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Steve's Language Learning Tips, AI & Language Learning (2)

AI & Language Learning (2)

terms of making not only input more efficient, making it possible to spend

less time looking for content, more time on content that is compelling.

It can be used, I guess, for evaluation and correction, but

it's not how I would use it.

And it can help you zoom in on certain grammatical aspects of the language

that, you know, you're having trouble with so you end up controlling,

through the material you're using to learn from, you know, what you do,

where you focus, uh, and so forth.

So I'd be interested in people's reactions.

I, I'm not an expert on AI.

I've just done a bit of Googling.

I know what I've been using within LingQ, and I know what works for

me and what I would like to see.

So, I mean even like if you're listening to something and you give a voice command

and say, repeat that five seconds like you're listening in the car, it didn't

quite get that repeat and then repeat.

You could set that to be a three second or a five second repeat, and that

little audio would repeat, for example.

There's another thing.

So I look forward to your ideas.

Uh, those are just some of mine on the subject of artificial

intelligence and language.

Thank you for listening and, and of course it is related to

because I'm very much input-based.

It relates to the issue of learning through listening and reading, but

greatly improving the efficiency of that input based learning, making that

input more and more compelling with the use of artificial intelligence.

Thank you.

Bye for now.

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AI & Language Learning (2) KI und Sprachenlernen (2) IA y aprendizaje de idiomas (2) IA et apprentissage des langues (2) IA e apprendimento delle lingue (2) AIと言語学習 (2) Sztuczna inteligencja i nauka języków (2) IA e aprendizagem de línguas (2) ИИ и изучение языков (2) Yapay Zeka ve Dil Öğrenimi (2) 人工智能与语言学习 (2) 人工智能與語言學習 (2)

terms of making not only input more efficient, making it possible to spend 入力を効率化するだけでなく、

less time looking for content, more time on content that is compelling. |||||||||||引人入胜 |||||||||||engaging and interesting |||||||||||atractivo コンテンツを探す時間が減り、魅力的なコンテンツにより多くの時間を費やすことができます。

It can be used, I guess, for evaluation and correction, but 評価や修正には使えると思いますが、

it's not how I would use it. それは私がそれを使用する方法ではありません。

And it can help you zoom in on certain grammatical aspects of the language また、言語の特定の文法的側面にズームインするのにも役立ちます

that, you know, you're having trouble with so you end up controlling, 問題を抱えているので、コントロールすることになります。

through the material you're using to learn from, you know, what you do, 学習に使用している資料を通じて、何をしているか、

where you focus, uh, and so forth. どこに焦点を合わせるかなど。

So I'd be interested in people's reactions. だから、人の反応が気になります。

I, I'm not an expert on AI. 私、私は AI の専門家ではありません。

I've just done a bit of Googling. ||||||keresgéltem Most néztem egy kicsit a gugliban. ちょっとだけググってみました。

I know what I've been using within LingQ, and I know what works for LingQ 内で何を使用してきたかを知っており、何が機能するかを知っています。

me and what I would like to see. 私と私が見たいもの。

So, I mean even like if you're listening to something and you give a voice command つまり、何かを聞いているときに音声コマンドを実行した場合でも、

and say, repeat that five seconds like you're listening in the car, it didn't 車の中で聞いているように 5 秒間繰り返しますが、聞こえませんでした。

quite get that repeat and then repeat. その繰り返しを取得してから繰り返します。

You could set that to be a three second or a five second repeat, and that 3 秒または 5 秒のリピートに設定できます。

little audio would repeat, for example. たとえば、小さなオーディオが繰り返されます。

There's another thing. 別のことがあります。

So I look forward to your ideas. それでは皆様のアイデアをお待ちしております。

Uh, those are just some of mine on the subject of artificial ええと、それらは人工的なテーマに関する私のほんの一部です

intelligence and language. 知性と言語。

Thank you for listening and, and of course it is related to 聞いてくれてありがとう、そしてもちろんそれはに関連しています

because I'm very much input-based. 私は非常に入力ベースだからです。

It relates to the issue of learning through listening and reading, but リスニングとリーディングによる学習の問題に関連していますが、

greatly improving the efficiency of that input based learning, making that |||effectiveness||||||| améliorer considérablement l'efficacité de l'apprentissage basé sur les données d'entrée, en rendant cet apprentissage plus efficace. その入力ベースの学習の効率を大幅に改善し、

input more and more compelling with the use of artificial intelligence. ||||persuasive||||||

Thank you. ありがとう。

Bye for now.