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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Forget About Native Pronunciation & Focus on NATURAL Pronunciation

Forget About Native Pronunciation & Focus on NATURAL Pronunciation

This is a psychological aspect of achieving good pronunciation.

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here and today I want to talk about natural pronunciation.

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I do appreciate it.

So I wanna follow up on the fascinating discussion that I had

with Stephen Krashen the other day.

And that was a live stream.

And you may have watched it.

It's available uh, here for you to, uh, look at if you, uh, weren't able

to participate in the live stream.

It is also going to be available as a lesson with subtitles, with the, uh, the

transcript in our English library at LingQ where we have a number of videos from Dr.

Krashen that you can use if you're working on improving your English and if you

want to become more familiar with Dr.

Krashen's ideas.

Now, in the conversation with Dr.

Krashen he had a, he has wonderful stories to tell, but one of his stories

was that, uh, he was in a French class or he heard about someone who was

in a French class and who was always criticized for his pronunciation.

His pronunciation wasn't very natural.

It wasn't, I mean, we don't have to be totally native, but it was still very

much far away from French pronunciation.

He was in a way hiding behind his English pronunciation.

And then for whatever reason, he decided that he was going to

impersonate, imitate a French person.

So he arrived one day in front of the class and he put on a beret because

people think French people all wear...

french men, all wear berets, which they don't, and he pretended to be a Frenchman.

And he was, you know, we can imitate French people speaking English, like

very often, some people can imitate the French accent, the English...

but when they go to speak French, they're still using their English accent.

So he decided that he was going to pretend to be a Frenchman with his beret,

with whatever other disguise he had on.

And he spoke French and he spoke with a very good accent with good pronunciation.

And the teacher said, where has that pronunciation been hiding?

And of course he was in the mood for that.

And so I think we can achieve if not native-like pronunciation, which is more

difficult to achieve, but we can achieve comfortable pronunciation pronunciation

that the native speaker enjoys listening to, even with an accent that feels

natural, that is not strained, but is free of the inhibitions that too often

people feel when they're hanging back in the safety of sort of pronouncing French

... in other words, staying with the less risky sort of pronunciation of not making

an effort to imitate, not to take that, that jump into the, what might be cold

water of trying to actually sound like whatever language it is we're learning.

I mentioned to Dr.

Krashen that I have referred to this as cultural weightlessness and

that this is a psychological aspect of achieving good pronunciation.

There are many other things that we can do to improve pronunciation.

Uh, listening is certainly one, listening to things that engage us

emotionally is going to help us.

But also at some point you have to recognize that you have to sort of lift

yourself up, this cultural weightlessness.

You're not a part of your native culture now.

You in fact are gonna try to sort of immerse yourself, throw yourself

into the water, into the culture of the language that you're learning.

You're gonna pretend to be one of them.

And if you do that, and, and I think that's, as I said, also to Dr.

Krashen why very often actors, I remember once hearing Jody Foster

speak French, she has phenomenal pronunciation in her French.

She makes mistakes on her.

gender So it's not to say that her French is perfect, but if we are

concerned about pronunciation, if we think of an actor or an actress that

has to, they're no longer, she's no longer Jody Foster, she is whatever

person she's playing in the movie.

And so actors are used to the idea of projecting them themselves

into the role of someone else.

And when we speak a language, not only do we have to learn the words and

the phrases and so forth and improve our comprehension, which I always

stress, but if we want to improve our pronunciation, if we want to achieve

natural, comfortable pronunciation, comfortable for you using it, comfortable

for the person listening to it - it needn't be perfect - I think that requires

that willingness to play act to, to sort of pretend you're someone else.

And once you've done that a few times, that then becomes the natural

pronunciation for you because you have now moved as a speaker, I use French,

but it could be any language, you've moved from being sort of a foreigner

attempting to speak the language to this new role where you see yourself

as a member of that cultural group.

And I think if we can learn to do that, and it's certainly what I try

to do when I learn a language, we then develop what I would call natural

pronunciation, which is not the same as native pronunciation, because

realistically it's very difficult to achieve, uh, uh, a level of pronunciation

that is where you'll be mistaken for a native, by and large not gonna happen.

However, you can achieve a level of pronunciation that is

very pleasant, very natural.

So that's my recommendation when it comes to pronunciation and I'll leave

you with a couple of, uh, videos that I've done in the past on pronunciation.

You may also wanna visit the, uh, Krashen interview whether, uh, at the YouTube

channel here or in our library at LingQ.

Thank you for listening.

Bye for now.

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Forget About Native Pronunciation & Focus on NATURAL Pronunciation Vergessen Sie die muttersprachliche Aussprache und konzentrieren Sie sich auf die NATÜRLICHE AUSSPRACHE Forget About Native Pronunciation & Focus on NATURAL Pronunciation Olvídese de la pronunciación nativa y céntrese en la pronunciación NATURAL Oublier la prononciation native et se concentrer sur la prononciation NATURELLE Dimenticatevi della pronuncia nativa e concentratevi sulla pronuncia naturale. ネイティブの発音を忘れ、自然な発音に集中する 원어민 발음은 잊고 자연스러운 발음에 집중하세요. Zapomnij o rodzimej wymowie i skup się na wymowie NATURALNEJ Esqueça a pronúncia nativa e concentre-se na pronúncia NATURAL Забудьте о родном произношении и сосредоточьтесь на НАТУРАЛЬНОМ произношении ลืมการออกเสียงของเจ้าของภาษาและมุ่งเน้นไปที่การออกเสียงที่เป็นธรรมชาติ Yerel Telaffuzu Unutun ve DOĞAL Telaffuza Odaklanın Забудьте про рідну вимову та зосередьтеся на природній вимові 忘掉母语发音,专注于自然发音 忘掉母語發音,專注於自然發音

This is a psychological aspect of achieving good pronunciation. นี่เป็นลักษณะทางจิตวิทยาในการบรรลุการออกเสียงที่ดี 这是实现良好发音的心理因素。 這是實現良好發音的心理方面。

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here and today I want to talk about natural pronunciation. สวัสดี Steve Kaufmann ที่นี่และวันนี้ ฉันอยากจะพูดเกี่ยวกับการออกเสียงที่เป็นธรรมชาติ

Now, if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe, click on |||||||join channel|| ตอนนี้ หากคุณชอบวิดีโอเหล่านี้ โปรดสมัครรับข้อมูล คลิก

the bell for notifications. |notification icon||alerts กระดิ่งสำหรับการแจ้งเตือน

And if you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a comment. และถ้าคุณติดตามฉันในบริการพอดแคสต์โปรดแสดงความคิดเห็น 如果您在播客服务上关注我,请留下评论。

I do appreciate it. ||thank you| ฉันซาบซึ้งจริงๆ

So I wanna follow up on the fascinating discussion that I had ||want to|||||engaging|||| Por isso, quero dar seguimento à fascinante discussão que tive ดังนั้นฉันจึงอยากติดตามการสนทนาที่น่าสนใจที่ฉันมี 所以我想跟進我的精彩討論

with Stephen Krashen the other day. com Stephen Krashen no outro dia. กับ Stephen Krashen เมื่อวันก่อน

And that was a live stream. E isso foi uma transmissão em direto. และนั่นคือการถ่ายทอดสด 而且是现场直播。

And you may have watched it. E talvez o tenham visto. และคุณอาจจะเคยดูมันแล้ว 你可能已經看過了。

It's available uh, here for you to, uh, look at if you, uh, weren't able Está disponível uh, aqui para que possa, uh, ver se não foi capaz de มีให้บริการ เอ่อ ที่นี่สำหรับคุณ เอ่อ ดูว่าคุณ เอ่อ ไม่สามารถ 它是可用的,呃,這裡給你,呃,看看你是否,呃,不能

to participate in the live stream. ||||real-time| para participar na transmissão em direto. เพื่อเข้าร่วมการถ่ายทอดสด

It is also going to be available as a lesson with subtitles, with the, uh, the |||||||||||subtítulos|||| Também vai estar disponível como uma lição com legendas, com o, uh, o มันจะมีให้ใช้งานเป็นบทเรียนพร้อมคำบรรยายด้วย เอ่อ, the 它也將作為帶字幕的課程提供,呃,

transcript in our English library at LingQ where we have a number of videos from Dr. transcrição na nossa biblioteca de inglês no LingQ, onde temos uma série de vídeos do Dr.

Krashen that you can use if you're working on improving your English and if you Krashen que pode utilizar se estiver a trabalhar para melhorar o seu inglês e se 如果您正在努力提高自己的英语水平,如果您想

want to become more familiar with Dr. quer familiarizar-se mais com o Dr.

Krashen's ideas. Krashen's theories| As ideias de Krashen.

Now, in the conversation with Dr. Agora, na conversa com o Dr.

Krashen he had a, he has wonderful stories to tell, but one of his stories Krashen tinha uma, ele tem histórias maravilhosas para contar, mas uma das suas histórias

was that, uh, he was in a French class or he heard about someone who was |||||||||||learned about|||| foi que, uh, ele estava numa aula de francês ou ouviu falar de alguém que estava 是,呃,他上过法语课,或者他听说过某个人是

in a French class and who was always criticized for his pronunciation. ||||||||批评||| ||||||||reprimanded||| ||||||||ถูกวิจารณ์||| ||||||||criticado||| numa aula de francês e que era sempre criticado pela sua pronúncia.

His pronunciation wasn't very natural. A sua pronúncia não era muito natural.

It wasn't, I mean, we don't have to be totally native, but it was still very Não era, quero dizer, não temos de ser totalmente nativos, mas era muito

much far away from French pronunciation. muito longe da pronúncia francesa. 与法语发音相去甚远。

He was in a way hiding behind his English pronunciation. De certa forma, ele estava a esconder-se atrás da sua pronúncia inglesa. 在某种程度上,他是在用英语发音来掩饰自己。

And then for whatever reason, he decided that he was going to E depois, por qualquer razão, decidiu que ia

impersonate, imitate a French person. 模仿|||| Act French.|||| フランス人を真似る|||| เลียนแบบ|เลียนแบบ||| fazer-se passar por, imitar um francês.

So he arrived one day in front of the class and he put on a beret because |||||||||||||||贝雷帽| |||||||||||||||a hat| |||||||||||||||ベレー帽| |||||||||||||||หมวกเบเร่| |||||||||||||||boina| Um dia, chegou à frente da turma e pôs uma boina porque

people think French people all wear... as pessoas pensam que os franceses usam todos...

french men, all wear berets, which they don't, and he pretended to be a Frenchman. ||||hats||||||acted||||Frenchman ||||ベレー帽||||||ふりをした|||| Os franceses usam todos boinas, o que não é o caso, e ele fingiu ser francês.

And he was, you know, we can imitate French people speaking English, like E ele disse: "Podemos imitar os franceses a falar inglês, como

very often, some people can imitate the French accent, the English...

but when they go to speak French, they're still using their English accent.

So he decided that he was going to pretend to be a Frenchman with his beret, ||||||||||||French person|||

with whatever other disguise he had on. |||伪装||| |||Verkleidung||| |||costume or cover||| |||変装|||

And he spoke French and he spoke with a very good accent with good pronunciation.

And the teacher said, where has that pronunciation been hiding?

And of course he was in the mood for that. 当然,他的心情也是如此。

And so I think we can achieve if not native-like pronunciation, which is more 因此,我认为我们即使不能做到像母语一样的发音,也能做到更

difficult to achieve, but we can achieve comfortable pronunciation pronunciation

that the native speaker enjoys listening to, even with an accent that feels ||||likes|||||||| 母语为英语的人喜欢听,即使口音让人感觉

natural, that is not strained, but is free of the inhibitions that too often ||||受压抑的||||||||| ||||non forcé||||||||| ||||unforced||||||restrictions or restraints||| ||||belastet||||||Hemmungen||| ||||ไม่ถูกบีบ||||||การยับยั้ง|||

people feel when they're hanging back in the safety of sort of pronouncing French ||||holding||||comfort zone|||||

... in other words, staying with the less risky sort of pronunciation of not making |||||||风险较小|||||| |||||||less safe||||||

an effort to imitate, not to take that, that jump into the, what might be cold |||mimic||||||||||||

water of trying to actually sound like whatever language it is we're learning.

I mentioned to Dr.

Krashen that I have referred to this as cultural weightlessness and ||||mentioned|||||lack of cultural grounding| |||||||||文化的無重力| |||||||||น้ำหนักเบาทาง|

that this is a psychological aspect of achieving good pronunciation.

There are many other things that we can do to improve pronunciation.

Uh, listening is certainly one, listening to things that engage us |||||||||interest|

emotionally is going to help us. with feeling|||||

But also at some point you have to recognize that you have to sort of lift

yourself up, this cultural weightlessness. ||||cultural lightness

You're not a part of your native culture now.

You in fact are gonna try to sort of immerse yourself, throw yourself |||||||||沉浸||| |||||||||engage deeply|||

into the water, into the culture of the language that you're learning.

You're gonna pretend to be one of them.

And if you do that, and, and I think that's, as I said, also to Dr.

Krashen why very often actors, I remember once hearing Jody Foster |||||||||Jodie Foster|Jodie Foster

speak French, she has phenomenal pronunciation in her French. converse in||||exceptional|||| ||||ยอดเยี่ยม||||

She makes mistakes on her.

gender So it's not to say that her French is perfect, but if we are 性别|||||||||||||| feminine pronoun||||||||||||||

concerned about pronunciation, if we think of an actor or an actress that |||||||||||female actor|

has to, they're no longer, she's no longer Jody Foster, she is whatever

person she's playing in the movie.

And so actors are used to the idea of projecting them themselves |||||||||presenting|| |||||||||表現する||

into the role of someone else.

And when we speak a language, not only do we have to learn the words and

the phrases and so forth and improve our comprehension, which I always ||||and so on|||||||

stress, but if we want to improve our pronunciation, if we want to achieve ||||||||enunciation||||| การเน้นเสียง|||||||||||||

natural, comfortable pronunciation, comfortable for you using it, comfortable

for the person listening to it - it needn't be perfect - I think that requires |||||||doesn't have to||||||

that willingness to play act to, to sort of pretend you're someone else. |desire|||||||||||

And once you've done that a few times, that then becomes the natural

pronunciation for you because you have now moved as a speaker, I use French,

but it could be any language, you've moved from being sort of a foreigner |||||||||||||outsider

attempting to speak the language to this new role where you see yourself trying||||||||||||

as a member of that cultural group.

And I think if we can learn to do that, and it's certainly what I try

to do when I learn a language, we then develop what I would call natural

pronunciation, which is not the same as native pronunciation, because

realistically it's very difficult to achieve, uh, uh, a level of pronunciation practically||||||||||| 現実的に|||||||||||

that is where you'll be mistaken for a native, by and large not gonna happen. |||||wrong||||||mostly||| |||あなたは||間違った||||大体|||||

However, you can achieve a level of pronunciation that is

very pleasant, very natural. |快適な||

So that's my recommendation when it comes to pronunciation and I'll leave |||suggestion||||||||

you with a couple of, uh, videos that I've done in the past on pronunciation.

You may also wanna visit the, uh, Krashen interview whether, uh, at the YouTube

channel here or in our library at LingQ.

Thank you for listening.

Bye for now.