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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Learning Two Languages at Once

Learning Two Languages at Once

But I think you need to do that with a certain amount of intensity so that you really get that first, get to the first ledge and your climb. Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here and today, I want to talk about learning two languages at the same time. Remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe. Uh, if you're listening, uh, on a podcast service somewhere, please leave a review.

You can click on the bell here for notifications. So I have been learning two languages at the same time off and on for the last couple of years, that's Arabic and Persian or Farsi. And I'm about to embark on another 90-Day Challenge, which I also want to announce here because at LingQ we have these 90-Day Challenges.

We encourage people to commit to certain goals and follow up with other LingQ members to see how they're doing all in sort of a bit of an effort to, you know, help each other, motivate each other, to stay on our tasks. Now, so I thought about, what do I want to take on as a challenge? And I ended up, I initially I was going to say, well, I'm going to focus just on Arabic.

And I just, I'm reluctant to leave Persian even for three months. So I ended up saying, well, I got to do a challenge in both. And I have indicated that at LingQ, that I'm doing a 90-D ay Challenge in both Arabic and Persian. So I'll be doing two languages at the same time. In fact, I'll be doing three because my Arabic is going to be divided between standard Arabic, which is where I spend most of my time, and Egyptian Arabic, which I've just started doing over the last few weeks. So it's almost three languages at the same time, except that EgyptianArabic is a part of Arabic as is standard Arabic. So some thoughts about this, first of all, I would not recommend studying two languages at the same time if you are a beginner. And remember, I have commented that language learning is a bit like an upside down hockey stick. So you've got the blade of the stick, which goes up very sharply. And then you have this long shaft which sort of gradually kind of is inclined in an upward direction, but yeah, you're almost not aware that you're making any progress.

And so during that first steep climb, uh, where there was a lot of initial success, all of a sudden, you can say something where you couldn't say something before all of a sudden you understand some things that you, you know, you didn't understand anything when you start. The language was just noise at the beginning, and now there's some meaning there.

So there's a great sense of achievement. It's also a period that first sort of could be three months, could be six months, depends on how difficult the language is. You have that sense that, you know, the vocabulary, the high frequency vocabulary, repeats so often that you really do feel as if you're, you're acquiring words here and, and, and getting a sense of the language.

But then once you've passed that whether it be after three months or six, because the word frequency, and I've mentioned this before, the word frequency declines so quickly. You have this impression that you're not seeing the words often enough to really remember them and you keep on forgetting them and, and just seems like an endless task to build up the large passive vocabulary that you need in order to become fluent.

Long intro to say, if you're in that first stage, the sort of, uh, you know, steep climb, initial period, I would not recommend trying to do two languages. That's been my experience. Other people have different, uh, you know, experiences, or likes or whatever, but I think you need to do that with a certain amount of intensity so that you really get that first get to the first ledge in your

climb. So, but once you're past that first period, which is... I'm past it now in both my Persian and my Arabic, it's that long, long road. And so there, I think it is possible to, to do two languages at the same time. And I will share with you my strategy. First of all, on the one hand, because you're doing two languages, you have less of an opportunity obviously to concentrate on one.

So you will learn less quickly. At least if you had spent... if I spent all my time on Arabic, I would learn Arabic. Because I have done both Arabic and Persian with a little bit of Turkish here that slows me down in my Arabic. However, I end up with two languages instead of one. The other thing is that at times, again, because this long shaft where you, you hardly feel you're making any progress at all, uh, it can be a little bit dispiriting.

Uh, I've called it the doldrums, which is that area of the world where the, the wind dies and the ships aren't moving. Uh, in the old days when everyone relied on sale for, for sailing. So, uh, in a way, sometimes you're sort of forcing yourself to do things, to learn the language because you want to learn the language and yet you're, you, you don't really feel like you're making much progress at that time.

I think it's kind of good to switch from one language to the other and back again, because it's something new, something refreshing. You're inspired again. When you... at least that's been my experience when I go back to language A after having been with language B. So I think in that period, you can cope with two languages at the same time.

Another thing that I think is important when doing two languages at the same time, or even if you're doing one language and you're in that sort of doldrums period, the long shaft, do things that are fun. If you are sort of out of a sense of obligation, forcing yourself to reread and reread view the same material because you keep forgetting it, uh, it can be a little bit discouraging. On the other hand, uh, I've now found for example, with my, uh, with my, uh, Egyptian Arabic. Uh, my tutor has me on this, um, the serial on Netflix, Once Upon a Time, I think it's called, uh, what was it called again? Uh, I can't remember. Uh, geez, what was it called?

I don't know. Anyway, it's, it's, it's an interesting, very interesting, um, series. And so it's enjoyable. I don't understand why, but it's enjoyable and I'm picking up some things. So I do a little bit of that. I go on and do a little bit of the mini stories. I go do a little bit of standard Arabic, you know, uh, podcasts out of Al Jazeera.

So I'm, I'm doing a certain amount of variety, but I tried to do things that I enjoy doing. Uh, similarly in Persian, uh, Sahra is gonna get me some movies on YouTube. She's also put in some material, songs in Persian, which I've been listening to. And so if I can vary the kind of material that I'm listening to, uh, things that I enjoy doing, and therefore I'm not so fussed about how quickly I'm improving, the improvement comes.

You just have to believe that it will come and don't put pressure on yourself and wanting to move along more quickly. If you sort of say, well, I can wander into this room, my Arabic room for a while, and then I'm going to go back into my Persian room and the flavors are a little different. The colors are a little different.

The content that I'm using is a little different. So I think that's important also. Uh, I, uh, I think at this stage it's important to have a tutor, you know, funnily enough, I think a tutor at the early stage is more difficult to take advantage of because you can't speak, you don't understand. You need to invest all that time in listening and reading.

And I use the mini stories to get up to a certain level, or you can actually take advantage of a tutor, but once you're at the level I'm at now, I can actually have a conversation with them. And so, uh, I make sure that I have two conversations a week in Arabic and two conversations a week in Persian. And the advantage there is that I'm sort of committed to being with the tutor.

So again, that kind of propels me forward. I got to do it. I'm there. Uh, I don't... I don't prepare. In fact, I shouldn't say I don't prepare at all for my, for my, uh, interactions with my tutors. They're both excellent tutors. They keep me going. They ask me question. They ask me about the serial I'm watching in the case of the Egyptian Arabic.

And I know Sahra is a great, uh, tutor in terms of keeping me going. And once she's going to recommend a series on, uh, on YouTube. And we will be talking about that. So I just have to show up, but I have to show up. So I'm committed twice a week. Now that's my plan to show up in each of those languages.

If I were doing, I could do one week of one language and one week of the other and then similarly I would have a commitment to show up, but I've decided to try to squeeze them into the same week. I don't know how it will all go. And I think that my final bit of advice is experiment with it. I think some people will find it more enjoyable to do two languages at the same time than other people.

Some people may not enjoy doing that. Some people may prefer to stay with one language. There is no right way or wrong way or obligation do the things that you find enjoyable, stay with the language, stay with the process and you will improve. And so that's what I have to say on learning two languages at the same time.

Thank you for listening.

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Learning Two Languages at Once Eyni anda iki dili öyrənmək Zwei Sprachen auf einmal lernen Aprender dos idiomas a la vez Apprendre deux langues à la fois Imparare due lingue contemporaneamente 2ヶ国語を同時に学ぶ 한 번에 두 가지 언어 배우기 Nauka dwóch języków jednocześnie Aprender duas línguas ao mesmo tempo Изучение двух языков одновременно Att lära sig två språk samtidigt Aynı Anda İki Dil Öğrenmek Вивчення двох мов одночасно 同时学习两种语言 一次學習兩種語言

But I think you need to do that with a certain amount of intensity so that you really get that first, get to the first ledge and your climb. |||||||||||||||||||||||||Step or level|||ascent |||||||||||||||||||||||||salto|||subida |||||||||||||||||||||||||izbočina||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||Vorsprung||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||바위턱||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||sporgenza|||scalata |||||||||||||||||||||||||台阶||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||足場||| |||||||||||||||eso|||logras|||logras||||saliente|||escalada Ancaq düşünürəm ki, bunu müəyyən bir intensivliklə etməlisiniz ki, həqiqətən əvvəlcə bunu əldə edəsiniz, ilk zirvəyə çatasınız və qalxasınız. But I think you need to do that with a certain amount of intensity so that you really get that first, get to the first ledge and your climb. Mais je pense qu'il faut le faire avec une certaine intensité pour que vous obteniez vraiment cette première, que vous atteigniez la première corniche et que vous grimpiez. しかし、私はあなたが本当にそれを最初に取得し、最初の棚とあなたの登りに到達するために、あなたはある程度の強度でそれをする必要があると思います。 Ale myślę, że trzeba to robić z pewną intensywnością, aby naprawdę dostać się na pierwszą półkę i wspinać się. Mas acho que você precisa fazer isso com uma certa intensidade para que você realmente consiga isso primeiro, chegue à primeira borda e suba. Но я думаю, что вам нужно делать это с определенной интенсивностью, чтобы вы действительно смогли сделать это первыми, добраться до первого уступа и подняться. Але я думаю, що вам потрібно робити це з певною інтенсивністю, щоб ви дійсно отримали це першими, дісталися до першого виступу і почали своє сходження. 但我认为你需要以一定的强度来做这件事,这样你才能真正做到第一个,到达第一个壁架和你的攀登。 但我认为,你需要以一定的强度来完成这项任务,这样你才能真正获得第一,到达第一个壁架,然后开始攀爬。 Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here and today, I want to talk about learning two languages at the same time. 大家好,史蒂夫考夫曼今天在这里,我想谈谈同时学习两种语言。 Remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe. |||||||to follow Uh, if you're listening, uh, on a podcast service somewhere, please leave a review. |||||||||||||review ||||||||||por favor|||

You can click on the bell here for notifications. |||||bell|||notifications ||||la||||notificaciones So I have been learning two languages at the same time off and on for the last couple of years, that's Arabic and Persian or Farsi. ||||||||||gleichzeitig||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||Farsi |||||dos|||||||||||||||||||| J'ai donc appris deux langues en même temps, par intermittence, au cours des deux dernières années, à savoir l'arabe et le persan ou farsi. Tehát az elmúlt néhány évben két nyelvet tanultam egyszerre szabadon és folyamatosan, ez az arab és a perzsa vagy a perzsa. Então, eu tenho aprendido duas línguas ao mesmo tempo nos últimos dois anos, que é árabe e persa ou farsi. And I'm about to embark on another 90-Day Challenge, which I also want to announce here because at LingQ we have these 90-Day Challenges. ||||begin|on|||||||||announce||||||||| ||||||||||||||objaviti||||||||| ||||||||||||||ankündigen||||||||| ||||||||||||||알리다||||||||| ||||开始||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||発表する||||||||| ||||embarcarme|||||||||||aquí||||||||

We encourage people to commit to certain goals and follow up with other LingQ members to see how they're doing all in sort of a bit of an effort to, you know, help each other, motivate each other, to stay on our tasks. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Aufgaben ||||dedicate themselves|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||inspire each other|||||||goals or activities ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||タスク Nous encourageons les gens à s'engager à atteindre certains objectifs et à suivre les autres membres de LingQ pour voir comment ils s'en sortent, dans le but de s'entraider, de se motiver les uns les autres et de rester sur la bonne voie. Arra biztatjuk az embereket, hogy kötelezzék el magukat bizonyos célok mellett, és kövessék nyomon a többi LingQ-tagot, hogy lássák, hogyan csinálják mindezt, egy kis erőfeszítéssel, hogy segítsék egymást, motiválják egymást, és maradjanak a feladataink mellett. 私たちは、人々が特定の目標にコミットし、他のLingQメンバーとフォローアップして、私たちのタスクを継続するために、お互いに助け合い、やる気を起こさせるために、彼らがどのようにすべてを行っているかを確認することをお勧めします。 Now, so I thought about, what do I want to take on as a challenge? |||considered||||||||||| ||||||||quiero|||||| Most tehát azon gondolkodtam, hogy mit szeretnék kihívásként felvállalni? Agora, então eu pensei, o que eu quero assumir como um desafio? Итак, я задумался о том, что я хочу принять в качестве вызова? And I ended up, I initially I was going to say, well, I'm going to focus just on Arabic. |||||||||||||||concentrate||| y|||||||||||||||||| És végül azt akartam mondani, hogy nos, csak az arab nyelvre fogok koncentrálni.

And I just, I'm reluctant to leave Persian even for three months. ||||zögerlich||||||| ||||마음이 내키지 않다||||||| ||||hesitant||||||| そして、私はただ、3ヶ月間でもペルシャを離れるのを嫌がっています。 E eu estou relutante em deixar o Persian mesmo por três meses. И я просто не хочу покидать Персию даже на три месяца. So I ended up saying, well, I got to do a challenge in both. Így végül azt mondtam, hogy mindkettőben meg kell felelnem egy kihívásnak. And I have indicated that at LingQ, that I'm doing a 90-D ay Challenge in both Arabic and Persian. ||||||||||||Tag||in|||| |||stated|||||||||day|||||| |||언급했다|||||||||90일|||||| So I'll be doing two languages at the same time. In fact, I'll be doing three because my Arabic is going to be divided between standard Arabic, which is where I spend most of my time, and Egyptian Arabic, which I've just started doing over the last few weeks. |||||||||||||split||Modern Standard||||||||||||Egyptian Arabic||||||||||| 事实上,我会学三门,因为我的阿拉伯语将分为标准阿拉伯语和埃及阿拉伯语,标准阿拉伯语是我花时间最多的地方,而埃及阿拉伯语是我最近几周才开始学的。 So it's almost three languages at the same time, except that EgyptianArabic is a part of Arabic as is standard Arabic. |||||||||||Egyptian Arabic||||||||| |||||||||||Ägyptisches Arabisch||||||||| |||||||||||이집트 아랍어||||||||| |||||||||||arabo egiziano||||||||| |||||||||||埃及阿拉伯语||||||||| |||||||||||árabe egipcio||||||||| したがって、EgyptianArabicが標準アラビア語と同様にアラビア語の一部であることを除いて、ほぼ同時に3つの言語になります。 So some thoughts about this, first of all, I would not recommend studying two languages at the same time if you are a beginner. Tehát néhány gondolat ezzel kapcsolatban, először is, kezdőknek nem ajánlom két nyelv egyidejű tanulását. And remember, I have commented that language learning is a bit like an upside down hockey stick. ||||angemerkt|||||||||||| ||||upside down|||||||||inverted||hockey stick|stick ||||||||||||una|||| N'oubliez pas que j'ai déjà dit que l'apprentissage des langues était un peu comme une crosse de hockey à l'envers. そして覚えておいてください、私は言語学習は逆さまのホッケースティックに少し似ているとコメントしました。 E lembre-se, eu comentei que o aprendizado de idiomas é um pouco como um taco de hóquei de cabeça para baixo. И помните, я уже говорил, что изучение языка похоже на перевернутую хоккейную клюшку. 请记住,我曾说过,语言学习有点像倒置的冰棍。 So you've got the blade of the stick, which goes up very sharply. ||||blade||||||||steeply ||||lâmina|||bastão|||||bruscamente ||||oštrica štapa|||||||| ||||Klinge||||||||steil ||||날||||||||가파르게 ||||刀片||||||||急剧地 ||||||||||||鋭く Então você tem a lâmina do bastão, que sobe muito bruscamente. 因此,木棍的刀刃会非常锋利地向上翘起。 And then you have this long shaft which sort of gradually kind of is inclined in an upward direction, but yeah, you're almost not aware that you're making any progress. ||||||shaft||||||||sloped upward|||upward angle|||||||||||| ||||||eixo||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||osovina||||||||nagnut||||||||||||||| ||||||Schaft|||||||||||aufwärts|||||||||||| ||||||축|||||||||||위쪽으로|||||||||||| ||||||asta|||||||||||verso l'alto|||||||||||| ||||||轴状物|||||||||||向上方向|||||||||||| ||||||軸|||||||||||上向きに|||||||||||| そして、あなたはこの長いシャフトを持っていて、それは一種の徐々に上向きに傾いていますが、ええ、あなたはあなたが進歩していることにほとんど気づいていません。 E então você tem esse longo eixo que meio que gradualmente está inclinado para cima, mas sim, você quase não percebe que está fazendo algum progresso. А потом у вас есть длинная шахта, которая постепенно как бы наклоняется вверх, но да, вы почти не замечаете, что продвигаетесь вперед. 然后,你会看到一条长长的轴,它逐渐向上倾斜,但你几乎感觉不到自己在前进。

And so during that first steep climb, uh, where there was a lot of initial success, all of a sudden, you can say something where you couldn't say something before all of a sudden you understand some things that you, you know, you didn't understand anything when you start. |||||陡峭的||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||초기|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||ripida||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| E então durante aquela primeira subida íngreme, uh, onde houve muito sucesso inicial, de repente, você pode dizer algo que você não poderia dizer antes, de repente você entende algumas coisas que você, você sabe, você não entendeu nada quando começou. The language was just noise at the beginning, and now there's some meaning there.

So there's a great sense of achievement. ||||||Erfolg ||||||realizzazione It's also a period that first sort of could be three months, could be six months, depends on how difficult the language is. また、言語の難しさにもよりますが、最初の種類は3か月、6か月になる可能性があります。 You have that sense that, you know, the vocabulary, the high frequency vocabulary, repeats so often that you really do feel as if you're, you're acquiring words here and, and, and getting a sense of the language. |||||||||||||||||||||like|as though|||||||||||||| あなたは、あなたが知っているように、語彙、高周波語彙が非常に頻繁に繰り返されるので、あなたは本当にあなたがそうであるかのように感じ、ここで単語を習得し、そして、そして言語の感覚を得るという感覚を持っています。

But then once you've passed that whether it be after three months or six, because the word frequency, and I've mentioned this before, the word frequency declines so quickly. しかし、それを過ぎると、3か月後でも6か月後でも、単語の頻度が高くなります。これについては前に説明しましたが、単語の頻度は急速に低下します。 You have this impression that you're not seeing the words often enough to really remember them and you keep on forgetting them and, and just seems like an endless task to build up the large passive vocabulary that you need in order to become fluent. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||beskrajni, neprekidan, večit|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||끝없는|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||le||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||olvidando||||||||infinita|||||||||||||||| あなたは、単語を本当に覚えるのに十分な頻度で見ていなくて、忘れ続けているという印象を持っています。そして、流暢になるために必要な大きな受動的な語彙を構築するための終わりのない仕事のようです。

Long intro to say, if you're in that first stage, the sort of, uh, you know, steep climb, initial period, I would not recommend trying to do two languages. Lengthy|introduction||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |uvodna faza||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Einleitung||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |소개||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||陡峭的|||||||||||| largo|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 長いイントロですが、もしあなたがその最初の段階にいるのなら、そうですね、急な上り坂、初期の時期、私は2つの言語を試してみることをお勧めしません。 That's been my experience. それが私の経験です。 Other people have different, uh, you know, experiences, or likes or whatever, but I think you need to do that with a certain amount of intensity so that you really get that first get to the first ledge in your |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||do|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||initial milestone|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||台阶|| 他の人は違う、ええと、あなたが知っている、経験、または好きか何かを持っています、しかし私はあなたが本当にあなたの最初の棚に最初に到達するようにあなたがある程度の強度でそれをする必要があると思います

climb. escalar. So, but once you're past that first period, which is... I'm past it now in both my Persian and my Arabic, it's that long, long road. ||||지나면||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||es|||| それで、しかし、あなたがその最初の期間を過ぎたら、それは...私は今、私のペルシア語と私のアラビア語の両方でそれを過ぎています、それはその長くて長い道のりです。 Então, mas uma vez que você passou do primeiro período, que é... Eu passei agora tanto no meu persa quanto no meu árabe, é um longo, longo caminho. Отже, але як тільки ви пройшли цей перший період, який є... Я пройшов його зараз і в моїй перській, і в моїй арабській, це така довга, довга дорога. And so there, I think it is possible to, to do two languages at the same time. そこで、2つの言語を同時に実行することは可能だと思います。 And I will share with you my strategy. First of all, on the one hand, because you're doing two languages, you have less of an opportunity obviously to concentrate on one. まず第一に、一方では、2つの言語を使用しているため、明らかに1つに集中する機会が少なくなります。

So you will learn less quickly. そのため、学習が遅くなります。 At least if you had spent... if I spent all my time on Arabic, I would learn Arabic. 少なくともあなたが過ごしたなら...私がすべての時間をアラビア語に費やしたなら、私はアラビア語を学ぶでしょう。 Because I have done both Arabic and Persian with a little bit of Turkish here that slows me down in my Arabic. ||||||||||||||||拖慢了||||| 私はここで少しトルコ語を使ってアラビア語とペルシア語の両方を行ったので、アラビア語で私を遅くします。 However, I end up with two languages instead of one. しかし、私は1つではなく2つの言語になってしまいます。 The other thing is that at times, again, because this long shaft where you, you hardly feel you're making any progress at all, uh, it can be a little bit dispiriting. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||demoralizing |||||||||||eixo|||||||||||||||||||desanimador |||||||||||duga osovina|||||||||||||||||||obeshrabrujuće |||||||||||Schacht|||||||||||||||||||entmutigend ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||실망스러운 |||||||||||asta|||||||||||||||||||demoralizzante |||||||||||长轴|||||||||||||||||||令人沮丧 ||||||||porque|||eje|donde||||||haciendo||||||||||||desalentador もう1つは、この長いシャフトでは、まったく進歩しているとはほとんど感じられないため、少し気が散る可能性があるということです。

Uh, I've called it the doldrums, which is that area of the world where the, the wind dies and the ships aren't moving. |||||windless area||||||||||||||||| |||||calmaria|||||||mundo|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||vetar stane|umire||||| |||||Windstille||||||||||||||||| |||||calma equatoriale|che|||||||||||||||| |||||無風地帯||||||||||||||||| |he llamado||||||||||||||el||||||| Ich nenne es die Flaute, das ist die Gegend auf der Welt, in der der Wind abflaut und die Schiffe sich nicht bewegen. ええと、私はそれを低迷と呼んでいます。それは、風が弱まり、船が動いていない世界のその地域です。 Uh, eu chamei isso de marasmo, que é aquela área do mundo onde o vento morre e os navios não estão se movendo. Я называю это "штилем", то есть той областью мира, где ветер стихает и корабли не двигаются. Uh, in the old days when everyone relied on sale for, for sailing. |||||||의존했다||판매||| |||||||si affidava||il vento||| |||||cuando||dependía|dependía de||||navegación ええと、昔は誰もがセーリングのために売りに出ていました。 Uh, nos velhos tempos quando todos dependiam de venda para, para velejar. So, uh, in a way, sometimes you're sort of forcing yourself to do things, to learn the language because you want to learn the language and yet you're, you, you don't really feel like you're making much progress at that time. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Fortschritt||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||no|||||||||| だから、ある意味で、あなたは言語を学びたいので、ある意味で、何かをしなければならない、言語を学ぶことを強いられていることがありますが、それでもあなたはあなたが作っているような気がしませんその時の多くの進歩。

I think it's kind of good to switch from one language to the other and back again, because it's something new, something refreshing. ||||||||||||||||||||||erfrischend ある言語から別の言語に切り替えて、また元に戻すのは良いことだと思います。なぜなら、それは何か新しいもので、何か新鮮なものだからです。 You're inspired again. あなたは再び刺激を受けます。 When you... at least that's been my experience when I go back to language A after having been with language B. So I think in that period, you can cope with two languages at the same time. |||||||||||||||||있었던||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||lidar||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||tú||sobrevives||||||| 少なくとも、B言語を使ってA言語に戻ったときの経験です。その間、2つの言語に同時に対応できると思います。 Quando você... pelo menos essa tem sido a minha experiência quando eu volto para a língua A depois de ter estado com a língua B. Então eu acho que nesse período, você pode lidar com duas línguas ao mesmo tempo.

Another thing that I think is important when doing two languages at the same time, or even if you're doing one language and you're in that sort of doldrums period, the long shaft, do things that are fun. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||stagnation phase||||period||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||침체기||||긴 축||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||marasmo||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||estás||||||||largo|||||| もう1つ重要だと思うのは、2つの言語を同時に実行する場合、または1つの言語を実行していて、そのような低迷期にある場合でも、長いシャフトで楽しいことを行う場合です。 If you are sort of out of a sense of obligation, forcing yourself to reread and reread view the same material because you keep forgetting it, uh, it can be a little bit discouraging. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||entmutigend ||||||||||duty|||||||||||||||||||||||disheartening |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||desalentador あなたが一種の義務感から外れているなら、あなたがそれを忘れ続けているので、あなた自身に同じ資料を再読しそして再読することを強いる、ええと、それは少し落胆するかもしれません。 On the other hand, uh, I've now found for example, with my, uh, with my, uh, Egyptian Arabic. On||||||||||||||||| 一方、ええと、私は今、例えば、私の、ええと、私の、ええと、エジプトのアラビア語を見つけました。 Uh, my tutor has me on this, um, the serial on Netflix, Once Upon a Time, I think it's called, uh, what was it called again? |||||||||连续剧|||||||||||||||| |||||||||Serie|||||||||||||||| |||||||||시리즈|||||||||||||||| |||||||||serie|||||||||||||||| ええと、私の家庭教師はこれについて私を持っています、ええと、Netflixのシリアル、ワンス・アポン・ア・タイム、私はそれが呼ばれていると思います、ええと、それは再び何と呼ばれましたか? Uh, meu tutor me colocou sobre isso, hum, o seriado da Netflix, Once Upon a Time, acho que se chama, uh, como se chamava mesmo? Uh, I can't remember. Uh, geez, what was it called? |caramba||||

I don't know. Anyway, it's, it's, it's an interesting, very interesting, um, series. And so it's enjoyable. y||| I don't understand why, but it's enjoyable and I'm picking up some things. 理由はわかりませんが、楽しくて、何かを拾っています。 So I do a little bit of that. だから私はそれを少しやります。 I go on and do a little bit of the mini stories. I go do a little bit of standard Arabic, you know, uh, podcasts out of Al Jazeera. |||||||||||||||Al Jazeera|Al Jazeera

So I'm, I'm doing a certain amount of variety, but I tried to do things that I enjoy doing. ですから、ある程度バラエティに富んでいますが、楽しいことをやってみました。 Então, estou fazendo uma certa variedade, mas tentei fazer coisas que gosto de fazer. Uh, similarly in Persian, uh, Sahra is gonna get me some movies on YouTube. ええと、同様にペルシア語で、ええと、サーラは私にYouTubeでいくつかの映画を手に入れるつもりです。 She's also put in some material, songs in Persian, which I've been listening to. Ela também colocou algum material, músicas em persa, que tenho ouvido. And so if I can vary the kind of material that I'm listening to, uh, things that I enjoy doing, and therefore I'm not so fussed about how quickly I'm improving, the improvement comes. |||||||||||||||||||||||||worried or concerned|||||||| |||||variieren||||||||||||||||||||besorgt|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||신경 쓰지 않다|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||preoccupato|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||在意|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||soy|||preocupado|||||||| ですから、聞いている素材の種類を変えることができれば、ええと、私が楽しんでいることです。したがって、私がどれほど速く改善しているのかについてはそれほど気になりませんが、改善がもたらされます。 E se eu puder variar o tipo de material que estou ouvindo, uh, coisas que gosto de fazer e, portanto, não estou tão preocupado com a rapidez com que estou melhorando, a melhoria vem.

You just have to believe that it will come and don't put pressure on yourself and wanting to move along more quickly. ||||||||||||||||||||más| あなたはそれが来ると信じる必要があり、あなた自身に圧力をかけず、より速く進みたいと思っています。 Você só precisa acreditar que ele virá e não se pressionar e querer avançar mais rapidamente. If you sort of say, well, I can wander into this room, my Arabic room for a while, and then I'm going to go back into my Persian room and the flavors are a little different. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||风味|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Aromen|||| ||||||||move around in||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||vagare|||||||||||||||||||||||sapori|||| ||||||yo|puedo|vago||||||||||||||||||||||los|sabores|||| Se você disser, bem, eu posso entrar neste quarto, meu quarto árabe por um tempo, e então eu vou voltar para o meu quarto persa e os sabores são um pouco diferentes. The colors are a little different. |Farben||||anders

The content that I'm using is a little different. 私が使用しているコンテンツは少し異なります。 So I think that's important also. Uh, I, uh, I think at this stage it's important to have a tutor, you know, funnily enough, I think a tutor at the early stage is more difficult to take advantage of because you can't speak, you don't understand. ||||||||||||||||komischerweise||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||instructor|||oddly enough|||||instructor|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||stranamente||||||||||||||||||||||| You need to invest all that time in listening and reading. あなたはその間ずっとリスニングとリーディングに投資する必要があります。

And I use the mini stories to get up to a certain level, or you can actually take advantage of a tutor, but once you're at the level I'm at now, I can actually have a conversation with them. ||||||||||||proficiency stage|||||||||||||||||||||||||| そして、ミニストーリーを使って一定のレベルに到達するか、実際に家庭教師を利用することができますが、あなたが今のレベルになったら、実際に彼らと会話することができます。 And so, uh, I make sure that I have two conversations a week in Arabic and two conversations a week in Persian. And the advantage there is that I'm sort of committed to being with the tutor. |||||||||obligated||||| |||||||||impegnato||||| ||ventaja||||estoy|||||||| そして、そこにある利点は、私が家庭教師と一緒にいることにコミットしているということです。

So again, that kind of propels me forward. |||||drives|| |||||treibt an|| |||||나를 추진한다|| |||||spinge|| |||||推动|| ||eso|||impulsa|| Então, novamente, isso meio que me impulsiona para a frente. I got to do it. I'm there. Uh, I don't... I don't prepare. ええと、私はしません...私は準備しません。 In fact, I shouldn't say I don't prepare at all for my, for my, uh, interactions with my tutors. |||||||||||||||Interaktionen||| |||||||||||||||상호작용||| |||||||||||||||interacciones||| 実際、私は、私の家庭教師とのやりとりのために、まったく準備をしていないと言うべきではありません。 They're both excellent tutors. They keep me going. 彼らは私を続けます。 They ask me question. They ask me about the serial I'm watching in the case of the Egyptian Arabic. |||||TV show|||||||||

And I know Sahra is a great, uh, tutor in terms of keeping me going. And once she's going to recommend a series on, uh, on YouTube. E uma vez ela vai recomendar uma série no YouTube. And we will be talking about that. So I just have to show up, but I have to show up. だから私はただ現れなければなりません、しかし私は現れなければなりません。 Então eu só tenho que aparecer, mas eu tenho que aparecer. So I'm committed twice a week. だから私は週に2回コミットしています。 Now that's my plan to show up in each of those languages. これが、これらの各言語で表示される私の計画です。 Agora esse é o meu plano para aparecer em cada um desses idiomas.

If I were doing, I could do one week of one language and one week of the other and then similarly I would have a commitment to show up, but I've decided to try to squeeze them into the same week. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||挤进||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||compress||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||압축하다||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||squeeze||||| |||||||||||||||||||entonces||yo|||||||||he decidido|||||comprimir||||| もし私がそうしていたら、私はある言語の1週間と他の言語の1週間を行うことができ、それから同様に私は現れることを約束するでしょうが、私はそれらを同じ週に絞ろうと決心しました。 Se eu estivesse fazendo, eu poderia fazer uma semana de um idioma e uma semana do outro e, da mesma forma, eu teria o compromisso de aparecer, mas decidi tentar espremê-los na mesma semana. I don't know how it will all go. And I think that my final bit of advice is experiment with it. E acho que meu último conselho é experimentar. I think some people will find it more enjoyable to do two languages at the same time than other people. 2つの言語を同時に行う方が他の人よりも楽しいと感じる人もいると思います。

Some people may not enjoy doing that. 一部の人々はそれを楽しむことができないかもしれません。 Some people may prefer to stay with one language. 一部の人々は1つの言語にとどまるのを好むかもしれません。 There is no right way or wrong way or obligation do the things that you find enjoyable, stay with the language, stay with the process and you will improve. And so that's what I have to say on learning two languages at the same time. そして、それは私が同時に2つの言語を学ぶことについて言わなければならないことです。

Thank you for listening.