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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Listening: Language Learning Goal 3

Listening: Language Learning Goal 3

My goal in listening is to make sure I get that exposure to the language.

Hi There, Steve Kaufmann here and today, I'm going to talk about listening.

This is going to be the third in my series of my hierarchy

of goals in language learning.

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I do appreciate it.

So you may remember that I said that there areseven goals that I have

when it comes to language learning.

And I kind of have a hierarchy of goals.

My first goal is to acquire words.

The number of words I know is the best indicator of my level in the language.

My second goal was to read a lot and I measure, and I follow

this statistic we have at LingQ on how many words I have read.

Now, the third goal is listening.

It's, it's the third goal in the hierarchy, but in many ways it's

the most important because it's the major activity that I do when

it comes to language learning, simply because it's so easy to do.

So I can get up in the morning and listen, I can listen while doing the

dishes, I listen while I exercise.

I listen while in the car, the train or wherever I am.

I can always listen.

I can listen 15 minutes here, 20 minutes there before you know it, I

have an hour of language learning done.

The listening is how the brain gets used to the sounds of the language, gets

used to the structure of the language.

We, as, as human beings, we have been listening for a lot

longer than we have been reading.

And I think it's natural for the brain to learn a language through listening.

The reading helps.

And I said that in my earlier video, and I can reinforce that by saying,

in fact, if I look at my strategy and listening, so I sort of have two types of

listening: when I start in the language, I need a lot of repetitive listening.

That doesn't mean that I listen to say one mini story 30 times at one sitting,

but it means that I'll listen to that story a couple of times, then I move to

the second story even while I don't really understand the first story that well.

Again, remember the brain wants novelty, repetition and novelty as the great

Manfred Spitzer said, we need them both.

So I can repeat, I can listen to that first story two or three times, but

that is certain point even if I don't understand it, I want something new.

And so typically I'll go lesson one a few times, lesson two, lesson three,

lesson four, back to lesson one, and eventually I'll end up listening to that

first story, 20, maybe 10, 20 times.

In fact, it'll end up being more than that.

The mini stories are kind of the, sort of the gym I like to call it.

That's where I work on my core capability in the language.

So even much later in the language, when I have acquired a lot more words, I

still like to go back to listening to the mini stories, because I always discover

things that I hadn't noticed before.

In other words, things that I'm now open to because I've learned

other things in the language.

So I start to notice them.

Remember too, again, when it comes to, because in, in, in lang...

in listening, I don't really have a goal "I want to listen to so many hours".

I just want to listen.

It's easy to do.

I do it.

Whether that's a hundred hours, 200 hours, I don't pay the same amount of attention

to the total number of hours I've listened to as I do to the reading or the the

sort of, uh, you know, LingQing and adding to my known words total, because

the listening I'm just going to do it.

And, um, but it's important to realize that when you listen, it's

not important or you shouldn't think you need to understand everything,

you don't even have to focus every...

all the time when you're listening, it's just getting the language in you.

And so my goal in listening is to make sure I get that exposure to the language.

It's not to make sure I understand anything.

With enough listening the comprehension will come, particularly if I am, if I

have access, now, the mini stories are relatively simple and there's a lot of

repetition, but as you graduate from the mini stories to more difficult

content, you aren't listening as often.

You're encountering more words that you don't know.

Uh, and so there, I think it's very important to recognize it may be

frustrating that you don't understand and make sure you have access to transcripts

because to listen to something that you totally don't understand, I don't think

is very useful, but if you have access to the transcript and you can look up the

words on LingQ say, and you listen again, it may seem that every time you listen,

you still don't understand the same parts.

Uh, you have that experience all the time.

However, if you keep going, you will gradually understand more and more, and

I've had that experience many, many times.

With more difficult content my strategy typically is to listen, uh, and to, to

cover the material in sentence mode.

So that with timestamps, I can listen to the sentence and even they're

the same words, the same phrase.

I don't understand them.

I can't pick them up.

It goes too quickly.

It doesn't matter.

Gradually you will understand more and I've had that experience.

So the goal in listening is to make sure you listen enough that the brain will

eventually get used to it and make sure you have access to the transcript so that

you can actually read it and have a chance of understanding what you're listening to.

You may still not understand it, but you're gradually building

up to that better level of comprehension and listening.

Comprehension is such an important goal because it's the condition.

Once you have that listening comprehension, you can watch movies, you

can listen to podcasts, you can engage in meaningful conversation with people.

So, and all of those activities, the sort of higher level activities are going

to improve your ability to speak, which is where we eventually want to end up.

That listening is such a key part.

And in terms of a time, it's where I spend most of my time between my

different opportunities to listen during the day I easily get in an hour and

then I only need another half hour or so of reading and LingQing if I'm using

LingQ, uh, and I've got my hour and a half a day of language learning time in.

So listening is the easiest thing to do.

It's very important for forming new habits in the brain for

getting you to notice phrases that you will eventually want to use.

It's the best preparation for speaking.

So while I don't track the number of hours that I listen and, but I can leave

you, uh, again, from my profile, just in a couple of languages, you know, the

extent to which my, my listening activity has, you know, grown, progressively.

But, uh, it's, it's so key to do it.

And even if you stop for a while and when you go back to listening and all

of that listening activity that you have done that has created new language habits

in your brain, it'll still be there.

You might have forgotten a few words, but as you relearn these words, and

as you listen to again, do it again, you'll be back stronger than ever.

So make sure you invest enough time in your listening activities.

And in the next video, I will talk about how all of our input activity gradually

leads us to being able to speak well.

And what the goal, my goals are when it comes to speaking.

So thank you for listening.

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Listening: Language Learning Goal 3 Zuhören: Sprachlernziel 3 Escuchar: Objetivo de aprendizaje lingüístico 3 L'écoute : Objectif d'apprentissage des langues 3 リスニング言語学習目標3 듣기: 언어 학습 목표 3 Słuchanie: Cel nauki języka 3 Audição: Objectivo de Aprendizagem de Línguas 3 Слушание: Цель обучения языку 3 Dinleme: Dil Öğrenme Hedefi 3 Аудіювання: Мета 3 вивчення мови 听力:语言学习目标 3 聽力:語言學習目標 3

My goal in listening is to make sure I get that exposure to the language. O meu objectivo ao ouvir é garantir que tenho essa exposição à língua. Dinlemekteki amacım, dile maruz kaldığımdan emin olmak.

Hi There, Steve Kaufmann here and today, I'm going to talk about listening. Merhaba, ben Steve Kaufmann ve bugün dinleme hakkında konuşacağım.

This is going to be the third in my series of my hierarchy ||||||||||||계층 구조 ||||||||||||jerarquía Bu benim hiyerarşi serimin üçüncüsü olacak

of goals in language learning. dil öğreniminde hedefler.

Remember, if you enjoy these videos, please click on Unutmayın, bu videoları beğendiyseniz, lütfen tıklayın

the bell for notifications. bildirimler için zil.

And if you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a comment. Ve eğer beni bir podcast servisinde takip ediyorsanız, lütfen yorum bırakın.

I do appreciate it. Bunu takdir ediyorum.

So you may remember that I said that there areseven goals that I have |||||||||sieben|||| |||||||||sete|||| |||||||||hay siete|||| Hatırlarsanız, yedi hedefim olduğunu söylemiştim.

when it comes to language learning.

And I kind of have a hierarchy of goals. Ve benim bir tür hedefler hiyerarşim var.

My first goal is to acquire words. İlk hedefim kelime edinmek.

The number of words I know is the best indicator of my level in the language. |||||||||Indikator|||||| Bildiğim kelime sayısı, dildeki seviyemin en iyi göstergesidir.

My second goal was to read a lot and I measure, and I follow ||||||||||mido|||

this statistic we have at LingQ on how many words I have read.

Now, the third goal is listening.

It's, it's the third goal in the hierarchy, but in many ways it's

the most important because it's the major activity that I do when

it comes to language learning, simply because it's so easy to do. no que diz respeito à aprendizagem de línguas, simplesmente porque é muito fácil de fazer.

So I can get up in the morning and listen, I can listen while doing the

dishes, I listen while I exercise.

I listen while in the car, the train or wherever I am.

I can always listen.

I can listen 15 minutes here, 20 minutes there before you know it, I

have an hour of language learning done.

The listening is how the brain gets used to the sounds of the language, gets

used to the structure of the language.

We, as, as human beings, we have been listening for a lot ||||seres humanos|||||||

longer than we have been reading. más tiempo|||||

And I think it's natural for the brain to learn a language through listening. ||||||||||||a través de|

The reading helps.

And I said that in my earlier video, and I can reinforce that by saying,

in fact, if I look at my strategy and listening, so I sort of have two types of ||||||||||||uma espécie de||||| De facto, se olhar para a minha estratégia e para o que ouço, tenho dois tipos de

listening: when I start in the language, I need a lot of repetitive listening. ||||||||||||wiederholendes|

That doesn't mean that I listen to say one mini story 30 times at one sitting, ||||||||||||||de uma vez Isso não significa que eu ouça uma mini-história 30 vezes de uma só vez,

but it means that I'll listen to that story a couple of times, then I move to

the second story even while I don't really understand the first story that well. a segunda história, embora não compreenda muito bem a primeira.

Again, remember the brain wants novelty, repetition and novelty as the great |||||Neuheit|||||| |||||new experiences|||||| Mais uma vez, lembre-se que o cérebro quer a novidade, a repetição e a novidade como a grande

Manfred Spitzer said, we need them both. Manfred Spitzer disse: "Precisamos dos dois.

So I can repeat, I can listen to that first story two or three times, but

that is certain point even if I don't understand it, I want something new. é um ponto certo, mesmo que não o compreenda, quero algo novo.

And so typically I'll go lesson one a few times, lesson two, lesson three,

lesson four, back to lesson one, and eventually I'll end up listening to that lição quatro, voltar à lição um e, eventualmente, acabarei por ouvir essa

first story, 20, maybe 10, 20 times.

In fact, it'll end up being more than that. |||||sendo||do que| De facto, acabará por ser mais do que isso.

The mini stories are kind of the, sort of the gym I like to call it.

That's where I work on my core capability in the language.

So even much later in the language, when I have acquired a lot more words, I Por isso, mesmo muito mais tarde na língua, quando já adquiri muito mais palavras, eu

still like to go back to listening to the mini stories, because I always discover

things that I hadn't noticed before.

In other words, things that I'm now open to because I've learned

other things in the language.

So I start to notice them.

Remember too, again, when it comes to, because in, in, in lang...

in listening, I don't really have a goal "I want to listen to so many hours".

I just want to listen.

It's easy to do.

I do it.

Whether that's a hundred hours, 200 hours, I don't pay the same amount of attention Quer se trate de cem horas ou de 200 horas, não presto a mesma atenção

to the total number of hours I've listened to as I do to the reading or the the ao número total de horas que ouvi, tal como à leitura ou à

sort of, uh, you know, LingQing and adding to my known words total, because

the listening I'm just going to do it. a audição, vou simplesmente fazê-lo.

And, um, but it's important to realize that when you listen, it's

not important or you shouldn't think you need to understand everything,

you don't even have to focus every... nem sequer precisa de se concentrar em cada...

all the time when you're listening, it's just getting the language in you. quando se está a ouvir, é só para se conseguir a língua.

And so my goal in listening is to make sure I get that exposure to the language.

It's not to make sure I understand anything. Não é para me certificar de que percebo alguma coisa.

With enough listening the comprehension will come, particularly if I am, if I

have access, now, the mini stories are relatively simple and there's a lot of

repetition, but as you graduate from the mini stories to more difficult repetição, mas à medida que se passa das mini-histórias para as mais difíceis

content, you aren't listening as often. ||não estás||| conteúdo, não está a ouvir com tanta frequência.

You're encountering more words that you don't know. |begegnest|||||| |encountering|||||| Está a encontrar mais palavras que não conhece.

Uh, and so there, I think it's very important to recognize it may be

frustrating that you don't understand and make sure you have access to transcripts

because to listen to something that you totally don't understand, I don't think

is very useful, but if you have access to the transcript and you can look up the

words on LingQ say, and you listen again, it may seem that every time you listen,

you still don't understand the same parts.

Uh, you have that experience all the time.

However, if you keep going, you will gradually understand more and more, and

I've had that experience many, many times.

With more difficult content my strategy typically is to listen, uh, and to, to

cover the material in sentence mode. cobrir o material em modo de frase.

So that with timestamps, I can listen to the sentence and even they're |||as marcas de tempo||||||||| |||marcas de tiempo||||||||| Assim, com os carimbos de data e hora, posso ouvir a frase e até mesmo

the same words, the same phrase.

I don't understand them.

I can't pick them up.

It goes too quickly.

It doesn't matter.

Gradually you will understand more and I've had that experience.

So the goal in listening is to make sure you listen enough that the brain will

eventually get used to it and make sure you have access to the transcript so that

you can actually read it and have a chance of understanding what you're listening to.

You may still not understand it, but you're gradually building

up to that better level of comprehension and listening.

Comprehension is such an important goal because it's the condition. A compreensão é um objectivo tão importante porque é a condição.

Once you have that listening comprehension, you can watch movies, you

can listen to podcasts, you can engage in meaningful conversation with people. ||||||||significativas|||

So, and all of those activities, the sort of higher level activities are going

to improve your ability to speak, which is where we eventually want to end up.

That listening is such a key part. O facto de ouvir é uma parte fundamental.

And in terms of a time, it's where I spend most of my time between my

different opportunities to listen during the day I easily get in an hour and

then I only need another half hour or so of reading and LingQing if I'm using

LingQ, uh, and I've got my hour and a half a day of language learning time in.

So listening is the easiest thing to do.

It's very important for forming new habits in the brain for

getting you to notice phrases that you will eventually want to use.

It's the best preparation for speaking.

So while I don't track the number of hours that I listen and, but I can leave ||||acompanho||||||||||||

you, uh, again, from my profile, just in a couple of languages, you know, the

extent to which my, my listening activity has, you know, grown, progressively. em que medida a minha actividade auditiva cresceu progressivamente.

But, uh, it's, it's so key to do it.

And even if you stop for a while and when you go back to listening and all

of that listening activity that you have done that has created new language habits про те, що ваша вправа з аудіювання створила нові мовні звички

in your brain, it'll still be there.

You might have forgotten a few words, but as you relearn these words, and

as you listen to again, do it again, you'll be back stronger than ever.

So make sure you invest enough time in your listening activities.

And in the next video, I will talk about how all of our input activity gradually

leads us to being able to speak well. nos lleva|||||||

And what the goal, my goals are when it comes to speaking. And what the goal, my goals are when it comes to speaking.

So thank you for listening.