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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Grammar: Language Learning Goal 5

Grammar: Language Learning Goal 5

The grammar is something that we do care about, but it's not

something that should be upfront.

Hi, Steve Kaufmann here.

Today I want to talk about the fifth of my, uh, hierarchy of

goals and, uh, and that's grammar.

Um, some people may think that, or at least in traditional language

instruction, grammar was the first goal:

get it right.

Uh, But before I go any further to remember if you enjoy these

videos, um, please subscribe, click on the bell for notifications.

And um, if you follow me on a podcast service, uh, please leave a comment.

We do appreciate it.

So, I mean, typically we're used to the idea that language

instruction involves grammar.

It involves the teacher explaining grammar rules, which are introduced one at a time,

according to, you know, order that someone decided we begin with the present tense

and not the past tense, no real reason.

Uh, typically in Arabic, they begin with the past tense and

then move to the present tense.

Um, so there seems to be this order in which grammar concepts are introduced

and then we're tested on them, or we do exercises on them and the

sort of the core element in language instruction seems to be grammar.

Everything is built around grammar, uh, typically in these textbooks that will

be, um, you know, content items, items of content, uh, to introduce new vocabulary.

But together with that, inevitably there is a concept

of grammar that is introduced.

To me, grammar or speaking correctly, or correct usage as

a goal it's way down the list.

All right.

You, by now will know that I consider acquiring words as the first goal,

getting a lot of words, uh, getting to where I can start reading in

the language is the second goal.

The third goal is listening and of course the reading helps you with listening.

Cause if I just hear it, I don't necessarily know what I'm missing.

Uh, and then I get to speaking because now I've been listening to so much

of the language that I have words, I feel that I'm ready to speak.

And so it's only when I start speaking that my inaccuracy in the language

becomes a problem because as long as I'm input based, I'm listening and reading,

I'm requiring words, I can actually understand fairly well what's happening.

I have some concepts of the grammar, but because I'm not producing much of

the language, I'm not making mistakes.

So it's a happy situation.

I'm enjoying the language, no pressure, no mistakes.

Now, once I start speaking, then of course we all would like to

speak more correctly, more...

the usage patterns, we want to imitate the usage patterns of the native speaker.

To some extent, if we put a lot of effort into our listening and reading and we

have lots of words, we will have a...

begin to have a feel for how the language works, but, and we

will notice certain patterns.

And we will notice that for example, the verb comes at the end for example.

We don't have to be told that, that becomes pretty obvious pretty quickly.

Although if we're told that upfront, there's nothing wrong with that either.

But so much of what is in grammar, at least in the initial stages in my approach

is just to be kind of vaguely aware that these things exist in the language without

necessarily expecting to remember it.

But comes a point now where I'm speaking and I always make...

struggle to get my thoughts out.

And I'm not quite sure how that structure works, even though I've

seen it, I'm not able to produce it.

And so now we really have to focus in, on, on producing the language correctly.

And so, but the advantage is if we start focusing in on grammar after

having put enough effort into the input we now have some idea of what the

grammar explanations refer to because we've already experienced much of it.

And so we look at the grammar rule, we still can't apply it, but I

think that studying grammar after a significant exposure to the language

helps us grasp these grammar rules.

And even if we forget them and we look at them again and we look at them again and

we look it up again, slowly, our ability to use the grammar correctly improves.

And I don't think it's necessary to be tested on them.

I think it's enough to review the grammar rules, try to notice them

when we're listening and reading.

And I've always found that in time if I have enough words,

I'll be able to start speaking.

So the grammar is something that we do care about, but it's not

something that should be upfront.

And because I'm very much focused on input based learning, I would like to

see more grammar books where concepts of grammar are introduced in the target

language in Spanish and Japanese.

And that there is a company audio for that lesson so that I can go away and I can

listen to a discussion of the subjunctive in Spanish with a lot of examples and

I can listen to it and I can read it so that it becomes a lesson like any other

lesson and I'm learning the grammar rules, but in the target language, I'm

not sure if resources like that exist.

Um, I've often...

I haven't had that so what I've relied upon is grammar resources

that I can find on the internet.

I can download a PDF of Romanian grammar.

I can look up specifics of, you know, Ukrainian noun declensions, or anything

really that you need to look up.

Uh, you can look it up.

And, uh, certainly with verbs, uh, at LingQ, we have conjugating

dictionaries in many cases.

So as you look up a form of the verb, it'll tell you which form it is and

it'll show you the other, uh, you know, conjugations of that verb.

So there's so many resources around that help us treat grammar as something that

we refer to rather than something that has to be deliberately learned and certainly

not deliberately learned upfront.

So, and with that, I find over time, my accuracy, it gets better and,

but there will always be mistakes.

And in many cases, I'll make the same mistake week after

week, month after month.

And eventually these mistakes do correct themselves.

So grammar therefore or correct usage is for me, uh, in my hierarchy

of goals number five, not one, not two, not three, not four but five.


Thank you for listening.

Bye for now.

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Grammar: Language Learning Goal 5 دستور زبان||| Grammatik: Sprachlernziel 5 Gramática: Objetivo de aprendizaje lingüístico 5 Grammaire : Objectif d'apprentissage de la langue 5 Grammatica: Obiettivo di apprendimento linguistico 5 文法:言語学習の目標5 문법: 언어 학습 목표 5 Gramatyka: Cel nauki języka 5 Gramática: Objetivo de Aprendizagem de Línguas 5 Грамматика: цель изучения языка 5 Dilbilgisi: Dil Öğrenme Hedefi 5 Граматика: Мета вивчення мови 5 Ngữ pháp: Mục tiêu học ngôn ngữ 5 语法:语言学习目标 5 語法:語言學習目標 5

The grammar is something that we do care about, but it's not |||||||value|||| Así que la gramática debe importarnos, pero no debe 文法は私たちが気にするものですが、そうではありません Dilbilgisi önem verdiğimiz bir konu, ancak bu

something that should be upfront. ||||Clearly stated ||||앞에 있는 ||||à frente ||||al frente hacerlo inicialmente. quelque chose qui doit être dit d'emblée. 事前にすべきこと。 algo que deve ser dito logo à partida.

Hi, Steve Kaufmann here. Hola, aquí Steve Kaufmann.

Today I want to talk about the fifth of my, uh, hierarchy of |||||||||||ranking system| |||||||||||jerarquía| Today I want to talk about the fifth of my, uh, hierarchy of 今日は私の階層の 5 番目についてお話したいと思います。 Bugün, benim hiyerarşimin beşincisi hakkında konuşmak istiyorum. Hôm nay tôi muốn nói về thứ năm trong hệ thống phân cấp của tôi

goals and, uh, and that's grammar. |||||Structure rules goals and, uh, and that's grammar. 目標と、ええと、それは文法です。 mục tiêu và, uh, và đó là ngữ pháp.

Um, some people may think that, or at least in traditional language ||||pensam||||||tradicional| Algunas personas pueden pensar que (al menos en la enseñanza tradicional de idiomas), ええと、一部の人はそう思うかもしれません、または少なくとも伝統的な言葉で

instruction, grammar was the first goal: la gramática es el objetivo principal: 指導、文法は最初の目標でした: hướng dẫn, ngữ pháp là mục tiêu đầu tiên:

get it right. get it right. de bien faire les choses. fazer as coisas corretamente.

Uh, But before I go any further to remember if you enjoy these |||||qualquer coisa|mais longe||||||estas Pero antes de continuar, recuerda que si disfrutas estos videos 10 00:00:30,750 --> 00:00:35,310 por favor suscríbete y activa la campanita de notificaciones. Mais avant d'aller plus loin, souvenez-vous que si vous appréciez ces ええと、しかし、あなたがこれらを楽しんでいるかどうかを覚えておくために先に進む前に

videos, um, please subscribe, click on the bell for notifications. ビデオ、ええと、購読してください。ベルをクリックして通知を受け取ります。

And um, if you follow me on a podcast service, uh, please leave a comment. Y si me sigues en algún podcast por favor deja un comentario. ポッドキャスト サービスで私をフォローしている場合は、コメントを残してください。 Và ừm, nếu bạn theo dõi tôi trên dịch vụ podcast, vui lòng để lại nhận xét.

We do appreciate it. ||agradecemos| Lo apreciamos. Nous l'apprécions. 感謝しています。

So, I mean, typically we're used to the idea that language ||||nós estamos|||||| Típicamente, estamos acostumbrados a la idea de que la enseñanza つまり、通常、私たちは言語という考えに慣れています Vì vậy, ý tôi là, thông thường chúng ta đã quen với ý tưởng rằng ngôn ngữ

instruction involves grammar. |includes| |involucra| instrução|envolve|gramática de idiomas involucra la gramática. L'enseignement porte sur la grammaire. 指導には文法が含まれます。

It involves the teacher explaining grammar rules, which are introduced one at a time, |requires|||||||||||| ||||||regras gramaticais||||||| Implica al maestro explicando reglas de gramática, las cuales son enseñadas una a la vez, L'enseignant explique les règles de grammaire, qui sont introduites une à une, 教師が文法規則を説明し、一度に 1 つずつ紹介します。

according to, you know, order that someone decided we begin with the present tense |||||||||empezar con|con||| de acordo com|||sabe|ordem||||||||| de acuerdo a un orden que alguien decidió, como empezar con el tiempo presente selon, vous savez, l'ordre que quelqu'un a décidé que nous commencions par le présent ご存知のように、誰かが決めた順序に従って、現在時制から始めます

and not the past tense, no real reason. ||||||verdadeira| y no con el pasado, sin razón real. và không phải thì quá khứ, không có lý do thực sự.

Uh, typically in Arabic, they begin with the past tense and Típicamente en Árabe, se empieza por el tiempo pasado y ええと、典型的なアラビア語では、過去形で始まり、 Uh, thông thường trong tiếng Ả Rập, chúng bắt đầu bằng thì quá khứ và

then move to the present tense. y luego el presente. 次に現在形に移ります。

Um, so there seems to be this order in which grammar concepts are introduced Entonces parece haber un orden en qué conceptos de gramática son presentados ええと、文法の概念が導入される順序があるようです

and then we're tested on them, or we do exercises on them and the y después somos examinados con eso, o hacemos ejercicios y そして、それらについてテストしたり、演習を行ったりします。

sort of the core element in language instruction seems to be grammar. el elemento central en la enseñanza de idiomas parece ser la gramática. L'élément central de l'enseignement des langues semble être la grammaire.

Everything is built around grammar, uh, typically in these textbooks that will Todo está construido al rededor de la gramática, usualmente en esos libros de texto que serán, すべてが文法に基づいて構築されています。通常、これらの教科書では、 Mọi thứ đều được xây dựng xung quanh ngữ pháp, ừ, thông thường trong những cuốn sách giáo khoa này sẽ

be, um, you know, content items, items of content, uh, to introduce new vocabulary. ya sabes, listas de contenido, para introducir vocabulario nuevo. être, euh, vous savez, des éléments de contenu, des éléments de contenu, euh, pour introduire un nouveau vocabulaire. ええと、ご存知のように、コンテンツ項目、コンテンツ項目、ええと、新しい語彙を紹介するためのものです。

But together with that, inevitably there is a concept ||||inevitablemente|||| Pero junto con eso, inevitablemente hay un concepto でもそれと合わせて必然的にコンセプトが

of grammar that is introduced. de gramática que es presentado. 紹介されている文法。 ngữ pháp được giới thiệu.

To me, grammar or speaking correctly, or correct usage as Para mí, la gramática, el hablar correctamente, o su uso correcto, Pour moi, la grammaire ou le fait de parler correctement, ou l'usage correct en tant que 私にとって、文法や正しい話し方、または正しい用法として Đối với tôi, ngữ pháp hay cách nói đúng, hay cách dùng đúng đều là

a goal it's way down the list. es un objetivo que está muy abajo en la lista. un objectif qui se trouve en bas de la liste. 目標はリストのずっと下にあります。

All right. Bien.

You, by now will know that I consider acquiring words as the first goal, Tú, a estas alturas, debes saber que considero la adquisión de palabras como primera meta. あなたは、私が言葉を習得することを最初の目標と考えていることを今では知っていますが、 Вы уже знаете, что первой целью я считаю овладение словом,

getting a lot of words, uh, getting to where I can start reading in Conseguir muchas palabras, llegar al punto donde puedo empezar a leer Je peux lire beaucoup de mots, euh, je peux commencer à lire en

the language is the second goal. el idioma, es la segunda meta. ngôn ngữ là mục tiêu thứ hai.

The third goal is listening and of course the reading helps you with listening. El tercer objetivo es escuchar, y por supuesto leer, lo cual te ayuda a escuchar.

Cause if I just hear it, I don't necessarily know what I'm missing. ||||||||||||perdiendo Porque si solo lo escucho, no necesariamente sé si me estoy perdiendo algo. 聞いただけでは、何が欠けているのか分からないからです。

Uh, and then I get to speaking because now I've been listening to so much Y entonces llego a hablar, porque ahora que he estado escuchando tanto ええと、それから私は話すようになりました。 Uh, sau đó tôi bắt đầu nói vì bây giờ tôi đã nghe rất nhiều

of the language that I have words, I feel that I'm ready to speak. del idioma en el que tengo palabras, siento que estoy listo para hablar. языка, на котором у меня есть слова, я чувствую, что готов говорить. về ngôn ngữ mà tôi có từ ngữ, tôi cảm thấy rằng tôi đã sẵn sàng để nói.

And so it's only when I start speaking that my inaccuracy in the language ||||||||||Ungenauigkeit||| ||||||||||errors||| ||||||||||imprecisão||| ||||||||||imprecisión||| Nada más cuando comienzo a hablar es que mi inexactitud en el idioma se convierte И вот только когда я начинаю говорить, моя неточность в языке

becomes a problem because as long as I'm input based, I'm listening and reading, en un problema. Porque mientras recibo "input" (estoy escuchando y leyendo), devient un problème parce que tant que je suis basé sur les données, j'écoute et je lis, Это становится проблемой, потому что пока я работаю с вводом, я слушаю и читаю,

I'm requiring words, I can actually understand fairly well what's happening. |||||||bastante||| estoy requiriendo palabras, realmente puedo entender bastante bien lo que pasa. J'ai besoin de mots, je peux en fait comprendre assez bien ce qui se passe. Я требую слов, на самом деле я достаточно хорошо понимаю, что происходит.

I have some concepts of the grammar, but because I'm not producing much of Tengo algunos conceptos de gramática, pero como no estoy produciendo mucho У меня есть некоторые представления о грамматике, но поскольку я не создаю много Tôi có một số khái niệm về ngữ pháp, nhưng vì tôi không hiểu được nhiều

the language, I'm not making mistakes. usando el idioma, no cometo errores. ngôn ngữ, tôi không mắc lỗi.

So it's a happy situation. Por lo tanto es una situación alegre.

I'm enjoying the language, no pressure, no mistakes. Estoy disfruntando el idioma, sin presión, sin errores. Tôi thích ngôn ngữ này, không có áp lực, không có sai sót.

Now, once I start speaking, then of course we all would like to Ahora bien, al comenzar a hablar, obviamente todos quisiéramos

speak more correctly, more... hacerlo más apropiadamente, más... Daha doğru konuş, daha çok...

the usage patterns, we want to imitate the usage patterns of the native speaker. ||||||emulate||||||| Los patrones de uso. Debemos imitar los patrones de uso de los hablantes nativos. les schémas d'utilisation, nous voulons imiter les schémas d'utilisation du locuteur natif. cách sử dụng, chúng tôi muốn bắt chước cách sử dụng của người bản xứ.

To some extent, if we put a lot of effort into our listening and reading and we Hasta cierto punto, si ponemos mucho esfuerzo en nuestra escucha (listening) y lectura, Ở một mức độ nào đó, nếu chúng ta nỗ lực nhiều vào việc nghe và đọc và chúng ta

have lots of words, we will have a... y poseemos muchas palabras, empezaremos a tener có rất nhiều lời nói, chúng ta sẽ có...

begin to have a feel for how the language works, but, and we una idea de cómo funciona el idioma, y notaremos commencer à avoir une idée de la façon dont la langue fonctionne, mais, et nous

will notice certain patterns. ciertos patrones. remarqueront certains schémas.

And we will notice that for example, the verb comes at the end for example. |||||||||vem||||| Y notaremos que, por ejemplo, el verbo va al final del ejemplo. Và chúng ta sẽ để ý rằng ví dụ như động từ đứng ở cuối chẳng hạn.

We don't have to be told that, that becomes pretty obvious pretty quickly. No tienen que decírnoslo, se vuelve muy obvio rápidamente. Il n'est pas nécessaire de nous le dire, cela devient vite évident. Chúng ta không cần phải nói điều đó, điều đó trở nên khá rõ ràng khá nhanh chóng.

Although if we're told that upfront, there's nothing wrong with that either. |||||de antemano|||||| |||||de forma clara|||||| Aunque si nos lo dicen desde el principio, tampoco hay nada malo en eso. Mais si on nous le dit d'emblée, il n'y a rien de mal à cela non plus. Хотя, если нам об этом говорят заранее, в этом тоже нет ничего плохого.

But so much of what is in grammar, at least in the initial stages in my approach Pero mucho de lo que es gramática, al menos en las etapas iniciales, según yo, Nhưng phần lớn những gì có trong ngữ pháp, ít nhất là trong giai đoạn đầu trong cách tiếp cận của tôi

is just to be kind of vaguely aware that these things exist in the language without ||||||vagamente|consciente|||||||| es simplemente ser vagamente consciente de que esas cosas existen en el idioma, est d'être vaguement conscient de l'existence de ces choses dans la langue, sans pour autant en être conscient.

necessarily expecting to remember it. necesariamente|||| sin esperar recordarlas necesariamente.

But comes a point now where I'm speaking and I always make... Pero ahora llega un punto donde estoy hablando y siempre... Nhưng đến một thời điểm mà tôi đang nói và tôi luôn làm...

struggle to get my thoughts out. ||||pensamentos| tengo problemas para exteriorizar mis pensamientos. düşüncelerimi çıkarmak için mücadele.

And I'm not quite sure how that structure works, even though I've Y no estoy muy seguro de cómo funciona esa estructura, y

seen it, I'm not able to produce it. aunque la he visto, no soy capaz de producirla.

And so now we really have to focus in, on, on producing the language correctly. Y entonces realmente necesitamos enfocarnos en producir correctamente en el idioma. Và vì vậy bây giờ chúng ta thực sự phải tập trung vào việc tạo ra ngôn ngữ một cách chính xác.

And so, but the advantage is if we start focusing in on grammar after La ventaja es que si comenzamos a enfocarnos en la gramática luego de

having put enough effort into the input we now have some idea of what the habiendo puesto||||||||ahora ya|||||| haber puesto suficiente esfuerzo en el "input", ahora tenemos una idea Sau khi đã nỗ lực đầy đủ vào đầu vào, giờ đây chúng tôi đã có một số ý tưởng về những gì

grammar explanations refer to because we've already experienced much of it. de a qué se refieren las explicaciones gramaticales, porque ya hemos tenido la experiencia con muchas de ellas.

And so we look at the grammar rule, we still can't apply it, but I Así que miramos a la regla gramatical, aún no podemos aplicarla, pero Và vì vậy chúng ta nhìn vào quy tắc ngữ pháp, chúng ta vẫn không thể áp dụng được nó, nhưng tôi

think that studying grammar after a significant exposure to the language pienso que estudiar gramática después de una exposición significante al idioma 67 00:04:10,815 --> 00:04:14,175 nos ayuda a entender dichas reglas. nghĩ rằng việc học ngữ pháp sau khi tiếp xúc nhiều với ngôn ngữ

helps us grasp these grammar rules. ||comprender|||

And even if we forget them and we look at them again and we look at them again and E incluso si las olvidamos y las reveemos, y las repasamos otra vez, Và ngay cả khi chúng ta quên chúng và chúng ta nhìn lại chúng và chúng ta nhìn lại chúng và

we look it up again, slowly, our ability to use the grammar correctly improves. y otra vez, lentamente, nuestra habilidad de usar la gramática apropiadamente mejora.

And I don't think it's necessary to be tested on them. |||||necesario||||| Y no creo que sea necesario que nos examinen en eso. Và tôi không nghĩ cần phải thử nghiệm chúng.

I think it's enough to review the grammar rules, try to notice them Creo que es suficiente con revisar las reglas gramaticales, tratar de notarlas Je pense qu'il suffit de revoir les règles de grammaire, d'essayer de les remarquer

when we're listening and reading. cuando estemos escuchando y leyendo.

And I've always found that in time if I have enough words, Y siempre me encontré con que al tiempo que tenga suficientes palabras,

I'll be able to start speaking. seré capaz de empezar a hablar.

So the grammar is something that we do care about, but it's not Así que la gramática debe importarnos, pero no debe La grammaire est donc un élément auquel nous nous intéressons, mais ce n'est pas le cas. Vì vậy, ngữ pháp là thứ chúng ta quan tâm, nhưng không phải

something that should be upfront. ||||al frente hacerlo inicialmente.

And because I'm very much focused on input based learning, I would like to Y puesto que estoy muy enfocado en el aprendizaje basado en "input", me gustaría Et comme je suis très attaché à l'apprentissage basé sur l'apport de connaissances, j'aimerais

see more grammar books where concepts of grammar are introduced in the target ver más libros de gramática donde los conceptos sean presentados en el idioma objetivo

language in Spanish and Japanese. en Español y Japonés.

And that there is a company audio for that lesson so that I can go away and I can Y que haya un audio de apoyo para esa lección, así podría irme a otro lado Và có âm thanh của công ty cho bài học đó để tôi có thể đi xa và có thể

listen to a discussion of the subjunctive in Spanish with a lot of examples and y escuchar una clase sobre el subjuntivo en Español con muchos ejemplos. lắng nghe cuộc thảo luận về giả định bằng tiếng Tây Ban Nha với rất nhiều ví dụ và

I can listen to it and I can read it so that it becomes a lesson like any other Podría escucharla y leerla así se convertiría en una lección como cualquier otra,

lesson and I'm learning the grammar rules, but in the target language, I'm mientras estoy aprendiendo las reglas gramaticales pero en el idioma objetivo.

not sure if resources like that exist. No estoy seguro de que existan recursos como ese.

Um, I've often... A menudo...

I haven't had that so what I've relied upon is grammar resources |||||||depended on|||| |||||||me he basado|en||| No he tenido eso, así que confié en recursos gramaticales Je n'ai pas eu cette chance et je me suis donc appuyé sur des ressources grammaticales. Tôi chưa có cái đó nên thứ tôi dựa vào là tài nguyên ngữ pháp

that I can find on the internet. que pude encontrar en internet. mà tôi có thể tìm thấy trên internet.

I can download a PDF of Romanian grammar. Puedo descargar un PDF de gramática rumana. Tôi có thể tải xuống bản PDF ngữ pháp tiếng Rumani.

I can look up specifics of, you know, Ukrainian noun declensions, or anything ||||details||||Ukrainian language|||| ||||||||||격변화|| ||||especificaciones específicas|||||||| Puedo buscar especificaciones sobre declinaciones de sustantivos en ucraniano,

really that you need to look up. o lo que sea que necesite buscar.

Uh, you can look it up. Uh, puedes buscarlo. Ờ, cậu có thể tra cứu nó.

And, uh, certainly with verbs, uh, at LingQ, we have conjugating Y ciertamente, sobre verbos en LingQ, tenemos

dictionaries in many cases. diccionarios de verbos en muchos casos.

So as you look up a form of the verb, it'll tell you which form it is and Así que mientras buscas una forma del verbo, te dirá en qué forma está

it'll show you the other, uh, you know, conjugations of that verb. y te mostrará las otras conjugaciones de ese verbo. nó sẽ cho bạn thấy cách chia động từ khác của động từ đó.

So there's so many resources around that help us treat grammar as something that Hay muchos recursos por ahí que nos ayudan a tratar a la gramática como algo Vì vậy, có rất nhiều tài nguyên xung quanh giúp chúng ta coi ngữ pháp là thứ gì đó

we refer to rather than something that has to be deliberately learned and certainly ||||||||||deliberadamente||| a lo que recurrimos, más que algo que debe ser deliberadamente aprendido, y ciertamente мы имеем в виду, а не что-то, что должно быть преднамеренно изучено и, безусловно,

not deliberately learned upfront. |||de antemano no en etapas iniciales.

So, and with that, I find over time, my accuracy, it gets better and, |||||||||precisión|||| Con eso, a través del tiempo, mi exactitud mejora, Ainsi, avec le temps, je constate que ma précision s'améliore,

but there will always be mistakes. pero siempre habrá errores.

And in many cases, I'll make the same mistake week after Y en muchos casos, cometeré el mismo error semana tras semana,

week, month after month. Woche, Monat für Monat. mes tras mes.

And eventually these mistakes do correct themselves. Y eventualmente, dichos errores se corregirán a sí mismos.

So grammar therefore or correct usage is for me, uh, in my hierarchy ||por lo tanto|||||||||| Por lo tanto, la gramática o su uso correcto, está mi jerarquía de metas La grammaire donc ou l'usage correct est pour moi, euh, dans ma hiérarchie

of goals number five, not one, not two, not three, not four but five. en el puesto quinto. No uno, ni dos, ni tres, ni cuatro, sino cinco.

Okay. Bien.

Thank you for listening. Gracias por escuchar.

Bye for now. Auf Wiedersehen für jetzt. Adiós por ahora.