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Steve's Language Learning Tips, The Key to Improved Listening Comprehension

The Key to Improved Listening Comprehension

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here and today I want to talk about

listening comprehension, how to improve our listening comprehension,

uh, based on my experience.

Uh, remember that that listening comprehension, at least for me

is, is the fundamental goal, the fundamental activity.

You wanna understand what people are saying.

If you can understand movies, if you can understand podcasts, if you can

understand, you know, conversations, the other end of the conversation, you

can eventually get to where you can hold up your end of the conversation.

Uh, I spend up most of my time listening.

Listening comprehension is, is where the action is in my opinion.

Of course.

I mentioned reading as a way to increase your vocabulary so that later on

when you hear these words, you might have a chance to understand them.

But listening comprehension is where I spend most of my time.

But before I get into more detail, I want to tell you two stories.

So first of all, Uh, the first takes place in St.

Petersburg, Russia.

I had been studying Russian for four years, I guess, off and on.

I listened to audio books, Russian literature.

I listened to political discussions from a radio station.

I understood a lot of Russian, and I'm in St.


I want to buy a train ticket to go to Vyborg, which is just north of, of St.

Petersburg on the electric train.

And so I'm waiting in line and, uh, finally it's my turn to tell the

lady there behind the counter what I wanted and, uh, a certain amount

of trepidation here, you know, using the language in not to listen to

political discussion, but to use it in a very practical, specific situation.

And I said, I would like to buy a ticket to go to Vyborg.

And she comes back at me with something and I didn't understand

what she said and I had to repeat and, and ask her to repeat.

And finally, whatever she said, I can't remember.

Uh, I got the picture and I paid her and I got my ticket.

So that's one situation.

Uh, another situation I was talking to, we have a Mexican

gardener here in Palm Springs.

And, uh, we were talking about different things and all of a

sudden he said, uh, I said, what?

"Pow", "pow", what's "pow"?

And finally, I figured out it was pago.

It had to do with his payment.

Somehow his bank transfers weren't going through.

What's the significance of these two little stories?

I have found time and time again that in order to understand a part.

Um, context, you kind of have to have experienced it before.

So you have to be able to anticipate what is coming at you.

And if you have not had that particular situation before,

it will be more difficult.

So the second time, or the third time that I go to buy a train ticket

in Russia, it'll be easier for me 'cause I've already experienced it.

I can anticipate what the person's going to say.

Uh, similarly with, with this Mexican gardener, if I knew kind of roughly the

context of what he was talking about, I might have been able to connect

the fact that Pago to him was almost "pow", or at least I heard it as "pow".

And this is important because there's so many different accents,

even within a particular accent.

People have different ways of pronouncing things.

It's very important to therefore be able to anticipate.

And what that means is when you don't understand, don't criticize yourself.

Don't blame yourself.

The fact that you're in a situation where you don't understand is a good

thing because you have now time to think about that, and so next time

around you probably will do better.

I mean, you can do things just by dent of doing a lot of listening.

You are exposing yourself to more different situations.

Even if you're, you know, watching a series on Netflix, uh, you're sort of

involved now in a, in an environment.

It might be a family, it might be, gosh knows whatever is happening

and as you spend more and more time in that situation, you're gradually

going to understand more because you're becoming familiar with, with

what people say to each other within that particular context that you

have been sort of catapulted into.

So I, I only wanna make this point because I, I think people sometimes get very

upset if, if they feel they have a good level of comprehension and then they're

put in a very specific situation and they have trouble understanding what is said.

No harm done.

You ask the person to repeat as I did with a Mexican gardener or

with a, I shouldn't say Mexican.

He's a, he's an American, but he doesn't speak English here in Palm Springs.

Uh, or with the, uh, the lady selling the train ticket in St.

Petersburg, I just ask again.

And, uh, so, you know, my advice, uh, uh, in terms of listening

comprehension is, you know, expose yourself to as many different accents.

As many different situations, as many different contexts as possible.

And recognize that there will always be situations where even some of the

most basic bits of vocabulary will pass you by things that you think

you should be able to understand.

You won't understand them.

And that's just part of improving your listening comprehension.

And uh, and that's why I should say by the way, that exposing yourself

to, you know, speaking situations, not being afraid to make mistakes,

not being afraid to not understand.

Having one situation where you didn't understand and you go back in there again.

And the third time you will understand that particular context.

And there are so many other contexts that you need to, you know, expose yourself to.

Uh, so a big part of language, you know, in progressing in our languages is having

a sense of confidence, and that means not becoming overly concerned about

situations where you didn't understand.

Just keep going.

So I have talked before about listening comprehension, and I'll leave you with

a couple of videos on the subject.

I hope this is helpful.

Bye for now.

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The Key to Improved Listening Comprehension |||Enhanced||understanding |||||anlayışın artır |||向上した|| Der Schlüssel zum besseren Hörverstehen The Key to Improved Listening Comprehension La clave para mejorar la comprensión oral La clé d'une meilleure compréhension orale リスニング力向上の鍵 Klucz do lepszego rozumienia ze słuchu A chave para uma melhor compreensão auditiva Ключ к улучшению понимания речи на слух Dinlediğini Anlama Becerisini Geliştirmenin Anahtarı 提高听力理解的关键 提高聽力的關鍵

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here and today I want to talk about |||Kaufmann Steve||||want|||| Olá|olá|||||||||| 你好,史蒂夫考夫曼今天我想谈谈

listening comprehension, how to improve our listening comprehension, |понимание на слух|||||аудирование| audição ativa||||||| リスニング力、リスニング力を向上させる方法、

uh, based on my experience. filler word||||

Uh, remember that that listening comprehension, at least for me |||||понимание на слух|||| Uh, lembre-se que aquela compreensão auditiva, pelo menos para mim Помните, что понимание на слух, по крайней мере, для меня

is, is the fundamental goal, the fundamental activity. ||||цель|||деятельность

You wanna understand what people are saying. |хочешь понять||||| |want to|||||

If you can understand movies, if you can understand podcasts, if you can |||||||pouvez|||||

understand, you know, conversations, the other end of the conversation, you |||conversations||||||| |||会話||||||| 了解、会話、会話の相手、あなた compreender, sabe, as conversas, o outro lado da conversa, você Понимать, знаете ли, разговоры, другой конец разговора, вы

can eventually get to where you can hold up your end of the conversation. |в конце концов|||||||||||| pouvez|||||tu|||||||| kann schließlich dahin gelangen, wo Sie Ihr Ende des Gesprächs aufhalten können. 最終的には、会話を最後までやり遂げることができます。 pode eventualmente chegar onde você pode segurar sua parte da conversa. в конце концов, вы сможете выдержать свою часть разговора.

Uh, I spend up most of my time listening. ええと、私はほとんどの時間を聞いて過ごします。 Uh, eu passo a maior parte do meu tempo ouvindo.

Listening comprehension is, is where the action is in my opinion. |понимание на слух||||||||| ||||||||||私の意見では 私の意見では、聴解は、行動がどこにあるのかです。 A compreensão auditiva é onde está a ação, na minha opinião. Понимание на слух - это то, где, на мой взгляд, происходит действие.

Of course.

I mentioned reading as a way to increase your vocabulary so that later on 語彙を増やす方法として読書を述べたので、後で Mencionei a leitura como uma forma de aumentar seu vocabulário para que mais tarde

when you hear these words, you might have a chance to understand them. これらの言葉を聞くと、理解するチャンスがあるかもしれません。

But listening comprehension is where I spend most of my time. しかし、私が最も多くの時間を費やしているのはリスニングです。

But before I get into more detail, I want to tell you two stories. 詳細に入る前に、2 つの話をしたいと思います。 Mas antes de entrar em mais pormenores, quero contar-vos duas histórias.

So first of all, Uh, the first takes place in St.

Petersburg, Russia. Petersburg Russia| ペテルブルク|

I had been studying Russian for four years, I guess, off and on. |||||||||думаю||| |||étudiant||||||||| ||||ロシア語||||||時々|| 私はロシア語を 4 年間、断続的に勉強していたと思います。 Я изучал русский язык четыре года, наверное, от случая к случаю.

I listened to audio books, Russian literature. |||||ロシアの|文学 私はオーディオブック、ロシア文学を聴きました。

I listened to political discussions from a radio station. |||governmental|talks|||| |||政治的な|||||

I understood a lot of Russian, and I'm in St. |ロシア語を|||||||| 私はたくさんのロシア語を理解し、セントルイスにいます。


I want to buy a train ticket to go to Vyborg, which is just north of, of St. ||||||train ticket||||Vyborg||||||| ||||||切符||||ヴィボルグ||||北||| サンクトペテルブルクのすぐ北にあるヴィボルグに行くための列車の切符を買いたいです。

Petersburg on the electric train. |||電車の| 電車でのサンクトペテルブルク。

And so I'm waiting in line and, uh, finally it's my turn to tell the ||||||||ついに||||||

lady there behind the counter what I wanted and, uh, a certain amount ||||counter|||||||| ||||カウンター|||||||| カウンターの後ろの女性 私が欲しかったものと、ええと、ある程度 я спросил у девушки за прилавком, что я хочу, и, э-э, определенную сумму.

of trepidation here, you know, using the language in not to listen to |тревога||||||||||| |fear or anxiety||||||||||| |恐怖感||||||||||| Ich habe ein gewisses Unbehagen, die Sprache zu benutzen, um nicht zuzuhören. de trepidação aqui, sabe, usar a língua para não ouvir трепетно относиться к использованию языка, чтобы не слушать

political discussion, but to use it in a very practical, specific situation. 政治的な議論ではありませんが、非常に実用的で特定の状況で使用します。

And I said, I would like to buy a ticket to go to Vyborg.

And she comes back at me with something and I didn't understand

what she said and I had to repeat and, and ask her to repeat. что она сказала, и мне пришлось повторять и просить ее повторить.

And finally, whatever she said, I can't remember. ||что бы ни||||| そして最後に、彼女が何を言ったか、私は思い出せません。

Uh, I got the picture and I paid her and I got my ticket. ||||фотографию||||||||| |||||||支払った|||||| ええと、私は写真を手に入れ、彼女に支払い、チケットを手に入れました。 Tirei a fotografia, paguei-lhe e recebi o meu bilhete. Я получил фотографию, заплатил ей и получил свой билет.

So that's one situation. Esta é uma situação.

Uh, another situation I was talking to, we have a Mexican ||||||||||メキシコ人 ええと、私が話していた別の状況では、メキシコ人がいます

gardener here in Palm Springs. садовник здесь в Палм-Спрингс|||| パームスプリングスの庭師|||パーム| ここパームスプリングスの庭師。

And, uh, we were talking about different things and all of a そして、ええと、私たちはさまざまなことについて話していました。

sudden he said, uh, I said, what? внезапно|||||| 突然彼は言った、ええと、私は言った、何?

"Pow", "pow", what's "pow"? |||"Бах", "бах", что "бах"? 音の表現|||

And finally, I figured out it was pago. |||понял||||оплата |||ai compris|||| |||||||payment |||わかった||||支払い そしてついに、それがパゴであることがわかりました。

It had to do with his payment. ||||||платеж Cela|||||| ||||||支払い それは彼の支払いに関係していました。 Это было связано с его оплатой.

Somehow his bank transfers weren't going through. Как-то|||банковские переводы|||проходить |||振込||| どういうわけか、彼の銀行振込はうまくいきませんでした。 Почему-то его банковские переводы не проходили.

What's the significance of these two little stories? ||значение||||| ||importance||||| ||意味||||| この 2 つの小さな物語の意味は何ですか? Qual é o significado destas duas pequenas histórias?

I have found time and time again that in order to understand a part. ||обнаружил||||||||||| Я снова и снова убеждаюсь, что для того, чтобы понять часть.

Um, context, you kind of have to have experienced it before. |文脈||||||||| ええと、コンテキスト、あなたはそれを以前に経験している必要があります。 Контекст - это то, что вы должны испытать раньше.

So you have to be able to anticipate what is coming at you. |||||||предвидеть||||| Donc|||||||||||| |||||||予測する||||| Por isso, temos de ser capazes de antecipar o que nos está a acontecer. Поэтому нужно уметь предвидеть, что на вас надвигается.

And if you have not had that particular situation before, |||||||конкретной|| И если у вас раньше не было такой ситуации,

it will be more difficult.

So the second time, or the third time that I go to buy a train ticket Assim, na segunda ou terceira vez que vou comprar um bilhete de comboio Так что во второй или в третий раз, когда я пойду покупать билет на поезд.

in Russia, it'll be easier for me 'cause I've already experienced it. ||||легче||||||| ロシアでは、すでに経験しているので簡単です。

I can anticipate what the person's going to say. ||предвидеть|||||| |||||その人の||| その人が何を言おうとしているのかを予測することができます。

Uh, similarly with, with this Mexican gardener, if I knew kind of roughly the |Аналогично с|||||||||||приблизительно| |||||||si|||||| |同様に|||||||||||大まかに| Uh, de manera similar con, con este jardinero mexicano, si supiera más o menos el ええと、このメキシコの庭師と同じように、大まかに Аналогично и с этим мексиканским садовником, если бы я примерно знал

context of what he was talking about, I might have been able to connect |||||||||||||понять суть 彼が話していたことの文脈、私は接続できたかもしれません в контексте того, о чем он говорил, я, возможно, смог бы соединить

the fact that Pago to him was almost "pow", or at least I heard it as "pow". 彼にとってパゴはほとんど「パウ」だったという事実、または少なくとも私はそれを「パウ」と聞いた。 что Паго для него - это почти "pow", или, по крайней мере, я слышал это как "pow".

And this is important because there's so many different accents, |||||||||акценты |||||||||アクセント

even within a particular accent. |||конкретный| ||||アクセント 特定のアクセントの中でも。 даже в пределах одного акцента.

People have different ways of pronouncing things. |||||произношения| |||||発音する| 人々は物事を発音するさまざまな方法を持っています。

It's very important to therefore be able to anticipate. ||||поэтому||||предвидеть

And what that means is when you don't understand, don't criticize yourself. ||||||||||критиковать себя| ||||||||||批判しない|

Don't blame yourself. |Не вини себя.| 自分を責めないでください。

The fact that you're in a situation where you don't understand is a good わからない状況にいるのはいいことだ O facto de se encontrar numa situação em que não compreende é uma boa

thing because you have now time to think about that, and so next time それについて考える時間があるからです。

around you probably will do better. あなたの周りはおそらくうまくいくでしょう。

I mean, you can do things just by dent of doing a lot of listening. ||||||||посредством|||||| |||||||by means of||||||| |||||||によって|おかげで|||||| Ich meine, man kann Dinge tun, indem man einfach viel zuhört. Quiero decir, puedes hacer cosas simplemente escuchando mucho. つまり、たくさんのリスニングを行うことで、へこみだけで物事を行うことができます。 Quer dizer, é possível fazer coisas só por ouvir muito. Я имею в виду, что вы можете делать вещи, просто много слушая.

You are exposing yourself to more different situations. ||подвергаете себя||||| ||さらけ出す||||| Sie setzen sich mehr verschiedenen Situationen aus. あなたはより多くの異なる状況にさらされています。 Вы подвергаете себя большему количеству различных ситуаций.

Even if you're, you know, watching a series on Netflix, uh, you're sort of Netflixでシリーズを見ていても、ええと、あなたは一種の Даже если вы, знаете, смотрите сериал на Netflix, вы как бы

involved now in a, in an environment. вовлечённый||||||окружение 現在、ある環境に関与している。 вовлечены сейчас в среду.

It might be a family, it might be, gosh knows whatever is happening ||||||||Боже мой||что угодно|| ||||||||なんてこった|||| Это может быть семья, это может быть, бог знает, что бы ни происходило.

and as you spend more and more time in that situation, you're gradually ||||||||||||постепенно и по мере того, как вы проводите все больше и больше времени в этой ситуации, вы постепенно

going to understand more because you're becoming familiar with, with あなたが慣れ親しんでいるので、より多くを理解するつもりです

what people say to each other within that particular context that you ||||||||конкретный контекст|||

have been sort of catapulted into. ||||был внезапно погружён в| ||||急速に押し| in die man sich quasi hineinkatapultiert hat. 一種の放り込まれました。 были как бы катапультированы.

So I, I only wanna make this point because I, I think people sometimes get very Por isso, só quero fazer esta observação porque acho que as pessoas, por vezes, ficam muito Поэтому я, я хочу сказать об этом только потому, что, как мне кажется, люди иногда очень

upset if, if they feel they have a good level of comprehension and then they're |||||||||||понимание||| 動揺する|||||||||||||| 彼らが十分なレベルの理解を持っていると感じた場合、動揺します。 расстраиваться, если, если они чувствуют, что у них хороший уровень понимания, и тогда они

put in a very specific situation and they have trouble understanding what is said. 非常に特殊な状況に置かれると、彼らは言われていることを理解するのに苦労します。

No harm done. |Ничего страшного.| Negation of harm|| 問題ない|問題ない| 大丈夫です。 Não há mal nenhum. Ничего страшного не произошло.

You ask the person to repeat as I did with a Mexican gardener or ||||||||||||садовник| 私がメキシコの庭師にしたように、その人に繰り返してもらいます。

with a, I shouldn't say Mexican.

He's a, he's an American, but he doesn't speak English here in Palm Springs.

Uh, or with the, uh, the lady selling the train ticket in St. |||||||切符を売って|||||

Petersburg, I just ask again.

And, uh, so, you know, my advice, uh, uh, in terms of listening ||||||совет по поводу||||||

comprehension is, you know, expose yourself to as many different accents. понимание речи||||подвергать себя||||||акценты 理解とは、ご存知のように、さまざまなアクセントにできるだけ多くさらされることです。

As many different situations, as many different contexts as possible. |||||||文脈|| できるだけ多くの異なる状況、できるだけ多くの異なるコンテキスト。

And recognize that there will always be situations where even some of the |признайте||||||||||| И признать, что всегда будут возникать ситуации, когда даже некоторые из

most basic bits of vocabulary will pass you by things that you think 語彙の最も基本的なビットは、あなたが考えていることであなたを通り過ぎます Самые простые словарные слова будут проходить мимо вас, как вам кажется.

you should be able to understand. 理解できるはずです。 вы должны быть в состоянии понять.

You won't understand them. Вы их не поймете.

And that's just part of improving your listening comprehension. ||||||||понимание на слух ||||||||compréhension

And uh, and that's why I should say by the way, that exposing yourself И, кстати, именно поэтому я должен сказать, что обнажение себя

to, you know, speaking situations, not being afraid to make mistakes, 話す場面で、間違いを恐れず、 к, знаете, речевым ситуациям, не бояться делать ошибки,

not being afraid to not understand. 理解できないことを恐れない。

Having one situation where you didn't understand and you go back in there again. Quando se passa por uma situação em que não se compreendeu, volta-se a entrar nela. Попав в одну ситуацию, когда ты не понял, ты возвращаешься туда снова.

And the third time you will understand that particular context.

And there are so many other contexts that you need to, you know, expose yourself to. ||||||||||à||||| Существует множество других контекстов, в которых необходимо проявлять себя.

Uh, so a big part of language, you know, in progressing in our languages is having ||||||||||продвижении вперёд||||| ||||||||you understand||||||| ||||||||||進歩する||||| ええと、私たちの言語の進歩において、言語の大部分は

a sense of confidence, and that means not becoming overly concerned about |||уверенность в себе||||||чрезмерно|обеспокоенным| |||自信||||||過度に|| 自信があり、それは過度に心配しないことを意味します чувство уверенности, а это значит, что не стоит слишком беспокоиться о том, что

situations where you didn't understand. あなたが理解していなかった状況。

Just keep going. Continua a andar.

So I have talked before about listening comprehension, and I'll leave you with |||||||понимание на слух|||||

a couple of videos on the subject. この件に関するいくつかのビデオ。

I hope this is helpful.

Bye for now. Goodbye||