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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Variety is the Spice of Language Learning

Variety is the Spice of Language Learning

The brain wants something new, something fresh.

It's boring to always go back to the same source.

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here and today I want to talk about the importance

of variety in language learning.

Remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe, uh, click

on the bell for notifications.

If you follow me on a podcast service, uh, please leave a review.

So today I have a t-shirt on.

Normally, when I go to do these videos, even though I'm wearing a, t-shirt a

grubby t-shirt for doing tasks around the house or whatever, I'll put on a nice

golf shirt or a shirt with a collar for my video, becasue I feel that that's what I

should do for all my listeners out there.

However, in fact that's not necessary.

And I decided to change things up to sort of symbolize the

importance of changing things up in your language learning routine.

Variety is extremely important.

I've mentioned this before.

I've said the brain requires repetition, but it also requires novelty.

And the reason I decided to do this video is that I was listening to some

new material in Persian, uh, about the, uh, Islamic Revolution and the history

of the Islamic Revolution in a podcast.

And I started noticing certain words and phrases that I hadn't noticed before

when they were in content that I was used to listening to, and it reminded me

of how important it is to vary things, vary the content you're listening to,

uh, vary the nature of the content.

In other words, easy content and more difficult content repeating,

uh, repetitively listening to things that, you know, tackling new material.

All of this is important.

And, uh, you know, I've mentioned in a previous video on interleaving that

that even though people feel that they can learn something by focusing in on

it and studying it hard, cramming for the exam tomorrow, in fact research

uh, on how the brain learns and a lot of it done by professor Bjork out

of, uh, California, that it's when we study a bit of this and go off and do

something else and come back later on and go back to the first item that we

were studying, that we learn better.

Whenever we block learn, we try to focus on one thing at a time in fact, we

are learning less and less every time.

Uh, if I focus back or think back on my learning of Chinese or Japanese, you know,

I used the sort of repetitive listening in order to get the rhythm of the language.

And so in the case of Chinese, I listened to these ... dialogues, comic dialogues,

even if I didn't fully understand them because the, the rhythm, the intonation of

the language sort of penetrated my brain.

I found that very useful, uh, in order to improve my pronunciation,

my feel for the language.

There was also a, uh, an audio version.

And of course in those days it was a great big open reel tape recorder on

the history of the second world war.

And I still remember

... that was like, he was almost sounded like he was talking too fast, but I picked

up on the rhythm of that, uh, phrase "Second World War" and many others.

Uh, similarly, when I was in Japan, even though I was constantly reading

new material, eventually reading the newspapers, reading different books

with vocabulary lists, glossaries that I could find in, in the, uh, bookstores

in Japan, there was one series that I listened to over and over again, even

though I didn't fully understand it.

And that was, I've mentioned this before, the sort of NHK series

on ... the history of the Showa Era.

And part of it of course, is that this audio has to grab you at some level.

And I enjoyed, enjoyed the, the main narrator's voice and the excerpts

from history and I would listen to it.

And it was all part of bringing that music and that intonation

of the language into my brain.

So that was one form of activity, but I was also challenging myself with

new material, different material.

So always this sense of variety, um, variety in terms of your activities,

uh, if you are a person who likes to do flashcards fine, I'm not a big

flashcard, as I've explained before.

But spend some time on vocabulary, spend some time on grammar.

Maybe if you're interested, uh, spend some time listening, spend some time reading.

The greater variety you introduce into your learning activity or speaking for

that matter, obviously the speaking depends on your opportunity to speak

more opportunities, if you live where the language is spoken, but you can

arrange to speak online with a tutor.

So variety.

Have a deliberately, a deliberate program of introducing variety.

That's one of the difficulties in language learning at school.

Typically there's a textbook and there, they might even have a, a reader with

stories in it and you have that textbook and the reader, and that's all you do.

That's not very good because after a while the brain wants something new,

something fresh, it's boring to always go back to the same source, the same

book, the same type of exercises.

So if you are in charge of your own learning, or even if you

are in a classroom situation, try to introduce variety.

It'll help you do better on the things that you're forced to do in the classroom,

but it'll because it's gonna make sure that you improve in the language.

So I just wanted to, to remind you of the importance of, of variety,

even in terms of where you study.

Sometimes if you can be listening outside or while jogging or, uh, you know,

reading in different rooms in the house.

The extent to which you introduce variety, it's all beneficial to your learning.

So I did a video on interleaving, so I would invite you to

go and have a look at that.

And, uh, I think, you know, uh, one other relevant video, perhaps.

So that you can follow up on this subject, but remember,

variety is the spice of life.

Variety is gonna help you learn.

And if you're in charge of your learning, you set the program, you

can change things, you can decide what you're gonna spend your time on.

Thank you for listening.

Bye for now.

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Variety is the Spice of Language Learning |||urozmaicenie||| Abwechslung ist die Würze des Sprachenlernens La variedad es la salsa del aprendizaje de idiomas La variété est le piment de l'apprentissage des langues 多様性は語学学習のスパイス 다양성은 언어 학습의 양념 A variedade é o tempero da aprendizagem de línguas Разнообразие - приправа к изучению языка Çeşitlilik Dil Öğreniminin Baharatıdır 多样化是语言学习的调味剂 多樣性是語言學習的調味品

The brain wants something new, something fresh. 脳は何か新しいもの、新鮮なものを求めています。

It's boring to always go back to the same source. 常に同じソースに戻るのは退屈です。

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here and today I want to talk about the importance

of variety in language learning. |diversity||| 語学学習の多様性。

Remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe, uh, click

on the bell for notifications.

If you follow me on a podcast service, uh, please leave a review.

So today I have a t-shirt on.

Normally, when I go to do these videos, even though I'm wearing a, t-shirt a 通常、これらのビデオを撮影するときは、T シャツを着ていても、

grubby t-shirt for doing tasks around the house or whatever, I'll put on a nice schmutzig||||||||||||||| old||||||||||||||| suja||||||||||||||| brudny||||||||||||||| 家の周りのタスクを行うための汚れたTシャツなど、私は素敵なTシャツを着ます 骯髒的 T 卹,用於在房子周圍做任務或其他什麼,我會穿上一件漂亮的

golf shirt or a shirt with a collar for my video, becasue I feel that that's what I |||||||Kragen|||||||||| |||||||kołnierzyk koszuli|||||||||| ビデオ用のゴルフシャツまたは襟付きのシャツ。

should do for all my listeners out there. そこにいるすべてのリスナーのために行うべきです。 應該為我所有的聽眾做。

However, in fact that's not necessary. ただし、実際にはそれは必要ありません。

And I decided to change things up to sort of symbolize the ||||||||||symbolizować| そして、私は物事を象徴するようなものに変えることにしました 我決定改變一些東西來象徵

importance of changing things up in your language learning routine. 語学学習のルーチンを変えることの重要性。

Variety is extremely important. ||Bardzo| 多様性は非常に重要です。

I've mentioned this before. これについては前に述べました。

I've said the brain requires repetition, but it also requires novelty. 脳には繰り返しが必要だと言いましたが、新奇性も必要です。

And the reason I decided to do this video is that I was listening to some 私がこのビデオをやろうと決めた理由は、

new material in Persian, uh, about the, uh, Islamic Revolution and the history ||||||||Islamski|||| イスラム革命と歴史についてのペルシャ語の新しい資料

of the Islamic Revolution in a podcast. ポッドキャストでのイスラム革命の。

And I started noticing certain words and phrases that I hadn't noticed before そして、今まで気づかなかった特定の単語やフレーズに気付き始めました

when they were in content that I was used to listening to, and it reminded me 彼らが私が聞き慣れたコンテンツにいたとき、それは私に思い出させました

of how important it is to vary things, vary the content you're listening to, ||||||||zmieniać||||| 改變事物的重要性,改變你正在聽的內容,

uh, vary the nature of the content. |change||||| 呃,改變內容的性質。

In other words, easy content and more difficult content repeating,

uh, repetitively listening to things that, you know, tackling new material. |powtarzalnie|||||||przerabianie|| ouvir repetidamente coisas que, sabes, abordam material novo. 呃,反复聽東西,你知道,處理新材料。

All of this is important.

And, uh, you know, I've mentioned in a previous video on interleaving that |||||||||||interleaving| |||||||||||intercalação| |||||||||||przeplatanie tematów| E, uh, sabem, mencionei num vídeo anterior sobre intercalação que

that even though people feel that they can learn something by focusing in on 即使人們覺得他們可以通過專注於

it and studying it hard, cramming for the exam tomorrow, in fact research |||||intensive studying||||||| |||||estudando intensamente||||||| |||||wkuwanie na pamięć|||||||

uh, on how the brain learns and a lot of it done by professor Bjork out ||||||||||||||Bjorkiem|

of, uh, California, that it's when we study a bit of this and go off and do 的,呃,加利福尼亞,那是我們學習一點這個然後去做的時候

something else and come back later on and go back to the first item that we |||||||||wrócić do||||||

were studying, that we learn better.

Whenever we block learn, we try to focus on one thing at a time in fact, we Sempre que bloqueamos a aprendizagem, tentamos concentrar-nos numa coisa de cada vez.

are learning less and less every time.

Uh, if I focus back or think back on my learning of Chinese or Japanese, you know,

I used the sort of repetitive listening in order to get the rhythm of the language.

And so in the case of Chinese, I listened to these ... dialogues, comic dialogues,

even if I didn't fully understand them because the, the rhythm, the intonation of ||||||||||rytm, intonacja|||

the language sort of penetrated my brain. ||||przeniknął|mój|

I found that very useful, uh, in order to improve my pronunciation,

my feel for the language.

There was also a, uh, an audio version.

And of course in those days it was a great big open reel tape recorder on |||||||||wielki|||||magnetofon szpulowy| E, claro, nessa altura era um grande gravador de cassetes de bobina aberta 當然,在那些日子裡,它是一個很棒的大型開放式磁帶錄音機

the history of the second world war.

And I still remember

... that was like, he was almost sounded like he was talking too fast, but I picked |||||||||||||||wyłapałem

up on the rhythm of that, uh, phrase "Second World War" and many others.

Uh, similarly, when I was in Japan, even though I was constantly reading

new material, eventually reading the newspapers, reading different books

with vocabulary lists, glossaries that I could find in, in the, uh, bookstores |||słowniki|||||||||

in Japan, there was one series that I listened to over and over again, even

though I didn't fully understand it.

And that was, I've mentioned this before, the sort of NHK series

on ... the history of the Showa Era. 關於……昭和時代的歷史。

And part of it of course, is that this audio has to grab you at some level. ||||||||||||przyciągnąć uwagę||||

And I enjoyed, enjoyed the, the main narrator's voice and the excerpts |||||||narratora||||fragmenty tekstu

from history and I would listen to it.

And it was all part of bringing that music and that intonation そして、それはすべて、その音楽とそのイントネーションをもたらすことの一部でした

of the language into my brain.

So that was one form of activity, but I was also challenging myself with

new material, different material.

So always this sense of variety, um, variety in terms of your activities, ||ten||||||||||

uh, if you are a person who likes to do flashcards fine, I'm not a big

flashcard, as I've explained before.

But spend some time on vocabulary, spend some time on grammar.

Maybe if you're interested, uh, spend some time listening, spend some time reading.

The greater variety you introduce into your learning activity or speaking for 您在學習活動或演講中引入的種類越多

that matter, obviously the speaking depends on your opportunity to speak

more opportunities, if you live where the language is spoken, but you can

arrange to speak online with a tutor. Umówić się na||||||

So variety. |多様性

Have a deliberately, a deliberate program of introducing variety. ||意図的に|||||| ||||celowy|||| 多様性を導入するための意図的な、意図的なプログラムを用意してください。 有一個有意識的、有意識的引入多樣性的計劃。

That's one of the difficulties in language learning at school.

Typically there's a textbook and there, they might even have a, a reader with

stories in it and you have that textbook and the reader, and that's all you do.

That's not very good because after a while the brain wants something new,

something fresh, it's boring to always go back to the same source, the same

book, the same type of exercises.

So if you are in charge of your own learning, or even if you Por isso, se é responsável pela sua própria aprendizagem, ou mesmo se 因此,如果您負責自己的學習,或者即使您

are in a classroom situation, try to introduce variety. 在課堂情境中,嘗試引入多樣性。

It'll help you do better on the things that you're forced to do in the classroom,

but it'll because it's gonna make sure that you improve in the language.

So I just wanted to, to remind you of the importance of, of variety,

even in terms of where you study. 勉強する場所に関しても。 即使在你學習的地方。

Sometimes if you can be listening outside or while jogging or, uh, you know,

reading in different rooms in the house.

The extent to which you introduce variety, it's all beneficial to your learning. |||||||||korzystne||| A medida em que se introduz variedade, tudo isso é benéfico para a aprendizagem. 你引入多樣性的程度,對你的學習都是有益的。

So I did a video on interleaving, so I would invite you to ||||||przeplatanie danych|||||| 所以我做了一個關於交錯的視頻,所以我會邀請你

go and have a look at that.

And, uh, I think, you know, uh, one other relevant video, perhaps. |||||||||istotny||

So that you can follow up on this subject, but remember, 這樣您就可以跟進這個主題,但請記住,

variety is the spice of life. |||urozmaicenie||

Variety is gonna help you learn.

And if you're in charge of your learning, you set the program, you

can change things, you can decide what you're gonna spend your time on.

Thank you for listening.

Bye for now.