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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Common Language Learning Problems

Common Language Learning Problems

First of all, most people don't realize how long it takes to learn a language. Hi there, this is Steve Kaufmann from Palm Springs. Uh, today I'm going to talk about problems, problems people have in language learning. Remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe and they click on the bell for notifications.

And if you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a review. First of all, why am I talking about problems? Because I, my whole filming set up has, is giving me nothing but problems. Last video, I had this reflection on those prints that I have in behind me. The time before that I filmed in front of the curtain, which didn't look very nice.

I've ordered some hanging sort of backdrops, but I haven't figured out how to pin them up yet. And then it'll at least looked like some fake bookshelves. Uh, Or I got another one that's fake wooden planks. Uh, but then I've ordered little skinny bars so that my wife can sow a little thing and we can hang it up there.

And then the lighting is all messed up and it's not working. And my filmic pro is giving me problems. So I just got fed up with it all, all my problems. And I said, I'm just going to go out in the garden and do it and I'm going to talk about problems, language learning problems. What are the main problems that I see amongst language learners?

I'm going to try to center myself here again, problems. First of all, most people don't realize how long it takes to learn a language. So people get frustrated. They get particularly frustrated when they get to that first level where all of a sudden they know a bunch of words and they realize just how little they know of the whole language and people get frustrated and they have the sense that they're not progressing.

And maybe they think that everyone else is learning and I'm not learning. And I think that's where it's so important to realize A that it's a long process and B that you have to find a way of doing it that is enjoyable. So I don't worry about the fact that I've been at Arabic and Persian for a long time and there are other people who learn faster than me. I'm enjoying it. I was listening to my Egyptian Arabic mini stories that have been now rerecorded by Adel of Alexandria and I was going through the texts again and it's fun. I enjoy it. And I know that trickle, trickle, trickle I'm improving. So the first thing I find is a lot of people don't have the patience.

Second problem is a lot of people, and I find this myself too, you know? So I'm doing the mini stories, Adel's mini stories and I've gone through two or three of them. Uh, it's not like instantly I've done something like I've built something or made something happen. I'm just doing this and I have to remind myself that it is actually slowly, the language is trickling into me.

So don't worry about doing something else, continue doing what you're doing and do as much of it as you want. If you do 15 minutes, that's good. If you do a half an hour is good. You don't have to say I have to do two hours a day, every little helps. So I think that's an important part of, you know, making sure that the time you spend with the language, you don't begrudge yourself that time.

You're happy doing it. And if it's 10 minutes, 20 minutes, half an hour or two hours, it's all good. Third problem people have with language learning is they don't like to make mistakes and therefore they are intimidated, intimidated. So, you know, I always stress input, but of course we all want to speak.

All, most people want to speak, and we want to speak with as few mistakes as possible of course. However, I like speaking with mistakes... not that I don't want to improve, but I know that if I speak with mistakes, I'm speaking. And I had a conversation this morning in German. I made so many mistakes. It's been so long since I spoke German and I speak it so seldom. In that conversation I was getting feedback. I was getting input. We were communicating. If I were to do that more, my German would improve. Not only because I'm speaking, but also because I'm getting input back. And so mistakes are a good thing. Mistakes are not a bad thing. Unfortunately, too often, uh, the traditional language teaching, you know, instructional methods teaches us to be afraid of mistakes. Well, there's nothing wrong with mistakes. It's not like we're building a bridge and we might design it wrong and the bridge is going to collapse. It's not like that. If we're communicating, we're already achieving the main goal and if we want to improve, but we're not afraid to make mistakes.

That's the ideal attitude to have. So, you know, you know you're speaking with mistakes. It doesn't bother you to speak with mistakes. The other person isn't judging you, but at the same time, You're listening to what they're saying. You're listening to how the language is used. You're continuing your input activities.

And so you therefore are gradually improving. So I think those would be three major problems that language learners face. In other words, they don't realize that it's a long process. Number two, they sometimes begrudge themselves the time they're spending with it. Three they're afraid of making mistakes. And I guess the fourth one, which kind of summarizes all those three is they're not finding ways to enjoy the process.

They shouldn't be measuring how well they're doing. They should be saying, wow, I'm enjoying what I'm doing. And so whatever, however you do that because you choose content that you like, or you activities that you like. If the emphasis is placed on enjoying the process, you will gradually improve. So just a brief chat.

And I realized too, and it makes me happy that many people use my videos to work on their English. So I try to speak as clearly as possible. Okay. Thanks for listening. Bye for now.

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Common Language Learning Problems |||Dil Öğrenme Sorunları ||学習| Häufige Probleme beim Sprachenlernen Common Language Learning Problems

First of all, most people don't realize how long it takes to learn a language. 首先,大多数人没有意识到学习一门语言需要多长时间。 Hi there, this is Steve Kaufmann from Palm Springs. |||||||Palm Springs'ten|Palm Springs Uh, today I'm going to talk about problems, problems people have in language learning. ||||について||||||||| Remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe and they click on the bell for notifications. Denken Sie daran, wenn Sie diese Videos genießen, bitte abonnieren und klicken Sie auf die Glocke für Benachrichtigungen.

And if you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a review. Und wenn Sie mir bei einem Podcast-Dienst folgen, hinterlassen Sie bitte eine Bewertung. A jeśli śledzisz mnie w serwisie z podcastami, zostaw recenzję. First of all, why am I talking about problems? Because I, my whole filming set up has, is giving me nothing but problems. ||||filming equipment||||||||| ||||撮影||||||||| ||||riprese||||||||| Porque yo, todo mi sistema de filmación no me está dando más que problemas. Parce que moi, toute ma configuration de tournage, ne me pose que des problèmes. Last video, I had this reflection on those prints that I have in behind me. |||||düşünce||||||||| Last video, I had this reflection on those prints that I have in behind me. Dernière vidéo, j'ai eu cette réflexion sur ces tirages que j'ai derrière moi. Nell'ultimo video, ho avuto questa riflessione su quelle impronte che ho dietro di me. 上一个视频中,我对身后的那些印刷品进行了反思。 The time before that I filmed in front of the curtain, which didn't look very nice. ||||||||||занавес||||| ||||||||||perde önünde||||| ||||||||||カーテン||||| La volta prima ho filmato davanti al sipario, che non sembrava molto bello. 上次是在幕布前拍的,看起来不太好看。

I've ordered some hanging sort of backdrops, but I haven't figured out how to pin them up yet. ||||||backdrops||||||||attach||| ||||||||||descoberto||||||| |||asılı olan|||arka planlar||||||||tutturmak||| ||||||fondali appesi||||||||attaccare||| ||||||背景||||||||||| ||||||telones de fondo||||||||||| I've ordered some hanging sort of backdrops, but I haven't figured out how to pin them up yet. J'ai commandé des toiles de fond suspendues, mais je n'ai pas encore trouvé comment les épingler. Ho ordinato dei fondali sospesi, ma non ho ancora capito come attaccarli. 我已经订购了一些悬挂式背景,但我还不知道如何将它们固定起来。 And then it'll at least looked like some fake bookshelves. |||||||||fake bookshelves |||||||||sahte kitaplıklar gibi ||||||||偽の|本棚 Et puis ça ressemblera au moins à de fausses étagères. E poi sembrerà almeno una finta libreria. 然后它至少看起来像一些假书架。 Uh, Or I got another one that's fake wooden planks. ||||||||imitation wood|wooden boards ||||||||sahte ahşap|sahte tahta plakalar |||||||||plance di legno |||||||||tablones de madera Euh, ou j'en ai un autre qui est en fausses planches de bois. Uh, oppure ne ho un'altra fatta di finte assi di legno. Uh, but then I've ordered little skinny bars so that my wife can sow a little thing and we can hang it up there. ||||||skinny bars|bars||||||sew or stitch||small|||||||| |||||||çubuklar||||||dikmek için|||||||||| ||||||細い|||||||蒔く|||||||||| ||||||delgadas||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||cucire|||||||||| Äh, aber dann habe ich kleine dünne Stangen bestellt, damit meine Frau ein kleines Ding säen kann und wir es dort aufhängen können. Euh, mais ensuite j'ai commandé des petites barres fines pour que ma femme puisse semer un petit truc et qu'on puisse l'accrocher là-haut. Ma poi ho ordinato delle barrette magre così che mia moglie possa seminare un cosino e appenderlo lì.

And then the lighting is all messed up and it's not working. |||aydınlatma|||bozulmuş||||| Et puis l'éclairage est tout foiré et ça ne marche pas. E poi l'illuminazione è tutta incasinata e non funziona. And my filmic pro is giving me problems. ||film||||| ||film uygulaması||||| ||フィルミックプロ||||| ||cinematográfica||||| ||cinematografico||||| E il mio professionista cinematografico mi sta dando problemi. En mijn filmprofessional geeft me problemen. So I just got fed up with it all, all my problems. ||||bıktım||||||| ||||うんざり||||||| ||||farto||||||| Ich hatte einfach die Nase voll von all dem, von all meinen Problemen. Alors j'en ai eu marre de tout ça, de tous mes problèmes. Quindi mi sono stufato di tutto, di tutti i miei problemi. And I said, I'm just going to go out in the garden and do it and I'm going to talk about problems, language learning problems. In addition|||||||||||||||||||||||| E ho detto, uscirò in giardino e lo farò e parlerò di problemi, problemi di apprendimento delle lingue. What are the main problems that I see amongst language learners? ||||||||arasında|| Quali sono i principali problemi che vedo tra gli studenti di lingue?

I'm going to try to center myself here again, problems. Je vais essayer de me recentrer ici encore, problèmes. Cercherò di centrarmi di nuovo qui, problemi. First of all, most people don't realize how long it takes to learn a language. So people get frustrated. |||Bu yüzden insanlar hayal kırıklığına uğrar. They get particularly frustrated when they get to that first level where all of a sudden they know a bunch of words and they realize just how little they know of the whole language and people get frustrated and they have the sense that they're not progressing. ||özellikle|||||||||||||||||bir sürü|||||||||||||||||||||||||||ilerleme kaydetmek Ils deviennent particulièrement frustrés lorsqu'ils arrivent à ce premier niveau où tout d'un coup ils connaissent un tas de mots et ils réalisent à quel point ils connaissent peu toute la langue et les gens deviennent frustrés et ils ont le sentiment qu'ils ne progressent pas.

And maybe they think that everyone else is learning and I'm not learning. 也许他们认为其他人都在学习而我没有学习。 And I think that's where it's so important to realize A that it's a long process and B that you have to find a way of doing it that is enjoyable. E penso che sia qui che è così importante realizzare A che è un processo lungo e B che devi trovare un modo per farlo che sia divertente. So I don't worry about the fact that I've been at Arabic and Persian for a long time and there are other people who learn faster than me. Quindi non mi preoccupo del fatto che sono stato a lungo in arabo e persiano e ci sono altre persone che imparano più velocemente di me. I'm enjoying it. I was listening to my Egyptian Arabic mini stories that have been now rerecorded by Adel of Alexandria and I was going through the texts again and it's fun. |||||||||||||re-recorded||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||yeniden kaydedildi||||İskenderiye'den Adel||||||||||| |||||||||||||ri-registrate||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||重新录制||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||再録された||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||regrabado||||||||||||||| I enjoy it. And I know that trickle, trickle, trickle I'm improving. ||||gradual progress|||| ||||damla damla||||gelişiyorum ||||少しずつ|||| ||||goteo, goteo, goteo|||| ||||||goccia a g|| Y sé que poco a poco voy mejorando. Et je sais ce filet, filet, filet que j'améliore. E conosco quel rivolo, rivolo, rivolo che sto migliorando. So the first thing I find is a lot of people don't have the patience. ||||||||||||||sabır Donc, la première chose que je trouve, c'est que beaucoup de gens n'ont pas la patience.

Second problem is a lot of people, and I find this myself too, you know? Das zweite Problem ist, dass viele Leute, und ich selbst finde das auch, wissen Sie? Il secondo problema sono molte persone, e lo trovo anch'io, sai? So I'm doing the mini stories, Adel's mini stories and I've gone through two or three of them. ||||||||||||através||||| ||||||Adel'in||||||||||| ||||||di Adel||||||||||| ||||||阿德尔的||||||||||| ||||||アデルの||||||||||| ||||||de Adel||||||||||| Uh, it's not like instantly I've done something like I've built something or made something happen. ||||immediately||||||||||| ||||hemen||||||||||| Uh, non è che all'istante ho fatto qualcosa come se avessi costruito qualcosa o fatto accadere qualcosa. 呃,我并不是立刻就做了一些事情,比如我建造了一些东西或让一些事情发生了。 I'm just doing this and I have to remind myself that it is actually slowly, the language is trickling into me. ||||||||||||||||||缓缓渗入|| ||||||||||||||||||gradually flowing in|| ||||||||hatırlatmak||||||||||sızmakta|| ||||||||||||||||||流れ込んでいる|| ||||||||||||||||||filtrándose|| Je fais juste ça et je dois me rappeler que c'est en fait lentement, la langue coule en moi.

So don't worry about doing something else, continue doing what you're doing and do as much of it as you want. |||||current activity||||||||||||||| Quindi non preoccuparti di fare qualcos'altro, continua a fare quello che stai facendo e fallo quanto vuoi. If you do 15 minutes, that's good. If you do a half an hour is good. You don't have to say I have to do two hours a day, every little helps. Non devi dire che devo fare due ore al giorno, ogni piccolo aiuto. So I think that's an important part of, you know, making sure that the time you spend with the language, you don't begrudge yourself that time. ||||||||||||||||||||||missgönnen||| ||||||||||||||||||||||kıskanmak||| |||||||||||||||あなた自身|||||||自分を責めない||| ||||||||||||||||||||tú||resentir por||| ||||||||||||||||||||||resent giving||| Ich glaube, das ist ein wichtiger Teil davon, dass man sich die Zeit, die man mit der Sprache verbringt, auch gönnt. Así que creo que es una parte importante de, ya sabes, asegurarte de que el tiempo que pasas con el idioma, no te lo dedicas a ti mismo. Je pense donc que c'est une partie importante de, vous savez, s'assurer que le temps que vous passez avec la langue, vous ne vous en voulez pas. Quindi penso che sia una parte importante di, sai, assicurarti che il tempo che passi con la lingua, non rimpiangi te stesso quel tempo.

You're happy doing it. Sei felice di farlo. And if it's 10 minutes, 20 minutes, half an hour or two hours, it's all good. Third problem people have with language learning is they don't like to make mistakes and therefore they are intimidated, intimidated. |||||||||||||||thus|||daunted| ||||||||||||||||||korkmuş, çekingen|korkmuş, çekingen So, you know, I always stress input, but of course we all want to speak. |||||enfatizo||||||||| Ich betone zwar immer, dass ich mich einbringe, aber natürlich wollen wir alle zu Wort kommen. Quindi, sai, sottolineo sempre l'input, ma ovviamente tutti noi vogliamo parlare.

All, most people want to speak, and we want to speak with as few mistakes as possible of course. However, I like speaking with mistakes... not that I don't want to improve, but I know that if I speak with mistakes, I'm speaking. And I had a conversation this morning in German. I made so many mistakes. It's been so long since I spoke German and I speak it so seldom. |||||||||||||rarely |||||||||||||nadiren |||||||||||||めったに |||||||||||||raramente È tanto che non parlo tedesco e lo parlo così di rado. In that conversation I was getting feedback. Dans cette conversation, je recevais des commentaires. In quella conversazione ricevevo feedback. I was getting input. J'obtenais des commentaires. Stavo ricevendo input. Я получал информацию. We were communicating. ||İletişim kuruyorduk. Stavamo comunicando. If I were to do that more, my German would improve. Se lo facessi di più, il mio tedesco migliorerebbe. Not only because I'm speaking, but also because I'm getting input back. ||||||||||geri bildirim| Non seulement parce que je parle, mais aussi parce que je reçois des commentaires. Non solo perché parlo, ma anche perché ricevo input. And so mistakes are a good thing. Mistakes are not a bad thing. Unfortunately, too often, uh, the traditional language teaching, you know, instructional methods teaches us to be afraid of mistakes. ||||||||||öğretim yöntemleri|||||||| Well, there's nothing wrong with mistakes. It's not like we're building a bridge and we might design it wrong and the bridge is going to collapse. ||||||||||tasarlamak|||||||||çökmek |||||||||||||||||||崩れる It's not like that. If we're communicating, we're already achieving the main goal and if we want to improve, but we're not afraid to make mistakes.

That's the ideal attitude to have. ||ideal tutum|tutum|| So, you know, you know you're speaking with mistakes. It doesn't bother you to speak with mistakes. ||rahatsız etmek||||| ||dà fastidio||||| The other person isn't judging you, but at the same time, You're listening to what they're saying. ||||yargılamıyor|||||||||||| ||||判断している|||||||||||| L'altra persona non ti sta giudicando, ma allo stesso tempo, stai ascoltando quello che sta dicendo. You're listening to how the language is used. You're continuing your input activities. |devam ediyorsun|||

And so you therefore are gradually improving. So I think those would be three major problems that language learners face. In other words, they don't realize that it's a long process. Number two, they sometimes begrudge themselves the time they're spending with it. ||||resent giving||||||| ||||kıskanmak||||||| ||||ressentem-se de||||||| En segundo lugar, a veces no se agradecen a sí mismos el tiempo que le dedican. Deuxièmement, ils se reprochent parfois le temps qu'ils y consacrent. Numero due, a volte si lamentano del tempo che ci stanno passando. Three they're afraid of making mistakes. And I guess the fourth one, which kind of summarizes all those three is they're not finding ways to enjoy the process. |||||||||总结|||||||||||| |||||||||encapsulates|||||||||||| |||||||||özetliyor|||||||||||| |||||||||要約する|||||||||||| |||||||||riassume|||||||||||| 我想第四个,总结了这三个,就是他们没有找到享受这个过程的方法。

They shouldn't be measuring how well they're doing. |||ölçmeye çalışmamalılar|||| Non dovrebbero misurare quanto bene stanno facendo. They should be saying, wow, I'm enjoying what I'm doing. Dovrebbero dire, wow, mi piace quello che sto facendo. And so whatever, however you do that because you choose content that you like, or you activities that you like. ||||||||||||||||etkinlikler||| If the emphasis is placed on enjoying the process, you will gradually improve. ||vurgu yapılırsa|||||||||kademeli olarak| ||||||||||irá|| So just a brief chat. |||kısa|Sohbet Alors juste une brève conversation. Quindi solo una breve chiacchierata.

And I realized too, and it makes me happy that many people use my videos to work on their English. So I try to speak as clearly as possible. ||||||açık bir şekilde|| Okay. Thanks for listening. Bye for now.