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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Reading & Listening Comprehension Strategy: When to Focus.

Reading & Listening Comprehension Strategy: When to Focus.

And then it's possible to start to feel frustrated because I continue

not understanding this stuff.

Hi, Steve Kaufmann here, and today I want to talk about focus in language learning.

All right?

And the reason I'm doing that is because, recently I've had, sort of, problems...

oh, by the way, if you enjoy my videos, please click on

the bell for notifications.

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service, please leave a comment.

I do appreciate it.

So focus.

So I was having trouble with my camera.

All of a sudden it was all out of focus.

So the background was outta focus and even where I was speaking was kind of out

of focus and I couldn't get it to work.

And no matter what I did, I couldn't get the focus sharp

the way it's supposed to be.

Now, fortunately, my son was over and he grabbed the camera and he

identified by deduction that, you know, all of the stuff that I was trying

to change, you know, auto focus this and that, I'd never touched before.

So, maybe Dad, it's not so smart to think that that's gonna solve the problem.

It's something else.

And sure enough, there was a setting that, you know, that you

kind of, either you were in VA for, I guess video or something.

That's where I was.

That's not where I was supposed to be.

I was supposed to be on something else, A+.

So with that, and I haven't checked it, but I'm hoping that this is clearly

in focus, but I thought about the subject of focus in language learning.

When we learn a language, we kind of, and I find that I sort of move from being very

focused on specific details to allowing, you know, the language just to come in me,

into my brain without tremendous focus.

So, for example, I listen to my, uh, you know, Lebanese TV program.

I don't really understand that much of it.

I kind of have understand it.

I'm starting, things are starting to come into focus to the extent that I

can hear clearly where one word, uh, ends and the next word begins, but

I don't necessarily know that word.

But it is sort of an increasing focus that's developing, but it's

developing as I am allowing this stuff to come in somewhat unfocused,

and then I will go in and study that lesson sentence by sentence.

When you're studying sentence by sentence, of course you're very much focused.

And the more focused I am, the more I do the sort of, um, vocabulary

exercises, like the matching pairs or trying to reconstitute the sentence,

which the, the sentence gets scrambled I have to put it back together.

All of this is allowing me to focus in on the language, focusing in on the language

of course, I am not acquiring as many new words because when I'm going through the

whole text, it has a lot of blue words.

I'm running into these yellow words that I've saved before I'm running

into them again, not necessarily remembering, remembering them, but by

running into them again, I am sort of somewhat strengthening my hold on them.

So, you know, I'm sort of pushed back and forth or pulled back and forth.

So when I'm in the sort of unfocused study mode, a lot of stuff is coming in.

It's a little bit fuzzy, uh, gradually getting a little less fuzzy.

It has new words, it has a lot of yellow words that I have still not learned,

but I'm covering a lot of material and then I go and listen to it while I'm

doing the dishes, and I'm also covering that material in a unfocused way.

And then it's possible to start to feel frustrated because I continue

not understanding this stuff.

However, if I then focus in on a particular issue, like a particular

sentence or maybe a particular grammatical issue or, or, or any

particular sort of smaller sub, you know, smaller detail in the language,

I'm always conscious of the fact, yeah but I'm not acquiring new vocabulary.

So I'm pulled one way and then the other, either I, I wanna get exposed

to the language, I wanna learn new words, I want to increase...

I referred the other day to sort of my reserve that our

memory can consist of a reserve.

Things that have come in, that they're in reserve, but we can't yet retrieve them.

Uh, but if we focus on just making sure we can retrieve those, then

we're gonna end up with a much narrower, focused sort of subset.

So I think I often talk about the need to vary what we do in language

learning, and I think to vary between sort of focusing on a small part of the

language, trying to, you know, focus in on a pattern, focus in on vocabulary,

focus in on a particular sentence.

You still have to mix in with that, the sort of background.


and the background is part of it.

You, even if you're very clear, like if I have a clear picture right now on the

camera and I haven't had a look at it, it's okay if the books in the background

are a little fuzzy and, and so I'm focused in the, in the lens, but you also need the

background and, and we also need that sort of building up of that larger, you know,

getting used to the language even though it's still not really very much in focus.

So, uh, I just mentioned this because I was thinking about focusing my camera

and then I thought about, you know, it, it does help me even though it slows me

down to go sentence by sentence and pick through it and work on the words and

reassemble the sentence, which kind of shows me some aspects of grammar because

I have to try to remember or even think through which word follows which word.

And while it's slowing me down I think it is allowing me to focus in better

when I listen to the, the sort of undifferentiated or the, the, the sort

of larger picture where there are many new words or many words that I don't

know, but I, I get the feeling that I'm better able to focus in on these

even because of the fact that I did focus in on sentences for a while.

So I tend to go back and forth on being very focused at times and

then allowing the language to come at me in a sort of unfocused way.

So I don't know whether that's helpful, but I think it's important that whatever

we're doing in the language, we want to feel, at least, I want to feel

that what I'm doing is worthwhile.

It's a worthwhile use of my time.

And so for that reason, I have to remind myself that, yeah, I keep on listening

to the, you know, the whole story.

Uh, the whole television interview, and I keep on not understanding

it, but it doesn't matter because that's building up my ability to see

it more clearly, to focus better.

And on the other hand, when I focus in on a more limited bit of the language,

like a sentence or some aspect of the language, it's slowing me down.

I'm not creating as many new LingQs.

I'm not reading as much.

Uh, but by focusing in on these sort of, these samples of the language,

it is helping me focus again on the broader, uh, sort of range of, of,

of language input that I'm getting.

So I don't know if that's helpful to you.

Uh, it's something that I felt was meaningful to me.

It's a little bit, I should perhaps sit down and think it through and, and do

some more research on it, but I just thought I would share that with you.

So thank you for listening.

Bye for now.

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Reading & Listening Comprehension Strategy: When to Focus. Strategie zum Lese- und Hörverstehen: Wann man sich konzentrieren sollte. Estrategia de comprensión lectora y auditiva: Cuándo centrarse. Stratégie de compréhension de la lecture et de l'écoute : Quand se concentrer. リーディングとリスニングの理解戦略:いつ集中するか Strategia czytania i słuchania ze zrozumieniem: Kiedy się skupić. Estratégia de compreensão auditiva e de leitura: Quando concentrar-se. Стратегия понимания прочитанного и услышанного: Когда нужно сосредоточиться. Okuma ve Dinleme Anlama Stratejisi: Ne Zaman Odaklanmalı. 阅读和听力理解策略:何时集中注意力。 閱讀和聽力理解策略:何時集中註意力。

And then it's possible to start to feel frustrated because I continue En dan is dit moontlik om gefrustreerd te begin voel omdat ek steeds そして、私が続けるので、欲求不満を感じ始める可能性があります

not understanding this stuff. nie hierdie goed verstaan ​​nie. このことを理解していません。

Hi, Steve Kaufmann here, and today I want to talk about focus in language learning. Hallo, Steve Kaufmann hier, en vandag wil ek praat oor fokus in taalleer.

All right? Alles reg?

And the reason I'm doing that is because, recently I've had, sort of, problems... En die rede waarom ek dit doen, is omdat ek onlangs soort van probleme gehad het...

oh, by the way, if you enjoy my videos, please click on o, terloops, as jy my video's geniet, klik asseblief op

the bell for notifications. die klokkie vir kennisgewings.

You know, please subscribe and if you follow me on a podcast Jy weet, teken asseblief in en as jy my op 'n podcast

service, please leave a comment. -diens volg, los asseblief 'n opmerking.

I do appreciate it. Ek waardeer dit. 私はそれを感謝します。

So focus. So fokus.

So I was having trouble with my camera. So ek het gesukkel met my kamera.

All of a sudden it was all out of focus. Ewe skielik was dit alles uit fokus.

So the background was outta focus and even where I was speaking was kind of out ||||außerhalb||||||||||| Die agtergrond was dus buite fokus en selfs waar ek gepraat het was soort van uit

of focus and I couldn't get it to work. fokus en ek kon dit nie kry om te werk nie. 焦点が合わず、うまく機能しませんでした。

And no matter what I did, I couldn't get the focus sharp En maak nie saak wat ek gedoen het nie, ek kon nie die fokus skerp kry 何をやってもピントが合いませんでした

the way it's supposed to be. soos dit veronderstel is om te wees nie. あるべき姿。

Now, fortunately, my son was over and he grabbed the camera and he Nou, gelukkig was my seun verby en hy het die kamera gegryp en hy

identified by deduction that, you know, all of the stuff that I was trying ||reasoning||||||||||| het deur afleiding geïdentifiseer dat, jy weet, al die goed wat ek probeer geïdentificeerd door deductie dat, je weet wel, alle dingen die ik probeerde

to change, you know, auto focus this and that, I'd never touched before. verander het, jy weet, outofokus dit en dat, het ek nog nooit vantevore aangeraak nie. 変更するには、ご存知のように、これまでに触れたことのないオートフォーカスです。

So, maybe Dad, it's not so smart to think that that's gonna solve the problem. So, miskien Pa, dis nie so slim om te dink dat dit die probleem gaan oplos nie.

It's something else. Dis iets anders. それは別のものです。

And sure enough, there was a setting that, you know, that you En seker genoeg, daar was 'n instelling wat, jy weet, wat jy そして確かに、あなたが知っている設定がありました

kind of, either you were in VA for, I guess video or something. soort van, of jy was in VA vir, ek dink video of iets. あなたがVAにいたのは、ビデオか何かだと思います。

That's where I was. Dis waar ek was.

That's not where I was supposed to be. Dis nie waar ek veronderstel was om te wees nie. それは私がいるはずだった場所ではありません。

I was supposed to be on something else, A+. Ek was veronderstel om op iets anders te wees, A+. 私は別の何か、A +にいるはずでした。

So with that, and I haven't checked it, but I'm hoping that this is clearly So daarmee, en ek het dit nie nagegaan nie, maar ek hoop dat dit duidelik

in focus, but I thought about the subject of focus in language learning. in fokus is, maar ek het gedink oor die onderwerp van fokus in taalleer.

When we learn a language, we kind of, and I find that I sort of move from being very Wanneer ons 'n taal leer, is ons soort van, en ek vind dat ek soort van beweeg van baie

focused on specific details to allowing, you know, the language just to come in me, gefokus op spesifieke besonderhede om toe te laat, jy weet, die taal net om in my in te kom,

into my brain without tremendous focus. in my brein sonder geweldige fokus. in mijn hersenen zonder enorme focus.

So, for example, I listen to my, uh, you know, Lebanese TV program. So, byvoorbeeld, ek luister na my, uh, jy weet, Libanese TV-program.

I don't really understand that much of it. Ek verstaan ​​nie regtig soveel daarvan nie.

I kind of have understand it. Ek het dit nogal verstaan. なんとなくわかってきました。

I'm starting, things are starting to come into focus to the extent that I Ek begin, dinge begin so in fokus kom dat ek

can hear clearly where one word, uh, ends and the next word begins, but duidelik kan hoor waar een woord, uh, eindig en die volgende woord begin, maar

I don't necessarily know that word. ek ken nie noodwendig daardie woord nie. 私は必ずしもその言葉を知っているわけではありません。

But it is sort of an increasing focus that's developing, but it's Maar dit is soort van 'n toenemende fokus wat ontwikkel, maar dit

developing as I am allowing this stuff to come in somewhat unfocused, ontwikkel soos ek toelaat dat hierdie goed ietwat ongefokus inkom, Je suis en train d'élaborer un plan d'action qui me permet de recevoir ces informations de manière peu ciblée,

and then I will go in and study that lesson sentence by sentence. en dan sal ek ingaan en daardie les sin vir sin bestudeer.

When you're studying sentence by sentence, of course you're very much focused. Wanneer jy sin vir sin bestudeer, is jy natuurlik baie gefokus.

And the more focused I am, the more I do the sort of, um, vocabulary En hoe meer gefokus ek is, hoe meer doen ek die soort woordeskatoefeninge

exercises, like the matching pairs or trying to reconstitute the sentence, ||||||||rebuild|| , soos die bypassende pare of probeer om die sin te rekonstitueer,

which the, the sentence gets scrambled I have to put it back together. |||||verwirrt||||||| |||||mixed up||||||| wat die, die sin word deurmekaar ek moet dit weer aanmekaar sit. あれ、文章がごちゃごちゃしてて、元に戻さなきゃいけない。

All of this is allowing me to focus in on the language, focusing in on the language Dit alles laat my toe om op die taal te fokus, om これらすべてにより、私は言語に集中することができます。

of course, I am not acquiring as many new words because when I'm going through the natuurlik op die taal te fokus, ek kry nie soveel nuwe woorde aan nie, want wanneer ek deur die もちろん、私は新しい単語をそれほど多く習得していません。

whole text, it has a lot of blue words. hele teks gaan, het dit baie blou woorde. テキスト全体に、青い単語がたくさんあります。

I'm running into these yellow words that I've saved before I'm running Ek loop hierdie geel woorde raak wat ek gestoor het voor ek 走る前に取っておいた黄色い言葉に出くわす

into them again, not necessarily remembering, remembering them, but by weer raakloop, nie noodwendig onthou nie, onthou hulle, maar deur 必ずしもそれらを覚えているわけではありませんが、それらを覚えていますが、

running into them again, I am sort of somewhat strengthening my hold on them. |||||||||stärke|||| hulle weer raak te loop, versterk ek soort van ietwat my houvas op hulle. 再び彼らに出くわすと、私は彼らに対する私の保持をいくらか強化しています。

So, you know, I'm sort of pushed back and forth or pulled back and forth. So, jy weet, ek word soort van heen en weer gedruk of heen en weer getrek. ですから、私は前後に押されたり、前後に引っ張られたりしています。

So when I'm in the sort of unfocused study mode, a lot of stuff is coming in. So wanneer ek in die soort ongefokusde studiemodus is, kom baie goed in. ですから、集中力のない勉強モードにいるときは、たくさんの情報が入ってきます。

It's a little bit fuzzy, uh, gradually getting a little less fuzzy. ||||unscharf||||||| Dit is 'n bietjie vaag, uh, word geleidelik 'n bietjie minder vaag. 少しぼやけています。徐々にぼやけていきます。 Het is een beetje wazig, uh, wordt langzaamaan een beetje minder wazig.

It has new words, it has a lot of yellow words that I have still not learned, Dit het nuwe woorde, dit het baie geel woorde wat ek nog nie geleer het nie,

but I'm covering a lot of material and then I go and listen to it while I'm maar ek dek baie materiaal en dan gaan luister ek daarna terwyl ek しかし、私はたくさんの素材をカバーしていて、それから私はそれを聞いています

doing the dishes, and I'm also covering that material in a unfocused way. skottelgoed was, en ek dek ook daardie materiaal op 'n ongefokusde manier. 皿洗いをしていて、その資料を焦点の合っていない方法でカバーしています.

And then it's possible to start to feel frustrated because I continue En dan is dit moontlik om gefrustreerd te begin voel omdat ek steeds そして、私が続けるので、欲求不満を感じ始める可能性があります

not understanding this stuff. nie hierdie goed verstaan ​​nie.

However, if I then focus in on a particular issue, like a particular Maar as ek dan op 'n spesifieke kwessie fokus, soos 'n spesifieke

sentence or maybe a particular grammatical issue or, or, or any sin of dalk 'n spesifieke grammatikale kwessie of, of, of enige 文またはおそらく特定の文法上の問題または、または、またはいずれか

particular sort of smaller sub, you know, smaller detail in the language, spesifieke soort kleiner sub, jy weet, kleiner detail in die taal, 特定の種類のより小さなサブ、言語のより小さな詳細、 bepaald soort kleinere sub, je weet wel, kleinere details in de taal,

I'm always conscious of the fact, yeah but I'm not acquiring new vocabulary. is ek altyd bewus van die feit, ja, maar ek verkry nie nuwe woordeskat nie. ということは常に意識していますが、新しい語彙を身につけているわけではありません。 Ik ben me er altijd van bewust, ja, maar ik leer geen nieuwe woordenschat aan.

So I'm pulled one way and then the other, either I, I wanna get exposed So ek word een kant toe getrek en dan die ander kant toe, óf ek, ek wil だから私はある方向に引っ張られ、次に別の方向に引っ張られます。

to the language, I wanna learn new words, I want to increase... aan die taal blootgestel word, ek wil nuwe woorde leer, ek wil vermeerder...

I referred the other day to sort of my reserve that our Ek het nou die dag verwys na soort van my reserwe dat ons 私は先日、私たちの備蓄の一種に言及しました Ik verwees onlangs naar een soort van mijn reserve die onze

memory can consist of a reserve. |||||storage area geheue kan bestaan ​​uit 'n reservaat. メモリは予約で構成できます。

Things that have come in, that they're in reserve, but we can't yet retrieve them. |||||||||||||abrufen| Dinge wat ingekom het, dat hulle in reserwe is, maar ons kan dit nog nie terugkry nie. 入ってきたもの、保留中のものですが、まだ取り出せません。

Uh, but if we focus on just making sure we can retrieve those, then Uh, maar as ons daarop fokus om net seker te maak dat ons dit kan haal, dan sal ええと、しかし、それらを確実に取得できるようにすることに集中すると、

we're gonna end up with a much narrower, focused sort of subset. |||||||||||group ons eindig met 'n baie nouer, gefokusde soort subset. 最終的には、はるかに狭く、焦点を絞ったサブセットになります。 we eindigen met een veel smallere, gefocuste soort subset.

So I think I often talk about the need to vary what we do in language So ek dink ek praat dikwels oor die behoefte om te verander wat ons doen in taalleer ですから、言語で行うことを変える必要性についてよく話していると思います。

learning, and I think to vary between sort of focusing on a small part of the , en ek dink om te wissel tussen soort van fokus op 'n klein deel van die 学習の小さな部分に焦点を当てた種類の間で変化すると思います

language, trying to, you know, focus in on a pattern, focus in on vocabulary, taal, probeer om, jy weet, te fokus in op 'n patroon, fokus op woordeskat, 言語、パターン、語彙、

focus in on a particular sentence. fokus op 'n spesifieke sin. 特定の文に焦点を当てます。

You still have to mix in with that, the sort of background. ||||||||that|type|| Jy moet steeds daarby inmeng, die soort agtergrond. あなたはまだそれを混ぜ合わせる必要があります。一種の背景です。

So... So...

and the background is part of it. en die agtergrond is deel daarvan. 背景もその一部です。

You, even if you're very clear, like if I have a clear picture right now on the Jy, selfs al is jy baie duidelik, soos as ek nou 'n duidelike prentjie op die あなたは、あなたが非常に明確であっても、私が今明確な写真を持っているかのように

camera and I haven't had a look at it, it's okay if the books in the background kamera het en ek het nie daarna gekyk nie, is dit goed as die boeke in die agtergrond カメラと私はそれを見ていません。背景に本があれば大丈夫です

are a little fuzzy and, and so I'm focused in the, in the lens, but you also need the 'n bietjie vaag is en, en so ek Ek is gefokus in die, in die lens, maar jy het ook die 少しぼやけているので、レンズに焦点を合わせていますが、

background and, and we also need that sort of building up of that larger, you know, agtergrond nodig en, en ons het ook daardie soort opbou nodig van daardie groter, jy weet, 背景と、そして、そのような大きなものを構築する必要もあります。

getting used to the language even though it's still not really very much in focus. gewoond raak aan die taal, al is dit nog nie regtig baie in fokus nie. まだあまり焦点が合っていませんが、言語に慣れています。

So, uh, I just mentioned this because I was thinking about focusing my camera So, uh, ek het dit net genoem omdat ek daaraan gedink het om my kamera te fokus

and then I thought about, you know, it, it does help me even though it slows me en toe dink ek daaraan, dit help my wel, al vertraag dit my それから私は考えました、それは私を遅くしますが、私を助けます

down to go sentence by sentence and pick through it and work on the words and om sin vir sin te gaan en daardeur te kies en aan die woorde en

reassemble the sentence, which kind of shows me some aspects of grammar because stel die sin weer bymekaar, wat vir my 'n paar aspekte van grammatika wys omdat

I have to try to remember or even think through which word follows which word. ek moet probeer onthou of selfs moet deurdink watter woord op watter woord volg.

And while it's slowing me down I think it is allowing me to focus in better En terwyl dit my stadiger maak, dink ek dit laat my toe om beter te fokus

when I listen to the, the sort of undifferentiated or the, the, the sort ||||||||indistinct||||| wanneer ek luister na die, die soort ongedifferensieerde of die, die, die soort

of larger picture where there are many new words or many words that I don't groter prentjie waar daar baie nuwe woorde of baie woorde is wat ek nie doen nie.

know, but I, I get the feeling that I'm better able to focus in on these weet, maar ek, ek kry die gevoel dat ek beter hierop kan fokus,

even because of the fact that I did focus in on sentences for a while. selfs as gevolg van die feit dat ek vir 'n rukkie op sinne gefokus het. しばらく文章に集中していたからといっても。

So I tend to go back and forth on being very focused at times and So ek is geneig om heen en weer te gaan om soms baie gefokus te wees en

then allowing the language to come at me in a sort of unfocused way. dan toe te laat dat die taal op 'n soort ongefokusde manier na my toe kom. それから、言語が一種の焦点の合っていない方法で私に来るのを許します。

So I don't know whether that's helpful, but I think it's important that whatever So ek weet nie of dit nuttig is nie, maar ek dink dit is belangrik dat wat

we're doing in the language, we want to feel, at least, I want to feel ons ook al in die taal doen, ons wil voel, ten minste, ek wil voel 私たちは言語でやっています、私たちは感じたいです、少なくとも、私は感じたいです

that what I'm doing is worthwhile. dat dit wat ek doen die moeite werd is.

It's a worthwhile use of my time. Dit is die moeite werd om my tyd te gebruik. 有意義な時間の使い方です。

And so for that reason, I have to remind myself that, yeah, I keep on listening En daarom moet ek myself daaraan herinner dat, ja, ek aanhou luister

to the, you know, the whole story. na die, jy weet, die hele storie.

Uh, the whole television interview, and I keep on not understanding Uh, die hele televisie-onderhoud, en ek hou aan om dit nie te verstaan

it, but it doesn't matter because that's building up my ability to see ​​nie, maar dit maak nie saak nie, want dit bou my vermoë op om それは、それが私の見る能力を構築しているので、それは問題ではありません

it more clearly, to focus better. dit duideliker te sien, om beter te fokus.

And on the other hand, when I focus in on a more limited bit of the language, En aan die ander kant, wanneer ek op 'n meer beperkte deel van die taal fokus, 一方、言語のより限定された部分に焦点を当てると、

like a sentence or some aspect of the language, it's slowing me down. soos 'n sin of een of ander aspek van die taal, vertraag dit my.

I'm not creating as many new LingQs. Ek skep nie soveel nuwe LingQ's nie.

I'm not reading as much. Ek lees nie so baie nie. 私はそれほど読んでいません。

Uh, but by focusing in on these sort of, these samples of the language, Uh, maar deur te fokus op hierdie soort, hierdie voorbeelde van die taal, Uh, maar door te focussen op dit soort, deze voorbeelden van de taal,

it is helping me focus again on the broader, uh, sort of range of, of, help dit my om weer te fokus op die breër, uh, soort reeks van, van, より広い、ええと、ある種の範囲に再び集中するのに役立ちます。

of language input that I'm getting. van taalinsette wat ek kry.

So I don't know if that's helpful to you. So ek weet nie of dit vir jou nuttig is nie.

Uh, it's something that I felt was meaningful to me. Uh, dit is iets wat ek gevoel het vir my betekenisvol was.

It's a little bit, I should perhaps sit down and think it through and, and do Dit is 'n bietjie, ek moet dalk gaan sit en dit deurdink en, en

some more research on it, but I just thought I would share that with you. nog navorsing daaroor doen, maar ek het net gedink ek sal dit met julle deel.

So thank you for listening. So dankie dat jy geluister het.

Bye for now. Totsiens vir nou.