если вы очень мотивированы, то трудности,

the objective difficulties, which I'll get into, will kind of disappear. ||||||||de certa forma|| 私が入る客観的な困難は、ある種消えるでしょう。 kesukaran objektif yang akan saya cakapkan, akan hilang. as dificuldades objetivas, sobre as quais vou falar, desaparecerão. объективные трудности, с которыми я сталкнусь, как бы исчезнут.

So when it comes to which language is easiest, you have to begin by saying which したがって、どの言語が最も簡単かということになると、あなたはどちらを言うことから始めなければなりません Jadi bila bercakap tentang bahasa apakah yang lebih mudah, anda harus mulakan dengan Então, quando se trata de qual idioma é mais fácil, você tem que começar por dizer qual Поэтому, на вопрос - какой язык проще всего? вы должны начать с того, чтобы сказать,

language am I most motivated to learn? 言語私は最も学ぶ意欲がありますか? bahasa apa yang saya paling bersemangat untuk belajar? língua estou mais motivado a aprender? Какой язык я больше всего мотивирован изучать?

All right. Baiklah. Tudo bem.

A second consideration: to what extent is it easy to find interesting material, |||||até que ponto||||||| Pertimbangan kedua: adakah mudah untuk cari bahan yang menarik? Uma segunda consideração: até que ponto é fácil encontrar material interessante, Второе размышление: насколько легко найти интересный материал,

compelling input in that language? überzeugend|||| 魅力的な|||| input yang menarik minat dalam bahasa itu? uma absorção convincente na língua? привлекательный материал на этом языке?

Uh, I have to confess that I have had difficulty with some languages where it Трябва да призная, че съм имал затруднения с някои езици, където Saya harus mengakui bahawa saya ada kesukaran dengan beberapa bahasa yang mana ianya Hmm, eu tenho que admitir que tenho tido dificuldade com algumas línguas em que Я должен признаться, что у меня были трудности с некоторыми языками,

has been difficult to find compelling input, Korean, Czech in some ways, uh, е трудно да се намери убедителна информация, корейски, чешки в някои отношения, ъ, susah untuk cari input yang menarik perhatian dalam bahasa Korea, Czech tem sido difícil encontrar material interessante, coreano, tcheco às vezes, hm где было трудно найти привлекательный материал: корейский, в некотором роде чешский,

whereas other languages where there's lots of content available on the sementara untuk bahasa lain, ada banyak kandungan yang boleh didapati di Enquanto outras línguas onde há muito conteúdo disponível na в то время на других языках, где доступно много контента

internet, especially today, uh, like Russian and like Spanish, like English. Internet, terutamanya hari ini seperti bahasa Rusia, Sepanyol, Inggeris. Internet, especialmente hoje em dia, como russo e espanhol, como inglês. в интернете, особенно сегодня, как Русский и как испанский, как английский.

It's a lot easier. Ia adalah lebih senang. É muito mais fácil. Это намного проще.

Uh, I'm struggling a bit now with Arabic and Persian. Сега се боря малко с арабския и персийския. Saya agak bergelut sekarang dengan bahasa Arab dan Parsi. Estou tendo um pouco de dificuldade agora com árabe e persa. Сейчас я немного борюсь с арабским и персидским языками.

I have recently found some really good stuff in Arabic. Baru-baru ini, saya jumpa benda bagus dalam bahasa Arab. Recentemente, encontrei coisa muito boa em árabe. Недавно я нашел несколько действительно хороших материалов на арабском языке.

Um, once I get ahold of some compelling content, it spurs me on, it influences ||||||||||anstößt|||| |||ottengo|||||||spinge|||| Когато попадна на завладяващо съдържание, то ме подтиква, влияе ми. Bila sahaja saya dapat kandungan yang menambat minat, ia mendorong saya, mempengaruhi Uma vez que eu recebo conteúdo convincente, isso me estimula, isso influencia Как только я получаю какой-нибудь привлекательный контент, это подстегивает меня,

my, my confidence, my enthusiasm. keyakinan saya, keghairahan saya. minha confiança, meu entusiasmo. это влияет на мою уверенность, мой энтузиазм.

So, um, obviously a subjective factor then is how interested are you in the language? Jadi jelasnya, faktor yang subjektif adalah betapa berminatnya anda dengan bahasa? Então, obviamente, um fator subjetivo é o quão interessado você está nessa língua? Конечно, субъективный фактор заключается в том, насколько вы заинтересованы в языке?

Uh, can you find compelling input in that language? Boleh anda cari input yang menambat minat dalam bahasa itu? Hm, você consegue encontrar conteúdo convincente na língua? Можете ли вы найти привлекательный материал на этом языке?

Another thing is confident levels... Seperkara lagi ialah tahap keyakinan... Outra coisa são os níveis de confiança... Другое дело - уверенные уровни...

confidence level. tahap keyakinan. nível de confiança. Уверенныый уровень.

If you sort of think you can't or whatever, if you're, so you're not Sekiranya anda macam berfikir anda tidak boleh atau apa sahaja, jika ya, jadi anda tidaklah Se você meio que acha que não consegue ou o que quer que seja, se você não está Если ты думаешь, что не можешь или что-то в этом роде, значит ты

interested or you can't find interesting content and you think you can't learn it, berminat atau anda tidak dapat cari kandungan yang menarik dan anda fikir anda tidak boleh mempelajarinya interessado ou não pode encontrar conteúdo interessante e acha que não pode aprender, не заинтересован или вы не можете найти интересного контента, и вы думаете, что не сможете его выучить,

it's going to be very difficult for you. ia akan menjadi sangat sukar bagi anda. vai ser muito difícil pra você. это будет очень трудно для вас.

Whereas if you are convinced that you can do it, this is mentre||||||||||| Ако сте убедени, че можете да го направите, това е Sebaliknya, jika anda yakin bahawa anda mampu lakukannya, ini adalah Considerando que você esteja convencido de que pode fazer isso, essa é Принимая во внимание, что если вы убеждены, что можете это сделать,

another subjective consideration that I think is very important. друго субективно съображение, което според мен е много важно. suatu pertimbangan yang subjektif yang saya rasakan amat penting. outra consideração subjetiva que eu acho muito importante. то это еще одно субъективное соображение, которое я считаю очень важным.

And, uh, it, as in any language learning situation, you И, както във всяка ситуация, свързана с изучаването на езици. Dan ia, dalam situasi pembelajaran bahasa, anda E, hm, como em qualquer outra situação de aprendizado de idiomas, você И это, как в любом языке учебная ситуация,

have to take the initiative. harus mengambil tindakan. tem que tomar a iniciativa. вам придется проявить инициативу.

You have to take the initiative to go out there and find content of interest and Anda harus ambil tindakan untuk keluar dan cari kandungan yang menarik dan Você tem que tomar a inciativa de sair e encontrar conteúdo interessante e Вы должны проявить инициативу, чтобы пойти и найти интересующий вас контент

pursue things that are of interest to you. mengejar akan perkara yang menarik bagi anda. ir atrás daquilo que é de seu interesse. и заниматься тем, что вас интересует.

So those are some of the subjective considerations, but there is one Jadi itu adalah beberapa pertimbangan yang subjektif tetapi ada satu lagi Então, essas são algumas considerações subjetivas, mas há um Это некоторые субъективные соображения, но есть один фактор,

factor that's kind of a combination of subjective and objective. faktor yang merupakan gabungan subjektif dan objektif. fator que é meio que uma combinação de subjetivo com objetivo. который представляет собой своего рода комбинацию субъективного и объективного.

So rather than saying language X is the most difficult or the easiest Jadi daripada mengatakan bahasa X adalah paling sukar atau paling senang Então, ao invés de dizer que a língua X é a mais difícil ou a mais fácil, Поэтому вместо того, чтобы говорить, что язык X самый сложный или самый простой,

to a large extent, it depends on the languages you already know. ia bergantung kepada bahasa-bahasa apa yang anda sudah tahu. em grande medida, isso depende das línguas que você já sabe. в значительной степени это зависит от языков, которые вы уже знаете.

So, because to me, vocabulary is the biggest issue. Kerana bagi saya, kosa kata adalah masalah paling besar. Porque, para mim, o vocabulário é a grande questão. Потому что для меня словарный запас - самая большая проблема.

Language learning is about learning words. Belajar bahasa adalah mengenai mempelajari perkataan. Aprender uma língua é aprender palavras. Изучение языка - это изучение слов.

So if you speak a language, say you speak Spanish and you want to learn Italian, Jadi jika anda bertutur suatu bahasa, katakan anda bertutur bahasa Sepanyol dan anda mahu belajar bahasa Itali, Então, se você fala um idioma, vamos dizer que você fale espanhol e você quer aprender italiano, Поэтому, если вы говорите на каком-то языке, скажем, вы говорите на испанском и хотите выучить итальянский,

obviously 85% of the words in Italian are identifiable as being similar to очевидно 85% от думите в италианския език са сходни с sudah tentu 85% daripada perkataan bahasa Itali dapat dicamkan sebagai sama dengan bahasa obviamente, 85% das palavras em italiano são identificáveis como similares em конечно, 85% слов в итальянском языке схожие с испанским,

Spanish, even allowing for the odd false friend, which really doesn't matter. Испански, дори и ако допуснем странния фалшив приятел, който наистина няма значение. Sepanyol malah untuk 'false friend', yang mana ianya tidak penting. espanhol, mesmo havendo falsos cognatos, o que, de fato, não importa. даже с учетом странного фальшивого друга, что на самом деле не имеет значения.

There aren't so many of them. Те не са толкова много. Tidak ada banyak pun. Há tantos. Их не так уж много.

The fact that the vocabulary is similar is going to help you, uh, similarly for Bahawa terdapatnya persamaan kosa kata akan membantu anda, begitu juga dengan O fato de que o vocabulário seja similar vai te ajudar, hm, o mesmo para Тот факт, что словарный запас похож, поможет вам, аналогично как для

an English speaker, Spanish, French, all of the Latin based languages have a lot ||||||||||as línguas||| penutur bahasa Inggeris, Sepanyol, Perancis, kesemua bahasa Latin ada banyak o falante de inglês, espanhol, francês, todas as línguas baseadas no latim têm muito носителя английского - испанский, французский, все языки, основанные на латинице, имеют много

of vocabulary in common with English. persamaan kosa kata dengan bahasa Inggeris. vocabulário em comum com o inglês. словарного запаса, общего с английским языком.

So I think the vocabulary is the biggest issue. Jadi saya fikir kosa kata adalah isu terbesar. Então, eu acho que o vocabulário é a grande questão. Поэтому я думаю, что словарный запас - это самая большая проблема.

It's a bigger issue, I think, than grammar. Ia adalah masalah yang lebih besar saya fikir, berbanding tatabahasa. É uma questão maior, eu penso, do que a gramática. Это более серьезная проблема, я думаю, чем грамматика.

Because we can get used to the grammar in time, we'll get used to the grammar, Kerana kita akan dapat biasakan dengan tatabahasa seiring masa berlalu, Porque podemos nos acostumar com a gramática com o tempo, vamos nos acostumar com a gramática, Поскольку мы можем привыкнуть к грамматике со временем, мы привыкнем к грамматике,

but if we have to learn and relearn and forget and relearn, and, and tetapi jika kita harus belajar dan belajar semula dan lupa dan belajar kembali dan, dan mas se tivermos que aprender e reaprender e esquecer e reaprender, e но если нам придется учиться и переучиваться, забывать и переучиваться,

there's so many words to learn that makes the language more difficult. ada banyak perkataan untuk dipelajari yang membuatkan sesuatu bahasa itu lebih susah. há tantas palavras para aprender que torna a língua mais difícil. и нужно выучить так много слов, что это усложняет изучен����е языка.

For example, Romanian has a grammatical structure that's quite unique. Sebagai contoh, bahasa Romania ada banyak struktur tatabahasa yang agak unik. Por exemplo, o romeno tem uma estrutura gramatical que é quase única. Например, румынский язык имеет совершенно уникальную грамматическую структуру.

They have a number of unique features. Ada beberapa ciri-ciri yang tersendiri. Eles têm uma série de recursos exclusivos. Они обладают рядом уникальных особенностей.

However, 70% of their vocabulary is very similar to other romance languages. Bagaimanapun, 70% daripada kosa katanya adalah sangat serupa dengan bahasa Roman yang lain. Entretanto, 70% do vocabulário é muito similar ao de outras línguas latinas. Однако 70% их словарного запаса очень похожи на другие романские языки.

And so with that, Romanian becomes quite easy to learn despite its ||||||||||despite| Oleh itu, bahasa Romania menjadi agak senang untuk dipelajari walaupun ia E assim, o romeno se torna bastante fácil de aprender, apesar de sua И вот с этим румынский становится довольно прост в освоении, несмотря на его

different grammatical structure. ada struktur tatabahasa yang berbeza. estrutura gramatical diferente. другую грамматическую структуру.

So is the vocabulary in the language you want to learn similar Jadi, adakah kosa kata bahasa yang anda ingin pelajari sama Então, o vocabulário da língua que você quer aprender é similar Так похож ли словарный запас на языке, который вы хотите выучить, на язык,

to a language you already know? dengan bahasa yang anda sudah pun ketahui? ao da língua que você já sabe? который вы уже знаете?

So that means that for example, for a person who... Jadi itu bermakna sebagai contoh, bagi seseorang yang... Então, isso significa que, por exemplo, para uma pessoa que... Это означает, что, например, для человека, который...

so say a Japanese speaker. така казва японец. katakanlah seorang penutur bahasa Jepun. digamos, para um falante de japonês. скажем носители японского языка.

They've got the characters in Japanese and they've got a lot of the vocabulary. Те знаят йероглифите на японски език и голяма част от лексиката. Mereka ada karakter dalam bahasa Jepun dan mereka ada banyak kosa kata. Eles têm os caracteres em japonês e têm muito do vocabulário. У них есть иероглифы на японском языке, и у них большой словарный запас.

Even the Koreans who don't use Chinese characters, a lot of their Walaupun orang Korea yang tidak menggunakan karekter Cina (hanja), kebanyakan Mesmo para os coreanos que não usam os caracteres chineses, muito de seu Даже корейцы, которые не используют китайские иероглифы,

vocabulary, 50% just as the case with the Japanese is of Chinese origin. 50%, както и при японците, е от китайски произход. 語彙は、日本人の場合と同じように50%が中国語に由来します。 kosa kata mereka, 50% begitu juga dengan bahasa Jepun, berasal daripada bahasa Cina. vocabulário, 50%, como no caso do japonês, é de origem chinesa. множество их словарныго запаса, 50% которого, как и в случае с японцами, имеет китайское происхождение.

So they have an easier time, whereas say Europeans or people from north Така че те се справят по-лесно, докато европейците или хората от север Jadi bagi mereka lebih mudah, sementara katakan orang Eropah atau orang dari utara Então, eles têm uma facilidade, embora digamos, para europeus ou pessoas da Таким образом, им легче, в то время как, скажем, европейцам или людям с севера

America or from the Middle East, or from somewhere else where they Amerika atau dari Timur Tengah atau dari tempat lain di mana mereka América do Norte ou do Oriente Médio, ou de qualquer outro lugar onde Америки или с Ближнего Востока, или откуда-то еще, где у них

don't have this vocabulary, it's going to be more difficult for them. tidak ada perbendaharaan kata ini, ia akan menjadi sangat mencabar bagi mereka. não há esse vocabulário, vai ser mais difícil. нет такого словарного запаса, им будет сложнее.

Now, objective consideration is things like the writing system. Сега обективно се разглеждат неща като писмеността. Sekarang, pertimbangan objektif adalah perkara seperti sistem tulisan. Agora, considerações objetivas são coisas como o sistema de escrita. Теперь объективное рассмотрение - это такие вещи, как система письма.

Obviously, if it's, it it's much easier to learn a language that's Jelasya, jika, ia adalah, lebih mudah untuk belajar bahasa yang mana Obviamente, é muito mais fácil aprender uma língua que é Очевидно, что если это так, то это намного легче выучить язык, который написан

written in your own writing system, because since you were a child you've ditulis dengan sistem tulisan anda sendiri kerana sejak anda masih kecil, anda escrita em seu próprio sistema de escrita, porque desde de criança você в вашей собственной системе письма, потому что с тех пор, как вы были ребенком,

been reading in that writing system. sudah pun membaca menggunakan sistem tulisan itu. lê e escreve nesse sistema. вы читали в этой системе письма.

So to get the brain, even if you understand how Chinese characters Така че, за да получите мозъка, дори и да разбирате как китайските йероглифи Jadi untuk dapatkan minda, walaupun jika anda faham bagaimana karekter cina atau Assim, mesmo se você entende como os caracteres chineses Так что напрягите мозги, даже если вы понимаете, как работают китайские иероглифы

work or Arabic writing, uh, it's going to be difficult to get used penulisan arab, ia akan jadi susah untuk biasakan funcionam ou a escrita árabe, vai ser difícil se acostumar или арабское письмо, вам будет трудно привыкнуть роботи або арабської писемності, буде важко звикнути

to reading, uh, comfortably quickly. membaca, dengan selesa secara cepat. a ler, hm, confortavelmente rápido. к комфортному выстрому чтению.

So that... Oleh itu... De modo que... Так что...

since reading is such a big part of language learning, if you can't read тъй като четенето е важна част от изучаването на езика, ако не можете да четете memandangkan membaca adalah sebahagian besar daripada pembelajaran bahasa, jika anda tidak mampu já que ler é uma parte tão grande de se aprender uma língua, se você não puder ler поскольку чтение является важной частью изучения языка, если вы не умеете комфортно читать,

comfortably, it's going to slow you down. 快適に、それはあなたを遅くするでしょう。 membaca dengan selesa, ia akan memperlahankan anda. confortavelmente, isso vai te atrasar. это замедлит вас.

So that's an objective consideration. Itulah pertimbangan objektif. Então, essa é uma consideração objetiva. Так что это объективное соображение.

Now of the different writing systems, some of them are very much parallel 現在、さまざまな書記体系のうち、それらのいくつかは非常に並列です Sekarang berkaitan sistem penulisan yang berbeza, sesetengah daripadanya selari dengan Agora, dos diferentes sistemas de escrita, alguns deles são muito paralelos Что касается различных систем письма, то некоторые из них очень похожи

to the Latin alphabet and that's the case with Cyrillic or with Greek, abjad Latin yakni tulisan Cyril atau Greek, ao alfabeto latino e é o caso com o cirílico ou com o grego, к латинскому алфавиту, и это относится к кириллице или греческому,

others are true alphabets, like the Hangul, but very different. yang lain adalah abjad sebenar, seperti Hangeul tetapi agak berbeza. outros são verdadeiros alfabetos, como o hangul, mas muito diferentes. и другие - это правильные алфавиты, а такие как хангыль, совсем другие.

And then you have syllabary is like Japanese hiragana and Katakana. ||||音节表|||||| Dan kemudian ada ejaan sukuan seperti bahasa Jepun tulisan hiragana dan Katakana. E então, você tem silabários, como o japonês hiragana e katakana. И тогда у вас есть слог, похожий на Японскую хирагану и Катакану.

And then you have, uh, I should point out by the way, the Arabic Kemudian anda ada, saya patut katakan, tulisan bahasa Arab E então você tem, hm, à propósito, a escrita И потом, у вас есть.... кстати, я должен отметить,

script is also an alphabet, but it's for me, difficult to get used to. alfabeto escrito||||||||||||| juga adalah abjad tetapi bagi saya, sangat sukar untuk biasakan diri dengannya. árabe também é um alfabeto, mas é, para mim, difícil de se acostumar. арабская письменность - это тоже алфавит, но для меня к ней трудно привыкнуть.

Um, and then you have Chinese characters, which are even more difficult. Dan kemudian anda ada karekter Cina malah ia adalah lebih sukar. E então, você tem caracteres chineses, que são ainda mais difíceis. и потом еще у вас есть китайские иероглифы, которые еще сложнее.

So writing system is a big consideration. Затова системата за писане е важен фактор. Jadi sistem tulisan adalah pertimbangan yang besar. Assim, o sistema de escrita é algo a se considerar. Так что система письма - это большое вопрос обсуждения.

Another, um, objective consideration is grammar. Друго обективно съображение е граматиката. Selain itu, pertimbangan objektif ialah tatabahasa. Outra consideração objetiva, é a gramática. Еще одно, объективное соображение - это грамматика.

I find that of the languages that I have learned, the Slavic languages 私が学んだ言語の中で、スラブ語を見つけました Saya dapati bahasa-bahasa yang telah saya pelajari, bahasa Slavik Penso que, dentre as línguas que eu aprendi, as línguas eslávicas Я нахожу, что из языков, которые я выучил, славянские языки

have the most complicated grammar, more case endings to try to remember mempunyai tatabahasa yang paling kompleks, ada banyak pengakhiran 'case endings' untuk dihafal têm a gramática mais complicada, mais terminações de caso para lembrar имеют самую сложную грамматику, больше падежных окончаний, которые нужно помнить,

while you're speaking, uh, certain concepts like, uh, aspects of |||||conceitos|||| sementara anda bercakap, sesetengah konsep yang saya dapati seperti, aspek kata enquanto fala, hm, certos conceitos como, aspectos de пока вы говорите, и другие некоторые понятия, такие как

verbs, verbs of motion that I found. kerja, kata kerja pergerakan. verbos, verbos de movimentos, que eu encontrei. разные аспекты глаголов, глаголы движения, с чем я сталкивался.

But I have never had to struggle with issues in English like articles. ||||||||questões|||| Но никога не ми се е налагало да се боря с въпроси на английски език като статиите. Tetapi saya tidak pernah ada masalah dengan 'artikel' dalam bahasa Inggeris. Mas nunca tive dificuldade com questões como artigos, em inglês. Но мне никогда не приходилось сталкиваться с такими проблемами английсконр языка, как артикли.

So maybe for speakers of those other languages, the articles Jadi kemungkinan penutur bahasa lain, 'artikel' dalam bahasa Assim, talvez para falantes dessas outras línguas, os artigos Так что, возможно, для носителей этих языков актикли

in English, and maybe some other things, make English difficult. Inggeris dan mungkin beberapa perkara lain, membuatkan bahasa Inggeris susah. em inglês, e talvez algumas outras coisas, tornam o inglês difícil. в английском языке и, возможно, некоторые другие вещи, затрудняют английский.

So it again gets back to this idea that certain languages are Jadi ia kembali kepada idea ini bahawa sesetengah bahasa Então, novamente voltamos à ideia de que certas línguas são Таким образом, это снова возвращает нас к идее о том, что некоторые языки являются

subjectively easier or difficult. lebih senang atau sukar secara subjektif. subjetivamente mais fáceis ou difíceis. субъективно легче или труднее.

I know that the Foreign Service Institute in the United States has Знам, че Институтът за чуждестранна служба в САЩ има Saya tahu bahawa Institut Perkhidmatan Asing di Amerika Syarikat ada letakkan Eu sei que o Instituto de Relações Exteriores nos Estados Unidos Я знаю, что Институт дипломатической службы в Соединенных Штатах имеет

put, you know, their evaluation of how many instructional hours are да поставят, знаете, оценката си за това колко учебни часа са penilaian mereka terhadap berapa banyak waktu pengajaran yang diperlukan colocou sua avaliação de quantas horas de estudo são оценку того, сколько учебных часов

required for different languages. untuk berbagai-bagai bahasa. necessárias para diferentes línguas требуется для разных языков.

And on that basis, they rated them by level of difficulty. Dan mereka menilai berdasarkan tahap kesukaran. e, com base nisso, eles avaliaram essas línguas por nível de dificuldade. И на этом основании они оценили их по уровню сложности.

But that's typically based on an English speaker in a classroom. Tetapi itu kebiasaan bagi penutur bahasa Inggeris dalam sesebuah kelas. Mas isso é tipicamente para um falantes de inglês em sala de aula. Но это основано на тех, кто говорит по-английски.

So how relevant that is to anybody out there who doesn't happen to be И така, доколко това е важно за всеки, който не се е случило да бъде Sebaliknya, bagaimana relevannya itu terhadap orang di luar sana yang bukannya Assim, quão relevante é para alguém que não é Итак, насколько это важно для любого, кто там не является

an English speaker studying in a classroom I don't know, but it's also 知らない教室で勉強している英語を話す人ですが、 penutur bahasa Inggeris yang belajar dalam kelas, saya tidak tahu tetapi ia juga um falante de inglês estudando em sala de aula, não sei, mas é também носителем английского языка, учится в классе, но это также

a bit of an indicator of the level of difficulty of different languages. suatu petunjuk tahap kesukaran bahasa yang berbeza. um pequeno indicador do nível de dificuldade em línguas diferentes. вроде индикатора уровня сложности разных языков.

So easiest to learn, I would say for an English speaker is Spanish. |mais fácil||||||||||| Saya katakan, yang paling mudah bagi penutur bahasa Inggeris ialah bahasa Sepanyol. Desta forma, a mais fácil para aprender, eu diria para um falante de inglês, é o espanhol. Я бы сказал, что для носителя английского языка проще всего выучить испанский.

Um, German is somewhat more complicated in its grammar and I haven't done a Bahasa Jerman agak kompleks dari segi tatabahasanya dan saya tidak pernah buat Alemão é um pouco mais complicado em sua gramática e eu não fiz uma Немецкий несколько сложнее в своей грамматике, и я не делал

study, but I have the feeling that the vocabulary between English and Spanish kajian tetapi saya dapat rasakan perbendaharaan kata antara bahasa Inggeris dan Sepanyol pesquisa, mas sinto que o vocabulário entre inglês e espanhol исследование, но у меня такое ощущение, что словарный запас между английским и испанским

is more similar than English and German. lebih serupa, berbanding antara bahasa Inggeris dan Jerman, é mais similar do que entre inglês e alemão. более похож, чем английский и немецкий.

Although there's a lot of vocabulary in German that helps us. |||||語彙||||| ドイツ語にはたくさんの語彙がありますが、それは私たちを助けてくれます。 walaupun ada banyak kosa kata bahasa Jerman yang membantu kita. Embora haja muito vocabulário em alemão que nos ajuda. Хотя в немецком языке много словарного запаса, который нам ��о��огает.

I don't think either of those languages is nearly as difficult as languages where |||||||||||tão|| これらの言語のどちらも、次のような言語ほど難しいとは思いません。 Saya tidak fikir bahasa-bahasa itu sesukar berbanding bahasa yang Não acho que nenhuma dessas línguas seja tão difícil quanto aquelas com as quais Я не думаю, что один из этих языков так сложен, как языки,

we have no common vocabulary: Arabic, Persian or, uh, obviously Chinese. kita tiada kosa kata yang sama yakni bahasa Arab, bahasa Parsi dan sudah tentu sekali, bahasa Cina. não temos nenhum vocabulário em comum: árabe, persa ou, obviamente, chinês. у которых нет общего словарного запаса: арабский, персидский или, конечно, китайский.

So I hope that's helpful. Jadi saya harap itu membantu. Então, espero ter ajudado. Так что я надеюсь, что это было полезно.

And a little bit of a discussion on the difficulty of different languages. そして、さまざまな言語の難しさについて少し話し合います。 Dan sedikit perbincangan mengenai kesukaran bahasa yang pelbagai. Um pouco de discussão sobre a dificuldade em línguas diferentes. Небольшая дискуссия о сложности разных языков.

And I'll leave you the couple of videos I've done on the same subject. Dan saya akan tinggalkan anda dengan beberapa video yang telah saya buat berkaitan dengan topik ini. E deixarei com vocês alguns dos vídeos que fiz sobre o mesmo assunto. И я оставлю вам пару видеороликов, которые я сделал на ту же тему.