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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Learn A Langauge In A Month: Is It Possible?

Learn A Langauge In A Month: Is It Possible?

Hi. Today I want to talk about learning a language in one month. Um, if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe, click on the bell to get notifications and by all means join me at LingQ to learn languages. So we regularly see blog posts, videos, where people provide advice on how to learn a language in a given period of time.

One month... one month, three months, six months. And typically they have a, you know, a range of, of, um, tips and tricks and hacks that will enable you to learn the language more quickly. I am skeptical. Uh, I'm skeptical because I believe what Manfred Spitzer said, and that is that the brain will learn. The brain is a learning machine.

It's a pattern creating machine, but the brain learns slowly. I don't believe that the brain learns quickly, but you can Google. And it's interesting to do because obviously those of us who are interested in learning languages, we want to see how other people learn. We want to, if there are useful tips and hints, then obviously we want to, you know, learn from these people.

And there are things that work for some people that don't work for other people. And you'll see that some of the suggestions are, you know, just get out and talk to people. Well, it's very difficult to do that. If you don't first have the language in you, you have the more traditionalist person who says you must get a good grammar book, uh, and a good dictionary.

And I don't find that necessary either because sure, you'll probably get yourself a grammar book or a starter book, and you'll read through these explanations and it won't make much sense. Yes, you have to refer back to some kind of grammar explanation, but you can do that at any time. It's easily available via Google.

Uh, and you will become curious about certain aspects of the language after you've had enough exposure to the language, and that's the way we designed LingQ. And you can start reading, you look up words, you start to gradually explore and piece together the, how the language works. Then you become curious and you look up the grammar.

Some of the other suggestions, you know, I, I noted some of them. Yes, they recommend there are a lot of apps out there, Duolingo and LingQ, of course, and Babel and, and, and, uh Busuu and however, the fundamental process is still one that takes time, whether you are using these apps or not, whether you have a good dictionary or a good grammar book or not, you still have to have the language come in you. Some people suggest, you know, memory techniques. Again, some people, if you enjoy, you know, memory techniques, I must confess that I don't I'm I'm not prepared to invest the time in a memory techniques, but some people are because again, I believe that, you know, learning some words in isolation you've been using memory techniques is no substitute for this massive

input, reading and listening, which is going to allow my brain to gradually get familiar with the language. Uh, some people suggest you, you should have these measurable goals and realistic goals. And I think that's a good thing, but I've always found that language learning is something that's driven by your motivation and some days you're keener than other days.

The idea that you should decide that every day at 10 o'clock in the morning or six or whatever, that I'm going to do, this, that, and the other, it can be part of a strategy if you're that way inclined. It's not a condition. And I don't think it's necessarily going to move you faster to this goal of, of learning the language in one month or three months.

Uh, one of the suggestions was that, you know, You can actually jump from B1 on the European framework to C2, by doing this, that or the other. You don't jump in language learning. You certainly don't jump from B1 to C2 because actually that's a long, long way. And that's like almost, I would say years.

And to be C2, you have to be living where the language is spoken. You have to be using it a lot. You have to have done a lot of reading. You have to have put in a lot of time, over a long period of time. You can't just jump because you start speaking. If you don't have the vocabulary and you don't have the comprehension, you aren't going to jump

to sort of beyond fluency as it was described. Uh, of course we have things available to us today. We can find a tutor online. We can have Skype conversations, we can do all of those things, but we can't do those if we don't understand the language, if we don't have vocabulary. And obviously the closer the language is to one we know the easier it is to learn, but to suggest that one shortcut to learning more quickly is to find cognates,

cognates are very similar words in another language, well, that works. If you're learning a language, which has a lot of cognates. But if you're learning a language that has no cognates, it doesn't really help very much. Generally speaking, the more recognizable vocabulary there is in the new language, the faster you're going to learn.

Another argument that's put forward is, you know, learn the most important 1000 words, 500 words, learn the important words upfront. In my experience, first of all, having the most important 500, 1000 words is not going to help you if you get into a genuine, meaningful conversation with someone because the vocabulary will go well beyond those words.

And unfortunately, frequency and vocabulary declines very, very quickly. So you're still going to have to chase those less frequent vocabulary items at some point, if you want to be genuinely comfortable in the language. And those very frequent words, they're going to show up anyway, you don't really have to focus on learning those.

They all come at you so often. If you're doing a lot of listening and reading, those are the ones that will be the easiest to learn. You're still gonna have to pursue the, um, you know, the less frequently used, uh, words. And another thing, another thing you hear is how to sound like a native. I think if we listen a lot, if we are attentive to the language, if we are motivated to, to sort of imitate the natural native pronunciation, we'll get better, but we may not ever sound like a native and it doesn't matter.

In fact, it's interesting, I was watching a golf tournament and they interviewed this golfer from Mexico. I can't remember his name. But he had a Spanish accent, but he spoke excellent English. Sometimes if you speak very well and you have a bit of your native accent that almost gives your English or whatever language, if you're learning another language, a little bit of charm.

Whereas on the other hand, if you exaggerate sort of the native twang, but you don't have the, the, you know, uh, use of words and the control of the language that would normally match that level of pronunciation, it may not make a good impression. So I guess what I wanted to say is, you know, in, in this idea of studying effectively, make sure you expose yourself to a lot of the language, let the brain take its time to learn the language. The brain will learn, but it takes time and don't put pressure

on yourself to learn it in one month, three months, six months, uh, nor is it even certain what it is you hope to achieve in one month, three months, six months. Because if it's an a, if it's a new language, you have no concept of, of how much there is in that language. And typically you'll discover the deeper you get into it

that there's just more and more of it there, which if you're enjoying the language, it is a delight and not sort of something you want to get past as quickly as possible. So there you have it. Can you learn language in a month? I don't think so.

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Learn A Langauge In A Month: Is It Possible? ||Изучить язык|||||| Acquire knowledge|a|Language|||||| ||idioma|||||| Eine Sprache in einem Monat lernen: Ist das möglich? Learn A Langauge In A Month: Is It Possible? Aprender un idioma en un mes: ¿Es posible? Apprendre une langue en un mois : Est-ce possible ? Imparare una lingua in un mese: È possibile? 1か月で言語を学ぶ:それは可能ですか? 한 달 만에 랭귀지 배우기: 가능할까요? Naucz się języka w miesiąc: Czy to możliwe? Aprender uma língua num mês: É possível? Выучить язык за месяц: Возможно ли это? Lär dig ett språk på en månad: Är det möjligt? Bir Ay İçinde Bir Dil Öğrenin: Bu Mümkün mü? Вивчити мову за місяць: чи можливо це? 一个月学会一门语言:可能吗? 一個月學會一門語言:可能嗎?

Hi. Cześć. Today I want to talk about learning a language in one month. This day||desire to|verb|discuss|||about||||one month Hoy quiero hablar sobre cómo aprender un idioma en un mes. 今日は、1か月で言語を学ぶことについて話したいと思います。 Dzisiaj chcę porozmawiać o nauce języka w jeden miesiąc. Um, if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe, click on the bell to get notifications and by all means join me at LingQ to learn languages. |||||||||||||||||||come along|me||||study languages|languages Hm, pokud se vám tato videa líbí, přihlaste se k odběru, kliknutím na zvonek dostanete upozornění a rozhodně se ke mně přidejte na LingQ, abyste se učili jazyky. これらの動画が気に入ったら、チャンネル登録をお願いします。ベルをクリックして通知を受け取り、LingQ に参加して言語を学びましょう。 Jeśli podobają Ci się te filmy, zasubskrybuj je, kliknij dzwonek, aby otrzymywać powiadomienia i dołącz do mnie na LingQ, aby uczyć się języków. So we regularly see blog posts, videos, where people provide advice on how to learn a language in a given period of time. ||||||||||||to|||||||||| ||||blogue|publicaciones||||||||||||||||| Takže pravidelně vidíme blogové příspěvky, videa, kde lidé radí, jak se v daném časovém období naučit jazyk. So we regularly see blog posts, videos, where people provide advice on how to learn a language in a given period of time. そのため、特定の期間に言語を学習する方法について人々がアドバイスを提供しているブログ投稿やビデオを定期的に目にします。 Regularnie widzimy posty na blogach, filmy, w których ludzie udzielają porad, jak nauczyć się języka w określonym czasie.

One month... one month, three months, six months. |||time period|||| Un mese... un mese, tre mesi, sei mesi. 1ヶ月…1ヶ月、3ヶ月、6ヶ月。 Miesiąc... miesiąc, trzy miesiące, sześć miesięcy. And typically they have a, you know, a range of, of, um, tips and tricks and hacks that will enable you to learn the language more quickly. ||||||||||||||技巧||窍门|||||||||| ||||||||||||advice||strategies||shortcuts|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||해킹|||||||||| ||||||||variedad|||um|consejos||trucos||trucos|||te permitirán||||||| ||||||||||||||||лайфхаки|||||||||| A obvykle mají, víte, řadu tipů, triků a hacků, které vám umožní naučit se jazyk rychleji. E di solito hanno una serie di, di, um, suggerimenti, trucchi e hack che ti permetteranno di imparare la lingua più rapidamente. そして、通常、彼らは、言語をより迅速に学習できるようにするさまざまなヒントとトリックとハックを持っています. Zazwyczaj zawierają one szereg wskazówek, sztuczek i hacków, które pozwolą ci szybciej nauczyć się języka. I am skeptical. ||скептически настроен ||doubtful ||회의적이다 ||cético Jsem skeptický. Sono scettico. 私は懐疑的です。 Jestem sceptyczny. Uh, I'm skeptical because I believe what Manfred Spitzer said, and that is that the brain will learn. ||скептически настроен||||||||||||||| |||||||Manfred Spitzer|||||||||| ||escéptico|||creo|||||y que||||||| Uh, jsem skeptický, protože věřím tomu, co řekl Manfred Spitzer, a to, že se mozek naučí. マンフレッド・スピッツァーが言ったことを信じているので、私は懐疑的です。それは脳が学習するということです。 Jestem sceptyczny, ponieważ wierzę w to, co powiedział Manfred Spitzer, a mianowicie, że mózg się nauczy. The brain is a learning machine. 脳は学習機械です。 Mózg jest maszyną uczącą się.

It's a pattern creating machine, but the brain learns slowly. ||模式||||||| es||patrón||||||| Je to stroj na vytváření vzorů, ale mozek se učí pomalu. パターンを作る機械ですが、脳の学習はゆっくりです。 To maszyna do tworzenia wzorców, ale mózg uczy się powoli. I don't believe that the brain learns quickly, but you can Google. 脳がすぐに学習するとは思いませんが、Google はできます。 And it's interesting to do because obviously those of us who are interested in learning languages, we want to see how other people learn. ||||||очевидно||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||different|| 言語の学習に興味がある私たちは、他の人がどのように学習するかを見たいと思っています。 这样做很有趣,因为显然我们这些对学习语言感兴趣的人,我们想看看其他人是如何学习的。 We want to, if there are useful tips and hints, then obviously we want to, you know, learn from these people. |||||||||подсказки||очевидно||||||||| ||||there are||helpful|||suggestions|therefore||||||||these|| |||||||||dicas e sugestões||||||||||| |||||||||suggerimenti||||||||||| |||||||||提示||||||||||| |||||||||sugerencias||||||||||| Chceme, pokud existují užitečné tipy a rady, pak se samozřejmě chceme, víte, učit od těchto lidí. 役立つヒントやヒントがあれば、もちろん、これらの人々から学びたいと思っています。 我们想,如果有有用的提示和提示,那么显然我们想,你知道,向这些人学习。

And there are things that work for some people that don't work for other people. |||methods||function|for the benefit of|certain||||||| A jsou věci, které pro některé lidi fungují, ale pro jiné ne. Y hay cosas que funcionan para algunas personas que no funcionan para otras. そして、ある人にはうまくいっても、他の人にはうまくいかないこともある。 And you'll see that some of the suggestions are, you know, just get out and talk to people. |you will|||||||||like||||||| A uvidíte, že některé návrhy jsou, víte, prostě vyjděte ven a promluvte si s lidmi. そして、提案の中には、とにかく外に出て人と話すことだ、というものもある。 Well, it's very difficult to do that. まあ、それはとても難しい。 If you don't first have the language in you, you have the more traditionalist person who says you must get a good grammar book, uh, and a good dictionary. |||||||||||||传统主义者||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||conservative learner||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||전통주의자||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||tradizionalista|||||||||||||||dizionario |||||||||||||традиционалист||||||||||||||| Pokud v sobě nejprve neovládáte jazyk, máte spíše tradicionalistu, který říká, že si musíte pořídit dobrou gramatiku, uh, a dobrý slovník.

And I don't find that necessary either because sure, you'll probably get yourself a grammar book or a starter book, and you'll read through these explanations and it won't make much sense. ||||||também||||||||||||||||||||||||| |yo||||necesario|tampoco|||||||||||||libro de gramática|||||||||||| A ani to nepovažuji za nutné, protože jistě, pravděpodobně si pořídíte učebnici gramatiky nebo učebnice pro začátečníky a budete číst tato vysvětlení a nebude to dávat moc smysl. Und das finde ich auch nicht nötig, denn sicher, Sie werden sich wahrscheinlich ein Grammatikbuch oder ein Anfängerbuch besorgen, und Sie werden diese Erklärungen durchlesen und es wird nicht viel Sinn machen. なぜなら、文法書や入門書を手に入れ、これらの説明を読んでもあまり意味がわからないからだ。 Yes, you have to refer back to some kind of grammar explanation, but you can do that at any time. Ano, musíte se vrátit k nějakému vysvětlení gramatiky, ale můžete to udělat kdykoli. Ja, Sie müssen auf eine Art Grammatikerklärung zurückgreifen, aber Sie können dies jederzeit tun. 確かに、何らかの文法の説明を参照しなければならないが、それはいつでもできる。 It's easily available via Google. |||tramite| Je snadno dostupný přes Google.

Uh, and you will become curious about certain aspects of the language after you've had enough exposure to the language, and that's the way we designed LingQ. |||||любопытным|||||||||||экспозиция|||||||||| ||||||||方面|||||||||||||||||| Uh, a začnete být zvědaví na určité aspekty jazyka poté, co jste se s jazykem dostatečně seznámili, a to je způsob, jakým jsme navrhli LingQ. And you can start reading, you look up words, you start to gradually explore and piece together the, how the language works. ||||||||||||постепенно||||||||| |||||||||||||||assemble parts|||||| |||||tú||||tú|||gradualmente|||piezas|||||| A můžete začít číst, hledat slova, začnete postupně zkoumat a skládat dohromady, jak jazyk funguje. Then you become curious and you look up the grammar. |||любопытным|||||| |tú|||||||| Pak začnete být zvědaví a budete hledat gramatiku.

Some of the other suggestions, you know, I, I noted some of them. |||||||||observed|||the suggestions algunas||||||||yo|observé||| Některé z dalších návrhů, víte, já, některé z nich jsem zaznamenal. 他の提案もいくつかあるんだけど、僕はそのいくつかを指摘したんだ。 Yes, they recommend there are a lot of apps out there, Duolingo and LingQ, of course, and Babel and, and, and, uh Busuu and however, the fundamental process is still one that takes time, whether you are using these apps or not, whether you have a good dictionary or a good grammar book or not, you still have to have the language come in you. |||||||||||Дуолинго||||||Баббел|||||Бусуу|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||suggest||||many||applications|||language learning app||||||Babbel|||||Busuu||but||||||||||if||||||||regardless of||||||or not|||||||||||||||| ||||||||applicazioni|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||推荐|||||||||多邻国||||||巴别尔|||||||||基本的|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||推奨する|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||aplicaciones|||Duolingo||||||Babel|||||Busuu||||fundamental||||uno||lleva tiempo|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| DuolingoやLingQはもちろんのこと、BabelやBusuuなど、たくさんのアプリがありますが、これらのアプリを使おうが使うまいが、良い辞書や良い文法書を持とうが持つまいが、根本的なプロセスには時間がかかります。 Some people suggest, you know, memory techniques. 記憶術を勧める人もいる。 Again, some people, if you enjoy, you know, memory techniques, I must confess that I don't I'm I'm not prepared to invest the time in a memory techniques, but some people are because again, I believe that, you know, learning some words in isolation you've been using memory techniques is no substitute for this massive |||||||||||||||||||||вкладывать время||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||замена||| ||||||||||||admit||||||||||||||||however|||||||||||||||alone||||||||no replacement for||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Ersatz||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||고립된 상태에서||||||||대체물||| ||||||||||||坦白说|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||替代品|||庞大的量 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||creo que|eso||||||en|en aislamiento||||||||sustituto de||| 繰り返しになるが、もしあなたが記憶術を楽しんでいるのであれば、私は記憶術に時間を費やす用意はないが、そうでない人もいる。

input, reading and listening, which is going to allow my brain to gradually get familiar with the language. vstup, čtení a poslech, což mému mozku umožní postupně se seznamovat s jazykem. インプット、リーディング、リスニングによって、私の脳は徐々に言語に慣れていくだろう。 Uh, some people suggest you, you should have these measurable goals and realistic goals. |||||||||측정 가능한|||현실적인| |||||||||misurabili|||| |||sugieren||||||medibles|||| Někteří lidé vám naznačují, že byste měli mít tyto měřitelné cíle a reálné cíle. And I think that's a good thing, but I've always found that language learning is something that's driven by your motivation and some days you're keener than other days. |||||||||||||||||||||||||more eager||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||더 열심인||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||più motivato||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||tú eres|más entusiasta||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||mais interessado||| A myslím si, že je to dobrá věc, ale vždy jsem zjistil, že studium jazyků je něco, co je poháněno vaší motivací a některé dny jste energičtější než jiné dny. Und ich denke, das ist eine gute Sache, aber ich habe immer festgestellt, dass das Erlernen von Sprachen etwas ist, das von Ihrer Motivation abhängt, und an manchen Tagen sind Sie schärfer als an anderen Tagen.

The idea that you should decide that every day at 10 o'clock in the morning or six or whatever, that I'm going to do, this, that, and the other, it can be part of a strategy if you're that way inclined. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||plan of action|||||disposed |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||성향이 있는 |||||||||||||||||qualsiasi cosa||||||||||||||||||||||incline |||||||||||||||||||||||||y|||||||||||tú eres||| Představa, že byste se měli rozhodnout, že každý den v 10 hodin ráno nebo v šest nebo cokoli jiného, co budu dělat, to, tamto a další, může být součástí strategie, pokud jste to způsobem nakloněný. La idea de que debes decidir que todos los días a las 10 de la mañana o a las seis o lo que sea, que voy a hacer, esto, lo otro y lo de más allá, puede formar parte de una estrategia si tienes esa inclinación. Идея, что вы должны решить, что каждый день в 10 утра или в шесть или что-то еще, что я собираюсь делать, это, то и то, это может быть частью стратегии, если вы так склонны. Ідея, що ви повинні вирішувати кожен день о десятій годині ранку чи о шості чи будь-якому іншому часі, що я збираюся робити, це, то й інше, може бути частиною стратегії, якщо ви так налаштовані. It's not a condition. Není to podmínkou. 条件ではない。 Это не условие. Це не умова. And I don't think it's necessarily going to move you faster to this goal of, of learning the language in one month or three months. A nemyslím si, že vás to nutně posune rychleji k tomuto cíli, naučit se jazyk za jeden měsíc nebo tři měsíce. そして、1ヶ月や3ヶ月で語学を習得するという目標に、必ずしも早く到達できるとは思わない。 Я не думаю, что это обязательно ускорит вас к этой цели изучения языка за один месяц или три месяца. І я не думаю, що це обов'язково допоможе вам швидше досягти цієї мети, вивчити мову за один місяць чи три.

Uh, one of the suggestions was that, you know, You can actually jump from B1 on the European framework to C2, by doing this, that or the other. ||||||||||||||||||quadro europeo||||||||| ||||sugerencias||||||||||||||marco europeo||||||||| Uh, jeden z návrhů byl, že, víte, můžete ve skutečnosti skočit z B1 na evropském rámci na C2 tím, že uděláte to, ono nebo ono. ヨーロッパのフレームワークのB1からC2にジャンプすることができる。 You don't jump in language learning. ||跳跃||| V učení jazyků neskočíte. You certainly don't jump from B1 to C2 because actually that's a long, long way. ||||||||||||long distance|| B1からC2へジャンプすることはない。 And that's like almost, I would say years. И это||||||| ||approximately|nearly||would say|estimate|years A to jsou skoro, řekl bych roky. そして、それはほとんど、数年と言っていい。

And to be C2, you have to be living where the language is spoken. |||||||||in a place|||verb|used そしてC2になるには、その言語が話されている場所に住んでいなければならない。 You have to be using it a lot. たくさん使っているはずだ。 You have to have done a lot of reading. You have to have put in a lot of time, over a long period of time. You can't just jump because you start speaking. Nemůžeš jen tak skočit, protože začneš mluvit. 話し始めたからといってジャンプすることはできない。 If you don't have the vocabulary and you don't have the comprehension, you aren't going to jump |||||||||||понимание||||| |||||||||||comprensione||||| Pokud nemáte slovní zásobu a nerozumíte, nebudete skákat ボキャブラリーも理解力もなければ、ジャンプもできない。

to sort of beyond fluency as it was described. |||além de||||| a|||||||| tak nějak mimo plynulost, jak to bylo popsáno. a algo más allá de la fluidez como se describió. を、説明されたような流暢さを超えたものにする。 Uh, of course we have things available to us today. ||||||disponibili||| ええと、もちろん、私たちには今日利用できるものがある。 We can find a tutor online. We can have Skype conversations, we can do all of those things, but we can't do those if we don't understand the language, if we don't have vocabulary. |||Skype|||||||||||||||||||||||| And obviously the closer the language is to one we know the easier it is to learn, but to suggest that one shortcut to learning more quickly is to find cognates, ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||заимствованные слова |||||||||||||||||||propose|||shortcut||||||||similar words ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||cognatos ||||||||||||||||||||||scorciatoia||||più rapidamente||||cognati ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||同源词 |||||||||||||||||||||una|atajo||||||||cognados A je zřejmé, že čím blíže je jazyk k jazyku, který známe, tím snazší je se naučit, ale naznačit, že jedním ze způsobů, jak se učit rychleji, je najít příbuzné, そして、その言語が私たちの知っている言語に近ければ近いほど、学習しやすくなるのは明らかだが、より早く学習するための近道のひとつは、同義語を見つけることだと言いたいのだ、

cognates are very similar words in another language, well, that works. 同源词|||||||||| 동족어|||||||||| cognati|||||||||| заимствованные слова|||||||||| příbuzné jsou velmi podobná slova v jiném jazyce, no, to funguje. 同義語とは、他の言語における非常によく似た単語のことだ。 If you're learning a language, which has a lot of cognates. ||||||||||similar words Pokud se učíte jazyk, který má mnoho příbuzných. But if you're learning a language that has no cognates, it doesn't really help very much. |||||||||words with similar origins|||||| |||||||||어원적 유사어|||||| Pero si estás aprendiendo una lengua que no tiene cognados, no sirve de mucho. Generally speaking, the more recognizable vocabulary there is in the new language, the faster you're going to learn. ||||familiar or identifiable||||||||||||| ||||riconoscibile||||||||||||| Obecně řečeno, čím lépe rozpoznatelná slovní zásoba je v novém jazyce, tím rychleji se naučíte.

Another argument that's put forward is, you know, learn the most important 1000 words, 500 words, learn the important words upfront. |point|that is|presented|proposed|||||the most|most||||||||in advance ||||||||||||||||||미리 ||||||||||||||||||in anticipo ||que se|||||||||||||||palabras importantes| Dalším argumentem, který je předložen, je, víte, naučit se nejdůležitějších 1000 slov, 500 slov, naučit se důležitá slova předem. もう1つの主張は、最も重要な1000語、500語を覚えろ、重要な単語を前もって覚えろ、というものだ。 In my experience, first of all, having the most important 500, 1000 words is not going to help you if you get into a genuine, meaningful conversation with someone because the vocabulary will go well beyond those words. ||||||||||||||||||||||authentic||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||autentica||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||las||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||além de|| Podle mých zkušeností vám za prvé, mít 500 1000 nejdůležitějších slov, vám nepomůže, pokud se s někým pustíte do opravdového, smysluplného rozhovoru, protože slovní zásoba bude daleko za těmito slovy. 私の経験では、まず第一に、最も重要な500語や1000語を持っていても、誰かと本物の意味のある会話をするときには役に立たない。

And unfortunately, frequency and vocabulary declines very, very quickly. |||||снижается||| ||rate of occurrence|||decreases||| |||||감소합니다||| |||||declina||| A bohužel frekvence a slovní zásoba velmi, velmi rychle klesá. そして残念なことに、頻度とボキャブラリーはとてもとても早く減少する。 К сожалению, частота и словарный запас снижаются очень быстро. So you're still going to have to chase those less frequent vocabulary items at some point, if you want to be genuinely comfortable in the language. |||||||||||||||||||||действительно|||| |||||||pursue||||||||||||||truly|||| |||||||perseguir|||menos frequentes||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||진정으로|||| |||||||inseguire|||||elementi||||||||||||| |||||||追逐|||||||||||||||||| |tú vas a|||||a|perseguir||||||||||||||genuinamente|||| Takže stále budete muset v určitém okamžiku pronásledovat ty méně časté položky slovní zásoby, chcete-li se v jazyce skutečně cítit pohodlně. そのため、純粋にその言語に慣れ親しみたいのであれば、頻度の低い語彙を追い求める必要がある。 Так что вам все равно придется где-то догнать эти менее частые слова, если вы хотите по-настоящему чувствовать себя комфортно на языке. And those very frequent words, they're going to show up anyway, you don't really have to focus on learning those. |||часто встречающиеся|||||||||||||||| ||||||||aparecerán||||||||||| A ta velmi frekventovaná slova, stejně se objeví, opravdu se nemusíte soustředit na jejich učení. Y esas palabras tan frecuentes, van a aparecer de todos modos, realmente no tienes que centrarte en aprenderlas. そして、非常に頻繁に出てくる単語は、どうせ出てくるのだから、それを覚えることに集中する必要はない。 А эти очень часто используемые слова все равно появляются, вам действительно не нужно фокусироваться на их изучении.

They all come at you so often. |every one|arrive|||| ellos||vienen||||a menudo Všichni na vás chodí tak často. Todos vienen hacia ti tan a menudo. みんな、しょっちゅう襲ってくる。 If you're doing a lot of listening and reading, those are the ones that will be the easiest to learn. |||||||||||||||||самыми простыми|| |||||||||||||||||más fáciles|| Si estás escuchando y leyendo mucho, esos son los que serán más fáciles de aprender. リスニングとリーディングをたくさんやっているのであれば、それらは最も習得しやすいものだろう。 You're still gonna have to pursue the, um, you know, the less frequently used, uh, words. |||||искать|||||||||| |||||seek out|||||||||| |||||perseguire|||||||||| ||||a|buscar|||||||||| |||||perseguir|||||||||| Stále se budeš muset držet těch, um, víš, těch méně často používaných, uh, slov. Aún tendrás que perseguir las, eh, ya sabes, las palabras que se usan con menos frecuencia. あなたはまだ、その、あまり頻繁に使われない言葉を追求しなければならない。 And another thing, another thing you hear is how to sound like a native. そしてもうひとつ、ネイティブのように話すにはどうしたらいいかということだ。 I think if we listen a lot, if we are attentive to the language, if we are motivated to, to sort of imitate the natural native pronunciation, we'll get better, but we may not ever sound like a native and it doesn't matter. ||||||||||внимательны|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||paying close attention||||||||||||||||pronunciation|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||attenti alla|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||atentos|||||||||||||||||||||nosotros||||||||||| Myslím, že když budeme hodně naslouchat, budeme-li pozorní k jazyku, budeme-li motivováni k napodobování přirozené přirozené výslovnosti, zlepšíme se, ale možná nikdy nebudeme znít jako domorodci a nezní to. nezáleží na tom.

In fact, it's interesting, I was watching a golf tournament and they interviewed this golfer from Mexico. |||||||||锦标赛||||这位高尔夫球手|高尔夫球手|| ||||||||||||||giocatore di golf|| ||||||||||||||golfista|| |||||||||турнир||||||| I can't remember his name. But he had a Spanish accent, but he spoke excellent English. |||||accento||||| Sometimes if you speak very well and you have a bit of your native accent that almost gives your English or whatever language, if you're learning another language, a little bit of charm. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||appeal ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||매력 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||um pouco de charme ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||encanto Někdy, když mluvíte velmi dobře a máte trochu svého rodného přízvuku, který téměř dává vaší angličtině nebo jinému jazyku, pokud se učíte jiný jazyk, trochu šarmu.

Whereas on the other hand, if you exaggerate sort of the native twang, but you don't have the, the, you know, uh, use of words and the control of the language that would normally match that level of pronunciation, it may not make a good impression. ||||||||||||говор с акцентом||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||Overemphasize|||||regional accent||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| enquanto que||||||||||||sotaque nativo||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||Muttersprachlich|Dialektfärbung||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||과장하다|||||사투리||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||tu|esageri|||||accento marcato||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||訛り||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| mientras que|||||||exageras|||||acento regional||||||||||||||||||||||coincida con||||||||||| Zatímco na druhou stranu, pokud přeháníte druh nativního twangu, ale nemáte to, víte, uh, používání slov a ovládání jazyka, které by normálně odpovídalo této úrovni výslovnosti, může neudělat dobrý dojem. Por otro lado, si exageras el acento nativo, pero no tienes el uso de las palabras y el control del idioma que normalmente correspondería a ese nivel de pronunciación, puede que no causes una buena impresión. 一方、ネイティブのように大げさに発音しても、その発音に見合った言葉の使い方やコントロールができなければ、良い印象を与えられないかもしれない。 So I guess what I wanted to say is, you know, in, in this idea of studying effectively, make sure you expose yourself to a lot of the language, let the brain take its time to learn the language. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||el| Ich schätze, was ich sagen wollte, ist, wissen Sie, bei dieser Idee des effektiven Lernens stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie sich viel von der Sprache aussetzen, lassen Sie das Gehirn sich Zeit nehmen, um die Sprache zu lernen. Así que supongo que lo que quería decir es, ya sabes, en, en esta idea de estudiar con eficacia, asegúrate de exponerte a una gran cantidad de la lengua, deja que el cerebro se tome su tiempo para aprender el idioma. 私が言いたいのは、効果的に学ぶという考えの中で、たくさんの言語に触れるようにして、脳に言語を学ぶ時間を与えることです。 The brain will learn, but it takes time and don't put pressure Mozek se to naučí, ale chce to čas a nevyvíjejte tlak 脳は学びますが、それには時間がかかります。自分に一ヶ月、三ヶ月、六ヶ月で学べとプレッシャーをかけないでください。

on yourself to learn it in one month, three months, six months, uh, nor is it even certain what it is you hope to achieve in one month, three months, six months. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||one month|||| |||||||||||||né|||||||||||||||||| na sobě, abyste se to naučili za jeden měsíc, tři měsíce, šest měsíců, uh, ani není jisté, čeho chcete dosáhnout za měsíc, tři měsíce, šest měsíců. 一ヶ月、三ヶ月、六ヶ月で達成したいことが何かも、不確かです。 Because if it's an a, if it's a new language, you have no concept of, of how much there is in that language. |||||||||||||understanding||||||||| Protože pokud je to a, pokud je to nový jazyk, nemáte žádnou představu o tom, kolik toho v tom jazyce je. 新しい言語であれば、その言語の中にどれだけのものがあるかという概念がないからだ。 And typically you'll discover the deeper you get into it A obvykle objevíte, čím hlouběji se do toho dostanete Y lo típico que descubrirás cuanto más te adentres en él そして一般的には、深く入り込めば入り込むほど、次のようなことが分かってくる。

that there's just more and more of it there, which if you're enjoying the language, it is a delight and not sort of something you want to get past as quickly as possible. ||||||||||||||||||удовольствие|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||Freude|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||pure joy|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||um prazer|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||deleite||||||||a|pasar||||| že je toho tam prostě víc a víc, což pokud vás jazyk baví, je to potěšení a ne něco, co byste chtěli co nejrychleji překonat. que cada vez hay más, lo cual, si te gusta el idioma, es una delicia y no algo que quieras dejar pasar lo antes posible. そこにもっともっとそれがあるので、もしあなたがその言語を楽しんでいるなら、それは喜びであり、できるだけ早く通り過ぎたいようなものではありません。 So there you have it. Ahí lo tienen. これでわかりましたね。 Can you learn language in a month? ¿Se puede aprender idiomas en un mes? 1ヶ月で言語を学ぶことはできますか? I don't think so. No lo creo. そうは思わない。