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Steve's Language Learning Tips, How Do I Maintain My Languages?

How Do I Maintain My Languages?

Maintaining our languages.

Hey, Steve Kaufmann here and this evening, I'm going to talk

about maintaining our languages.


Uh, I often get asked the question, how do I maintain my languages?

You know, I learn so many languages, uh, more or less up to 21.

I don't know them all equally well, obviously.

Uh, how do I maintain them?

So that's what I'm going to talk about.

Uh, please subscribe to my channel if you like these videos, uh, click

on the bell to get notifications and please do come and join me at LingQ.

So the question I get often, I get asked very often is how

do I maintain my languages?

I guess the simple answer is that I don't, I don't really think about it.

I don't worry about it.

I know that I have, you know, lost a lot in languages, you know, my weaker

languages, you know, maybe the top 10 or 12, like I don't lose that much,

but, uh, you know, Romanian check Greek, Polish, Korean, you know,

uh, I've fallen off quite a bit.

Uh, this evening my wife was watching a movie on Netflix and it was in Polish.

So I thought I'd go and see what I could understand.

Very difficult.

Some bits of conversation I could pick up, especially if they were speaking sort

of more formally, uh, you know, there was a scene where this guy was talking

to a lawyer and there I can understand more of it, but when it's just the quick,

casual, back and forth, very difficult.

And certainly I'm nowhere near as good at, not that I ever was very good,

but nowhere near as good as I was.

So then the question...

and the same can be said, obviously for Romanian, speaking of Romanian

when I was in Romania, but now no way, uh, I noticed my Turkish is

falling off my Persian for sure.

Uh, Greek.


So then the question is, well, why bother?

Why, you know, invest so much effort and time in learning these languages

when inevitably when you can't, you don't have enough time to, to maintain

them to, to continue to improve in them and they, they do decline.

Why bother?

So it suddenly dawned on me that every one of these languages that I

have, you know, put a lot of effort into, they're like an investment.

They're like a field somewhere that I have sewn, uh, with, with seed, you

know, and I kind of leave it there.

And any one of these, any of these investments or any of these, you

know, little treasures that I have, I can go there whenever I want

to, and kind of fertilize it and water it and bring it back to life.

And, you know, I know from experience that when I go back to a language that

I put a lot of effort into, then I don't start obviously at the beginning.

And in fact, as I go over some of the material that I did before I end

up very quickly, you know, further ahead and, and whatever we forget and

relearn in a way we learned it better.

And so to me, I have Polish there and one day I hope to have the

opportunity to go back to Polish and it might be before a trip to Poland.

But I've, I've planted that out there.

That's something that I have that's, that's, uh, you know,

an investment that I've made.

That's an asset that I have, and the same is true of Greek and

Romanian, any of these languages.

So I don't really worry about maintaining them so much.

It's rather a matter of if I feel I'm going to be able to use them and

enjoy them for a period of months or whatever, or in preparation for a trip.

Then I'll be able to go back to them.

And the fact that the casual encounter, if I run into someone who's Polish speaking,

or Czech speaking, or Greeks, speaking and I struggle and can't really say much.


That's unfortunately that's a consequence of learning so many languages, not

being able to maintain them all at sort of a, an immediately usable level.

But on the, on the positive side, these are assets that I have that I can go

back to whenever I need them or want to.

So I just thought of that in, in light of having, you know, watched this Polish

movie and realized how much my Polish has slipped, but not really feeling

badly about it because I still have that Polish that I can go back to.

So thank you for listening bye for now.

Oh, and I almost forgot on Tuesday at 10:00 AM pacific standard

time, Vancouver time, I'm having an Arabic language live stream.

So if you're interested, please come check the description box

for, you know, how to find it.

We're only gonna have it's all going to be in Arabic.



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How Do I Maintain My Languages? |||поддерживать|| |||Keep up|| Wie pflege ich meine Sprachen? ¿Cómo mantengo mis lenguas? چگونه زبان هایم را حفظ کنم؟ Comment entretenir mes langues ? Come posso mantenere le mie lingue? 語学力を維持するには? 언어를 어떻게 유지하나요? Kā es uzturēju savas valodas? Jak utrzymać moje języki? Como é que faço a manutenção das minhas línguas? Как я могу поддерживать свои языки? Dillerimin Bakımını Nasıl Yaparım? Як я можу підтримувати свою мову? 我如何保持我的语言? 我如何保持我的語言?

Maintaining our languages. Preserving|| حفظ زبان هایمان 言語の維持 Mūsu valodu uzturēšana.

Hey, Steve Kaufmann here and this evening, I'm going to talk هی، استیو کافمن اینجا و امروز عصر، من می خواهم صحبت کنم 今晩は、スティーブ・カウフマンです。 Ej, šeit ir Stīvs Kaufmans un šajā vakarā es runāšu

about maintaining our languages. |preserving|| در مورد حفظ زبان هایمان 私たちの言語を維持することについて。

Now. اکنون.

Uh, I often get asked the question, how do I maintain my languages? اوه، اغلب از من این سوال پرسیده می شود که چگونه زبانم را حفظ کنم؟ あの、よく「どうやって自分の言語を維持していますか?」と聞かれます。

You know, I learn so many languages, uh, more or less up to 21. ||||||||대략|대략||| ご存知の通り、私は多くの言語を学んでいて、まあ、21個ぐらいです。

I don't know them all equally well, obviously. |||||||очевидно もちろん、すべての言語を同じように上手に話せるわけではありません。

Uh, how do I maintain them?

So that's what I'm going to talk about. بنابراین این چیزی است که من در مورد آن صحبت خواهم کرد. Вот об этом я и собираюсь поговорить.

Uh, please subscribe to my channel if you like these videos, uh, click اوه، لطفاً اگر این ویدیوها را دوست دارید، کانال من را سابسکرایب کنید، اوه، کلیک کنید

on the bell to get notifications and please do come and join me at LingQ. روی زنگ برای دریافت اعلان‌ها و لطفاً بیایید و در LingQ به من بپیوندید.

So the question I get often, I get asked very often is how بنابراین سوالی که اغلب از من می پرسند این است که چگونه

do I maintain my languages? آیا زبانم را حفظ کنم؟

I guess the simple answer is that I don't, I don't really think about it. حدس می‌زنم پاسخ ساده این است که نه، من واقعاً به آن فکر نمی‌کنم. たぶん簡単な答えは、考えていないということです。 Думаю, простой ответ - нет, я не задумываюсь об этом.

I don't worry about it. 私はそれについて心配していません。

I know that I have, you know, lost a lot in languages, you know, my weaker |||||||||||||||schwächeren |||||||||||||||弱い方 می‌دانم که در زبان‌ها چیزهای زیادی از دست داده‌ام، می‌دانی ضعیف‌ترم 私は自分が、ええ、言語で多くを失っていることを知っています、私の弱い

languages, you know, maybe the top 10 or 12, like I don't lose that much, می دانید، شاید 10 یا 12 زبان برتر، مثل اینکه من آنقدرها از دست نمی دهم، 言語について、たぶんトップ10か12くらいだけど、あまり失わないんだ。

but, uh, you know, Romanian check Greek, Polish, Korean, you know, ||||||Greek language|Polish language||| ||||romeno|||||| اما، اوه، می دانید، چک رومانیایی یونانی، لهستانی، کره ای، می دانید، でも、ええと、ルーマニア語、ギリシャ語、ポーランド語、韓国語とか、知ってるんだ。 但是,嗯,你知道,罗马尼亚语、希腊语、波兰语、韩语,你知道,

uh, I've fallen off quite a bit. ||떨어졌다|||| ええと、かなり落ち込んでしまったよ。 эээ... я довольно сильно упал.

Uh, this evening my wife was watching a movie on Netflix and it was in Polish. ||||||||||Netflix|||||

So I thought I'd go and see what I could understand. بنابراین فکر کردم که بروم و ببینم چه چیزی می توانم بفهمم. だから、私は自分が何を理解できるか見に行こうと思った。 所以我想我会去看看我能理解什么。

Very difficult. とても難しい。

Some bits of conversation I could pick up, especially if they were speaking sort ||||||||особенно||||| |alguns fragmentos|||||||||||| برخی از تکه‌های مکالمه را می‌توانستم بردارم، به‌ویژه اگر به‌طور مرتب صحبت می‌کردند 会話のいくつかの部分は拾うことができた、特に彼らがゆっくり話しているときは。 Некоторые обрывки разговоров я мог уловить, особенно если они говорили как бы между собой.

of more formally, uh, you know, there was a scene where this guy was talking ||formell|||||||Szene||||| ||formalmente|||||||cena|||rapaz|| به طور رسمی تر، اوه، می دانید، صحنه ای بود که این مرد در حال صحبت کردن بود より正式に言うと、あの、彼が話していた場面がありました。 более формально, ну, знаете, там была сцена, где этот парень говорил

to a lawyer and there I can understand more of it, but when it's just the quick, ||弁護士|||||||||||||| ||advogado|||||||||||||| به یک وکیل و من می توانم بیشتر آن را بفهمم، اما زمانی که خیلی سریع است، 弁護士に対して、そこで私はもっと理解できましたが、ただの迅速な、 с адвокатом, и там я могу понять больше, но когда это просто быстро,

casual, back and forth, very difficult. |||вперёд|| گاه به گاه، عقب و جلو، بسیار دشوار است. カジュアルなやり取りになると、とても難しいです。 случайные, туда-сюда, очень сложно.

And certainly I'm nowhere near as good at, not that I ever was very good, |||not anywhere||||||||||| |확실히|나는|||||||||||| |||da nessuna parte||||||||||| و مطمئناً من به این خوبی نیستم، نه اینکه تا به حال خیلی خوب بودم، そして確かに、私は全くそのようなことが得意ではありません、実際に得意だったわけでもありませんが、 当然,我远没有那么擅长,也从来都不是那么擅长,

but nowhere near as good as I was. |neanche lontanamente|||||| اما هیچ کجا به خوبی من نیست. 以前ほど得意ではありません。 но далеко не так хорошо, как я был.

So then the question... پس سوال ... それでは、質問は...

and the same can be said, obviously for Romanian, speaking of Romanian و همین را می توان گفت، آشکارا برای رومانیایی، صحبت از رومانیایی

when I was in Romania, but now no way, uh, I noticed my Turkish is ||||Roménia|||||||||| زمانی که من در رومانی بودم، اما اکنون به هیچ وجه، اوه، متوجه شدم ترکی من است

falling off my Persian for sure. مطمئناً فارسی من سقوط می کند.

Uh, Greek. اوه یونانی


So then the question is, well, why bother? |||||||care |||||||perché preoccuparsi پس سوال اینجاست، خوب، چرا زحمت بکشیم؟ それでは問題は、なぜ努力するのかということですか?

Why, you know, invest so much effort and time in learning these languages |||investir||||||||| می دانید چرا این همه تلاش و زمان برای یادگیری این زبان ها صرف می شود なぜ、これらの言語を学ぶのにこれほど多くの努力と時間を投資するのでしょうか?

when inevitably when you can't, you don't have enough time to, to maintain |неизбежно||||||||||| |unvermeidlich||||||||||| |unavoidably||||||||||| |inevitavelmente||||||||||| Wenn Sie es unvermeidlich nicht können, haben Sie nicht genug Zeit, um es zu warten زمانی که به ناچار وقتی نمی توانید، زمان کافی برای نگهداری ندارید 結局、できなくなると、維持するための十分な時間がないからです。

them to, to continue to improve in them and they, they do decline. ||||||||||||снижаются ||||||||||||decrease آنها برای ادامه پیشرفت در آنها و آنها کاهش می یابند. 彼らに、彼らの中で引き続き改善するために、彼らは、彼らは衰退する。

Why bother? |Perché preoccuparsi? |importar-se Warum die Mühe? چرا زحمت؟ なぜ面倒くさいのか?

So it suddenly dawned on me that every one of these languages that I |||m'est apparu|||||||||| |||es wurde mir klar|||||||||| |||became clear|||||||||| |||me dio cuenta|||||||||| |||veio à mente|||||||||| بنابراین ناگهان متوجه شدم که هر یک از این زبانها که من だから、私がこれらすべての言語について突然気づいたこと。

have, you know, put a lot of effort into, they're like an investment. ||||||||||||инвестиция می دانید، تلاش زیادی کرده اید، آنها مانند یک سرمایه گذاری هستند. 多くの努力を注いできたことを、あなたは知っています、彼らは投資のようなものです。

They're like a field somewhere that I have sewn, uh, with, with seed, you ||||||||посеял||||| ||||||||ensemencé||||| ||||||||sewn||||planting material| ||||||||semeado||||semente| ||||||||genäht||||Samen| ||||||||심은||||| ||||||||seminato||||| ||||||||植えた||||種| ||||||||sembrado||||| آنها مثل یک مزرعه در جایی هستند که من با دانه های تو دوخته ام 彼らは私がどこかの畑に種をまいた、うーん、種のようなもので、あなたは 它们就像我曾播种过的田地,

know, and I kind of leave it there. می دانم، و من آن را به نوعی رها می کنم. 知っています、私はそれをそのままにしておくのです。

And any one of these, any of these investments or any of these, you ||||||||investimentos||||| И любая из них, любая из этих инвестиций или любая из этих, вы

know, little treasures that I have, I can go there whenever I want ||Schätze|||||||||| ||treasures|||||||||| ||宝物|||||||||| ||pequenos tesouros|||||||||| маленькие сокровища, которые у меня есть, я могу пойти туда, когда захочу

to, and kind of fertilize it and water it and bring it back to life. ||||удобрить|||||||||| ||||düngen|||||||||| ||||enrich soil|||||||||| ||||肥料を与える|||||||||| ||||fertilizar||||||||||

And, you know, I know from experience that when I go back to a language that

I put a lot of effort into, then I don't start obviously at the beginning. |||||||||||очевидно||| 私はたくさんの努力を注いだので、明らかに最初から始めるわけではありません。

And in fact, as I go over some of the material that I did before I end |||||go||||||||||| 実際、以前にやったいくつかの素材を振り返ると、

up very quickly, you know, further ahead and, and whatever we forget and ||||||впереди|||||| ||rapidly|||||||||| |||||più avanti|più avanti|||||| すぐに、もっと先へ進む結果になりますし、私たちが忘れることについても

relearn in a way we learned it better. erneuern||||||| reaprender||||||| 再学習して、私たちがそれをより良く学んだ方法で。 以更好的方式重新学习。

And so to me, I have Polish there and one day I hope to have the そして私にとって、ポーランド語を学んでいて、いつかポーランドに戻る機会があることを期待しています。

opportunity to go back to Polish and it might be before a trip to Poland. それがポーランドへの旅行の前になるかもしれません。

But I've, I've planted that out there. |||put||| |||植えた||| |||plantei||| でも、私はそれを外に植えたんです。

That's something that I have that's, that's, uh, you know, それは私が持っているもので、あの、まあ、

an investment that I've made. 私がした投資です。

That's an asset that I have, and the same is true of Greek and ||актив||||||||||| ||advantage||||||||||| ||risorsa||||||||||| ||um ativo||||||||||| ||資産||||||||||| Das ist ein Vorteil, den ich habe, und das gleiche gilt für Griechisch und

Romanian, any of these languages.

So I don't really worry about maintaining them so much.

It's rather a matter of if I feel I'm going to be able to use them and それは私がそれらを使えるかどうか、そして É mais uma questão de saber se sinto que os vou poder utilizar e 问题在于我是否觉得我能够使用它们,

enjoy them for a period of months or whatever, or in preparation for a trip. |||||||||||Vorbereitung||| |||||||||||preparação||| 数か月またはそれに応じて楽しめるかどうか、または旅行の準備のためです。

Then I'll be able to go back to them. それから私はそれらに戻ることができるでしょう。

And the fact that the casual encounter, if I run into someone who's Polish speaking, |||||неформальная|встреча|||||||| そして、カジュアルな出会いで、もしポーランド語を話す誰かに出会ったら、

or Czech speaking, or Greeks, speaking and I struggle and can't really say much. ||||||||борюсь||||| ||||Griechen||||||||| |checo|||||||||||| あるいはチェコ語を話す人やギリシャ語を話す人に出会ったら、私は苦労してあまり話せない。 或者说捷克语,或者希腊语,说话很吃力,说不了什么。

Yeah. うん。

That's unfortunately that's a consequence of learning so many languages, not ||||последствие|||||| ||||result||||||

being able to maintain them all at sort of a, an immediately usable level. ||||||||||||benutzbar| ||||||||||||utilizable| ||||||||||||utilizável| ||||||||||||使用可能な| すべてを即座に使用可能なレベルで維持できること。

But on the, on the positive side, these are assets that I have that I can go |||||||||активы||||||| |||||||||資産||||||| |||||||||ativos||||||| Aber auf der positiven Seite sind dies Vermögenswerte, die ich habe und die ich gehen kann しかし、ポジティブな面として、これは私が必要なときや望むときに戻って使える資産です。

back to whenever I need them or want to. 必要なときや望むときに戻れる資産です。

So I just thought of that in, in light of having, you know, watched this Polish ||||||||に照らして||||||| だから、このポーランドを見て、そう思ったんだ。

movie and realized how much my Polish has slipped, but not really feeling ||||||||ухудшилась|||| ||||||||declined or deteriorated|||| ||||||||落ちた|||| ||||||||diminuiu|||| 映画を見て、自分のポーランド語がどれだけ落ちてしまったかを実感しましたが、あまり気にしていません。

badly about it because I still have that Polish that I can go back to. плохо|||||||||||||| 나쁘게|||||||||||||| mal|||||||||||||| なぜなら、まだ戻れるポーランド語があるからです。

So thank you for listening bye for now. 聞いてくれてありがとう、今回はこれでさようなら。

Oh, and I almost forgot on Tuesday at 10:00 AM pacific standard ||||||Dienstag|||| |||||||||Pacific| ||||||terça-feira||||

time, Vancouver time, I'm having an Arabic language live stream. |Vancouver local|||||||| |horário de Vancouver||||||||

So if you're interested, please come check the description box

for, you know, how to find it. |||como|||

We're only gonna have it's all going to be in Arabic. ||||||||||árabe

