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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Overcoming Cultural Obstacles in Language Learning

Overcoming Cultural Obstacles in Language Learning

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here, again, to talk about languages.

Uh, today I would like to talk about a subject that has come up. It came up in my discussion with Jeremy, uh, about Korea. And it's a subject that comes up all the time. It is this idea of cultural obstacles. When we learn a language. So, uh, remember now, if, uh, by the way I finished my a 90-Day Arabic Challenge, probably go back to either Persian or Turkish, but if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe.

If you click on the bell, you get notifications. And by all means come and join it, LingQ to learn languages. So, you know, someone once said that when we learn a language, um, we are imitating an element or a part of the culture. We're imitating parts of another culture because the language is part of French, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, whatever it might be.

It's part of that culture. Part of English speaking culture, it's part of their culture. We were trying to imitate it. We're trying to penetrate that world. And as a person who is not a native speaker of any of those languages or any language, we are an outsider. So it is obvious that we're an outsider until we are extremely fluent in the language.

And even then people identify us in many cases as, as a foreigner, we're not part of the in-group we're sort of the outgroup. And so it's all, it's difficult to be an outsider and it's natural for the in-group to kind of resist the outsider with the funny accent and has trouble saying things and is not familiar with their culture.

And, and so it's a bit of a foreign object. It's not quite something in your eye, but it can disturb. Now, conversely, there could be people who are particularly interested in you because you are different. And so you bring an element in that they don't have within their in-group. But most of the time you're an outsider trying to get in.

I always feel that the onus is on the outsider to try to get in and not to worry about whether you're accepted, whether they like you, whether or not to worry about your accent, you're...your pronunciation, not to hang back in your own culture and feel somehow that maybe your culture is "I may not be able to speak your language, but my language is better than your language" or "my culture is better."

No, to me, it's just a matter, I want to be part of your culture. Uh, I'm not coming here with my flag flying, saying, I am an English speaking Canadian, and I want to join your group. I'm just a person. And I'm interested in joining your group. I'm interested in learning your language. I'm interested in learning about your culture.

I would like you to accept me, but I understand that I'm, I'm a foreigner. I'm outside the group, so I have to try harder. And even if I sense at times, an element of rejection or resistance, or, you know, less than the welcome that I would like to have, I have to still continue because in amongst all those members, within that ingroup in any society, it can be in Japan and France...

...you know, foreigners in the United States or Canada or whatever, there will be those people who will accept you for what you are. And there will be those people who don't and that's true everywhere. And it's true in terms of your own culture in, in the way that members of your culture accept outsiders who want to come into your cultural space.

And so when you go to enter into someone else's cultural space, you just have to, you know, put your head down and charge forward and don't get easily ticked off or offended. And just keep going and you will, you'll bounce off the people who aren't so happy to have you, and you'll find the ones that are, and in doing so you'll gradually improve, improve your language skills so that they will increasingly accept you as one of them.

So that I just wanted to say that about. About this whole business of sort of cultural obstacles, you have to overcome them and not everyone is going to welcome you, but many people will. And the better you get in the language, the more welcoming they will be. So just a little note on cultural obstacles.

Bye for now.

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Overcoming Cultural Obstacles in Language Learning Преодоление||препятствия||| Surmounting||Cultural barriers||| Překonávání kulturních překážek ve výuce jazyků Kulturelle Hindernisse beim Sprachenlernen überwinden Superar los obstáculos culturales en el aprendizaje de idiomas غلبه بر موانع فرهنگی در یادگیری زبان Surmonter les obstacles culturels dans l'apprentissage des langues Superare gli ostacoli culturali nell'apprendimento delle lingue 言語学習における文化的障害を克服する 언어 학습의 문화적 장애물 극복하기 Pokonywanie przeszkód kulturowych w nauce języków obcych Ultrapassar os obstáculos culturais na aprendizagem de línguas Преодоление культурных препятствий при изучении языка Dil Öğreniminde Kültürel Engellerin Aşılması Подолання культурних бар'єрів у вивченні мови 克服语言学习中的文化障碍 克服語言學習中的文化障礙

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here, again, to talk about languages. 嗨,史蒂夫·考夫曼(Steve Kaufmann)再次在这里谈论语言。

Uh, today I would like to talk about a subject that has come up. |||||||||topic|||| ||||||||||||話題に上が| Uh, dnes bych chtěl mluvit o tématu, které se objevilo. О, сьогодні я хотів би поговорити про тему, яка піднялася. It came up in my discussion with Jeremy, uh, about Korea. |||||||with Jeremy||| And it's a subject that comes up all the time. |||Thema|||||| A je to téma, které se objevuje neustále. It is this idea of cultural obstacles. ||||||kulturelle Hindernisse ||||||cultural barriers ||||||障害 这就是文化障碍的想法。 When we learn a language. So, uh, remember now, if, uh, by the way I finished my a 90-Day Arabic Challenge, probably go back to either Persian or Turkish, but if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe. |||||||||||||||90-Day goal|||||one of two|Farsi||Turkish language||||||||

If you click on the bell, you get notifications. ||||||||Benachrichtigungen |||||||receive| ||クリック|||||| Pokud kliknete na zvonek, dostanete upozornění. And by all means come and join it, LingQ to learn languages. A rozhodně přijďte a připojte se k tomu, LingQ, abyste se naučili jazyky. 一定要来加入 LingQ,学习语言。 So, you know, someone once said that when we learn a language, um, we are imitating an element or a part of the culture. |||||||||||||||имитируем|||||||| ですから、ある人が、私たちが言語を学ぶとき、私たちは文化の要素または一部を模倣していると言ったことがあります。 We're imitating parts of another culture because the language is part of French, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, whatever it might be. Napodobujeme části jiné kultury, protože jazyk je součástí francouzštiny, japonštiny, čínštiny, ruštiny, ať už je to cokoliv. 言語はフランス語、日本語、中国語、ロシア語の一部であるため、私たちは別の文化の一部を模倣しています。 我们正在模仿另一种文化的一部分,因为该语言可能是法语,日语,中文,俄语的一部分。

It's part of that culture. Part of English speaking culture, it's part of their culture. 영어권 문화의 일부이며, 그들 문화의 일부이기도 합니다. We were trying to imitate it. We're trying to penetrate that world. |||проникнуть|| |||infiltrieren|| |||enter that world|| |||入り込む|| Wir versuchen, in diese Welt einzudringen. 私たちはその世界に浸透しようとしています。 And as a person who is not a native speaker of any of those languages or any language, we are an outsider. |||||||||||||||||||||outsider |||||||||||||||||||||non-native speaker |||||||||||||||||||||estraneo そして、これらの言語や言語のネイティブスピーカーではない人として、私たちは部外者です。 So it is obvious that we're an outsider until we are extremely fluent in the language. |||||||||||very highly|||| ||は||||||||||||| したがって、言語に非常に堪能になるまで、私たちが部外者であることは明らかです。

And even then people identify us in many cases as, as a foreigner, we're not part of the in-group we're sort of the outgroup. ||||||||||||||||||||||||внешняя группа |emphasizes contrast|||||||instances||||outsider|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||grupo externo ||||||||||||||||||||||||Außenseitergruppe ||||||||||||||||||||||||外集団 ||||||||||||||||||||||||grupo externo En zelfs dan identificeren mensen ons in veel gevallen omdat we, als buitenlander, geen deel uitmaken van de in-groep, we zijn een soort van de outgroup. 即使在那时,人们在很多情况下也会将我们视为外国人,我们不属于内群体,而是外群体。 And so it's all, it's difficult to be an outsider and it's natural for the in-group to kind of resist the outsider with the funny accent and has trouble saying things and is not familiar with their culture. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||difficulty with||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||抵抗する|||||||||||||||||| ですから、部外者になるのは難しく、グループ内で部外者に面白いアクセントで抵抗し、物事を言うのに苦労し、彼らの文化に精通していないのは当然です。

And, and so it's a bit of a foreign object. ||||||||unfamiliar or strange| Und so ist es ein bisschen ein Fremdkörper. そして、それは少し異物です。 所以,它有点像一个异物。 It's not quite something in your eye, but it can disturb. それはあなたの目にはまったく何かではありませんが、邪魔になる可能性があります。 虽然它不会影响你的视力,但却会让人感到不适。 Now, conversely, there could be people who are particularly interested in you because you are different. |наоборот|||||||||||||| |à l'inverse|||||||||||||| |On the other hand|||||||especially||||||| |por outro lado|||||||||||||| |Umgekehrt|||||||||||||| |逆に|||||||||||||| |por el contrario|||||||||||||| 逆に言えば、あなたが違うので特にあなたに興味を持っている人がいるかもしれません。 And so you bring an element in that they don't have within their in-group. |||||||||||inside||| そして、あなたは彼らが彼らのグループ内に持っていないという要素を持ってきます。 But most of the time you're an outsider trying to get in. ||||||||seeking entry||gain entry to| しかし、ほとんどの場合、あなたは部外者であり、侵入しようとしています。

I always feel that the onus is on the outsider to try to get in and not to worry about whether you're accepted, whether they like you, whether or not to worry about your accent, you're...your pronunciation, not to hang back in your own culture and feel somehow that maybe your culture is "I may not be able to speak your language, but my language is better than your language" or "my culture is better." ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||как-то||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||responsabilité|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||responsibility|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||in some way||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||ônus|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||Verantwortung|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||responsabilità|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||責任||責任|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||carga|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 私はいつも部外者があなたが受け入れられるかどうか、彼らがあなたを好きかどうか、あなたのアクセントを心配するかどうかを心配しないようにしようとする責任があると感じています、あなたは...あなたの発音であり、自分の文化にとらわれて、「私はあなたの言語を話せないかもしれませんが、私の言語はあなたの言語よりも優れています」または「私の文化はより優れている」とどういうわけか感じます。

No, to me, it's just a matter, I want to be part of your culture. ||||||вопрос|||||||| ||||||simple desire|||||||| Uh, I'm not coming here with my flag flying, saying, I am an English speaking Canadian, and I want to join your group. |||||||||||||||Canadian||||||| |||||||bandeira||||||||||||||| Äh, ich komme nicht mit wehender Flagge hierher und sage, ich bin ein englischsprachiger Kanadier und möchte mich Ihrer Gruppe anschließen. ええと、私は英語を話すカナダ人です、そしてあなたのグループに参加したいと言って、旗を掲げてここに来るのではありません。 I'm just a person. And I'm interested in joining your group. I'm interested in learning your language. |Keen on|||| I'm interested in learning about your culture.

I would like you to accept me, but I understand that I'm, I'm a foreigner. I'm outside the group, so I have to try harder. And even if I sense at times, an element of rejection or resistance, or, you know, less than the welcome that I would like to have, I have to still continue because in amongst all those members, within that ingroup in any society, it can be in Japan and France... |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||groupe interne|||||||||| ||||||||||resistance or refusal||opposition|||||||||||||||||||||||||||close-knit group|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||entre os||||||grupo interno|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||内群体|||||||||| ||||||||||拒絶|||||||||||||||||||||||その中で||||||内集団|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||entre|||||||||||||||| Und selbst wenn ich manchmal ein Element der Ablehnung oder des Widerstands spüre oder, wissen Sie, weniger als die Begrüßung, die ich gerne hätte, muss ich trotzdem weitermachen, weil ich unter all diesen Mitgliedern innerhalb dieser Gruppe in jeder Gesellschaft es kann in Japan und Frankreich sein ... そして、私が時々、拒絶や抵抗の要素を感じたとしても、あるいは、あなたが知っているように、私が望んでいる歓迎よりも少ないと感じたとしても、私はまだ続けなければなりません。それは日本とフランスにある可能性があります... 即使有时我感觉到有拒绝或抵抗的因素,或者,你知道,没有受到我想要的欢迎,我仍然必须继续下去,因为在所有这些成员中,在任何社会的群体中,都可以是日本和法国......

...you know, foreigners in the United States or Canada or whatever, there will be those people who will accept you for what you are. ...ご存知のように、米国やカナダなどの外国人は、あなたが何であるかについてあなたを受け入れる人々がいるでしょう。 ...你知道,在美国或加拿大或其他地方的外国人,会有人接受你本来的样子。 And there will be those people who don't and that's true everywhere. そして、そうでない人々がいるでしょう、そしてそれはどこでも真実です。 有些人不这样做,这在任何地方都是如此。 And it's true in terms of your own culture in, in the way that members of your culture accept outsiders who want to come into your cultural space. |||||||||||||||||||non-members|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||estrangeiros|||||||| そして、あなたの文化のメンバーがあなたの文化空間に入りたいと思っている部外者を受け入れる方法で、あなた自身の文化の観点からも真実です。

And so when you go to enter into someone else's cultural space, you just have to, you know, put your head down and charge forward and don't get easily ticked off or offended. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||обижаться |||||||||||||||||||||||move ahead||||||easily annoyed|||easily upset |||||||||dos outros||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||testa|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||イライラ||| |||||||||de otra persona||||||||||||||||||||||| Wenn Sie also in den Kulturraum eines anderen eintreten, müssen Sie nur den Kopf senken und nach vorne stürmen, damit Sie nicht leicht abgehakt oder beleidigt werden. ですから、他の人の文化空間に入るときは、頭を下げて前に突進するだけで、簡単に気分を害したり気分を害したりしないでください。 І тому, коли ви збираєтеся увійти в чужий культурний простір, ви просто повинні, знаєте, опустити голову і кинутися вперед, щоб вас не обдурили або не образили. 因此,当你进入别人的文化空间时,你只需要低下头,向前冲,不要轻易生气或生气。 And just keep going and you will, you'll bounce off the people who aren't so happy to have you, and you'll find the ones that are, and in doing so you'll gradually improve, improve your language skills so that they will increasingly accept you as one of them. ||||||||abprallen|||||||||||||||||||||||allmählich||||||||||zunehmend|||||| ||||||||rebound from|||||||||||||||||||||||step by step||||||||||more and more|||||| ||||||||rebotarás||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||recuar||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||弾む||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| そして、続けていくと、あなたはあなたを迎えることにそれほど満足していない人々を跳ね返らせるでしょう、そしてあなたはそうしている人々を見つけるでしょう、そしてそうすることであなたは徐々にあなたの言語スキルを向上させます彼らはますますあなたを彼らの一人として受け入れるでしょう。 只要继续前进,你就会摆脱那些不太高兴拥有你的人,你会找到那些对你很高兴的人,在这样做的过程中,你会逐渐提高,提高你的语言技能,这样他们会越来越接受你作为他们中的一员。

So that I just wanted to say that about. だから私はそれについて言いたかっただけです。 About this whole business of sort of cultural obstacles, you have to overcome them and not everyone is going to welcome you, but many people will. ||||||||||||преодолеть||||||||||||| ||||||||cultural barriers||||||||||||||||| ある種の文化的障害のこのビジネス全体について、あなたはそれらを克服しなければならず、誰もがあなたを歓迎するわけではありませんが、多くの人々があなたを歓迎します。 And the better you get in the language, the more welcoming they will be. E quanto melhor você ficar na língua, mais acolhedores eles serão.||||||||||||| そして、あなたが言語を上手に習得すればするほど、彼らはより歓迎されるでしょう。 你的语言越好,他们就越受欢迎。 So just a little note on cultural obstacles. ||||brief comment|||

Bye for now. Bye for now.