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Steve's Language Learning Tips, How To Improve Your Reading Comprehension

How To Improve Your Reading Comprehension

The more you read, the better you read.

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here, and today I want to talk about how

to improve reading comprehension.

Uh, it's a subject, a question that I get asked quite often, uh, but first, if

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Reading comprehension is crucial.

Now, a lot of people actually feel that they have good reading comprehension,

but they have trouble speaking.

However, there are also a lot of people who don't have great reading

comprehension, who read slowly, and this of course is an obstacle

to improving in the language, even in our own native language.

The faster we can read, the more quickly we understand what we're reading, the

faster we can acquire information through reading and that ability to read, the

speed with which we read, that sort of functional literacy, that that, uh,

those skills they build on themselves.

It's, it's a bit like the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

If you have uh, better reading skills, you read faster.

As you read faster, you learn more, you get better at reading and just

get better and better and better.

So how do we, for people who have trouble reading in the language they're

learning, is there a way to break that, um, kind of vicious circle?

Well, first thing is to read, as I just indicated, to be a good

reader, to improve your comp...

reading comprehension, you have to read a lot.


But let's say you have trouble reading.

It could be for any number of reasons.

First of all, if you're reading in a foreign language, you're not

used to reading in that language.

You may not be used to reading in the, um, the script, you know, but there again,

the only solution is to do more of it.

You just have to do more of it.

But the other things that I find helpful are listening.


Listening combined with reading is very powerful.

I find that if I read something, you know, without, like, without preparation,

I have more difficulty reading it.

If I can listen to it first, I have an idea of what's there.

I have some momentum.

Momentum even in so far as the intonation is concerned.

Then I do better when I go to read.

Also, in languages where I have trouble reading, like Arabic and

Persian, I use LingQ and I go in sentence mode so that I might go

through the lesson once in sentence mode and then again in in lesson mode.

But it, it just helps me to focus in on one sentence at a time.

And then of course, in order to be able to have good reading comprehension,

you need a large vocabulary because every time you come across a word that

you don't know, it's, it disturbs you.

You're, you've got a certain flow and you've got meaning.

And ideally, you want the meaning to flow into your brain without you

having to translate in your own lang...

into your own language.

And every time you hit a word you don't know, it slows you down.

You gotta look up the word you've lost that, uh, momentum.

So building up vocabulary is extremely important, but in a way it sort

of gets back to the same thing.

In other words, the more you read, the better you read.

The more you read, the more words you acquire.

The more words you acquire, the better you read.

So it's all a virtuous.

You have to continuously sort of put yourself in front of reading material,

and also I would suggest you vary the difficulty level between challenging

material, which might have a lot of new words and easy material that has

very little in the way of new words.

I have found that since my goal is to become a fluent reader in whatever

language I'm learning, but at the same time to acquire more words, I have

found that 15% unknown words as we count them at LingQ is kind of a sweet spot.

I'm acquiring enough new words.

I'm not just reading material that has all known words.

However, if that sort of unknown words total is 30%, 25%, it's too difficult.

It slows me down.

I don't develop any genuine fluency in, uh, in the language.

So to improve your reading comprehension, read more, increase your vocabulary.

Use audio use tools like, you know, the sentence view at LingQ.

Immerse yourself more in the language.

If there are structures that give you trouble, like some people complain

that, you know, in German you've got the separated verbs, uh, you know, long

sentences with a verb comes at the end.

Or people reading in Japanese that find that because that those languages

are structured little diff...

differently, it's difficult to read.


But that's all the more reason why you have to read more.

And that's all the more reason why you have to listen more, because very

often when you hear those sentences spoken by the native speaker with a

normal cadence, the normal intonation, the normal rhythm, it's easier to

understand because the voice of the narrator of the speaker, putting the

emphasis in the right place makes those sentences easier to understand.

When you don't have the benefit of that audio and you're just reading very often

you, you're pushing uphill here, you don't have that momentum that, that, that

sense of, of, of what the meaning is, which the narrator will often impart.

So I definitely recommend, particularly in languages where you find it difficult

to read, because the structure is so different that you use audio.

By the same token, there are people who say, I can read, I have no trouble reading

but I don't understand what I hear.

So I think if those people would also put more emphasis on listening,

like I, I had a good friend who, who enjoyed reading French literature but

couldn't understand an audio book.

And I said, you should listen to an audio book that you're reading

so that you get the two working together to make you a better reader.

Not only better able to understand spoken, the spoken language, this

happened to be French, but also that you become a better reader.

So those are some of the things...

I had made some notes, but I can't remember uh, what I had written down here.

But, uh, you know, it all comes down to the same, uh, in other words, to

become good at a language, and of course, the good listening comprehension

leads to good reading comprehension.

Good reading comprehension means you have a large vocabulary, with

that, you're also going to be able to speak better, use words better.

It's all tied, it's all interconnected.

So, uh, I hope that's, And, uh, to improve your reading comprehension.

Read more and use audio to help you get that momentum

going to improve your reading.

Thank you for listening.

Bye for now.

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The more you read, the better you read. The more you read, the better you read. Чем больше вы читаете, тем лучше вы читаете.

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here, and today I want to talk about how

to improve reading comprehension. для улучшения понимания прочитанного.

Uh, it's a subject, a question that I get asked quite often, uh, but first, if ||||a||that|||am asked|||||| Uh, it's a subject, a question that I get asked quite often, uh, but first, if Э-э, это тема, вопрос, который мне задают довольно часто, э-э, но сначала, если

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Reading comprehension is crucial.

Now, a lot of people actually feel that they have good reading comprehension, Сейчас многие люди на самом деле считают, что у них хорошее понимание прочитанного,

but they have trouble speaking. но у них проблемы с речью.

However, there are also a lot of people who don't have great reading Tomēr ir arī daudz cilvēku, kuriem nav lieliskas lasīšanas prasmes. Тем не менее, есть также много людей, которые не очень хорошо читают.

comprehension, who read slowly, and this of course is an obstacle ||||||||||obstáculo izpratni, kas lasa lēni, un tas, protams, ir šķērslis.

to improving in the language, even in our own native language. pilnveidot valodu, pat mūsu dzimtajā valodā. до вдосконалення в мові, навіть у нашій рідній мові.

The faster we can read, the more quickly we understand what we're reading, the Jo ātrāk mēs varam lasīt, jo ātrāk saprotam, ko lasām.

faster we can acquire information through reading and that ability to read, the ātrāk mēs varam iegūt informāciju, lasot un lasīt, un šī spēja lasīt.

speed with which we read, that sort of functional literacy, that that, uh, |||||||||functional literacy||| speed||||||||functional|literacy||| |||||||||alfabetização funcional||| 私たちが読む速度、そのような機能的リテラシー、それは、ええと、 ātrums, ar kādu mēs lasām, šāda veida funkcionālā lasītprasme, tas, ka, uh, Швидкість, з якою ми читаємо, функціональна грамотність, це те, що..,

those skills they build on themselves. ті навички, які вони розвивають над собою.

It's, it's a bit like the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

If you have uh, better reading skills, you read faster.

As you read faster, you learn more, you get better at reading and just 速く読むほど、より多くのことを学び、読むのが上手になります。

get better and better and better.

So how do we, for people who have trouble reading in the language they're では、自分の言語で読むのに苦労している人々のために、どうすればよいでしょうか

learning, is there a way to break that, um, kind of vicious circle? |||||||||||teuflischer| |||||||||||vicious| 学習、その悪循環を断ち切る方法はありますか?

Well, first thing is to read, as I just indicated, to be a good ええと、最初に読むことです。先ほど示したように、良い人になる

reader, to improve your comp... ||||comprehension ||||compreensão

reading comprehension, you have to read a lot.


But let's say you have trouble reading. しかし、あなたが読むのに苦労しているとしましょう。

It could be for any number of reasons.

First of all, if you're reading in a foreign language, you're not

used to reading in that language.

You may not be used to reading in the, um, the script, you know, but there again, |||||||||||script format||||| Sie sind es vielleicht nicht gewohnt, das Skript zu lesen, aber auch das ist kein Problem, 你可能不習慣閱讀,嗯,劇本,你知道,但又是這樣,

the only solution is to do more of it. Єдине рішення - робити більше.

You just have to do more of it.

But the other things that I find helpful are listening.


Listening combined with reading is very powerful.

I find that if I read something, you know, without, like, without preparation, ||||||||||||preparation 我發現如果我讀了一些東西,你知道,沒有,就像,沒有準備,

I have more difficulty reading it.

If I can listen to it first, I have an idea of what's there.

I have some momentum. Ich habe etwas Schwung. 我有一些動力。

Momentum even in so far as the intonation is concerned. |||||||||regarding |||||||||preocupado Momentum auch in Bezug auf die Intonation. イントネーションに関しても勢いがある。 Импульс даже в том, что касается интонации. Імпульс навіть в тому, що стосується інтонації. 即使就語調而言,也是動量。

Then I do better when I go to read. ||faço||||||

Also, in languages where I have trouble reading, like Arabic and

Persian, I use LingQ and I go in sentence mode so that I might go

through the lesson once in sentence mode and then again in in lesson mode. протягом уроку один раз у режимі речення, а потім ще раз у режимі уроку.

But it, it just helps me to focus in on one sentence at a time. しかし、それは、一度に 1 つの文に集中するのに役立ちます。

And then of course, in order to be able to have good reading comprehension,

you need a large vocabulary because every time you come across a word that

you don't know, it's, it disturbs you. |||||ti disturba| |||||perturba| Sie wissen es nicht, es ist, es beunruhigt Sie.

You're, you've got a certain flow and you've got meaning. Sie haben einen gewissen Fluss und eine Bedeutung. 你是,你有一定的流動,你有意義。

And ideally, you want the meaning to flow into your brain without you |preferably|||||||||||

having to translate in your own lang... ||||||in

into your own language.

And every time you hit a word you don't know, it slows you down. І щоразу, коли ви натрапляєте на слово, якого не знаєте, це уповільнює вас.

You gotta look up the word you've lost that, uh, momentum. 勢いを失ったという言葉を調べる必要があります。 你必须查一下你失去的那个词,呃,动力。

So building up vocabulary is extremely important, but in a way it sort

of gets back to the same thing.

In other words, the more you read, the better you read. 言い換えれば、読めば読むほど、よりよく読めるようになります。

The more you read, the more words you acquire.

The more words you acquire, the better you read.

So it's all a virtuous. だから、それはすべて高潔です。 所以這一切都是一種美德。

You have to continuously sort of put yourself in front of reading material, |||continuamente|||||||||

and also I would suggest you vary the difficulty level between challenging ||||||adjust||||| また、挑戦することで難易度を変えることをお勧めします а також я б порадив вам варіювати рівень складності між складними

material, which might have a lot of new words and easy material that has

very little in the way of new words.

I have found that since my goal is to become a fluent reader in whatever 私の目標は、何でも流暢な読者になることです。

language I'm learning, but at the same time to acquire more words, I have

found that 15% unknown words as we count them at LingQ is kind of a sweet spot. Wir haben festgestellt, dass 15 % unbekannte Wörter, wie wir sie bei LingQ zählen, ein guter Wert sind. 發現我們在 LingQ 計算的 15% 的未知單詞是一個甜蜜點。

I'm acquiring enough new words.

I'm not just reading material that has all known words.

However, if that sort of unknown words total is 30%, 25%, it's too difficult.

It slows me down.

I don't develop any genuine fluency in, uh, in the language. 私はその言語で真の流暢さを身につけていません。 我沒有發展出任何真正流利的語言。

So to improve your reading comprehension, read more, increase your vocabulary.

Use audio use tools like, you know, the sentence view at LingQ.

Immerse yourself more in the language.

If there are structures that give you trouble, like some people complain 文句を言う人がいるように、あなたに迷惑をかける構造がある場合

that, you know, in German you've got the separated verbs, uh, you know, long つまり、ドイツ語では動詞が区切られているということです。

sentences with a verb comes at the end. 動詞のある文は最後に来ます。

Or people reading in Japanese that find that because that those languages

are structured little diff... |||little different |||diferença

differently, it's difficult to read.


But that's all the more reason why you have to read more. しかし、それがあなたがもっと読まなければならない理由です。

And that's all the more reason why you have to listen more, because very

often when you hear those sentences spoken by the native speaker with a

normal cadence, the normal intonation, the normal rhythm, it's easier to |normaler Rhythmus||||||||| |cadência normal||||||||| 正常的節奏,正常的語調,正常的節奏,更容易

understand because the voice of the narrator of the speaker, putting the ||||||narrator's voice|||||

emphasis in the right place makes those sentences easier to understand. emphasis||||||||||

When you don't have the benefit of that audio and you're just reading very often

you, you're pushing uphill here, you don't have that momentum that, that, that ||struggling|uphill||||||force or energy||| |||in salita||||||||| 你,你在這裡上坡,你沒有那個,那個,那個的動力

sense of, of, of what the meaning is, which the narrator will often impart. |||||||||||||convey 敘述者經常傳授的意義、意義、意義。

So I definitely recommend, particularly in languages where you find it difficult

to read, because the structure is so different that you use audio.

By the same token, there are people who say, I can read, I have no trouble reading |||similarly||||||||||||| |||da mesma forma||||||||||||| Da mesma forma, há pessoas que dizem, eu sei ler, não tenho problemas para ler

but I don't understand what I hear.

So I think if those people would also put more emphasis on listening,

like I, I had a good friend who, who enjoyed reading French literature but

couldn't understand an audio book.

And I said, you should listen to an audio book that you're reading

so that you get the two working together to make you a better reader.

Not only better able to understand spoken, the spoken language, this 話し言葉をよりよく理解できるだけでなく、

happened to be French, but also that you become a better reader. たまたまフランス人だっただけでなく、あなたがより良い読者になるということでもあります。

So those are some of the things...

I had made some notes, but I can't remember uh, what I had written down here. いくつかメモを取っていたのですが、ここに何を書き留めたのか思い出せません。

But, uh, you know, it all comes down to the same, uh, in other words, to ||||||it comes||||||||| しかし、ええと、あなたが知っているように、それはすべて同じです、つまり、

become good at a language, and of course, the good listening comprehension

leads to good reading comprehension.

Good reading comprehension means you have a large vocabulary, with

that, you're also going to be able to speak better, use words better.

It's all tied, it's all interconnected. ||connected||| Це все пов'язано, це все взаємопов'язано.

So, uh, I hope that's, And, uh, to improve your reading comprehension.

Read more and use audio to help you get that momentum ||||||||||progress Lees meer en gebruik audio om dat momentum te krijgen

going to improve your reading. going to||enhance||

Thank you for listening.

Bye for now.