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Steve's Language Learning Tips, How to Learn a Language Effectively at School

How to Learn a Language Effectively at School

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here. So I want to continue this series on studying effectively. And whereas in the previous video I talked about studying effectively in general, and I'm referring of course to studying mostly in a school environment or a university environment, and in the first video I talked about studying effectively in general, in this video, I want to talk about studying effectively when it comes to learning languages.

Remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe, click on the bell to get notifications. Why is it that so many people struggle to learn languages at school? Now I'm referring to the situation, for example, in Canada, within the English school system, where very few, uh, outside of French immersion, which is where English speaking kids do all of their schooling in French, which is a great program. And perhaps a few hundred, I don't know, four or 500,000 kids every year do that. But in the regular French stream, very few kids end up speaking French. I mean, that's just the reality. Uh, I don't know what the situation is in the US with regard to foreign languages, Spanish or in the UK for that matter.

I know that in countries like Sweden, and in Europe, in many countries in Europe, kids do learn. I'm not sure if they learn in school or whether they learn because in the case of Sweden, they have, um, you know, uh, the, uh, television programs, English or American television programs are not dubbed. So they're provided in the, uh, original version.

So the kids actually, before they even start school, they've heard a lot of English. And so they speak English. Well, But if I look at the situation in Canada, uh, I think there are a number of reasons why language instruction in school is not effective. And it kind of goes against some of the principles of effective study.

So first of all, the emphasis in schools, despite what people say is on tests. And it's on testing people for specifics of grammar. So, um, I mentioned in that previous video that in the UK for their, uh, geez, can't remember the GSE or whatever general, you know, national tests that they have. They were testing people on specific points of grammar, and this would then determine whether the learner got their diploma or didn't get their diploma. Issues of grammar that are actually quite minor.

They're there, yes. For example, in French you say "joue au football", "joue au..." whatever, you know, a sport, for example, "joue du piano". But if you got that wrong, it would not inhibit communication. If a person understands French well and is able to communicate well and makes the odd mistake like that, it's not that serious because the majority of students in the school system end up not being able to speak at all, not being able to understand at all. So what's the possible point of testing them on these specific points of grammar? All it does is introduce an element of frustration, um, sense of failure. Uh, plus it's unfair because, okay, as I pointed out in the earlier video, our brains are not so good at grabbing these details, but are our brains will gradually develop a series of patterns around how this foreign language works.

And so given enough exposure to the language, the learners will gradually get better. And if the goal is to be able to use the language in a practical way to understand, to communicate meaning then really testing people on specific points of grammar that are taught in grade four, grade six or grade eight, and therefore right away, we will test you on whether you learned it or not.

It's actually pointless. It's just building in more resistance to the language. And again, referring to my earlier video, we want learners to explore the language, to cover the same ground. Using different materials, different stories, different content. And of course the specific grammatical points will show up.

And these other, you know, uh, contexts. And the brain will gradually start to pick up on them. And it's possible that, uh, once the brain has had enough experience with sort of these aspects of the language, and if the teacher points out that we say "joue au", and in the case of a sport and "joue du" in the case of a musical instrument that that might help the learner remember that, and then they might still get it wrong and it doesn't really matter.

So, uh, I think the, the, the problem in, in language instruction in schools is the teacher decides what the learner is going to use as a textbook. I've even heard teachers discourage learners from going beyond what the teacher is teaching. The teacher wants to control what the learner is learning. The content that learner is using.

Uh, again, on this, uh, exchange I saw on Twitter, there's some discussion in the UK as to which high frequency words learners should have to demonstrate that they know in order to get their diploma. Well, the words that the learner knows is going to reflect what they have read. It's going to reflect what they're interested in.

The fact that they don't know the word "now", if they got into a situation where this word appeared frequently, they'd learn it. So again, I think that's an unnecessary, specific detail to test people on rather, how do you encourage people? And this is difficult in the case of French in Canada. If you live in Vancouver, There's not an awful lot of opportunity to use French, but the emphasis, the focus should be on

how do you get students to graze in the language, to explore in the language? Maybe even if you want them to learn French, let them choose the language they want to learn, because if they learn Spanish and they've got some confidence that they can learn the language, assuming they're more motivated to learn Spanish or Chinese or whatever it might be, if they achieve that,

then it'll be easier for them to learn French. In other words, effective study is based on the idea that the student is motivated. And I know that's difficult. You've got a classroom of 25 kids that aren't very motivated, but the challenge has to be how do we motivate these kids? If what we do in other words, insisting on certain grammatical niceties of the language or a certain set of words that have to be learned, and this will be the proof of whether the student has achieved that level. If we are building in frustration and disappointment and, uh, you know, resistance to the language, um, we're not helping the situation. And the proof is in the pudding because at least in the case of Canada, the vast majority of students in the English language stream graduate after eight or 10 years of French, and can't speak French, don't understand French, can't speak French.

I mean, they speak some, they might understand some, but essentially they're not functional in French. So I think that's why we have to recognize that, that the brain doesn't respond to this kind of, uh, you know, you must learn this now and then you get the student to sit down and try and block learn this thing now. That's not how it works. Effective study involves the sort of grazing. And also again, in, in school instruction, the emphasis is, is A on grammar and B on speaking. They have this sort of role playing and getting the students to speak. They have nothing to say until they understand well and have a sufficient sort of level of experience with the language.

They can't say that much. If they enjoy doing it, fine, but, but that should not be in my view, the main, uh, sort of form of instruction, emphasis on being able to say a few things, because once you have... So you have an artificial situation in the classroom where the student pretends that they're a whatever, uh, you know, a store clerk or buying something.

And once they're back in the real world, none of that's gonna work for them. So it's far better to focus again, as I said earlier, with sort of studying effectively, generally improve the reading skill. And how do you improve reading skills? By reading a lot. So get them to read, let them choose what they want to read.

It doesn't matter what they read. If they're reading a lot, they're going to be improving their reading skills. And get them to listen and listen to material that they like. And to voices that they like. So, you know, they, the same idea that the most efficient way to bring information into the brain, to stimulate the brain, to get the brain to form these new patterns is through a lot of listening and reading.

Of course, when opportunities are there to speak, we should speak, but we shouldn't make that the sort of main short term goal. It will eventually be the long-term goal. And yeah, once the brain has enough experience with the language, has developed these patterns to cope with that language, then of course we want to speak as much as possible, but again, It should be meaningful.

So meaningful conversation talking about meaningful things. And if we will, you know, once we have sufficient, a sufficient base in the language, we can help the student find people if not in the classroom, even online that they can talk to and talk in a meaningful way, not in a circle role-playing way.

So there you go. My view on why language instruction in the schools is not effective, at least in English-speaking Canada. And I have the impression from this exchange I saw on Twitter there are serious problems in the UK as well. And if we look at the results in terms of how many people speak a foreign language in those countries, uh, hasn't been very effective.

So thank you for listening. Bye for now.

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How to Learn a Language Effectively at School ||||language||| Wie man in der Schule effektiv eine Sprache lernt Cómo aprender eficazmente un idioma en la escuela Comment apprendre une langue efficacement à l'école Come imparare efficacemente una lingua a scuola 学校で効果的に語学を学ぶには 학교에서 효과적으로 언어를 배우는 방법 Jak skutecznie uczyć się języka w szkole Como aprender uma língua eficazmente na escola Как эффективно изучать язык в школе Hur man lär sig ett språk effektivt i skolan Okulda Etkili Bir Dil Nasıl Öğrenilir? 如何在学校有效地学习语言 如何在學校有效學習語言

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here. So I want to continue this series on studying effectively. ||||continuar||||| Deshalb möchte ich diese Serie über effektives Studieren fortsetzen. Por isso, quero continuar esta série sobre como estudar eficazmente. And whereas in the previous video I talked about studying effectively in general, and I'm referring of course to studying mostly in a school environment or a university environment, and in the first video I talked about studying effectively in general, in this video, I want to talk about studying effectively when it comes to learning languages. |в то время как||||||||||||||относительно||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |tandis que||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |while||||||||||||||mentioning alluding to||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||beziehe mich||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||指的是||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||entorno escolar|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Während ich im vorigen Video über effektives Lernen im Allgemeinen gesprochen habe, und ich beziehe mich dabei natürlich auf das Lernen in einer schulischen oder universitären Umgebung, und im ersten Video habe ich über effektives Lernen im Allgemeinen gesprochen, möchte ich in diesem Video über effektives Lernen sprechen, wenn es um das Lernen von Sprachen geht. E enquanto no vídeo anterior falei de estudar eficazmente em geral, e estou a referir-me, claro, a estudar sobretudo num ambiente escolar ou universitário, e no primeiro vídeo falei de estudar eficazmente em geral, neste vídeo quero falar de estudar eficazmente quando se trata de aprender línguas.

Remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe, click on the bell to get notifications. Pamatujte, že pokud se vám tato videa líbí, přihlaste se k odběru a kliknutím na zvonek dostanete upozornění. Denken Sie daran, wenn Ihnen diese Videos gefallen, abonnieren Sie sie bitte, klicken Sie auf die Glocke, um Benachrichtigungen zu erhalten. Lembre-se que se gostar destes vídeos, subscreva-os, clique no sino para receber notificações. Why is it that so many people struggle to learn languages at school? |||||||борются||||| |||||||luttent||||| |||||||luchan||||| Čím to je, že tolik lidí má problém naučit se jazyky ve škole? Warum fällt es so vielen Menschen schwer, in der Schule Sprachen zu lernen? ¿Por qué a tanta gente le cuesta tanto aprender idiomas en la escuela? Porque é que tantas pessoas têm dificuldade em aprender línguas na escola? Now I'm referring to the situation, for example, in Canada, within the English school system, where very few, uh, outside of French immersion, which is where English speaking kids do all of their schooling in French, which is a great program. ||||||||||||||||||||||沉浸式教育|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||educación||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||погружение|||||||||||обучение в школе||||||| Nyní mám na mysli situaci, například v Kanadě, v rámci anglického školského systému, kde jen velmi málo, uh, mimo francouzskou imerzi, což je místo, kde anglicky mluvící děti absolvují veškerou školní docházku ve francouzštině, což je skvělé. program. Ich beziehe mich dabei auf die Situation in Kanada, wo es im englischen Schulsystem nur sehr wenige Kinder gibt, die nicht auf Französisch unterrichtet werden, d. h. englischsprachige Kinder, die ihre gesamte Schulzeit auf Französisch verbringen, was ein großartiges Programm ist. Ahora me refiero a la situación, por ejemplo, en Canadá, dentro del sistema escolar inglés, donde muy pocos, eh, fuera de la inmersión francesa, que es donde los niños de habla inglesa hacen toda su escolarización en francés, que es un gran programa. Estou a referir-me à situação, por exemplo, no Canadá, no âmbito do sistema escolar inglês, em que muito poucos, fora da imersão em francês, que é quando as crianças de língua inglesa fazem toda a sua escolaridade em francês, o que é um ótimo programa. And perhaps a few hundred, I don't know, four or 500,000 kids every year do that. E talvez algumas centenas, não sei, quatro ou 500.000 crianças todos os anos façam isso. But in the regular French stream, very few kids end up speaking French. Ale v běžném francouzském streamu jen velmi málo dětí nakonec mluví francouzsky. Aber im regulären französischen Strom sprechen nur sehr wenige Kinder Französisch. Mas no curso regular de francês, muito poucas crianças acabam por falar francês. I mean, that's just the reality. |||||reality Chci říct, taková je prostě realita. A realidade é mesmo essa. Uh, I don't know what the situation is in the US with regard to foreign languages, Spanish or in the UK for that matter. ||||||||||||относительно||||||||||| Uh, nevím, jaká je situace v USA, pokud jde o cizí jazyky, španělštinu nebo ve Spojeném království. Äh, ich weiß nicht, wie die Situation in den USA in Bezug auf Fremdsprachen, Spanisch oder in Großbritannien ist. Não sei qual é a situação nos Estados Unidos no que diz respeito às línguas estrangeiras, ao espanhol ou ao Reino Unido.

I know that in countries like Sweden, and in Europe, in many countries in Europe, kids do learn. Sei que em países como a Suécia, e na Europa, em muitos países da Europa, as crianças aprendem de facto. I'm not sure if they learn in school or whether they learn because in the case of Sweden, they have, um, you know, uh, the, uh, television programs, English or American television programs are not dubbed. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||дублируются |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||not translated |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||synchronisiert |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||더빙 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||doppiati |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||配音的 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||吹き替え |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||doblados al español Não sei se aprendem na escola ou se aprendem porque, no caso da Suécia, têm, hum, sabe, uh, os, uh, programas de televisão, os programas de televisão ingleses ou americanos não são dobrados. Я не уверен, учатся ли они в школе или учатся ли они, потому что в случае со Швецией, у них есть, э-э, вы знаете, э-э, телевизионные программы, английские или американские телевизионные программы не дублируются. So they're provided in the, uh, original version. ||forniti nella||||| ||proporcionados||||| Takže jsou poskytovány v, uh, původní verzi. Sie werden also in der Originalversion bereitgestellt. Por isso, são fornecidos na versão original.

So the kids actually, before they even start school, they've heard a lot of English. Assim, as crianças, na verdade, antes mesmo de começarem a escola, já ouviram muito inglês. And so they speak English. Well, But if I look at the situation in Canada, uh, I think there are a number of reasons why language instruction in school is not effective. No, ale když se podívám na situaci v Kanadě, myslím, že existuje řada důvodů, proč výuka jazyků ve škole není efektivní. Bem, mas se eu olhar para a situação no Canadá, penso que há uma série de razões pelas quais o ensino das línguas na escola não é eficaz. And it kind of goes against some of the principles of effective study. A jde to trochu proti některým zásadám efektivního studia. Und es widerspricht irgendwie einigen Prinzipien des effektiven Studiums. E isso vai um pouco contra alguns dos princípios de um estudo eficaz.

So first of all, the emphasis in schools, despite what people say is on tests. |||||акцент||||||||| |||||accentuation||||||||| Takže za prvé, důraz ve školách, navzdory tomu, co lidé říkají, je na testy. Zuallererst liegt der Schwerpunkt in den Schulen, trotz der Aussagen der Leute, auf Tests. Em primeiro lugar, a ênfase nas escolas, apesar do que as pessoas dizem, está nos testes. And it's on testing people for specifics of grammar. ||||||конкретные аспекты|| ||||||details of grammar|| ||||||문법의 세부|| A je to na testování lidí na specifika gramatiky. Und es geht darum, Menschen auf Besonderheiten der Grammatik zu testen. Y está en poner a prueba a la gente en cuestiones específicas de gramática. E é sobre testar as pessoas em termos de gramática específica. So, um, I mentioned in that previous video that in the UK for their, uh, geez, can't remember the GSE or whatever general, you know, national tests that they have. |||||||||||||||господи||||Государственные экзамены|||||||||| |||||||||||||||Ach du meine Güte||||GSE|||||||||| |||||||||||||||wow||||general standardized exams|||||||||| |||||||||||||||음 그거|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||exámenes nacionales|||||||||| Takže, ehm, v tom předchozím videu jsem zmínil, že ve Spojeném království si jejich, uh, bože, nepamatují GSE nebo jiné obecné, víte, národní testy, které mají. Por isso, mencionei no vídeo anterior que no Reino Unido, para os seus testes nacionais, não me consigo lembrar do GSE ou seja lá o que for. They were testing people on specific points of grammar, and this would then determine whether the learner got their diploma or didn't get their diploma. |||||||||||||||||||文凭||||| |||||||||||||||||||Diplom||||| Testovali lidi na konkrétních bodech gramatiky, a to by pak určilo, zda student získal svůj diplom, nebo nedostal svůj diplom. Estavam a testar as pessoas em pontos específicos da gramática, o que determinava se o aluno obtinha ou não o seu diploma. Issues of grammar that are actually quite minor. |||||||незначительные |||||||geringfügig |||||||not significant Problemi||||||| Problémy s gramatikou, které jsou ve skutečnosti docela malé. Questões gramaticais que, na verdade, são muito pequenas.

They're there, yes. Jsou tam, ano. For example, in French you say "joue au football", "joue au..." whatever, you know, a sport, for example, "joue du piano". Například ve francouzštině řeknete "joue au football", "joue au..." cokoliv, víte, sport, například "joue du piano". But if you got that wrong, it would not inhibit communication. |||||||||препятствовать| |||||||||behindern| |||||||||prevent or hinder| |||||||||방해하다| |||||||||inhibiría| Ale pokud jste se mýlili, komunikaci by to nebránilo. Pero si se equivocara, eso no impediría la comunicación. If a person understands French well and is able to communicate well and makes the odd mistake like that, it's not that serious because the majority of students in the school system end up not being able to speak at all, not being able to understand at all. |||||||||||||||единичную|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||대부분|||||||||||||||||||||| Pokud člověk dobře rozumí francouzštině a je schopen dobře komunikovat a dělá takovou podivnou chybu, není to tak vážné, protože většina studentů ve školském systému nakonec neumí mluvit vůbec, nerozumí vůbec. . So what's the possible point of testing them on these specific points of grammar? Jaký je tedy možný smysl jejich testování na těchto konkrétních bodech gramatiky? All it does is introduce an element of frustration, um, sense of failure. ||||||aspect|||||| ||||||||||||fracaso Jediné, co to dělá, je vnést prvek frustrace, um, pocit selhání. Uh, plus it's unfair because, okay, as I pointed out in the earlier video, our brains are not so good at grabbing these details, but are our brains will gradually develop a series of patterns around how this foreign language works. |||||||||||||||||||||ухватывать||||||||||||||||||| |||not fair||||||||||||||||||grasping||||||||||||||||||| |||unfair||||||||||||||||||erfassen||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||일련의|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||afferrare||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||capturando||||||||||||||||||| Uh, navíc je to nespravedlivé, protože, dobře, jak jsem poukázal v předchozím videu, náš mozek není tak dobrý, aby uchopil tyto detaily, ale náš mozek si postupně vytvoří řadu vzorců kolem toho, jak tento cizí jazyk funguje.

And so given enough exposure to the language, the learners will gradually get better. ||||воздействие||||||||| ||주어진||||||||||| ||||||||||未来形||| A tak, pokud bude jazyk dostatečně vystaven, budou se studenti postupně zlepšovat. And if the goal is to be able to use the language in a practical way to understand, to communicate meaning then really testing people on specific points of grammar that are taught in grade four, grade six or grade eight, and therefore right away, we will test you on whether you learned it or not. A pokud je cílem umět používat jazyk praktickým způsobem, abychom rozuměli, sdělovali význam, pak skutečně testujeme lidi na konkrétních bodech gramatiky, které se vyučují ve čtvrté, šesté nebo osmé třídě, a proto hned, otestuje vás, zda jste se to naučili nebo ne. Y si el objetivo es ser capaz de utilizar la lengua de forma práctica para comprender, para comunicar significados, entonces realmente se pone a prueba a la gente en puntos específicos de la gramática que se enseñan en cuarto, sexto u octavo curso, y por tanto enseguida, le pondremos a prueba para saber si lo ha aprendido o no.

It's actually pointless. ||Это бессмысленно. ||Es ist sinnlos. ||without purpose ||inutile ||sin sentido Je to vlastně zbytečné. It's just building in more resistance to the language. |||||Widerstand||| |||||opposition||| Je to jen budování větší odolnosti vůči jazyku. And again, referring to my earlier video, we want learners to explore the language, to cover the same ground. |||||||||||||||cover||| A znovu, s odkazem na mé dřívější video, chceme, aby studenti prozkoumali jazyk, aby pokryli stejnou půdu. Unter Bezugnahme auf mein früheres Video möchten wir, dass die Lernenden die Sprache erkunden und denselben Bereich abdecken. Using different materials, different stories, different content. Používat různé materiály, různé příběhy, jiný obsah. And of course the specific grammatical points will show up. A samozřejmě se objeví konkrétní gramatické body.

And these other, you know, uh, contexts. A tyto další, víš, uh, souvislosti. And the brain will gradually start to pick up on them. ||||gradualmente|||||| A mozek si je postupně začne vychytávat. И мозг постепенно начнет их улавливать. And it's possible that, uh, once the brain has had enough experience with sort of these aspects of the language, and if the teacher points out that we say "joue au", and in the case of a sport and "joue du" in the case of a musical instrument that that might help the learner remember that, and then they might still get it wrong and it doesn't really matter. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||spielt|zu dem|||||||||||||||||Musikinstrument||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||musical instrument||||||||||||||||||||| A je možné, že jakmile bude mít mozek dostatek zkušeností s takovými aspekty jazyka, a pokud učitel podotkne, že říkáme „joue au“, a v případě sportu „joue du“ v případ hudebního nástroje, který by mohl studentovi pomoci si to zapamatovat, a pak by se mohl stále mýlit a na tom vlastně nezáleží.

So, uh, I think the, the, the problem in, in language instruction in schools is the teacher decides what the learner is going to use as a textbook. Takže, uh, myslím, že problém ve výuce jazyků ve školách je, že učitel rozhoduje, co student použije jako učebnici. Creo que el problema de la enseñanza de idiomas en las escuelas es que el profesor decide qué libro de texto va a utilizar el alumno. I've even heard teachers discourage learners from going beyond what the teacher is teaching. ||||||||за пределы||||| ||||entmutigen||||||||| Slyšel jsem dokonce, že učitelé odrazují studenty od toho, aby šli nad rámec toho, co učitel učí. The teacher wants to control what the learner is learning. Učitel chce mít pod kontrolou, co se žák učí. The content that learner is using. Obsah, který student používá.

Uh, again, on this, uh, exchange I saw on Twitter, there's some discussion in the UK as to which high frequency words learners should have to demonstrate that they know in order to get their diploma. Uh, znovu, na této, uh, výměně, kterou jsem viděl na Twitteru, se ve Spojeném království diskutuje o tom, která vysokofrekvenční slova by studenti měli prokázat, že je znají, aby získali svůj diplom. Uh, de nuevo, en este, uh, intercambio que vi en Twitter, hay una cierta discusión en el Reino Unido en cuanto a qué palabras de alta frecuencia los estudiantes deben tener que demostrar que saben con el fin de obtener su diploma. Well, the words that the learner knows is going to reflect what they have read. Slova, která student zná, budou odrážet to, co četl. It's going to reflect what they're interested in. |||widerspiegeln|||| Bude odrážet to, co je zajímá.

The fact that they don't know the word "now", if they got into a situation where this word appeared frequently, they'd learn it. ||||||||||||||||||||they would|| To, že neznají slovo „teď“, kdyby se dostali do situace, kdy se toto slovo objevovalo často, naučili by se ho. El hecho de que no sepan la palabra "ahora", si se encontraran en una situación donde esta palabra apareciera con frecuencia, la aprenderían. Дело в том, что они не знают слова «сейчас», если бы они попали в ситуацию, когда это слово часто встречалось, они бы его выучили. So again, I think that's an unnecessary, specific detail to test people on rather, how do you encourage people? |||||||||||||||||мотивируете| ||||||||||||about regarding concerning|||||| Takže si znovu myslím, že je to zbytečný, konkrétní detail, na kterém by se lidé měli testovat, jak lidi povzbuzujete? Así que otra vez, creo que ese es un detalle específico innecesario para probar a las personas, más bien, ¿cómo animas a las personas? Итак, еще раз, я думаю, что это ненужная конкретная деталь для тестирования людей, а как вы поощряете людей? And this is difficult in the case of French in Canada. A to je v případě Francouzů v Kanadě těžké. Y esto es difícil en el caso del francés en Canadá. If you live in Vancouver, There's not an awful lot of opportunity to use French, but the emphasis, the focus should be on |||||||||||возможностей||||||акцент||||| ||||||||||||||||||||ought to be|| ||||||||terribile|||||||||||||| ||||||||mucho|||||||||||||| Pokud žijete ve Vancouveru, není zde mnoho příležitostí k použití francouzštiny, ale důraz by měl být kladen na Wenn Sie in Vancouver leben, gibt es nicht viele Möglichkeiten, Französisch zu sprechen, aber der Schwerpunkt sollte im Mittelpunkt stehen Si vives en Vancouver, no hay muchas oportunidades de utilizar el francés, pero el énfasis, el enfoque debe estar en Если вы живете в Ванкувере, там не очень много возможностей использовать французский язык, но акцент должен быть сделан на

how do you get students to graze in the language, to explore in the language? ||||||graziare|||||||| ||||||涉猎|||||||| ||||||erkunden|||||||| ||||||軽く触れる|||||||| ||||||погружаться в язык|||||||| jak přimět studenty, aby se v jazyce pásli, aby v něm zkoumali? ¿cómo se consigue que los alumnos pasten en la lengua, que exploren en la lengua? どのようにして学生にその言語で放牧したり、その言語で探求させたりすることができますか? Maybe even if you want them to learn French, let them choose the language they want to learn, because if they learn Spanish and they've got some confidence that they can learn the language, assuming they're more motivated to learn Spanish or Chinese or whatever it might be, if they achieve that, ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||предполагая||||||||||||||||| Možná, i když chcete, aby se naučili francouzsky, nechte je vybrat si jazyk, který se chtějí učit, protože pokud se naučí španělsky a budou mít určitou jistotu, že se jazyk dokážou naučit, za předpokladu, že budou více motivováni učit se španělsky nebo čínsky nebo co by to mohlo být, pokud toho dosáhnou, Может быть, даже если вы хотите, чтобы они выучили французский, позвольте им выбрать язык, который они хотят выучить, потому что, если они изучают испанский и у них есть некоторая уверенность в том, что они могут выучить язык, при условии, что они более заинтересованы в изучении испанского или китайского. или что бы это ни было, если они достигнут этого,

then it'll be easier for them to learn French. pak se pro ně bude snáze učit francouzsky. entonces les será más fácil aprender francés. In other words, effective study is based on the idea that the student is motivated. Jinými slovy, efektivní studium je založeno na myšlence, že student je motivován. And I know that's difficult. A vím, že je to těžké. You've got a classroom of 25 kids that aren't very motivated, but the challenge has to be how do we motivate these kids? |||||||||||||||||||motivieren|| Máte třídu s 25 dětmi, které nejsou příliš motivované, ale výzvou musí být, jak tyto děti motivovat? If what we do in other words, insisting on certain grammatical niceties of the language or a certain set of words that have to be learned, and this will be the proof of whether the student has achieved that level. |||||||настаивая на||||тонкости языка|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||details|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||bestehen auf|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||세부 사항|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||nicetà|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||细微之处|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||私たち|||||||||文法的な細かさ|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||language||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pokud to, co děláme, jinými slovy, trváme na určitých gramatických jemnostech jazyka nebo určitém souboru slov, která se musí naučit, a bude to důkaz, zda student dosáhl této úrovně. If we are building in frustration and disappointment and, uh, you know, resistance to the language, um, we're not helping the situation. |||||frustrazione|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||we are|||| Pokud budujeme frustraci a zklamání a, víte, odpor vůči jazyku, um, situaci nepomůžeme. And the proof is in the pudding because at least in the case of Canada, the vast majority of students in the English language stream graduate after eight or 10 years of French, and can't speak French, don't understand French, can't speak French. ||||||пудинге||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |the|evidence||in||pudding|||||||||the vast majority|||||||French language||||||||||||||||||| |die|||||Pudding||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||budino||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||布丁||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||pudding||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||prueba||||pudín||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| A důkazem je pudink, protože přinejmenším v případě Kanady drtivá většina studentů anglického jazykového proudu odmaturuje po osmi nebo 10 letech francouzštiny a neumí francouzsky, nerozumí francouzsky, neumí“ nemluvím francouzsky. Y la prueba está en el pudín, porque al menos en el caso de Canadá, la gran mayoría de los estudiantes de la corriente de lengua inglesa se gradúan después de ocho o diez años de francés, y no saben hablar francés, no entienden francés, no saben hablar francés. その証拠はプディングにあります。少なくともカナダの場合、英語の流れの学生の大多数は、8 年または 10 年のフランス語の後に卒業し、フランス語を話すことも、フランス語を理解することもできません。フランス語が話せます。

I mean, they speak some, they might understand some, but essentially they're not functional in French. |||||||||||||функциональны|| ||||||||||fundamentally|||practical use|| |||||||||||||funzionali in francese|| |||||||||||||functional|| Myslím, že něco mluví, něčemu možná rozumějí, ale v podstatě nejsou funkční ve francouzštině. То есть они немного говорят, немного понимают, но, по сути, не владеют французским языком. So I think that's why we have to recognize that, that the brain doesn't respond to this kind of, uh, you know, you must learn this now and then you get the student to sit down and try and block learn this thing now. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||forcefully|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||bloccare|||| Takže si myslím, že to je důvod, proč musíme uznat, že mozek nereaguje na tento druh, uh, víte, musíte se to naučit hned a pak přimět studenta, aby si sedl a zkusil zablokovat, aby se tuto věc naučil hned teď. . That's not how it works. Tak to nefunguje. Effective study involves the sort of grazing. ||||||постепенное изучение ||includes||||casual browsing ||||||Grasens ||포함한다|||| ||||||sbirciatina ||implica||||pasear por Efektivní studium zahrnuje druh pastvy. Effektives Lernen beinhaltet die Art der Beweidung. Un estudio eficaz implica el tipo de pastoreo. And also again, in, in school instruction, the emphasis is, is A on grammar and B on speaking. |||in||||||||||||||speaking They have this sort of role playing and getting the students to speak. Mají tento druh hraní rolí a přimět studenty, aby mluvili. They have nothing to say until they understand well and have a sufficient sort of level of experience with the language. ||||||||||||достаточный|||||||| ||||||||||||adequate|||||||| ||||||||||||충분한|||||||| Nemají co říct, dokud dobře nerozumí a nemají dostatečnou úroveň zkušeností s jazykem.

They can't say that much. No pueden decir tanto. If they enjoy doing it, fine, but, but that should not be in my view, the main, uh, sort of form of instruction, emphasis on being able to say a few things, because once you have... So you have an artificial situation in the classroom where the student pretends that they're a whatever, uh, you know, a store clerk or buying something. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||店员||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||spielt vor||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||instruction method||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||clerk||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||finge que||||||||||dependiente de tienda||| ||||||||||not||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pokud je to baví, dobře, ale, ale to by podle mého názoru nemělo být hlavní, ehm, druh instrukcí, důraz na to, aby uměli říct pár věcí, protože jakmile budete... Takže máte umělá situace ve třídě, kdy student předstírá, že je cokoli, uh, víte, prodavač nebo něco kupuje. Si disfrutan haciéndolo, bien, pero, pero eso no debería ser, en mi opinión, la principal, eh, especie de forma de instrucción, el énfasis en ser capaz de decir algunas cosas, porque una vez que tienes... Así que tienes una situación artificial en el aula donde el estudiante finge que es un lo que sea, eh, ya sabes, un dependiente de una tienda o comprando algo.

And once they're back in the real world, none of that's gonna work for them. A jakmile se vrátí do skutečného světa, nic z toho jim nebude fungovat. Y cuando vuelvan al mundo real, nada de eso les servirá. So it's far better to focus again, as I said earlier, with sort of studying effectively, generally improve the reading skill. |||more effectively||||||||||||||||| Takže je mnohem lepší se znovu soustředit, jak jsem řekl dříve, s tím, jak efektivně studovat, obecně zlepšit čtenářskou dovednost. And how do you improve reading skills? By reading a lot. So get them to read, let them choose what they want to read.

It doesn't matter what they read. If they're reading a lot, they're going to be improving their reading skills. And get them to listen and listen to material that they like. And to voices that they like. A na hlasy, které se jim líbí. So, you know, they, the same idea that the most efficient way to bring information into the brain, to stimulate the brain, to get the brain to form these new patterns is through a lot of listening and reading. |||||||||||||||||||anregen||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||activate||||||||||||||||||| Takže, víte, oni, stejná myšlenka, že nejúčinnějším způsobem, jak přinést informace do mozku, stimulovat mozek, jak přimět mozek, aby si vytvořil tyto nové vzorce, je hodně naslouchat a číst.

Of course, when opportunities are there to speak, we should speak, but we shouldn't make that the sort of main short term goal. Samozřejmě, když máme příležitost promluvit, měli bychom mluvit, ale neměli bychom to dělat jako hlavní krátkodobý cíl. Por supuesto, cuando hay oportunidades para hablar, debemos hacerlo, pero no debemos convertirlo en el principal objetivo a corto plazo. It will eventually be the long-term goal. To bude nakonec dlouhodobý cíl. And yeah, once the brain has enough experience with the language, has developed these patterns to cope with that language, then of course we want to speak as much as possible, but again, It should be meaningful. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||осмысленным ||||||||||||||||umgehen mit|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||manage interactions|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||per||||||||||||||||||||| A ano, jakmile má mozek dostatek zkušeností s jazykem, vytvořil si tyto vzorce, aby se s tímto jazykem vyrovnal, pak samozřejmě chceme mluvit co nejvíce, ale opět by to mělo mít smysl. Y sí, una vez que el cerebro tiene suficiente experiencia con el idioma, ha desarrollado estos patrones para hacer frente a ese lenguaje, entonces, por supuesto, queremos hablar tanto como sea posible, pero de nuevo, debe ser significativo.

So meaningful conversation talking about meaningful things. Takže smysluplná konverzace mluvící o smysluplných věcech. And if we will, you know, once we have sufficient, a sufficient base in the language, we can help the student find people if not in the classroom, even online that they can talk to and talk in a meaningful way, not in a circle role-playing way. |||||||||достаточно|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||enough knowledge||adequate|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| A pokud chceme, víte, jakmile budeme mít dostatečnou, dostatečnou základnu v jazyce, můžeme studentovi pomoci najít lidi, pokud nejsou ve třídě, dokonce i online, se kterými mohou mluvit a mluvit smysluplným způsobem, nikoli kruhový způsob hraní rolí.

So there you go. Hier bitteschön. My view on why language instruction in the schools is not effective, at least in English-speaking Canada. Můj názor na to, proč jazyková výuka ve školách není efektivní, alespoň v anglicky mluvící Kanadě. And I have the impression from this exchange I saw on Twitter there are serious problems in the UK as well. ||||sense|||interaction||||||||||||| A z této výměny, kterou jsem viděl na Twitteru, mám dojem, že vážné problémy jsou i ve Spojeném království. And if we look at the results in terms of how many people speak a foreign language in those countries, uh, hasn't been very effective. A když se podíváme na výsledky z hlediska toho, kolik lidí v těchto zemích mluví cizím jazykem, nebylo to příliš efektivní.

So thank you for listening. Итак|||| Bye for now.