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Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell, HIDDEN WORLDS - Limited Edition Calendar!

HIDDEN WORLDS - Limited Edition Calendar!

Come in and have a look at this top secret project we've been working on.

It's finally time to push the button and put the MIGHTY SHRINK LAZORRR to the test!

I'm ready.

We did it!

It worked.

Right under our noses there is so much hidden that we never get to see with our own eyes

– entire realms of bizarre structures and outlandish creatures.

What a magical place this is.

A forest of slime molds, single-celled organisms that work together and form fungus-like structures.

But we don't have time to hang out with these calm fellows any longer.


Now we're in the kingdom of the mighty tardigrades – don't disturb them in their death-like


Don't worry though, they will wake up once the conditions are less rough.

Oof, didn't mean to get in the way!

Your cells are hustling to keep you alive, coordinating myriads of proteins.

This might be the weirdest place yet, with no up or down.

There's way too much going on – better move on.

Now we are inside one of the parts that allow you to watch this video.

The structure of a microchip is so small, it nearly breaks the rules of the quantum


– Wait, something is happening!

These hidden worlds are all part of our 12,023 Human Era Calendar.

This time you can join us on a journey through the microcosm.

With each turn of the page you will reveal a new world you didn't know existed right

beneath your feet.

You know the drill by now: as always it's a super high-quality calendar, very shiny

and only available for a short time.

We also have a few special deals for you in our shop.

The calendar is a true piece of kurzgesagt you can take home with you.

And we say this every year but it's true: every calendar purchase directly supports

what we do here at kurzgesagt.

And that's not just creating videos but sparking curiosity all around the world.

So because of you, we can spread knowledge and ignite an appreciation for space, nature

and life in people everywhere.

Thank you so much for making this possible!

Have a wonderful 12,023!

See you down in January!

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HIDDEN WORLDS - Limited Edition Calendar! HIDDEN(1) WELTEN|Verborgene Welten||| HIDDEN WORLDS - Kalender in limitierter Auflage! HIDDEN WORLDS - Limited Edition Calendar! MUNDOS OCULTOS - ¡Calendario de edición limitada! LES MONDES CACHÉS - Calendrier à édition limitée ! MONDI NASCOSTI - Calendario in edizione limitata! HIDDEN WORLDS - 限定版カレンダー! 히든 월드 - 한정판 달력! Paslėpti pasauliai - riboto tiražo kalendorius! HIDDEN WORLDS - Limited Edition Kalender! HIDDEN WORLDS - Limitowana edycja kalendarza! HIDDEN WORLDS - Calendário de edição limitada! HIDDEN WORLDS - Календарь ограниченного выпуска! HIDDEN WORLDS - Kalender i begränsad upplaga! GİZLİ DÜNYALAR - Sınırlı Sayıda Takvim! Приховані слова - лімітована серія календаря! HIDDEN WORLDS - 限量版日历! HIDDEN WORLDS - 限量版日曆!

Come in and have a look at this top secret project we've been working on. Entra y echa un vistazo a este proyecto ultra secreto en el que hemos estado trabajando. Venite a vedere il progetto top secret su cui abbiamo lavorato. 極秘のプロジェクトですさあご覧ください 여기 들어오셔서 저희가 개발하고 있는 극비 프로젝트를 한번 보세요.

It's finally time to push the button and put the MIGHTY SHRINK LAZORRR to the test! ||||||Knopf drücken||||mächtig|schrumpfen|SCHRUMPF-LASER||| ||||||||||powerful|make smaller|Shrink Ray Gun||| È giunto il momento di premere il pulsante e mettere alla prova il mega-laser riduttore! いよいよスーパー小型化レーザーのボタンを押す時がきました 드디어 버튼을 눌러 위대한 축소 레이저를 시험해볼 시간입니다! Chegou finalmente a altura de carregar no botão e pôr à prova o PODEROSO SHRINK LAZORRR!

I'm ready. "Sono pronto." いいよ

We did it! Wir haben es geschafft! やったぞ 해냈다! Conseguimos!

It worked. 成功だ

Right under our noses there is so much hidden that we never get to see with our own eyes Direkt vor unserer Nase ist so vieles verborgen, das wir nie mit eigenen Augen sehen können Sotto il nostro naso ci sono tante cose nascoste che non riusciamo mai a vedere con i nostri occhi. 我々の目の前には奇想天外な構造や生物など

– entire realms of bizarre structures and outlandish creatures. gesamte|Reiche|||||fremdartig| |vast areas||strange|||unusual or strange| |царства|||||незвичайний| |kraljestva|||||| Interi reami con strutture bizzarre e creature stravaganti. 目には見えない領域が隠れている

What a magical place this is. Che posto magico è mai questo? なんて不思議なんだ

A forest of slime molds, single-celled organisms that work together and form fungus-like structures. |||Schleim|Schleimpilze||einzellig|||||||Pilz-ähnliche Strukturen|| |||gelatinous substance||||||||||mushroom-like structures|| |||sluzaste glive|sluznice|||||||||gobasto podobne|| Una foresta di funghi mucillaginosi, organismi unicellulari che in concerto formano strutture simili a funghi. 単細胞生物が互いに連携して菌類のような森を作っている 서로 힘을 합쳐 곰팡이같은 구조를 이루는 단세포 생물, 점균류들의 숲입니다.

But we don't have time to hang out with these calm fellows any longer. |||||||||||Kerle|| Ma non c'è tempo per fare due chiacchiere con questi tranquilloni. でもこんな連中と遊んでる暇はない 하지만 더이상 이 차분한 친구들과 보낼 시간이 없네요. Але у нас більше немає часу на спілкування з цими спокійними хлопцями.

Psssst! Psssst! Hey, listen! Silenzio! Siamo nel regno dei possenti tardigradi! シーッ!ここはクマムシの王国だ彼らの死のような眠りを妨げちゃいけない 쉿!

Now we're in the kingdom of the mighty tardigrades – don't disturb them in their death-like ||||Königreich|||mächtigen|Bärtierchen||stören||||| ||||||||water bears' realm||||||| ||||||||тварини-тварини||||||| ||||||||tardigradi||||||| Jetzt sind wir im Reich der mächtigen Tardigraden - störe sie nicht in ihrer todesähnlichen Non disturbiamoli mentre sonnecchiano in una morte apparente. 위대한 곰벌레들의 왕국에 들어왔습니다. 죽은 듯이 잠들어 있는 이들을 깨우지 마세요.

slumber. Schlummer. Deep sleep. сон spanje 心配しないで状況が良くなれば目を覚ますだろう 걱정하지 않으셔도 됩니다. 상황이 나아지면 깨어날 거니까요.

Don't worry though, they will wake up once the conditions are less rough. ||aber||||||||||rau ||||||||||||суворі Ma non preoccupatevi: si sveglieranno quando le condizioni saranno meno rigide. Не хвилюйтеся, вони прокинуться, коли умови стануть менш суворими.

Oof, didn't mean to get in the way! Uff, wollte nicht stören!||||||| Ma non mettendosi in mezzo! 邪魔してごめんよ 아, 길을 막으려고 한 건 아닌데! Ой, не хотів заважати!

Your cells are hustling to keep you alive, coordinating myriads of proteins. |||sich abmühen|||||koordinieren|unzählige|| |||working tirelessly||||||countless numbers of|| |||працюють наполегливо|||||||| Ihre Zellen arbeiten eifrig daran, Sie am Leben zu erhalten, und koordinieren Myriaden von Proteinen. Le vostre cellule lavorano sodo per tenervi in vita coordinando un mucchio di proteine. 細胞は無数のタンパク質を調整し生を維持している 세포는 여러분의 생명을 유지하기 위해 수많은 단백질을 다루며 바삐 움직입니다. Ваші клітини поспішають, щоб зберегти вам життя, координуючи міріади білків.

This might be the weirdest place yet, with no up or down. ||||seltsamste||bisher||||| ||||most unusual||||||| Finora è forse il posto più strano, senza un alto e un basso. ここは上も下もない最も変な場所かも 위도 아래도 없는 이곳만큼 이상한 곳이 있을까요? Це, мабуть, найдивніше місце, де немає ні верху, ні низу.

There's way too much going on – better move on. ここは色々ありすぎるよ次に行ってみよう Занадто багато всього відбувається - краще рухатися далі.

Now we are inside one of the parts that allow you to watch this video. |||||||||ermöglichen||||| Ora siamo in uno degli elementi che vi permettono di vedere questo video. この動画を再生している機械の中に入ってみた

The structure of a microchip is so small, it nearly breaks the rules of the quantum ||||Mikrochip|||||fast||||||Quantenphysik La struttura di un microchip è così piccola che quasi vìola le leggi del reame quantistico. マイクロチップは小さすぎて量子力学の法則も破りそうだ

realm. Reich kraljestvo

– Wait, something is happening! 待って!何かが起きてるよ!

These hidden worlds are all part of our 12,023 Human Era Calendar. |||||||||Menschheitsära-Kalender| del nostro calendario del 12.023 dell'Era Umana. これらの隠された世界は人類紀元12,023年カレンダーの一部です

This time you can join us on a journey through the microcosm. |||||||||||Mikrokosmos |||||||||||tiny universe Diesmal können Sie uns auf eine Reise durch den Mikrokosmos begleiten. Questa volta potete venire con noi in un viaggio nel microcosmo. 今回は、小宇宙を探索する旅に出かけましょう

With each turn of the page you will reveal a new world you didn't know existed right ||||||||enthüllen|||||||| Ad ogni pagina rivelerete un nuovo mondo di cui ignoravate l'esistenza ページをめくるたび足元に隠れていた新しい世界が現れます

beneath your feet. unter deinen Füßen|| unter Ihren Füßen. proprio sotto i vostri piedi.

You know the drill by now: as always it's a super high-quality calendar, very shiny |||Du kennst das Prozedere.|||||||||||| |||standard procedure|||||||||||| |||процедура|||||||||||| 항상 그래왔듯이 저희 달력은 굉장히 고품질이고, 반짝반짝거리지만,

and only available for a short time. 잠깐 동안만 구매하실 수 있습니다.

We also have a few special deals for you in our shop. ||||||Angebote||||| 또 저희 상점에 특별한 혜택도 준비해두었습니다.

The calendar is a true piece of kurzgesagt you can take home with you. 이 달력은 여러분이 지닐 수 있는 쿠르츠게작트의 일부분입니다.

And we say this every year but it's true: every calendar purchase directly supports |||||||||||Kauf|| ogni calendario acquistato supporta direttamente

what we do here at kurzgesagt. quello che facciamo su Kurzgesagt.

And that's not just creating videos but sparking curiosity all around the world. |||||||entfachen|Neugierde wecken|||| |||||||igniting||||| |||||||spodbujanje||||| Che non è solo creare video, ma anche far risplendere la curiosità in tutto il mondo. それは動画制作だけでなく好奇心を刺激することでもあります 동영상 만드는 일뿐만 아니라 온 세상에 호기심을 심어주는 일이죠.

So because of you, we can spread knowledge and ignite an appreciation for space, nature |||||||||entfachen||Wertschätzung für||| |||||||||spark an interest||||| |||||||||||цінування||| |||||||||prižgati||cenjenje||| 皆さんのおかげで我々は知識を広め宇宙や自然に対する 여러분 덕분에 저희는 온 세상에 지식을 퍼트리고 우주와 자연, 그리고 생명에 감사하는 마음을 전할 수 있는 것입니다.

and life in people everywhere. 興味を呼びかけることができるのです

Thank you so much for making this possible! Grazie mille per renderlo possibile! これを可能にしてくれてありがとうございます

Have a wonderful 12,023! Vi auguriamo un meraviglioso 12,023! 素晴らしい12,023年をお過ごしください

See you down in January! Meet||||next month Ci vediamo giù a gennaio! また1月に会いましょう! 1월에 봅시다!