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Steve's Language Learning Tips, BTS Speaking English and Chinese: A Polyglot's Reaction

BTS Speaking English and Chinese: A Polyglot's Reaction

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here. Today I'm going to talk about BTS the Korean K-pop group and how well they speak Chinese and English.

If you enjoy these videos, please subscribe, click on the bell to get notifications and by all means, join me at LingQ which is where I learn languages. So a friend said to me, do you know the Korean K-pop group BTS? And I said, no, never heard of them. So let's begin by giving you a brief, uh, you know, excerpt from one of their songs.

Which you can find all over the, the, uh, you know, YouTube, internet. They're apparently the number one selling a pop music group in the world it's just, uh, me being an old fogy, I'd never heard of them. Um, but so the friend said, can you sort of critique their Chinese in English? So I looked at this interview where they're speaking in Chinese and in English.

Oh, watch my face. Wow. Handsome every time, every morning. You know, my first reaction is that, that these guys are just great. You know, I've listened to some of their songs. Their music obviously is great. Their dance routines are great. I mean, they're very professional. They're very good at what they do, but their message is so positive. And their message is one of inclusiveness.

We're living in a world that is it's global, increasingly global. Whatever we may think about that. We may regret the fact that we're more global, but we're going to be increasingly global. There's more and more mutual influence affecting food and music. I mean, even this K-pop group, I mean, their music reflects influences from, from, uh, however many, however many continents from Africa, from Latin America, from North America, from, uh, Asia.

Uh, and, and so they are international. So, uh, and, and, um, so now getting to the subject of, of their use of language, uh, they, of course, haven't gone at the study of Chinese or English in terms of, uh, accumulating a lots of words. You know, my focus at LingQ always is to acquire many, many words so that I can read so that I can understand movies.

Uh their's is a more a lighthearted touch at these languages. But, by the same token, their music is an opportunity to learn Korean or even other languages. Uh, I looked at one of their videos on YouTube and, uh, they offer subtitles in a variety of languages. I, uh, for whatever reason, maybe YouTube knew that I'm learning Arabic.

The subtitles were there in Arabic. So I imported that into LingQ. So now I can go through their lyrics. Which are of course originally in Korean and English. And I can go through them in Arabic, uh, Eric of our, of LingQ he has on his blog, on the LingQ blog, gone into some detail on how to impart, uh, you know, these Korean songs with the lyrics into LingQ and then learn Korean from their music.

So these are the ways in which we can connect with. Um, You know, BTS, but their use of the languages that they spoke in this interview. Uh, and again, I'll have a link to that discussion, is quite different in approach. Their's is an expression of joy of happiness in using languages. And so they imitate a Chinese person or an English speaking person, uh, and they do so very well.

They pull it off. Uh it's it's meant... it's not meant to make fun of say Chinese speakers. But to me as a non-native speaker of Chinese, I thought they did it very well. The sort of intonation, the, the gestures and stuff. Uh, they capture that sort of essence by only speaking of very few words, the pronunciation was good.

And as I say, they were using real words. Um, sometimes people might imitate an Italian or a French man or a Chinese person, and just use non-words, nonsensical words. Or sometimes you'll hear people going, you know, imitating Chinese ..., which is just silly. Uh, whereas there, they were using a small number of words to sort of participate

in a, in a positive way in Chinese culture. And then they did the same with English. So a lot of, uh, you know, "how's it going?" type of, you know, casual. Now, obviously as a native speaker of English, I can hear their accent. I can hear where the words they used were not quite correct. It doesn't matter. It's done in a lighthearted way and therefore they pulled it off.

And, uh, I think that they represent something that's very positive. Uh, the message of inclusiveness that we're all connected. The, just the fact that they offer their videos with subtitles in so many different languages. And obviously the music is, is very popular. Uh, I don't have all the statistics at hand and by that I gather they won an award.

Uh, they have fans all over the world. Their videos are, you know, millions and millions of people viewing them. So, um, I just am glad that someone asked me to, um, you know, listened to their use of Chinese in English, uh, because you know, I then became aware of this phenomenon that I had not been aware of.

And, uh, you know, it's, it's sort of inline, I'm an older generation. I have a. Uh, call it a more serious approach to language learning. I struggle. I work hard to acquire more and more words. Uh, but these people are just enjoying. They obviously had fun being with Chinese people, being with American people, with Japanese people, they spoke some Japanese, they spoke some Thai and, uh, they just enjoy that sense of, of, of being together with people of different cultures, where to some extent we mix

these cultural influences. And at the same time we maintain what is valuable to us in our own culture. So everything about them having discovered them through this, you know, request from a friend to critique their, uh, their use of Chinese and English has, has introduced me to this phenomenon, which I think is extremely positive.

By the way my videos are also available on podcasts. So for those of you who are learning English, and don't want to spend the time watching a video, you should look into getting the podcast, uh, where, you know, transcripts are also available. Uh, and I think they're on Spotify and iTunes and so forth and so on.

So that's just a bit of a hint for those who, who use these, uh, to learn or to improve their English. Because anything that you can find that's interesting is going to help you in your language learning. Same with me with Korean. I have to admit that I've struggled with Korean. I've done Korean off and on at different times for six months here, six months there, I never really achieved the level that I would like to achieve.

Part of it is that when I started, we didn't have the many stories for Korean at LingQ, which we now do. And second of all, we weren't able to import material like the, uh, BTS songs into LingQ. Um, now it's a lot easier to do that. I can even impart, you know, podcasts that I can automatically transcribe. So if I were to go back to Korean, I would do better, but my Korean being as it is, uh, whatever I've been able to do in it, I enjoy.

And I'm going to end up here with the two videos that I would suggest you might want to have a look at. One is, uh, Eric on his blog posts. It's not my son, by the way, I have a son named Eric, but this is not Eric. He does a, um, a description of how to import K-pop or specifically BTS songs into link in order to improve your Korean.

And the other one is just for reference a conversation that I had with Hannah, who is Korean, uh, four years ago. And that was the last time I sort of had an online conversation in Korean and you'll see that I do struggle, but it's something that I'll go back to. So thank you for listening. Bye for now.

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BTS Speaking English and Chinese: A Polyglot's Reaction BTS band members||||||| BTS|hablando|||chino||políglota| BTS||||||do poliglota| BTS spricht Englisch und Chinesisch: Die Reaktion eines Polyglotten BTS Speaking English and Chinese: A Polyglot's Reaction BTS Habla inglés y chino: La reacción de un políglota Le BTS parle anglais et chinois : La réaction d'un polyglotte BTS parla inglese e cinese: La reazione di un poliglotta BTS 英語と中国語を話す:ポリグロットの反応 영어와 중국어로 말하는 방탄소년단: 다국어 사용자의 반응 BTS mówi po angielsku i chińsku: Reakcja poligloty BTS Falando inglês e chinês: A reacção de um poliglota BTS Speaking English and Chinese: Реакция полиглота BTS İngilizce ve Çince Konuşuyor: Bir Poliglotun Tepkisi BTS розмовляють англійською та китайською: Реакція поліглота 防弹少年团说英语和中文:多语言者的反应 防彈少年團說英語和中文:多語言者的反應

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here. Hola||Steve Kaufmann|Kaufmann| Today I'm going to talk about BTS the Korean K-pop group and how well they speak Chinese and English. ||||||BTS||||||||||||| ||||||BTS||||||||||||| Oggi||||||||||||||||||| |voy a|||||||coreana||||||||||| |||||||||K-pop|||||||||| Hoy voy a hablar sobre BTS, el grupo coreano de K-pop, y lo bien que hablan chino e inglés. 今天我要谈论韩国流行音乐组合防弹少年团 (BTS),以及他们如何说一口流利的中文和英语。

If you enjoy these videos, please subscribe, click on the bell to get notifications and by all means, join me at LingQ which is where I learn languages. |||||||||||||alerts|||||||||||||| ||||videos||suscríbete|||||||notificaciones|||||únete a||||||||| So a friend said to me, do you know the Korean K-pop group BTS? ||un amigo|||||||||K|pop||BTS And I said, no, never heard of them. そして私は言った、いや、彼らのことは聞いたことがない。 So let's begin by giving you a brief, uh, you know, excerpt from one of their songs. |||||||||||отрывок||||| |||||||||||extrait||||| |||||||short passage||||song snippet||||| |||||||||||trecho||||| ||始めましょう|||||||||抜粋||||| |vamos a||||||breve resumen|eh|||fragmento de|||||canciones それでは、彼らの曲の1つからの抜粋を簡単に説明することから始めましょう。

Which you can find all over the, the, uh, you know, YouTube, internet. |||||||||||YouTube|internet あなたが、ええと、あなたが知っている、YouTube、インターネットの至る所で見つけることができるもの。 They're apparently the number one selling a pop music group in the world it's just, uh, me being an old fogy, I'd never heard of them. |по-видимому|||||||||||||||||||старик||||| ||||||||||||||||||||vieux jeu||||| |seemingly|||||||||||||||||||old-fashioned person||||| ||||||||||||||||||||um antiquado||||| ||||||||||||||||||||altmodisch||nie||| 그들은|분명히|||||||||||||||||||꼰대||||| ||||||||||||||||||||vecchio rimbambito||||| ||||||||||||||||||||老古董||||| ||||||||||||||||||||fogy||||| ellos son|||||más vendida||||||||es|||||||viejo conservador|yo|||| 彼らはどうやら世界でポップミュージックグループを売っているナンバーワンだそうです、それはただ、ええと、私は古い霧で、私は彼らのことを聞いたことがありませんでした。 Um, but so the friend said, can you sort of critique their Chinese in English? ||||||||||критиковать|||| ||||||||kind of||evaluate|||| ||||||||||criticar|||| ||||||||||비평해 주세요|||| ||||||||||批评|||| ||||||||||批評|||| eh||||||||una especie de||critique|||| ええと、でも友達が言ったのですが、彼らの中国語を英語で批評してもらえますか? So I looked at this interview where they're speaking in Chinese and in English. |||||entrevista||||||||

Oh, watch my face. |||лицо oh||| Wow. Handsome every time, every morning. lindo|||| 毎朝、毎朝ハンサム。 每天早上,每时每刻都很帅气。 You know, my first reaction is that, that these guys are just great. ||||||||||||отличные You know, I've listened to some of their songs. ||||一些|||| Their music obviously is great. ||очевидно|| ||clearly|| Their dance routines are great. |coreografías de baile|rutinas de baile|| 彼らのダンスルーチンは素晴らしいです。 I mean, they're very professional. ||||profesionales Я имею в виду, они очень профессиональны. They're very good at what they do, but their message is so positive. |||||||||mensaje|||positivo And their message is one of inclusiveness. ||||||инклюзивности ||||||inclusivité ||||||welcoming all people ||||||inclusão ||||||Inklusivität ||||||포용성 ||||||包容性 ||||||包摂性 ||mensaje||||inclusividad 他们传达的信息是包容性的。

We're living in a world that is it's global, increasingly global. |||||||||more and more| |||||||||점점 더| |viviendo|||||||globalizado|cada vez más| Мы живем в мире, который становится все более глобальным. Whatever we may think about that. Regardless of views||||| lo que sea||||| We may regret the fact that we're more global, but we're going to be increasingly global. ||||||||||||||все более| ||feel sorry about||||||||||||more and more| ||lamentaremos||||||||||||| ||lamentar||||||||||||| 私たちがよりグローバルになったことを後悔するかもしれませんが、私たちはますますグローバルになるでしょう。 There's more and more mutual influence affecting food and music. ||||взаимное|влияние|влияющей на||| |||||||la nourriture|| ||||shared or reciprocal|mutual impact|influencing||| ||||||beeinflussend||| ||||상호||||| hay||||||que afecta||| 食べ物や音楽に影響を与える相互影響はますます増えています。 Влияние еды и музыки становится все более и более взаимным. I mean, even this K-pop group, I mean, their music reflects influences from, from, uh, however many, however many continents from Africa, from Latin America, from North America, from, uh, Asia. |||||||||||shows influences from|||||a number of|||||||||||North America|||| ||||||||||||||||||||大陸||||||||||| ||||||||||||influencias||||||||continentes||África|||||||||Asia Даже эта группа K-pop отражает влияние Африки, Латинской Америки, Северной Америки, Азии и многих других континентов.

Uh, and, and so they are international. ||||||internacionales So, uh, and, and, um, so now getting to the subject of, of their use of language, uh, they, of course, haven't gone at the study of Chinese or English in terms of, uh, accumulating a lots of words. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||накоплении|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||gathering|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||acumulando|||| |||||||||||||||||||||no han|||||||||||||acumulando|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||蓄積|||| それで、ええと、そして、ええと、今、彼らの言語の使用の主題に到達している、ええと、もちろん、彼らは、ええと、蓄積するという点で、中国語または英語の研究に行っていません。たくさんの言葉。 Так что, переходя к теме использования языка, они, конечно, не изучали китайский или английский с точки зрения накопления большого количества слов. 所以,呃,还有,嗯,所以现在开始讨论他们使用语言的主题,呃,他们当然没有去学习中文或英语,呃,积累一个很多话。 You know, my focus at LingQ always is to acquire many, many words so that I can read so that I can understand movies. My focus|||||||||learn|||||||||||||| |||enfoque|||||||||||||||||||entender películas|películas 你知道,我在 LingQ 的重点始终是学习很多很多单词,以便我可以阅读,以便我可以理解电影。

Uh their's is a more a lighthearted touch at these languages. ||||||легкомысленный|||| ||||||légère|||| ||||||playful|||| |a deles|||||descontraída|||| ||||||unbeschwert|||| ||||||가벼운|||| ||||||軽快な|||| |suya|||||ligera y divertida|enfoque||| 呃,他们对这些语言的态度更加轻松。 But, by the same token, their music is an opportunity to learn Korean or even other languages. ||||в этом смысле||||||||||даже|| ||||élément|||||||||||| ||||same reasoning|||||chance||||||| ||||por la misma razón|||||oportunidad||||||| しかし、同じように、彼らの音楽は韓国語や他の言語を学ぶ機会でもあります。 Uh, I looked at one of their videos on YouTube and, uh, they offer subtitles in a variety of languages. ||||||||||||||captions||||| ||||||||||||||字幕||||| ||||||||||||||subtítulos||||| I, uh, for whatever reason, maybe YouTube knew that I'm learning Arabic. |||||||||||árabe どういうわけか、私はアラビア語を学んでいることをYouTubeが知っていたのかもしれません。 По какой-то причине, возможно, YouTube узнал, что я изучаю арабский язык.

The subtitles were there in Arabic. So I imported that into LingQ. ||importé||| So now I can go through their lyrics. |||||||words of song |||||||letras de canciones |||||||letras |||||||歌詞 Which are of course originally in Korean and English. ||||initially|||| ||||originalmente|||| And I can go through them in Arabic, uh, Eric of our, of LingQ he has on his blog, on the LingQ blog, gone into some detail on how to impart, uh, you know, these Korean songs with the lyrics into LingQ and then learn Korean from their music. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||внедрить|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||transmettre|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||integrate|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||vermitteln|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||에릭|||||||||||||||||||||전달하다|||||||||가사||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||impart|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||Eric|||||||||||||blog||||||||impartir||||||||||||||||||

So these are the ways in which we can connect with. Вот те способы, с помощью которых мы можем наладить связь. Um, You know, BTS, but their use of the languages that they spoke in this interview. ||||||||||||hablaron||| Ну, вы знаете, BTS, но они использовали языки, на которых говорили в этом интервью. Uh, and again, I'll have a link to that discussion, is quite different in approach. ||||||||||||||подходе |||tendré|||enlace|||discusión|||||enfoque И опять же, у меня будет ссылка на эту дискуссию, это совершенно разные подходы. Their's is an expression of joy of happiness in using languages. |||||радости||||| |||||alegría||felicidad||| |||||alegria||||| 彼らの言葉は、言語を使うことの幸せの喜びの表現です。 Они выражают радость и счастье от использования языков. And so they imitate a Chinese person or an English speaking person, uh, and they do so very well. |||imitan|||persona||||||||||||

They pull it off. |lo logran|| Uh it's it's meant... it's not meant to make fun of say Chinese speakers. |||destiné|||||||||| |||intended|||||||||| |||se supone||||||||||hablantes de chino 呃,这意思是...这不是为了取笑说中文的人。 But to me as a non-native speaker of Chinese, I thought they did it very well. |||||no nativo||yo||||||||| The sort of intonation, the, the gestures and stuff. ||||||body movements||and similar things |||억양||||| |||entonación|||gestos||cosas así 诸如语调、手势等等。 Uh, they capture that sort of essence by only speaking of very few words, the pronunciation was good. ||||||суть||||||||||| ||||||core quality||||||||||| ||포착하다||||||||||||||| ||capturan||||esencia|||||||||pronunciación|| Äh, sie erfassen diese Art von Essenz, indem sie nur von sehr wenigen Wörtern sprechen. Die Aussprache war gut.

And as I say, they were using real words. Um, sometimes people might imitate an Italian or a French man or a Chinese person, and just use non-words, nonsensical words. ||||||||||||||||||||бессмысленные| ||||||||||||||||||||absurdes| ||||mimic||||||||||||||||nonsensical words| ||||||||||||||||||||palavras sem sentido| ||||||||||||||||||||unsinnig|Wörter ||||||||||||||||||||무의미한| ||||||||||||||||||||senza senso| ||||||||||||||||||||無意味な| ||||||italiano||||||||||||||sin sentido| Иногда люди могут подражать итальянцу, французу или китайцу и просто использовать не слова, нелепые слова. Or sometimes you'll hear people going, you know, imitating Chinese ..., which is just silly. |||||говорящих|||||||| |parfois|||||||||||| |||||||||||||foolish |||||||||||||ridículo |||||||||||||어리석은 ||||||||imitando|||||ridículo А иногда можно услышать, как люди подражают китайцам..., что просто глупо. Uh, whereas there, they were using a small number of words to sort of participate ||||||||||||||участвовать |while|||||||||||||take part ||||||||||||||참여하다 |mientras que|||||||||||||participar В то время как там они использовали небольшое количество слов, чтобы как бы участвовать 呃,而在那里,他们用少量的词语来参与

in a, in a positive way in Chinese culture. And then they did the same with English. So a lot of, uh, you know, "how's it going?" |||||||como vai|| ||mucho|||||cómo va|| type of, you know, casual. ||||неформальный ||||Informal ||||informal Now, obviously as a native speaker of English, I can hear their accent. ||||||||||||acento I can hear where the words they used were not quite correct. It doesn't matter. |no importa| It's done in a lighthearted way and therefore they pulled it off. ||||веселом дух||||||| ||||de manière légère||||||| ||||Playful||and|as a result||succeeded with|| |||||||||conseguiram|| ||||unbeschwert||||||| |||||||||해냈다|| ||||軽快な||||||| ||||de manera ligera|||por lo tanto|||| それは気楽な方法で行われたため、彼らはそれをやってのけました。

And, uh, I think that they represent something that's very positive. ||||||의미하다|||| ||||||representan|||| 而且,呃,我认为它们代表着非常积极的东西。 Uh, the message of inclusiveness that we're all connected. ||||inclusivité|||| ||||Inklusivität|||| ||||||||conectados entre sí ええと、私たち全員がつながっているという包括性のメッセージ。 Przesłanie inkluzywności, że wszyscy jesteśmy połączeni. The, just the fact that they offer their videos with subtitles in so many different languages. ||||||||||subtitled videos||||various| And obviously the music is, is very popular. |||musique|||| |||||||popular Uh, I don't have all the statistics at hand and by that I gather they won an award. |||||||||||||делаю вывод|||| |||||||||||||rassembler|||| |||||||||||||understand||||prize |||||||||||||||||um prêmio |||||||||||||deduco|||| ||||||統計||||||||||| ||||||estadísticas|||||||supongo que||||premio

Uh, they have fans all over the world. |||ventiladores|||| |||fãs|||| Their videos are, you know, millions and millions of people viewing them. ||||||||||watching them| ||||||||||assistindo| |||||millones|||||visualizando| So, um, I just am glad that someone asked me to, um, you know, listened to their use of Chinese in English, uh, because you know, I then became aware of this phenomenon that I had not been aware of. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||phenomenon||||||conscious of| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||consciente|||||||||| |||||contento||alguien||||||||||||||||||||||consciente de|||||||||| それで、ええと、誰かが私に英語での中国語の使用を聞いてくれと頼まれてうれしいです、ええと、あなたが知っているので、私はそれから私が気づいていなかったこの現象に気づきました。

And, uh, you know, it's, it's sort of inline, I'm an older generation. ||||||||inline|||| ||||||||em linha|||| ||||||||in Übereinstimmung|||| ||||||||인라인으로|||| ||||||||in linea|||| ||||||||内联的|||| ||||||||inline|||| ||||||||en línea|||mayor| そして、ええと、あなたが知っている、それは、それは一種のインラインです、私はより古い世代です。 而且,呃,你知道,这有点内联,我是老一代。 I have a. Uh, call it a more serious approach to language learning. |||ehm||||||||| ||||||||más seria|||| I struggle. |борюсь |I have difficulty |lucho I work hard to acquire more and more words. Uh, but these people are just enjoying. They obviously had fun being with Chinese people, being with American people, with Japanese people, they spoke some Japanese, they spoke some Thai and, uh, they just enjoy that sense of, of, of being together with people of different cultures, where to some extent we mix |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||в некоторой степени|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||extent||mix |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||nos misturamos ||||||||||||||||||japoneses||||tailandés|||||||||||||||||culturas diferentes||||cierta medida||

these cultural influences. ||влияния |culturales| And at the same time we maintain what is valuable to us in our own culture. |||||||||ценное|||||| |||||||||valioso|||||| So everything about them having discovered them through this, you know, request from a friend to critique their, uh, their use of Chinese and English has, has introduced me to this phenomenon, which I think is extremely positive. ||||||||||||||||критика||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||evaluate||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||petición|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Tak więc wszystko, co wiąże się z tym, że odkryłem ich dzięki tej, no wiesz, prośbie od znajomego, aby skrytykować ich, uh, ich użycie chińskiego i angielskiego, wprowadziło mnie w to zjawisko, które uważam za niezwykle pozytywne.

By the way my videos are also available on podcasts. |||||||disponibles||podcasts So for those of you who are learning English, and don't want to spend the time watching a video, you should look into getting the podcast, uh, where, you know, transcripts are also available. |||||||||||||||||||||consider|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||video|||||||podcast|||||transcripciones||| Uh, and I think they're on Spotify and iTunes and so forth and so on. ||||||music streaming|||||etc.||| ||||||Spotify||iTunes|||etcétera||| ||||||Spotify||||||||

So that's just a bit of a hint for those who, who use these, uh, to learn or to improve their English. |||||of a hint||clue|||||||||||||| |||||||suggerimento|||||||||||||| ||||un poco|||pista||||||||||||mejorar|| Because anything that you can find that's interesting is going to help you in your language learning. |||||||interesante||va a||||||| Same with me with Korean. I have to admit that I've struggled with Korean. |||признаюсь|||боролся|| ||||||struggled|| ||||||tive dificuldades|| |||||he||| I've done Korean off and on at different times for six months here, six months there, I never really achieved the level that I would like to achieve. |studied||||||||||||||||||reached|||||||| |fatto|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||meses|||||||||||||||| 私はここで6か月間、そこで6か月間、さまざまな時間に韓国語をオフとオンでやりましたが、私が達成したいレベルを実際に達成することはありませんでした。

Part of it is that when I started, we didn't have the many stories for Korean at LingQ, which we now do. ||||||||nosotros|no||||historias|||||||| その一部は、私が始めたとき、LingQで韓国語の話があまりなかったということです。 And second of all, we weren't able to import material like the, uh, BTS songs into LingQ. |||||were not||||||||||| |||||no pudimos||||||||||| そして第二に、BTSの曲のような素材をLingQにインポートすることができませんでした。 Um, now it's a lot easier to do that. ||||||||cela Um|||||||| I can even impart, you know, podcasts that I can automatically transcribe. |||передать|||||||| |||transmettre|||||||| ||||||||||automatically|convert to text |||transmitir|||||||| Ich kann sogar Podcasts übermitteln, die ich automatisch transkribieren kann. So if I were to go back to Korean, I would do better, but my Korean being as it is, uh, whatever I've been able to do in it, I enjoy. ||||||||||||||||||||uh|||||||||| ですから、韓国語に戻るともっと上手くなりますが、韓国語はそのままで、何ができたとしても楽しいです。

And I'm going to end up here with the two videos that I would suggest you might want to have a look at. One is, uh, Eric on his blog posts. It's not my son, by the way, I have a son named Eric, but this is not Eric. |||||||||||chamado|||||| He does a, um, a description of how to import K-pop or specifically BTS songs into link in order to improve your Korean.

And the other one is just for reference a conversation that I had with Hannah, who is Korean, uh, four years ago. |||||||ссылки|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||Hannah||||||| ||||||||||||||Hannah|||||hace cuatro||hace cuatro años ||||||||||||||Hannah||||||| もう1つは、4年前に韓国人であるハンナとの会話を参考にするためのものです。 And that was the last time I sort of had an online conversation in Korean and you'll see that I do struggle, but it's something that I'll go back to. |||||||||||||||||||||борюсь|||||||| |||||||||||en línea|||||||||||||||||| そして、それが私が韓国語でオンライン会話をした最後の時でした、そしてあなたは私が苦労しているのを見るでしょう、しかしそれは私が戻ることになる何かです。 So thank you for listening. |gracias||| Bye for now. adiós||