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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules: My Thoughts (1)

Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules: My Thoughts (1)

And the negative is female and the order and the yes, and the positive is male.

And a lot of these things that I have a lot of trouble, uh, accepting.

Hi there, Steve Kufmann here and today, I'm going to talk on a different subject.

I'm gonna talk a bit about a book that I bought called, uh, 10 rules for life.

Excuse me, 12 rules for life by Jordan Peterson.

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So, uh, I'm gonna talk about this book and I'll tell you why, and I'm gonna

relate it a bit to language learning because that's what I always like to do.

So I became aware of Jordan Peterson when, uh, he was quite

controversial because he opposed the sort of, he, he was a professor.


step back a bit, professor at the university of Toronto, professor of

psychology, the university said you now have to use these gender neutral pronouns.

He said, I'm not going to use general gender neutral pronouns.

You can't tell me how to speak or how to use the language.

And he has become a, a leading figure in sort of opposing what is known as

wokeism in other words, the idea that everyone has to confirm conform to certain

patterns of behavior um, regarding, you know, gender categories or race

relations or, uh, attitudes towards a whole number of things that this is

the accepted correct way of behaving.

And anyone who doesn't behave in this way is therefore a bad person and not welcome

at a university and so forth and so on.

And this book has been a, a bestseller.

I don't know how many million copies it's sold and he's written a sequel.

So I said...

and he's Canadian.

He's from, uh, Fairview, Alberta.

And I'm very familiar with that area, Peace River Region in

Alberta, because I did a lot of business there in forest products.

And I know the area, I know the people, some of the people, you know, up in

that area, great area, great country.

So I began to read through it and I'd be interested in the reaction

of people who have read the book.

Uh, I sort of leafed through it.

Um, my reaction is that he has sort of this tremendous knowledge of psychology

of, uh, mythology, of religion.

And so he sort of describes, you know, a world that our lives are in

his view, tragic or full of evil.

I mean, eventually we die and there are lots of bad things that happen.

Bad things have always happened.

And so in this world of chaos, then how should we lead our lives?

Uh, in his first chapter, which he calls uh, you know, stand up

straight with your shoulders back.

In other words, you should have a very erect posture and it ties that in some

way to this idea of, of a hierarchy, uh, in the animal kingdom hierarchy in

amongst human beings, that that structure or hierarchy is kind of embedded in our

genetic, uh, you know, we're predisposed to be more dominant or less dominant.

Uh, he even suggests that the chaos portion of lives is sort

of, uh, and the negative is female and the order and the yes.

And the positive is male.

And a lot of these things that I have a lot of trouble, uh, accepting, um,

And in fact, as a general rule, I find that his 12 rules don't really

relate to the subject matter that he discusses within each chapter.

He has a chapter for each rule.

And so instead you have these themes that sort of pervade all of

these chapters, and that is this sense of sort of a dark world.

And the only way we can survive is if we maintain certain structures, he

seems to favor a patriarchy because historically, and perhaps in the animal

kingdom, the male is typically stronger.

Uh, and, uh, that's a good thing.

And, uh, where there is, and, and all a while, of course, he's

pushing back against this sort of woke thing, which makes any sort

of expression of power a bad thing.

Whereas in fact, to a large extent, people who have more power, but

not always, but in many cases, they have earned that position of power

because they have certain abilities.

And so he stresses this, that, uh, we can't just condemn the patriarchy,

but by the same token countries that are where the patriarchal sort of

pattern is stronger, aren't necessarily happier countries, uh, any survey of

happiness typically shows countries like Denmark, uh, and Scandinavia is

having the highest happiness coefficient to the extent that we can measure that

effectively, it's somewhat subjective.

And those countries typically have sort of a less dominant patriarchal structure

than some more traditional societies.

But nevertheless, he does make the point that the world we live in is one where,

you know, the individual is important.

In fact, that's, I should go there right away.

I saw a video of his, I did some research on the internet where he

makes the point that our Western society is, uh, very successful.

And, and so again, he's defending Western society from those who almost

systematically want to tear it down.

Fair enough.

Uh, there's definitely a tendency for intellectuals, people at universities

to want to tear down the established or to criticize the established order.

Uh, this was the case with the prevalence of Marxist and the economics department.

It's the, uh, example today where in all of the humanities, you

have this strong preponderance of people who are quote "progressive".

uh, and who are therefore very critical of the established society.

When in fact the, the established society is really not that bad.

However, where I have trouble with, with Jordan Peterson is he calls this

Western society, Western culture.

But, but the fact is that it's modern society, that Western society, 500

years ago, a thousand years ago, over 2000 years ago in Rome and Greece,

where half the population were slaves.

Uh, in, in the middle ages when people were persecuted for what they thought,

for their religions, uh, not that great at a time, in many cases throughout

history where other civilizations it might be, you know, the, the Chinese,

uh, civilization during the, uh, the Tang Dynasty, for example, maybe ... was

a nicer place to live than London.

uh, you know, I get my dates...

but certainly six, you know, middle ages in, uh, Europe wasn't all

that great in terms of lifespan, in terms of the sophistication, in

terms of respect for individuals.

And so and so on, uh, in the modern age, uh, county, like Japan has a legal system,

uh, which is, uh, certainly no worse than, uh, in Western Europe or north America.

It certainly has health outcomes that are better.

Uh, it, uh, functions very effectively as a society.

So I, I think this idea sort of to stick up for Western society and we're

the best and stuff, I find that a little bit inaccurate, uh, to say the

least, and even to the extent of the sort of technological achievements in

Western society, they are the result of technological advances in other

countries, mathematics in India and, and.

Uh, science in China 2000 years ago.

And, uh, even, uh, you know, Arab and, and Muslim scholars who sort of,

uh, kept greek learning and Indian learning and, and Islamic learning,

and eventually brought that back to the west so that in say the 12, 13th,

14th century, many of these things were rediscovered and this then led

to the, uh, Renaissance and so forth.

And so on the world is an interconnected place.

And I think, you know, to use his, uh, imagery, you know, to stand up on your

hin legs and say ours is the best.

Uh, I don't think he's very helpful.

I think if he just, as I'm now learning so much more about Iran and Persian

history and, and the, the, uh, Cyrus' the cylinder where he recognized the freedom

of religion and freedom of, of different ethnic groups, groups to have every right

in the, in the old, uh, Persian empire.

It, it, it kind of enables you to see the world through different lenses,

the lenses of different languages.

And, uh, and I think that gives you a better perspective, uh, and...

but I do agree that, um, that one shouldn't be overly

critical of, of our society.

You know, there's a lot of this sort of anti-capitalist society, but I'm always

aware of the fact that the products that I use, this camera that I'm using, which

is made in Japan, or maybe it's made in China under licensed from the Japanese,

uh, the food I eat the products I use the, the daily functioning of our society.

It's, you know, all kinds of people making my life richer and better.

That's how our societies have evolved.

Of course it ends at some point.

Uh, I don't think that people are all out to get me.

I don't think there's so many evil people out there, but there are evil people.

And so in terms of how we lead our lives, uh, I don't think we

should say it's all the individual.

It's not all the individual.

I think we need to obviously live our lives in a way, you know, we are

responsible for our lives, but we are also helpful to others, which is

in a way in his book, but it's sort of hidden in amongst all the sort

of dark mythology and, you know, biblical references to punishments

and, uh, and all kinds of dark stuff.

He creates this sort of sense that the world, this, uh, chaotic place and

the it's sort of difficult to extract yourself from the tragedy and the pain

of living and to do that, you gotta, you know, follow these rules, basic self-help

things there that are universal, like tell the truth and listen to others.

And, uh, you know, look after yourself, be responsible to

yourself and all this stuff is good.

And, but, but, um, I think the main reason why his, his book

has, um, been so successful.

I think there are two reasons.

One is there's quite a breadth of, of information about psychology and,

and mythology and religions and all these different ways that people

try to explain the mystery of life.

And, and then he extracts out of that, a few rules he claims that can

help mitigate this, this, uh, chaos and enable you to live a meaningful.

But where that meaning is you have to find for yourself.

I think obviously our families provide meaning, but there are

also dysfunctional families.

Uh, for me, um, learning languages provide meaning because I discover more

about different cultures, uh, people who are bird Watchers, uh, people

who are, uh, involved in charities.

There was a gentleman, uh, discovered the other day, who...

he has set up his whole house as a, as a, as, you know, uh, recycling Depot and

you can take your empty milk bottles, your empty, you know, water bottles,

your empty wine bottles, take 'em up there, drop them there and he will make

sure that that is converted into...

because the recycling system pays you for them.

And from that, he gives food vouchers to homeless people.

That's his life, that's meaning.

He has...

that's his meaning.


So we find meaning wherever it is like I, uh, and, and I think where I, I

agree with, with, um, JordanPeterson is pushback on all this woke stuff

like this gender neutral pronouns.

It doesn't matter if, if there is a non-binary person, a transgendered

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Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules: My Thoughts (1) Jordan Peterson|||| Die 12 Regeln von Jordan Peterson: Meine Überlegungen (1) Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules: My Thoughts (1) Las 12 reglas de Jordan Peterson: Mis pensamientos (1) Les 12 règles de Jordan Peterson : Mes réflexions (1) Le 12 regole di Jordan Peterson: I miei pensieri (1) ジョーダン・ピーターソンの 12 のルール: 私の考え (1) 12 zasad Jordana Petersona: Moje przemyślenia (1) As 12 regras de Jordan Peterson: Os meus pensamentos (1) 12 правил Джордана Петерсона: Мои мысли (1) Jordan Peterson'ın 12 Kuralı: Düşüncelerim (1) 12 правил Джордана Петерсона: Мої думки (1) 乔丹彼得森的 12 条规则:我的想法 (1) 喬丹彼得森的 12 條規則:我的想法 (1)

And the negative is female and the order and the yes, and the positive is male. Et le négatif est féminin et l'ordre et le oui, et le positif est masculin. I negativno je žensko i red i da, a pozitivno je muško. ネガティブは女性、順番はイエス、ポジティブは男性です。 И отрицательный женский и порядок и да, и положительный мужской. Ve olumsuz, kadın ve düzen ve evet ve olumlu, erkek.

And a lot of these things that I have a lot of trouble, uh, accepting. そして、私が多くの問題を抱えているこれらのことの多くは、ええと、受け入れます。 И многое из того, что мне очень трудно принять. Ve bunların birçoğunu kabul etmekte çok zorlandığım şeyler.

Hi there, Steve Kufmann here and today, I'm going to talk on a different subject. |||Kufmann||||||||||| |||쿠프만||||||||||| こんにちは、Steve Kufmann です。今日は別のテーマについてお話します。 Merhaba, Steve Kufmann burada ve bugün farklı bir konudan bahsedeceğim. 大家好,Steve Kufmann 在这里和今天,我要谈一个不同的主题。

I'm gonna talk a bit about a book that I bought called, uh, 10 rules for life. 人生の10のルールというタイトルで買った本について少し話します。 Satın aldığım bir kitaptan bahsedeceğim, uh, hayatın 10 kuralı.

Excuse me, 12 rules for life by Jordan Peterson.

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on the bell for notifications. bildirimler için zilde.

If you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a comment.

So, uh, I'm gonna talk about this book and I'll tell you why, and I'm gonna

relate it a bit to language learning because that's what I always like to do. связать это немного с изучением языка, потому что это то, что мне всегда нравилось делать.

So I became aware of Jordan Peterson when, uh, he was quite |||알게 되었다|||||||| Então, tomei conhecimento de Jordan Peterson quando ele era bastante Итак, я узнал о Джордане Петерсоне, когда он был довольно

controversial because he opposed the sort of, he, he was a professor. |||반대했다|||||||| kontroverzan jer se protivio vrsti, on, on je bio profesor. controverso porque se opunha ao tipo de, ele, ele era um professor. спорный, потому что он выступал против такого рода, он, он был профессором. 引起争议,因为他反对这种观点,他是一名教授。


step back a bit, professor at the university of Toronto, professor of немного отступить, профессор университета Торонто, профессор

psychology, the university said you now have to use these gender neutral pronouns. ||||||||||||그들 psihologije, sveučilište je reklo da sada morate koristiti ove rodno neutralne zamjenice. психологии, в университете сказали, что теперь вы должны использовать эти гендерно-нейтральные местоимения.

He said, I'm not going to use general gender neutral pronouns. Ele disse: "Não vou usar pronomes gerais neutros em termos de género. Он сказал, что я не буду использовать общие гендерно-нейтральные местоимения.

You can't tell me how to speak or how to use the language. Não me pode dizer como devo falar ou como devo usar a língua. Вы не можете сказать мне, как говорить или как использовать язык.

And he has become a, a leading figure in sort of opposing what is known as I postao je vodeća figura u svojevrsnom suprotstavljanju onome što je poznato kao E tornou-se uma figura de proa na espécie de oposição ao que é conhecido como И он стал ведущей фигурой в оппозиции тому, что известно как 他已经成为一个反对所谓的“

wokeism in other words, the idea that everyone has to confirm conform to certain social awareness|||||||||||conform|| 각성주의||||||||||||| wokeism drugim riječima, ideja da svatko mora potvrditi sukladnost s određenim O wokeismo, por outras palavras, a ideia de que toda a gente tem de se conformar a certas Другими словами, вейкизм, идея о том, что каждый должен подтверждать соответствие определенным 换句话说,每个人都必须确认符合某些特定的观念

patterns of behavior um, regarding, you know, gender categories or race patrones de comportamiento um, con respecto a, ya sabes, categorías de género o raza padrões de comportamento em relação a categorias de género ou raça образцы поведения, ну, в отношении, ну, вы знаете, гендерных категорий или расы

relations or, uh, attitudes towards a whole number of things that this is relações ou, uh, atitudes em relação a uma série de coisas que isto é отношения или, э-э, отношение к целому ряду вещей, что это

the accepted correct way of behaving. a forma correcta e aceite de se comportar. принятый правильный способ поведения.

And anyone who doesn't behave in this way is therefore a bad person and not welcome Y cualquiera que no se comporte de esta manera es, por lo tanto, una mala persona y no es bienvenido. E quem não se comporta desta forma é, portanto, uma pessoa má e não é bem-vindo И всякий, кто не ведет себя таким образом, является, следовательно, плохим человеком и не приветствуется.

at a university and so forth and so on. numa universidade, etc., etc.

And this book has been a, a bestseller. |||||||베스트셀러 И эта книга была бестселлером.

I don't know how many million copies it's sold and he's written a sequel. |||||||||||||속편 Não sei quantos milhões de exemplares vendeu e já escreveu uma sequela. Я не знаю, сколько миллионов копий было продано, и он написал продолжение.

So I said... Поэтому я сказал...

and he's Canadian.

He's from, uh, Fairview, Alberta. |||페어뷰| Он из Фэйрвью, Альберта.

And I'm very familiar with that area, Peace River Region in И я очень хорошо знаком с этим районом, регион Пис-Ривер в

Alberta, because I did a lot of business there in forest products. Альберта, потому что я вел там большой бизнес с лесоматериалами.

And I know the area, I know the people, some of the people, you know, up in

that area, great area, great country.

So I began to read through it and I'd be interested in the reaction Comecei a lê-lo e gostaria de saber a sua reação Поэтому я начал читать это, и мне будет интересна реакция

of people who have read the book. людей, прочитавших книгу.

Uh, I sort of leafed through it. ||||훑어봤다|| Uh, como que lo hojeé. Uh, eu meio que o folheei. О, я как бы пролистал его.

Um, my reaction is that he has sort of this tremendous knowledge of psychology Хм, моя реакция такова, что у него потрясающие познания в психологии.

of, uh, mythology, of religion. мифологии, религии. 呃,神话,宗教。

And so he sort of describes, you know, a world that our lives are in

his view, tragic or full of evil.

I mean, eventually we die and there are lots of bad things that happen. Я имею в виду, что в конце концов мы умираем, и происходит много плохих вещей.

Bad things have always happened.

And so in this world of chaos, then how should we lead our lives? Итак, в этом мире хаоса, как нам жить дальше?

Uh, in his first chapter, which he calls uh, you know, stand up No seu primeiro capítulo, a que ele chama uh, sabe, "Levanta-te

straight with your shoulders back. recto con los hombros hacia atrás. direito com os ombros para trás. прямо с отведенными назад плечами.

In other words, you should have a very erect posture and it ties that in some ||||||||똑바른||||||| Mit anderen Worten, Sie sollten eine sehr aufrechte Körperhaltung haben, und das ist bei einigen der Fall En otras palabras, debes tener una postura muy erguida y vincula que en algunos Por outras palavras, deve ter uma postura muito erecta e isso está relacionado com Другими словами, у вас должна быть очень прямая осанка, и это в некоторой степени связывает

way to this idea of, of a hierarchy, uh, in the animal kingdom hierarchy in forma a esta ideia de, de uma hierarquia, uh, na hierarquia do reino animal em путь к этой идее иерархии, э-э, в иерархии животного мира в

amongst human beings, that that structure or hierarchy is kind of embedded in our |||||||||||встроена|| entre os seres humanos, que essa estrutura ou hierarquia está de certa forma incorporada na nossa среди людей, что эта структура или иерархия как бы встроена в нашу

genetic, uh, you know, we're predisposed to be more dominant or less dominant. |||||유전적으로 소질이 있는||||우세한|||지배적인 генетически, вы знаете, мы предрасположены к тому, чтобы быть более доминирующими или менее доминирующими. 遗传,呃,你知道,我们倾向于更具主导性或更不具主导性。

Uh, he even suggests that the chaos portion of lives is sort Uh, ele até sugere que a parte do caos das vidas é uma espécie de Э-э, он даже предполагает, что часть хаоса в жизни - своего рода 呃,他甚至认为生活中的混乱部分是

of, uh, and the negative is female and the order and the yes. de, uh, e o negativo é feminino e a ordem e o sim. ну, и отрицательный женский и порядок и да. 呃,否定词是女性,顺序是肯定的。

And the positive is male. E o positivo é masculino.

And a lot of these things that I have a lot of trouble, uh, accepting, um, E muitas destas coisas que tenho muita dificuldade em aceitar, И многие из этих вещей, с которыми у меня много проблем, э-э, с принятием, гм,

And in fact, as a general rule, I find that his 12 rules don't really E, de facto, regra geral, considero que as suas 12 regras não são realmente И на самом деле, как правило, я нахожу, что его 12 правил на самом деле не

relate to the subject matter that he discusses within each chapter. |||||||논의하다||| relacionam-se com o assunto que ele discute em cada capítulo. относятся к предмету, который он обсуждает в каждой главе. 与他在每一章中讨论的主题相关。

He has a chapter for each rule. Tem um capítulo para cada regra.

And so instead you have these themes that sort of pervade all of ||||||||||퍼지다|| Und stattdessen gibt es diese Themen, die sich durch alle Bereiche ziehen E assim, em vez disso, temos estes temas que, de certa forma, permeiam toda a И вместо этого у вас есть эти темы, которые пронизывают все 所以你会看到这些主题贯穿了

these chapters, and that is this sense of sort of a dark world. Estes capítulos são uma espécie de mundo escuro. эти главы, и это ощущение своего рода темного мира. 这些章节,就是这种黑暗世界的感觉。

And the only way we can survive is if we maintain certain structures, he E a única forma de sobrevivermos é se mantivermos certas estruturas И единственный способ выжить, если мы будем поддерживать определенные структуры, он 我们能够生存的唯一方法就是维持一定的结构,他说

seems to favor a patriarchy because historically, and perhaps in the animal ||||가부장제||||||| parece favorecer um patriarcado porque historicamente, e talvez no animal кажется, отдает предпочтение патриархату, потому что исторически и, возможно, в животном 似乎更倾向于父权制,因为从历史上看,也许在动物界

kingdom, the male is typically stronger. No reino, o macho é normalmente mais forte.

Uh, and, uh, that's a good thing.

And, uh, where there is, and, and all a while, of course, he's E, uh, onde há, e, e todo o tempo, é claro, ele é И, ну, где есть, и, и все время, конечно, он

pushing back against this sort of woke thing, which makes any sort ||||||각성||||| empujando hacia atrás contra este tipo de cosa despertada, lo que hace que cualquier tipo de a insurgir-se contra este tipo de coisas acordadas, o que torna qualquer tipo отталкиваясь от такого рода проснувшихся вещей, которые делают любого рода

of expression of power a bad thing. de expressão de poder uma coisa má. выражения власти плохая вещь.

Whereas in fact, to a large extent, people who have more power, but Considerando que, de facto, em grande medida, as pessoas que têm mais poder, mas В то время как на самом деле в значительной степени люди, обладающие большей властью, но 而事实上,在很大程度上,那些拥有更多权力的人,

not always, but in many cases, they have earned that position of power nem sempre, mas em muitos casos, mereceram essa posição de poder не всегда, но во многих случаях они заслужили это положение власти

because they have certain abilities. porque têm certas capacidades.

And so he stresses this, that, uh, we can't just condemn the patriarchy, ||||||||||criticize|| Por isso, sublinha que não podemos limitar-nos a condenar o patriarcado, И поэтому он подчеркивает, что мы не можем просто осудить патриархат,

but by the same token countries that are where the patriarchal sort of ||||||||||가부장적인|| mas, da mesma forma, os países onde o patriarcado é uma forma de но в то же время страны, где патриархальный вид

pattern is stronger, aren't necessarily happier countries, uh, any survey of é mais forte, não são necessariamente países mais felizes, uh, qualquer inquérito sobre сильнее, это не обязательно более счастливые страны, э-э, любое исследование

happiness typically shows countries like Denmark, uh, and Scandinavia is |||||덴마크|||스칸디나비아| a felicidade mostra tipicamente que países como a Dinamarca e a Escandinávia são Счастье обычно показывает такие страны, как Дания и Скандинавия. 幸福感通常表现为丹麦、斯堪的纳维亚等国家

having the highest happiness coefficient to the extent that we can measure that ||||계수|||||||| ter o coeficiente de felicidade mais elevado, na medida em que o podemos medir иметь самый высокий коэффициент счастья в той мере, в какой мы можем измерить это

effectively, it's somewhat subjective. efetivamente, é algo subjetivo. эффективно, это несколько субъективно.

And those countries typically have sort of a less dominant patriarchal structure И в этих странах обычно менее доминирующая патриархальная структура. 这些国家通常父权制结构不那么占主导地位

than some more traditional societies. чем некоторые более традиционные общества.

But nevertheless, he does make the point that the world we live in is one where, Но, тем не менее, он отмечает, что мир, в котором мы живем, — это мир, в котором,

you know, the individual is important. Вы знаете, личность важна.

In fact, that's, I should go there right away. На самом деле, это, я должен пойти туда прямо сейчас.

I saw a video of his, I did some research on the internet where he

makes the point that our Western society is, uh, very successful.

And, and so again, he's defending Western society from those who almost |||||방어하는|||||| Y, de nuevo, está defendiendo a la sociedad occidental de aquellos que casi И, и так далее, он защищает западное общество от тех, кто почти

systematically want to tear it down. |||찢다|| sustavno žele srušiti. querem sistematicamente destruí-la. систематически хотят снести его. 系统地想要把它拆除。

Fair enough. けっこうだ。 Справедливо.

Uh, there's definitely a tendency for intellectuals, people at universities Э-э, определенно есть склонность к интеллектуалам, людям в университетах

to want to tear down the established or to criticize the established order. хотеть разрушить установленный порядок или критиковать установленный порядок.

Uh, this was the case with the prevalence of Marxist and the economics department. |||||||유행|||||| Ух, так было и с преобладанием марксистского и экономического факультета.

It's the, uh, example today where in all of the humanities, you ||||||||||гуманитарные науки| Сегодня это пример, когда во всех гуманитарных науках вы

have this strong preponderance of people who are quote "progressive". |||Übergewicht|||||| |||우세함||||||진보적인 у этого сильное преобладание людей, которых цитируют "прогрессивные". 拥有大量被称为“进步”的人。

uh, and who are therefore very critical of the established society.

When in fact the, the established society is really not that bad.

However, where I have trouble with, with Jordan Peterson is he calls this No entanto, o que me causa problemas com Jordan Peterson é que ele chama a isto

Western society, Western culture. Sociedad occidental, cultura occidental. Sociedade ocidental, cultura ocidental.

But, but the fact is that it's modern society, that Western society, 500

years ago, a thousand years ago, over 2000 years ago in Rome and Greece, anos atrás, há mil anos atrás, há mais de 2000 anos atrás em Roma e na Grécia, лет назад, тысячу лет назад, более 2000 лет назад в Риме и Греции,

where half the population were slaves. onde metade da população era escrava. где половина населения были рабами.

Uh, in, in the middle ages when people were persecuted for what they thought, |||||||||verfolgt|||| |||||||||박해받은|||| |||||||||преследовали|||| Э-э, в средние века, когда людей преследовали за то, что они думали,

for their religions, uh, not that great at a time, in many cases throughout для их религий, э-э, не так велика в то время, во многих случаях повсюду 他们的宗教信仰,呃,在某个时候,在很多情况下,在整个

history where other civilizations it might be, you know, the, the Chinese, истории там, где другие цивилизации могли бы быть, знаете ли, китайцы,

uh, civilization during the, uh, the Tang Dynasty, for example, maybe ... was |||||||당|||| эээ, цивилизация во времена, эээ, династии Тан, например, может быть... была

a nicer place to live than London. лучшее место для жизни, чем Лондон.

uh, you know, I get my dates... ну, знаешь, у меня есть даты...

but certainly six, you know, middle ages in, uh, Europe wasn't all но, конечно, шесть, знаете ли, средние века в, э-э, Европе были не все

that great in terms of lifespan, in terms of the sophistication, in ||||||||||complexity| tão grande em termos de vida útil, em termos de sofisticação, em великолепная с точки зрения продолжительности жизни, с точки зрения сложности, в

terms of respect for individuals. Условия уважения к личности.

And so and so on, uh, in the modern age, uh, county, like Japan has a legal system, И так далее, и так далее, эээ, в современную эпоху, эээ, графство, как в Японии есть правовая система, 等等,在现代,呃,县,比如日本有法律体系,

uh, which is, uh, certainly no worse than, uh, in Western Europe or north America. |||||||보다||||||| эм, что, эм, точно не хуже, чем, эм, в Западной Европе или Северной Америке.

It certainly has health outcomes that are better. Это, безусловно, имеет лучшие результаты для здоровья.

Uh, it, uh, functions very effectively as a society. Э-э, оно очень эффективно функционирует как общество.

So I, I think this idea sort of to stick up for Western society and we're Así que creo que esta idea es algo así como defender a la sociedad occidental y estamos Итак, я думаю, что эта идея как бы защищает западное общество, и мы

the best and stuff, I find that a little bit inaccurate, uh, to say the лучшее и прочее, я нахожу это немного неточным, э-э, говорить 最好的东西,我觉得这么说有点不准确,呃,

least, and even to the extent of the sort of technological achievements in мере, а то и в меру технологических достижений в 至少,甚至在某种程度上

Western society, they are the result of technological advances in other ||||||||прогресса|| западного общества, они являются результатом технического прогресса в других

countries, mathematics in India and, and.

Uh, science in China 2000 years ago.

And, uh, even, uh, you know, Arab and, and Muslim scholars who sort of, И, ну, даже, ну, вы знаете, арабские и мусульманские ученые, которые вроде как,

uh, kept greek learning and Indian learning and, and Islamic learning, ну, продолжил изучение греческого, индийского и исламского языков, 呃,保留了希腊学习和印度学习以及伊斯兰学习,

and eventually brought that back to the west so that in say the 12, 13th, и в конце концов вернул это на запад, так что, скажем, 12, 13, 并最终将其带回西方,以便在 12、13 世纪,

14th century, many of these things were rediscovered and this then led |||||||rediscovered|||| |||||||재발견된|||| |||||||再発見された|||| 14 века многие из этих вещей были открыты заново, и это привело к

to the, uh, Renaissance and so forth.

And so on the world is an interconnected place. |||||||взаимосв| Итак, мир — это взаимосвязанное место.

And I think, you know, to use his, uh, imagery, you know, to stand up on your И я думаю, вы знаете, использовать его образы, вы знаете, чтобы встать на

hin legs and say ours is the best. 힌||||||| ヒン||||||| ноги и сказать, что наши самые лучшие.

Uh, I don't think he's very helpful.

I think if he just, as I'm now learning so much more about Iran and Persian Я думаю, что если бы он просто, так как я сейчас узнаю гораздо больше об Иране и персидском

history and, and the, the, uh, Cyrus' the cylinder where he recognized the freedom ||||||키루스||실린더||||| история и, и тот цилиндр Сайруса, где он признал свободу 历史和,呃,赛勒斯的圆柱体,他在那里承认了自由

of religion and freedom of, of different ethnic groups, groups to have every right религии и свободы, различных этнических групп, групп иметь полное право

in the, in the old, uh, Persian empire. в, в старой, ну, Персидской империи.

It, it, it kind of enables you to see the world through different lenses, |||||||||||||soczewki Это, это, это позволяет вам смотреть на мир через разные линзы,

the lenses of different languages. las lentes de diferentes idiomas.

And, uh, and I think that gives you a better perspective, uh, and... И, э, и я думаю, что это дает вам лучшую перспективу, э, и...

but I do agree that, um, that one shouldn't be overly но я согласен, что, гм, это не должно быть слишком

critical of, of our society. критика нашего общества.

You know, there's a lot of this sort of anti-capitalist society, but I'm always Знаете, таких антикапиталистических обществ много, но я всегда

aware of the fact that the products that I use, this camera that I'm using, which осознаю тот факт, что продукты, которые я использую, эта камера, которую я использую, которая

is made in Japan, or maybe it's made in China under licensed from the Japanese, |||||||||||라이센스||| сделано в Японии, или, может быть, сделано в Китае по лицензии японцев,

uh, the food I eat the products I use the, the daily functioning of our society. ну, пища, которую я ем продукты, которые я использую, повседневное функционирование нашего общества.

It's, you know, all kinds of people making my life richer and better. Знаете, самые разные люди делают мою жизнь богаче и лучше.

That's how our societies have evolved. Так развивались наши общества.

Of course it ends at some point. Конечно, когда-то это заканчивается.

Uh, I don't think that people are all out to get me. О, я не думаю, что люди хотят меня достать.

I don't think there's so many evil people out there, but there are evil people. Я не думаю, что там так много злых людей, но злые люди есть.

And so in terms of how we lead our lives, uh, I don't think we Итак, с точки зрения того, как мы живем, я не думаю, что мы

should say it's all the individual. надо сказать это все индивидуально.

It's not all the individual.

I think we need to obviously live our lives in a way, you know, we are Я думаю, что нам, очевидно, нужно жить так, как вы знаете, мы

responsible for our lives, but we are also helpful to others, which is ответственны за свою жизнь, но мы также помогаем другим, что

in a way in his book, but it's sort of hidden in amongst all the sort каким-то образом в его книге, но она как бы спрятана среди всех подобных

of dark mythology and, you know, biblical references to punishments ||||||성경적인||| темной мифологии и, знаете ли, библейских упоминаний о наказаниях

and, uh, and all kinds of dark stuff. и, ну, и всякие темные штуки.

He creates this sort of sense that the world, this, uh, chaotic place and |||||||||||혼란스러운|| Он создает такое ощущение, что мир, это хаотичное место и 他创造了这样一种感觉:这个世界,呃,混乱的地方,

the it's sort of difficult to extract yourself from the tragedy and the pain ||||||remove||||||| ||||||추출||||||| как-то сложно вырваться из трагедии и боли 从悲剧和痛苦中解脱出来有点困难

of living and to do that, you gotta, you know, follow these rules, basic self-help жизни, и чтобы сделать это, вы должны, знаете ли, следовать этим правилам, основам самопомощи 为了做到这一点,你必须遵循这些规则,基本的自助

things there that are universal, like tell the truth and listen to others. есть вещи универсальные, вроде говорить правду и слушать других.

And, uh, you know, look after yourself, be responsible to И, знаешь, береги себя, отвечай за

yourself and all this stuff is good.

And, but, but, um, I think the main reason why his, his book И, но, но, я думаю, главная причина, по которой его, его книга

has, um, been so successful. был, гм, был настолько успешным.

I think there are two reasons.

One is there's quite a breadth of, of information about psychology and, |||||폭|||||| Во-первых, есть довольно обширная информация о психологии и,

and mythology and religions and all these different ways that people

try to explain the mystery of life.

And, and then he extracts out of that, a few rules he claims that can И затем он извлекает из этого несколько правил, которые, как он утверждает, могут

help mitigate this, this, uh, chaos and enable you to live a meaningful. |완화하다||||||||||| помочь смягчить этот, ну, хаос и дать вам возможность жить осмысленно.

But where that meaning is you have to find for yourself.

I think obviously our families provide meaning, but there are Я думаю, очевидно, что наши семьи придают смысл, но есть

also dysfunctional families. |нефункциональные| |기능 장애의| также неблагополучные семьи.

Uh, for me, um, learning languages provide meaning because I discover more

about different cultures, uh, people who are bird Watchers, uh, people ||||||||관찰자|| о разных культурах, о людях, которые наблюдают за птицами, о людях

who are, uh, involved in charities. |||||charitable organizations |||||자선 단체들 кто занимается благотворительностью.

There was a gentleman, uh, discovered the other day, who... На днях был обнаружен джентльмен, который...

he has set up his whole house as a, as a, as, you know, uh, recycling Depot and ||||||||||||||||depot| ||||||||||||||||재활용 창고| он устроил весь свой дом как, как, ну, вы знаете, склад вторичной переработки и

you can take your empty milk bottles, your empty, you know, water bottles,

your empty wine bottles, take 'em up there, drop them there and he will make |||||그곳에 두세요||||||||| ваши пустые бутылки из-под вина, поднимите их туда, бросьте их туда, и он сделает

sure that that is converted into... уверен, что это преобразуется в ...

because the recycling system pays you for them. потому что система утилизации платит вам за них.

And from that, he gives food vouchers to homeless people. И от этого он раздает талоны на еду бездомным.

That's his life, that's meaning.

He has...

that's his meaning.


So we find meaning wherever it is like I, uh, and, and I think where I, I Итак, мы находим смысл везде, где это похоже на то, как я, ну, и я думаю, где я, я

agree with, with, um, JordanPeterson is pushback on all this woke stuff ||||조던 피터슨||반대||||각성한| ||||ジョーダン・ピー||||||| согласен с, с, гм, ДжорданПетерсон возражает против всего этого проснувшегося хлама

like this gender neutral pronouns. как это гендерно-нейтральные местоимения.

It doesn't matter if, if there is a non-binary person, a transgendered |||||||||비이성적|||트랜스젠더인 ||||||||||||トランスジェンダ Неважно, если есть небинарный человек, трансгендер