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Steve's Language Learning Tips, ChatGPT, AI & Language Learning with @LucaLampariello (3)

ChatGPT, AI & Language Learning with @LucaLampariello (3)

Luca: Absolutely reading is what... Luca: I

Steve: agree with you. Luca: Like really it's reading, listening, reading

and listening. This can do, uh, can work wonders for everyone. So, uh, again, uh, to conclude,

absolutely conclude is just use all the tools that you have, whether they're digital or not digital,

um, and, and use your head because this is how we live our life in a, in a, in a savvy, wise way.

Luca: You know, no matter the technology. Steve: Absolutely. Thank you Luca. And by the way,

we're also gonna have a conversation on Luca's channel. I'm gonna leave a link

to Luca's channel and we'll be talking about something quite different. So you won't be,

uh, having to hear the rehash of what we just had, uh, right now. Thank you.

Luca: Thank you. Steve: I look forward to speaking you,

speaking with you further. Thank you. Luca: Thank you, Steve. Thank you.

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ChatGPT, AI & Language Learning with @LucaLampariello (3) ||English||| ChatGPT, KI und Sprachenlernen mit @LucaLampariello (3) ChatGPT, AI & Language Learning with @LucaLampariello (3) ChatGPT, IA y aprendizaje de idiomas con @LucaLampariello (3) ChatGPT, AI & Language Learning avec @LucaLampariello (3) @LucaLampariello による ChatGPT、AI、言語学習 (3) ChatGPT, sztuczna inteligencja i nauka języków z @LucaLampariello (3) ChatGPT, IA e aprendizagem de línguas com @LucaLampariello (3) ChatGPT, @LucaLampariello ile Yapay Zeka ve Dil Öğrenimi (3) ChatGPT, штучний інтелект та вивчення мов з @LucaLampariello (3) 与@LucaLampariello 聊天GPT、AI 和语言学习 (3) ChatGPT、人工智能和语言学习 @LucaLampariello (3) 與@LucaLampariello 聊天GPT、AI 和語言學習 (3)

Luca: Absolutely reading is what... Luca: I ルカ:絶対に読むって… ルカ:私

Steve: agree with you. Luca: Like really it's reading, listening, reading スティーブ:あなたに同意します。ルカ: 読んで、聞いて、読んで

and listening. This can do, uh, can work wonders  for everyone. So, uh, again, uh, to conclude, ||||||||||||||||to summarize ||||||||obras milagrosas||||||eh|| とリスニング。これは、ええと、誰にとっても驚異的な働きをすることができます。結論としては 和倾听。这可以,呃,可以为每个人创造奇迹。所以,呃,再次,呃,总结一下,

absolutely conclude is just use all the tools that  you have, whether they're digital or not digital, ||||utilize|||||||||||| デジタルであろうとなかろうと、持っているすべてのツールを使用することだけが絶対的な結論です。 绝对的结论就是使用你拥有的所有工具,无论它们是数字的还是非数字的,

um, and, and use your head because this is how we  live our life in a, in a, in a savvy, wise way. ||||||||||||||||||||умной|| ||||||||||||||||||||inteligente|sabia| ええと、そして、頭を使ってください。これが、私たちが精通した賢明な方法で私たちの人生を生きる方法だからです。 Um, e, e usem a vossa cabeça porque é assim que vivemos a nossa vida de uma, de uma, de uma forma inteligente e sábia. 嗯,并且,用你的头脑,因为这就是我们以一种精明、明智的方式生活的方式。

Luca: You know, no matter the technology. Steve: Absolutely. Thank you Luca. And by the way, ルカ: テクノロジーに関係なくね。スティーブ:もちろんです。ありがとうルカ。ところで、

we're also gonna have a conversation on  Luca's channel. I'm gonna leave a link また、Luca のチャンネルで会話する予定です。リンクを残しておきます

to Luca's channel and we'll be talking about  something quite different. So you won't be, 到 Luca 的频道,我们将谈论一些完全不同的事情。所以你不会,

uh, having to hear the rehash of what  we just had, uh, right now. Thank you. |||||Wiederholung|||||||||| |||||재탕|||||||||| |||||repetición|||||||||| ええと、私たちが今持っていたものの焼き直しを聞かなければなりません。ありがとう。 uh, tendo que ouvir a repetição do que acabamos de ter, uh, agora. Obrigado. 呃,不得不听到我们刚才所拥有的东西的重述,呃,现在。谢谢。

Luca: Thank you. Steve: I look forward to speaking you, ルカ:ありがとう。スティーブ: お話しできるのを楽しみにしています。

speaking with you further. Thank you. Luca: Thank you, Steve. Thank you. さらにあなたと話します。ありがとう。ルカ: ありがとう、スティーブ。ありがとう。 falando mais com você. Obrigado. Lucas: Obrigado, Steve. Obrigado.