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Steve's Language Learning Tips, The Dead Languages of the Classic World, Ancient Greek and Latin | Chat with Luke of @polýMATHY (1)

The Dead Languages of the Classic World, Ancient Greek and Latin | Chat with Luke of @polýMATHY (1)

Hello, Steve here again and today I have a special treat.

Uh, I'm not going to talk sort of about learning modern languages.

I'm gonna talk about to some extent ancient languages and learning

and have a very interesting guest, Luke Ranieri of polýMATHY.

And remember, before we get into this, if you enjoy my videos, please subscribe,

click on the bell for notification.

If you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a review.

I do appreciate it.

So Luke, I was watching your videos yesterday.

Really enjoyed them.

The first thing that I think is interesting is the term polymathy.

A lot of people think that math, math has in mathematics, means numbers.


Please explain a, the term polymathy and b, your interest in ancient languages.

Oh, Steve, you're asking me about the etymology one of my favorite topics

and something I do like to talk about on my polýMATHY channel from time

to time, the Greek word, Monthano or Montano for an even ancient more ancient

pronunciation it means "I learn".

So, uh, that the root of it, which is that M A T H math is about learning.

So like...

in modern Greek pronunciation is "a student".

And uh, so the, uh, so a polymath is a student of many things and my background

isn't exclusively in languages.

In fact, that's what I've mostly done until more recently, I'd say,

as a hobby on the side that I've been teaching languages for years.

Um, uh, but also I have background in science and I have

uh, done uh military aviation.

So I have these different interests that I've, um, coalesced together

essentially into one or two channels.

My other channel being, um, Latin and Greek, which is ScorpioMartianus.


First of all, I will leave a link to Luke's channel polýMATHY

in the description box.

The quality of your videos Luke is tremendous.

The video quality, the audio quality of the content, it's all excellent.

And, uh, I was enjoying, uh, I also saw a video by the way, where you went

around in Italy, I think it was in Rome, asking Italians if they spoke Latin

and that they, some of them thought they did, but in fact, didn't, um...

we have Latin that LingQ.

Uh, I haven't studied Latin at LingQ, one of the issues is pronunciation.

How confident are we about how Latin was pronounced?

Oh, that that is a fascinating, important question.

Um, because we have essentially more than one standard.

There are two very big standards of Latin pronunciation and one that is probably in

some ways, uh, better known to the layman would be the ecclesiastical pronunciation

or the traditional, national pronunciation of Latin in Italy, which, uh, for

about 115 years has been the standard pronunciation of Latin in the church.

However, even before that was really codafide and standardized the classical

pronunciation that is an attempt to reconstruct that ancient pronunciation.

What's interesting too, is that Latin has never, has never, um,

gone out of fashion completely.

That is, there's always, there's always been fluent speakers

in the world and writers.

Uh, so whatever pronunciation these people have used has been after the

end of the language, being a living language, which happens about a thousand

or so years ago, um, Latin is pronounced in all kinds of different ways.

So, uh, not super prescriptive to say that this is...

you should pronounce Latin this way, especially if they're using the great

content which is on LingQ and another friend and colleague who's contributing

a lot to LingQ, Carla Hurt from Found in Antiquity, she's been putting a

lot of stuff there and I'm really...

Oh, I got to go there and do it some time.

But it is true, you know, central Europeans say ... Italians

say ... uh, whereas presumably it's...

Right, which is...

you're absolutely right.

And most people are familiar with in school with the classical

over-stored classical pronunciation.

And that's because the C and the G uh, were pronounced cut and go until

about the fifth or sixth century AD.

So when those specific pronunciation changes came.

But we're really confident.

And we know about the pronunciation from essentially three great sources.

One is ancient grammarians.

Ancient grammarians talk in great detail about pronunciation, but they

don't always get everything right.

They weren't linguists in the modern sense, really didn't

exist until the past century.

Uh, thanks uh, to linguistic understanding, we can see how languages

evolve in general and therefore understand how the pronunciation was,

how it was an old, Latin pre-classical at that is, and then late Latin

so we can understand quite a lot.

And then the last thing would be just to look at the romance languages,

where languages, um, where, uh, how Latin actually changed and evolved,

and then understand regular processes.


And another thing that's, uh, you know, I, I speak Italian, not very well, but I

speak Italian and I had Latin at school.

You speak very well.

I've enjoyed seeing you speak Italian.

And Latin a couple of years of school.

Uh, I remember we, in order to remember the declensions, we would have contests

who could, who could decline bellum.

The teacher would use a stop, stop watch.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

I can't remember anymore, but that was Latin.

uh, I did study Greek, uh, at LingQ.

So tell me the difference between the say ancient Greek and,

and are we less sure about the pronunciation of ancient Greek or not.

And say ancient...

ancient Greek versus modern Greek, Latin versus say Italian, which

presumably is the closest to, or maybe it isn't, I don't know the

relationship between these ancient languages and their modern successors.

Another one of my favorite topics.


Uh, so it's, um, for all intents and purposes, modern Greek and ancient Greek

are different languages in the sense that Italian and Latin are different languages.

Uh, Greeks, don't like to hear that because they have a very strong

affinity with their, their past.

And they're very proud of that, which is great.

Um, and the fact that both of them are called Greek leads to an

inherent semantic confusion, which is interesting how, in general words...

how important they really can be.

Um, there are definitely, there are about as many differences between

modern Greek and ancient Greek, as there are say between at least

Sardinian, which is a little bit more conservative than Italian and Latin...

there clearly...

they just simply don't work grammatically in the same way though

there are a lot of similarities.

Um, as far as the pronunciation how certain are we about the pronunciation?

Oh my gosh.

Well, pick a century and then I can tell you a bit more specifically,

but, um, a lot of people focus, if they're interested in restoring some

kind of ancient Greek pronunciation, they're interested in the fifth century

pronunciation specifically of...

Fifth century BC?

Yes exactly.

Pardon me.

Fifth century, BC, Athens.

Sorry, I'm already like...

Glad you clarified.

Fifth century BC Athens when we have a, we have Plato and Socrates and

we have, uh, Sophocles or Stephanus.

Authors that people like to read.

And that's sort of the, the motivation: I want to pronounce the

language like these authors did.

It's not necessary.

One can use the modern Greek pronunciation.

You can...

just as one can use the ecclesiastical pronunciation of

Latin to access the ancient texts.

You can use any pronunciation under these languages.

Like we access Shakespeare by means of our modern North American pronunciation of

English, a modern Englishman, or Scotsmen or Irishman, New Zealander or Australian

can all use whatever pronunciation.

If, I mean, I like to reconstruct Shakespearian pronunciation.

I've had a few videos, where I've done that, but, um, it's, it's not

necessary, not necessary for the most part, unless we really want to

understand the rhymes and other things.

And I do think that's important, um, to a certain extent,

but it's also not practical.

Not everyone out there is a 20 language polyglot.

Are there just the way...

Just to interrupt briefly, are there sort of, uh, presentations

of Shakespeare in the ancient, with the ancient pronunciation?

Yes, the Crystal, father-son team David Crystal and Ben Crystal

have a lot of great recordings.

Um, I, uh, have, uh, a couple of his books, actually.

David Crystal, the father.

Who's done a lot of great work.

And at the new Globe Theater in London, I believe it's called, they do performances

regularly, or they did I dunno how it has been during the pandemic years, in

Shakespearian pronunciation of the 1600s.

So it was just fascinating and it sounds something like a mix

between North American and Irish, Northern England pronunciation.

It's really great.

I like it a lot.

Uh, because whenever as you talk, I get all these questions in my mind.

So I'm going to interrupt you.

The other question is so much of the Bible was written in Greek.

Uh, the Byzantine empire was Greek or at least the ministration

of it was largely Greek.

So how much evolution was there, say between the Greek of the fifth

century of Sophocles, the Greek of, uh, Paul or whatever the Bible.

The Greek of the Byzantine empire, like it...

has there been a gradual process of evolution or did they maintain sort

of an ancient form while the people in the villages and the towns spoken

different Greek that became modern Greek, what's kind of the history there?

What, uh, that is a very astute question.

And it's also a difficult one to answer because a lot of the things you just

said are essentially true, um, in the sense that it's been a slow evolution

of de-evolving the language at almost every turn, but not ever succeeding

completely in the sense that there's always in almost every single epic of

Greek literature, a conservative trying to restore, retain things from the past.

Now that's not untrue of even the romance languages, which brought in

a huge amount of words from Latin.

Uh, almost anytime you see an AU in say Italian or Spanish or something,

that's not a natural sound, that should just be an O, but if it's an AU in

one of those languages, it means it's been taken from Latin literature.

Now, Greek was doing that, not just from say the, uh, the early Renaissance

or late medieval period as happened and say Italian and the other romance

languages, but it's constantly been going on even from the times of antiquity.

So the, uh, the...

the Koine language, which is the common language of, uh, from Alexander

the great all through the end of antiquity, which is itself changing

and developing shows um, admiration and, um, utilization of the models of

that fifth century BC classical Greek.

So there's, in the literature we have this, this class, this classicising

movements, which are already going on in antiquity in the time of say Cicero.

And then 200 years later at the time of the author, uh, Lucian, a very,

very famous Attic style um, but Koine era like 700 years after that fifth

century BC classical era writing in almost perfect classical Attic.

And then you have, um, Anna Komnene of the Komnenos family.

She also wrote in very, very good prose, which was very, in very good

imitation of that classical style.

So it's really interesting how much the language has

been kept from, from evolving.

And then there's the Katharevousa which happened after the...

cause the medieval, which was already highly archaizing wasn't classical enough.

So they tried to do that again.

And then there was amazing period of diglossia where there was modern

Greek, two kinds of modern Greek.

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The Dead Languages of the Classic World, Ancient Greek and Latin | Chat with Luke of @polýMATHY (1) Die toten Sprachen der klassischen Welt, Altgriechisch und Latein | Chat mit Lukas von @polýMATHY (1) Las lenguas muertas del mundo clásico, el griego antiguo y el latín | Chat con Luke de @polýMATHY (1) Les langues mortes du monde classique, le grec ancien et le latin | Chat avec Luke de @polýMATHY (1) Le lingue morte del mondo classico, il greco antico e il latino | Conversazione con Luke di @polýMATHY (1) 古典世界の死語、古代ギリシャ語とラテン語|@polýMATHYのルークとおしゃべり (1) 고전 세계의 죽은 언어, 고대 그리스어와 라틴어 | @polýMATHY의 루크와 대화하기 (1) Martwe języki klasycznego świata, starożytna greka i łacina | Czat z Łukaszem z @polýMATHY (1) As línguas mortas do mundo clássico, o grego antigo e o latim | Conversa com Lucas de @polýMATHY (1) Мертвые языки классического мира, древнегреческий и латинский | Пообщайтесь с Люком из @polýMATHY (1) Мертві мови класичного світу, давньогрецька та латина | Чат з Лукою з @polýMATHY (1) 古典世界的死语言,古希腊语和拉丁语 |与@polýMATHY 的 Luke 聊天 (1) 古典世界的死語言,古希臘語和拉丁語 |與@polýMATHY 的 Luke 聊天 (1)

Hello, Steve here again and today I have a special treat. ||||||||||sorpresa especial

Uh, I'm not going to talk sort of about learning modern languages.

I'm gonna talk about to some extent ancient languages and learning |||||||||と| ||||||cierto grado||||

and have a very interesting guest, Luke Ranieri of polýMATHY. ||||||لوک رانیری|رانیری||

And remember, before we get into this, if you enjoy my videos, please subscribe,

click on the bell for notification.

If you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a review.

I do appreciate it.

So Luke, I was watching your videos yesterday.

Really enjoyed them.

The first thing that I think is interesting is the term polymathy. |||||||||||چنددانشی |||||||||||polimatía |||||||||||博学

A lot of people think that math, math has in mathematics, means numbers.

Arithmetic. حساب ریاضی 算术

Please explain a, the term polymathy and b, your interest in ancient languages. |||||博学||||||| Пожалуйста, объясните а, термин полиматия и б, ваш интерес к древним языкам.

Oh, Steve, you're asking me about the etymology one of my favorite topics |||||||ریشه‌شناسی||||| |||||||词源|||||

and something I do like to talk about on my polýMATHY channel from time

to time, the Greek word, Monthano or Montano for an even ancient more ancient |||||月亮||蒙塔诺||||||

pronunciation it means "I learn".

So, uh, that the root of it, which is that M A T H math is about learning.

So like...

in modern Greek pronunciation is "a student".

And uh, so the, uh, so a polymath is a student of many things and my background |||||||博学者||||||||| ||||||||||||||||formación académica

isn't exclusively in languages. منحصراً نیست||| |только||

In fact, that's what I've mostly done until more recently, I'd say, ||||||||||می‌گویم|

as a hobby on the side that I've been teaching languages for years.

Um, uh, but also I have background in science and I have

uh, done uh military aviation. ||||هوانوردی نظامی ||||aviation

So I have these different interests that I've, um, coalesced together |||||||||ترکیب کرده‌ام| |||||||||merged| |||||||||unido| |||||||||fusionado juntos| |||||||||汇聚|

essentially into one or two channels.

My other channel being, um, Latin and Greek, which is ScorpioMartianus.


First of all, I will leave a link to Luke's channel polýMATHY |||||||||لوک||

in the description box.

The quality of your videos Luke is tremendous. Люк, качество твоих видео потрясающее.

The video quality, the audio quality of the content, it's all excellent.

And, uh, I was enjoying, uh, I also saw a video by the way, where you went И, э, я наслаждался, э, я также видел видео, кстати, где ты был

around in Italy, I think it was in Rome, asking Italians if they spoke Latin ||||||||رم||ایتالیایی‌ها||||

and that they, some of them thought they did, but in fact, didn't, um... ||||||pensaban||||||| и что они, некоторые из них думали, что сделали, но на самом деле, нет...

we have Latin that LingQ.

Uh, I haven't studied Latin at LingQ, one of the issues is pronunciation. ||||||||||problemas|| Я не изучал латынь в LingQ, одна из проблем - произношение.

How confident are we about how Latin was pronounced? Насколько мы уверены в том, как произносилась латынь?

Oh, that that is a fascinating, important question. О, это увлекательный, важный вопрос.

Um, because we have essentially more than one standard. Хм, потому что у нас по сути больше одного стандарта.

There are two very big standards of Latin pronunciation and one that is probably in Есть два очень больших стандарта латинского произношения и один, который, вероятно,

some ways, uh, better known to the layman would be the ecclesiastical pronunciation |||||||غیر روحانی||||| |||||||||||kirchlich| |||||||profano||||eclesiástica| |||||||外行人||||教会的|

or the traditional, national pronunciation of Latin in Italy, which, uh, for

about 115 years has been the standard pronunciation of Latin in the church.

However, even before that was really codafide and standardized the classical ||||||کدگذاری شده||استاندارد شده|| ||||||kodifiziert|||| ||||||codificado y estandarizado|||| ||||||规范化||标准化的||

pronunciation that is an attempt to reconstruct that ancient pronunciation. ||||||بازسازی کردن||| ||||||重建|||

What's interesting too, is that Latin has never, has never, um,

gone out of fashion completely. |||pasado de moda| полностью вышел из моды.

That is, there's always, there's always been fluent speakers То есть всегда, всегда были свободно говорящие

in the world and writers.

Uh, so whatever pronunciation these people have used has been after the

end of the language, being a living language, which happens about a thousand

or so years ago, um, Latin is pronounced in all kinds of different ways.

So, uh, not super prescriptive to say that this is... ||||规定性的||||| ||||muy específico||||| Так что не стоит говорить, что это...

you should pronounce Latin this way, especially if they're using the great ||||||||||the great|

content which is on LingQ and another friend and colleague who's contributing ||||||||||که در حال|

a lot to LingQ, Carla Hurt from Found in Antiquity, she's been putting a ||||کارلا هرت||||||او دارد||| |||||||||ancient times|||| |||||||||Antigüedad|||| |||||||||古代||||

lot of stuff there and I'm really...

Oh, I got to go there and do it some time.

But it is true, you know, central Europeans say ... Italians |||||||اروپایی‌ها||

say ... uh, whereas presumably it's... |||大概|

Right, which is...

you're absolutely right.

And most people are familiar with in school with the classical

over-stored classical pronunciation. |armazenada||

And that's because the C and the G uh, were pronounced cut and go until

about the fifth or sixth century AD.

So when those specific pronunciation changes came. |||específicos|||llegaron

But we're really confident.

And we know about the pronunciation from essentially three great sources.

One is ancient grammarians. |||دستورشناسان باستانی |||gramáticos antiguos |||古代语法学家

Ancient grammarians talk in great detail about pronunciation, but they

don't always get everything right.

They weren't linguists in the modern sense, really didn't |نبودند|||||||

exist until the past century.

Uh, thanks uh, to linguistic understanding, we can see how languages

evolve in general and therefore understand how the pronunciation was, evolucionar en general|||||||||

how it was an old, Latin pre-classical at that is, and then late Latin

so we can understand quite a lot.

And then the last thing would be just to look at the romance languages,

where languages, um, where, uh, how Latin actually changed and evolved,

and then understand regular processes.


And another thing that's, uh, you know, I, I speak Italian, not very well, but I И еще одно, ну, вы знаете, я говорю по-итальянски, не очень хорошо, но я

speak Italian and I had Latin at school.

You speak very well.

I've enjoyed seeing you speak Italian. Мне понравилось видеть, как ты говоришь по-итальянски.

And Latin a couple of years of school.

Uh, I remember we, in order to remember the declensions, we would have contests |||||||||||||مسابقه‌ها |||||||||||||Wettbewerbe |||||||||word endings|||| |||||||||declinaciones|||| |||||||||||||比赛

who could, who could decline bellum. ||||拒绝|战争 |||||Krieg |||||war ||||rechazar|guerra |||||جنگ

The teacher would use a stop, stop watch.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

I can't remember anymore, but that was Latin.

uh, I did study Greek, uh, at LingQ.

So tell me the difference between the say ancient Greek and,

and are we less sure about the pronunciation of ancient Greek or not.

And say ancient...

ancient Greek versus modern Greek, Latin versus say Italian, which

presumably is the closest to, or maybe it isn't, I don't know the 大概|||||||||||| |||más cercano a|||||||||

relationship between these ancient languages and their modern successors. ||||||||جانشینان مدرن ||||||||后继者

Another one of my favorite topics.


Uh, so it's, um, for all intents and purposes, modern Greek and ancient Greek ||||||مقاصد و اهداف||||||| ||||||实质上|||||||

are different languages in the sense that Italian and Latin are different languages. são||||||||||||

Uh, Greeks, don't like to hear that because they have a very strong

affinity with their, their past. وابستگی به گذشته‌شان|||| afinidad con su pasado|||| 亲密关系||||

And they're very proud of that, which is great.

Um, and the fact that both of them are called Greek leads to an

inherent semantic confusion, which is interesting how, in general words... 固有的|语义|||||||| innewohnend|||||||||

how important they really can be.

Um, there are definitely, there are about as many differences between

modern Greek and ancient Greek, as there are say between at least

Sardinian, which is a little bit more conservative than Italian and Latin... ساردینیایی||||||||||| 撒丁岛的|||||||||||

there clearly...

they just simply don't work grammatically in the same way though |||||دستوری||||| ||||||||||sin embargo

there are a lot of similarities.

Um, as far as the pronunciation how certain are we about the pronunciation?

Oh my gosh. ||天哪

Well, pick a century and then I can tell you a bit more specifically,

but, um, a lot of people focus, if they're interested in restoring some |||||||||||بازیابی کردن|

kind of ancient Greek pronunciation, they're interested in the fifth century

pronunciation specifically of...

Fifth century BC?

Yes exactly.

Pardon me.

Fifth century, BC, Athens. |||آتن قرن پنجم پیش از میلاد

Sorry, I'm already like...

Glad you clarified. ||澄清

Fifth century BC Athens when we have a, we have Plato and Socrates and

we have, uh, Sophocles or Stephanus. |||索福克勒斯||斯多噶斯

Authors that people like to read.

And that's sort of the, the motivation: I want to pronounce the

language like these authors did.

It's not necessary.

One can use the modern Greek pronunciation.

You can...

just as one can use the ecclesiastical pronunciation of ||||||کلیسایی|| ||||||教会的|| 教会の発音を使用できるのと同じように

Latin to access the ancient texts.

You can use any pronunciation under these languages.

Like we access Shakespeare by means of our modern North American pronunciation of

English, a modern Englishman, or Scotsmen or Irishman, New Zealander or Australian |||||Scottish people||||||

can all use whatever pronunciation.

If, I mean, I like to reconstruct Shakespearian pronunciation.

I've had a few videos, where I've done that, but, um, it's, it's not

necessary, not necessary for the most part, unless we really want to

understand the rhymes and other things. ||قافیه‌ها را بفهمید||| ||押韵|||

And I do think that's important, um, to a certain extent, ||||||||||程度

but it's also not practical.

Not everyone out there is a 20 language polyglot.

Are there just the way...

Just to interrupt briefly, are there sort of, uh, presentations |||brevemente||||||

of Shakespeare in the ancient, with the ancient pronunciation?

Yes, the Crystal, father-son team David Crystal and Ben Crystal

have a lot of great recordings.

Um, I, uh, have, uh, a couple of his books, actually.

David Crystal, the father.

Who's done a lot of great work.

And at the new Globe Theater in London, I believe it's called, they do performances

regularly, or they did I dunno how it has been during the pandemic years, in |||||نمی‌دانم||||||||| ||||||||||||疫情||

Shakespearian pronunciation of the 1600s. شکسپیری 1600s||||

So it was just fascinating and it sounds something like a mix

between North American and Irish, Northern England pronunciation.

It's really great.

I like it a lot.

Uh, because whenever as you talk, I get all these questions in my mind.

So I'm going to interrupt you.

The other question is so much of the Bible was written in Greek.

Uh, the Byzantine empire was Greek or at least the ministration ||||||||||اداره کردن ||||||||||administração ||||||||||管理

of it was largely Greek.

So how much evolution was there, say between the Greek of the fifth

century of Sophocles, the Greek of, uh, Paul or whatever the Bible.

The Greek of the Byzantine empire, like it... |||||帝国||

has there been a gradual process of evolution or did they maintain sort

of an ancient form while the people in the villages and the towns spoken

different Greek that became modern Greek, what's kind of the history there?

What, uh, that is a very astute question. ||||||زیرکانه| ||||||scharfsinnige| ||||||perceptive|

And it's also a difficult one to answer because a lot of the things you just

said are essentially true, um, in the sense that it's been a slow evolution

of de-evolving the language at almost every turn, but not ever succeeding ||||||||||||teniendo éxito

completely in the sense that there's always in almost every single epic of

Greek literature, a conservative trying to restore, retain things from the past.

Now that's not untrue of even the romance languages, which brought in |||نادرست نیست|||||||| |||no es falso||||||||

a huge amount of words from Latin.

Uh, almost anytime you see an AU in say Italian or Spanish or something, ||||||اُو||||||| ||casi siempre|||||||||||

that's not a natural sound, that should just be an O, but if it's an AU in

one of those languages, it means it's been taken from Latin literature.

Now, Greek was doing that, not just from say the, uh, the early Renaissance

or late medieval period as happened and say Italian and the other romance ||late medieval||||||||||

languages, but it's constantly been going on even from the times of antiquity. ||||||||||||باستان ||||||||||||ancient times

So the, uh, the...

the Koine language, which is the common language of, uh, from Alexander |کوینه یونانی||||||||||

the great all through the end of antiquity, which is itself changing |||||||عصر باستان|||| |||a lo largo||||antigüedad tardía||||

and developing shows um, admiration and, um, utilization of the models of |||||||استفاده از|||| ||||appreciation|||use of||||

that fifth century BC classical Greek.

So there's, in the literature we have this, this class, this classicising |||||||||||کلاسیک‌سازی |||||||||||clasicizante

movements, which are already going on in antiquity in the time of say Cicero.

And then 200 years later at the time of the author, uh, Lucian, a very,

very famous Attic style um, but Koine era like 700 years after that fifth

century BC classical era writing in almost perfect classical Attic. |||||||||آیین آتیک

And then you have, um, Anna Komnene of the Komnenos family.

She also wrote in very, very good prose, which was very, in very good |||||||نثر خوب|||||| |||||||writing|||||| |||||||prosa excelente|||||| ela|||||||||||||

imitation of that classical style.

So it's really interesting how much the language has

been kept from, from evolving.

And then there's the Katharevousa which happened after the... ||||Katharevousa||||

cause the medieval, which was already highly archaizing wasn't classical enough. |||||||古风||| |||||||arcaizante|||

So they tried to do that again.

And then there was amazing period of diglossia where there was modern

Greek, two kinds of modern Greek.