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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Speed LingQing - My Language Learning Plateau Technique

Speed LingQing - My Language Learning Plateau Technique

Any technique that we can come up with that makes it interesting for us is

actually beneficial for our language learning because it keeps us engaged.

Hi, Steve Kaufmann here again, and today I wanna talk about a new

approach to working with your language content when you are in the plateau.

Now, remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe, click

on the bell for notifications.

And if you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a comment.

I do appreciate it.

Now many of you may remember when I talked about the hockey stick.


And the story there is that when we start in the language,

we have a very steep climb.

But it's kind of satisfying because we're seeing, oh, maybe this way you

can see the different colors, we're encountering high frequency words quite

often and so it's easier to learn them because they they're high frequency.

They show up more often, but once we sort of turn the corner here, and we're on

this long road, this shaft of the hockey stick, we're going from essentially

A2 or B1 and we wanna reach B2.

B2 is that comfortable spot where you can understand

movies, you still make mistakes.

There's still gaps in what you under in your comprehension, but

you're, you're kind of launched you're on your own, but here...

right now in my Persian, I'm be in between that.


So I've, I've developed a new technique that I wanna share with you.

It might be helpful for you in your language learning.

So what I do is I go to my normal source of podcasts in Farsi, which is Radio

Farad, which is, you know, Radio Free Europe, Persian language edition, and

every day there are a number of podcasts talking about the news in Iran, the news

in the Middle East, the news in the world.

And it has a lot of good vocabulary for things that I'm interested in.

So I download this podcast.

I get a transcript on Happy Scribe.

I importthe MP3 file and the transcripts into LingQ.

So now I have a lesson it's 30 minutes of audio and the

corresponding amount of text.

Now because it's written in the Arabic script it actually takes me a long time

to read, takes me 30 minutes to listen.

It takes me maybe an hour and a half to read through this thing.

I'm at the point now where I know most of the words.

So it's of course, good to read again, develop better fluency at

reading, but it also slows me down.

So what I find myself more and more doing, I may start reading the whole

thing and then perhaps, because I'm impatient by nature I start jumping.

So I jump from yellow word to yellow word.

In other words, the yellow words are words that I have previously met

that I have looked up that I have a meaning for, but they're not yet known.

In fact, some of them, they, that I might just have met are almost like new

words to me except they're no longer blue because I've met them before.

So I look them up again and again and again.

So what I tend to do now is I skip from yellow word to yellow word.

There's the occasional blue word so I look that word up, it becomes yellow.

And I go through my lesson that way and I can go through a 30 minute,

you know, audio file quite quickly.

And I'm focusing in on the words that I don't yet know.

To a large extent are the words that I didn't understand when I was listening.

Now, there will be words that I have made known, and I hear

them and I don't recognize them.

So nothing is perfect in language learning.

However, it is enabling me to focus in on words that are on my sort of saved

LingQs list, but are not yet known.

And I have like, I don't know, 27,000 saved links in Persian.

I have only 10,000 known words.

I wanna move that known word number up to 15 or 20,000.

If I'm at that level, I think I will be able to understand a lot more

and eventually to speak more easily.

So I just jump from the yellow word to the next yellow word, to the next yellow word.

And I'm finding that quite effective.

One advantage is if I'm in a, a lesson on economics, then certain economic

terms will show up fairly often.

So if I'm jumping from term to term to term, In a lesson on say economics

or, uh, teachers strike or whatever might be happening I tend to come

up with the same word that teachers union or hunger strike or whatever.

So I'm actually encountering these words fairly often.

I'm also then able to go and listen again and see if I don't understand

more and which I typically do.

So I, I get a sense of satisfaction that I've gone through this lesson.

Uh, and what's more uh, up on, you know, until I started doing this, I

found it difficult to keep up with my listening because, uh, at Radio Farda

they have their, you know, uh, ..., they have their ..., they have their midday

podcast, they have a number of these.

And I wanna process more of the language, listen to the more of the language

quickly, go through it, to pick out the words that I didn't understand,

perhaps move some of them to known.

And this, the technique that I'm using, I would call it sort of speed

learning when you're in the plateau.

So it's also more enjoyable because it sometimes can be tiring to continue

to read essentially the same words that you know, and then struggle with

the words that you don't yet know.

Whereas this way I'm able to focus in.

The interesting thing is if I try to deal with these yellow words

in a list which I sometimes do.

I might look at them as a list, say for that lesson before I go skipping.

Uh, but if I look at them in a sort of list in the vocabulary section, which

I also sometimes do, uh, it's not, it's more devoid of context, at least

when I'm skipping through the lesson.

I can always look for additional context to the left or to the right of the

word, that yellow word that I landed on.

So it's a little more meaningful than just going through a list.

So I don't know if that's helpful to helpful to you, but I just thought I

would share with you my latest technique.

And I admit that I sometimes move from one new technique to another new technique.

I tend to blow a bit hot and cold, which isn't a bad thing because I think in our

language learning variety is important.

Variety is important to keep it interesting and anything, any

technique that we can come up with that makes it interesting for us is

actually beneficial for our language learning because it keeps us engaged.

So on that subject, I wanna leave a couple of videos, one about listening

and one about reading, but I do consider both forms of consuming

input to be very much linked.

And there may be other techniques that you out there can come up with that

enable us to combine our listening activities with our reading activities.

Thank you for listening.

Bye for now.

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Speed LingQing - My Language Learning Plateau Technique |링칭||||| |||||停滞期| Speed LingQing - Meine Sprachlernplateau-Technik Speed LingQing - Mi técnica de meseta para aprender idiomas Speed LingQing - Ma technique pour surmonter les obstacles à l'apprentissage des langues Speed LingQing - La mia tecnica per l'apprendimento delle lingue スピードLingQing - 私の語学学習停滞テクニック 스피드 링칭 - 나의 언어 학습 고원 기술 Speed LingQing - Moja technika plateau w nauce języków obcych Speed LingQing - A minha técnica de aprendizagem de línguas Speed LingQing - мой метод преодоления плато в изучении языка Speed LingQing - Dil Öğrenme Platosu Tekniğim Speed LingQing - моя техніка вивчення мови на плато 速灵青——我的语言学习高原技巧 速靈青——我的語言學習高原技巧

Any technique that we can come up with that makes it interesting for us is Bunu bizim için ilginç kılacak herhangi bir teknik bulabilirsek

actually beneficial for our language learning because it keeps us engaged.

Hi, Steve Kaufmann here again, and today I wanna talk about a new

approach to working with your language content when you are in the plateau. ||||||||||||plateau abordagem para trabalhar com seu conteúdo linguístico quando você está no platô.

Now, remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe, click

on the bell for notifications.

And if you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a comment.

I do appreciate it.

Now many of you may remember when I talked about the hockey stick. |||||||||||曲棍球| Agora, muitos de vocês devem se lembrar quando falei sobre o taco de hóquei.


And the story there is that when we start in the language,

we have a very steep climb. ||||íngreme|subida temos uma subida muito íngreme.

But it's kind of satisfying because we're seeing, oh, maybe this way you Mas é meio satisfatório porque estamos vendo, oh, talvez desse jeito você

can see the different colors, we're encountering high frequency words quite pode ver as cores diferentes, estamos encontrando palavras de alta frequência bastante

often and so it's easier to learn them because they they're high frequency. frequentemente e por isso é mais fácil aprendê-los porque são de alta frequência.

They show up more often, but once we sort of turn the corner here, and we're on

this long road, this shaft of the hockey stick, we're going from essentially ||||자루|||||||| ||||haste do taco||||||||

A2 or B1 and we wanna reach B2.

B2 is that comfortable spot where you can understand B2 é aquele lugar confortável onde você pode entender B2 — это то удобное место, где вы можете понять

movies, you still make mistakes. filmes, você ainda comete erros.

There's still gaps in what you under in your comprehension, but Ainda há lacunas no que você entende em sua compreensão, mas

you're, you're kind of launched you're on your own, but here... ||||launched|||||| ||||lançado|||||| você está meio que lançado você está por conta própria, mas aqui...

right now in my Persian, I'm be in between that. agora no meu persa, estou no meio disso.


So I've, I've developed a new technique that I wanna share with you.

It might be helpful for you in your language learning. Pode ser útil para você em seu aprendizado de idiomas.

So what I do is I go to my normal source of podcasts in Farsi, which is Radio

Farad, which is, you know, Radio Free Europe, Persian language edition, and 파라드||||||||||판| Farad|||||||||||

every day there are a number of podcasts talking about the news in Iran, the news

in the Middle East, the news in the world.

And it has a lot of good vocabulary for things that I'm interested in.

So I download this podcast.

I get a transcript on Happy Scribe. ||||||Happy Scribe

I importthe MP3 file and the transcripts into LingQ. |MP3 파일을 가져||||||| |importo|||||||

So now I have a lesson it's 30 minutes of audio and the

corresponding amount of text. quantidade de texto correspondente.

Now because it's written in the Arabic script it actually takes me a long time

to read, takes me 30 minutes to listen.

It takes me maybe an hour and a half to read through this thing. Leva-me talvez uma hora e meia para ler esta coisa.

I'm at the point now where I know most of the words. Eu estou no ponto agora onde eu sei a maioria das palavras.

So it's of course, good to read again, develop better fluency at Então é claro que é bom ler de novo, desenvolver melhor fluência em

reading, but it also slows me down. ||||atrapalha|| leitura, mas também me atrasa.

So what I find myself more and more doing, I may start reading the whole Então, o que eu me vejo cada vez mais fazendo, eu posso começar a ler todo o

thing and then perhaps, because I'm impatient by nature I start jumping. ||||||조급한||||| coisa e então talvez, porque sou impaciente por natureza, começo a pular.

So I jump from yellow word to yellow word. Então eu salto de palavra amarela para palavra amarela.

In other words, the yellow words are words that I have previously met Em outras palavras, as palavras amarelas são palavras que já conheci

that I have looked up that I have a meaning for, but they're not yet known. que eu procurei para que eu tenha um significado, mas eles ainda não são conhecidos.

In fact, some of them, they, that I might just have met are almost like new Na verdade, alguns deles, eles, que eu poderia ter conhecido são quase como novos

words to me except they're no longer blue because I've met them before. palavras para mim, exceto que elas não são mais azuis porque eu as conheci antes.

So I look them up again and again and again.

So what I tend to do now is I skip from yellow word to yellow word. Então, o que eu costumo fazer agora é pular de palavra amarela para palavra amarela.

There's the occasional blue word so I look that word up, it becomes yellow. ||occasional = occasional||||||||||| Há uma palavra azul ocasional, então eu procuro essa palavra, ela fica amarela.

And I go through my lesson that way and I can go through a 30 minute, E eu faço minha lição dessa maneira e posso passar por 30 minutos,

you know, audio file quite quickly. você sabe, arquivo de áudio muito rapidamente.

And I'm focusing in on the words that I don't yet know. E estou me concentrando nas palavras que ainda não conheço.

To a large extent are the words that I didn't understand when I was listening. Em grande parte são as palavras que eu não entendi quando estava ouvindo.

Now, there will be words that I have made known, and I hear Agora, haverá palavras que dei a conhecer, e ouço

them and I don't recognize them. eles e eu não os reconheço.

So nothing is perfect in language learning. Portanto, nada é perfeito no aprendizado de idiomas.

However, it is enabling me to focus in on words that are on my sort of saved No entanto, está me permitindo focar em palavras que estão no meu tipo de

LingQs list, but are not yet known. 링크스|||||| lista LingQs, mas ainda não são conhecidos.

And I have like, I don't know, 27,000 saved links in Persian.

I have only 10,000 known words.

I wanna move that known word number up to 15 or 20,000. Quero mover esse número de palavra conhecida para 15 ou 20.000.

If I'm at that level, I think I will be able to understand a lot more Se eu estiver nesse nível, acho que vou conseguir entender muito mais

and eventually to speak more easily.

So I just jump from the yellow word to the next yellow word, to the next yellow word. Então eu simplesmente pulo da palavra amarela para a próxima palavra amarela, para a próxima palavra amarela.

And I'm finding that quite effective. E estou achando isso bastante eficaz.

One advantage is if I'm in a, a lesson on economics, then certain economic Uma vantagem é se eu estiver em uma aula de economia, então certas

terms will show up fairly often. ||||상당히| termos aparecerão com bastante frequência.

So if I'm jumping from term to term to term, In a lesson on say economics Então, se eu estou pulando de um termo para outro, em uma lição sobre economia

or, uh, teachers strike or whatever might be happening I tend to come |||파업||||||||| |||greve||||||||| ou, uh, greve de professores ou o que quer que esteja acontecendo, eu costumo vir

up with the same word that teachers union or hunger strike or whatever. ||||||||||strike||

So I'm actually encountering these words fairly often. |||coming across||||

I'm also then able to go and listen again and see if I don't understand

more and which I typically do. mais e que eu normalmente faço.

So I, I get a sense of satisfaction that I've gone through this lesson. Então, eu tenho uma sensação de satisfação por ter passado por esta lição.

Uh, and what's more uh, up on, you know, until I started doing this, I Uh, e o que é mais uh, você sabe, até eu começar a fazer isso, eu

found it difficult to keep up with my listening because, uh, at Radio Farda ||||따라가다|||||||||라디오 파르다 achei difícil acompanhar minha audição porque, uh, na Rádio Farda

they have their, you know, uh, ..., they have their ..., they have their midday ||||||||||||中午 eles têm seus, você sabe, uh, ..., eles têm seus ..., eles têm seu meio-dia

podcast, they have a number of these. podcast, eles têm vários deles.

And I wanna process more of the language, listen to the more of the language

quickly, go through it, to pick out the words that I didn't understand,

perhaps move some of them to known. talvez mova alguns deles para conhecidos.

And this, the technique that I'm using, I would call it sort of speed E isso, a técnica que estou usando, eu chamaria de tipo de velocidade

learning when you're in the plateau. aprendendo quando você está no platô.

So it's also more enjoyable because it sometimes can be tiring to continue Então também é mais agradável porque às vezes pode ser cansativo continuar

to read essentially the same words that you know, and then struggle with ler essencialmente as mesmas palavras que você conhece e depois lutar com

the words that you don't yet know. as palavras que você ainda não conhece.

Whereas this way I'm able to focus in. Considerando que desta forma eu sou capaz de me concentrar.

The interesting thing is if I try to deal with these yellow words O interessante é se eu tentar lidar com essas palavras amarelas

in a list which I sometimes do. em uma lista que eu às vezes faço.

I might look at them as a list, say for that lesson before I go skipping. |||||||||||||||스킵하기 私はそれらをリストとして見るかもしれません、私がスキップする前にそのレッスンのために言ってください。 Eu posso olhar para eles como uma lista, digamos, para aquela lição antes de pular.

Uh, but if I look at them in a sort of list in the vocabulary section, which

I also sometimes do, uh, it's not, it's more devoid of context, at least |||||||||devoid|||| |||||||||결여된|||| |||||||||lacking|||| Eu também às vezes, uh, não é, é mais desprovido de contexto, pelo menos

when I'm skipping through the lesson. quando estou pulando a lição.

I can always look for additional context to the left or to the right of the Posso sempre procurar contexto adicional à esquerda ou à direita do

word, that yellow word that I landed on. ||||||내가 선택한| palavra, aquela palavra amarela que eu pousei.

So it's a little more meaningful than just going through a list. Portanto, é um pouco mais significativo do que apenas passar por uma lista.

So I don't know if that's helpful to helpful to you, but I just thought I Então, não sei se isso é útil para você, mas pensei que

would share with you my latest technique. |||||최신| compartilharia com vocês minha última técnica.

And I admit that I sometimes move from one new technique to another new technique.

I tend to blow a bit hot and cold, which isn't a bad thing because I think in our ||||약간|||||||||||||| Costumo soprar um pouco quente e frio, o que não é ruim porque acho que em nosso

language learning variety is important.

Variety is important to keep it interesting and anything, any A variedade é importante para mantê-lo interessante e qualquer coisa, qualquer

technique that we can come up with that makes it interesting for us is técnica que podemos inventar que o torna interessante para nós é

actually beneficial for our language learning because it keeps us engaged. realmente benéfico para o nosso aprendizado de idiomas porque nos mantém engajados.

So on that subject, I wanna leave a couple of videos, one about listening Então, sobre esse assunto, quero deixar alguns vídeos, um sobre ouvir

and one about reading, but I do consider both forms of consuming e um sobre leitura, mas considero as duas formas de consumo

input to be very much linked. entrada seja muito ligada.

And there may be other techniques that you out there can come up with that E pode haver outras técnicas que você pode inventar

enable us to combine our listening activities with our reading activities. |||결합할 수 있도록||||||| permitem combinar nossas atividades de escuta com nossas atividades de leitura.

Thank you for listening.

Bye for now.