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Dracula (Graded Reader), Chapter One. Count Dracula’s Castle

Chapter One. Count Dracula's Castle

Jonathan Harker's Diary – 3rd May, Bistritz

I left Munich at 8.35 in the evening on 1st May and I arrived early the next morning. My train was an hour late, so I didn't have a lot of time to visit Budapest. But, it's a lovely place. The West meets the East here: some of the places in the town are almost Turkish. The bridges over the River Danube are beautiful.

The following morning, we left on time. We arrived in Klausenburgh late in the evening. I stayed the night at the Hotel Royal. I had an excellent dinner; chicken with hot red pepper. I asked the waiter about it. It's a national dish called paprika hendl. I must ask for the recipe. I want to give it to Mina.

I'm going to meet an important man. He lives in Castle Dracula. He's a count. The castle is in the east of the country. It's between Transylvania, Moldavia and Bukovina. It's in the middle of the Carpathian Mountains. I'm going to his castle tomorrow. The count wants to buy a house in England. Mr Hawkins, my employer, has sent me here. We've found a large house for the count. It's in the village of Carfax. I have some drawings to show the count. I also took some photographs with my Kodak. It's quite an old house, but Mr Hawkins says it's perfect for the count. I hope Count Dracula likes it.

I didn't sleep very well after my dinner. My bed was comfortable, but I had a lot of strange dreams. A dog was howling under my window. It howled for a lot of the night. I was also very thirsty, perhaps because of the paprika. I had more paprika for breakfast in a dish called impletata. It was also very good. I must ask for the recipe for this dish, too.

After breakfast, I went to the station. My train was at 8 o'clock and the journey was beautiful. We passed small towns, castles, hills and rivers. It was early evening when I arrived here, in Bistritz. An old lady at the Golden Krone hotel was expecting me. She gave me a letter from Count Dracula. It has directions for my journey tomorrow.

4th May

I'm writing this while I'm waiting for the coach. The coach is going to take me to Count Dracula's castle. This morning, I asked the old lady and her husband about Count Dracula. I asked about his castle. They looked very frightened. Then they made the sign of the cross, several times. They said they didn't know anything. They didn't want to talk about it. A little later, the old lady came to speak to me, ‘Do you have to go, Sir? Do you have to go? Tomorrow is St. George's Day. Tonight, at midnight, all the bad things in the world will happen. You don't understand. Don't go, Sir. Please wait until after St. George's Day.'

Then, she took a cross from her neck. ‘For your mother,' she said and she put the cross around my neck. It was very strange. I must ask the count about it.

Ah! Here's the coach! Goodbye for now.

5th May – The Castle

I got on the coach and waited for the driver. He was talking to the old lady. They were talking about me. I didn't understand a lot of what they said, so I opened my little language dictionary. The words I heard didn't make me feel very happy. I heard stregoica – witch, then vrolok and vlkoslak – wolf or vampire! I must ask the count about this, too.

When the coach left, there were a lot of people at the coach station. They all made the sign of the cross. Then they pointed two fingers towards me. Again, I didn't feel very happy. I asked another passenger about this. He said that it was a sign against evil. The people wanted to protect me. But why? I didn't understand.

This journey was also very beautiful. The fields were green and the apple trees and cherry trees were full of flowers. In the distance, we could see the snowy mountains. The coach driver drove very fast, but sometimes the road was difficult. ‘These hills are difficult for the horses,' I said to the driver. ‘At home, we usually walk if the horses have problems. Why don't we walk?'

But the driver didn't want us to walk. ‘The dogs here are evil,' he said. ‘It's too dangerous to walk.'

It began to get dark. The driver stopped for a moment. He lit the lamps on the coach. Then, we started again. He was driving even more quickly. He seemed frightened of something. The horses seemed tired, but the driver didn't stop. He went faster and faster. We were getting near to my meeting place. The place where I had to meet Count Dracula's driver.

When we arrived, it was completely dark. There was no-one there.

All the other passengers wanted me to stay on the coach. They wanted me to go to Bukovina. Then, there was a sound in the distance. It was the sound of horses. We could see lights, too. Count Dracula's coach was coming!

The count's driver got down from the coach. He was a tall man with a large black hat. His hat covered his face, but I could see his eyes. They looked red in the light from our lamps. He went towards our driver and said, ‘Why are you so early? Did you want to miss me? Don't you want the gentleman to come with me?'

He smiled. It was a hard smile. He had very thin lips and very sharp white teeth. Our driver seemed afraid and he didn't answer.

I got onto the count's coach. The count's driver helped me. I could see that he was incredibly strong. The four huge black horses started off very fast. I was cold. I was also a little afraid. The driver put a coat around me and we went on, into the night. I looked at my watch in the light from the lamps. It was nearly midnight. In the distance, I heard a wolf howl. Then another, and another. It got louder and louder. I was afraid and the horses were afraid, too. The driver spoke to them and they became quiet. He wasn't afraid.

It got colder and colder. Snow started to fall. Suddenly, in the distance, I saw a blue light. The driver saw it, too. He got down from the coach and went towards the light. He held up his hand. The wolves stopped howling. Then, strangely, the wolves disappeared.

We drove on. Then, I saw it. The castle in the distance. Count Dracula's castle. The horses took us to the front of the castle. It was huge, dark and frightening.

The driver helped me down from the coach. Again, I saw that he was very strong. He put my bags down next to me. Then, he disappeared with the coach and horses. I was alone. I was alone in front of the huge castle door. I stood in silence and looked for a bell. I couldn't see one. I was frightened; I didn't know what to do. What kind of place was this? Where was I?

I waited and waited. It seemed like a very long time. Then I heard something. Someone was coming to the door. Slowly, the huge door opened. A tall man stood in front of me. He was holding a lamp. He had a long, white moustache and was very pale. He was dressed completely in black. He spoke to me in excellent English, ‘Welcome to my home. Please come in.'

Then he shook my hand. His hands were incredibly strong. It almost hurt me. ‘Count Dracula?' I asked.

‘Yes, I'm Dracula. Welcome to my home, Mr Harker. Come in. The night is cold and you're probably tired and hungry.'

Then he picked up my bags and I followed him. He took me up the stairs and along a long corridor. More stairs! Then along another corridor. The castle seemed dark and depressing. At the end of the second corridor, he opened a huge door. ‘Here. This is your room. I hope you'll be comfortable.'

I was happy to see the room was full of light. There was a beautiful fire. ‘Thank you. I'm sure I will be,' I said.

‘Now, when you're ready, please come downstairs for supper.'

The count left me. I washed and I changed my clothes. Then, I went downstairs to have something to eat. The food was excellent.

There was some chicken, some cheese and some salad. The count didn't eat anything. ‘I had my supper before you arrived,' he said.

While I ate my supper, I looked at the count. He was tall, with a thin, sharp nose. He had a lot of hair on his head, but he also had hair on his hands. His face was pale and his lips were blood red. His teeth were very white and very sharp. Two of them were longer. These two teeth came over his lips. They looked like a dog's teeth. He looked very strange.

‘And now you must go to bed,' said the count. ‘Sleep for as long as you want.'

In the distance, we could hear the wolves howling.

‘Listen to them. Listen to the music they make. They're like the children of the night!' said the count.

I was surprised. I didn't like the sound of the wolves.

7th May

I had a good day yesterday. I woke up late and went downstairs. Breakfast was ready. There was a note on the table.

I have to go away for some time today. Enjoy your breakfast. Do not wait for me – D.

After breakfast, I looked around the castle. It's a very strange place. A lot of the doors are locked. It's very quiet. The only sounds I hear are the sounds of the wolves. In some rooms, there's some beautiful furniture and there are some beautiful pictures. In other rooms, some of the furniture is dirty and old. I haven't seen any servants. Strangely, there are no mirrors in the castle. I used my small travel mirror to shave this morning.

This afternoon, I found a kind of library. I was very happy to find some English books in there. The count says I can use the library at any time. I can also go into any rooms in the castle, except the rooms which are locked.

In the evening, he asked me about the great house in Carfax. I told him about it. I showed him my Kodak photographs of it. It's not a very nice place. It's old and big and a little bit depressing. It has an old chapel in the gardens. There's a psychiatric hospital near it, but there aren't many houses. The count thinks that's a good thing. He doesn't like places which are full of people. He likes old places. He seems happy with it. I still think he's a very strange man. Again, we talked until late. Again, I had my supper alone. The count didn't eat with me.

8th May

I woke up late this morning. I seem to be living my life at night, not during the day. While I was shaving, the count came into my room. I was surprised, so I cut myself. I couldn't see him in my mirror! I turned around and he saw the blood on my face. He tried to attack me. He seemed to want my blood! Then, his hand touched the cross on my neck. He moved back. Almost immediately, he became calm. Then, he surprised me again. He took my mirror and threw it out of the window. It broke into a thousand pieces. Now, how am I going to shave?

I had my breakfast alone. The count wasn't there. It's strange, I've never seen him eat or drink. After breakfast, I looked around the castle some more. It's on the edge of a very high cliff. Below it, there's a huge forest. More importantly, there isn't an exit. All the doors are locked. The only way out is through the very high windows. An impossible exit. It's a prison and I'm a prisoner. I'm a prisoner here!

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Chapter One. Count Dracula's Castle Section||Nobleman|of Dracula|Dracula's fortress 章節|||| Bölüm|||| ||카운트|| 章节||伯爵|德古拉的|城堡 Kapitola|Jedna|hrabě|Draculy|Hrad Capítulo|||| פרק|||| الفصل الأول. قلعة الكونت دراكولا Kapitola první. Hrad hraběte Drákuly Erstes Kapitel. Das Schloss des Grafen Dracula Κεφάλαιο πρώτο. Το κάστρο του κόμη Δράκουλα Chapter One. Count Dracula's Castle Capítulo I. El castillo del Conde Drácula Chapitre 1. Le château du comte Dracula Capitolo 1. Il castello del conte Dracula 第一章ドラキュラ伯爵の城 제1장. 드라큘라 백작의 성 Pirmas skyrius. Grafo Drakulos pilis Rozdział pierwszy. Zamek hrabiego Draculi Capítulo Um. O castelo do Conde Drácula Глава 1. Замок графа Дракулы Birinci Bölüm. Kont Drakula'nın Şatosu Розділ перший. Замок графа Дракули 第一章。德古拉伯爵的城堡 第一章。德古拉伯爵的城堡

Jonathan Harker's Diary – 3rd May, Bistritz Jonathan Harker's Diary||Journal entry||Month of May|A town name ||Tagebuch||| 乔纳森|哈克的|日记|第三|五月|比斯特里茨 Johan||||| |de Harker||||Bistritz יונתן|של האקר||||ביסטריצה يوميات جوناثان هاركر - 3 مايو ، بيستريتز Tagebuch von Jonathan Harker - 3. Mai, Bistritz Diario de Jonathan Harker - 3 de mayo, Bistritz Diário de Jonathan Harker - 3 de maio, Bistritz Дневник Джонатана Харкера - 3 мая, Бистриц Jonathan Harker'ın Günlüğü - 3 Mayıs, Bistritz 乔纳森·哈克的日记——5 月 3 日,比斯特里茨

I left Munich at 8.35 in the evening on 1st May and I arrived early the next morning. |||||||||||||||next| the speaker|departed from Munich|the city||||nighttime||||||got there|||following|next day morning eu||Munique|||||||||||||| ||慕尼黑|||||||||||||| ich|verließ||||||||||ich|angekommen|||| ||뮌헨을|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||early||| ||||||akşam|||||||||| |离开|慕尼黑|在|||晚上||5月||||到达|早||第二天| ||Mnichov||||||||||dorazil|brzy||další| |me fui|Múnich||||noche|||||||||| |||||ה-||||||||||| غادرت ميونيخ في الساعة 8.35 مساء يوم 1 مايو ووصلت في وقت مبكر من صباح اليوم التالي. Z Mnichova jsem odletěl 1. května v 8.35 večer a do Mnichova jsem dorazil druhý den brzy ráno. Ich verließ München am 1. Mai um 8.35 Uhr abends und kam am nächsten Morgen früh an. I left Munich at 8.35 in the evening on 1st May and I arrived early the next morning. Salí de Múnich a las 8.35 de la tarde del 1 de mayo y llegué temprano a la mañana siguiente. Parti de Munique no dia 1 de maio às 8.35 da noite e cheguei no dia seguinte de manhã cedo. Я выехал из Мюнхена в 8.35 вечера 1 мая и прибыл рано утром следующего дня. Münih'ten 1 Mayıs akşamı 8.35'te ayrıldım ve ertesi sabah erkenden Münih'e vardım. Tôi rời Munich lúc 8h35 tối ngày 1 tháng 5 và đến nơi vào sáng sớm hôm sau. 我于 5 月 1 日晚上 8 点 35 分离开慕尼黑,第二天早上到达。 My train was an hour late, so I didn't have a lot of time to visit Budapest. The train I took|railway vehicle|arrived an hour late|one single|60 minutes|delayed by an hour|as a result|||||||||explore|the capital city Mein|||||||||||||Zeit||| ||||||||||||||||부다페스트를 방문할 |火车|是||小时|晚|所以||没|有||很多|的|时间||参观|布达佩斯 |vlak||||pozdě|||nebyl jsem|||||||| |||||||||||mucho||||| ||||שעה||||לא היה לי|היה לי||||||| تأخر قطاري ساعة ، لذلك لم يكن لدي متسع من الوقت لزيارة بودابست. Můj vlak měl hodinu zpoždění, takže jsem neměl moc času na prohlídku Budapešti. Mein Zug hatte eine Stunde Verspätung, so dass ich nicht viel Zeit hatte, Budapest zu besichtigen. Mi tren llegó con una hora de retraso, así que no tuve mucho tiempo para visitar Budapest. Il mio treno era in ritardo di un'ora, quindi non ho avuto molto tempo per visitare Budapest. O meu comboio atrasou-se uma hora, pelo que não tive muito tempo para visitar Budapeste. Мой поезд опоздал на час, поэтому у меня было мало времени на осмотр Будапешта. Trenim bir saat gecikti, bu yüzden Budapeşte'yi gezmek için çok fazla zamanım olmadı. 我的火车晚点了一个小时,所以我没有太多时间去参观布达佩斯。 But, it's a lovely place. |||pěkné|místo 但是|这是||可爱的|地方 |||beautiful|beautiful location אבל|||| لكنه مكان جميل. Ale je to krásné místo. Aber es ist ein schöner Ort. Pero es un lugar encantador. Mas é um sítio encantador. Но это прекрасное место. Ama çok güzel bir yer. 但这是一个可爱的地方。 The West meets the East here: some of the places in the town are almost Turkish. |Western culture||||||||locations|||small urban area||nearly|Middle Eastern ||||||||||||||fast| |West|||||||||||||| |西方|相遇||东|这里|一些|||地方|||小镇||几乎|土耳其的 |západ|setkává||||||||||||skoro| |Oeste|se encuentra con||||||||||pueblo||casi|turcos ||||המזרח|כאן|||||||עיר||| هنا يلتقي الغرب بالشرق: بعض الأماكن في المدينة تكاد تكون تركية. Západ se tu potkává s Východem: některá místa ve městě jsou téměř turecká. Hier trifft der Westen auf den Osten: Einige Orte in der Stadt sind fast türkisch. The West meets the East here: some of the places in the town are almost Turkish. Aquí Occidente se encuentra con Oriente: algunos lugares de la ciudad son casi turcos. Aqui, o Ocidente encontra-se com o Oriente: alguns dos locais da cidade são quase turcos. Здесь Запад встречается с Востоком: некоторые места в городе почти турецкие. Batı burada Doğu ile buluşuyor: kasabadaki bazı yerler neredeyse Türk. Тут Захід зустрічається зі Сходом: деякі місця в місті майже турецькі. 西方和东方在这里交汇:镇上的一些地方几乎都是土耳其风格的。 The bridges over the River Danube are beautiful. |river crossings|||flowing water body|||stunning |||||Donau|| |||||||güzel |ponti|||||| |桥梁|在…上||河流|多瑙河||美丽的 |mosty|přes||||| Mosty přes Dunaj jsou nádherné. Die Brücken über die Donau sind wunderschön. Los puentes sobre el Danubio son preciosos. As pontes sobre o rio Danúbio são lindas. Мосты через реку Дунай очень красивы. Tuna Nehri üzerindeki köprüler çok güzel. 多瑙河上的桥梁非常美丽。

The following morning, we left on time. |následující|||odešli|| |第二天|早晨|我们||上|准时 ||||||pünktlich The next|||my group||| |siguiente||||| Druhý den ráno jsme vyrazili včas. Am nächsten Morgen brachen wir pünktlich auf. A la mañana siguiente, salimos puntuales. Na manhã seguinte, partimos a horas. На следующее утро мы выехали вовремя. Ertesi sabah tam zamanında yola çıktık. Sáng hôm sau, chúng tôi khởi hành đúng giờ. 第二天早上,我们准时出发。 We arrived in Klausenburgh late in the evening. |dorazili||Klužišťa|pozdě||| |到达||克劳森堡|||| |||클라우젠부르크에|||| Do Klausenburgu jsme dorazili pozdě večer. Wir kamen am späten Abend in Klausenburgh an. Llegamos a Klausenburgh a última hora de la tarde. Chegámos a Klausenburgh ao fim da tarde. В Клаузенбург мы прибыли поздно вечером. Akşam geç saatlerde Klausenburgh'a vardık. 我们傍晚时分抵达克劳森堡。 I stayed the night at the Hotel Royal. |zůstal|||||| |住||一晚|||皇家酒店|皇家 |blieb|||||| |spent the night||overnight stay|||lodging establishment|Hotel name |me quedé|||||| Přespal jsem v hotelu Royal. Ich habe die Nacht im Hotel Royal verbracht. Pasé la noche en el Hotel Royal. Passei a noite no Hotel Royal. Я остановился на ночь в отеле Hotel Royal. Geceyi Hotel Royal'de geçirdim. 我在皇家酒店过夜。 I had an excellent dinner; chicken with hot red pepper. |имел||||pollo|||| |enjoyed||delicious|evening meal|spicy chicken dish|accompanied by||spicy red pepper| |吃了||极好的||鸡肉|配|辣|红色的|辣椒 |měl|||večeře||||| |tuve||excelente|cena excelente|||||pimiento picante rojo |היה לי|||||||| Měla jsem výbornou večeři; kuře s pálivou červenou paprikou. Ich hatte ein ausgezeichnetes Abendessen: Huhn mit scharfem rotem Pfeffer. Tuve una cena excelente; pollo con pimiento rojo picante. Mükemmel bir akşam yemeği yedim; acı kırmızı biberli tavuk. 我吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐:辣椒鸡。 I asked the waiter about it. |问了||服务员|关于| |inquired of||restaurant server|| |||cameriere|| |pregunté||Le pregunté al camarero.|sobre| Zeptal jsem se na to číšníka. Ich habe den Kellner danach gefragt. I asked the waiter about it. Se lo pregunté al camarero. Я спросил об этом официанта. Garsona sordum. 我向服务员询问了这件事。 It's a national dish called paprika hendl. ||country's traditional|traditional food item||paprika|chicken dish |||||파프리카 헨들| ||||||pollo ||国家的|菜肴|叫做|红椒|鸡肉 |||jídlo|||kuře ||||llamado|pimentón|pollo al pimentón Je to národní jídlo zvané paprika hendl. Es ist ein Nationalgericht, das Paprika-Hendl genannt wird. Es un plato nacional llamado paprika hendl. Это национальное блюдо называется "паприка хендл". Paprika hendl adında ulusal bir yemek. Đó là một món ăn dân tộc được gọi là paprika hendl. 这是一种名为“paprika hendl”的印度菜。 I must ask for the recipe. |必须||||食谱 |||||cooking instructions |debo|pedir||| Musím požádat o recept. Ich muss nach dem Rezept fragen. Debo pedir la receta. Я должен попросить рецепт. Tarifini istemeliyim. Tôi phải hỏi công thức. 我一定要问一下菜谱。 I want to give it to Mina. |||dát||| |||给|||米娜 |Quiero||dar||| |||תן||| Chci ho dát Mině. Ich möchte es Mina geben. Quiero dárselo a Mina. Quero dá-lo à Mina. Я хочу подарить его Мине. Mina'ya vermek istiyorum. 我想把它送给米娜。

I'm going to meet an important man. Jsem|jdu|||nějakého|důležitý|muž 我|去||见||重要的|重要的人 |||treffen||| I am|||encounter||significant|important person Jdu se setkat s důležitým mužem. Voy a reunirme con un hombre importante. Sto per incontrare un uomo importante. Я иду на встречу с важным человеком. Önemli bir adamla buluşacağım. Я збираюся зустрітися з важливою людиною. 我要去见一位重要的人。 He lives in Castle Dracula. ||||Dracula 他|住|||德拉库拉城 ||||드라큘라 성 Žije na hradě Drákula. Vive en el Castillo de Drácula. Он живет в замке Дракулы. He's a count. On je||hrabě 他是||伯爵 ||Graf He is||nobleman ||Es un conde. Je to hrabě. Er ist ein Graf. Es un conde. Он - граф. O bir kont. Він граф. Anh ấy là một bá tước. 他是一位伯爵。 The castle is in the east of the country. |||||východě|||země ||||||||国家 |||||eastern part||| Hrad se nachází na východě země. El castillo está en el este del país. Замок находится на востоке страны. Kale ülkenin doğusundadır. 这座城堡位于该国东部。 It's between Transylvania, Moldavia and Bukovina. |mezi|Transylvánie|Moldavsko||Bukovina |在之间|特兰西瓦尼|摩尔多瓦||布科维纳 |||몰다비아||부코비나 Nachází se mezi Transylvánií, Moldavskem a Bukovinou. Está entre Transilvania, Moldavia y Bucovina. Он находится между Трансильванией, Молдавией и Буковиной. Transilvanya, Moldavya ve Bukovina arasında. 它位于特兰西瓦尼亚、摩尔达维亚和布科维纳之间。 It's in the middle of the Carpathian Mountains. Je to|||střed|||karpatský|hory |||中间|||喀尔巴|喀尔巴 ||||||Karpaten| ||||||카르파티아 산맥| ||||||Eastern European|mountain range Está en medio de los Cárpatos. Он находится в центре Карпатских гор. Karpat Dağları'nın ortasında. 它位于喀尔巴阡山脉中部。 I'm going to his castle tomorrow. |jdu|do|jeho||zítra |||他的||明天 ich||||| |||||the next day Mañana iré a su castillo. Завтра я еду в его замок. Yarın onun kalesine gidiyorum. 我明天要去他的城堡。 The count wants to buy a house in England. ten||chce||koupit||||Anglii ||||买||||英格兰 ||||purchase||residence||United Kingdom El conde quiere comprar una casa en Inglaterra. Граф хочет купить дом в Англии. Kont İngiltere'de bir ev almak istiyor. Граф хоче купити будинок в Англії. 伯爵想在英国买一栋房子。 Mr Hawkins, my employer, has sent me here. |||Arbeitgeber|||| |호킨스 씨|||||| |||datore di lavoro|||| 霍金斯先生|霍金斯||雇主|已|派|| Pan|Hawkins||zaměstnavatel|má|poslal|| |||empleador|||| El Sr. Hawkins, mi empleador, me ha enviado aquí. Мистер Хокинс, мой работодатель, направил меня сюда. Bay Hawkins, işverenim, beni buraya gönderdi. Містер Хокінс, мій роботодавець, відправив мене сюди. 我的雇主霍金斯先生派我来这里。 We've found a large house for the count. našli jsme|našli||velký|||| 我们已经|找到了||大房子|||| |discovered|||||| |||||위한|| Hemos encontrado una casa grande para el recuento. Abbiamo trovato una casa grande per il conteggio. Encontrámos uma casa grande para a contagem. Мы нашли большой дом для графа. Sayım için büyük bir ev bulduk. Ми знайшли великий будинок для графа. Chúng tôi đã tìm thấy một ngôi nhà lớn cho bá tước. 我们为伯爵找到了一栋大房子。 It's in the village of Carfax. |||vesnice||Carfax |||村庄||卡法克斯 |||Dorf||Carfax Está en el pueblo de Carfax. Он находится в поселке Карфакс. Carfax köyünde. 它位于卡尔法克斯村。 I have some drawings to show the count. |||sketches|||| |||||mostrar|| ich|habe||Zeichnungen||zeigen|| |||画作||给|| ||některé|náčrty||ukázat||počet |||||mostrar|| Ich habe einige Zeichnungen, um die Anzahl zu zeigen. Tengo algunos dibujos para mostrar el recuento. У меня есть несколько рисунков, чтобы показать расчет. Sayımı göstermek için bazı çizimlerim var. 我有一些图画来显示数量。 I also took some photographs with my Kodak. |také|vyfotil jsem||fotografie|s mým||Kodak ||拍了||照片|||柯达相机 |auch|machte|||||Kodak ||||pictures|||camera or film Ich habe auch einige Fotos mit meiner Kodak gemacht. También tomé algunas fotografías con mi Kodak. Я также сделал несколько фотографий на свой Kodak. Kodak'ımla birkaç fotoğraf da çektim. 我还用我的柯达相机拍了一些照片。 It's quite an old house, but Mr Hawkins says it's perfect for the count. |docela||starý|||||říká||dokonalý|||hrabě |相当||老|||||说||完美||| |bastante|||||||||||| Es una casa bastante antigua, pero el Sr. Hawkins dice que es perfecta para el conde. Это довольно старый дом, но, по словам г-на Хокинса, он идеально подходит для этой цели. Oldukça eski bir ev ama Bay Hawkins kontluk için mükemmel olduğunu söylüyor. 这是一座相当古老的房子,但霍金斯先生说它非常适合伯爵。 I hope Count Dracula likes it. ||||má rád| |希望||德古拉伯爵|喜欢| |Espero|||| Espero que le guste al Conde Drácula. Надеюсь, графу Дракуле это понравится. Umarım Kont Drakula beğenir. 我希望德古拉伯爵喜欢它。

I didn't sleep very well after my dinner. ||nespal|||po|| ||睡觉||好|吃完晚饭后|| |||sehr|||| |||||following my dinner|| ||||bien||| Po večeři jsem moc dobře nespal. Nach dem Abendessen habe ich nicht sehr gut geschlafen. No dormí muy bien después de cenar. Non ho dormito molto bene dopo la cena. После ужина я плохо спал. Yemekten sonra pek iyi uyuyamadım. 晚饭后我睡得不是很好。 My bed was comfortable, but I had a lot of strange dreams. |postel||pohodlný|||||||podivné|sny |||cozy and relaxing|||||||unusual|unusual sleep visions ||||||||||extraños| Moje postel byla pohodlná, ale zdály se mi divné sny. Mi cama era cómoda, pero tuve muchos sueños extraños. Кровать была удобной, но мне снилось много странных снов. Yatağım rahattı ama bir sürü tuhaf rüya gördüm. 我的床很舒服,但我做了很多奇怪的梦。 A dog was howling under my window. |canine||baying loudly|||my house's window |||heulen||| |||uluyan||| |||ululante||| |||在嚎叫||| |pes||vytí|pod||okno |||aullando||| Pod oknem mi vyl pes. Un perro aullaba bajo mi ventana. Под моим окном завыла собака. Penceremin altında bir köpek uluyordu. Một con chó đang hú dưới cửa sổ của tôi. 一只狗在我的窗下嚎叫。 It howled for a lot of the night. |cried out loudly|||||| |heulte|||||| |uludu|||||| |ululò|||||| |嚎叫|||||| Ono|vydával hrozný zvuk|||||| |Aulló|||||| Aulló durante gran parte de la noche. Большую часть ночи он завывал. Gecenin büyük bir bölümünde uludu. 它嚎叫了整整一夜。 I was also very thirsty, perhaps because of the paprika. |||||||из-за|| ||||||due to||| ||||durstig|vielleicht|||| |||||아마|||| ||||molto assetato|forse|||| ||||口渴|||||辣椒粉 ||||žíznivý|možná|možná kvůli||| |||||quizás|||| También tenía mucha sed, quizás por el pimentón. Мне также очень хотелось пить, возможно, из-за паприки. Ayrıca çok susamıştım, belki de kırmızı biber yüzünden. 我还非常口渴,也许是因为辣椒粉的缘故。 I had more paprika for breakfast in a dish called impletata. ||||||||||omeleta |||红椒粉||早餐|||||印普莱塔 ||||||||||Impletata ||||||||||scrambled eggs ||||||||||impletata Zum Frühstück hatte ich mehr Paprika in einem Gericht namens Impletata. Desayuné más pimentón en un plato llamado impletata. Ho mangiato altra paprika a colazione in un piatto chiamato impletata. На завтрак я ел еще паприку в блюде под названием "имплетата". Kahvaltıda impletata adlı bir yemekte daha fazla kırmızı biber yedim. 我在早餐时吃了一道叫 impletata 的菜,里面添加了更多的辣椒粉。 It was also very good. Это|||| |had been||| ||también|| También estuvo muy bien. O da çok iyiydi. 它也非常好。 I must ask for the recipe for this dish, too. |||||recept|||| |||||食谱||这道菜||也 |||||receta|||plato|también Yo también tengo que pedir la receta de este plato. 我也必须要问一下这道菜的菜谱。

After breakfast, I went to the station. |||去|||车站 |||headed to|||train stop Después de desayunar, fui a la estación. Kahvaltıdan sonra istasyona gittim. 吃完早饭,我就去了车站。 My train was at 8 o'clock and the journey was beautiful. ||||hodin|||cesta|| ||||点|||||美丽的 |||||||Reise|| ||||eight hours||||| |||||||viaje|| Mi tren salía a las 8 y el viaje fue precioso. Trenim saat 8'deydi ve yolculuk çok güzeldi. 我的火车是八点的,旅途很美好。 We passed small towns, castles, hills and rivers. |prošli jsme|malé|města|hrady|||řeky |经过了|小|小镇|城堡|山丘|| |wir passierten|||||| |||villages|historic fortresses|elevated landforms||flowing water bodies Pasamos por pequeños pueblos, castillos, colinas y ríos. Küçük kasabalardan, kalelerden, tepelerden ve nehirlerden geçtik. 我们经过了小镇、城堡、山丘和河流。 It was early evening when I arrived here, in Bistritz. ||brzy||||přijel|||Bistritz ||||当||到达|||比斯特里 It was early evening when I arrived here, in Bistritz. Era temprano por la noche cuando llegué aquí, a Bistritz. Buraya, Bistritz'e geldiğimde akşamın erken saatleriydi. 我抵达比斯特里茨时,已是傍晚时分。 An old lady at the Golden Krone hotel was expecting me. ||elderly woman|||prestigious||||| |||||||||erwartete| ||||||크로네 호텔|||| ||老太太|||金色的|金色克朗酒店|||在等待| ||starší paní||||koruna|hotel||čekala| |||||||||esperando| An old lady at the Golden Krone hotel was expecting me. Una anciana del hotel Golden Krone me estaba esperando. Golden Krone otelindeki yaşlı bir kadın beni bekliyordu. 金冠酒店的一位老太太正在等我。 She gave me a letter from Count Dracula. The woman||||||| |deu|||||| ||||||Graf| |||||||Dracula |给了||||来自|| |dala|||dopis||| Dala mi dopis od hraběte Drákuly. Me dio una carta del Conde Drácula. Bana Kont Drakula'dan bir mektup verdi. 她给了我一封德古拉伯爵的信。 It has directions for my journey tomorrow. ||pokyny|||cesta|zítra ||路线说明|||| Es||Anweisungen|||Reise| Tiene indicaciones para mi viaje de mañana. Ha le indicazioni per il mio viaggio di domani. В нем указаны направления моего завтрашнего путешествия. Yarınki yolculuğum için talimatlar var. Nó có hướng dẫn cho cuộc hành trình của tôi vào ngày mai. 它有我明天的行程路线指引。

4th May 4| 的|五月 4일| 4 de mayo 5月4日

I'm writing this while I'm waiting for the coach. |psaní||zatímco||čekám|||autobus |写||||等教练|||长途汽车 ich|||während||||| |||||anticipating the bus|||bus ||||||||autobus Escribo esto mientras espero al entrenador. Bunu koçu beklerken yazıyorum. Я пишу це, поки чекаю на тренера. 我在等教练的时候写下这篇文章。 The coach is going to take me to Count Dracula's castle. |autobus|je|||vzít||||| |||||带||||| |Bus||||bringen||||| |Horse-drawn carriage||||accompany||||| |||va a||||||| Die Kutsche wird mich zu Graf Draculas Schloss bringen. El autocar me va a llevar al castillo del Conde Drácula. Araba beni Kont Drakula'nın şatosuna götürecek. Автобус відвезе мене до замку графа Дракули. 马车要带我去德古拉伯爵的城堡。 This morning, I asked the old lady and her husband about Count Dracula. |dnes ráno||||||||manžel||| ||||||||她|丈夫|||德古拉 ||||||||the old lady's|her spouse||| ||||||señora mayor|||||| Heute Morgen habe ich die alte Dame und ihren Mann nach Graf Dracula gefragt. Esta mañana he preguntado a la anciana y a su marido por el conde Drácula. Bu sabah yaşlı kadına ve kocasına Kont Drakula'yı sordum. 今天早上,我向那位老太太和她的丈夫询问了德古拉伯爵的情况。 I asked about his castle. |zeptal se||| Le pregunté por su castillo. Kalesini sordum. 我询问了他的城堡。 They looked very frightened. |||very scared |||korkmuş |||ängstlich |||겁에 질린 |||spaventati 他们|看起来||害怕的 Oni|vypadali||vyděšení |parecían||Muy asustados Parecían muy asustados. Çok korkmuş görünüyorlardı. 他们看上去非常害怕。 Then they made the sign of the cross, several times. Pak||udělali||znamení|||kříž|několikrát|několikrát 然后||做了||十字架的标|||十字架|| Dann||machten||||||mehrere| ||performed||gesture|||Christian gesture||multiple instances ||||señal|||la cruz|| Luego se persignaron varias veces. Затем они несколько раз осенили себя крестным знамением. Sonra birkaç kez haç işareti yaptılar. Потім вони кілька разів перехрестилися. Sau đó họ làm dấu thánh giá nhiều lần. 然后他们多次画下十字架。 They said they didn't know anything. Oni|řekli|||vědět|nic |说||||任何事情 |||||nichts ||||be aware of| Dijeron que no sabían nada. Hiçbir şey bilmediklerini söylediler. 他们说他们什么都不知道。 They didn't want to talk about it. ||chtěli|||| ||||谈论|| No querían hablar de ello. Bu konuda konuşmak istemediler. 他们不想谈论此事。 A little later, the old lady came to speak to me, ‘Do you have to go, Sir? ||o chvilku později||||přišla|||||||||odejít| ||稍后||||过来||||||||||先生 ||||||kam|||||müssen||||| |shortly after|shortly after||||||||||||||gentleman |Un poco|Más tarde|||||||||||||| Wenig später kam die alte Dame zu mir und fragte: "Müssen Sie gehen, Sir? Poco después, la anciana vino a hablarme: "¿Tiene que irse, señor? Poco dopo, la vecchia signora venne a parlarmi: "Deve andare, signore? Biraz sonra yaşlı kadın benimle konuşmaya geldi, 'Gitmek zorunda mısınız efendim? 过了一会儿,老太太过来跟我说话:“先生,您一定要走吗?” Do you have to go? ||||jít ¿Tienes que irte? Gitmek zorunda mısın? Bạn phải đi à? Tomorrow is St. Mañana es St. Amanhã é dia de St. Yarın St. 明天是圣。 George's Day. |den 乔治的| |George's celebration day di George| George's Day. 聖喬日。 Tonight, at midnight, all the bad things in the world will happen. Dnes v noci||půlnoc|všechny|||věci|||svět|se stanou|se stanou 今晚||午夜|||坏事|事情|||世界||发生 Heute Nacht||Mitternacht|alle||||||||geschehen This evening||12:00 AM|||negative events|events or actions|||the entire planet||take place Esta noche||medianoche|||malas||||||ocurrirán Esta noche, a medianoche, pasarán todas las cosas malas del mundo. Bu gece, gece yarısı, dünyadaki tüm kötü şeyler olacak. Сьогодні опівночі станеться все найгірше, що є у світі. 今晚午夜,世界上所有坏事都将发生。 You don't understand. |nechápeš|rozumíš ||理解 Anlamıyorsun. 你不明白。 Don't go, Sir. Nechoď|| No se vaya, señor. Gitmeyin, efendim. 先生,别走。 Please wait until after St. |čekej|až|| |等待|直到|| |Hold on||| Por favor, espere hasta después de St. Lütfen St. 请等到圣之后。 George's Day.' 乔治的| Georges| George's Day'. 乔治日。’

Then, she took a cross from her neck. |||||||krku ||||十字架|||脖子上 ||nahm|||||Hals ||||a crucifix|||around her neck Entonces||sacó||||| Dann nahm sie ein Kreuz von ihrem Hals. Luego, tomó una cruz de su cuello. Depois, tirou uma cruz do pescoço. Sonra boynundan bir haç çıkardı. Sau đó, cô ấy lấy một cây thánh giá từ cổ mình. 然后,她从脖子上取下一个十字架。 ‘For your mother,' she said and she put the cross around my neck. ||matka|||||dal|||kolem|| |||||||||十字架|在||脖子上 Für|||||||legte||||| ||your mom||||||||on|| Für deine Mutter", sagte sie und legte mir das Kreuz um den Hals. Para tu madre', dijo y me puso la cruz alrededor del cuello. 'Para a tua mãe', disse ela e pôs-me a cruz ao pescoço. 'Annen için' dedi ve haçı boynuma taktı. "Для твоєї мами", - сказала вона і почепила хрестик мені на шию. “Tặng mẹ anh,” cô nói và quàng cây thánh giá quanh cổ tôi. “为你的母亲,”她说完,把十字架挂在我的脖子上。 It was very strange. |||podivné |||unusual Era muy extraño. Çok garipti. Це було дуже дивно. I must ask the count about it. |musím|zeptat||hrabě|o tom| ||||nobleman|| Debo preguntárselo al conde. Bunu konta sormalıyım. Треба запитати про це у графа. 我必须向伯爵询问此事。

Ah! Ach Here's the coach! ||教练 ||Here’s the bus! ||¡Aquí está el entrenador! ¡Aquí está el entrenador! İşte koç! 教练来了! Goodbye for now. Na shledanou||nyní ||暂时 See you later.|| Adiós por ahora. Şimdilik hoşça kalın. 暂时再见。

5th May – The Castle 第|五月|| 5 de mayo - El Castillo

I got on the coach and waited for the driver. |nastoupil|||||čekal|||řidič |||||||||司机 |boarded|||bus||||| Subí al autocar y esperé al conductor. Entrei no autocarro e esperei pelo motorista. Otobüse bindim ve şoförü bekledim. 我上了长途汽车并等候司机。 He was talking to the old lady. ||mluvil|k||| Hablaba con la anciana. Ele estava a falar com a senhora idosa. Yaşlı kadınla konuşuyordu. Він розмовляв зі старенькою. 他正在和那位老太太说话。 They were talking about me. |byli|mluvili|o| |在||| ||reden|| Hablaban de mí. Benim hakkımda konuşuyorlardı. Вони говорили про мене. 他们正在谈论我。 I didn't understand a lot of what they said, so I opened my little language dictionary. |||||||||||otevřel|||jazyk|slovník |||||||||||||||字典 ||||||||||||||Wörterbuch|Wörterbuch |||||||||||abrí|||| No entendía mucho de lo que decían, así que abrí mi pequeño diccionario de idiomas. Não percebia muito do que diziam, por isso abri o meu pequeno dicionário de línguas. Söylediklerinin çoğunu anlamadım, bu yüzden küçük dil sözlüğümü açtım. 他们说的很多话我都听不懂,于是我打开了我的小语言词典。 The words I heard didn't make me feel very happy. |||听到|||||| |||hörte|||||| |Las palabras|||||||| Las palabras que oí no me hicieron sentir muy feliz. As palavras que ouvi não me fizeram sentir muito feliz. Duyduğum sözler beni pek mutlu etmedi. 我听到的话让我感觉不太开心。 I heard stregoica – witch, then vrolok and vlkoslak – wolf or vampire! ||witch|sorceress|||||werewolf or vampire|| |||cadı||||||| ||Hexe|Hex||Vampir||Wolf oder Vampir|Wolf oder Vampir|| ||마녀||||||||흡혈귀 |||||吸血鬼|||狼|或|吸血鬼 ||bruja||||||lobo|| He oído stregoica - bruja, luego vrolok y vlkoslak - ¡lobo o vampiro! Ouvi stregoica - bruxa, depois vrolok e vlkoslak - lobo ou vampiro! Stregoica'yı duydum - cadı, sonra vrolok ve vlkoslak - kurt veya vampir! 我听到的是 stregoica——女巫,然后是 vrolok 和 vlkoslak——狼或吸血鬼! I must ask the count about this, too. ||||nobleman||| |||||||también Debo preguntarle al conde sobre esto también. Também tenho de perguntar ao conde sobre isto. Bunu konta da sormalıyım. 我也必须向伯爵询问此事。

When the coach left, there were a lot of people at the coach station. ||||那里|||||人|||| |the|||||||||||bus|bus terminal ||otobüs|gitti|||||||||| ||||allí|había|||||||autobús| Cuando salió el autocar, había mucha gente en la estación. Quando il pullman è partito, c'era molta gente alla stazione dei pullman. Quando o autocarro partiu, havia muita gente na estação de autocarros. Когда автобус отъехал, на автобусной станции было много людей. Otobüs ayrıldığında, otobüs durağında çok sayıda insan vardı. Коли автобус від'їхав, на автостанції було багато людей. 旅游车开走的时候,长途汽车站里挤满了人。 They all made the sign of the cross. Todos se persignaron. Todos fizeram o sinal da cruz. Hepsi haç işareti yaptı. Всі вони перехрестилися. 他们都画了十字。 Then they pointed two fingers towards me. |||两根||| Dann||zeigten||Finger|| ||gestured with||index and middle|in my direction| Entonces|||||| Entonces me señalaron con dos dedos. Poi hanno puntato due dita verso di me. Depois apontaram dois dedos na minha direção. Sonra iki parmaklarıyla beni işaret ettiler. Потім вони вказали на мене двома пальцями. 然后他们用两根手指指着我。 Again, I didn't feel very happy. Wieder||||| Once more||||| Otra vez||||| De nuevo, no me sentía muy feliz. Mais uma vez, não me senti muito feliz. Yine kendimi pek mutlu hissetmedim. 我又一次感觉不太开心。 I asked another passenger about this. ||další|cestující|| ||另一位||| Se lo pregunté a otro pasajero. Ho chiesto a un altro passeggero di parlarne. Perguntei isto a outro passageiro. Başka bir yolcuya bunu sordum. 我向另一位乘客询问了此事。 He said that it was a sign against evil. ||že|||||proti| ||||||标志|反对| |||||||gegen|das Böse |||||||en contra de|maldad Dijo que era una señal contra el mal. Ele disse que era um sinal contra o mal. Bunun kötülüğe karşı bir işaret olduğunu söyledi. Він сказав, що це був знак проти зла. 他说这是抵制邪恶的标志。 The people wanted to protect me. ||chtěli||ochránit| ||想要||| Die||||schützen| ||querían||| La gente quería protegerme. As pessoas queriam proteger-me. İnsanlar beni korumak istedi. 人们想保护我。 But why? |proč |为什么 |¿Pero por qué? Pero, ¿por qué? Mas porquê? Ama neden? I didn't understand. Não estava a perceber. Anlamadım.

This journey was also very beautiful. |cesta|||| Este viaje también fue muy bonito. Esta viagem também foi muito bonita. Bu yolculuk da çok güzeldi. The fields were green and the apple trees and cherry trees were full of flowers. |pole||zelené|||jablko|||třešeň|stromy||plné||květiny |田野||绿色的|||苹果|树||樱桃|||开满||花 |||||||||siniguelas||||| |open areas||lush with vegetation|||fruit-bearing tree|fruit-bearing plants||fruit-bearing tree|||||blossoms |campi||||||||||||| Los campos estaban verdes y los manzanos y cerezos llenos de flores. Os campos eram verdes e as macieiras e cerejeiras estavam cheias de flores. Tarlalar yemyeşildi, elma ve kiraz ağaçları çiçeklerle doluydu. 田野绿油油的,苹果树和樱桃树上开满了花。 In the distance, we could see the snowy mountains. ||dálce||mohli|vidět||sněžné| ||远处||能够|||雪山的| |||||||nabalot ng niyebe| ||Entfernung|||||verschneiten| |||||||covered in snow| A lo lejos se veían las montañas nevadas. Ao longe, avistavam-se as montanhas nevadas. Uzakta karlı dağları görebiliyorduk. The coach driver drove very fast, but sometimes the road was difficult. |||||at high speed||at times||path or street||challenging |||fuhr||||||||schwierig |||운전했다|||||||| |||开车||很快||有时||||困难 |tsuper||nagmaneho|||||||| |||řídil||||někdy||silnice||náročná El conductor del autocar conducía muy rápido, pero a veces la carretera era difícil. O condutor do autocarro conduzia muito depressa, mas por vezes a estrada era difícil. 旅游车司机开得很快,但有时路况较差。 ‘These hills are difficult for the horses,' I said to the driver. ||||||koně||řekl jsem||| ||是||||马||||| ||||||mga kabayo||||| The hills here|||challenging|||the animals||||| Estas colinas son difíciles para los caballos", le dije al conductor. Estas colinas são difíceis para os cavalos", disse eu ao condutor. Şoföre, 'Bu tepeler atlar için zor,' dedim. "Ці пагорби важкі для коней", - сказав я водієві. 我对车夫说:“这些山对马来说很难走。” ‘At home, we usually walk if the horses have problems. doma|domov||obvykle|chodíme|pokud||koně||problémy |||通常||||||问题 zu|||normalerweise||||||Probleme |At our place||most of the time||||||health issues 'En casa, solemos caminar si los caballos tienen problemas. Em casa, normalmente passeamos se os cavalos tiverem problemas. 'Evde, atların sorunları varsa genellikle yürürüz. "Вдома ми зазвичай ходимо пішки, якщо у коней є проблеми. “在家里,如果马匹遇到问题,我们通常就会步行过去。 Why don't we walk?' Warum||| ¿Por qué no caminamos? Neden yürümüyoruz?' Чому б нам не прогулятися? 我们为什么不走路呢?'

But the driver didn't want us to walk. |||||nás|| |||||uns|| However|||||||travel on foot Aber der Fahrer wollte nicht, dass wir zu Fuß gehen. Pero el conductor no quería que camináramos. Ama şoför yürümemizi istemedi. Але водій не хотів, щоб ми йшли пішки. ‘The dogs here are evil,' he said. |psi|||zlý||řekl |狗||||| |canines||||| Los perros de aquí son malvados", dijo. Os cães aqui são maus", disse ele. 'Buradaki köpekler çok kötü' dedi. "Собаки тут злі", - сказав він. 他说,“这里的狗很邪恶。” ‘It's too dangerous to walk.' ||nebezpečné|| ||危险|| ||gefährlich|| ||risky|| 'Es demasiado peligroso caminar'. "Yürümek çok tehlikeli. "Занадто небезпечно ходити пішки".

It began to get dark. |začalo||ztmít se|temno |开始|||黑暗 |begann||| ||||lose daylight Empezó a oscurecer. Começou a escurecer. Hava kararmaya başladı. 天色开始暗了。 The driver stopped for a moment. |||||chvíli ||停了一下|||片刻 |||||brief period El conductor se detuvo un momento. O condutor parou por um momento. Şoför bir an durdu. He lit the lamps on the coach. |zapálil||lampy||| |点燃||灯|||马车 |nagliyab|||||kalesa |||carriage lights||| |accese||||| Encendió las lámparas del vagón. Acendeu os candeeiros da carruagem. Arabanın lambalarını yaktı. 他点亮了车上的灯。 Then, we started again. ||začali jsme| ||开始| ||begannen|wieder ||began once more| Entonces, empezamos de nuevo. Depois, começámos de novo. Sonra tekrar başladık. He was driving even more quickly. |||dokonce||rychle ||开车|甚至||更快 |||kahit na|| er|||||schneller |||||più velocemente Conducía aún más rápido. Ele estava a conduzir ainda mais depressa. Daha da hızlı sürüyordu. 他把车开得更快了。 He seemed frightened of something. ||afraid|| |schien|ängstlich|| ||spaventato|| |似乎|||某事 |parang|natatakot|| |zdál se|||něčeho Parecía asustado por algo. Ele parecia assustado com alguma coisa. Bir şeyden korkmuş gibiydi. 他好像害怕着什么。 The horses seemed tired, but the driver didn't stop. |||worn out|||||cease moving |||müde||||| ||||||||멈추지 않았다 |||stanchi||||| |||疲惫|||||停下来 |||pagod||||| |||unavené|||||zastavit Los caballos parecían cansados, pero el conductor no se detuvo. Os cavalos pareciam cansados, mas o condutor não parou. Atlar yorgun görünüyordu ama sürücü durmadı. 马匹似乎累了,但是车夫没有停下来。 He went faster and faster. ||rychleji||rychleji ||越来越快|| |pumunta||| ||more quickly|| Iba cada vez más rápido. Daha hızlı ve daha hızlı gitti. 他走得越来越快。 We were getting near to my meeting place. ||blížili|blízko|||| ||接近|接近|||| ||papalapit||||| wir||näher kommen||||| Nos acercábamos a mi lugar de encuentro. Estávamos a aproximar-nos do meu local de encontro. Buluşma yerime yaklaşıyorduk. 我们快到达我的会面地点了。 The place where I had to meet Count Dracula's driver. |der Ort|||||||| El lugar donde tuve que encontrarme con el chófer del Conde Drácula. O sítio onde tive de me encontrar com o motorista do Conde Drácula. Kont Drakula'nın şoförüyle tanışmak zorunda kaldığım yer. Місце, де я мав зустрітися з водієм графа Дракули. 那是我要与德古拉伯爵的司机见面的地方。

When we arrived, it was completely dark. ||||||temné ||到达|||完全| ||dumating|||| |||||völlig| |||||완전히| Cuando llegamos, estaba completamente oscuro. Quando chegámos, estava completamente escuro. Oraya vardığımızda hava tamamen karanlıktı. Коли ми приїхали, було вже зовсім темно. 我们到达时,天已经完全黑了。 There was no-one there. |有|没有人|| da|||| No había nadie. Orada kimse yoktu. Там нікого не було. 那里没有人。

All the other passengers wanted me to stay on the coach. |||乘客们||||留在||| ||||wollten|||||| ||||||||||bus or coach Todos los demás pasajeros querían que me quedara en el autocar. Diğer tüm yolcular otobüste kalmamı istediler. Всі інші пасажири хотіли, щоб я залишився в автобусі. 所有其他乘客都希望我留在车上。 They wanted me to go to Bukovina. ||||||布科维纳 |wollten||||| Sie wollten, dass ich in die Bukowina gehe. Querían que fuera a Bukovina. Bukovina'ya gitmemi istediler. Вони хотіли, щоб я поїхав на Буковину. 他们想让我去布科维纳。 Then, there was a sound in the distance. ||||声音|||远处 |doon|||||| ||||noise||| Entonces, se oyó un ruido a lo lejos. Sonra uzaktan bir ses geldi. 紧接着,远处传来了一阵声音。 It was the sound of horses. |||声音|| Era el sonido de los caballos. Atların sesiydi. 那是马的声音。 We could see lights, too. |||灯光| También podíamos ver luces. Işıkları da görebiliyorduk. 我们还可以看到灯光。 Count Dracula's coach was coming! |德古拉|||来了 ||karwahe|| ||carrozza|| ¡Venía el entrenador del Conde Drácula! Kont Drakula'nın arabası geliyordu! 德古拉伯爵的马车来了!

The count's driver got down from the coach. |伯爵的|||下车||| |ng count|||||| |the count's|||||| ||||herunter||| El chófer del conde bajó del carruaje. L'autista del conte scese dalla carrozza. O condutor do conde desceu da carruagem. Из кареты вышел водитель графа. Kontun şoförü arabadan indi. Графський візник вийшов з карети. 伯爵的车夫从马车上走了下来。 He was a tall man with a large black hat. |||高的|||||黑色的|帽子 |||||||||sombrero er|||groß||mit|||| Era un hombre alto con un gran sombrero negro. Era um homem alto com um grande chapéu preto. Büyük siyah bir şapkası olan uzun boylu bir adamdı. 他身材高大,戴着一顶大黑帽子。 His hat covered his face, but I could see his eyes. ||遮住了||脸||||||眼睛 ||bedeckte|||||||| Su sombrero le tapaba la cara, pero podía verle los ojos. O chapéu tapava-lhe a cara, mas eu conseguia ver-lhe os olhos. Şapkası yüzünü kapatıyordu ama gözlerini görebiliyordum. 他的帽子遮住了他的脸,但我能看到他的眼睛。 They looked red in the light from our lamps. |||||||我们的|灯 ||||||||ilaw ||||||||light sources Se veían rojos a la luz de nuestras lámparas. Pareciam vermelhas à luz dos nossos candeeiros. Lambalarımızın ışığında kırmızı görünüyorlardı. 在我们的灯光下,它们看起来是红色的。 He went towards our driver and said, ‘Why are you so early? |||||||||||maaga |||||||warum|||| |||||||||||presto Se dirigió a nuestro chófer y le dijo: "¿Por qué llega tan pronto? Si è avvicinato al nostro autista e ha detto: "Perché siete così in anticipo? Dirigiu-se ao nosso motorista e perguntou-lhe: "Porque é que chegou tão cedo? Şoförümüze doğru gitti ve 'Neden bu kadar erkencisiniz? Він підійшов до нашого водія і сказав: "Чого ти так рано? 他走向我们的司机并说道:“你们为什么来得这么早?” Did you want to miss me? ||||chybět| 过去式助动词||||错过| Hast||||verpassen| ||||sentire la mancanza| ¿Querías echarme de menos? Volevi mancare? Beni özlemek mi istiyorsun? Хотіла за мною скучити? 你想过我吗? Don't you want the gentleman to come with me?' ||||绅士||来|| Willst||||Herr|||| ¿No quieres que el señor venga conmigo?' Non volete che il signore venga con me?". Não queres que o cavalheiro venha comigo? Beyefendinin benimle gelmesini istemiyor musunuz?' Ви не хочете, щоб джентльмен пішов зі мною? 您不想让这位先生跟我一起去吗?”

He smiled. |微笑 Sonrió. Gülümsedi. 他笑了。 It was a hard smile. ||||苦涩的微笑 Era una sonrisa dura. Sert bir gülümsemeydi. 那是一抹艰难的微笑。 He had very thin lips and very sharp white teeth. |||薄|嘴唇|||尖锐的|白色的|牙齿 |||||und|sehr|scharf||Zähne Tenía unos labios muy finos y unos dientes blancos muy afilados. Tinha lábios muito finos e dentes brancos muito afiados. Çok ince dudakları ve çok keskin beyaz dişleri vardı. 他的嘴唇很薄,牙齿很白很锋利。 Our driver seemed afraid and he didn't answer. |||害怕||||回答 ||parang||||| Nuestro conductor parecía asustado y no contestó. O nosso motorista parecia ter medo e não respondeu. Şoförümüz korkmuş görünüyordu ve cevap vermedi. 我们的司机似乎很害怕,所以没有回答。

I got onto the count's coach. ||上了||| |nakasakay|sa ibabaw||| |stieg|auf||| ||~에 올라탔다||| ||||nobleman's| Me subí al autocar del conde. Sono salito sul pullman del conte. Entrei na carruagem do conde. Kontun arabasına bindim. Я сів у графську карету. 我上了伯爵的马车。 The count's driver helped me. |||帮助| El chófer del conde me ayudó. O motorista do conde ajudou-me. Kontun şoförü bana yardım etti. 伯爵的司机帮助了我。 I could see that he was incredibly strong. ||||||非常|强壮 ||||||unglaublich|stark ||||||믿을 수 없을 정도로| Pude ver que era increíblemente fuerte. Pude ver que ele era incrivelmente forte. İnanılmaz derecede güçlü olduğunu görebiliyordum. Я бачив, що він неймовірно сильний. The four huge black horses started off very fast. |四匹|巨大的||||出发|| |||||began to move|started|| The four huge black horses started off very fast. Los cuatro enormes caballos negros arrancaron muy deprisa. Os quatro enormes cavalos pretos arrancaram muito depressa. Dört büyük siyah at çok hızlı bir şekilde yola çıktı. 四匹巨大的黑马起步速度极快。 I was cold. ||我很冷 Tenía frío. Eu tinha frio. Üşümüştüm. 我很冷。 I was also a little afraid. También tenía un poco de miedo. Avevo anche un po' di paura. Também tinha um pouco de medo. Ben de biraz korkuyordum. 我也有点害怕。 The driver put a coat around me and we went on, into the night. ||||外套|||||||进入|| ||||jacket||||||||| El conductor me puso un abrigo alrededor y seguimos adelante, adentrándonos en la noche. O motorista pôs-me um casaco à volta e seguimos em frente, pela noite dentro. Şoför üzerime bir palto giydirdi ve geceye doğru yola devam ettik. Водій накинув на мене пальто, і ми поїхали далі, в ніч. 司机给我披上外套,我们继续前行,走进夜色中。 I looked at my watch in the light from the lamps. ||||手表|||||| Miré mi reloj a la luz de las lámparas. Olhei para o meu relógio à luz dos candeeiros. Lambaların ışığında saatime baktım. 我借着灯光看了看手表。 It was nearly midnight. ||快要| ||almost| Era casi medianoche. Era quase meia-noite. Neredeyse gece yarısıydı. In the distance, I heard a wolf howl. ||远处|||||嚎叫 |||||||wolf's cry A lo lejos, oí el aullido de un lobo. Ao longe, ouvi o uivo de um lobo. Uzaktan bir kurt uluması duydum. 远处,我听到了一声狼嚎。 Then another, and another. Luego otro, y otro. Depois outro, e mais outro. Sonra bir tane daha, bir tane daha. 然后又一个,又一个。 It got louder and louder. ||越来越响||越来越响 Cada vez más fuerte. O som era cada vez mais alto. Ses gittikçe yükseldi. 声音越来越大。 I was afraid and the horses were afraid, too. Yo tenía miedo y los caballos también. Eu tinha medo e os cavalos também. Ben korkuyordum ve atlar da korkuyordu. 我害怕,马也害怕。 The driver spoke to them and they became quiet. ||与他们说话||他们|||变得| der|||||||wurden| El conductor les habló y se callaron. O motorista falou com eles e eles calaram-se. Şoför onlarla konuştu ve sessizleştiler. 司机和他们说话后他们就安静下来了。 He wasn't afraid. |不| No tenía miedo. Ele não tinha medo. Korkmuyordu. 他并不害怕。

It got colder and colder. ||chladněji|| ||越来越冷||越来越冷 ||kälter|| Cada vez hacía más frío. Estava cada vez mais frio. Hava gittikçe soğudu. Snow started to fall. 雪|||降落 Schnee begann zu fallen.||| Empezó a nevar. A neve começou a cair. Kar yağmaya başladı. 开始下雪了。 Suddenly, in the distance, I saw a blue light. 突然||||||||光 Plötzlich|||||||| De repente, a lo lejos, vi una luz azul. De repente, ao longe, vi uma luz azul. Birden uzakta mavi bir ışık gördüm. 突然,我看到远处有一道蓝光。 The driver saw it, too. ||看见|| El conductor también lo vio. Şoför de gördü. He got down from the coach and went towards the light. |||||Kutsche||||| |||||carrozza||||| He got down from the coach and went towards the light. Bajó del autocar y se dirigió hacia la luz. Desceu da carruagem e dirigiu-se para a luz. Он вышел из вагона и направился к свету. Він зійшов з автобуса і попрямував до світла. He held up his hand. |举|举起||手 |hob hoch||| Levantó la mano. Levantou a mão. Он поднял руку. Elini kaldırdı. Він підняв руку. 他举起了手。 The wolves stopped howling. |狼||嚎叫 |Die Wölfe|| |||crying out Los lobos dejaron de aullar. Os lobos pararam de uivar. Kurtlar ulumayı kesti. Вовки перестали вити. Then, strangely, the wolves disappeared. |奇怪的是||狼|消失了 |||Wölfe| Entonces, extrañamente, los lobos desaparecieron. Depois, estranhamente, os lobos desapareceram. Sonra, garip bir şekilde, kurtlar ortadan kayboldu.

We drove on. |继续开车| Seguimos conduciendo. Continuámos a conduzir. Yola devam ettik. Then, I saw it. Entonces, lo vi. Depois, vi-o. Sonra onu gördüm. The castle in the distance. El castillo a lo lejos. O castelo ao longe. Uzaktaki kale. Count Dracula's castle. O castelo do Conde Drácula. 德古拉伯爵的城堡。 The horses took us to the front of the castle. ||||||城堡前面||| |||||die|||| Los caballos nos llevaron a la parte delantera del castillo. Os cavalos levaram-nos para a frente do castelo. Atlar bizi kalenin önüne kadar götürdü. Коні відвезли нас до передньої частини замку. 马把我们带到了城堡前面。 It was huge, dark and frightening. ||巨大|||可怕的 |war|riesig|dunkel||Es war riesig, dunkel und beängstigend. ||enormous|||scary |||||korkutucu Era enorme, oscuro y aterrador. Era enorme, escuro e assustador. 它巨大、黑暗、令人恐惧。

The driver helped me down from the coach. |||||||Bus |||||||otobüs |||||||bus El conductor me ayudó a bajar del autocar. O motorista ajudou-me a descer do autocarro. Şoför arabadan inmeme yardım etti. Again, I saw that he was very strong. De nuevo, vi que era muy fuerte. Mais uma vez, vi que ele era muito forte. Yine çok güçlü olduğunu gördüm. He put my bags down next to me. |||包|||| |||Taschen|||| ||||on the ground||| Dejó mis maletas a mi lado. Pousou as minhas malas ao meu lado. Он положил мои сумки рядом со мной. Çantalarımı yanıma koydu. 他把我的行李放在我旁边。 Then, he disappeared with the coach and horses. ||verschwand||||| ||vanished||||| Luego, desapareció con el carruaje y los caballos. Depois, desapareceu com o coche e os cavalos. Sonra at arabası ve atlarla birlikte ortadan kayboldu. 随后,他带着马车和马匹消失了。 I was alone. ||我一个人 Estaba solo. Yalnızdım. I was alone in front of the huge castle door. |||||||||门 Estaba solo frente a la enorme puerta del castillo. Estava sozinho em frente à enorme porta do castelo. 我独自一人站在巨大的城堡门前。 I stood in silence and looked for a bell. |站着||沉默中|||||铃铛 |standte||Stille|||||Glocke |remained upright|||||||ringing device Me quedé en silencio y busqué un timbre. Fiquei em silêncio e procurei uma campainha. Sessizce durdum ve bir zil aradım. Я стояла мовчки і шукала дзвіночок. 我默默地站着,寻找铃铛。 I couldn't see one. |看不见|| No pude ver ninguno. Non sono riuscito a vederne uno. Não consegui ver nenhum. Ben göremedim. Я не бачив жодного. 我一个也没看见。 I was frightened; I didn't know what to do. ||||nevěděl|||| ||害怕|||||该|做什么 ||scared|||||| Estaba asustada; no sabía qué hacer. Estava assustado, não sabia o que fazer. Korkmuştum; ne yapacağımı bilmiyordum. 我很害怕;我不知道该怎么办。 What kind of place was this? |种类|||| ¿Qué clase de lugar era éste? Que tipo de sítio era este? Что это было за место? Burası nasıl bir yerdi? 这是个什么地方? Where was I? 哪里|| ¿Dónde estaba? Dov'ero rimasto? Onde é que eu estava? Nerede kalmıştım?

I waited and waited. |stood by|| Esperé y esperé. Bekledim ve bekledim. It seemed like a very long time. |||||很长| |schien||||| Parecía mucho tiempo. Pareceu-me um tempo muito longo. Çok uzun bir zaman gibi görünüyordu. 这似乎是很长一段时间。 Then I heard something. Entonces oí algo. Sonra bir şey duydum. Someone was coming to the door. 有人||||| Alguien se acercaba a la puerta. Kapıya biri geliyordu. 有人朝门口走来。 Slowly, the huge door opened. 慢慢地|||| Lentamente, la enorme puerta se abrió. 缓缓地,巨大的大门打开了。 A tall man stood in front of me. Un hombre alto se paró frente a mí. Önümde uzun boylu bir adam duruyordu. 一个高个子的男人站在我面前。 He was holding a lamp. ||||灯 Llevaba una lámpara en la mano. Ele segurava um candeeiro. Elinde bir lamba vardı. 他手里拿着一盏灯。 He had a long, white moustache and was very pale. |||||||||solgun ||||白色的|胡子||||苍白 |||||Schnurrbart||||blass |||||긴 흰 콧수염|||| |||||white facial hair||||light-skinned Llevaba un largo bigote blanco y estaba muy pálido. Tinha um bigode longo e branco e era muito pálido. Uzun, beyaz bir bıyığı vardı ve çok solgundu. 他留着长长的白胡子,脸色苍白。 He was dressed completely in black. ||穿着||| |||||schwarz Estava completamente vestido de preto. Tamamen siyah giyinmişti. 他全身都穿着黑色的衣服。 He spoke to me in excellent English, ‘Welcome to my home. ||||||英语|||| |||||||Willkommen||| Ele falou-me em inglês excelente: 'Bem-vindo a minha casa. Please come in.' Por favor, entrem".

Then he shook my hand. ||握|| ||schüttelte|| ||sıkı sıkı|| Luego me dio la mano. Depois apertou a minha mão. Sonra elimi sıktı. His hands were incredibly strong. |手||非常| Sus manos eran increíblemente fuertes. As suas mãos eram incrivelmente fortes. It almost hurt me. ||疼| ||Es tat weh.| Casi me duele. Quase me magoou. Neredeyse canımı yakıyordu. Мені мало не стало боляче. 它差点就伤害到我了。 ‘Count Dracula?' I asked. "¿El Conde Drácula?", pregunté. "Conde Drácula?", perguntei. "Kont Drakula?" diye sordum.

‘Yes, I'm Dracula. ||德古拉 "Ja, ich bin Dracula. Sim, sou o Drácula. Evet, ben Drakula'yım. Welcome to my home, Mr Harker. ||||先生|哈克先生 |||||Harker Bem-vindo à minha casa, Sr. Harker. Evime hoş geldiniz, Bay Harker. 欢迎来到我家,哈克先生。 Come in. |进来 Entre. İçeri gel. The night is cold and you're probably tired and hungry.' |||||你可能||累|| |||||||||hungrig La noche es fría y probablemente estés cansado y hambriento'. A noite está fria e provavelmente estás cansado e com fome". Gece soğuk ve muhtemelen yorgun ve açsınız. 夜晚很冷,你可能又累又饿。’

Then he picked up my bags and I followed him. ||拿起||||||跟着| ||gehoben||||||| ||||||||went after him| Luego recogió mis maletas y le seguí. Depois pegou nas minhas malas e eu segui-o. Sonra çantalarımı aldı ve ben de onu takip ettim. 然后他拿起我的行李,我跟着他。 He took me up the stairs and along a long corridor. |||||楼梯|||||走廊 ||||||||||Korridor ||||||||to||hallway Me llevó escaleras arriba y a lo largo de un largo pasillo. Levou-me a subir as escadas e a percorrer um longo corredor. Beni merdivenlerden yukarı ve uzun bir koridora çıkardı. Він повів мене сходами і довгим коридором. 他带我上楼梯,沿着一条长长的走廊。 More stairs! ¡Más escaleras! Mais escadas! Biraz daha merdiven! Then along another corridor. |||Flur Luego por otro pasillo. Depois, ao longo de outro corredor. The castle seemed dark and depressing. |||||令人沮丧 |||||deprimierend |||||우울한 |||||kasvetli El castillo parecía oscuro y deprimente. O castelo parecia escuro e deprimente. Şato karanlık ve iç karartıcı görünüyordu. At the end of the second corridor, he opened a huge door. ||尽头|||第二|||||巨大的| Al final del segundo pasillo, abrió una puerta enorme. No fim do segundo corredor, abriu uma porta enorme. ‘Here. Aqui. This is your room. |||房间 Este é o vosso quarto. I hope you'll be comfortable.' ||你会|| ||du wirst||bequem Espero que estejas à vontade". 我希望你会感到舒服。’

I was happy to see the room was full of light. ||||||||||光 Me alegró ver que la habitación estaba llena de luz. Fiquei contente por ver que o quarto estava cheio de luz. Odanın ışıkla dolu olduğunu görmek beni mutlu etti. 我很高兴看到房间里充满着灯光。 There was a beautiful fire. ||||火焰 Había un fuego precioso. Havia uma bela fogueira. ‘Thank you. Obrigado. I'm sure I will be,' I said. |肯定||||| |sicher||||| Estoy seguro de que así será", dije. Sono sicuro che lo sarò", ho detto. Tenho a certeza que sim", disse eu.

‘Now, when you're ready, please come downstairs for supper.' ||||||楼下||晚餐 ||||||||Abendessen ||||||아래층으로|| ||||||||evening meal ||||||||akşam yemeği 'Ahora, cuando estés listo, por favor baja a cenar.' Agora, quando estiverem prontos, por favor desçam para jantar. "Şimdi, hazır olduğunuzda, lütfen akşam yemeği için aşağıya gelin.

The count left me. |number|| El conde me dejó. O conde deixou-me. Kont beni terk etti. 伯爵离开了我。 I washed and I changed my clothes. |洗了|||换了||衣服 ||||||my outfit Me lavé y me cambié de ropa. Lavei-me e mudei de roupa. Yıkandım ve kıyafetlerimi değiştirdim. Я вмився і переодягнувся. 我洗了澡,换了衣服。 Then, I went downstairs to have something to eat. ||||||||吃东西 Depois, desci para comer qualquer coisa. 然后我就下楼去吃点东西。 The food was excellent. |||极好 A comida era excelente.

There was some chicken, some cheese and some salad. |||||奶酪|||沙拉 ||einige|||||| Había pollo, queso y ensalada. Havia um pouco de frango, um pouco de queijo e um pouco de salada. 有一些鸡肉、一些奶酪和一些沙拉。 The count didn't eat anything. El conde no comió nada. O conde não comeu nada. ‘I had my supper before you arrived,' he said. |||晚餐|在之前||到达|| |||Abendessen|bevor|||| |||evening meal||||| |||akşam yemeği||||| 'Cené antes de que llegaras', dijo. Já tinha jantado antes de vocês chegarem", disse ele. “你来之前我已经吃过晚饭了,”他说。

While I ate my supper, I looked at the count. ||吃晚餐||晚餐||||| ||aß||||||| During the time||||evening meal||||| Mientras cenaba, miré el recuento. Enquanto comia o meu jantar, olhei para a contagem. 我一边吃晚饭,一边看着伯爵。 He was tall, with a thin, sharp nose. |||||瘦长的|尖锐的|鼻子 ||||||scharf| Era alto, con una nariz fina y afilada. Era alto, com um nariz fino e afiado. Uzun boyluydu, ince ve sivri bir burnu vardı. He had a lot of hair on his head, but he also had hair on his hands. |||||头发|||头部|||||||| |||||follicles||||||||||| Tenía mucho pelo en la cabeza, pero también en las manos. Tinha muito cabelo na cabeça, mas também tinha cabelo nas mãos. У него было много волос на голове, но были волосы и на руках. Kafasında çok fazla saç vardı ama ellerinde de saç vardı. 他的头上有很多头发,但他的手上也有头发。 His face was pale and his lips were blood red. ||||||嘴唇||血| ||||||||Blut| Tenía la cara pálida y los labios rojos como la sangre. O seu rosto estava pálido e os seus lábios vermelhos de sangue. 他的脸色惨白,嘴唇血红。 His teeth were very white and very sharp. |牙齿|||||| |||||||pointed Sus dientes eran muy blancos y muy afilados. Os seus dentes eram muito brancos e muito afiados. Two of them were longer. ||||更长 ||||länger Dos de ellos eran más largos. Dois deles eram mais compridos. 其中两艘较长。 These two teeth came over his lips. ||牙齿||||嘴唇 |||emerged from||| Estos dos dientes se acercaron a sus labios. Estes dois dentes apareceram-lhe nos lábios. Bu iki diş dudaklarının üzerine geldi. Ці два зуби з'явилися на його губах. 这两颗牙齿露在他的嘴唇上。 They looked like a dog's teeth. ||像||狗的| Parecían los dientes de un perro. Pareciam os dentes de um cão. 它们看上去就像狗的牙齿。 He looked very strange. Tenía un aspecto muy extraño. Ele parecia muito estranho. Çok garip görünüyordu.

‘And now you must go to bed,' said the count. Y ahora debes irte a la cama -dijo el conde-. E agora tens de ir para a cama", disse o conde. "Ve şimdi yatağa gitmelisiniz," dedi kont. ‘Sleep for as long as you want.' ||尽可能|||| Schlaf||so viel wie|||| 'Duerme todo el tiempo que quieras'. Dorme o tempo que quiseres. "İstediğin kadar uyu. "Спи, скільки хочеш". “想睡多久就睡多久。”

In the distance, we could hear the wolves howling. ||远处|||听到||| ||||||||making a loud noise Ao longe, ouvíamos os lobos a uivar. Uzaktan kurtların ulumalarını duyabiliyorduk. 我们可以听见远处狼的嚎叫。

‘Listen to them. Escúchalos. Escutem-nos. "Послухайте їх. Listen to the music they make. |||音乐|| ||||они| Escucha la música que hacen. Послухайте музику, яку вони грають. 听听他们创作的音乐。 They're like the children of the night!' said the count. 他们|||夜晚的孩子|||||| Son como los niños de la noche", dijo el conde. São como as crianças da noite!", disse o conde. Gecenin çocukları gibiler!" dedi kont. “他们就像夜之子!”伯爵说道。

I was surprised. ||感到惊讶 ||überrascht Me sorprendió. I didn't like the sound of the wolves. ||||声音|||狼 |mochte nicht|||||| |||||||wolves No me gustó el sonido de los lobos. Não gostei do som dos lobos. 我不喜欢狼的声音。

7th May 日|五月 7 de maio

I had a good day yesterday. |||||昨天 Ayer tuve un buen día. Ontem tive um bom dia. 我昨天过得很愉快。 I woke up late and went downstairs. |aufgewacht||||| Acordei tarde e desci as escadas. Breakfast was ready. El desayuno estaba listo. 早餐已准备好。 There was a note on the table. |||纸条|||桌子上 |||Zettel||| Había una nota sobre la mesa. На столі лежала записка. 桌子上有一张纸条。

I have to go away for some time today. ||||weggehen|||| Hoy tengo que ausentarme un tiempo. Bugün bir süreliğine gitmem gerekiyor. Сьогодні мені треба відлучитися на деякий час. 我今天必须离开一段时间。 Enjoy your breakfast. 享用|| Disfrute de su desayuno. Kahvaltının tadını çıkar. 享用你的早餐。 Do not wait for me – D. No me esperes - D. 不要等我——D。

After breakfast, I looked around the castle. |||环顾|四周|| Después de desayunar, eché un vistazo al castillo. It's a very strange place. A lot of the doors are locked. ||||门||锁着 Muchas puertas están cerradas. 许多门都锁着。 It's very quiet. ||leise The only sounds I hear are the sounds of the wolves. |||||||声音||| ||||||||||wolves Duyduğum tek ses kurtların sesi. 我听到的唯一声音是狼的声音。 In some rooms, there's some beautiful furniture and there are some beautiful pictures. ||房间|有|||家具||||||画 ||||||furniture|||||| 在一些房间里,有一些漂亮的家具和一些漂亮的图画。 In other rooms, some of the furniture is dirty and old. ||||||||脏的|| En otras habitaciones, algunos muebles están sucios y viejos. Noutras divisões, alguns dos móveis estão sujos e velhos. I haven't seen any servants. |||任何| |||irgendwelche Diener|Diener ||||domestic workers No he visto ningún sirviente. Não vi nenhum criado. Ben hiç hizmetçi görmedim. 我没看见任何仆人。 Strangely, there are no mirrors in the castle. ||||镜子||| Extrañamente, no hay espejos en el castillo. Estranhamente, não há espelhos no castelo. 奇怪的是,城堡里没有镜子。 I used my small travel mirror to shave this morning. ||||旅行|镜子||刮胡子|| |||||||remove facial hair|| He utilizado mi pequeño espejo de viaje para afeitarme esta mañana. Stamattina ho usato il mio piccolo specchio da viaggio per radermi. Esta manhã, usei o meu pequeno espelho de viagem para fazer a barba. Bu sabah tıraş olmak için küçük seyahat aynamı kullandım. 今天早上我用我的小型旅行镜刮胡子。

This afternoon, I found a kind of library. |今天下午||||一种|| |||||||Bibliothek |||||||book collection Esta tarde, encontré una especie de biblioteca. Esta tarde, encontrei uma espécie de biblioteca. Bu öğleden sonra bir tür kütüphane buldum. Сьогодні вдень я знайшов щось на кшталт бібліотеки. 今天下午,我发现了一种图书馆。 I was very happy to find some English books in there. |||||找到|||书籍|| Me alegró mucho encontrar allí algunos libros en inglés. Fiquei muito contente por encontrar lá alguns livros em inglês. 我很高兴在那里找到了一些英文书。 The count says I can use the library at any time. La cuenta dice que puedo usar la biblioteca a cualquier hora. Sayım, kütüphaneyi istediğim zaman kullanabileceğimi söylüyor. I can also go into any rooms in the castle, except the rooms which are locked. |||||||||||那些||那些|| ||||||||||außer||||| También puedo entrar en cualquier habitación del castillo, excepto en las que están cerradas. Também posso entrar em todas as salas do castelo, exceto nas salas que estão trancadas. Ayrıca kilitli odalar hariç kaledeki tüm odalara girebiliyorum. 我还可以进入城堡中的任何房间,除了那些上锁的房间。

In the evening, he asked me about the great house in Carfax. ||||||||大||| Por la noche, me preguntó por la gran casa de Carfax. À noite, perguntou-me sobre a grande casa em Carfax. Akşam bana Carfax'taki büyük evi sordu. 晚上,他向我询问了卡法克斯那栋大房子的情况。 I told him about it. |告诉|他|| Se lo conté. Ona anlattım. I showed him my Kodak photographs of it. |||||照片|| Le enseñé mis fotografías Kodak. 我向他展示了我用柯达相机拍摄的照片。 It's not a very nice place. No es un lugar muy agradable. Non è un posto molto bello. Pek hoş bir yer değil. 这不是一个好地方。 It's old and big and a little bit depressing. ||и|||||| ||||||||gloomy |||大||||一点|令人沮丧 Es viejo, grande y un poco deprimente. Eski, büyük ve biraz da iç karartıcı. 它又旧又大,还有点让人沮丧。 It has an old chapel in the gardens. ||||小教堂|||花园里 ||||Kapelle||| ||||small church building|||grounds Tiene una antigua capilla en los jardines. Tem uma antiga capela nos jardins. Bahçede eski bir şapel var. 花园里有一座古老的教堂。 There's a psychiatric hospital near it, but there aren't many houses. ||精神病的|医院|||||没有|许多|房子 ||mental health|||||||| Hay un hospital psiquiátrico cerca, pero no hay muchas casas. Há um hospital psiquiátrico perto, mas não há muitas casas. Yakınında bir psikiyatri hastanesi var ama çok fazla ev yok. Поруч є психіатрична лікарня, але будинків небагато. 附近有一家精神病院,但是房屋不多。 The count thinks that's a good thing. ||认为|那是||| El conde cree que eso es bueno. O conde acha que isso é uma coisa boa. Kont bunun iyi bir şey olduğunu düşünüyor. Граф вважає, що це добре. 伯爵认为这是一件好事。 He doesn't like places which are full of people. |不||||||| No le gustan los lugares llenos de gente. İnsanlarla dolu yerleri sevmez. Йому не подобаються місця, де багато людей. 他不喜欢人太多的地方。 He likes old places. Le gustan los lugares antiguos. He seems happy with it. |似乎||| Parece contento con él. Bundan memnun görünüyor. I still think he's a very strange man. |仍然|||||| Sigo pensando que es un hombre muy extraño. Again, we talked until late. ||谈话|| Wieder|wir||| De nuevo, hablamos hasta tarde. Anche in questo caso abbiamo parlato fino a tardi. Mais uma vez, ficámos a conversar até tarde. И снова мы проговорили допоздна. Yine geç saatlere kadar konuştuk. Знову ж таки, ми проговорили допізна. 我们又聊到很晚。 Again, I had my supper alone. ||||Abendessen| ||||akşam yemeği| De nuevo, cené solo. Mais uma vez, jantei sozinho. Akşam yemeğimi yine yalnız yedim. 我又独自一人吃晚饭。 The count didn't eat with me. El conde no comió conmigo. O conde não comeu comigo. 伯爵没有和我一起吃饭。

8th May 8 de maio

I woke up late this morning. |醒|||| Ráno jsem se probudil pozdě. Esta mañana me he despertado tarde. Acordei tarde esta manhã. I seem to be living my life at night, not during the day. |似乎|||生活||生活||||在|| ||||||||||tagsüber|| Zdá se, že žiji svůj život v noci, ne ve dne. Parece que vivo mi vida de noche, no de día. Sembra che io viva la mia vita di notte, non di giorno. Parece que estou a viver a minha vida à noite e não durante o dia. Кажется, что я проживаю свою жизнь ночью, а не днем. Hayatımı gündüz değil de gece yaşıyor gibiyim. Здається, я живу своїм життям вночі, а не вдень. 我的生活似乎是在晚上度过的,而不是在白天。 While I was shaving, the count came into my room. |||剃须|||||| |||rasieren|||||| |||removing facial hair|||||| Mientras me afeitaba, el conde entró en mi habitación. Enquanto estava a fazer a barba, o conde entrou no meu quarto. Ben tıraş olurken, kont odama geldi. 当我正在刮胡子的时候,伯爵走进了我的房间。 I was surprised, so I cut myself. |||||割伤|我自己 |||||geschnitten| |||||injured myself accidentally| Me sorprendió, así que me corté. Fiquei surpreendido e cortei-me. Şaşırdım ve kendimi kestim. Я здивувався і порізався. 我很惊讶,所以我割伤了自己。 I couldn't see him in my mirror! ||||||镜子 ¡No podía verlo en mi espejo! Não o conseguia ver no meu espelho! Aynamda onu göremedim! 我在镜子里看不到他! I turned around and he saw the blood on my face. |转身||||||||| |drehte|sich um|||||||| Me di la vuelta y vio la sangre en mi cara. Virei-me e ele viu o sangue na minha cara. Arkamı döndüm ve yüzümdeki kanı gördü. 我转过身,他看到我脸上的血。 He tried to attack me. |试图||攻击| er|versuchte||Angriff| Intentó atacarme. Ele tentou atacar-me. Bana saldırmaya çalıştı. Він намагався напасти на мене. He seemed to want my blood! |schien|||| |||desire|| ¡Parecía querer mi sangre! Ele parecia querer o meu sangue! Казалось, он хочет моей крови! Kanımı istiyor gibiydi! Здається, він хотів моєї крові! Then, his hand touched the cross on my neck. |||碰到||||| |||berührte||||| |||||necklace pendant||| |||toccò||||| Entonces, su mano tocó la cruz de mi cuello. Depois, a sua mão tocou a cruz no meu pescoço. Затем его рука коснулась креста на моей шее. Sonra eli boynumdaki haça dokundu. Потім його рука торкнулася хрестика на моїй шиї. 然后,他的手触摸到了我脖子上的十字架。 He moved back. er|| |changed position| Retrocedió. Ele afastou-se. Geri çekildi. Він повернувся. 他搬了回去。 Almost immediately, he became calm. |几乎立刻||变得|平静 |sofort||wurde|ruhig nearly|||turned into| ||||진정되었다 Casi de inmediato, se calmó. Quase de imediato, ficou calmo. Neredeyse anında sakinleşti. Майже відразу він заспокоївся. 几乎立刻,他就平静下来。 Then, he surprised me again. Entonces, me sorprendió de nuevo. Sonra beni yine şaşırttı. 然后他又一次让我大吃一惊。 He took my mirror and threw it out of the window. |||||warf||||| |||||던졌다||||| |||||tossed||||| Cogió mi espejo y lo tiró por la ventana. Pegou no meu espelho e atirou-o pela janela. Aynamı aldı ve pencereden dışarı fırlattı. Він забрав моє дзеркало і викинув його у вікно. 他拿走了我的镜子并将其扔出了窗外。 It broke into a thousand pieces. ||成|||碎片 Se rompió en mil pedazos. Partiu-se em mil pedaços. Binlerce parçaya ayrıldı. 它碎成了上千块。 Now, how am I going to shave? ||||||刮胡子 ||||||remove hair Ahora, ¿cómo voy a afeitarme? Agora, como é que vou fazer a barba? Şimdi, nasıl tıraş olacağım?

I had my breakfast alone. Desayuné solo. Kahvaltımı yalnız yaptım. 我独自一人吃早餐。 The count wasn't there. El recuento no estaba allí. Sayım orada değildi. Графа там не було. 伯爵不在那儿。 It's strange, I've never seen him eat or drink. ||já jsem|nikdy|||||pít |||从未||||| Es extraño, nunca lo he visto comer o beber. Garip, onu hiç yerken ya da içerken görmedim. 很奇怪,我从来没见过他吃东西或者喝水。 After breakfast, I looked around the castle some more. Kahvaltıdan sonra kalenin etrafına biraz daha bakındım. Після сніданку я ще трохи оглянув замок. 早餐后,我又参观了一下城堡。 It's on the edge of a very high cliff. |||okraj|||velmi||útes |||边缘||||高的| |||Rand||||| ||||||||precipice ||||||||uçurum Está al borde de un acantilado muy alto. Fica à beira de um penhasco muito alto. Çok yüksek bir uçurumun kenarında. Він стоїть на краю дуже високої скелі. 它位于一处非常高的悬崖边上。 Below it, there's a huge forest. pod ním|||||les darunter||||| |||||dense woodland Debajo hay un bosque enorme. Por baixo, há uma enorme floresta. Внизу - величезний ліс. 下面有一片巨大的森林。 More importantly, there isn't an exit. |důležitě||||východ |важно отметить|||| |Wichtig ist|||| |More crucially||is not||way out Y lo que es más importante, no hay salida. Mais importante ainda, não há uma saída. Що ще важливіше, тут немає виходу. 更重要的是,没有出口。 All the doors are locked. Todas las puertas están cerradas. 所有的门都锁上了。 The only way out is through the very high windows. ||cesta|||skrze||||okna |||||||||tall openings Jediná cesta ven vede přes velmi vysoká okna. La única salida es a través de las altísimas ventanas. Dışarı çıkmanın tek yolu çok yüksek pencerelerden geçiyor. 唯一的出路是通过非常高的窗户。 An impossible exit. |unmögliche| |No way out.| Nemožný odchod. Una salida imposible. İmkansız bir çıkış. 不可能的退出。 It's a prison and I'm a prisoner. ||监狱||||囚犯 ||Gefängnis|||| ||confinement facility|||| Je to vězení a já jsem vězeň. Es una prisión y yo soy un prisionero. 这是一座监狱,而我是一名囚犯。 I'm a prisoner here! ||captive| ||여기 갇혔어요!| Jsem tu vězněm! ¡Soy un prisionero aquí! Ben burada bir mahkumum!