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Steve's Language Learning Tips, How to Review Vocabulary

How to Review Vocabulary

Any learning activity, reviewing activity, should be easy, as easy as possible.

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here and today, I want to talk about flashcards.

Uh, remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe, uh, click

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So flashcards uh, activities.

We have them on LingQ.

It can be simply, you know, you see a word and you gotta remember the meaning

of that word, say a target language word.

What is the meaning in your language?

Or you can have, um, clozed tests where you fill in the blank with a word.

Or multiple choice.

There are different kinds of activities that can be forms,

ways of reviewing vocabulary.

And I'm gonna tell you what I think of these and how I think they, these

different ways of reviewing, reviewing vocabulary are most effective.

A lot of people use en key or some other, uh, spaced repetition system where uh,

you review words and depending on whether you get it right with the flashcard,

like you see the word and you don't get it right, then it generates sort of a

response within this, uh, algorithm.

So that new words are put in front of you, uh, based on, you know, some

assumptions or some evidence on how quickly we forget things and how

often we need to see things again.

And so forth and so on.

So right up front let me say that I have never been a user of Anki and I'm not a

big user of flashcards at LingQ, but I use them to some extent, and I'm gonna tell

you Steve's approach to flashcards and to some extent lists and what I think is the

most effective way to review vocabulary.

Now, remember most of our vocabulary we pick it up in, in reading and listening.

We see it in an actual live meaningful uh, context or we hear it after having read

it, or we read it after having heard it.

And so gradually these words start to stick.

It's not a matter in my opinion of memorization.

However, some deliberate review of words can be helpful.

Here is what I think are the sort of basic rules of useful

flashcard or vocabulary review.

Number one: do it as soon as possible after you have come across the word.

So in my own case, uh, and here I'm gonna mention LingQ because, and some people

don't like it, but that's where I study.

A lot of people use, uh, LingQ and that's what I refer to when I talk about my

own experience of language learning.

So when I'm in LingQ, especially now in Persian, I use the sentence

mode, um, particularly if, if the content has come from YouTube, where

there is very accurate time stamping.

So I deal with a sentence 8, 10, 12 words.

And within those 8, 10, 12 words, there might be three or two or

one or four that are yellow.

In other words, I've seen them before, but I still don't know what they mean.

Or there might be one or two blue words that I'm seeing for the first time.

So what I do is that sentence, when I finish that sentence, I will do

a review, usually either in a list or some form of flashcard, which I

will get to, but the most effective time to do that review is immediately

after I've seen the word in a context.

That's point number one.

Point number two: in my opinion, we should never do more than a handful,

max 10 flashcards at a sitting because after a while, we're no longer learning

anything it's becoming tedious.

We're more and more divorced from meaningful content

from a meaningful context.

So typically if I'm in sentence mode and I've got 6, 8, 10 words

to review, that's very effective.

I've just seen them in a meaningful context.

Some of those words are new.

Some are words that I'm starting to get to know.

Some of them, I decide I already know this word and I move it to known,

but I'm dealing with a handful of words so immediately, or as soon

as possible after coming across the word in some content or context.

Second of all, not too many.

Max 10, preferably 4, 5, 6.

Third: any learning activity, reviewing activity should be

easy, as easy as possible.

No scratching your brain.

No trying to remember.

So obviously a list which has it all there is a very quick review.

Uh, I use lists for example, to move the status of a word to known,

but it's also a very quick review.

What I find quite effective now is these new matching pairs that we have

at LingQ where you are presented with a total of three words, target language

and your language or the language you know, and you just have to connect them.

And if you go to the wrong one, it goes red.

And if you go to the right one, it's blue, it's very easy to do.

It's a good review.

You get the text to speech of the word.

And so I do three.

And then if there's another three, I do another three and then I

do another three, but it's easy.

I'm not scratching my brain.

All the time spent scratching your brain trying to remember

something to me is not effective.

It's more a matter of exposing yourself to this vocabulary again with a minimum

amount of effort as quickly as possible.

So as soon as soon after having come across it in a particular source of

content, such as a sentence in our sentence view at, at LingQ, uh, easy.

And what else?

And not too many.


So those are the conditions.

And on that basis, it's very effective.

Each sentence, you do a sentence, you review the words

that came out of that sentence.

Some new, some words you're still trying to learn, and then

you move on tothe next sentence.

So you stay in the content item.

You don't lose your thread in the content item.

Uh, it's not like, uh, reviewing hundreds of words in flashcards where

you're now divorced from any content.

And I have found that not only is it tedious to do that, but, uh, as I've

said before, even in Persian, I have 30,000 words that I have saved and

I only know 10,000 of those words.

And so I have lots of words that I'm in the process of learning.

If I were to review all of those in some kind of a space re repetition

algorithm, I would spend a lot of my time just reviewing words.

I prefer to stay in meaningful content.

Now another form of review, which is very effective is

where that review has a purpose.

Part of the problem with reviewing, you know, long lists

of flashcards is I never am that confident that I'm really learning.

um, I'm reviewing, scratching my head, whatever, but I'm not really

sure that anything is sticking and I'm divorced from the content.

However, if I review at LingQ my status three words, so I go to

my vocab section and I filter for just those words that are familiar.

We have three statuses, new, kind of starting to get to know it,

and now it's kind of familiar, but you're not totally sure.

So I have lots of these words in LingQ.

If I look at my vocab section, I have each, I, I don't know if there's 25

or how many words there are in a list uh, but I have like 45 pages of these.

So I have a lot of words that are status three, familiar.

If I go to that list and start going down them, I find a lot of

words that I actually know now.

So therefore I have a sense of purpose.

I am actually increasing my known words total while I'm going through this list.

And of course, as I'm going through them, I'm looking at the other words

that I'm not yet totally confident about.

And I will find x, whether 20, 25% of these words that I can move to known.

So this improves my score, my known words total, uh, keeps my streak going.

So I feel as if I'm achieving something.

So I think that's the fourth element, rather than just sitting there and

going through flashcards in the hope that some of that is gonna stick in

the hope that the algorithm is somehow gonna help you learn these words,

which I have no confidence is the case.

Other people do they swear by them.

That's fine.

We can all do what we like to do, but I'm talking about my approach to flashcards.

I prefer to stay with the content one sentence at a time, review the words

right after the sentence, as close as possible to when I've, you know,

been able to hear it and read it.

Uh, I want the activity and I want no more than say six to 10.

I want the, the review activity to be as easy as possible, either

a list or, uh, matching pairs.

And finally, if I am gonna deal with a longer list, then I wanna have the sense

that I'm actually achieving something.

I am adding to my known words, total, I'm maintaining my streak.

I'm, you know, generating the number of coins that I want to generate for that.

So on all, uh, for all of those reasons and in that way, I enjoy doing flashcards.

So I know many people have different approaches, which is fine.

I look forward to your comments.

Thank you for listening.

Bye for now.

So I will use Catalan, which is not a language that I know and show you

how I would attack this new language.

So this happens to be a sentence out of a mini story.

So because the mini stories are timestamped I can hear this sentence

... so I can hear listen to it again if I want.

Now here I have some yellow words that I've seen before, and I have

some blue words that are new.

So I might look at, I might, first of all, do that ... okay.

So ... baby ... will be.

And I presume this is subjective content, ... with ... so now I will, because my rules

for flashcards are right away after having encountered the word, uh, easy and few.

So here I have five.

So I study the sentence.

...is a baby ... okay.

He, she is, uh, ... in other words, ...so it looks like the E is like ... they

um, with, okay, now I don't do this.

We have this, uh, dictation thing, which chance to your pronunciation,

this all comes out of a, sort of recent, uh, version of the app,

which soon will become available to you on iOS and on, um, Android.

Uh, if I go to my, uh, where are you?

Persian And, uh, familiar, I have a lot of words.

I have 40 pages worth and I don't know how many items there are in here.

And I will find words in there that ... I might give myself credit for

that ... um, so maybe I'll take that.

And then I work myself down.

... this comes up all the time now with the Iranians and drones and stuff

and, and I will normally find a lot of words there that I can move to known.

So there I do my review in a list, but I do it with a purpose.

The purpose is moving words to known.

So there you have it a quick, uh, review of how I use flashcards.

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How to Review Vocabulary Wie man Vokabeln überprüft Cómo repasar el vocabulario Comment réviser le vocabulaire Come ripassare il vocabolario 語彙の復習方法 Como rever o vocabulário Как просмотреть словарный запас Ako skontrolovať slovnú zásobu Kelime Bilgisi Nasıl Gözden Geçirilir Як перевірити словниковий запас 如何复习词汇 如何復習詞彙

Any learning activity, reviewing activity, should be easy, as easy as possible. 学習活動、復習活動は、できるだけ簡単に、簡単に行う必要があります。 Jebkurai mācību darbībai, pārskatīšanas darbībai ir jābūt vieglai, pēc iespējas vieglākai. Akákoľvek vzdelávacia aktivita, kontrolná činnosť, by mala byť jednoduchá, čo najjednoduchšia. 任何学习活动、复习活动,都应该简单,尽可能简单。

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here and today, I want to talk about flashcards. こんにちは、Steve Kaufmann です。今日はフラッシュカードについてお話したいと思います。 Sveiki, šeit Stīvs Kaufmans, un šodien es vēlos runāt par zibatmiņām. 大家好,Steve Kaufmann 今天在这里,我想谈谈抽认卡。

Uh, remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe, uh, click Uh, atcerieties, ja jums patīk šie videoklipi, lūdzu, abonējiet, uh, noklikšķiniet uz 呃,记得如果你喜欢这些视频,请订阅,呃,点击

on the bell for notifications.

And if you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a comment. Un, ja jūs sekojat man par podkāstu pakalpojumu, lūdzu, atstājiet komentāru. Ve beni bir podcast servisinde takip ederseniz, lütfen bir yorum bırakın.

So flashcards uh, activities. |fiszek||aktywności だからフラッシュカードええと、活動。

We have them on LingQ. LingQ にそれらがあります。 Mums tie ir pieejami vietnē LingQ.

It can be simply, you know, you see a word and you gotta remember the meaning ||||||||||||musisz||| それは単に、単語を見てその意味を覚えなければならないということです。 Tas var būt vienkārši, ziniet, jūs redzat vārdu, un jums ir jāatceras tā nozīme. Basitçe olabilir, bilirsin, bir kelime görüyorsun ve anlamını hatırlamalısın 它可以很简单,你知道,你看到一个词,你必须记住它的意思

of that word, say a target language word. その単語の、ターゲット言語の単語を言います。 šo vārdu, teiksim mērķa valodas vārdu. o kelimenin bir hedef dil kelimesini söyleyin.

What is the meaning in your language? あなたの言語での意味は何ですか? Kāda ir nozīme jūsu valodā?

Or you can have, um, clozed tests where you fill in the blank with a word. |||||Lückentests|||||||||| |||||lukowane|||||||||| または、空欄に単語を入力するクローズド テストを作成することもできます。 Vai arī varat veikt klozētus testus, kuros jūs aizpildāt tukšo vietu ar kādu vārdu.

Or multiple choice. または複数選択。 Vai vairākas izvēles iespējas. Veya çoktan seçmeli.

There are different kinds of activities that can be forms, フォームにできるさまざまな種類のアクティビティがあり、 Ir dažādas aktivitātes, kas var būt veidlapas,

ways of reviewing vocabulary. 語彙の復習方法。 vārdu krājuma apguves veidi.

And I'm gonna tell you what I think of these and how I think they, these Un es jums pastāstīšu, ko es domāju par tiem un kā es domāju, ka tie, šie Ve sana bunlar hakkında ne düşündüğümü ve nasıl düşündüğümü söyleyeceğim.

different ways of reviewing, reviewing vocabulary are most effective. visefektīvākie ir dažādi pārbaudes veidi, vārdu krājuma pārskatīšana.

A lot of people use en key or some other, uh, spaced repetition system where uh, |||||||||||rozłożony w czasie|||| 多くの人がエンキーまたはその他の間隔反復システムを使用しています。 Daudzi cilvēki izmanto en taustiņu vai kādu citu izkliedētas atkārtošanas sistēmu, kur uh, Pek çok insan tr tuşunu veya başka bir aralıklı tekrarlama sistemini kullanır, burada uh,

you review words and depending on whether you get it right with the flashcard, ||||atkarībā||vai||||||| 単語を復習し、フラッシュカードで正しく理解できるかどうかに応じて、 jūs pārskatāt vārdus un atkarībā no tā, vai jums tas ir pareizi, izmantojat zibatmiņas kartiņu, kelimeleri gözden geçirirsiniz ve bilgi kartıyla doğru anlayıp anlamadığınıza bağlı olarak,

like you see the word and you don't get it right, then it generates sort of a 単語を見て正しく理解できなかった場合、一種の piemēram, jūs redzat vārdu un nesaņemat to pareizi, tad tas rada sava veida

response within this, uh, algorithm. atbilde|||| この、ええと、アルゴリズム内の応答。 reakcija šajā algoritmā. bu, uh, algoritma içinde yanıt.

So that new words are put in front of you, uh, based on, you know, some Tātad, ka jums priekšā tiek likti jauni vārdi, pamatojoties uz, jūs zināt, dažiem... Böylece yeni kelimeler önünüze konur, uh, bilirsiniz, bazılarına dayanarak

assumptions or some evidence on how quickly we forget things and how pieņēmumi||||||||||| założenia||||||||||| 私たちが物を忘れる速さと方法についての仮定またはいくつかの証拠 pieņēmumi vai daži pierādījumi par to, cik ātri mēs aizmirst lietas un kā

often we need to see things again. 多くの場合、物事をもう一度見る必要があります。 bieži vien mums ir nepieciešams redzēt lietas no jauna.

And so forth and so on. などなど。 Un tā tālāk un tā tālāk.

So right up front let me say that I have never been a user of Anki and I'm not a |na wstępie|||||||||||||||||| ですから、最初に言っておきますが、私は Anki のユーザーではありません。 Tāpēc uzreiz teikšu, ka es nekad neesmu bijis Anki lietotājs un neesmu O halde hemen önden söyleyeyim ki ben hiçbir zaman Anki kullanıcısı olmadım ve ben de değilim.

big user of flashcards at LingQ, but I use them to some extent, and I'm gonna tell LingQ ではフラッシュカードの大ユーザーですが、ある程度は使用しています。 liels lietotājs flashcards pie LingQ, bet es tos izmantot zināmā mērā, un es gonna pastāstīt veľký používateľ kartičiek na LingQ, ale ja ich do určitej miery používam a poviem vám to

you Steve's approach to flashcards and to some extent lists and what I think is the スティーブのフラッシュカードとある程度のリストへのアプローチ、そして私が思うのは jums Stīva pieeju flashcards un zināmā mērā sarakstus un to, ko es domāju, ir Stevov prístup k kartám a do určitej miery zoznamom a čo si myslím, že je

most effective way to review vocabulary. 語彙を復習する最も効果的な方法。 visefektīvākais veids, kā pārskatīt vārdu krājumu.

Now, remember most of our vocabulary we pick it up in, in reading and listening. さて、リーディングとリスニングで、私たちがそれを拾うボキャブラリーのほとんどを覚えておいてください. Atcerieties, ka lielāko daļu vārdu krājuma mēs apgūstam, lasot un klausoties. Teraz si pamätajte väčšinu našej slovnej zásoby, v ktorej ju preberáme pri čítaní a počúvaní.

We see it in an actual live meaningful uh, context or we hear it after having read |||||||jēgpilns||||||||| 私たちはそれを実際のライブで意味のあるコンテキストで見るか、読んだ後に聞く Mēs to redzam reālā dzīvā jēgpilnā kontekstā vai arī dzirdam to pēc tam, kad esam lasījuši. Vidíme to v skutočnom živom zmysluplnom kontexte alebo to počujeme po prečítaní

it, or we read it after having heard it. それ、またはそれを聞いた後にそれを読みます。 vai arī mēs to lasām pēc tam, kad esam to dzirdējuši.

And so gradually these words start to stick. |||||||przyklejać się そして、徐々にこれらの言葉が定着し始めます。 Un tā pamazām šie vārdi sāk pieķerties. A tak sa postupne tieto slová začnú držať.

It's not a matter in my opinion of memorization. ||||||||memorizing ||||||||zapamiętywanie 暗記についての私の意見では問題ではありません。 Manuprāt, tas nav jautājums par iegaumēšanu.

However, some deliberate review of words can be helpful. ただし、単語を慎重に確認することは役立つ場合があります。 Tomēr var būt noderīgi apzināti pārskatīt dažus vārdus.

Here is what I think are the sort of basic rules of useful Lūk, kas, manuprāt, ir noderīgi pamatnoteikumi.

flashcard or vocabulary review. zibatmiņas vai vārdu krājuma pārskatīšanu.

Number one: do it as soon as possible after you have come across the word. ||||||||||||napotkać|| Pirmkārt, dariet to pēc iespējas ātrāk pēc tam, kad esat saskāries ar šo vārdu. 第一:在你遇到这个词后尽快做。

So in my own case, uh, and here I'm gonna mention LingQ because, and some people Tātad manā gadījumā, un šeit es pieminēšu LingQ, jo daži cilvēki.

don't like it, but that's where I study. nepatīk, bet es tur mācos.

A lot of people use, uh, LingQ and that's what I refer to when I talk about my Daudzi cilvēki izmanto LingQ, un tieši uz to es atsaucos, kad runāju par savu LingQ.

own experience of language learning. savu pieredzi valodas apguvē.

So when I'm in LingQ, especially now in Persian, I use the sentence Tāpēc, kad es lietoju LingQ, īpaši tagad persiešu valodā, es lietoju teikumu

mode, um, particularly if, if the content has come from YouTube, where ||szczególnie jeśli||||||||| režīmā, um, it īpaši, ja, ja saturs ir nācis no YouTube, kur

there is very accurate time stamping. |||||time marking hay una marca de tiempo muy precisa. ir ļoti precīzs laika zīmogs.

So I deal with a sentence 8, 10, 12 words. Tāpēc es strādāju ar 8, 10, 12 vārdu teikumu.

And within those 8, 10, 12 words, there might be three or two or Un šajos 8, 10, 12 vārdos var būt trīs, divi vai vairāk.

one or four that are yellow. viena vai četras dzeltenas krāsas.

In other words, I've seen them before, but I still don't know what they mean. Citiem vārdiem sakot, es tos jau esmu redzējis, bet joprojām nezinu, ko tie nozīmē.

Or there might be one or two blue words that I'm seeing for the first time. Vai arī var būt viens vai divi zili vārdi, kurus es redzu pirmo reizi.

So what I do is that sentence, when I finish that sentence, I will do Tātad, kad es pabeidzu šo teikumu, es darīšu to, ko es daru.

a review, usually either in a list or some form of flashcard, which I pārskatīšanu, parasti vai nu sarakstā, vai kādā zibatmiņas kartē, ko es

will get to, but the most effective time to do that review is immediately saņems, bet visefektīvākais laiks, lai veiktu šo pārskatīšanu, ir nekavējoties.

after I've seen the word in a context. pēc tam, kad esmu redzējis šo vārdu kontekstā.

That's point number one. Tas ir pirmais punkts.

Point number two: in my opinion, we should never do more than a handful, |||||||||||||garstka Otrais punkts: manuprāt, mums nekad nevajadzētu darīt vairāk par nedaudz vairāk, 第二点:在我看来,我们永远不应该做多于一把,

max 10 flashcards at a sitting because after a while, we're no longer learning |||||||||||garāks| ne vairāk kā 10 flashcards vienā sēdē, jo pēc kāda laika mēs vairs nemācāmies. 一次最多 10 张抽认卡,因为一段时间后,我们不再学习

anything it's becoming tedious. |||garlaicīgs |||langweilig |||boring and repetitive |||nużące kaut kas tas kļūst garlaicīgs. 任何事情都变得乏味。

We're more and more divorced from meaningful content ||||šķirti no||| ||||separated||| We're more and more divorced from meaningful content Mēs arvien vairāk un vairāk šķiramies no jēgpilna satura. Мы все больше и больше отрываемся от значимого контента 我们越来越脱离有意义的内容

from a meaningful context. no jēgpilna konteksta. a partir de um contexto significativo. из осмысленного контекста.

So typically if I'm in sentence mode and I've got 6, 8, 10 words Parasti, ja es esmu teikuma režīmā un man ir 6, 8, 10 vārdi.

to review, that's very effective. pārskatīt, tas ir ļoti efektīvi.

I've just seen them in a meaningful context. Właśnie widziałem||||||| Es tikai esmu redzējis tos jēgpilnā kontekstā. Acabei de os ver num contexto significativo.

Some of those words are new. Daži no šiem vārdiem ir jauni. Algumas dessas palavras são novas.

Some are words that I'm starting to get to know. Dažus vārdus es sāku iepazīt.

Some of them, I decide I already know this word and I move it to known, Dažos no tiem es nolemju, ka šo vārdu jau zinu, un pārcelju to uz "zināms", Nalgumas delas, decido que já conheço esta palavra e passo-a para conhecida,

but I'm dealing with a handful of words so immediately, or as soon bet es esmu nodarbojas ar saujiņu vārdu, lai nekavējoties, vai tiklīdz

as possible after coming across the word in some content or context. |||napotkaniu|||||||| pēc iespējas ātrāk pēc tam, kad ar šo vārdu ir saskāries kādā saturā vai kontekstā.

Second of all, not too many. Otrkārt, ne pārāk daudz. 其次,不要太多。

Max 10, preferably 4, 5, 6. |najlepiej Ne vairāk kā 10, vēlams 4, 5, 6. 最多 10 个,最好是 4、5、6 个。

Third: any learning activity, reviewing activity should be Treškārt: jebkurai mācību aktivitātei, pārskatīšanas aktivitātei jābūt

easy, as easy as possible. viegli, pēc iespējas vieglāk.

No scratching your brain. |coçando|| |Nie drap głowy.|| Nekas nesaskrāpē jūsu smadzenes. Nada de coçar o cérebro. 不要抓挠你的大脑。

No trying to remember. Nav jāmēģina atcerēties.

So obviously a list which has it all there is a very quick review. Tātad acīmredzot saraksts, kurā ir viss, ir ļoti ātra pārskatīšana. Por isso, é óbvio que uma lista que contenha tudo é uma revisão muito rápida.

Uh, I use lists for example, to move the status of a word to known, Uh, es izmantoju sarakstus, piemēram, lai vārda statusu pārceltu uz zināmu, Utilizo listas, por exemplo, para mudar o estado de uma palavra para conhecida,

but it's also a very quick review. bet tas ir arī ļoti ātrs pārskats.

What I find quite effective now is these new matching pairs that we have Manuprāt, tagad diezgan efektīvi ir šie jaunie saskaņotie pāri, kas mums ir. 我现在发现非常有效的是我们拥有的这些新配对

at LingQ where you are presented with a total of three words, target language vietnē LingQ, kur jums tiek piedāvāti trīs vārdi, mērķvaloda, mērķvaloda 在 LingQ 中,您总共会看到三个单词,目标语言

and your language or the language you know, and you just have to connect them. un jūsu valodu vai valodu, ko protat, un jums tās vienkārši jāsavieno.

And if you go to the wrong one, it goes red. Un, ja aiziet uz nepareizo, tas kļūst sarkans.

And if you go to the right one, it's blue, it's very easy to do. Un, ja atverat pareizo, tas ir zils, to ir ļoti viegli izdarīt.

It's a good review. Tas ir labs pārskats.

You get the text to speech of the word. Jūs saņemat teksta runas versiju par vārdu.

And so I do three. Un tā es daru trīs.

And then if there's another three, I do another three and then I Un tad, ja ir vēl trīs, es daru vēl trīs, un tad es...

do another three, but it's easy. veikt vēl trīs, bet tas ir viegli.

I'm not scratching my brain. Nie drapię|||| Es nesaskrāpēju smadzenes.

All the time spent scratching your brain trying to remember Viss laiks, kas pavadīts, skrāpējot smadzenes un cenšoties atcerēties.

something to me is not effective. kaut kas man nav efektīvs.

It's more a matter of exposing yourself to this vocabulary again with a minimum Tas drīzāk ir jautājums par to, kā vēlreiz iepazīt šo vārdu krājumu ar minimālu skaitu.

amount of effort as quickly as possible. daudz pūļu|||||| piepūles pēc iespējas ātrāk.

So as soon as soon after having come across it in a particular source of Tātad, tiklīdz, tiklīdz pēc tam, kad ir saskāries ar to konkrētā avota

content, such as a sentence in our sentence view at, at LingQ, uh, easy. saturu, piemēram, teikumu mūsu teikumu skatā at, at LingQ, uh, easy.

And what else? Un kas vēl?

And not too many. Un ne pārāk daudz.

Okay. Хорошо.

So those are the conditions. Tātad šie ir nosacījumi.

And on that basis, it's very effective. Un, pamatojoties uz to, tā ir ļoti efektīva.

Each sentence, you do a sentence, you review the words Katrā teikumā jūs veicat teikumu, pārskatāt vārdus.

that came out of that sentence. kas izriet no šī teikuma.

Some new, some words you're still trying to learn, and then Daži jauni, daži vārdi, kurus vēl tikai mēģināt apgūt, un pēc tam.

you move on tothe next sentence. |||do następnego|| pāriet pie nākamā teikuma.

So you stay in the content item. Tātad jūs paliekat satura vienībā.

You don't lose your thread in the content item. Jūs nezaudējat savu pavedienu satura vienumā.

Uh, it's not like, uh, reviewing hundreds of words in flashcards where Uh, tas nav tāpat kā simtiem vārdu kartītēs, kur...

you're now divorced from any content. ||jesteś teraz rozwiedziony||| jūs tagad esat nošķirts no jebkāda satura.

And I have found that not only is it tedious to do that, but, uh, as I've |||||||||boring||||||| |||||||||nużące||||||| Un es esmu atklājis, ka tas ir ne tikai garlaicīgi, bet, kā es esmu to darījis.

said before, even in Persian, I have 30,000 words that I have saved and teica iepriekš, pat persiešu valodā, man ir 30 000 vārdu, kas man ir saglabāti un

I only know 10,000 of those words. Es zinu tikai 10 000 no šiem vārdiem.

And so I have lots of words that I'm in the process of learning. Man ir daudz vārdu, kurus es pašlaik mācos.

If I were to review all of those in some kind of a space re repetition Ja man būtu, lai pārskatītu visus šos kaut kāda veida kosmosa atkārtotu atkārtošanu

algorithm, I would spend a lot of my time just reviewing words. algoritmu, es pavadītu daudz laika, vienkārši pārskatot vārdus.

I prefer to stay in meaningful content. Es dodu priekšroku jēgpilnam saturam.

Now another form of review, which is very effective is Vēl viens ļoti efektīvs pārskatīšanas veids ir.

where that review has a purpose. ja šai pārskatīšanai ir mērķis.

Part of the problem with reviewing, you know, long lists Daļa no problēmām, kas saistītas ar garu sarakstu pārskatīšanu.

of flashcards is I never am that confident that I'm really learning. |||||||pārliecināts|||| no flashcards ir tas, ka es nekad neesmu tik pārliecināts, ka es patiešām mācos.

um, I'm reviewing, scratching my head, whatever, but I'm not really um, es esmu pārskatīšana, skrāpējot manu galvu, neatkarīgi, bet es neesmu īsti

sure that anything is sticking and I'm divorced from the content. pārliecināts, ka kaut kas turas, un es esmu šķirts no satura.

However, if I review at LingQ my status three words, so I go to Tomēr, ja es pārskatīt pie LingQ manu statusu trīs vārdus, tāpēc es eju uz

my vocab section and I filter for just those words that are familiar. ||sadaļa|||||||||| |Sure, I can help with that. Could you please provide the specific word or phrase you need translated?||||||||||| savu vārdnīcas sadaļu un filtrēju tikai tos vārdus, kas man ir pazīstami.

We have three statuses, new, kind of starting to get to know it, Mums ir trīs statusi - jauns, sākam to iepazīt,

and now it's kind of familiar, but you're not totally sure. un tagad tas ir it kā pazīstams, bet jūs neesat pilnīgi pārliecināts.

So I have lots of these words in LingQ. LingQ man ir daudz šo vārdu.

If I look at my vocab section, I have each, I, I don't know if there's 25 Ja es skatos savā vārdnīcas sadaļā, man ir katrs, es, es nezinu, vai tur ir 25

or how many words there are in a list uh, but I have like 45 pages of these. vai cik daudz vārdu ir sarakstā, bet man ir apmēram 45 lappuses.

So I have a lot of words that are status three, familiar. Tāpēc man ir daudz vārdu, kas ir trīs statusa, pazīstami.

If I go to that list and start going down them, I find a lot of Ja es eju uz šo sarakstu un sāku to šķirstīt, es atrodu daudz

words that I actually know now. vārdi, kurus es tagad patiešām zinu.

So therefore I have a sense of purpose. ですから、目的意識があります。 Tāpēc man ir mērķa sajūta.

I am actually increasing my known words total while I'm going through this list. Es faktiski palielinu savu zināmo vārdu kopsummu, kamēr es eju cauri šim sarakstam.

And of course, as I'm going through them, I'm looking at the other words Un, protams, kamēr es tos šķirstīju, es skatos uz citiem vārdiem.

that I'm not yet totally confident about. |||||pārliecināts| par ko es vēl neesmu pilnīgi pārliecināts.

And I will find x, whether 20, 25% of these words that I can move to known. |||||vai||||||||| Un es atradīšu x, vai 20, 25% no šiem vārdiem, kurus es varu pārvietot uz zināmiem.

So this improves my score, my known words total, uh, keeps my streak going. ||||||||||||passę| Tas uzlabo manu rezultātu, manu zināmo vārdu kopsummu, un es turpinu iesākto sēriju.

So I feel as if I'm achieving something. Tāpēc es jūtos tā, it kā es kaut ko sasniegtu.

So I think that's the fourth element, rather than just sitting there and Tāpēc es domāju, ka tas ir ceturtais elements, nevis vienkārši sēdēt tur un

going through flashcards in the hope that some of that is gonna stick in izskata flashcards, cerot, ka daļa no tā būs stick in

the hope that the algorithm is somehow gonna help you learn these words, cerība, ka algoritms kaut kādā veidā palīdzēs jums iemācīties šos vārdus,

which I have no confidence is the case. ||||pārliecība||| kas, manuprāt, nav tiesa.

Other people do they swear by them. |||||par| ||||przysięgają na nie|| Citi cilvēki zvērušies ar tiem.

That's fine. Tas ir labi.

We can all do what we like to do, but I'm talking about my approach to flashcards. Mēs visi varam darīt to, kas mums patīk, bet es runāju par savu pieeju zibatmiņām.

I prefer to stay with the content one sentence at a time, review the words Es dodu priekšroku palikt pie satura pa vienam teikumam, pārskatīt vārdus.

right after the sentence, as close as possible to when I've, you know, uzreiz pēc teikuma, pēc iespējas tuvāk tam brīdim, kad es, ziniet,

been able to hear it and read it. varēja to dzirdēt un lasīt.

Uh, I want the activity and I want no more than say six to 10. Es gribu, lai aktivitāte un ne vairāk kā, teiksim, seši līdz desmit.

I want the, the review activity to be as easy as possible, either Es gribu, lai pārskatīšana būtu pēc iespējas vienkāršāka.

a list or, uh, matching pairs. sarakstu vai atbilstošus pārus.

And finally, if I am gonna deal with a longer list, then I wanna have the sense Un, visbeidzot, ja es grasos strādāt ar garāku sarakstu, tad es gribu, lai man būtu jēga.

that I'm actually achieving something. ka es patiešām kaut ko sasniedzu.

I am adding to my known words, total, I'm maintaining my streak. Es pievienoju savus zināmos vārdus, kopsumma, Es esmu saglabājis savu svītru.

I'm, you know, generating the number of coins that I want to generate for that. Es ģenerēju tādu monētu skaitu, kādu es vēlos ģenerēt.

So on all, uh, for all of those reasons and in that way, I enjoy doing flashcards. Tāpēc visu šo iemeslu dēļ un šādā veidā man patīk veidot zibatmiņas kartes.

So I know many people have different approaches, which is fine. Tāpēc es zinu, ka daudziem cilvēkiem ir atšķirīgas pieejas, un tas ir labi.

I look forward to your comments. Es gaidu jūsu komentārus.

Thank you for listening.

Bye for now.

So I will use Catalan, which is not a language that I know and show you ||||katalońskiego języka||||||||||| Tāpēc es runāšu katalāņu valodā, kuru es neprotu, un parādīšu jums.

how I would attack this new language. kā es varētu uzbrukt šai jaunajai valodai.

So this happens to be a sentence out of a mini story. Tātad šis ir teikums no mini stāsta.

So because the mini stories are timestamped I can hear this sentence Tā kā mini stāsti ir atzīmēti ar laika zīmogu, es varu dzirdēt šo teikumu.

... so I can hear listen to it again if I want. ... lai es varētu to noklausīties vēlreiz, ja vēlos.

Now here I have some yellow words that I've seen before, and I have Tagad šeit man ir daži dzelteni vārdi, kurus esmu redzējis jau agrāk, un man ir

some blue words that are new. daži jauni zili vārdi.

So I might look at, I might, first of all, do that ... okay. Tāpēc es varētu izskatīt, es varētu, pirmkārt, darīt to... labi.

So ... baby ... will be. Tātad... bērns... būs.

And I presume this is subjective content, ... with ... so now I will, because my rules ||pieņemu|||||||||||| ||zakładam|||||||||||| Un es pieņemu, ka tas ir subjektīvs saturs, ... ar ... tāpēc tagad es, jo mani noteikumi

for flashcards are right away after having encountered the word, uh, easy and few. |||||||saskārās ar|||||| |||||||napotkaniu||||łatwe|| flashcards ir uzreiz pēc tam, kad sastapās ar vārdu, uh, viegli un maz.

So here I have five. Tātad šeit man ir pieci.

So I study the sentence. Tāpēc es izpētīju teikumu.

...is a baby ... okay. ...ir bērns... labi.

He, she is, uh, ... in other words, ...so it looks like the E is like ... they Viņš, viņa ir... citiem vārdiem sakot, ...izskatās, ka E ir kā... viņi.

um, with, okay, now I don't do this. um, ar, labi, tagad es to nedaru.

We have this, uh, dictation thing, which chance to your pronunciation, ||||dyktowanie|||||| Mums ir šī diktēšanas metode, kas ļauj jums izrunāt,

this all comes out of a, sort of recent, uh, version of the app, ||||||||nesen||||| ||comes||||||||||| tas viss ir saistīts ar jaunāko lietotnes versiju,

which soon will become available to you on iOS and on, um, Android. ||||pieejams|||||||| kas drīzumā būs pieejams iOS un Android operētājsistēmā.

Uh, if I go to my, uh, where are you? Uh, ja es eju uz savu, uh, kur tu esi?

Persian And, uh, familiar, I have a lot of words. Persietis Un, pazīstams, man ir daudz vārdu.

I have 40 pages worth and I don't know how many items there are in here. Man ir 40 lappušu, un es nezinu, cik daudz vienību šeit ir.

And I will find words in there that ... I might give myself credit for Un es tur atradīšu vārdus, par kuriem... es varētu sev piedēvēt.

that ... um, so maybe I'll take that. ka... um, tā ka varbūt es to ņemšu. что... эм, так что, может быть, я возьму это.

And then I work myself down. Un tad es strādāju pie sevis.

... this comes up all the time now with the Iranians and drones and stuff ... tas notiek visu laiku ar Irānu, bezpilota lidaparātiem un tamlīdzīgām lietām.

and, and I will normally find a lot of words there that I can move to known. un, un parasti es tur atrodu daudz vārdu, kurus varu pārvietot uz zināmiem.

So there I do my review in a list, but I do it with a purpose. Tāpēc es to pārskatīšanu veicu sarakstā, bet es to daru ar mērķi.

The purpose is moving words to known. Mērķis ir pārvietot vārdus uz zināmu.

So there you have it a quick, uh, review of how I use flashcards. Lūk, īss pārskats par to, kā es izmantoju zibatmiņas kartes.