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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Learn a New Language While You Sleep: Is It Possible?

Learn a New Language While You Sleep: Is It Possible?

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here. Today I want to talk about learning languages in your sleep. Now, if you enjoy my videos, please subscribe. You can click on the bell here to get notifications. It sounds kind of silly, and honestly, in my opinion, it is silly to think about learning languages in your sleep. And I'm going to explain why.

But it comes up all the time. And I did some research on Google and nowhere in any of the articles written about learning in your sleep, did it suggest that this was an effective way of learning languages. And intrinsically to me it doesn't make sense. First of all, I can't sleep if there's noise.

So, um, you know, if there's a tick tock of a clock somewhere, That'll disturb me when I'm trying to sleep. Like I normally fall asleep right away. I might get up once, twice at night, depending on the situation, but, and fall right back to sleep again. But if there's noise, I can't sleep. So I cannot imagine being able to sleep while listening to a language that you're trying to learn.

The other thing that's wrong with the idea of learning in your sleep is that I actually find language learning enjoyable. I enjoy listening to the content. Right now, I'm doing Persian and, uh, Zahra in, in Iran has sent me material on famous poets, poets, old, you know, a thousand years ago, uh, 20th century and I'm going through this material and I'm enjoying it.

I actually enjoy the process of learning the language, of learning about the culture. And, uh, each of these stories, I'm so delighted when I get them and I can import them into LingQ and I can start picking my way through them. First, I'll go through it in, in sentence mode because it's, the material is difficult.

And then as I turn the page, I'll review some of the new vocabulary. This is the one time where I find. Kind of going through flashcards can be good because the vocabulary is brand new and it's still connected to this context that I'm, I'm reading. And then I go away and listen to it. So, um, you know, and, and, uh, I mentioned the other day I had my morning exercise routine, so I will put the new, whatever item has been sent to me,

uh, I'll have that audio playing while I'm going through my seven minute exercise routine where they're telling me to, you know, get on the floor and do sit ups and pushups and stretching or whatever it might be. The thing is it's an active pursuit. To me language learning is an, is an active thing. I find that

combining it with being physically active also helps me learn. I'm interested in the subject. There's research to show that we have a much better ability to remember things that we are emotionally connected to. So there's so much behind how we learn languages, how we, we allow the brain to, to start sorting out, uh, different patterns connected with the language.

The emotional side of the brain gets involved. We relate what we're learning to things we have experienced. So if I'm reading about, uh, an Iranian poet of the 20th century, who was left-wing, politically active, and, uh, you know, this through the period of the fifties and the sixties, and perhaps even earlier then I relate this to

different people that I have read in Chinese and French and English about different periods of the 20th century. It's all connecting to things that I know. And this is helping me to learn it. Sleep... I mean, I do dream. My dreams are very creative, you know, amazing how different things, unrelated things are thrown together and in dreams that are kind of similar.

It's usually about me arriving late at the airport or something, with different people who are not connected to each other and all this kind of stuff, but there's stuff happening in your dreams. So I have trouble imagining how, even if I could eventually fall asleep while listening to this language, it would interfere with this other stuff that I'm doing.

And, uh, to me, language is not something that you pop a pill and you learn it, or you... you know, play the language while you're sleeping. Uh, it's more about actively and enjoyably engaging with the language. So I haven't done any research of my own. I haven't tried to do it on my own. I have Googled, I haven't found any evidence that it works and everything about my experience with learning languages and how I learn languages suggests that it won't work.

At least that's my view. To me, languages are all about exploring, discovering cultures. The pleasure of, of, of acquiring new words, the pleasure of, of allowing a new language to create some space in your brain, as you're discovering so many interesting things about the language and the culture, and that's creating some emotional connections.

And so... so for all those reasons, uh, I'm not looking for any, uh, sort of, uh, instant, uh, solutions to language learning. And, uh, you might want to check out, uh, two video videos that I did that are sort of relevant. One is about my language learning technique, and the other one is about, uh, exploring as part of language learning.

Anyway, there you have it. My take on learning languages while you sleep. Thanks for listening. Bye for now.

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Learn a New Language While You Sleep: Is It Possible? ||||||Dormir||| ||||поки||сніг||| Eine neue Sprache im Schlaf lernen: Ist das möglich? Aprender un nuevo idioma mientras duermes: ¿Es posible? Apprendre une nouvelle langue en dormant : Est-ce possible ? Imparare una nuova lingua mentre si dorme: È possibile? 寝ている間に新しい言語を学ぶ:それは可能か? 잠자는 동안 새로운 언어를 배우세요: 가능할까요? Išmokite naują kalbą miegodami: ar tai įmanoma? Jaunas valodas apguve miega laikā: Vai tas ir iespējams? Een nieuwe taal leren terwijl je slaapt: Is het mogelijk? Nauka nowego języka podczas snu: Czy to możliwe? Aprender uma nova língua enquanto se dorme: É possível? Изучение нового языка во время сна: Возможно ли это? Uyurken Yeni Bir Dil Öğrenin: Bu Mümkün mü? Вивчайте нову мову, поки спите: Чи можливо це? 睡觉时学习一门新语言:可能吗? 边睡觉边学习新语言:可能吗?

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here. Today I want to talk about learning languages in your sleep. ||||||||||сні Now, if you enjoy my videos, please subscribe. You can click on the bell here to get notifications. ||натиснути|||дзвінок|||| こちらのベルをクリックして休暇をとることができます。 It sounds kind of silly, and honestly, in my opinion, it is silly to think about learning languages in your sleep. 這件事|||||||||||||||||||| ||||ばかげた||||||||ばかげた|||||||| ||||смішно||чесно кажучи||||||смішно|||||||| ||||||честно говоря|||||||||||||| ちょっとばかげているように聞こえますが、正直なところ、私の意見では、睡眠中に言語を学ぶことを考えるのはばかげています。 And I'm going to explain why.

But it comes up all the time. ||verbo ausiliare|||| しかし、それは常に出てきます。 Mas está sempre a surgir. And I did some research on Google and nowhere in any of the articles written about learning in your sleep, did it suggest that this was an effective way of learning languages. ||||research||||||all||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||ніде||||||||||||||вказувалося||||||||| ||||||||em lugar nenhum||||||||||||||||||||||| そして、私はグーグルでいくつかの調査をしました、そしてあなたの睡眠で学ぶことについて書かれた記事のどこにも、これが言語を学ぶ効果的な方法であったことを示唆しませんでした。 E fiz alguma pesquisa no Google e em nenhum dos artigos escritos sobre aprender a dormir se sugeria que esta era uma forma eficaz de aprender línguas. 我在谷歌上做了一些研究,没有一篇关于睡眠学习的文章表明这是一种有效的语言学习方法。 And intrinsically to me it doesn't make sense. |по сути|||||| |Inherently|||||| |본질적으로||||안 맞아||이해가 되지 |جوهرياً|||||| |внутрішнь|||||| |本質的に|||||| そして本質的に私にはそれは意味がありません。 First of all, I can't sleep if there's noise. Во-первых|||||||| まず、騒音があると眠れません。 Antes de mais, não consigo dormir se houver barulho.

So, um, you know, if there's a tick tock of a clock somewhere, That'll disturb me when I'm trying to sleep. ||||||||тик-так|||||||||||| ||||||||tick|||clock||||||||| ||||||||tique-taque|||relógio||isso vai||||||| ||||||||||||||يُزعج|||||| |||||||п ticks|постукування|||годинник|||потурбує|||||| |||||||虫|時計の音|||||それが|邪魔をする|||||| だから、ええと、あなたが知っている、どこかに時計のカチカチ音がするなら、それは私が眠ろうとしているときに私を邪魔するでしょう。 Por isso, se houver um tique-taque de um relógio algures, isso vai perturbar-me quando estou a tentar dormir. Like I normally fall asleep right away. Как обычно|||||| ||||addormentato|| |||眠る||| ||||сплю|| 私がいつものようにすぐに眠りに落ちます。 Como se normalmente adormecesse de imediato. 就像我通常马上就睡着一样。 I might get up once, twice at night, depending on the situation, but, and fall right back to sleep again. ||||||||||||||to fall||||| ||||||||||||||転がり落ちる||||| ||||||||||||ma||||||| Puede que me levante una o dos veces por la noche, dependiendo de la situación, pero me vuelvo a dormir enseguida. 状況によっては夜に1回、2回起きてしまうかもしれませんが、すぐにまた寝てしまいます。 Duruma bağlı olarak geceleri bir ya da iki kez kalkabilirim ama hemen tekrar uykuya dalarım. But if there's noise, I can't sleep. So I cannot imagine being able to sleep while listening to a language that you're trying to learn. ||||||||поки||||||||| ですから、あなたが学ぼうとしている言語を聞きながら眠ることができるとは想像できません。 Por isso, não consigo imaginar ser capaz de dormir enquanto se ouve uma língua que se está a tentar aprender.

The other thing that's wrong with the idea of learning in your sleep is that I actually find language learning enjoyable. あなたの睡眠中に学ぶという考えのもう一つの間違っていることは、私が実際に言語学習を楽しいと思うということです。 I enjoy listening to the content. |||||内容 Right now, I'm doing Persian and, uh, Zahra in, in Iran has sent me material on famous poets, poets, old, you know, a thousand years ago, uh, 20th century and I'm going through this material and I'm enjoying it. |||||||Захра||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Correct|||||||Zahra||||||||||poets||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||Zahra||||||||||os poetas||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||materiale didattico|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||شعراء||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||Захра||||||||||поетах||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||ザハラ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||Zahra|||Iran||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

I actually enjoy the process of learning the language, of learning about the culture. And, uh, each of these stories, I'm so delighted when I get them and I can import them into LingQ and I can start picking my way through them. ||||||||в восторге|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||thrilled|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||begeistert|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||esaminare|||| ||||||||مبتهج|||||||||||||||||||| |||||історії|||в захваті|||||||||||||||почати||||| ||||||||喜んで|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||delighted||||||||||||||||picking|||| そして、ええと、これらのストーリーのそれぞれは、私がそれらを取得したときにとても嬉しく思います。それらをLingQにインポートして、それらを通り抜けることができます。 E, uh, cada uma destas histórias, fico tão contente quando as recebo e as posso importar para o LingQ e começar a percorrê-las. First, I'll go through it in, in sentence mode because it's, the material is difficult. まず、文章モードで、素材が難しいので、それを見ていきます。 Primeiro, vou analisá-lo em modo de frase, porque é, o material é difícil.

And then as I turn the page, I'll review some of the new vocabulary. そして、ページをめくるときに、新しい語彙のいくつかを確認します。 E depois, ao virar a página, revejo algum do novo vocabulário. This is the one time where I find. これは私が見つけた1回です。 Kind of going through flashcards can be good because the vocabulary is brand new and it's still connected to this context that I'm, I'm reading. ||||карточки для зап|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||nova|||||||||||| ||||флеш-карт||||||словниковий запас||новий|||||||||||| ||||||||||||全く新しい|||||||||||| 語彙は真新しく、それは私が読んでいるこの文脈にまだ関連しているので、フラッシュカードを通過するようなものは良いかもしれません。 Passar pelos flashcards pode ser bom porque o vocabulário é novo e ainda está ligado ao contexto que estou a ler. And then I go away and listen to it. そして、私は立ち去ってそれを聞きます。 E depois vou-me embora e ouço-a. So, um, you know, and, and, uh, I mentioned the other day I had my morning exercise routine, so I will put the new, whatever item has been sent to me, |||||||||||||||||routine||||||||||||| それで、ええと、あなたが知っている、そして、そして、ええと、私は先日朝の運動ルーチンを持っていたと言ったので、私は私に送られたどんなアイテムでも新しいものを置きます、 Por isso, e, e, e, e, mencionei no outro dia que tinha a minha rotina de exercícios matinais, por isso vou colocar o novo, seja qual for o item que me foi enviado, 所以,嗯,你知道,而且,呃,我前几天提到我有晨练习惯,所以我会把新发给我的任何物品,

uh, I'll have that audio playing while I'm going through my seven minute exercise routine where they're telling me to, you know, get on the floor and do sit ups and pushups and stretching or whatever it might be. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||отжимания||растяжка||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||flexões||alongamento||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||flessioni sulle braccia||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||俯卧撑||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||віджимання||розтяжка||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||腕立て伏せ||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||estiramientos||||| ええと、7分間のエクササイズルーチンを実行している間、そのオーディオを再生します。そこでは、床に着いて、腹筋運動や腕立て伏せ、ストレッチなどを行うように言われます。 Vou ter esse áudio a tocar enquanto estou a fazer a minha rotina de exercícios de sete minutos em que me dizem para, sabe, me deitar no chão e fazer abdominais e flexões e alongamentos ou o que quer que seja. The thing is it's an active pursuit. ||||||активное стремление ||||||active effort ||||||aktive Verfolgung ||||||ricerca attiva ||||||سعي ||||||пошук ||||||追求 ||||||pursuit 事はそれが積極的な追求であるということです。 A questão é que se trata de uma busca ativa. To me language learning is an, is an active thing. 私にとって言語学習は、活発なことです。 I find that それみつけたよ

combining it with being physically active also helps me learn. 組み合わせること||||||||| поєднання його||||фізично||||| それを身体的に活発であることと組み合わせることも私が学ぶのを助けます。 Combiná-lo com a atividade física também me ajuda a aprender. I'm interested in the subject. There's research to show that we have a much better ability to remember things that we are emotionally connected to. |||||||||||||||||эмоционально|| |||||||||||||||||with emotion|| |||||||||||||||||感情的に|| 私たちが感情的につながっているものを覚える能力がはるかに優れていることを示す研究があります。 So there's so much behind how we learn languages, how we, we allow the brain to, to start sorting out, uh, different patterns connected with the language. ||||||||||||||||||sorting|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||整理|||||||| |||||||||||||||||почати|||||шаблони|||| ||||||||||||||||||classificação|||||||| ですから、私たちが言語を学ぶ方法、私たちが脳に言語に関連するさまざまなパターンを分類し始めることを許可する方法には、多くの背後があります。 Portanto, há muito por detrás da forma como aprendemos as línguas, como permitimos que o cérebro comece a selecionar diferentes padrões relacionados com a língua.

The emotional side of the brain gets involved. |||||||включается |感情的な||||||関与する 脳の感情的な側面が関与します。 We relate what we're learning to things we have experienced. |connect|||||||| 私たちは、私たちが学んでいることを私たちが経験したことと関連付けます。 So if I'm reading about, uh, an Iranian poet of the 20th century, who was left-wing, politically active, and, uh, you know, this through the period of the fifties and the sixties, and perhaps even earlier then I relate this to ||||||||поэт||||||||||||||||||||||||шестидесятые годы|||||||связываю|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||relie|| |||||||from Iran|poet|||||||||||||||||||||fifties|||1960s||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||anos cinquenta|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||60년대|||||그때|||| ||||||||شاعر||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||поет|||||який||лівою||політично актив||||||||||||п'ятдеся|||шістдесяті||||||||| |||||||イランの||||||||||政治的に||||||||||||五十年代|||六十年代||||||||| ですから、私が読んでいるとしたら、20世紀のイランの詩人で、左翼で政治的に活動的でした。そして、ええと、これは50年代から60年代、そしておそらくそれ以前のことです。私はこれをに関連付けます Então, se estou a ler sobre um poeta iraniano do século XX, que era de esquerda, politicamente ativo, e, sabe, isto durante o período dos anos cinquenta e sessenta, e talvez mesmo antes, relaciono isto com

different people that I have read in Chinese and French and English about different periods of the 20th century. différentes personnes que j'ai lues en chinois, en français et en anglais sur différentes périodes du XXe siècle. 私が20世紀のさまざまな時期について中国語、フランス語、英語で読んださまざまな人々。 It's all connecting to things that I know. And this is helping me to learn it. Sleep... I mean, I do dream. |||||сниться My dreams are very creative, you know, amazing how different things, unrelated things are thrown together and in dreams that are kind of similar. |||||||||||несвязанные вещи|||смешиваются||||||||| |||||||||||not connected|||||||||||| ||||criativas||||||||||||||||||| |сни|||креативні|||вражаюче||||непов'язані||є|||||||||| |||||||||||無関係な|||投げられる||||||||| ||||||||||||||mescolati||||||||| 私の夢はとてもクリエイティブです。あなたが知っているように、異なるもの、無関係なものがどのように一緒に投げられ、似たような夢の中にあるのか驚くべきことです。 Mani sapņi ir ļoti radoši, ziniet, pārsteidzoši, kā dažādas lietas, nesaistītas lietas tiek saliktas kopā un sapņos, kas ir savā ziņā līdzīgi. Os meus sonhos são muito criativos, sabe, é espantoso como coisas diferentes, coisas não relacionadas, são misturadas e em sonhos que são mais ou menos semelhantes. 我的梦非常有创意,你知道,令人惊奇的是,不同的事物、不相关的东西被放在一起,出现在有点相似的梦中。

It's usually about me arriving late at the airport or something, with different people who are not connected to each other and all this kind of stuff, but there's stuff happening in your dreams. It is||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||到着する||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| それは通常、私が空港か何かに遅れて到着することであり、互いに接続されていないさまざまな人々とこのようなものすべてがありますが、あなたの夢の中で何かが起こっています。 Parasti tas ir par to, kā es ierodos lidostā ar nokavēšanos vai kaut ko tamlīdzīgu, ar dažādiem cilvēkiem, kuri nav savstarpēji saistīti, un tamlīdzīgi, bet tavos sapņos notiek dažādas lietas. Normalmente é sobre eu chegar tarde ao aeroporto ou algo do género, com pessoas diferentes que não estão ligadas umas às outras e todo esse tipo de coisas, mas há coisas que acontecem nos teus sonhos. 通常是关于我迟到到达机场或类似的事情,与不同的、彼此没有联系的人在一起以及所有这类事情,但这些事情在你的梦中发生。 So I have trouble imagining how, even if I could eventually fall asleep while listening to this language, it would interfere with this other stuff that I'm doing. ||имею||||||||в конечном итоге||||||||||влиять на||||||| |||||||||||fall|||||||||Disrupt||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||interferiria com||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||beeinträchtigen||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||방해하다||||다른 것들||| ||||||||||alla fine||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||تتداخل||||||| ||||уявляти|||||||||поки|||||||вплине на||||||| ||||想像する||||||||||||||||干渉する||||||| ですから、この言語を聴きながらやがて眠りにつくことができたとしても、それが私がしている他のことをどのように妨げるのか想像するのに苦労しています。 Tāpēc man ir grūti iedomāties, kā, pat ja es beidzot varētu aizmigt, klausoties šo valodu, tas varētu traucēt citām manām nodarbēm.

And, uh, to me, language is not something that you pop a pill and you learn it, or you... you know, play the language while you're sleeping. ||||||||||||таблетка|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||une pilule|||||||||||||| ||||||||||take|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||prendi|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||تتناول||حبّة|||||||||||||| ||||||||||просто||таблетка||||||||||||||сплячці ||||||||||ポンと||薬|||||||||||||| Und für mich ist Sprache nicht etwas, bei dem Sie eine Pille einnehmen und sie lernen, oder Sie ... Sie wissen, spielen Sie die Sprache, während Sie schlafen. そして、ええと、私にとって、言語はあなたがピルをポップしてそれを学ぶものではありません、またはあなたは...あなたが眠っている間に言語を演奏します。 Un, manuprāt, valoda nav kaut kas tāds, ko tu uzdzer tableti un iemācies, vai arī... ziniet, tu spēlē valodu, kamēr tu guļ. И, эм, для меня язык - это не что-то, что можно просто проглотить таблетку и выучить, или... знаешь, играть с языком пока спишь. 而且,呃,对我来说,语言不是你吃一粒药丸就能学会的东西,或者你......你知道,在你睡觉的时候玩弄语言。 Uh, it's more about actively and enjoyably engaging with the language. ||||||с удовольствием|||| ||||積極的に||楽しく|||| ||||||приємно|взаємодії||| |||||||engaging||| ええと、それは言語に積極的かつ楽しく従事することについてです。 É mais uma questão de se envolver ativamente e de forma agradável com a língua. Эм, это скорее о том, чтобы активно и с удовольствием взаимодействовать с языком. 嗯,这更多的是积极并愉快地接触语言。 So I haven't done any research of my own. ですから、私自身の研究はしていません。 Поэтому я не проводил своих собственных исследований. I haven't tried to do it on my own. 私は自分でそれをやろうとはしていません。 I have Googled, I haven't found any evidence that it works and everything about my experience with learning languages and how I learn languages suggests that it won't work. |||||||доказательства|||||||||||||||||указывает на то|||| ||пошукав у|||||докази||||||||||||||||||||| 私はグーグルで検索しましたが、それが機能するという証拠は見つかりませんでした。言語学習の経験と言語の学習方法に関するすべてが、機能しないことを示唆しています。

At least that's my view. 少なくともそれが私の見解です。 To me, languages are all about exploring, discovering cultures. ||||||investigating|uncovering| 私にとって、言語とは文化を探求し、発見することです。 The pleasure of, of, of acquiring new words, the pleasure of, of allowing a new language to create some space in your brain, as you're discovering so many interesting things about the language and the culture, and that's creating some emotional connections. |||||приобретения|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Joy||||gaining|||||||permitting||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||ال||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||дозволяючи||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| あなたが言語と文化について非常に多くの興味深いことを発見しているので、新しい単語を取得することの喜び、新しい言語があなたの脳にいくらかのスペースを作ることを可能にすることの喜び、そしてそれはいくつかの感情的なつながりを生み出しています。

And so... so for all those reasons, uh, I'm not looking for any, uh, sort of, uh, instant, uh, solutions to language learning. |||||||||||||||||мгновенных||||| |||||||||||||||||immediate||||| |||||||||||||||||||해결책||| |||||||||||||||||||解決策||| |||||||||||||||||миттєвих||||| And, uh, you might want to check out, uh, two video videos that I did that are sort of relevant. |||||||||||||||||||уместные |||||||||اثنين|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||pertinent ||||||||||||||зробив|||||відповідні E talvez queiram ver dois vídeos que fiz e que são relevantes. One is about my language learning technique, and the other one is about, uh, exploring as part of language learning. ||||||技術||||||||||||| ||||||техніка||||||||дослідження|||||

Anyway, there you have it. De qualquer forma, aqui está. My take on learning languages while you sleep. Мій|думка|||||| mia||||||| Ich lerne Sprachen, während du schläfst. Mon point de vue sur l'apprentissage des langues pendant que vous dormez. A minha opinião sobre a aprendizagem de línguas enquanto dormimos. Thanks for listening. Bye for now.