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Steve's Youtube Videos - Vocabulary, How to memorize vocabulary

How to memorize vocabulary

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here.

I'm leaving today with my wife. We are going south to spend a month in the sun because it rains here; although, the month of October in Vancouver has been unusually dry. I'm quite happy to stay here in the rain and play my Old Timer's hockey three times a week and go skiing up at Cypress, cross-country skiing 20 minutes from where we live. But my wife watches the rainfall every day and likes to go south for November, which is the rainiest month here in Vancouver. I don't know whether I'll be able to do videos down there, so I thought I would do at least one here before leaving.

I want to talk about memorizing vocabulary with a little bit of reference to the conference again on multilingualism and cognitive processes that I attended at McGill. First of all, I can't answer the various comments and questions that have appeared below my videos here at YouTube because YouTube is completely messed up in terms of how they deal with comments and the ability to respond to comments.

If I get a comment, an advice by email that there's been a comment to reply or to respond click here, it takes me somewhere. It doesn't open up underneath the comment that I'm supposed to be responding to. Very often that comment is not to be found. It looks like the whole system whereby they deal with comments is completely messed up.

It never was great and then for a period it seemed to be working better and now it's completely messed up. I hope they fix it. Even if I click on my inbox, I can't get to the list of comments that have been recently made so that I can comment on them. If anybody has any advice on that, please let me know. Memorizing vocabulary -- One of the people I follow on Facebook, Anthony Lauder, who is that great self-effacing Brit who studies Czech and other languages based in Prague, he asked people what their favorite way was for memorizing vocabulary, so I wanted to talk a little bit about that.

In my opinion, the best way to memorize vocabulary is NOT to memorize vocabulary. I have always found trying to memorize vocabulary, whether from a list, whether with flashcards or however, any deliberate attempt to memorize, to put to memory these items of vocabulary, is an extremely low-efficiency activity. No matter how hard you try, some words are going to stick and some words will not stick until much, much later, so I don't do that.

I believe that the best way to acquire vocabulary is through lots of exposure and meeting vocabulary items in different context. The more content you consume through listening and reading, the more likely you are to encounter these vocabulary items again and every time you encounter them again, you encounter them in different context, which makes the whole scope of their meaning clearer each time. You get a better sense of which words they are used together with. You really start to experience these words in live settings and, also, in settings, hopefully, that are high resonance. If you are listening to content of interest, such as when I listen to my Czech “Toulky českou minulosti” (Rambles Czech History) which is interesting stuff about Czech history, if the content is of interest it's higher resonance and so you really want to kind of get a sense of the meaning of these words in that context, then you see it again in another context.

To me, therefore, trying to memorize it on a list -- I think it may go into short-term memory -- some things will stick, but a lot won't. To me, it's a low-efficiency activity; it's also a boring activity. I always the feeling when I'm devoting time to sort of studying a list of vocabulary, I'm stealing time away from meaningful interaction with the language as in listening and reading and/or speaking.

Speaking is also important. I don't want to underestimate speaking. Perhaps I have given the impression that I only work on input. I don't. It's just that input is easier to arrange. I was at an evening the other night here in Vancouver.

There was a Russian language meetup and there's no question that after sitting for two hours and speaking Russian left, right and center, the quality of my Russian goes up and my attentiveness to Russian goes up and I notice that the next time I listen and read. So you do need to also speak, but meaningful speaking, meaningful listening and reading. That's all meaningful interaction with the language. It's high resonance. As you encounter words, hear words, see words and use words eventually in those contexts, to my mind that is a better use of time than trying to memorize lists of words.

Exposure is key and I think this came out in the conference in Montreal. I'll give you an example from memory here, but so many of the case studies or research examples that were presented were very, very limited in scope. You'll have an opportunity to check this out on their website. I left a link to their website in my last video. You can also Google Multilingual Conference, McGill University and you'll find them. One presenter talked about attrition in L-1, your first language, and used as an example comparing Italian immigrants who had lived in Canada for 10 years to Italians in Italy and the reaction of their brain to sort of word order that might be acceptable in Italian -- I can't remember exactly -- either had been influenced by English word order or word order that was acceptable in Italian but very unusual.

So the reaction, by enlarge, by Italian immigrants who had lived in Canada for 10 years, the brain reacted differently to those changes in word order than the brains of Italians in Italy. There were also differences depending on the degree or level of education of people and so forth. To me, that's relatively uninteresting.

It seems to be obvious that a person who lives in Canada for 10 years will be influenced by English, even in their native language. That doesn't mean that there has been attrition in the language. I don't think it demonstrates. Even if people start to introduce, essentially, non-native patterns in their Italian, I don't consider that attrition because, necessarily, you will be influenced. Every language you learn is going to influence you in some way in the languages that you already speak. That doesn't mean attrition. As one commenter said on my previous video, it would be very interesting to see why it is that many of us experience this improvement in our language when we take some time away from it to study a third language.

I've experienced it and other people have said the same. I lived in Japan for nine years and didn't touch Mandarin Chinese, hardly spoke it at all.

Come back to Mandarin Chinese, I'm better. I decided to spend some time on Swedish listening to Swedish audio books. I can't remember what other language I was on, I come back to that language -- maybe it was Italian -- I understand it better. So this whole idea of not only is exposure to the language you're studying important, but exposure to language learning and sort of exposing your brain to different languages, different structures and different sounds seems to have the effect of making you more attentive to the language. As you'll remember, I firmly believe that language learning really revolves around three issues: Your attitude, how motivated you are to improve in different aspects, how interested you are, how much you like the language, time, the amount of time you spend in it therefore exposure and, also, the ability to notice.

Exposure in itself makes you more attentive to the language, that's not to say that other activities can't also help. I should also close here because we're getting close to 10 minutes.

It's not that I never study vocabulary; I very often whip through my flashcards.

At LingQ before studying a new lesson I'll review the saved links, the words that I have already encountered before in the process of learning, some of which I have not learned, I'll review them in flashcards. Often if I have five-10 minutes to kill while waiting somewhere I'll review my flashcards, but I always have my flashcards with all the information on the front. The hint, as we say, the translation on LingQ, the actual term, the translation and the captured phrase, which we capture in LingQ, I review them all on front. So, again, it's exposure.

I'm not wracking my brain trying to remember what this term meant because I personally find that inefficient, tiring, stressful and boring. So I always say to memorize vocabulary, give yourself more exposure mostly in interesting content. If you are going to review words of course you don't have to do it my way, I'm just telling you what I do. So even when I review words, say in flashcards, it's more of an exposure activity, going through them quickly to give myself more exposure and occasionally reviewing the saved phrased that we have in LingQ. I hope I'll be able to do some more videos down south.

I may even try using my iPhone. I saw Richard Simcott did a video from Iceland and he seemed to have his iPhone held at a distance, so I might just try that and see how it works out. Anyway, I know we'll get a lot of sunshine down there while it probably will be raining here in Vancouver. So thank you for listening, bye for now.

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How to memorize vocabulary ||暗記する| ||запам'ятовувати|словниковий запас Jak si zapamatovat slovní zásobu Wie man Vokabeln auswendig lernt How to memorize vocabulary Cómo memorizar vocabulario Comment mémoriser le vocabulaire Come memorizzare il vocabolario 語彙の覚え方 어휘 암기 방법 Como memorizar o vocabulário Как запомнить словарный запас Kelime dağarcığı nasıl ezberlenir Як запам'ятовувати лексику 如何记忆词汇 如何記憶詞彙

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here. Olá, Steve Kaufmann aqui.

I’m leaving today with my wife. |Bugün ayrılıyorum|||| |me voy|||| |їду|||| |出発する|||| Dnes odjíždím s manželkou. Me voy hoy con mi esposa. 私は今日妻と出発します。 Vou-me embora hoje com a minha mulher. We are going south to spend a month in the sun because it rains here; although, the month of October in Vancouver has been unusually dry. |||||||||||||yağmur yağıyor||Ancak||||Ekim ayı|||||alışılmadık şekilde|kurak |||південь|||||||сонце|||дощить||хоча||||жовтень|||||незвично|сухий |||sur||||mes|||sol|porque||llueve||aunque|||||||||inusualmente|seco |||南|||||||太陽|||||||||||バンクーバー|||異常に| Jedeme na jih strávit měsíc na slunci, protože tady prší; i když měsíc říjen ve Vancouveru byl neobvykle suchý. 私たちは南に行き、太陽の下で一ヶ月過ごします。ここは雨が降るからです。しかし、バンクーバーの10月は異常に乾燥しています。 Vamos para o sul passar um mês ao sol, porque aqui chove; no entanto, o mês de Outubro em Vancouver tem sido invulgarmente seco. 我们要去南方,在阳光下度过一个月,因为这里多雨;不过温哥华十月份却异常干燥。 I’m quite happy to stay here in the rain and play my Old Timer’s hockey three times a week and go skiing up at Cypress, cross-country skiing 20 minutes from where we live. ||||||||yağmurda kalmak|||||Eski Kaptan|buz hokeyi||||||||||Cypress Dağı'nda|kros kayağı||||||| ||幸せ||||||雨||||古い||||||||||||サイプレス|||||||| |bastante||||||||||||de veteranos|hockey sobre hielo|||||||esquiar|||Cypress Mountain|esquí de fondo||esquiar|||donde vivimos||vivimos ||Цілком задоволений||залишатися||||дощі||грати в||старий таймер|ветеранів|хокей для ветеранів||||тиждень|||кататися на лижах|||Кіпрес Хілл|по пересіченій місцевості||||||| Jsem docela rád, že tu zůstanu v dešti a budu hrát hokej Old Timer třikrát týdně a zalyžovat si na Cypress na běžky 20 minut od místa, kde bydlíme. I'm quite happy to stay here in the rain and play my Old Timer's hockey three times a week and go skiing up at Cypress, cross-country skiing 20 minutes from where we live. 私はここで雨の中、週に3回オールドタイマーのホッケーをして、私たちが住んでいる場所から20分のサイプレスでスキーやクロスカントリースキーをするのがとても楽しいです。 But my wife watches the rainfall every day and likes to go south for November, which is the rainiest month here in Vancouver. |||||chuva||||||||||||||||| |||izler||yağmur yağışı|||||||||||||en yağışlı|||| |||見る||||||好き|||||||||最も雨の多い|||| |||mira||lluvia|||||||el sur||||||más lluvioso||aquí en Vancouver|| |||спостерігає за||дощові опади|||||||||листопад||||найдощовішим|місяць||| But my wife watches the rainfall every day and likes to go south for November, which is the rainiest month here in Vancouver. しかし、私の妻は毎日雨を見て、バンクーバーでは11月が最も雨が多い月なので、南に行くのが好きです。 I don’t know whether I’ll be able to do videos down there, so I thought I would do at least one here before leaving. |||||||||||||||||||en azından|||| |||si podré|||poder hacer|||videos|allí abajo|allí|||pensé||haría|||al menos|||antes de irme|irme そこで、向こうで動画を作れるかどうかわからないので、出発する前にここで少なくとも1本は作っておこうと思ったのです。 我不知道我是否能够在那里制作视频,所以我想在离开之前我至少会在这里制作一个。

I want to talk about memorizing vocabulary with a little bit of reference to the conference again on multilingualism and cognitive processes that I attended at McGill. ||||||||||||||||||le multilinguisme|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||multilinguismo||||||participei|| |||||ezberleme||||||||||konferans|||çok dillilik||bilişsel süreçler||||katıldığım||McGill Üniversitesi ||||||||||||посилання на|||конференція|||||||||відвідав(ла)|| |||||暗記すること|||||||参考|||会議|||多言語主義||認知的|プロセス||||| |||||memorizar vocabulario|||||||||||||multilingüismo||||||||McGill Chci mluvit o memorování slovní zásoby s trochou odkazu na konferenci o mnohojazyčnosti a kognitivních procesech, které jsem se zúčastnil v McGill. 私は、前にマギル大学で参加した多言語主義と認知プロセスに関するカンファレンスに少し言及しながら、語彙の記憶について話したいです。 Gostaria de falar sobre a memorização de vocabulário fazendo uma pequena referência à conferência sobre multilinguismo e processos cognitivos a que assisti na McGill. First of all, I can’t answer the various comments and questions that have appeared below my videos here at YouTube because YouTube is completely messed up in terms of how they deal with comments and the ability to respond to comments. ||||||||||||||||||||||||desordenado|||en cuanto a|||ellos|manejan|||||||responder a comentarios|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||disorganized|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||beliren|||||||||||berbat durumda|||açısından||||başa çıkmak||||||||| |||||||||||||現れた|||||||||||めちゃくちゃ||||||||||||||||コメント |||||відповісти||різні|||запитання|||з'явилися|під моїми відео||||||||||заплутаний|перш за все|||||вони|взаємодіють з|через те, що|коментарі|||можливість відповісти||відповідати на коментарі|| Za prvé, nemohu odpovídat na různé komentáře a otázky, které se objevily pod mými videi zde na YouTube, protože YouTube je úplně zmatený, pokud jde o to, jak se vypořádávají s komentáři a schopností reagovat na komentáře. まず第一に、YouTubeにある私の動画の下に現れたさまざまなコメントや質問に答えることができません。なぜなら、YouTubeはコメントの扱いやコメントに反応する能力に関して完全にめちゃくちゃだからです。 Em primeiro lugar, não posso responder aos vários comentários e perguntas que apareceram por baixo dos meus vídeos aqui no YouTube porque o YouTube está completamente confuso em termos da forma como lida com os comentários e da capacidade de responder aos comentários. Прежде всего, я не могу ответить на различные комментарии и вопросы, которые появились под моими видео здесь, на YouTube, потому что YouTube полностью запутался с точки зрения того, как они работают с комментариями и способностью отвечать на комментарии. 首先,我无法回答 YouTube 上我的视频下方出现的各种评论和问题,因为 YouTube 在处理评论的方式和回复评论的能力方面完全混乱。

If I get a comment, an advice by email that there’s been a comment to reply or to respond click here, it takes me somewhere. ||||||||||||||||||||||||quelque part ||||||||||||||||||yanıt vermek||||||bir yere ||||||consejo|||||||||responder|||||||||algún lugar ||||коментар, відгук||||електронною поштою|що||||||відповісти на коментар||||натисніть тут||||| ||||||||メール|||||||返信|||||||||どこか Pokud dostanu komentář, radu e-mailem, že tam byl komentář, abych odpověděl nebo odpověděl, klikněte sem, někam mě to posune. もし私がコメントを受け取った場合、返信するためのコメントがあったというメールのアドバイスを受け取ると、そこをクリックすると別の場所に移動します。 Se recebo um comentário, um aviso por e-mail de que houve um comentário para responder ou para responder clique aqui, isso leva-me a algum lado. Если я получу комментарий, уведомление по электронной почте, что есть комментарий, чтобы ответить или ответить, нажмите здесь, это приведет меня куда-то. 如果我收到评论、通过电子邮件收到的建议,表明有评论需要回复或点击此处回复,它会带我去某个地方。 It doesn’t open up underneath the comment that I’m supposed to be responding to. ||||below||||||||| ||||altında|||||cevaplamam gereken|||| ||||下に|||||することになっている|||返信している| |||під коментарем|під|||||маю відповідати|||відповідати на| それは、私が反応すべきコメントの下に開かれるのではありません。 Não abre por baixo do comentário ao qual é suposto eu estar a responder. Very often that comment is not to be found. Velmi často se tento komentář nenajde. Very often that comment is not to be found. そのコメントは非常に見つからないことが多い。 Muitas vezes, esse comentário não é encontrado. 很多时候,这样的评论是找不到的。 It looks like the whole system whereby they deal with comments is completely messed up. ||||||par lequel|||||||| |||||||||||||disorganized| ||||||através do qual|eles||||||| ||||||wodurch|||||||| ||||||sistemiyle||ilgilenmek|||||bozulmuş| |виглядає||||система|за допомогою якого||розглядати|||||| ||||||その方法で|||||||| ||||todo el||mediante el cual|ellos|manejan||comentarios||completamente|desordenado|estropeado Vypadá to, že celý systém, kterým se zabývají komentáři, je úplně zpackaný. It looks like the whole system whereby they deal with comments is completely messed up. 彼らがコメントを扱うシステム全体が完全にめちゃくちゃになっているようです。 Parece que todo o sistema de tratamento dos comentários está completamente desorganizado. 看起来他们处理评论的整个系统完全混乱了。

It never was great and then for a period it seemed to be working better and now it’s completely messed up. ||||||||||здавалося|||||||||| ||||||||bir süre||gibi görünüyordu|||||||||| |||genial||luego|||||parecía|||||||||| |||ótimo||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||見えた|||||||||| Nikdy to nebylo skvělé a pak to nějakou dobu vypadalo, že to funguje lépe a teď je to úplně zpackané. It never was great and then for a period it seemed to be working better and now it's completely messed up. それは決して素晴らしいものではなく、しばらくの間はうまく機能しているように見えましたが、今では完全にめちゃくちゃになっています。 Nunca foi óptimo e depois, durante um período, pareceu estar a funcionar melhor e agora está completamente desarrumado. I hope they fix it. |||виправлять| |||arreglen| |||修理する| Doufám, že to opraví. Espero que o consertem. Even if I click on my inbox, I can’t get to the list of comments that have been recently made so that I can comment on them. ||||||gelen kutusu|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||вхідні повідомлення||||||||||||нещодавно|||||||| Incluso si|||haga clic|||bandeja de entrada|||||||||que|||recientemente|hecho|||||||ellos ||||||受信トレイ||||||||コメント|||||||||||上で| 受信トレイをクリックしても、最近作成されたコメントのリストにアクセスできず、それについてコメントすることができません。 Mesmo que clique na minha caixa de entrada, não consigo aceder à lista de comentários que foram feitos recentemente para os poder comentar. If anybody has any advice on that, please let me know. |хтось||||||||| |alguien||||||||| Pokud máte někdo nějakou radu ohledně toho, dejte mi prosím vědět. もし誰かそのことについてアドバイスがあれば、教えてください。 Se alguém tiver algum conselho a este respeito, por favor diga-me. Memorizing vocabulary -- One of the people I follow on Facebook, Anthony Lauder, who is that great self-effacing Brit who studies Czech and other languages based in Prague, he asked people what their favorite way was for memorizing vocabulary, so I wanted to talk a little bit about that. |||||||||||||||||humble||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||queria||||||| |||||||||||||||||selbstironisch||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||Anthony Lauder|Anthony Lauder||||||kendini küçümseyen|İngiliz|||Çekçe kelimeleri ezberlemek||||Prag'da yaşayan||Prag merkezli||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||стежу за||Фейсбуці|Ентоні Лаудер|Лаудер|||||сам себе применшує|самокритичний|британець|який|вивчає|||||||||||||улюблений спосіб||||||||||||||| |||||||||フェイスブック|アンソニー|ローダー||||||||||||||||プラハ||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||Anthony Lauder|Anthony Lauder|||||sí mismo|modesto|británico|||checo||||||Praga||preguntó a||||||||||||quería|||||poco|| Memorování slovní zásoby -- Jeden z lidí, které sleduji na Facebooku, Anthony Lauder, který je skvělým sebevědomým Britem, který studuje češtinu a další jazyky v Praze, se zeptal lidí, jaký je jejich oblíbený způsob zapamatování slovní zásoby, tak jsem chtěl trochu o tom mluvit. Memorizing vocabulary -- One of the people I follow on Facebook, Anthony Lauder, who is that great self-effacing Brit who studies Czech and other languages based in Prague, he asked people what their favorite way was for memorizing vocabulary, so I wanted to talk a little bit about that. 語彙を暗記すること -- 私がFacebookでフォローしている一人、アントニー・ラウダーは、プラハを拠点にする素晴らしい自己抑制のブリットで、チェコ語や他の言語を勉強しています。彼は人々に語彙を暗記するためのお気に入りの方法を尋ねたので、そのことについて少し話したいと思いました。 Memorização de vocabulário - Uma das pessoas que sigo no Facebook, Anthony Lauder, que é um britânico muito modesto que estuda checo e outras línguas em Praga, perguntou às pessoas qual era a sua forma preferida de memorizar vocabulário, por isso queria falar um pouco sobre isso.

In my opinion, the best way to memorize vocabulary is NOT to memorize vocabulary. ||||||||||||запам'ятовувати|словниковий запас Podle mého názoru je nejlepším způsobem, jak si zapamatovat slovní zásobu, NENÍ si zapamatovat slovní zásobu. Na minha opinião, a melhor maneira de memorizar vocabulário é NÃO memorizar vocabulário. I have always found trying to memorize vocabulary, whether from a list, whether with flashcards or however, any deliberate attempt to memorize, to put to memory these items of vocabulary, is an extremely low-efficiency activity. ||||||||||||||||||délibérée||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||low-efficiency| ||||||||||||||||||bewusste||||||||||||||||| ||||||||olsa da||||olsa da||kartlar||her ne şekilde olursa||kasıtlı|girişim|||||||||||||son derece||düşük verimli| ||||||||||||||картки для запам'ятовування||яким чином||навмисний|спроба||||помістити в пам'ять||пам'ять||слова словника|||||надзвичайно|низька|ефективність|діяльність низької ефективності ||||||||かどうか||||||||||意図的な|||||||||単語|||||非常に||| |||encontrado|intentar||||ya sea||||||||de cualquier manera||deliberado|intento deliberado|||||||estos elementos léxicos|elementos de vocabulario|||||extremadamente|baja|| Vždy jsem zjistil, že snaha zapamatovat si slovní zásobu, ať už ze seznamu, ať už pomocí kartiček, nebo jakýkoli záměrný pokus zapamatovat si tyto položky slovní zásoby, je extrémně málo účinná činnost. I have always found trying to memorize vocabulary, whether from a list, whether with flashcards or however, any deliberate attempt to memorize, to put to memory these items of vocabulary, is an extremely low-efficiency activity. 私は常に、リストやフラッシュカードなど、語彙を暗記しようとすることは、どのような意図的な暗記の試みであっても、これらの語彙項目を記憶に留めることが、極めて低効率な活動であると感じています。 Sempre achei que tentar memorizar vocabulário, seja a partir de uma lista, seja com flashcards ou de qualquer outra forma, qualquer tentativa deliberada de memorizar, de colocar na memória esses itens de vocabulário, é uma atividade extremamente pouco eficiente. No matter how hard you try, some words are going to stick and some words will not stick until much, much later, so I don’t do that. |||||||||||quedar grabadas|||||||hasta que|||||||| |||||||||||yerleşmek||||||||||||||| |||||試す|いくつかの|||||定着する|||言葉||||まで|||||||| |importa||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||закріплюватися||||||||||||||| Nezáleží na tom, jak moc se snažíte, některá slova se uchytí a některá slova vydrží až mnohem, mnohem později, takže to nedělám. どんなに頑張っても、いくつかの単語は定着し、いくつかの単語はずっと後まで定着しないので、私はその方法は取らないです。 Por mais que se tente, algumas palavras vão pegar e outras só vão pegar muito, muito mais tarde, por isso não faço isso. 无论你多么努力,有些词会被记住,而有些词要到很久很久以后才会被记住,所以我不会这样做。

I believe that the best way to acquire vocabulary is through lots of exposure and meeting vocabulary items in different context. |||||||edinmek||||||maruz kalma||||||| |||||||adquirir|||a través de|mucho||exposición||encontrarse con||elementos de vocabulario|||contexto |вважаю||||||||||||вплив мовного середовища||зустріч із лексикою||лексичні одиниці||| |||||||||||||||会議||語彙項目|||文脈 Domnívám se, že nejlepší způsob, jak si osvojit slovní zásobu, je mnohonásobné vystavování a setkávání se s položkami slovní zásoby v různém kontextu. 語彙を習得するための最良の方法は、たくさんの露出を通じて、さまざまな文脈で語彙項目に出会うことだと信じています。 Penso que a melhor forma de adquirir vocabulário é através de muita exposição e do encontro de itens de vocabulário em diferentes contextos. The more content you consume through listening and reading, the more likely you are to encounter these vocabulary items again and every time you encounter them again, you encounter them in different context, which makes the whole scope of their meaning clearer each time. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||portée|||||| ||||engage with||||||||||||||words|||||||||||||||||||range|||||| |||||||||||provável||||encontrar|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Umfang|||||| ||||tüketmek|||||||||||karşılaşmak|||||||||karşılaşmak|||||||||||||kapsam||||daha net|| ||||споживаєте|||||||ймовірно||||зустрічати|||словникові одиниці|||||||||||||||||||обсяг значення||||чіткішим|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||範囲|||意味||| ||contenido||||escuchar|||||probable||||encontrar||||de nuevo|||||encontrar|los|||||||||||totalidad|alcance|||significado||| Čím více obsahu při poslechu a čtení konzumujete, tím je pravděpodobnější, že se s těmito položkami slovní zásoby znovu setkáte a pokaždé, když se s nimi znovu setkáte, setkáte se s nimi v jiném kontextu, což pokaždé objasňuje celý rozsah jejich významu. The more content you consume through listening and reading, the more likely you are to encounter these vocabulary items again and every time you encounter them again, you encounter them in different context, which makes the whole scope of their meaning clearer each time. 聞いたり読んだりすることで多くのコンテンツを消費すればするほど、これらの語彙項目に再び出会う可能性が高くなります。そして、再び出会うたびに、それを異なる文脈の中で経験することになるため、その意味の全体像が毎回より明確になります。 Quanto mais conteúdos consumir através da audição e da leitura, maior será a probabilidade de voltar a encontrar estes vocábulos e, de cada vez que os encontra, encontra-os num contexto diferente, o que torna o seu significado mais claro de cada vez. You get a better sense of which words they are used together with. ||||anlayış|||||||| ||||розуміння|||||||| ||||mejor idea|||||||| Získáte lepší představu o tom, se kterými slovy se používají společně. どの単語が一緒に使われるのかについて、より良い感覚を得ることができます。 Percebe-se melhor quais as palavras com que são usadas em conjunto. You really start to experience these words in live settings and, also, in settings, hopefully, that are high resonance. ||||||||||||||||||haute résonance ||||||||||||||||||yüksek yankı |||||||||налаштуваннях|||||сподіваюся||||високий резонанс ||comienzas a||experimentar|estas palabras||||entornos||||entornos|con suerte||||alta resonancia |||||||||環境|||||||||共鳴 You really start to experience these words in live settings and, also, in settings, hopefully, that are high resonance. あなたは本当にこれらの言葉を生の場面で体験し始め、また、希望的には高い共鳴を持つ場面でも体験します。 Começamos realmente a experimentar estas palavras em ambientes ao vivo e, também, em ambientes, esperemos, de elevada ressonância. If you are listening to content of interest, such as when I listen to my Czech “Toulky českou minulosti” (Rambles Czech History) which is interesting stuff about Czech history, if the content is of interest it’s higher resonance and so you really want to kind of get a sense of the meaning of these words in that context, then you see it again in another context. |||||||||||||||||||||||||conteúdo|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||Gezintiler||geçmişi|Gezintiler||||||şeyler||||||||||||Yankı uyandırma|||||||||||anlamını kavramak|||||||||||||||||bağlamında |||||内容||||||||||||チェコの|歴史|散歩|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||contenido de interés|||como por ejemplo||cuando||||||Paseos por|checa|pasado checo|Paseos por||||||cosas interesantes||||||||||||resonancia elevada|||||||tipo de||||sentido|||significado|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||Прогулянки|чеською|минулістю|Мандрівки по|чеською мовою|історія Чехії||||цікаві речі|||історія Чехії||||||||вищий резонанс|резонансність|та||||||||зрозуміти||||||||||||||||||| Pokud posloucháte obsah, který vás zajímá, jako když poslouchám své české „Toulky českou minulostí“, což jsou zajímavé věci o české historii, pokud vás obsah zajímá, je to vyšší rezonance a tak opravdu chcete trochu pochopte význam těchto slov v tomto kontextu, pak to uvidíte znovu v jiném kontextu. If you are listening to content of interest, such as when I listen to my Czech “Toulky českou minulosti” (Rambles Czech History) which is interesting stuff about Czech history, if the content is of interest it's higher resonance and so you really want to kind of get a sense of the meaning of these words in that context, then you see it again in another context. もしあなたが興味のあるコンテンツを聞いているなら、例えば私がチェコの「Toulky českou minulosti」(チェコの歴史を巡る散策)を聞いているときのように、チェコの歴史に関する興味深い内容であれば、内容が関心を引くので共鳴が高まり、そうすると、その文脈の中でこれらの言葉の意味を感じようとし、次に別の文脈で再び見ることができます。 Se estivermos a ouvir um conteúdo de interesse, como quando ouço o meu programa checo "Toulky českou minulosti" (Rambles Czech History), que é um material interessante sobre a história checa, se o conteúdo for de interesse, a sua ressonância é mais elevada e, por isso, queremos realmente ter uma espécie de noção do significado dessas palavras nesse contexto, para depois as vermos novamente noutro contexto. 如果您正在听感兴趣的内容,例如当我听我的捷克语“Toulky českou minulosti”(Rambles Czech History)时,这是有关捷克历史的有趣内容,如果内容感兴趣,那么共鸣就会更高,所以您真的想听有点了解这些词在那个上下文中的含义,然后你在另一个上下文中再次看到它。

To me, therefore, trying to memorize it on a list -- I think it may go into short-term memory -- some things will stick, but a lot won’t. ||bu yüzden||||||||||||||kısa süreli|kısa süreli hafıza|||||akılda kalmak|||| ||отже|||||||список||||||||||||||||| ||por lo tanto|||||||||||||||memoria a corto plazo||algunas|cosas||quedarse||||no lo harán |||||||||||||||||短期記憶||||||||| Mně tedy, když se to snažím zapamatovat na seznamu – myslím, že to může přejít do krátkodobé paměti – některé věci zůstanou, ale mnohé ne. To me, therefore, trying to memorize it on a list -- I think it may go into short-term memory -- some things will stick, but a lot won't. したがって、私にとっては、それをリストで暗記しようとすることが短期記憶に入るかもしれないと思います。いくつかのことは記憶に残りますが、多くはそうではありません。 Por isso, para mim, tentar memorizá-lo numa lista - penso que pode ir para a memória a curto prazo - algumas coisas vão ficar, mas muitas não. To me, it’s a low-efficiency activity; it’s also a boring activity. ||||||||||entediante| ||||||||||退屈な| ||||baja||actividad||||aburrida| ||||||||||нудна| Pro mě je to činnost s nízkou účinností; je to také nudná činnost. Para mim, é uma atividade de baixa eficiência; é também uma atividade aborrecida. I always the feeling when I’m devoting time to sort of studying a list of vocabulary, I’m stealing time away from meaningful interaction with the language as in listening and reading and/or speaking. ||||||consacrant||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||taking|||||||||||||||| ||||||zaman ayırmak|||gibi bir||||||||çalıyor gibi hissediyorum|||||etkileşimde bulunma||||||||||| ||||||приділяю|||||||||||викрадаю||||змістовний|взаємодія з мовою||||||||||| |常に||感覚||||||||||||語彙||盗んでいる||奪っている|||対話||||||||||| ||||||dedicando|||tipo de||||||||robando||||significativa|||||||escuchar||||| Vždy mám pocit, že když věnuji čas jakémusi studiu seznamu slovní zásoby, ukrajuji čas ze smysluplné interakce s jazykem, jako je poslech a čtení a/nebo mluvení. 語彙のリストを勉強するための時間を費やしているとき、言語との意味のあるインタラクション、つまりリスニングやリーディング、またはスピーキングから時間を奪っているような気がします。 Tenho sempre a sensação de que, quando dedico tempo a uma espécie de estudo de uma lista de vocabulário, estou a roubar tempo a uma interação significativa com a língua, como ouvir, ler e/ou falar.

Speaking is also important. Důležité je také mluvení. スピーキングも重要です。 Falar também é importante. I don’t want to underestimate speaking. ||||sous-estimer| ||||küçümsemek| ||||недооцінювати| ||||subestimar| ||||過小評価する| Nechci mluvení podceňovat. スピーキングを過小評価したくありません。 Não quero subestimar o facto de falar. Perhaps I have given the impression that I only work on input. |||dado||||||||entrada Belki|||||izlenim|||||| おそらく|||||印象||||||入力 |||dado|||||||| ||||||що|||||вхідні дані Možná jsem vyvolal dojem, že pracuji pouze na vstupu. おそらく、私は入力のみを扱っているという印象を与えたかもしれません。 Talvez eu tenha dado a impressão de que só trabalho com inputs. I don’t. 私はそうではありません。 It’s just that input is easier to arrange. |||||||organiser |||||||organize |||||||organizar |||||||düzenlemek |||вхідні дані||||упорядкувати |||||más fácil||organizar Jde jen o to, že zadání je jednodušší zařídit. ただ、入力の方が整えやすいだけです。 É que a entrada é mais fácil de organizar. I was at an evening the other night here in Vancouver. ||||夜|||||| ||||вечірці|||вечір||| Včera večer jsem byl na večeru tady ve Vancouveru. 私は数日前、バンクーバーで夜の集まりに参加しました。 Na outra noite, estive numa noite aqui em Vancouver.

There was a Russian language meetup and there’s no question that after sitting for two hours and speaking Russian left, right and center, the quality of my Russian goes up and my attentiveness to Russian goes up and I notice that the next time I listen and read. |||||encontro|||||||||||||||||||||||||||atenção||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Aufmerksamkeit||||||||||||||| |||||buluşma|||||||||||||||||||kalitesi||||||||dikkatim||Rusça dilinde||||||||||||| |||||зустріч мовного клубу||||||||||||||ліворуч|праворуч||усюди||якість||||||||уважність до російської|||||||помічаю|||||||| |||||ミートアップ|||||||||||||||||中心||質||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||encuentro de idiomas|||||||sentado||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Uskutečnilo se setkání v ruštině a není pochyb o tom, že poté, co jsem dvě hodiny seděl a mluvil rusky vlevo, vpravo a uprostřed, kvalita mé ruštiny stoupne a moje pozornost k ruštině stoupne a všiml jsem si, že až příště poslouchám a čtu . There was a Russian language meetup and there's no question that after sitting for two hours and speaking Russian left, right and center, the quality of my Russian goes up and my attentiveness to Russian goes up and I notice that the next time I listen and read. ロシア語のミートアップがあり、2時間ロシア語を話し続けた後では、私のロシア語の質が向上し、ロシア語への注意力も高まることは疑いありません。そして、次回リスニングやリーディングをする際にそのことを実感します。 Houve um encontro de língua russa e não há dúvida de que, depois de me sentar durante duas horas e falar russo à esquerda, à direita e ao centro, a qualidade do meu russo aumenta e a minha atenção ao russo aumenta e noto isso da próxima vez que ouço e leio. So you do need to also speak, but meaningful speaking, meaningful listening and reading. ||||||||||significatif||| ||||||||意味のある||||| ||||||||змістовний|говорити|||| Takže musíte také mluvit, ale smysluplné mluvení, smysluplné naslouchání a čtení. So you do need to also speak, but meaningful speaking, meaningful listening and reading. ですので、話すことも必要ですが、意味のある会話、意味のあるリスニングとリーディングが重要です。 Por isso, também é necessário falar, mas falar com sentido, ouvir e ler com sentido. That’s all meaningful interaction with the language. |||etkileşim||| |||взаємодія||| To vše je smysluplná interakce s jazykem. それが言語とのすべての意味のある対話です。 É toda a interação significativa com a língua. It’s high resonance. ||yüksek rezonans ||високий резонанс Je to vysoká rezonance. It's high resonance. それは高い共鳴です。 É de alta ressonância. As you encounter words, hear words, see words and use words eventually in those contexts, to my mind that is a better use of time than trying to memorize lists of words. ||begegnen||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||karşılaştıkça|||||||||sonunda||o tür bağlamlarda||||||||||||||||kelime listeleri|| ||зустрічаєте|||||||||зрештою|||||||||||||||||||| ||encontrar||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||文脈||私の|||||||||||||リスト|| Když se setkáváte se slovy, slyšíte slova, vidíte slova a nakonec slova používáte v těchto kontextech, podle mého názoru je to lepší využití času, než se snažit zapamatovat si seznamy slov. As you encounter words, hear words, see words and use words eventually in those contexts, to my mind that is a better use of time than trying to memorize lists of words. 単語に出会い、単語を聞き、単語を見て、最終的にその文脈の中で単語を使うと、私の考えでは単語のリストを暗記しようとするよりも、時間の使い方としては良いです。 À medida que encontra palavras, ouve palavras, vê palavras e as utiliza eventualmente nesses contextos, penso que isso é uma melhor utilização do tempo do que tentar memorizar listas de palavras.

Exposure is key and I think this came out in the conference in Montreal. |||||||||||||Montreal Maruz kalma|||||||||||||Montreal'daki konferans 露出|||||||出た||||||モントリオール Висвітлення|||||||виявилося|проявилося||||| Expozice je klíčová a myslím, že to vyšlo na konferenci v Montrealu. 露出が重要であり、これはモントリオールの会議で明らかになったと思います。 A exposição é fundamental e penso que isso ficou patente na conferência de Montreal. I’ll give you an example from memory here, but so many of the case studies or research examples that were presented were very, very limited in scope. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||portée ||||||||||||||||||||||||||âmbito ||||||||||||||||||||||||||Umfang ||||||||||||||||||||sunulan|||||| ||||||||||||||||дослідження приклади|приклади досліджень|||представлені||||||обсягом ||||||||||||||||||その||提示された|||||| Uvedu vám zde příklad zpaměti, ale tolik prezentovaných případových studií nebo výzkumných příkladů bylo velmi, velmi omezeného rozsahu. ここで記憶から例を挙げますが、提示されたケーススタディや研究例の多くは非常に限られた範囲のものでした。 Vou dar-vos um exemplo de memória, mas muitos dos estudos de caso ou exemplos de investigação que foram apresentados tinham um âmbito muito, muito limitado. You’ll have an opportunity to check this out on their website. ||||||||||ウェブサイト |матимете|||||||на||вебсайт Budete mít možnost se o tom přesvědčit na jejich webu. 彼らのウェブサイトでこれをチェックする機会があります。 Terá a oportunidade de o verificar no seu sítio Web. I left a link to their website in my last video. ||||||ウェブサイト|||| |deixei||||||||| 私の最後のビデオに、彼らのウェブサイトへのリンクを残しました。 Deixei uma hiperligação para o seu sítio Web no meu último vídeo. You can also Google Multilingual Conference, McGill University and you’ll find them. |||グーグル|多言語|会議|||||| |||пошукати в Google|багатомовна конференція|Конференція|||||| You can also Google Multilingual Conference, McGill University and you'll find them. Google Multilingual Conference, McGill Universityを検索すれば、それらを見つけることができます。 Também pode procurar no Google Multilingual Conference, McGill University e vai encontrá-los. One presenter talked about attrition in L-1, your first language, and used as an example comparing Italian immigrants who had lived in Canada for 10 years to Italians in Italy and the reaction of their brain to sort of word order that might be acceptable in Italian -- I can’t remember exactly -- either had been influenced by English word order or word order that was acceptable in Italian but very unusual. ||||language loss|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||atrito|||||||||||||||tinham|vivido|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||Aşınma|||||||||||||göçmenler|||||||||İtalyanlar|||||||||||||||||kabul edilebilir||||||||||etkilenmiş|||||||||||||||alışılmadık |ведучий|||втрата навичок||першу мову|||||||||порівнюючи||іммігранти|||жили||||||італійці||Італійці в Італії|||реакція мозку||||||||||||прийнятний|||||не пам'ятаю точно|точно||||вплинув на||||||||||прийнятний|||||дуже незвичний 一人の|発表者|||離脱||言語|あなたの||||||||比較する|||||||||||||||||||||||言語喪失|||||||||||||||||||||||||許容される||||| ||||desgaste lingüístico||||||||||||||||||||||italianos|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| One presenter talked about attrition in L-1, your first language, and used as an example comparing Italian immigrants who had lived in Canada for 10 years to Italians in Italy and the reaction of their brain to sort of word order that might be acceptable in Italian -- I can't remember exactly -- either had been influenced by English word order or word order that was acceptable in Italian but very unusual. あるプレゼンターは、L-1、つまり母国語における離脱について話し、カナダに10年間住んでいたイタリア移民と、イタリアのイタリア人の比較を例に挙げ、イタリア語で許容される単語の順序に対する彼らの脳の反応を説明しました。正確には覚えていませんが、英語の単語の順序に影響を受けたか、またはイタリア語で通常はあまり見られない単語の順序だったかもしれません。

So the reaction, by enlarge, by Italian immigrants who had lived in Canada for 10 years, the brain reacted differently to those changes in word order than the brains of Italians in Italy. ||||in general||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||em geral||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||genel olarak|||||||||||||tepki verdi|||||||||||||| ||||в цілому|||||||||||||відреагував інакше||||зміни в порядку|||||||||| |||によって|拡大する|||||||||||||反応した|||||||||||||| ||||en general|||||||||||||reaccionó|||||||||||||| したがって、カナダに10年間住んだイタリア移民による反応は、イタリアのイタリア人の脳とは異なり、語順の変化に対して異なる反応を示しました。 There were also differences depending on the degree or level of education of people and so forth. ||||bağlı olarak||||||||||||ve benzeri şeyler |||відмінності||||ступінь||||освіта||||| Havia|||||||grau||||||||| |||||||学位||||教育||||| 人々の教育の程度やレベルによっても違いがありました。 To me, that’s relatively uninteresting. |||göreceli olarak|Bana göre sıkıcı. ||||面白くない |||відносно|незахопливо 私にとって、それは比較的重要ではありません。

It seems to be obvious that a person who lives in Canada for 10 years will be influenced by English, even in their native language. ||||açıkça belli||||||||||||etkilenecek||||||| |||||||||住んでいる|||||||||||||| ||||очевидно|||||живе|||||||||||||| 10年間カナダに住んでいる人が母国語であっても英語の影響を受けるのは明らかなようです。 That doesn’t mean that there has been attrition in the language. ||signifie|||||attrition||| |||||||Abnutzung||| |||||||azalma||| |||||||desgaste||| ||означає|||||втрата носіїв||| I don’t think it demonstrates. ||||gösteriyor ||||demuestra ||||не демонструє ||||示す それが示しているとは思いません。 Even if people start to introduce, essentially, non-native patterns in their Italian, I don’t consider that attrition because, necessarily, you will be influenced. ||||||im Wesentlichen||||||||||||||||| ||||||temelde|||kalıplar||||||düşünmüyorum||aşınma||zorunlu olarak||||etkilenmiş olursunuz |||||紹介する|||||||||||||||||| mesmo||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||впроваджувати|по суті|не-італійські||шаблони/моделі/зразки|||італійська мова|||||втрата навичок||неминуче|||| たとえ人々が自分のイタリア語に本質的に非ネイティブのパターンを取り入れ始めても、私はそれを消失とは考えません。何故なら、必然的に影響を受けるからです。 Every language you learn is going to influence you in some way in the languages that you already speak. |Jede Sprache beeinflusst||||||||||||||||| |||||||影響||||||||||| あなたが学ぶすべての言語は、すでに話している言語に何らかの影響を与えることになるでしょう。 That doesn’t mean attrition. ||signifie| |||Das bedeutet nicht Abnutzung. |||Bu yıpranma değil. |||gradual reduction それは減退を意味するものではありません。 As one commenter said on my previous video, it would be very interesting to see why it is that many of us experience this improvement in our language when we take some time away from it to study a third language. ||||||||||||||||||||||||melhoria|||||||||||||||| ||yorumcu||||önceki|önceki videom||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||コメント者||||前の|||||||||||||多くの|||||向上改善|||||||||離れて||||||| ||comentarista|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||коментатор||||||||||||||||||||||покращення в мові|||||||||||||||| As one commenter said on my previous video, it would be very interesting to see why it is that many of us experience this improvement in our language when we take some time away from it to study a third language. 前回の動画でコメントをくれた方が言ったように、私たちの多くが第三言語を学ぶために時間を取ると、なぜ言語の改善を経験するのかを見るのは非常に面白いでしょう。

I’ve experienced it and other people have said the same. |deneyimledim|onu|ve||başkaları|||| |経験した|||||||| 私はそれを経験しましたし、他の人も同じことを言っています。 I lived in Japan for nine years and didn’t touch Mandarin Chinese, hardly spoke it at all. |||Japonya'da|||||||Mandarin Çincesi|||konuştum||| |||日本||||||触れなかった||||||| ||||||||||||ледь|||| 私は日本に9年間住んでいて、ほとんど中国語に触れず、ほとんど話さなかった。

Come back to Mandarin Chinese, I’m better. |戻って||||| 中国語に戻ってきます、私はもっと上手です。 I decided to spend some time on Swedish listening to Swedish audio books. |||||||İsveççe||||| スウェーデン語のオーディオブックを聞くために、少し時間を使うことに決めました。 I can’t remember what other language I was on, I come back to that language -- maybe it was Italian -- I understand it better. ||||||||||||||||||||anlıyorum||daha iyi 他の言語が何だったか覚えられませんが、その言語に戻るとき -- たぶんイタリア語だったと思う -- それをよりよく理解できます。 So this whole idea of not only is exposure to the language you’re studying important, but exposure to language learning and sort of exposing your brain to different languages, different structures and different sounds seems to have the effect of making you more attentive to the language. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||more aware||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||aufmerksamer||| ||||||||maruz kalma||||||||Maruz kalma|||||||maruz bırakma|||||||yapılar|||||||||||||dikkatli||| ||||||||вплив мов|||||||||||||||||||||||||звуки|||||ефект|||||уважнішим до мови||| |||||||||||||||||||||||露出||||||||||||||||||||注意深い||| |||||||||||||||||||||||exponer a||||||||||||||||||||||| So this whole idea of not only is exposure to the language you're studying important, but exposure to language learning and sort of exposing your brain to different languages, different structures and different sounds seems to have the effect of making you more attentive to the language. この言語学習のアイデアは、学んでいる言語への露出だけでなく、言語学習自体への露出、さまざまな言語、異なる構造、異なる音を脳にさらすことが、言語に対してより注意を払う効果をもたらすようです。 As you’ll remember, I firmly believe that language learning really revolves around three issues: Your attitude, how motivated you are to improve in different aspects, how interested you are, how much you like the language, time, the amount of time you spend in it therefore exposure and, also, the ability to notice. ||||strongly||||||centers||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||firmemente||||||gira em torno|||||||||||melhorar||||||||||||||||||||passa|||||||||| ||||||||||dreht sich um||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||kesinlikle||||||etrafında döner|||||tutum|||||||||yönler||||||||||||||||||||bu nedenle|maruz kalma|||||| ||||твердо|вірю|||||обертається навколо|||питання||||вмотивований||||покращуватися|||||||||||||||||||||||отже|||||здатність помічати|| ||||しっかりと||||||回る|||||||やる気のある|||||||側面|||||||あなたの|||||||||||||||||||| あなたが覚えているように、私は言語学習が本当に三つの問題に関わっていると固く信じています:あなたの態度、異なる側面で向上しようとする意欲、あなたがどれだけ興味を持っているか、言語が好きかどうか、時間、それに費やす時間の量、したがって露出、そして、注意を払う能力です。 你会记得,我坚信语言学习实际上围绕三个问题:你的态度、你在不同方面进步的动力、你的兴趣、你对该语言的喜爱程度、时间、你花在该语言上的时间、接触该语言的时间,以及注意的能力。

Exposure in itself makes you more attentive to the language, that’s not to say that other activities can’t also help. ||||||||||それは|||||||||助ける Експозиція||||||уважним||||||||||||| 露出はそれ自体が言語により注意を向けさせるが、それは他の活動が役立たないというわけではない。 I should also close here because we’re getting close to 10 minutes. |||閉じる||||||| ||também|||||||| |||завершувати|||||завершувати|| ここも閉じるべきだと思います、10分に近づいてきていますから。

It’s not that I never study vocabulary; I very often whip through my flashcards. ||||||||||bousculer||| ||||||||||quickly go through|||study aids ||||||||||passo rapidamente|rapidamente||fichas ||||||||||hızla geçmek||| ||||||||||проглядаю швидко||| ||||||||||素早く進む||| ||||||||||repasar rápidamente||| 語彙を全く学ばないということではない。私は非常によくフラッシュカードを使って学習します。 这并不是说我从不学习词汇;我经常快速浏览我的抽认卡。

At LingQ before studying a new lesson I’ll review the saved links, the words that I have already encountered before in the process of learning, some of which I have not learned, I’ll review them in flashcards. ||||||||||||||||||rencontrées|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||encontrado|||||||||||||||revisão||| ||||||||||kaydedilen||||||||karşılaştığım|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||保存した||||||||遭遇した|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||посилання|||||||зустрічав раніше||||||||||||||||||картки для запам'ятовування LingQでは、新しいレッスンを学ぶ前に保存したリンクや、学習過程で以前遭遇した単語を復習します。その中には、まだ学んでいないものもあり、フラッシュカードで復習します。 Often if I have five-10 minutes to kill while waiting somewhere I’ll review my flashcards, but I always have my flashcards with all the information on the front. ||||||||enquanto|||||||||||||||||||frente ||||||||||bir yerde||||||||||||||||| |||||||潰す||待っている間||||||||||||||||||前 ||||||||під час|очікуючи||||||||||||||||||лицьовий бік 待ち時間に5〜10分暇がある時は、フラッシュカードを見直すことが多いですが、常にフラッシュカードには表にすべての情報が載っています。 The hint, as we say, the translation on LingQ, the actual term, the translation and the captured phrase, which we capture in LingQ, I review them all on front. ||||||||||||||||||que||||||revisão|||| |İpucu|||||||||gerçek|İpucu olarak|||||yakalanan|İpucu olarak|||yakalanan|||||||| ||||||翻訳||||実際の||||||キャプチャした|フレーズ|||捕捉||||||||前 |підказка|||||||||фактичний||||||||||захоплена фраза||||переглядаю їх усі||||передній бік 私たちが言うヒント、LingQの翻訳、実際の用語、翻訳、そしてLingQでキャプチャしたフレーズ、これらすべてを表で見直します。 So, again, it’s exposure. |||exposição ですので、再度言いますが、それは露出です。

I’m not wracking my brain trying to remember what this term meant because I personally find that inefficient, tiring, stressful and boring. ||épuisant||||||||||||||||||| ||wracking||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||significava||||||||estressante||entediante ||||||||||||因為||||||||| ||den Kopf zerbrechen||||||||||||||||||| ||zorlamak|||||||||anlamına geldiği||||||verimsiz|yorucu||| ||напружую|||||||||означав/означала/означало|||особисто|||неефективним|виснажливий||| ||悩ませる|||||||||意味した||||||非効率的な|疲れる||| ||rompiéndome la cabeza||||||||||||||||agotador|||aburrido この言葉の意味を思い出そうと頭を悩ませるのは、私にとって非効率的で疲れ、ストレスがかかり、退屈なので、そうはしません。 我不会绞尽脑汁去回忆这个术语的含义,因为我个人认为这效率低下、令人疲惫、紧张且无聊。 So I always say to memorize vocabulary, give yourself more exposure mostly in interesting content. ||||||||a si mesmo|||||| だから、単語を覚えるためには、主に興味深い内容にもっと触れるように自分に言っています。 If you are going to review words of course you don’t have to do it my way, I’m just telling you what I do. |||||||||||||||私の||||伝えている|||| 言葉を復習するつもりなら、もちろん私のやり方を真似する必要はありません。私は自分がやっていることをお伝えしているだけです。 So even when I review words, say in flashcards, it’s more of an exposure activity, going through them quickly to give myself more exposure and occasionally reviewing the saved phrased that we have in LingQ. |||||||||||||||||||||||||from time to time||||||||| |||||||||||||||passando||eles||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||ara sıra||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||час від часу|переглядаю|||фрази збережені||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||時々||||フレーズ||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||exposición repetida||||||frases guardadas||||| だから、フラッシュカードで単語を復習するときも、早く目を通して自分にもっと触れる機会を与えるという、むしろ露出活動のようなものです。そして、時々LingQに保存しているフレーズを復習します。 I hope I’ll be able to do some more videos down south. 南の方でさらにビデオを作れることを願っています。

I may even try using my iPhone. ||||||iPhone'umu kullanmayı 私||||||iPhone iPhoneを使ってみるかもしれません。 I saw Richard Simcott did a video from Iceland and he seemed to have his iPhone held at a distance, so I might just try that and see how it works out. |||Simcott|||||Islandia||||||||sostenido||||||||||||||| |||Simcott|||||İzlanda'dan|||||||iPhone'unu|tutulmuş||||||||||||||| |見た||シムコット|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||Річард|Сімкотт|||||Ісландія||||||||утримуваним|||відстань|||||||||||працює|виходить リチャード・シムコットがアイスランドからビデオを撮っているのを見ましたが、彼はiPhoneを距離を置いて持っているようでした。だから私もそれを試してみて、どうなるか見てみようと思います。 Richard Simcott'un İzlanda'dan bir video çektiğini gördüm ve iPhone'unu bir mesafede tuttuğunu gördüm, bu yüzden belki ben de deneyebilirim ve nasıl çalıştığını göreyim. Anyway, I know we’ll get a lot of sunshine down there while it probably will be raining here in Vancouver. |||||||||||||muhtemelen|||||| У будь-якому разі||||отримаємо|У будь-якому разі|||сонячне світло|||||ймовірно|||йтиме дощ||| de qualquer forma||||||||sol||||||||||| とにかく||||||||日差し||||||||雨が降っている||| まあ、とにかく、バンクーバーではおそらく雨が降っている間、南の方ではたくさんの日差しを浴びることができると知っています。 Neyse ki, orada birçok güneş alacağımızı biliyorum, muhtemelen Vancouver'da yağmur yağacak. So thank you for listening, bye for now. Also danke fürs Zuhören, tschüss für jetzt. それでは、聞いてくれてありがとう。またね。 Bu yüzden dinlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim, şimdilik hoşça kalın.