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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Learn English Like a Native with @English Like A Native (2)

Learn English Like a Native with @English Like A Native (2)

And I think that it's true to a large extent with any language.

Uh, when I was learning Portuguese or Spanish, uh, I would listen to

Portuguese from Europe, Portuguese from Brazil, because my goal is

comprehension but then if I'm...

I find that when we are learning another language, we're very easily influenced.

Like our own, our accent in our own language is not gonna change.

I can live in the UK for 20 years, I'll still speak the way I speak now.

But if I'm in France, if I'm in Southern France, if I'm in Quebec, if

I'm in Brazil, I find that the, these languages that I have learned I'm

easily influenced by the people around me so that okay, my accent will kind

of, you know, adapt to the environment, but, but the key is, is pronunciation.

I agree.

Excuse me, is comprehension.

Uh, we've gotta be able to understand.

So I think people should listen to all kinds of different accents.

Getting back to this phrasal verbs that always comes up.

So do you have a special technique for people or you just say, you know, just

expose yourself to a lot of the language and you'll eventually get used to them?



So I have, I actually have a, a challenge that I run, um, a couple of times a year.

And it's a 30 day challenge where I'll teach 300 phrasal verbs in 30

days, and the method is quite simple.

It's a 30 days of immersing yourself.

So you have to give at least 20 to 30 minutes.

Most of my students who do it, do about an hour a day, and it doesn't

matter if you miss a day, you, it is...

all the material's there.

You can catch up but it's, it, it, the method that I use is to just use the

vocabulary at least four or five times.

So every phrasal verb you'll be introduced to in different

ways, you'll have to write it.

There'll be quizzes with it.

There'll be, um, a number of monologues that you have to listen to, sketches.

Um, I'll...

when I do my live lessons, I'll use those.

I'll use them in emails to my students across the 30 days.

And so they'll see each phrasal verb at least four or five times and what I find,

what I find with the students who do that challenge is they suddenly become...

like they take the blinkers off and they see that language then in the wider world.

And they would come back to me and say, I didn't realize but I was just

having, I was at this lecture and they used this phrasal verb and that

phrasal verb and I was reading this book a second time and I realized, this

is the phrasal verb that means this.

And now I get it.

It means something different.

And so it's just, it's just that repetition, but in a very natural way,

not saying we are going to sit and learn this list, but here's an interesting

story I'm going to tell you, here's some tasks going to do, and by the end

of it, you won't have realized, but you would've learned this many phrasal verbs.

You know, it's very interesting.

And, uh, maybe we'll close on this, like phrasal verbs is just part of

usage uh, in English, part of the usage of the language, normal usage,

we use a lot of phrasal verbs.

Grammar is a form of usage.

I find that, you know, maybe with your students, when they are, they

do this phrasal verb challenge.

In many cases, if they've had a lot of exposure to the language, have done

a lot of listening and reading, they already have heard these phrasal verbs.

And so on the, you know, based on having that experience, you know,

having heard these phrasal verbs, but not really paid enough attention to

them, if they then go and do these deliberate exercises, they're gonna

have a better chance at retaining them.

If you try to introduce frail verbs from scratch to people who have not

had any exposure to the language, I think it's very tough to remember them.

And I think that's, that's kind of the way languages work.

You need that combination of exposure, some deliberate learning,

back to more exposure and gradually things start to stick in your brain.


Hopefully, hopefully . Anyway, sounds very interesting.

I, I I'm sure we could go on for quite a while here.

I, I think my listeners, uh, those who are learning English

should go off to learn like...

English Like a Native

English Like a Native.

English Like a Native with Anna and work on phrasal verbs

or all of the other things.

I looked at your channel, you have a lot of things on vocabulary, on different

aspects of, of, of English pronunciation.

I think it can be very helpful to them.

Thank you.

Thank you very much for talking with me and hopefully this

is helpful to my viewers.

Thank you for having me.

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Learn English Like a Native with @English Like A Native (2) ||Som||||||| Englisch lernen wie ein Muttersprachler mit @English Like A Native (2) Aprenda inglés como un nativo con @English Like A Native (2) Apprendre l'anglais comme un natif avec @English Like A Native (2) @English Like A Native でネイティブのように英語を学ぶ (2) Ucz się angielskiego jak native z @English Like A Native (2) Aprender inglês como um nativo com @English Like A Native (2) Изучайте английский как родной с помощью @English Like A Native (2) English Like A Native ile Anadili Gibi İngilizce Öğrenin (2) Вивчайте англійську як рідну з @English Like A Native (2) 通过@English Like A Native 像当地人一样学习英语 (2) 通過@English Like A Native 學英語 (2)

And I think that it's true to a large extent with any language. そして、それはどの言語にも大部分当てはまると思います。 E eu acho que é verdade em grande parte com qualquer idioma.

Uh, when I was learning Portuguese or Spanish, uh, I would listen to Uh, cuando estaba aprendiendo portugués o español, uh, escuchaba ええと、ポルトガル語やスペイン語を学んでいたとき、ええと、私は聞いていました Uh, quando eu estava aprendendo português ou espanhol, uh, eu ouvia

Portuguese from Europe, Portuguese from Brazil, because my goal is ヨーロッパのポルトガル語、ブラジルのポルトガル語、私の目標は

comprehension but then if I'm... 理解できますが、もし私が... compreensão, mas então se eu sou ...

I find that when we are learning another language, we're very easily influenced. 私たちが別の言語を学んでいるとき、私たちは非常に簡単に影響を受けることがわかりました. Acho que quando estamos aprendendo outra língua, somos facilmente influenciados.

Like our own, our accent in our own language is not gonna change. Como el nuestro, nuestro acento en nuestra propia lengua no va a cambiar. 私たち自身と同じように、私たち自身の言語のアクセントは変わりません。 Como o nosso, nosso sotaque em nossa própria língua não vai mudar.

I can live in the UK for 20 years, I'll still speak the way I speak now. 私は英国に 20 年間住むことができますが、今と同じように話します。 Posso viver no Reino Unido por 20 anos, ainda vou falar do jeito que falo agora.

But if I'm in France, if I'm in Southern France, if I'm in Quebec, if でももし私がフランスにいるなら 南フランスにいるなら ケベックにいるなら Mas se estou na França, se estou no sul da França, se estou em Quebec, se

I'm in Brazil, I find that the, these languages that I have learned I'm 私はブラジルにいます 私が学んだこれらの言語は Estou no Brasil, acho que essas línguas que aprendi estou

easily influenced by the people around me so that okay, my accent will kind fácilmente influenciable por la gente que me rodea así que vale, mi acento como que 周りの人に影響されやすいから大丈夫、私のアクセントは優しくなる facilmente influenciado pelas pessoas ao meu redor, então tudo bem, meu sotaque

of, you know, adapt to the environment, but, but the key is, is pronunciation. de, ya sabes, adaptarse al medio ambiente, pero, pero la clave es, es la pronunciación. 環境に適応することですが、重要なのは発音です。 de, você sabe, se adaptar ao ambiente, mas, mas a chave é, é a pronúncia.

I agree. 同意します。 Concordo.

Excuse me, is comprehension. すみません、了解です。 Com licença, é compreensão.

Uh, we've gotta be able to understand. Uh, tenemos que ser capaces de entender. ええと、私たちは理解できなければなりません。 Uh, nós temos que ser capazes de entender.

So I think people should listen to all kinds of different accents. ですから、人々はあらゆる種類の異なるアクセントを聞くべきだと思います。 Então eu acho que as pessoas deveriam ouvir todos os tipos de sotaques diferentes.

Getting back to this phrasal verbs that always comes up. ||||||que||surge| Volviendo a los phrasal verbs que siempre surgen. Revenons à ces verbes à particule qui reviennent toujours. いつも出てくるこの句動詞に話を戻します。 Voltando aos phrasal verbs que sempre aparecem.

So do you have a special technique for people or you just say, you know, just では、あなたは人々のための特別なテクニックを持っているのですか、それともただ言うだけですか Então você tem uma técnica especial para as pessoas ou você apenas diz, você sabe, apenas

expose yourself to a lot of the language and you'll eventually get used to them? 多くの言語に触れて、最終的には慣れるでしょうか? expor-se a muito do idioma e eventualmente se acostumará com eles?

Yeah. うん。 Sim.


So I have, I actually have a, a challenge that I run, um, a couple of times a year. それで、私は実際に、年に数回実行する課題を持っています。 Então eu tenho, na verdade, um desafio que eu corro, hum, algumas vezes por ano.

And it's a 30 day challenge where I'll teach 300 phrasal verbs in 30 30日間で300個の句動詞を教える30日間のチャレンジです E é um desafio de 30 dias onde vou ensinar 300 phrasal verbs em 30

days, and the method is quite simple. 日、そして方法は非常に簡単です。

It's a 30 days of immersing yourself. ||||Eintauchen| ||||zanurzenia się| Son 30 días de inmersión. どっぷり浸かる30日間です。 São 30 dias de imersão.

So you have to give at least 20 to 30 minutes. そのため、少なくとも 20 ~ 30 分は必要です。 Então você tem que dar pelo menos 20 a 30 minutos.

Most of my students who do it, do about an hour a day, and it doesn't La mayoría de mis alumnos que lo hacen, lo hacen alrededor de una hora al día, y no それをしている私の学生のほとんどは、1日約1時間行っていますが、そうではありません A maioria dos meus alunos que fazem isso, fazem cerca de uma hora por dia, e não

matter if you miss a day, you, it is... 一日を逃しても、あなたは... importa se você perder um dia, você, é...

all the material's there. ||materiały| すべての材料があります。 todo o material está lá.

You can catch up but it's, it, it, the method that I use is to just use the Usted puede ponerse al día, pero es, es, es, el método que yo uso es sólo para utilizar el 追いつくことはできますが、それは、それ、それ、私が使用する方法は、 Você pode recuperar o atraso, mas é, isso, isso, o método que eu uso é apenas usar o

vocabulary at least four or five times. 語彙は少なくとも4〜5回。 vocabulário pelo menos quatro ou cinco vezes.

So every phrasal verb you'll be introduced to in different ですから、あなたが紹介するすべての句動詞は、異なる形で紹介されます。 Assim, cada phrasal verb que você conhecerá em diferentes

ways, you'll have to write it. 方法、あなたはそれを書く必要があります。 maneiras, você terá que escrevê-lo.

There'll be quizzes with it. ||będą quizy|| それにクイズが出ます。 Haverá testes com ele.

There'll be, um, a number of monologues that you have to listen to, sketches. |||||||||||||Sketche |||||||||||||bocetos ||||||monologi|||||||szkice ええと、あなたが聞かなければならない独白、スケッチがたくさんあります。 Haverá, hum, uma série de monólogos que você tem que ouvir, esboços.

Um, I'll... Hum, eu vou...

when I do my live lessons, I'll use those. ライブレッスンを行うときは、それらを使用します。 quando eu fizer minhas aulas ao vivo, eu as usarei.

I'll use them in emails to my students across the 30 days. 30 日間にわたって生徒にメールで使用します。

And so they'll see each phrasal verb at least four or five times and what I find, Y así verán cada verbo frasal al menos cuatro o cinco veces y lo que encuentro, そして、彼らはそれぞれの句動詞を少なくとも4、5回見て、私が見つけたものを E assim eles verão cada phrasal verb pelo menos quatro ou cinco vezes e o que eu encontrar,

what I find with the students who do that challenge is they suddenly become... その挑戦をしている生徒たちに私が見つけたのは、彼らが突然… o que eu encontro com os alunos que fazem esse desafio é que eles de repente se tornam...

like they take the blinkers off and they see that language then in the wider world. ||||tampões de ouvido||||||||||| ||||anteojeras||||||||||más amplio| ||||klapki na oczy||||||||||| comme s'ils enlevaient les œillères et qu'ils voyaient alors cette langue dans le reste du monde. 彼らが目隠しを外して、より広い世界でその言語を見るように。 como se eles tirassem os antolhos e vissem essa linguagem no mundo todo.

And they would come back to me and say, I didn't realize but I was just Y volvían a mí y me decían, no me di cuenta pero sólo estaba そして、彼らは私に戻ってきて、私は気づいていませんでしたが、私はただ E eles voltavam para mim e diziam, eu não percebi, mas eu estava apenas

having, I was at this lecture and they used this phrasal verb and that tener, yo estaba en esta conferencia y se utiliza este verbo frasal y que 持って、私はこの講義にいて、彼らはこの句動詞とそれを使用しました tendo, eu estava nesta palestra e eles usaram esse phrasal verb e aquele

phrasal verb and I was reading this book a second time and I realized, this phrasal verb y estaba leyendo este libro por segunda vez y me di cuenta, este 句動詞と私はこの本を二度目に読んでいて、気づいた、これは

is the phrasal verb that means this. これを意味する句動詞です。 é o phrasal verb que significa isso.

And now I get it. そして今、私はそれを理解します。 E agora eu entendo.

It means something different. Significa algo diferente.

And so it's just, it's just that repetition, but in a very natural way, E então é apenas, é apenas essa repetição, mas de uma maneira muito natural,

not saying we are going to sit and learn this list, but here's an interesting não estou dizendo que vamos sentar e aprender esta lista, mas aqui está uma

story I'm going to tell you, here's some tasks going to do, and by the end história que vou te contar, aqui estão algumas tarefas que vou fazer, e no final

of it, you won't have realized, but you would've learned this many phrasal verbs. |||vil ikke|||||||||| de ello, no te habrás dado cuenta, pero habrías aprendido esta cantidad de phrasal verbs. disso, você não teria percebido, mas teria aprendido tantos phrasal verbs.

You know, it's very interesting. Sabe, é muito interessante.

And, uh, maybe we'll close on this, like phrasal verbs is just part of E, uh, talvez nós vamos fechar com isso, como phrasal verbs é apenas parte de

usage uh, in English, part of the usage of the language, normal usage, uso uh, em inglês, parte do uso do idioma, uso normal,

we use a lot of phrasal verbs. usamos muitos phrasal verbs.

Grammar is a form of usage. A gramática é uma forma de uso.

I find that, you know, maybe with your students, when they are, they Eu acho que, você sabe, talvez com seus alunos, quando eles estão, eles

do this phrasal verb challenge. faça este desafio de phrasal verb.

In many cases, if they've had a lot of exposure to the language, have done En muchos casos, si han estado muy expuestos al idioma, han hecho Em muitos casos, se eles tiveram muita exposição ao idioma, fizeram

a lot of listening and reading, they already have heard these phrasal verbs. muita escuta e leitura, eles já ouviram esses phrasal verbs.

And so on the, you know, based on having that experience, you know, E assim por diante, você sabe, baseado em ter essa experiência, você sabe,

having heard these phrasal verbs, but not really paid enough attention to haber oído estos phrasal verbs, pero no haber prestado suficiente atención a tendo ouvido esses phrasal verbs, mas não prestei atenção suficiente

them, if they then go and do these deliberate exercises, they're gonna ellos, si luego van y hacen estos ejercicios deliberados, van a eles, se eles fizerem esses exercícios deliberados, eles vão

have a better chance at retaining them. |||||zatrzymania ich| tienen más posibilidades de retenerlos. têm mais chances de mantê-los.

If you try to introduce frail verbs from scratch to people who have not |||||weak|||||||| |||||verbos débiles|||||||| |||||słabe czasowniki|||||||| Si intenta introducir verbos frágiles desde cero a personas que no han Se você tentar introduzir verbos frágeis do zero para pessoas que não

had any exposure to the language, I think it's very tough to remember them. ||||||||||trudne||| teve algum contato com o idioma, acho muito difícil lembrar deles.

And I think that's, that's kind of the way languages work. E eu acho que é assim que as linguagens funcionam.

You need that combination of exposure, some deliberate learning, |||||||bewusste| |||||||celowe| Você precisa dessa combinação de exposição, algum aprendizado deliberado,

back to more exposure and gradually things start to stick in your brain. |||Einwirkung||||||||| de volta a mais exposição e gradualmente as coisas começam a ficar em seu cérebro.

Absolutely. Oczywiście. Absolutamente.

Hopefully, hopefully . Anyway, sounds very interesting. |Mam nadzieję|||| Ojalá, ojalá||De todas formas|||

I, I I'm sure we could go on for quite a while here. Ich, ich, ich bin mir sicher, wir könnten hier noch eine ganze Weile weitermachen. Eu, eu tenho certeza que poderíamos continuar por um bom tempo aqui.

I, I think my listeners, uh, those who are learning English Ich, ich denke, meine Zuhörer, äh, diejenigen, die Englisch lernen Eu, eu acho que meus ouvintes, uh, aqueles que estão aprendendo inglês

should go off to learn like... powinien/powinna||||| devrait aller apprendre comme... deve sair para aprender como ...

English Like a Native Inglês como um nativo

English Like a Native.

English Like a Native with Anna and work on phrasal verbs

or all of the other things. ou todas as outras coisas.

I looked at your channel, you have a lot of things on vocabulary, on different Olhei seu canal, você tem muitas coisas sobre vocabulário, em diferentes

aspects of, of, of English pronunciation.

I think it can be very helpful to them. Creo que puede serles muy útil.

Thank you.

Thank you very much for talking with me and hopefully this Muito obrigado por falar comigo e espero que isso

is helpful to my viewers. é útil para meus espectadores.

Thank you for having me. Obrigado por me receber.