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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Learn English Like a Native with @English Like A Native (1)

Learn English Like a Native with @English Like A Native (1)

Hi, Steve Kaufmann here and today I have a special guest Anna

Tyrie of English Like a Native.

And we're gonna talk about learning English, not other exotic

languages that I often talk about.

First of all, remember if you enjoy my videos, uh, please subscribe,

click on the bell for notifications.

And if you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a comment.

Hi Anna.

Hello, Steve.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

So, uh, I often talk about learning other languages, you know, right now

it's Persian and Arabic or people are learning Japanese or French but you

teach English, which is the ... probably the language, by far in fact, the

language that most people are learning.

So I'm a native speaker of English, but I'm curious, first of all, I have a number

of questions, question number one...

oh, by the way, we leave a link to english Like a Native in our description

box so people can go there and find you.

And I know a lot of people listen to my videos in order to improve their English.

And so maybe they should, uh, they would benefit in fact, by

going to your YouTube channel.

Now, first question where, where do most of, what are the main sort of countries

of, uh, you know, the nationalities of people who are learning English with you?

Uh, so with me, I mean, as you can imagine, I've got people from all over

the world, but I'd say the majority of my learners, funnily enough, is

UK, US, uh, Italy, India and, and then it really kind of dissipates.


So you've got Brazil, but that's because, um, a lot of the people who

watch my content are actually living and working in English speaking countries

and so they really have that need and motivation to improve their English.

And so that's why I have this kind of demographic in English speaking countries.


But, um, outside of the UK and us, it is, uh, Brazil, India,

uh, and Europe across Europe.


Um, Yeah.

Now, so then that's why I asked sort of the nationality or the, the

ethnicity of, of these learners.

So what would be the main sort of ethnic groups within the UK or the US?


what are the native languages?


It's Italian, British, um, Italian Brazilian, um, Indian um, Polish,

Russian, it's it's a real mix.

A real mix.

It is a real mix.



You're talking about small percentages.


Across the globe.

And, and what, what are the major difficulties that people

experience in learning English?

Uh, So, um, across the board, many of them have confidence issues and that

really starts to present itself when it comes to speaking the language.

So many of them get to themselves to an upper intermediate, even at

lower advanced level that still feel unable to communicate vocally

and they kind of hit a wall.

They can't recall the vocabulary.

They they're thinking too much about the grammar and the structure of the sentences

and they just feel really inhibited, um, not wanting to make mistakes, uh, and

worried about pronunciation and things.

So I think one of the things we try and do on English Like a Native is

just to kind of break down that fear.

Um, and also just to encourage them to speak as much as possible, you know?

Um, you know, it's really important to just get going right.

To make mistakes.

I mean, that's not unique to people learning English.

That's common to people learning any language.

Would you say that to some extent, their fear of making mistakes almost

makes them make more mistakes?

I, well, I think it's true in anything you're learning.

If you, if you get scared, if your brain is scared and you get

those stress hormones, your brain doesn't function in the same way

as it would when you're relaxed.

And so yeah I would say you do make more mistakes.

Oh yeah.

And you become it's like, I, I always say to my students to imagine

there's a bus going down the hill and the bus has no brakes and it's

getting faster and faster and faster.

And you can either choose to sit at the back of the bus and cower and let the

nerves just take over and ruin everything or you can jump into the driver's seat

and at least steer those nerves, just and, you know, take control of that energy

and, and change the energy into a positive energy is what I always try and push.

Well, I mean, it is true if we're, if we're at a party somewhere and somebody

walks in and you know, who is that person?

And you try to force yourself to remember the name.

You won't remember the name, the more pressure you put on yourself

to try to remember something the less likely you are to remember it.

So, uh, yeah.

So is, is the concern though, is it more that they feel they,

they have problems with grammar?

Is it that they don't have enough vocabulary or is it

concerns about pronunciation?

So with English pronunciation is tricky because our spellings

do not inform the pronunciation.


Our spellings are crazy.

And I think American English is easier.

Your system for writing, um, is, is, is much, it makes more sense, right?

For the pronunciation, but the British English spellings do

not make as much sense at all.

Well, I hadn't even focused on that.

How are they different?

So for example, um, example is, uh, flavor or color.


oh yeah.

so colour American English is C O L O R, but in British

English, we have a U in there.

So it's C O L O U R.

But we have that in Canada, too.

We have that in Canada, too.


But the...

never really thought of it as a problem, but the bigger issues are like, uh,

although and bough and through and cough and rough are all written with O U G

H and they're pronounced differently.

And that's true on both sides of the Atlantic.

So yeah, English spelling is a problem.

And you think then the pronunciation, the difficulties people have in

English with English, pronunciation comes from the spelling, or

that's just one of the factors.

It's, it's one of the factors.

Um and that there aren't...

the rules aren't very consistent either with pronunciation so that's

tricky, but also one of the biggest issues for learning English is the

idiomatic language and the phrasal verbs because there's no blanket rule.

Again, you have to learn on a case by case basis.

And we use so many phrase of herbs and so many idioms in just day to day speaking

that you can know the vocabulary, but not know the phrases and so that's tricky and

that just like just requires exposure.

You just have to keep exposing yourself to that kind of

language, um, to native speakers.

And, and this is so the name of my, my channel English Like a Native is it's

a little bit of, um, people see it as a negative thing sometimes in the industry

to, to do something like a native, you'll never be a native of that language.

So why should you try to be like a native.


That was, that was never the point of my brand name.

The brand name is more about acquiring and learning like a native does, so

not stressing about grammar rules and spending more time just listening and

enjoying language in a, in the same way you would your target language.

So watching films in, in your target language and, um, hanging out with

friends and speaking in your target language, in a relaxed environment,

and just trying to enjoy it rather than sit and study and study the rules.

To be honest, most natives do not know their own language in

the way that a non-native would.

We don't know the grammar rules.

We, we never study them.

We just acquire them.

We just understand that something sounds right or something sounds wrong.

And sometimes we make mistakes.

As a set...

as a standard thing across the UK, you know, in the north, in the north,

there'll be, um, grammar, mistakes that are just an accepted way of speaking.

It's just what we say.

Well, we have that everywhere now.

I mean, in North America, you hear people say I would've went, I would've went.



You know, that's, it's becoming more and more common.

It's just, it sounds so bad to me, but a lot of people say that.

So um, yeah, I agree with you.

You know, I think the native is the model, you can't get away from that.

The native is the model.

Uh, even though we're not gonna sound like a native, but that's in fact we wanna

get as close as possible to the native.

It's a bit of a problem in English because even within a country like

the UK, there's so many regional accents, so which native are you going?

You know, which, which form of the language, which type of pronunciation is,

is the most popular with your learners?

Who do they wanna sound like?

Well, I, I, on my channel, I cover a number of regional

accents, regional British accents.

And, um, I do also cover a lot of differences between American

English and British English because people are interested.

American English is more globally studied.


oh really?



And in, and it's the same in America.

Of course, there's lots of variations of American accents

that are wildly different.

Um, but what I always, I teach RP, which in fact, there aren't, there are not many

people in the UK who actually use RP...

Now, just to explain to my audience, what is RP?


RP is received pronunciation and it's the standard, people don't like this word,

natives don't like this word, but it's the standard accent of, of British, because

it's, what's written in the dictionaries.

It's the, the...

it's non regional.

It doesn't belong to a region.

It was introduced many, many years ago as a way of speaking, if you were

educated and this is why it has a bad, a bad reputation in the UK, because if

you speak like this with a, an RP, then people assume that you are very wealthy

and, and snobby, posh, well educated.

And that you look down on the lower classes.

Which is crazy now, because that's not, is, it is what it is.

I don't wanna open that can of worms.



What's important.

I think if you are learning, if you want to learn British English

or any variation of English, I don't think it really matters.

It has to be something you want to learn, like what you feel passionate about,

because I can understand anyone speaking English, what, whatever variation it

is, there might be few little regional differences, dialect that's different.

But generally it doesn't matter which version you go for, but if

you are going to move to an English speaking country, I'd always

say, perhaps it's interesting...

it would be good for you to learn or become familiar with that particular

regional accent or at least the dialect, because for example,

scousers in Liverpool, in the north of England have a very different

way of talking than, than I do.

And if you learn from me and never exposed yourself to a scouse accent, or any of

their dialect, you'd arrive there and not have a clue what anyone was saying.


So I think, um, it depends on your situation and also what

you are passionate about.


I mean, I agree.

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Learn English Like a Native with @English Like A Native (1) |||||||||Native: Native Speaker Englisch lernen wie ein Muttersprachler mit @English Like A Native (1) Aprende inglés como un nativo con @English Like A Native (1) Apprendre l'anglais comme un natif avec @English Like A Native (1) @English Like A Native でネイティブのように英語を学ぶ (1) Leer Engels als een native met @English Like A Native (1) Ucz się angielskiego jak native z @English Like A Native (1) Aprender inglês como um nativo com @English Like A Native (1) Изучайте английский как родной с помощью @English Like A Native (1) English Like A Native ile Anadili Gibi İngilizce Öğrenin (1) 通过 @English Like A Native 像母语一样学习英语 (1) 通過@English Like A Native 像母語一樣學習英語 (1)

Hi, Steve Kaufmann here and today I have a special guest Anna こんにちは、Steve Kaufmann です。今日は特別ゲストの Anna です。

Tyrie of English Like a Native. Tyrie z English Like a Native||||| ネイティブのような英語のタイリー。

And we're gonna talk about learning English, not other exotic そして、私たちは英語を学ぶことについて話しますが、他のエキゾチックなものではありません

languages that I often talk about. 私がよく話す言語。

First of all, remember if you enjoy my videos, uh, please subscribe, まず、私の動画が気に入ったら、チャンネル登録をお願いします。

click on the bell for notifications. ベルをクリックすると通知が表示されます。

And if you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a comment.

Hi Anna.

Hello, Steve.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

So, uh, I often talk about learning other languages, you know, right now だから、ええと、私はよく他の言語を学ぶことについて話します。

it's Persian and Arabic or people are learning Japanese or French but you それはペルシャ語とアラビア語であるか、人々が日本語やフランス語を学んでいますが、あなたは

teach English, which is the ... probably the language, by far in fact, the 英語を教えてください、それは...おそらくその言語ですが、実際のところ、 преподавать английский язык, который является ... вероятно, языком, на самом деле,

language that most people are learning. ほとんどの人が学んでいる言語。

So I'm a native speaker of English, but I'm curious, first of all, I have a number なので私は英語のネイティブスピーカーですが、気になるのはまず、番号を持っていることです。

of questions, question number one...

oh, by the way, we leave a link to english Like a Native in our description ああ、ところで、説明に英語のようにネイティブへのリンクを残します

box so people can go there and find you. 人々がそこに行ってあなたを見つけられるようにします。

And I know a lot of people listen to my videos in order to improve their English. そして、多くの人が英語を上達させるために私のビデオを聴いていることを知っています.

And so maybe they should, uh, they would benefit in fact, by そして、おそらく彼らは、ええと、彼らは実際に利益を得るでしょう。

going to your YouTube channel.

Now, first question where, where do most of, what are the main sort of countries さて、最初の質問は、どこで、どこで、主な種類の国は何ですか

of, uh, you know, the nationalities of people who are learning English with you? |||||narodowości uczniów|||||||| あなたと一緒に英語を学んでいる人の国籍は?

Uh, so with me, I mean, as you can imagine, I've got people from all over ええと、つまり、ご想像のとおり、私には世界中の人々がいます

the world, but I'd say the majority of my learners, funnily enough, is ||||||||||strangely enough|| ||||||||||co zabawne|| |||||||||estudiantes|curiosamente|suficientemente curioso| しかし、おかしなことに、私の学習者の大半は

UK, US, uh, Italy, India and, and then it really kind of dissipates. ||||||||||||dissipates ||||||||||||fades away ||||||||||||se disipa ||||||||||||rozprasza się 英国、米国、ええと、イタリア、インド、そしてその後、それは本当に散逸します。


So you've got Brazil, but that's because, um, a lot of the people who

watch my content are actually living and working in English speaking countries

and so they really have that need and motivation to improve their English.

And so that's why I have this kind of demographic in English speaking countries. |||||||||grupa demograficzna||||


But, um, outside of the UK and us, it is, uh, Brazil, India,

uh, and Europe across Europe. ||Europa w całej Europie||


Um, Yeah.

Now, so then that's why I asked sort of the nationality or the, the

ethnicity of, of these learners. pochodzenie etniczne||||

So what would be the main sort of ethnic groups within the UK or the US?


what are the native languages? jakie||||


It's Italian, British, um, Italian Brazilian, um, Indian um, Polish,

Russian, it's it's a real mix.

A real mix.

It is a real mix.



You're talking about small percentages. ||||procenty


Across the globe. ||na całym świecie

And, and what, what are the major difficulties that people

experience in learning English?

Uh, So, um, across the board, many of them have confidence issues and that |||||en general|||||||| |||na całej linii||||||||||

really starts to present itself when it comes to speaking the language.

So many of them get to themselves to an upper intermediate, even at

lower advanced level that still feel unable to communicate vocally |||||||||orally |||||||||verbalmente |||||||||werbalnie komunikować się

and they kind of hit a wall.

They can't recall the vocabulary. ||przypomnieć sobie||

They they're thinking too much about the grammar and the structure of the sentences

and they just feel really inhibited, um, not wanting to make mistakes, uh, and |||||skrępowani||||||||

worried about pronunciation and things.

So I think one of the things we try and do on English Like a Native is

just to kind of break down that fear.

Um, and also just to encourage them to speak as much as possible, you know?

Um, you know, it's really important to just get going right.

To make mistakes.

I mean, that's not unique to people learning English.

That's common to people learning any language.

Would you say that to some extent, their fear of making mistakes almost

makes them make more mistakes?

I, well, I think it's true in anything you're learning.

If you, if you get scared, if your brain is scared and you get

those stress hormones, your brain doesn't function in the same way

as it would when you're relaxed.

And so yeah I would say you do make more mistakes.

Oh yeah.

And you become it's like, I, I always say to my students to imagine

there's a bus going down the hill and the bus has no brakes and it's ||||||||||||frenos|| ||||||||||||hamulce nie działają||

getting faster and faster and faster. volviéndose|||||

And you can either choose to sit at the back of the bus and cower and let the ||||||||||||||cower = to crouch down in fear||| ||||||||||||||acobardarse||| ||||||||||||||skulić się|||

nerves just take over and ruin everything or you can jump into the driver's seat

and at least steer those nerves, just and, you know, take control of that energy |||controlar||||||||||| |||kierować|||||||||||

and, and change the energy into a positive energy is what I always try and push.

Well, I mean, it is true if we're, if we're at a party somewhere and somebody

walks in and you know, who is that person?

And you try to force yourself to remember the name.

You won't remember the name, the more pressure you put on yourself

to try to remember something the less likely you are to remember it.

So, uh, yeah.

So is, is the concern though, is it more that they feel they, ||||obawa, że czują|||||||| そうです、懸念はありますが、彼らが感じていることの方が多いのでしょうか。

they have problems with grammar?

Is it that they don't have enough vocabulary or is it 語彙力が足りないのか、それとも

concerns about pronunciation? obawy dotyczące wymowy||

So with English pronunciation is tricky because our spellings |||||complicada||| |||||zawiły|||

do not inform the pronunciation.


Our spellings are crazy. |pisownia||

And I think American English is easier.

Your system for writing, um, is, is, is much, it makes more sense, right?

For the pronunciation, but the British English spellings do

not make as much sense at all.

Well, I hadn't even focused on that.

How are they different?

So for example, um, example is, uh, flavor or color. |||||||sabor o color|| |||||||smak lub kolor||


oh yeah.

so colour American English is C O L O R, but in British

English, we have a U in there.

So it's C O L O U R.

But we have that in Canada, too.

We have that in Canada, too.


But the...

never really thought of it as a problem, but the bigger issues are like, uh, ||pensé||||||||||||

although and bough and through and cough and rough are all written with O U G ||gałąź drzewa||przez||kaszel||szorstki||||||| aunque||rama de árbol||a través de||toser|y|áspero|||escritas con O U G||||

H and they're pronounced differently.

And that's true on both sides of the Atlantic.

So yeah, English spelling is a problem.

And you think then the pronunciation, the difficulties people have in

English with English, pronunciation comes from the spelling, or

that's just one of the factors.

It's, it's one of the factors.

Um and that there aren't...

the rules aren't very consistent either with pronunciation so that's ||||spójne|||||

tricky, but also one of the biggest issues for learning English is the podchwytliwy||||||||||||

idiomatic language and the phrasal verbs because there's no blanket rule. idiomatyczny język||||frazy czasownikowe|||||ogólna zasada|

Again, you have to learn on a case by case basis.

And we use so many phrase of herbs and so many idioms in just day to day speaking |||||||hierbas y especias|||||||||| |||||||zioła||||||||||

that you can know the vocabulary, but not know the phrases and so that's tricky and

that just like just requires exposure.

You just have to keep exposing yourself to that kind of

language, um, to native speakers.

And, and this is so the name of my, my channel English Like a Native is it's

a little bit of, um, people see it as a negative thing sometimes in the industry

to, to do something like a native, you'll never be a native of that language.

So why should you try to be like a native.


That was, that was never the point of my brand name. |||||||||marca|

The brand name is more about acquiring and learning like a native does, so

not stressing about grammar rules and spending more time just listening and |przejmować się||||||||||

enjoying language in a, in the same way you would your target language.

So watching films in, in your target language and, um, hanging out with

friends and speaking in your target language, in a relaxed environment,

and just trying to enjoy it rather than sit and study and study the rules.

To be honest, most natives do not know their own language in ||||tubylcy|||||||

the way that a non-native would.

We don't know the grammar rules.

We, we never study them.

We just acquire them.

We just understand that something sounds right or something sounds wrong.

And sometimes we make mistakes.

As a set...

as a standard thing across the UK, you know, in the north, in the north,

there'll be, um, grammar, mistakes that are just an accepted way of speaking.

It's just what we say.

Well, we have that everywhere now. ||||en todas partes|

I mean, in North America, you hear people say I would've went, I would've went.



You know, that's, it's becoming more and more common.

It's just, it sounds so bad to me, but a lot of people say that.

So um, yeah, I agree with you.

You know, I think the native is the model, you can't get away from that.

The native is the model.

Uh, even though we're not gonna sound like a native, but that's in fact we wanna

get as close as possible to the native.

It's a bit of a problem in English because even within a country like

the UK, there's so many regional accents, so which native are you going?

You know, which, which form of the language, which type of pronunciation is,

is the most popular with your learners?

Who do they wanna sound like?

Well, I, I, on my channel, I cover a number of regional

accents, regional British accents.

And, um, I do also cover a lot of differences between American

English and British English because people are interested.

American English is more globally studied.


oh really?



And in, and it's the same in America.

Of course, there's lots of variations of American accents |||||warianty|||

that are wildly different. ||extremely| ||muy diferentes| które||| что дико разные.

Um, but what I always, I teach RP, which in fact, there aren't, there are not many |||||||Received Pronunciation|||||||||

people in the UK who actually use RP...

Now, just to explain to my audience, what is RP?


RP is received pronunciation and it's the standard, people don't like this word,

natives don't like this word, but it's the standard accent of, of British, because

it's, what's written in the dictionaries.

It's the, the...

it's non regional.

It doesn't belong to a region.

It was introduced many, many years ago as a way of speaking, if you were

educated and this is why it has a bad, a bad reputation in the UK, because if

you speak like this with a, an RP, then people assume that you are very wealthy |||||||||||||||muito rico |||||||||||||||rico/a ||||||||||zakładają|||||bogaty

and, and snobby, posh, well educated. ||arrogant|elegant|| ||presumido/a|Elegante|| ||zarozumiały|elegancki|| |||elegante||

And that you look down on the lower classes.

Which is crazy now, because that's not, is, it is what it is.

I don't wanna open that can of worms. |||||||gusanos |||||puszka||



What's important.

I think if you are learning, if you want to learn British English

or any variation of English, I don't think it really matters. ||wariant||||||||

It has to be something you want to learn, like what you feel passionate about, |||||||||||||pasjonujący się|

because I can understand anyone speaking English, what, whatever variation it

is, there might be few little regional differences, dialect that's different. ||||||||dialekt, gwara||

But generally it doesn't matter which version you go for, but if

you are going to move to an English speaking country, I'd always

say, perhaps it's interesting...

it would be good for you to learn or become familiar with that particular

regional accent or at least the dialect, because for example,

scousers in Liverpool, in the north of England have a very different "liverpulenses"||||||||||| Scouserzy w Liverpoolu||||||||||| les scouers de Liverpool, dans le nord de l'Angleterre, ont un tout autre

way of talking than, than I do. ||||que||

And if you learn from me and never exposed yourself to a scouse accent, or any of ||||||||||||sotaque de Liverpool|||| ||||||||narażony na||||||||

their dialect, you'd arrive there and not have a clue what anyone was saying. |||||||||ni idea||||


So I think, um, it depends on your situation and also what

you are passionate about.


I mean, I agree.