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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Authenticity in Language Learning

Authenticity in Language Learning

Your language will grow if you can access authentic content.

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here today and today I want to talk about

authenticity in language learning.

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I do appreciate it.

So what do I mean by authenticity?

When we learn a language, when I learn a language, and again, I'll quote from

Stephen Krashen, where we had our, uh, we had a very interesting discussion he...

and you can see it here at YouTube, a live stream a few days ago.

And he talked about the importance of meaningful communication, meaningful.

So if you have a communication where you are forcing yourself to talk

about the weather, uh, or you're listening to things of no interest to

you, those are not meaningful to you.

You wanna perhaps be choosing something of interest because that something

of interest is going to carry the language into your brain because it's

meaningful because it's authentic.

And I've often said that one of the faults that many language learners exhibit is

this unwillingness to leave the comfort of the starter book, the learner language.

To some extent it's unavoidable.

When I start into a language, I do my mini stories.

I spend three months on the mini stories.

I listen to them often.

There's lots of repetition.

They are not authentic but they have a lot of repetition.

You need that to get started.

That's kind of like the springboard, you bounce two or three times on

this diving board, but once you're up in the air, once you're, you know,

launched, you've gotta go find authentic content and your language will grow

if you can access authentic content.

And I mentioned to Dr.

Krashen in our study, or in our conversation rather that I've never

understood why in schools here in Canada, these schools won't offer a language if

they don't have a certified teacher for that language, as if only the teacher

can provide explanations on the language, content in the language and so forth.

The reality is the internet is full of authentic content.

Uh, I, for my Arabic, I've found this, I've mentioned before this Jordanian

cartoon series, which I listen to.

I listen to podcasts.

I listen to material on, uh, I'm doing one right now, a podcast in Persian

uh, Iranian identity on, uh, the, uh, Islamic revolution in 1979, another one.

These are all authentic materials.

So I am dis...

sort of learning things of interest to me in the language that's authentic.

That's how we learn.

There's no reason why in a school, if they had a, a person familiar with

how the internet can be used to learn language, people could be accessing

authentic content at their level cartoons for kids, whatever the case may be.

And therefore these kids at a school without having a certified teacher for

let's say Spanish or Portuguese could be studying those materials at the school.

As long as the teacher or language coach was familiar with what's

available and maybe there would be a network of, of teachers who would be

helping each other find this kind of material, authentic material at an

appropriate level so that, uh, kids who are motivated to learn will learn.

Because accessing authentic material is extremely motivating.

I also mentioned in our conversation with Dr.

Krashen that in Canada, and this may not be unique to Canada, but kids

are almost forced to learn French.

You know, French is a, an official language.

So you're asking kids to learn French because it's, because

it's an official language.

It's, it's what, their civic duty to learn French?

That's not very motivating.

However, if you can find authentic content of interest to all these

different learners, and their interest may vary there might be many different

languages that they're interested in that with that kind of material

they are going to learn better.

So I think this idea of authenticity, authenticity in the materials that we

use and authentic typically is going to mean aimed at the native speaker,

but it can be children's cartoons.

It can be a cooking show.

It can be, um, things on politics or history or literature or short stories,

whatever it might be: authentic.

And with the kinds of tools that are available today, such as online

dictionaries, MP3 players, uh, LingQ and, and more the ability

to access authentic material is much, much better than it ever was.

It used to be you would have to find, you know, a reader with a

glossary and hopefully not too difficult and a graded reader and,

and gradually work your way up.

But nowadays it's possible to access genuinely interesting, authentic

material much, much earlier.

And so I think we should aim for authenticity.

I think language teachers, independent teachers, online teachers at school should

be looking for ways that they can help their learners access authentic material.

And I think that is going to lead to better results than keeping them

in, uh, traditional a sort of a traditional textbook environment.

Thank you for listening.

Bye for now.

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Authenticity in Language Learning Genuine expression||| 本物性||| Authentizität beim Sprachenlernen Autenticidad en el aprendizaje de idiomas L'autenticità nell'apprendimento delle lingue 言語学習における信頼性 Autenticidade na aprendizagem de línguas 语言学习的真实性 语言学习的真实性

Your language will grow if you can access authentic content. ||||||||genuine| Su lengua crecerá si puede acceder a contenidos auténticos. 本物のコンテンツにアクセスできれば、あなたの言語は成長します。 如果您可以訪問真實的內容,您的語言將會增長。

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here today and today I want to talk about

authenticity in language learning. genuineness|||

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on the be for notification. ||||notification one 通知のために。

And if you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a comment.

I do appreciate it. 私はそれを感謝します。

So what do I mean by authenticity? では、信憑性とはどういう意味ですか?

When we learn a language, when I learn a language, and again, I'll quote from |||||||||||||quote| 私たちが言語を学ぶとき、私が言語を学ぶとき、もう一度引用します

Stephen Krashen, where we had our, uh, we had a very interesting discussion he... スティーブン・クラシェン、私たちは非常に興味深い議論をしました... Stephen Krashen,我們在那裡,呃,我們進行了非常有趣的討論,他...

and you can see it here at YouTube, a live stream a few days ago. 数日前のライブ ストリームである YouTube で見ることができます。

And he talked about the importance of meaningful communication, meaningful. |||||||||significant そして彼は意味のあるコミュニケーションの重要性について話しました。

So if you have a communication where you are forcing yourself to talk だから、あなたが自分自身に話すことを強制しているコミュニケーションを持っているなら 所以,如果你在溝通中強迫自己說話

about the weather, uh, or you're listening to things of no interest to 天気のこととか、興味のないことを聞いているとか

you, those are not meaningful to you. あなた、それらはあなたにとって意味がありません。

You wanna perhaps be choosing something of interest because that something あなたはおそらく何か興味のあるものを選びたいと思っています。

of interest is going to carry the language into your brain because it's 興味のある言語はあなたの脳にその言語を運ぶでしょう。

meaningful because it's authentic. 本物だから意味がある。

And I've often said that one of the faults that many language learners exhibit is ||||||||mistakes|||||| |||||||||||||示す| 多くの言語学習者が示す欠点の 1 つは、 我經常說許多語言學習者表現出的錯誤之一是

this unwillingness to leave the comfort of the starter book, the learner language. |reluctance||||safety zone||||||| |ためらい|||その||||始まりの|||| スターターブック、学習者の言語の快適さを離れたくないというこの不本意。 이 초보자용 책, 학습자 언어의 안락함을 떠나지 않으려는 마음. 這種不願離開入門書、學習者語言的舒適。

To some extent it's unavoidable. ||||inevitable ||||避けられない ある意味仕方のないことです。 在某種程度上,這是不可避免的。

When I start into a language, I do my mini stories. 私が言語を始めるとき、私はミニストーリーを作ります。

I spend three months on the mini stories. 私はミニストーリーに 3 か月を費やします。

I listen to them often. 私はよく彼らの話を聞きます。

There's lots of repetition. |||繰り返し 繰り返しが多いです。

They are not authentic but they have a lot of repetition.

You need that to get started. 開始するにはそれが必要です。

That's kind of like the springboard, you bounce two or three times on |||||launching point||jump||||| |||||飛び板||||||| それは踏み板のようなもので、2、3回バウンドします

this diving board, but once you're up in the air, once you're, you know, この飛び込み台ですが、一度空中に上がると、 這個跳水板,但一旦你在空中,一旦你,你知道,

launched, you've gotta go find authentic content and your language will grow start||have to||||||||| ローンチしたら、本物のコンテンツを見つけに行く必要があり、言語は成長します 推出,你必須去尋找真實的內容,你的語言會增長

if you can access authentic content. 本物のコンテンツにアクセスできる場合。 如果您可以訪問真實的內容。

And I mentioned to Dr. そして私は博士に言いました.

Krashen in our study, or in our conversation rather that I've never クラッシェンは私たちの書斎や会話の中で 우리 연구에서 Krashen, 또는 우리 대화에서 나는 한 번도 Krashen 在我們的研究中,或者在我們的談話中,而不是我從來沒有

understood why in schools here in Canada, these schools won't offer a language if ここカナダの学校で、これらの学校が次の場合に言語を提供しない理由を理解しました。 여기 캐나다의 학교에서 이 학교들이 다음과 같은 경우 언어를 제공하지 않는 이유를 이해했습니다.

they don't have a certified teacher for that language, as if only the teacher ||||qualified||||||||| その言語の認定教師はいません。 그들은 그 언어에 대해 인증된 교사가 없습니다. 他們沒有該語言的認證老師,好像只有老師

can provide explanations on the language, content in the language and so forth. ||||||||||||and similar topics 言語の説明、言語の内容などを提供できます。 언어, 언어 내용 등에 대한 설명을 제공할 수 있습니다.

The reality is the internet is full of authentic content. 現実には、インターネットには本物のコンテンツがあふれています。

Uh, I, for my Arabic, I've found this, I've mentioned before this Jordanian ||||||||||||Jordanian dialect ええと、私はアラビア語でこれを見つけました、このヨルダン語の前に言及しました 呃,我,對於我的阿拉伯語,我找到了這個,我在這個約旦人之前提到過

cartoon series, which I listen to. animated show||||| 私が聞いている漫画シリーズ。

I listen to podcasts. |||audio programs ポッドキャストを聴いています。

I listen to material on, uh, I'm doing one right now, a podcast in Persian ||||||||||||||Persian language 私は今、ペルシャ語のポッドキャストをやっています。

uh, Iranian identity on, uh, the, uh, Islamic revolution in 1979, another one. |Iranian||||||Islamic Revolution|Islamic Revolution||| ええと、1979 年のイスラム革命でのイランのアイデンティティ、また別の革命です。

These are all authentic materials. これらはすべて本物の素材です。

So I am dis... だから私はディス...

sort of learning things of interest to me in the language that's authentic. 本物の言語で興味のあることを学ぶようなものです。 用真實的語言學習我感興趣的東西。

That's how we learn. それが私たちが学ぶ方法です。

There's no reason why in a school, if they had a, a person familiar with 学校に知り合いがいたとしても、理由はありません。

how the internet can be used to learn language, people could be accessing ||||||||||||using 言語を学ぶためにインターネットをどのように使用できるか、人々はアクセスしている可能性があります

authentic content at their level cartoons for kids, whatever the case may be. いずれにせよ、子供向けのレベルの漫画で本物のコンテンツ。

And therefore these kids at a school without having a certified teacher for したがって、これらの子供たちは、認定された教師がいない学校に通っています。

let's say Spanish or Portuguese could be studying those materials at the school. スペイン語またはポルトガル語が学校でそれらの資料を勉強しているとしましょう。

As long as the teacher or language coach was familiar with what's 教師または語学コーチがその内容に精通している限り、

available and maybe there would be a network of, of teachers who would be |||||||group|||||| 利用可能であり、おそらく、教師のネットワークがあるでしょう。

helping each other find this kind of material, authentic material at an お互いにこの種の素材、本物の素材を見つけるのを助け合う

appropriate level so that, uh, kids who are motivated to learn will learn. 学習意欲のある子供たちが学習できるように、適切なレベルに設定します。

Because accessing authentic material is extremely motivating. 本物の資料にアクセスすることは、非常にやる気を起こさせるからです。

I also mentioned in our conversation with Dr. 博士との会話でも言及しました。

Krashen that in Canada, and this may not be unique to Canada, but kids これはカナダに限ったことではないかもしれませんが、子供たちは

are almost forced to learn French. フランス語を学ぶことをほとんど強制されています。

You know, French is a, an official language. ご存じのように、フランス語は公用語です。

So you're asking kids to learn French because it's, because つまり、子供たちにフランス語を学ぶように求めているのです。

it's an official language. それは公用語です。

It's, it's what, their civic duty to learn French? ||||civic|responsibility||| ¿Es su deber cívico aprender francés? フランス語を学ぶのは彼らの市民の義務ですか?

That's not very motivating. それはあまりやる気を起こさせません。

However, if you can find authentic content of interest to all these ただし、これらすべてに興味のある本物のコンテンツを見つけることができれば

different learners, and their interest may vary there might be many different ||||||differ||||| さまざまな学習者がいて、彼らの興味はさまざまである可能性があります

languages that they're interested in that with that kind of material 彼らが興味を持っている言語とその種類の資料

they are going to learn better. 彼らはよりよく学ぶでしょう。

So I think this idea of authenticity, authenticity in the materials that we ですから、この信憑性という考えは、私たちが提供する素材の信憑性だと思います。

use and authentic typically is going to mean aimed at the native speaker, ||||||||directed towards|||| uso y auténtico típicamente va a significar dirigido al hablante nativo, 使用と本物は通常、ネイティブ スピーカーを対象としたことを意味します。 使用和真實通常意味著針對母語人士,

but it can be children's cartoons. しかし、それは子供向けの漫画かもしれません。

It can be a cooking show. それは料理番組かもしれません。

It can be, um, things on politics or history or literature or short stories, ええと、政治、歴史、文学、短編小説のことかもしれません。

whatever it might be: authentic. それが何であれ、本物です。

And with the kinds of tools that are available today, such as online そして、オンラインなど、今日利用可能なツールの種類を使用して

dictionaries, MP3 players, uh, LingQ and, and more the ability ||MP3 players||||||| 辞書、MP3 プレーヤー、LingQ、その他の機能

to access authentic material is much, much better than it ever was. 本物の資料にアクセスすることは、これまでになくはるかに優れています。 訪問真實材料比以往任何時候都好得多。

It used to be you would have to find, you know, a reader with a ||||||||||||reading level|| 以前は、リーダーを見つけなければなりませんでした。 過去你必須找到,你知道的,一個讀者

glossary and hopefully not too difficult and a graded reader and, glossary section||||||||level-appropriate|| 用語集であり、うまくいけば難しすぎず、段階的なリーダーであり、 詞彙表,希望不會太難和分級閱讀器,

and gradually work your way up. そして徐々に上へと進んでいきます。 並逐漸向上工作。

But nowadays it's possible to access genuinely interesting, authentic ||||||truly|| しかし、今日では本当に興味深く、本物の情報にアクセスすることが可能です 但現在可以訪問真正有趣、真實的

material much, much earlier. 材料はずっとずっと前に。

And so I think we should aim for authenticity. ||||||strive|| ですから、本物を目指すべきだと思います。 所以我認為我們應該以真實性為目標。

I think language teachers, independent teachers, online teachers at school should 語学教師、個人教師、学校のオンライン教師はこうあるべきだと思います

be looking for ways that they can help their learners access authentic material. 学習者が本物の教材にアクセスできるようにする方法を探しています。

And I think that is going to lead to better results than keeping them ||||||||||outcomes||| そして、それはそれを維持するよりも良い結果につながると思います

in, uh, traditional a sort of a traditional textbook environment. ええと、伝統的な一種の伝統的な教科書環境で。

Thank you for listening. ご聴取ありがとうございました。

Bye for now.