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Steve's Language Learning Tips, The Most Important Thing in Language Learning

The Most Important Thing in Language Learning

It goes back to the basic idea of why are we studying a language?

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here and today I wanna talk about what is the most

important thing in language learning?

The most important thing in language learning.

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So what's important in language learning?

The answer is quite simple.

What is important in language is whatever is important to you, the learner.

All right.

And I'll explain what I mean by that you'll remember, or those of you who

follow me will remember the three keys to language earning, which I often refer

to something that I heard at a language teachers conference in San Diego many

years ago, and a very experienced person with many years of teaching told me that

there are only three things that matter in language learning: the attitude of the

learner, the time spent with the language, not reading grammar in your native

language but actually with the language listening, reading, speaking, writing.

And the third thing is the ability to notice.

And that is a little more difficult to understand, but if we do research

on things that we notice in life, we notice things that are important to us.

And so the importance of things becomes a big factor in language acquisition.

And I, I thought of doing this video because I noticed that I was

listening to a mini story in Persian for the, I don't know, 30th time and

I noticed something about verbs in or particular, a particular verb in

Persian that I hadn't noticed before.

Why did I notice it?

I didn't deliberately sort of plan to notice that, but probably in the

sort of evolution of my learning of Persian, I'm now sort of open to

noticing something which has now become important to me because I noticed

that I'm struggling with certain, you know, patterns of verbs in Persian.

And so then I noticed this thing in, in this story.

It's not that I set out, you know, I'm gonna listen to this story

and I'm gonna deliberately notice the verbs or something like that.

No, it's just that I was ready to notice this particular verb and

structure and having noticed it there.

And I'll probably notice it again.

I think we've all had the experience that once you notice something

somewhere, you'll notice in other places.

And eventually then hopefully that then becomes a pattern that I will

recognize and that I'll be able to use, but it begins with the idea

that this now is important for me.

Uh, you know, I remember when I was learning Chinese characters and of

course teachers like to teach you things that they think are important.

So the teacher decides what's important.

So they taught me that the Chinese characters have these radicals,

these components that represent either meaning or in many cases,

the sound of the character, but it made no, you know, impression on me.

I couldn't really recognize them.

It didn't really help me learn the characters.

I still felt that I had to learn each character individually.

Much, much later I began to see the importance of these radicals or

components in the Chinese charact.

It's like, uh, you know, the teacher, again, I've, I've mentioned this before,

people who, um, write, uh, textbooks for languages, feel that they, they

wanna start with in, in some, in many languages, relatives, you know, your uncle

on your mother's side, on your father's side, your older sister, your younger

sister, they all have different names.

And so people want to teach this to you right up front.

And I always find that this is like of no interest to me at this point.

It's not important to me.

There's so many other things that I need to learn about the language

that this simply is not important.

Uh, textbooks like to introduce festivals to you.

Again, it may be important to some beginners, not important to me.

At a later stage in my learning I will find those things very

interesting and therefore important.

Um, you know, some textbooks like to teach you all the colors at once.

It's not important to me and therefore I can't learn them when a

particular color becomes important.

I will notice it and I will learn it.

Um, you know, I was thinking too, it's a bit like, uh, when we drive a car,

uh, if we approach an intersection, um, I now as a driver with many, many

years of experience, I'm looking for cars that might be coming from the

right hand side or the left hand side.

Maybe they aren't, maybe they're gonna run the intersection.

Uh I'll notice, for example, if I'm gonna turn right on a red light,

which I'm allowed to do, uh, are there pedestrians crossing or

attempting to cross the intersection?

There's so many things that I naturally notice that are important to me.

At an early stage as a driver, when I'm struggling with my manual gear shift or

other things in the car that are more important to me, I don't notice these

things, or I might notice from the car that there's a new restaurant, that's

just opened up in my, uh, area of town.

And I'll notice a restaurant, but I won't notice, for example, a nail salon,

because I'm not interested in nail salons, but I'm interested in restaurants.

Restaurants are important to me.

It goes back to the basic idea of why are we studying a language

if learning that language is not important to you, you won't learn.

Uh, if the time you spend trying to learn that language is not an

important use of time, you won't learn.

Uh, the more you can seek out a content of interest content that

is important to you to learn from the better you're gonna learn.

Um, if there are issues of grammar that are important to you, you so important

that you actually Google for them, or look through a grammar book and look them.

Uh, at a time when they are important to you, you're more likely to learn them.

If the teacher decides, okay, class today, we're gonna learn the subjunctive

and you are struggling with so many other things in the language that this

explanation of the subjunctive makes no impression on you, because you're

not ready to receive that information.

You don't have other relevant information or knowledge to make it more meaningful.

It's not important to you.

So there are so many ways in which what's important in language learning

is what's important to us, whether it be in terms of the, the language content

that we learn from, or the aspects of the language that we wanna learn about,

or simply the fact that a natural process of, you know, having more and

more pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of that language have been put on the board.

And so now you are able to focus on the missing pieces.

These missing pieces are now important to you.

So, uh, I think the ability to, to, to notice, uh, because we notice things that

are important to us, it's it's in many ways, a subconscious uh, process, but

at the same time, you have to be open.

You ha...

you're not gonna notice things if you're not open, uh, open to new, um, sights and

sounds, open to new ways of pronouncing things open to new ways of saying things.

If you are open to these things and the language is important to you,

gradually more and more aspects of that language will become important.

You will acquire, initially passively, and then eventually you'll be able

to use them, uh, when speaking.

So, uh, I'll leave you with a video that I did about, um, you know, the

noticing hypothesis, which, uh, is part of the sort of linguistics world

explaining how we learn and also an old video on the importance of choosing

content of interest to learn from.

So thank you for listening.

Bye for now.

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The Most Important Thing in Language Learning Das Wichtigste beim Sprachenlernen Lo más importante en el aprendizaje de idiomas La chose la plus importante dans l'apprentissage des langues La cosa più importante nell'apprendimento delle lingue 言語学習で最も重要なこと A coisa mais importante na aprendizagem de línguas Самое важное в изучении языка Dil Öğreniminde En Önemli Şey 语言学习中最重要的事情 語言學習中最重要的事情

It goes back to the basic idea of why are we studying a language? |volta|||||||||||| It goes back to the basic idea of why are we studying a language? なぜ言語を勉強するのかという基本的な考えに戻ります。 这又回到了我们为什么要学习一门语言的基本思想?

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here and today I wanna talk about what is the most ||||||||quero falar|||||| Hola, Steve Kaufmann aquí y hoy quiero hablar sobre lo que es más

important thing in language learning?

The most important thing in language learning.

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on the bell for notifications.

And if you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a comment.

So what's important in language learning? では、言語学習において何が重要なのでしょうか?

The answer is quite simple. |a resposta||| La respuesta es bastante simple. 答えは非常に簡単です。

What is important in language is whatever is important to you, the learner. ||||||o que quer que seja|||||| Lo que es importante en el lenguaje es lo que sea importante para ti, el aprendiz. 言語で重要なことは、学習者であるあなたにとって重要なことです。 語言中重要的是對你,學習者來說重要的東西。

All right.

And I'll explain what I mean by that you'll remember, or those of you who |eu vou|||||||você se lembrará|||||| Y les explicaré lo que quiero decir con que recordarán, o aquellos de ustedes que そして、私はあなたが覚えているという意味、またはあなたのそれらを説明します

follow me will remember the three keys to language earning, which I often refer |||||||||習得|||| |||||||||aprendizagem|||| sígueme recordará las tres claves para aprender idiomas, a las que a menudo me refiero 私に従ってください私がよく参照する言語獲得への3つの鍵を覚えています

to something that I heard at a language teachers conference in San Diego many |||||||||language teachers|||| |algo|||||||||||| サンディエゴでの語学教師会議で聞いたことがたくさんあります

years ago, and a very experienced person with many years of teaching told me that |||||||||||ensino||| 何年も前に、何年も教えてきた非常に経験豊富な人が私にこう言いました。

there are only three things that matter in language learning: the attitude of the |||||||||||atitude do|| hay||||||||||||| solo hay tres cosas que importan en el aprendizaje de idiomas: la actitud del 言語学習で重要なことは 3 つだけです。

learner, the time spent with the language, not reading grammar in your native |||pasado||||||||| estudiante, el tiempo que pasa con el idioma, no leer la gramática en su nativo 学習者、母国語で文法を読まずに、その言語で過ごした時間

language but actually with the language listening, reading, speaking, writing. |||||||lectura||escritura ||na verdade|||||leitura||escrita lengua sino en realidad con la lengua escuchando, leyendo, hablando, escribiendo. 言語ですが、実際にはその言語を聞いたり、読んだり、話したり、書いたりします。 語言實際上是用語言聽、讀、說、寫。

And the third thing is the ability to notice. ||||||capacidade||perceber Y la tercera cosa es la capacidad de notar. そして3つ目は気づく力です。

And that is a little more difficult to understand, but if we do research E||||||||||||| それは理解するのが少し難しいですが、研究を行うと

on things that we notice in life, we notice things that are important to us. ||||||||notamos|||||| sobre|||||||||||||| on things that we notice in life, we notice things that are important to us. 私たちが人生で気づくことについて、私たちは自分にとって重要なことに気づきます。

And so the importance of things becomes a big factor in language acquisition. |||||||||element|||learning process ||||||||||||習得 Y así, la importancia de las cosas se convierte en un factor importante en la adquisición del lenguaje. そして、物事の重要性は言語習得の大きな要因になります。

And I, I thought of doing this video because I noticed that I was ||||||||なぜなら||||| |||pensé|||||||||| そして、私がこのビデオをやろうと思ったのは、 而我,我想做這個視頻,因為我注意到我是

listening to a mini story in Persian for the, I don't know, 30th time and |を|||||ペルシャ語|||||||| ouvindo|||||||||||||| ペルシャ語のミニストーリーを聞いて、30回目と

I noticed something about verbs in or particular, a particular verb in 特定の動詞 in または特定の動詞について何かに気づきました

Persian that I hadn't noticed before. |||não tinha|| persa que no había notado antes. 今まで気がつかなかったペルシャ。

Why did I notice it? なぜ|||| なぜ私はそれに気づいたのですか?

I didn't deliberately sort of plan to notice that, but probably in the ||absichtlich|||||||||| ||intentionally|||||||||| ||deliberadamente||||||||provavelmente na|| ||celowo|||||||||| ||わざと|||||||||| No planeé deliberadamente darme cuenta de eso, pero probablemente en el 私は意図的にそれに気付くつもりはありませんでしたが、おそらく

sort of evolution of my learning of Persian, I'm now sort of open to especie de evolución de mi aprendizaje del persa, ahora estoy algo abierto a 私のペルシア語学習の一種の進化で、私は今、一種のオープンになっています。 我學習波斯語的某種演變,我現在對

noticing something which has now become important to me because I noticed |algo importante|||||||||| notar algo que ahora se ha vuelto importante para mí porque noté 気づいたからこそ、今自分にとって重要になった何かに気づく

that I'm struggling with certain, you know, patterns of verbs in Persian. |||||||structures|||| ||lutando com||certas|||padrões verbais|||| que estoy luchando con ciertos, ya sabes, patrones de verbos en persa. ペルシア語の動詞の特定のパターンに苦労しています。 我正在與波斯語中的某些動詞模式作鬥爭。

And so then I noticed this thing in, in this story. Y entonces me di cuenta de esta cosa en, en esta historia. それで、この話の中で、このことに気づきました。

It's not that I set out, you know, I'm gonna listen to this story ||||始めたわけでは|出発する|||||||| No es que me propuse, ya sabes, voy a escuchar esta historia 出掛けたわけじゃないよ この話を聞いてあげるよ

and I'm gonna deliberately notice the verbs or something like that. |私は|するつもり|||||||| y voy a notar deliberadamente los verbos o algo así. 意図的に動詞などに注目します。 我會故意注意動詞或類似的東西。

No, it's just that I was ready to notice this particular verb and いいえ、この特定の動詞に気付く準備ができていたというだけです。

structure and having noticed it there. 構造とそこに気づいたこと。

And I'll probably notice it again. |eu vou|||| そしてきっとまた気づく。

I think we've all had the experience that once you notice something Creo que todos hemos tenido la experiencia de que una vez que notas algo ふと気がついた、という経験は誰しも一度はあると思います。

somewhere, you'll notice in other places. en algún lugar, lo notarás en otros lugares. どこかで、他の場所で気づくでしょう。

And eventually then hopefully that then becomes a pattern that I will |ostatecznie|||||||||| Y finalmente, espero que eso se convierta en un patrón que seguiré. そして最終的にはそれがパターンになることを願っています

recognize and that I'll be able to use, but it begins with the idea 認識し、使用できるようになりますが、それはアイデアから始まります

that this now is important for me. これが今、私にとって重要であること。

Uh, you know, I remember when I was learning Chinese characters and of 漢字を習っていた時のことを覚えています 呃,你知道,我記得我學漢字的時候

course teachers like to teach you things that they think are important. コースの教師は、彼らが重要だと思うことをあなたに教えるのが好きです。

So the teacher decides what's important. Entonces el maestro decide lo que es importante. だから、先生は何が重要かを決める。

So they taught me that the Chinese characters have these radicals, ||||||||||components ||||||||||部首 ||||||||||znaki podstawowe Entonces me enseñaron que los caracteres chinos tienen estos radicales, それで彼らは私に漢字にはこれらの部首があることを教えてくれました。 所以他們教我漢字有這些部首,

these components that represent either meaning or in many cases, |||||意味(1)|||| estos componentes que representan el significado o, en muchos casos, これらのコンポーネントは、意味または多くの場合、 這些成分要么代表意義,要么在許多情況下,

the sound of the character, but it made no, you know, impression on me. |||||||||||impact|| |||||||||||印象|| el sonido del personaje, pero no me impresionó, ya sabes. キャラクターの音ですが、私には何の印象もありませんでした。

I couldn't really recognize them. 私はそれらを本当に認識できませんでした。

It didn't really help me learn the characters. Realmente no me ayudó a aprender los personajes. キャラクターを覚えるのにはあまり役に立ちませんでした。

I still felt that I had to learn each character individually. Todavía sentía que tenía que aprender cada personaje individualmente. 私はまだ各キャラクターを個別に学ばなければならないと感じていました.

Much, much later I began to see the importance of these radicals or |||||||||||elements| |||||||||||radykały| かなり後になって、私はこれらの過激派や

components in the Chinese charact. ||||Zeichen ||||文字 |||chińskie znaki|znak chiński 漢字の成分。

It's like, uh, you know, the teacher, again, I've, I've mentioned this before, Es como, uh, ya sabes, el profesor, de nuevo, he, he mencionado esto antes, ええと、先生、また、私は、これについては前に言及しましたが、

people who, um, write, uh, textbooks for languages, feel that they, they ええと、言語の教科書を書いている人は、彼らは、彼らは

wanna start with in, in some, in many languages, relatives, you know, your uncle |||||||||親戚|||| |||||||||krewni, rodzina|||| で、いくつかの、多くの言語で、親戚、あなたの叔父から始めたい

on your mother's side, on your father's side, your older sister, your younger por parte de tu madre, por parte de tu padre, tu hermana mayor, tu hermana menor 母方、父方、姉、妹

sister, they all have different names. お姉ちゃん、名前が違う。

And so people want to teach this to you right up front. ||||||||||最初に|最初に Y entonces la gente quiere enseñarte esto desde el principio. そして、人々はこれをあなたに真っ先に教えたがります。

And I always find that this is like of no interest to me at this point. Y siempre encuentro que esto no me interesa en este momento. そして、この時点では、これは私にとってまったく興味がないことにいつも気づきます。

It's not important to me. それは私にとって重要ではありません。

There's so many other things that I need to learn about the language 言語について学ぶ必要があることは他にもたくさんあります

that this simply is not important. これは単に重要ではないということです。 這根本不重要。

Uh, textbooks like to introduce festivals to you. |||||お祭り|| |||||festivais|| Uh, a los libros de texto les gusta presentarte festivales. ええと、教科書はお祭りを紹介するのが好きです。

Again, it may be important to some beginners, not important to me.

At a later stage in my learning I will find those things very En una etapa posterior de mi aprendizaje encontraré esas cosas muy 私の学習の後の段階で、私はそれらのことを非常に見つけるでしょう

interesting and therefore important. ||したがって| interesante y por lo tanto importante. 興味深く、したがって重要です。

Um, you know, some textbooks like to teach you all the colors at once. Um, ya sabes, a algunos libros de texto les gusta enseñarte todos los colores a la vez. ええと、一部の教科書では、すべての色を一度に教えるのが好きです。

It's not important to me and therefore I can't learn them when a ||||||||できない|||| ||||||por lo tanto||no puedo|||| それは私にとって重要ではないので、私はそれらを学ぶことができません

particular color becomes important. 特定の色が重要になります。

I will notice it and I will learn it. それに気づき、学んでいきます。

Um, you know, I was thinking too, it's a bit like, uh, when we drive a car, ええと、私も考えていました。

uh, if we approach an intersection, um, I now as a driver with many, many |||reach||road junction||||||||| |||||交差点||||||||| |||abordamos||||||||||| |||||skrzyżowanie||||||||| uh, si nos acercamos a una intersección, um, ahora como conductor con muchos, muchos

years of experience, I'm looking for cars that might be coming from the 長年の経験を活かして、

right hand side or the left hand side. lado derecho o el lado izquierdo. 右側または左側。

Maybe they aren't, maybe they're gonna run the intersection. Tal vez no lo sean, tal vez vayan a correr la intersección. そうじゃないかもしれないし、交差点を走るかもしれない。

Uh I'll notice, for example, if I'm gonna turn right on a red light, ||||||私が||||||| Uh, me daré cuenta, por ejemplo, si voy a girar a la derecha en una luz roja, たとえば、赤信号で右折しようとすると、

which I'm allowed to do, uh, are there pedestrians crossing or ||||||||people walking|| |||||||そこ|歩行者|横断している| ||||||||piesi przechodzący|| que puedo hacer, eh, ¿hay cruces de peatones o 私が許可されているのは、ええと、歩行者が横断しているのか、それとも

attempting to cross the intersection? ||||road junction 交差点を渡ろうとしている?

There's so many things that I naturally notice that are important to me. 自分にとって重要なことに自然と気づくことがたくさんあります。

At an early stage as a driver, when I'm struggling with my manual gear shift or |||||||||||||gear shift|| |||||||||||||câmbio manual|| |||||||||||||bieg manualny|zmiana biegów| En una etapa temprana como conductor, cuando estoy luchando con mi cambio de marchas manual o ドライバーとしての初期段階で、マニュアル ギア シフトに苦労したり、 Numa fase inicial da minha carreira de condutor, quando me debatia com a mudança de velocidades manual ou

other things in the car that are more important to me, I don't notice these 車内で私にとってより重要な他のもの、私はこれらに気付かない

things, or I might notice from the car that there's a new restaurant, that's または、車から新しいレストランがあることに気付くかもしれません。 coisas, ou posso reparar no carro que há um restaurante novo, que é

just opened up in my, uh, area of town. 私の町のエリアにオープンしたばかりです。

And I'll notice a restaurant, but I won't notice, for example, a nail salon, ||||||||||||nail salon|nail salon ||||||||||||um salão de unhas| |||||||||||np.|salon paznokci| 飲食店は目立ちますが、例えばネイルサロンは目立ちません。 E eu reparo num restaurante, mas não reparo, por exemplo, num salão de beleza,

because I'm not interested in nail salons, but I'm interested in restaurants. |||||ネイルサロン|||||| ||||||salony paznokci||||| 私はネイルサロンには興味がありませんが、レストランには興味があります。

Restaurants are important to me. レストランは私にとって重要です。

It goes back to the basic idea of why are we studying a language なぜ言語を勉強するのかという基本的な考え方に戻ります

if learning that language is not important to you, you won't learn. その言語を学ぶことがあなたにとって重要でなければ、あなたは学びません。

Uh, if the time you spend trying to learn that language is not an ええと、あなたがその言語を学ぶために費やす時間がそうではないなら

important use of time, you won't learn. 時間の重要な使い方、あなたは学びません。

Uh, the more you can seek out a content of interest content that |||||search for||||||| |||||探し出す|||興味の内容|||| |||||szukać||||||| ええと、興味のあるコンテンツを探すことができるほど、 Quanto mais se pode procurar um conteúdo de interesse, mais se pode procurar um conteúdo que

is important to you to learn from the better you're gonna learn. あなたがよりよく学ぶことから学ぶことはあなたにとって重要です。 é importante para si aprender, melhor aprenderá.

Um, if there are issues of grammar that are important to you, you so important ええと、あなたにとって重要な文法の問題がある場合、あなたはとても重要です

that you actually Google for them, or look through a grammar book and look them. あなたが実際にそれらをグーグルで検索するか、文法書を調べてそれらを調べます。

Uh, at a time when they are important to you, you're more likely to learn them. ||||||||||||provavelmente||| ええと、それらがあなたにとって重要なときに、あなたはそれらを学ぶ可能性が高くなります.

If the teacher decides, okay, class today, we're gonna learn the subjunctive |||||||||||subjunctive mood |||||||||||仮定法 |||||||||||tryb łączący 先生が今日の授業を決めたら、仮定法を学びましょう

and you are struggling with so many other things in the language that this あなたはこの言語で他の多くのことに苦労しています。

explanation of the subjunctive makes no impression on you, because you're ||||||impact|||| 仮定法の説明はあなたに何の印象も与えません。

not ready to receive that information. その情報を受け取る準備ができていません。

You don't have other relevant information or knowledge to make it more meaningful. ||||関連する|||||||| ||||istotne|||||||| より意味のあるものにするための他の関連情報や知識がありません。

It's not important to you. それはあなたにとって重要ではありません。

So there are so many ways in which what's important in language learning 語学学習で重要なことはたくさんあります

is what's important to us, whether it be in terms of the, the language content 私たちにとって重要なのは、言語の内容であろうとなかろうと、

that we learn from, or the aspects of the language that we wanna learn about, ||||||側面|||||||| 私たちが学ぶこと、または私たちが学びたい言語の側面、

or simply the fact that a natural process of, you know, having more and |||||||過程|||||| または単に、自然なプロセスが、より多くのものを持っているという事実と、

more pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of that language have been put on the board. |||||puzzle piece||||||||| ||||ジグソーパズル|||||||||| ||||quebra-cabeça|||||||||| その言語のジグソー パズルのピースがボードに追加されました。

And so now you are able to focus on the missing pieces. これで、欠けているピースに集中できるようになりました。

These missing pieces are now important to you. これらの欠落している部分は、今あなたにとって重要です。

So, uh, I think the ability to, to, to notice, uh, because we notice things that だから、ええと、気づく能力だと思います。

are important to us, it's it's in many ways, a subconscious uh, process, but ||||||||||unconscious||| |||||||多くの|||潜在意識||| ||||||||||podświadomy||| それは私たちにとって重要です、それは多くの点で潜在意識のプロセスですが、

at the same time, you have to be open. 同時に、あなたはオープンでなければなりません。

You ha...

you're not gonna notice things if you're not open, uh, open to new, um, sights and ||||||||||||||perspectives| ||||||||||||||視点| ||||||||||||||perspectivas novas| 心を開いていなければ、物事に気付くことはないでしょう。 não vai reparar nas coisas se não estiver aberto, uh, aberto a novas, hum, vistas e

sounds, open to new ways of pronouncing things open to new ways of saying things. 音、物事を発音する新しい方法に開かれています。物事を言う新しい方法に開かれています。

If you are open to these things and the language is important to you, あなたがこれらのことに対してオープンで、言語があなたにとって重要であるなら、

gradually more and more aspects of that language will become important. 徐々に|||||||||| その言語の重要な側面が徐々に増えていきます。

You will acquire, initially passively, and then eventually you'll be able ||習得する|最初は|受動的に|||||| 最初は受動的に習得しますが、最終的にはできるようになります

to use them, uh, when speaking. 話すときにそれらを使用します。

So, uh, I'll leave you with a video that I did about, um, you know, the それで、ええと、私が行ったビデオをあなたに残しておきます。

noticing hypothesis, which, uh, is part of the sort of linguistics world |theory|||||||||linguistic field| |仮説(1)|||||||種類||| 言語学の世界の一部である仮説に気づく

explaining how we learn and also an old video on the importance of choosing 学習方法の説明と、選択の重要性に関する古いビデオ

content of interest to learn from. 興味を持って学べるコンテンツ。

So thank you for listening.

Bye for now.