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The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka, Franz Kafka - Metaphomorsis

Franz Kafka - Metaphomorsis

I. One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that

in bed he had been changed into a monstrous, verminous bug. He lay on his armour-hard back,

and saw, as he lifted his head up a little, his brown, arched abdomen divided up into

rigid bow-like sections. From this height the blanket, just about ready to slide off

completely, could hardly stay in place. His numerous legs, pitifully thin in comparison

to the rest of his circumference, flickered helplessly before his eyes.

What's happened to me? he thought.

It was no dream. His room, a proper room for a human being, only somewhat too small, lay

quietly between the four well-known walls. Above the table, on which an unpacked collection

of sample-cloth goods was spread out—Samsa was a travelling salesman—hung the picture

he had cut out of an illustrated magazine a little while ago, and set in a pretty gilt

frame. It was a picture of a woman, with a fur hat and a fur boa. She sat erect there,

lifting up in the direction of the viewer a solid fur muff, into which her entire forearm

had disappeared.

Gregor's glance then turned to the window. The dreary weather—the raindrops were falling

audibly down on the metal window-ledge—made him quite melancholy.

Why don't I keep sleeping for a little while longer, and forget all this foolishness? he


But this was entirely impractical, for he was used to sleeping on his right side, and

in his present state he couldn't get himself into this position. But no matter how hard

he threw himself onto his right side, he always rolled again onto his back. He must

have tried it a hundred times, closing his eyes so that he would not have to see the

wriggling legs, and gave up only when he began to feel a light dull pain in his side which

he had never felt before.

Oh, God! he thought, what a demanding job I've chosen, day in, day out on the road!

The stresses of selling are much greater than the work going on at head office, and

in addition to that, I have to cope with the problems of travelling, the worries about

train connections, irregular bad food, temporary and constantly changing human relationships

which never come from the heart. To hell with it all!

He felt a slight itching on the top of his abdomen. He slowly pushed himself onto his

back closer to the bedpost, so that he could lift his head more easily, found the itchy

part, which was entirely covered with small white spots. He did not know what to make

of them, and wanted to feel the place with a leg. But he retracted it immediately, for

the contact felt like a cold shower all over him.

He slid back into his earlier position. This getting up early, he thought, makes a man

quite idiotic. A man must have his sleep. Other travelling salesmen live like harem

women. For instance, when I come back to the inn during the course of the morning to write

up the necessary orders, these gentlemen are just sitting down to breakfast. If I were

to try that with my boss, I'd be thrown out on the spot. Still, who knows whether that

mightn't be really good for me? If I didn't hold back for my parents' sake, I'd have

quit ages ago. I would have gone to the boss and told him just what I think from the bottom

of my heart. He would have fallen right off his desk. How weird it is to sit up at that

desk and talk down to the employee from way up there. The boss has trouble hearing, so

the employee has to step up quite close to him. Anyway, I haven't completely given up

that hope yet. Once I've got together the money to pay off my parents' debt to him—that

should take another five or six years—I'll do it for sure. Then I'll make the big break.

In any case, right now I have to get up. My train leaves at five o'clock."

He looked over at the alarm clock, ticking away by the chest of drawers.

Good God! he thought. It was half-past six, and the hands were going quietly on. It was

past the half-hour, already nearly quarter to. Could the alarm have failed to ring? One

saw from the bed that it was properly set for four o'clock. Certainly it had rung. Yes,

but was it possible to sleep through that noise which made the furniture shake? Now,

it's true he'd slept quietly, but evidently he'd slept all the more deeply. Still, what

should he do now? The next train left at seven o'clock. To catch that one he would have to

go in a mad rush. The sample collection wasn't packed up yet, and he really didn't feel particularly

fresh and active. And even if he caught the train, there was no avoiding a blow-up with

the boss, because the firm's errand-boy would have waited for the five o'clock train and

reported the news of his absence long ago. He was the boss's minion, without backbone

or intelligence. Well, then, what if he reported in sick? But that would be extremely embarrassing,

and suspicious, because during his five years' service Gregor hadn't been sick even once.

The boss would certainly come with the doctor from the health-insurance company, and would

reproach his parents for their lazy son, and cut short all objections with the insurance

doctor's comments. For him, every one was completely healthy, but really lazy about

work. And besides, would the doctor in this case be totally wrong? Apart from a really

excessive drowsiness after the long sleep, Gregor, in fact, felt quite well, and even

had a really strong appetite. As he was thinking all this over in the greatest haste, without

being able to make the decision to get out of bed—the alarm-clock was indicating exactly

quarter to seven—there was a cautious knock on the door by the head of the bed.

"'Gregor,' a voice called. It was his mother. It's quarter to seven. Don't you want to be

on your way?' The soft voice. Gregor was startled when he heard his voice answering. It was

clearly and unmistakably his earlier voice, but in it was intermingled, as if from below,

an irrepressibly painful squeaking, which left the words positively distinct only in

the first moment, and distorted them in the reverberation, so that one didn't know if

one had heard correctly. Gregor wanted to answer in detail and explain everything, but

in these circumstances he confined himself to saying,

"'Yes, yes, thank you, mother. I'm getting up right away.' Because of the wooden door,

the change in Gregor's voice was not really noticeable outside. So his mother calmed down

with this explanation, and shuffled off. However, as a result of the short conversation, the

other family members became aware that Gregor was unexpectedly still at home, and already

his father was knocking on one side door, weakly, but with his fist.

"'Gregor! Gregor!' he called out.

"'What's going on?'

And after a short while he urged him on again in a deeper voice.

"'Gregor! Gregor!'

At the other side door, however, his sister knocked lightly.

"'Gregor! Are you all right? Do you need anything?' Gregor directed answers in both


"'I'll be ready right away.'

He made an effort, with the most careful articulation, and by inserting long pauses between the individual

words, to remove everything remarkable from his voice. His father turned back to his breakfast.

However, the sister whispered,

"'Gregor! Open the door! I beg you!'

Gregor had no intention of opening the door, but congratulated himself on his precaution,

acquired from travelling, of locking all doors during the night, even at home. First he wanted

to stand up quietly and undisturbed, get dressed, above all have breakfast, and only then consider

further action, for—he noticed this clearly—by thinking things over in bed he would not reach

a reasonable conclusion. He remembered that he had already often felt a light pain or

other in bed, perhaps the result of an awkward lying position, which later turned out to

be purely imaginary when he stood up, and he was eager to see how his present fantasies

would gradually dissipate. That the change in his voice was nothing other than the onset

of a real chill, an occupational illness of commercial travellers, of that he had not

the slightest doubt. It was very easy to throw aside the blanket. He needed only to push

himself up a little, and it fell by itself. But to continue was difficult, particularly

because he was so unusually wide. He needed arms and hands to push himself upright. Instead

of these, however, he had only many small limbs, which were incessantly moving with

very different motions, and which, in addition, he was unable to control. If he wanted to

bend one of them, then it was the first to extend itself, and if he finally succeeded

doing what he wanted with this limb, in the meantime all the others, as if left free,

moved around in an excessively painful agitation.

But I must not stay in bed uselessly, said Gregor to himself.

At first he wanted to get out of bed with the lower part of his body, which, by the

way, he had not yet looked at, and which he also couldn't picture clearly, proved itself

too difficult to move. The attempt went so slowly, when, having become almost frantic,

he finally hurled himself forward with all his force, and without thinking, he chose

his direction incorrectly, and he hit the lower bedpost hard. The violent pain he felt

revealed to him that the lower part of his body was at the moment probably the most sensitive.

Thus he tried to get his upper body out of bed first, and turned his head carefully toward

the edge of the bed. He managed to do this easily, and in spite of its width and weight

his body-mass at last slowly followed the turning of his head. But as he finally raised

his head outside the bed in the open air, he became anxious about moving forward any

further in this manner, for if he allowed himself eventually to fall by this process,

it would take a miracle to prevent his head from getting injured, and at all costs he

must not lose consciousness right now. He preferred to remain in bed.

However, after a similar effort, while he lay there again, sighing as before, and once

again saw his small limbs fighting one another, if anything worse than earlier, and didn't

see any chance of imposing quiet and order on this arbitrary movement, he told himself

again that he couldn't possibly remain in bed, and that it might be the most reasonable

thing to sacrifice everything if there was even the slightest hope of getting himself

out of bed in the process. At the same moment, however, he didn't forget to remind himself,

from time to time, of the fact that calm, indeed the calmest, reflection, might be better

than the most confused decisions. At such moments he directed his gaze as precisely

as he could toward the window, but, unfortunately, there was little confident cheer to be had

from a glance at the morning mist, which concealed even the other side of the narrow


"'It's already seven o'clock,' he told himself at the last striking of the alarm-clock.

"'Already seven o'clock, and still such a fog!'

And for a little while longer he lay quietly, with weak breathing, as if perhaps waiting

for normal and natural conditions to re-emerge out of the complete stillness.

And then he said to himself,

"'Before it strikes a corner past seven, whatever happens, I must be completely out

of bed. Besides, by then someone from the office will arrive to inquire about me, because

the office will open before seven o'clock.'

And he made an effort then to rock his entire body-length out of the bed with a uniform

motion. If he let himself fall out of bed in this way, his head, which in the course

of the fall he intended to lift up sharply, would probably remain uninjured. His back

seemed to be hard. Nothing would really happen to that as a result of the fall. His greatest

reservation was a worry about the loud noise which the fall must create, and which presumably

would arouse, if not fright, then at least concern on the other side of all the doors.

However it had to be tried.

As Gregor was in the process of lifting himself half out of bed—the new method was more

of a game than an effort—he needed only to rock with a constant rhythm. It struck

him how easy all this would be if someone were to come to his aid. Two strong people,

he thought of his father and the servant-girl, would have been quite sufficient. They would

have only had to push their arms under his arched back to get him out of the bed, to

bend over with their load, and then merely to exercise patience and care that he completed

the flip on to the floor, where his diminutive legs would then, he hoped, acquire a purpose.

Now quite apart from the fact that the doors were locked, should he really call out for

help. In spite of all his distress, he was unable to suppress a smile at this idea.

He had already got to the point where, by rocking more strongly, he maintained his equilibrium

with difficulty, and very soon he would finally have to decide, for in five minutes it would

be a quarter past seven. Then there was a ringing at the door of the apartment.

"'That's someone from the office,' he told himself, and he almost froze, while his small

limbs only danced around all the faster. For one moment everything remained still.

"'They aren't opening,' Gregor said to himself, caught up in some absurd hope. But, of course,

then, as usual, the servant-girl, with her firm tread, went to the door and opened it.

Gregor needed to hear only the first word of the visitor's greeting, to recognize immediately

who it was—the manager himself. Why was Gregor the only one condemned to work in a

firm where, at the slightest lapse, someone immediately attracted the greatest suspicion?

Were all the employees then collectively, one and all, scoundrels? Among them, was there

then no truly devoted person, who, if he failed to use just a couple of hours in the morning

for office work, would become abnormal from pangs of conscience, and really be in no state

to get out of bed? Was it really not enough to let an apprentice make inquiries, if such

questioning was even necessary? Must the manager himself come, and, in the process, must it

be demonstrated to the entire innocent family, that the investigation of this suspicious

circumstance could be entrusted only to the intelligence of the manager? And more as a

consequence of the excited state into which this idea put Gregor, than as a result of

an actual decision, he swung himself with all his might out of the bed. There was a

loud thud, but not a real crash. The fall was absorbed somewhat by the carpets, and,

in addition, his back was more elastic than Gregor had thought. For that reason, the dull

noise was not quite so conspicuous, but he had not held his head up with sufficient care,

and had hit it. He turned his head, irritated and in pain, and rubbed it on the carpet.

"'Something has fallen in there,' said the manager in the next room on the left.

Gregor tried to imagine to himself whether anything similar to what was happening to

him to-day could also have happened at some point to the manager. At least one had to

concede the possibility of such a thing. However, as if to give a rough answer to this

question, the manager now, with a squeak of his polished boots, took a few determined

steps in the next room. From the neighbouring room on the right, the sister was whispering

to inform Gregor.

"'Gregor, the manager is here.'

"'I know,' said Gregor to himself. But he did not make his voice loud enough so that

his sister could hear.

"'Gregor,' his father now said from the neighbouring room on the left,

"'Mr. Manager has come, and is asking why you have not left on the early train. We don't

know what we should tell him. Besides, he also wants to speak to you personally. So

please open the door. He will be good enough to forgive the mess in your room.'

In the middle of all this, the manager called out in a friendly way,

"'Good morning, Mr. Samsa.'

"'He is not well,' said his mother to the manager, while his father was still talking

at the door.

"'He is not well, believe me, Mr. Manager. Otherwise, how would Gregor miss a train?

The young man has nothing in his head except business. I am almost angry that he never

goes out at night. Right now he's been in the city eight days, but he's been at home

every evening. He sits there with us at the table, and reads the newspaper quietly, or

studies his travel schedules. It is quite a diversion for him to busy himself with fretwork.

For instance, he cut out a small frame over the course of two or three evenings. You'll

be amazed how pretty it is. It's hanging right inside the room. You'll see it immediately,

as soon as Gregor opens the door. Anyway, I'm happy that you're here, Mr. Manager.

By ourselves we would never have made Gregor open the door. He's so stubborn, and he's

certainly not well, although he denied that this morning."

"'I'm coming right away,' said Gregor, slowly and deliberately, and didn't move,

so as not to lose one word of the conversation.

"'My dear lady, I cannot explain it to myself in any other way,' said the manager.

"'I hope it is nothing serious. On the other hand, I must also say that we businesspeople,

luckily or unluckily, however one looks at it, very often simply have to overcome a slight

indisposition for business reasons. So can Mr. Manager come in to see you now?' asked

his father impatiently, and knocked once again on the door.

"'No,' said Gregor.

In the neighbouring room on the left a painful stillness descended. In the neighbouring room

on the right the sister began to sob. Why didn't his sister go to the others? She'd

probably just gotten out of bed now, and hadn't even started to get dressed yet. Then why

was she crying? Because he wasn't getting up, and wasn't letting the manager in, because

he was in danger of losing his position, and because then his boss would badger his

parents once again with the old demands? Those were probably unnecessary worries right now.

Gregor was still here, and wasn't thinking at all about abandoning his family. At the

moment he was lying right there on the carpet, and no one who knew about his condition would

have seriously demanded that he let the manager in. But Gregor wouldn't be casually dismissed

right away because of this small discourtesy, for which he would find an easy and suitable

excuse later on. It seemed to Gregor that it might be far more reasonable to leave him

in peace at the moment, instead of disturbing him with crying and conversation. But it was

the very uncertainty which distressed the others, and excused their behaviour.

"'Mr. Samsa!' the manager was now shouting, his voice raised.

"'What's the matter? You are barricading yourself in your room, answer with only a

yes and a no, are making serious and unnecessary troubles for your parents, and neglecting

— I mention this only incidentally — your commercial duties in a truly unheard-of manner.

I am speaking here in the name of your parents and your employer, and I am requesting you,

in all seriousness, for an immediate and clear explanation. I am amazed! I am amazed!

I thought I knew you as a calm, reasonable person, and now you appear suddenly to want

to start parading around in weird moods. The chief indicated to me earlier this very day

a possible explanation for your neglect, that concerned the collection of cash entrusted

to you a short while ago. But in truth I almost gave him my word of honour that this

explanation could not be correct. However, now I see here your unimaginable pig-headedness,

and I am totally losing any desire to speak up for you in the slightest, and your position

is not at all the most secure. Originally I intended to mention all this to you privately,

but since you are letting me waste my time here uselessly, I don't know why the matter

shouldn't come to the attention of your parents. Your productivity has also been very unsatisfactory

recently. Of course it's not the time of year to conduct exceptional business, we recognise that,

but a time of year for conducting no business? There is no such thing at all, Mr. Samsa,

and such a thing must never be."

But Mr. Manager called Gregor, beside himself, and in his agitation forgetting everything else.

I'm opening the door immediately, this very moment. A slight indisposition, a dizzy spell,

has prevented me from getting up. I'm still lying in bed right now, but I'm quite refreshed once

again. I'm in the midst of getting out of bed. Just have patience for a short moment.

Things are not going as well as I thought, but things are all right. How suddenly this can

overcome someone! Only yesterday evening everything was fine with me, my parents certainly know that.

Actually, just yesterday evening I had a small premonition. People must have seen that in me.

Why have I not reported that to the office? But people always think that they'll get over sickness

without having to stay at home. Mr. Manager, take it easy on my parents. There is really

no basis for the criticisms which you are now making against me, and really nobody has said

a word to me about it. Perhaps you have not read the latest orders which I shipped. Besides, now

I'm setting out on my trip on the eight o'clock train. The few hours' rest have made me stronger.

Mr. Manager, do not stay. I will be at the office in person right away. Please,

please have the goodness to say that, and to convey my respects to the chief."

While Gregor was quickly blurting all this out, hardly aware of what he was saying,

he had moved close to the chest of drawers without effort, probably as a result of the

practice he had already had in bed, and now he was trying to raise himself up on it.

Actually, he wanted to open the door, he really wanted to let himself be seen by and to speak

with the manager. He was keen to witness what the others now asking about him would say when

they saw him. If they were startled, then Gregor had no more responsibility and could be calm.

But if they accepted everything quietly, then he would have no reason to get excited,

and, if he got a move on, could really be at the station around eight o'clock.

At first he slid down a few times on the smooth chest of drawers, but at last he gave himself a

final swing, and stood upright there. He was no longer at all aware of the pains in his lower body,

no matter how they might still sting. Now he let himself fall against the back of a nearby chair,

on the edge of which he braced himself with his thin limbs. By doing this he gained control over

himself and kept quiet, for he could now hear the manager.

"'Did you understand a single word?' the manager asked the parents.

"'Is he playing the fool with us?'

"'For God's sake!' cried the mother, already in tears.

"'Perhaps he's very ill, and we're upsetting him.

"'Greta! Greta!' she yelled at that point.

"'Mother?' called the sister from the other side.

They were making themselves understood through Gregor's room.

"'You must go to the doctor right away. Gregor is sick. Hurry to the doctor.

Have you heard Gregor speak yet?'

"'That was an animal's voice,' said the manager, remarkably quietly,

in comparison to the mother's cries.

"'Anna! Anna!' yelled the father, through the hall into the kitchen, clapping his hands.

"'Fetch a locksmith, right away!'

The two young women were already running through the hall with swishing skirts.

How had his sister dressed herself so quickly, and yanked open the doors of the apartment?

One couldn't hear the doors closing at all. They probably had left them open,

as is customary in an apartment where a huge misfortune has taken place.

However, Gregor had become much calmer. All right, people did not understand his words any more,

although they seemed clear enough to him, clearer than previously, perhaps because his ears had

gotten used to them. But at least people now thought that things were not all right with him,

and were prepared to help him. The confidence and assurance with which the first arrangements

had been carried out made him feel good. He felt himself included once again in the circle

of humanity, and was expecting from both the doctor and the locksmith, without differentiating

between them with any real precision, splendid and surprising results. In order to get as clear

a voice as possible for the critical conversation which was imminent, he coughed a little, and

certainly took the trouble to do this in a really subdued way, since it was possible that even this

noise sounded like something different from a human cough. He no longer trusted himself to decide

any more. Meanwhile, in the next room it had become really quiet. Perhaps his parents were

sitting with the manager at the table, whispering. Perhaps they were all leaning against the door,

listening. Gregor pushed himself slowly towards the door with the help of the easy-chair,

let go of it there, threw himself against the door, held himself upright against it

and rested there momentarily from his exertion. Then he made an effort to turn the key in the

lock with his mouth. Unfortunately, it seemed that he had no real teeth. How, then, was he to grab

hold of the key? But to make up for that, his jaws were naturally very strong. With their help,

he managed to get the key really moving. He didn't notice that he was obviously inflicting

some damage on himself, for a brown fluid came out of his mouth, flowed over the key,

and dripped onto the floor.

"'Just listen for a moment,' said the manager in the next room.

"'He's turning the key!' For Gregor that was a great encouragement. But they all should have

called out to him, including his father and mother. "'Come on, Gregor!' they should have

shouted. "'Keep going, keep working on the lock!''

Imagining that all his efforts were being followed with suspense, he bit down frantically

on the key with all the force he could muster. As the key turned more, he danced around the lock.

Now he was holding himself upright only with his mouth, and he had to hang on to the key,

or then press it down with the whole weight of his body as necessary.

The quite distinct click of the lock as it finally snapped really woke Gregor up.

Breathing heavily, he said to himself,

"'So I didn't need the locksmith!' and he set his head against the door-handle,

to open the door completely. Because he had to open the door in this way, it was already

open very wide without him yet being really visible. He first had to turn himself slowly

around the edge of the door, very carefully, of course, if he didn't want to fall awkwardly on

his back right at the entrance into the room. He was still preoccupied with this difficult movement,

and had no time to pay attention to anything else, when he heard the manager exclaim aloud,

"'Ooooh!' It sounded like the wind whistling. And now he saw him, nearest to the door,

pressing his hand against his open mouth, and moving slowly back, as if an invisible

constant force was pushing him away. His mother, in spite of the presence of the manager,

she was standing there with her hair sticking up on end, still amiss from the night,

was looking at his father with her hands clasped. She then went two steps towards

Gregor and collapsed, right in the middle of her skirts, which were spread out all around her,

her face sunk on her breast, completely concealed. His father clenched his fist with a hostile

expression, as if he wished to push Gregor back into his room, then looked uncertainly

around the living-room, covered his eyes with his hands, and cried, so that his mighty breast shook.

At this point Gregor did not take one step into the room, but leaned his body from the inside

against the firmly bolted wing of the door, so that only half his body was visible, as well as

his head, tilted sideways, with which he peeped over at the others. Meanwhile it had become much

brighter. Standing out clearly from the other side of the street was a part of the endless

grey-black house situated opposite. It was a hospital, with its severe regular windows breaking

up the façade. The rain was still coming down, but only in large individual drops, visibly and

firmly thrown down one by one onto the ground. The breakfast-dishes were standing piled around

on the table, because for his father breakfast was the most important meal-time in the day,

which he prolonged for hours by reading various newspapers. Directly across the opposite wall

hung a photograph of Gregor from the time of his military service. It was a picture of him as a

lieutenant, as he, smiling and worry-free, with his hand on his sword, demanded respect for his

bearing and uniform. The door to the hall was ajar, and since the door to the apartment was

also open, one could see out into the landing of the apartment and the start of the staircase

going down. Now, said Gregor, well aware that he was the only one who had kept his composure,

I'll get dressed right away, pick up the collection of samples, and set off. You'll allow

me to set out on my way, will you not? You see, Mr. Manager, I am not pig-headed, and I am happy

to work. Travelling is exhausting, but I couldn't live without it. Where are you going, Mr. Manager?

To the office? Really? Will you report everything truthfully? A person can be incapable of work

momentarily, but that's precisely the best time to remember the earlier achievements,

and to consider that later, after the obstacles have been shoved aside, the person will work all

the more eagerly and intensely. I am really so indebted to Mr. Chief, you know that perfectly

well. On the other hand, I am concerned about my parents and my sister. I'm in a fix, but I'll

work myself out of it again. Don't make things more difficult for me than they already are.

Speak up on my behalf in the office. People don't like travelling salesmen, I know that.

People think they earn pots of money, and thus lead a fine life. People don't even have any

special reason to think through this judgment more clearly. But you, Mr. Manager, you have a

better perspective on what's involved in other people—even, I tell you in total confidence,

a better perspective than Mr. Chairman himself, who, in his capacity as the employer,

may let his judgment make casual mistakes at the expense of an employee. You also know well enough

that the travelling salesman who is outside the office almost the entire year, can become so

easily a victim of gossip, coincidences, and groundless complaints, against which it's

impossible for him to defend himself, since, for the most part, he doesn't hear about them at all,

and only then, when he's exhausted after finishing a trip, and at home, gets to feel in his own body

the nasty consequences, which can't be thoroughly explored back to their origins.

Mr. Manager, don't leave without speaking a word telling me that you'll at least concede that

I'm a little in the right." But at Gregor's first words, the manager had already turned away,

and now he looked back at Gregor over his twitching shoulders with pursed lips. During Gregor's speech

he was not still for a moment, but kept moving away towards the door, without taking his eyes

off Gregor, but really gradually, as if there was a secret ban on leaving the room. He was already

in the hall, and given the sudden movement with which he had finally pulled his foot out of the

living room, one could have believed that he had just burned the sole of his foot. In the hall,

however, he stretched his right hand out away from his body towards the staircase,

as if some truly supernatural relief was waiting for him there. Gregor realized that he must not,

under any circumstances, allow the manager to go away in this frame of mind, especially if his

position in the firm was not to be placed in the greatest danger. His parents did not understand

all this very well. Over the long years they had developed the conviction that Gregor was set up

for life in his firm, and in addition they had so much to do nowadays with their present troubles,

that all foresight was foreign to them. But Gregor had this foresight. The manager must be held back,

calmed down, convinced, and finally won over. The future of Gregor and his family really depended

on it. If only the sister had been there! She was clever. She had already cried while Gregor was

still lying quietly on his back, and the manager, this friend of the lady's, would certainly let

himself be guided by her. She would have closed the door to the apartment and talked him out of

his fright in the hall. But the sister was not even there. Gregor must deal with it himself.

Without thinking that as yet he didn't know anything about his present ability to move,

and that his speech possibly, indeed probably, had once again not been understood,

he left the wing of the door, pushed himself through the opening, and wanted to go over to

the manager, who was already holding tight on to the handrail with both hands on the landing in

a ridiculous way. But as he looked for something to hold on to, with a small scream, Gregor

immediately fell down onto his numerous little legs. Scarcely had this happened, when he felt,

for the first time that morning, a general physical well-being. The small limbs had firm

floor under them. They obeyed perfectly, as he noticed to his joy, and strove to carry him

forward in the direction he wanted. Right away he believed that the final amelioration of all

his suffering was immediately at hand. But at the very moment when he lay on the floor,

rocking in a restrained manner quite close and directly across from his mother,

who had apparently totally sunk into herself, she suddenly sprang right up, with her arms spread far

apart and her fingers extended, and cried out,—'Help! for God's sake! help!' She held her

head bowed down, as if she wanted to view Gregor better, but ran senselessly back, contradicting

that gesture, forgetting that behind her stood the table with all the dishes on it. When she

reached the table she sat down heavily on it, as if absentmindedly, and did not appear to notice at

all that next to her coffee was pouring out onto the carpets in a full stream from the large

overturned container. "'Mother!' said Gregor quietly, and looked over towards her. The manager

momentarily had disappeared completely from his mind. At the sight of the flowing coffee,

Gregor couldn't stop himself snapping his jaws in the air a few times. At that his mother screamed

all over again, hurried from the table, and collapsed into the arms of his father, who was

rushing towards her. But Gregor had no time now for his parents, the manager was already on the

staircase. His chin level with the banister, the manager looked back for the last time.

Gregor took an initial movement to catch up to him if possible. But the manager must have

suspected something, because he made a leap down over a few stairs and disappeared, still shouting,

"'Oh!' The sound echoed throughout the entire stairwell.

Now, unfortunately, this flight of the manager also seemed to bewilder his father completely.

Earlier he had been relatively calm, for instead of running after the manager himself,

or at least not hindering Gregor from his pursuit, with his right hand he grabbed hold of

the manager's cane, which he had left behind with his hat and overcoat on a chair. With his left hand

his father picked up a large newspaper from the table, and stamping his feet on the floor,

he set out to drive Gregor back into his room by waving the cane and the newspaper.

No request of Gregor's was of any use, no request would even be understood. No matter how willing he

was to turn his head respectfully, his father just stomped all the harder with his feet.

Across the room from him his mother had pulled open a window, in spite of the cool weather,

and leaning out with her hands on her cheeks, she pushed her face far outside the window.

Between the alley and the stairwell a strong draft came up, the curtains on the window flew

around, the newspapers on the table swished, and individual sheets fluttered down over the floor.

The father relentlessly pressed forward, pushing out sibilance like a wild man. Now,

Gregor had no practice at all in going backwards, it was really very slow going. If Gregor only had

been allowed to turn himself around he would have been in his room right away, but he was afraid to

make his father impatient by the time-consuming process of turning around, and each moment he

faced the threat of a mortal blow on his back or his head from the cane in his father's hand.

Finally Gregor had no other option, for he noticed with horror that he did not understand yet how to

maintain his direction going backwards, and so he began, amid constantly anxious sideways glances

in his father's direction, to turn himself around as quickly as possible, although in truth this

was only done very slowly. Perhaps his father noticed his good intentions, for he did not

disrupt Gregor in this motion, but with the tip of the cane from a distance he even directed Gregor's

rotating movement here and there. If only his father had not hissed so unbearably! Because of

that Gregor totally lost his head. He was already almost totally turned around, when, always with

this hissing in his ear, he just made a mistake and turned himself back a little. But when he

finally was successful in getting his head in front of the door opening it became clear that

his body was too wide to go through any further. Naturally his father, in his present mental state,

had no idea of opening the other wing of the door a bit to create a suitable passage for Gregor to

get through. His single fixed thought was that Gregor must get into his room as quickly as

possible. He would never have allowed the elaborate preparations that Gregor required to orient

himself, and thus perhaps get through the door. On the contrary, as if there were no obstacle,

and with a peculiar noise, he now drove Gregor forwards. Behind Gregor the sound at this point

was no longer like the voice of only a single father. Now it was really no longer a joke,

and Gregor forced himself, come what might, into the door. One side of his body was lifted up.

He lay at an angle in the door opening, his one flank was sore with the scraping.

On the white door ugly blotches were left. Soon he was stuck fast, and would not have been able

to move any more on his own. The tiny legs on one side hung twitching in the air above,

and the ones on the other side were pushed painfully into the floor. Then his father

gave him one really strong liberating push from behind, and he scurried, bleeding severely,

far into the interior of his room. The door was slam-shut with the cane, and finally it was quiet.

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Franz Kafka - Metaphomorsis Франц|Кафка|Превращение Франца Кафки Franz Kafka||Metamorphosis Franz|Kafka|A Metamorfose Franz Kafka - Dönüşüm|Franz Kafka - Dönüşüm|Dönüşüm 弗朗茨|| ||التحول Franz Kafka - Metamorfosis|Kafka|La metamorfosis فرانتس كافكا - التحول Franz Kafka - Die Metaphorik Franz Kafka - Metaphomorsis Franz Kafka - Metaphomorsis Franz Kafka - Métaphore Franz Kafka - Metafomorsis フランツ・カフカ - メタフォモルシス 프란츠 카프카 - 은유학 Franzas Kafka - Metafora Franz Kafka - Metaphomorsis Franz Kafka - Metaphomorsis Франц Кафка - Метафоморсис Franz Kafka - Metafomorsis Franz Kafka - Metafomorsis Франц Кафка - Метафоморсис 弗兰兹·卡夫卡 - 隐喻 弗蘭茲·卡夫卡 - 隱喻

I. One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that ||||Грегор|Грегор Замза|||||тревожный|снов тревожных||обнаружил, что| |||||Gregor Samsa|||||disturbing|||realized| certa manhã, quando Gregor Samsa estava acordando de sonhos ansiosos, ele descobriu que|uma|manhã|enquanto|Gregor|Samsa|estava|acordando|acordando|de|ansiosos|sonhos||descobriu|que |Bir sabah|sabahleyin||Gregor Samsa|Gregor Samsa|||||endişeli|||keşfetti ki| |||||||||||||odkrył że| ||||Gregor Samsa|Samsa||despertando|||ansiosas|sueños inquietos||descubrió que| 1. في صباح أحد الأيام، بينما كان غريغور سامسا يستيقظ من أحلامه القلقة، اكتشف أنه I. One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that I. Una mañana, mientras Gregor Samsa se despertaba de sus angustiosos sueños, descubrió que I. Una mattina, mentre Gregor Samsa si svegliava da sogni angosciosi, scoprì che I. Uma manhã, quando Gregor Samsa estava a acordar de sonhos ansiosos, descobriu que I. Однажды утром, когда Грегор Самса просыпался от тревожных снов, он обнаружил, что I. Bir sabah, Gregor Samsa endişeli rüyalardan uyanırken şunu fark etti I. Одного ранку, прокинувшись від тривожних снів, Грегор Самса виявив, що I.一天早晨,当格里高尔-萨姆沙从焦虑的梦中醒来时,他发现 一. 一天早上,当格里高尔·萨姆萨从焦虑的梦中醒来时,他发现

in bed he had been changed into a monstrous, verminous bug. He lay on his armour-hard back, ||||||||чудовищный|паразитический|насекомое||лежал|||панцирь|| ||||||||huge|infested with vermin|||||||| na|na cama|||tinha|transformado|em||monstruoso|verminoso|inseto|ele|jazia|sobre|sua|armadura|duro|costas ||||dönüştürülmüştü|dönüşmüştü|||korkunç|haşere dolu|böcek||yatıyordu|||zırh gibi|| ||||||||可怕的|有害虫的||||||甲壳|| |||||||||مخلوق قذر|||||||| ||||||||monstrualny|szkodliwy|robak||||||| ||||||||жахливий|паразитичний|||||||| |||||transformado|||monstruoso|verminoso|insecto monstruoso|Él|yacía|||coraza dura|duro como armadura|espalda rígida في السرير قد تم تحويله إلى حشرة وحشية وديدان. كان مستلقياً على ظهره الصلب مثل الدرع، in bed he had been changed into a monstrous, verminous bug. He lay on his armour-hard back, en la cama se había transformado en un bicho monstruoso y verminoso. Estaba tumbado sobre su espalda acorazada, a letto si era trasformato in un mostruoso e verminoso insetto. Si sdraiò sulla schiena dura come un'armatura, na cama, tinha-se transformado num insecto monstruoso e verminoso. Deitou-se sobre as costas duras da sua armadura, В постели он превратился в чудовищного, паразитирующего жука. Он лежал на своей бронированной спине, Yatakta korkunç, haşaratlı bir böceğe dönüşmüştü. Zırh gibi sert sırtının üzerine uzandı, У ліжку він перетворився на жахливого, паразитичного жука. Він лежав на своїй броньованій спині, 在床上,他变成了一只畸形的害虫。他躺在盔甲坚硬的背上、 自己在床上变成了一只庞大而恶心的虫子。他躺在坚硬的背上,

and saw, as he lifted his head up a little, his brown, arched abdomen divided up into ||||поднял||||||||изогнутый|коричневый изогнутый живот|разделённый на части|| |||||||||||brown|curved|curved belly||| e|viu|enquanto|ele|levantou|seu|cabeça|para cima|e viu, ao levantar um pouco a cabeça, seu abdômen marrom e arqueado dividido em|um pouco|seu|marrom|arqueado|abdômen|dividido|para cima|e viu, ao levantar um pouco a cabeça, seu abdômen marrom e arqueado dividido em ||||||||||||gewölbten|||| ||||kaldırdığında|||||||kahverengi|kavisli|karın bölgesi|bölünmüş halde|| ||||||||||||弓形的|腹部||| ||||||||||||مقوس|||| ||||||||||||wygięty|brązowy wygięty brzuch|podzielony|| ||||levantó|||||||marrón|arqueado||dividido en segmentos|| ورأى، عندما رفع رأسه قليلاً، بطنه البني المقوس مقسماً إلى and saw, as he lifted his head up a little, his brown, arched abdomen divided up into y vio, al levantar un poco la cabeza, su abdomen moreno y arqueado dividido en 少し頭を上げると、茶色く弓なりになった腹部が、次のように分かれていた。 e viu, quando levantou um pouco a cabeça, o seu abdómen castanho e arqueado dividir-se em и увидел, когда он немного приподнял голову, его коричневый, дугообразный живот, разделенный на ve başını biraz yukarı kaldırdığında kahverengi, kemerli karnının ikiye ayrıldığını gördü 当他把头稍稍抬起来时,看到他棕色的、拱形的腹部分成两部分 稍微抬起头时,看见自己棕色的、弯曲的腹部被分成了

rigid bow-like sections. From this height the blanket, just about ready to slide off жесткие|дуга||секции|||высоте||покрывало|||||соскользнуть| stiff|||||||||||||| rígidas|arco||seções|de|seções rígidas em forma de arco. A partir desta altura, o cobertor, prestes a escorregar|altura|as (seções rígidas em forma de arco. Desta altura, o cobertor, prestes a escorregar)|cobertor|apenas|quase|prontas||deslizar|de seções rígidas em forma de arco. Desta altura, o cobertor, prestes a escorregar ||||||||Decke|||||| katı yay benzeri|yay şeklinde||bölümler|||yükseklikten||Battaniye|||||kaymak| 刚性|弓形||||||||||||| صلبة|||||||||||||| rígidas|arcos rígidos|||||altura||manta rígida|||||deslizarse| أقسام صلبة تشبه القوس. من هذا الارتفاع، كانت البطانية، التي كانت على وشك الانزلاق rigid bow-like sections. From this height the blanket, just about ready to slide off secciones rígidas en forma de arco. Desde esta altura la manta, a punto de deslizarse 硬い弓状の部分。この高さから毛布は、滑り落ちる寸前だった。 A partir desta altura, o cobertor, quase pronto a deslizar, é um жесткие секции, похожие на банты. С этой высоты одеяло, вот-вот готовое соскользнуть sert yay benzeri bölümler. Bu yükseklikten battaniye, neredeyse kaymaya hazır жорсткі секції, схожі на луки. З цієї висоти ковдра, майже готова сповзти 硬邦邦的弓形部分。从这个高度看,毯子就快要滑落了

completely, could hardly stay in place. His numerous legs, pitifully thin in comparison совершенно|||||||многочисленные||жалко тонкие|||сравнении |||||||many||sadly||| completamente|mal consegiu ficar parado|mal|permanecer|no lugar|no lugar|as suas|numerosas|pernas|lamentavelmente finas|muito finas|no lugar|comparação tamamen||zorla|||||sayısız||acınası derecede|||kıyasla |||||||||بائسة||| ||apenas|||||||Lastimosamente||| تمامًا، بالكاد يمكن أن تبقى في مكانها. أرجلها العديدة، التي تبدو رقيقة بشكل مؤسف مقارنةً completely, could hardly stay in place. His numerous legs, pitifully thin in comparison completamente, apenas podía mantenerse en su sitio. Sus numerosas piernas, lastimosamente delgadas en comparación As suas numerosas pernas, lamentavelmente finas em comparação com as de um homem de idade, mal conseguiam manter-se no lugar. полностью, с трудом держался на месте. Его многочисленные ноги, жалко тонкие по сравнению с тем. tamamen, zorlukla yerinde durabiliyordu. Çok sayıdaki bacakları, kıyaslandığında acınacak kadar inceydi. 他的双腿完全不能动弹。相比之下,他的双腿细得可怜

to the rest of his circumference, flickered helplessly before his eyes. |||||окружности|мерцал|беспомощно||| |||||surrounding area|flashed|||| até|a|o resto|de|sua|circunferência|piscou|sem poder|diante de|sua|olhos |||||çevresinin geri kalanı|titredi|çaresizce||| ||||||闪烁|||| |||||محيطه|تومض|بلا حول||| ||||||parpadeó|inútilmente||| إلى بقية محيطه، وميض عاجز أمام عينيه. al resto de su circunferencia, parpadeaba impotente ante sus ojos. para o resto da sua circunferência, tremeluzia impotente diante dos seus olhos. по всей его окружности, беспомощно мерцали перед его глазами. gözlerinin önünde çaresizce titriyordu. 在他眼前无助地闪烁着。

What's happened to me? he thought. |has occurred|||| o que|aconteceu||||pensou ماذا حدث لي؟ فكر. ¿Qué me ha pasado? pensó. Cosa mi è successo? pensò. O que é que me aconteceu? pensou. Что со мной случилось? подумал он. 他想,我这是怎么了?

It was no dream. His room, a proper room for a human being, only somewhat too small, lay ||||||||||||||немного||| |||dream|||||||||||||| |||rüya|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||algo||| ||não|sonho|o seu|quarto|um|adequada|quarto|para|um|um ser humano|ser humano|apenas|um pouco|um pouco|um pouco pequena|estava situada لم يكن حلمًا. كانت غرفته، غرفة مناسبة لإنسان، صغيرة بعض الشيء، تقع No era un sueño. Su habitación, una habitación adecuada para un ser humano, sólo un poco demasiado pequeña, yacía Não era um sonho. O seu quarto, um quarto adequado para um ser humano, só que um pouco pequeno demais, estava Это был не сон. Его комната, нормальная комната для человека, только слишком маленькая, лежала на полу. Це був не сон. Його кімната, нормальна кімната для людини, тільки трохи замала, лежала 这不是梦。他的房间,一个适合人类居住的房间,只是有点太小了。

quietly between the four well-known walls. Above the table, on which an unpacked collection |||||||||||||açılmamış koleksiyon| |||||famous||||||||| |||||||||||||غير مرتبة| silenciosamente|entre|as paredes|quatro|bem conhecidas|bem conhecidas|paredes|acima|as paredes|mesa|sobre|sobre a qual|uma|desempacotada|coleção desfeita بهدوء بين الجدران الأربعة المعروفة. فوق الطاولة، التي توجد عليها مجموعة غير مفككة. tranquilamente entre las cuatro paredes conocidas. Encima de la mesa, sobre la que una colección desembalada silenciosamente entre as quatro paredes conhecidas. Por cima da mesa, sobre a qual uma coleção desempacotada спокойно между четырьмя известными стенами. Над столом, на котором лежала нераспакованная коллекция тихо між чотирма відомими стінами. Над столом, на якому лежить розпакована колекція 在四面众所周知的墙壁之间悄无声息。在桌子上方,摆放着未拆封的收藏品

of sample-cloth goods was spread out—Samsa was a travelling salesman—hung the picture |образец|ткань|товары||развешана|||||путешествующий||висела|| |||||||سامسا||||بائع متجول||| |muestra de tela||||extendido||||||||| de produtos|amostra|tecido|mercadorias de tecido|era|estendida|fora|Samsa|era|uma|viajante|vendedor viajante|pendurada|a|a imagem تم تفريغ عينة من المنسوجات - كان سامسا بائعًا متجولًا - وكانت الصورة معلقة de muestras de artículos de tela se extendía-Samsa era un vendedor ambulante-colgaba el cuadro サンプルの布製品が広げられ、サムサは巡回セールスマンだった。 de amostras de artigos de vestuário estavam espalhadas - Samsa era um vendedor ambulante - pendurou o quadro были разложены образцы тканей - Самса был странствующим продавцом - висела картина örnek kumaşlar serilmişti -Samsa gezici bir satıcıydı- resmi asmıştı розкладали зразки тканинних товарів - Самса був комівояжером - вішав картину 布料样品摊开了--Samsa 是个巡回推销员--挂着一幅画

he had cut out of an illustrated magazine a little while ago, and set in a pretty gilt ||||||иллюстрированном|||||||вставил в||||золотой рамке |||||||||||||||||مذهب |||||||||||||||||gold-colored frame |||||||||||||||||dorado ele|cortado|recortado|cortado de|de|uma|ilustrada|revista ilustrada|||enquanto|há pouco|e colocou|colocou em uma moldura|em|uma|uma bonita moldura|dourada moldura لقد قطع من مجلة مصورة منذ فترة قصيرة، ووضعها في إطار جميل ذهبي. que había recortado de una revista ilustrada hacía poco tiempo, y colocado en un bonito 彼は少し前に雑誌から切り抜き、きれいな金メッキを施していた。 que ele havia recortado de uma revista ilustrada há pouco tempo e colocado em um lindo estojo dourado. он вырезал из иллюстрированного журнала некоторое время назад и поместил в красивую позолоченную kısa bir süre önce resimli bir dergiden kesip çıkardığı ve güzel bir yaldızın içine yerleştirdiği яку він нещодавно вирізав з ілюстрованого журналу і вставив у гарненьку позолочену рамку. 他不久前从一本图文并茂的杂志上剪下来,镶嵌在一个漂亮的镀金

frame. It was a picture of a woman, with a fur hat and a fur boa. She sat erect there, рамка|||||||||||||||шаль|||прямо| ||||||||||فراء||||||||مستقيمة| ||||||||||fur|||||fur scarf|||upright| quadro|ela||uma|imagem|de|uma|uma mulher|com um|uma|pelagem de animal|chapéu de pele|e|uma|pele|estola|ela|estava sentada|ereta|ali na posição marco||||||||||piel/pelaje||||piel/pelaje|boa de piel||se sentó erguida|Erguida| كانت صورة لامرأة، ترتدي قبعة من الفرو وبوا من الفرو. جلسات منتصبة هناك، marco. Era el retrato de una mujer, con un sombrero de piel y una boa de piel. Estaba sentada, erguida, フレーム。毛皮の帽子をかぶり、毛皮のボアを羽織った女性の写真だった。彼女はそこに直立して座っていた、 moldura. Era a foto de uma mulher, com um chapéu de pele e uma jiboia de pele. Ela estava sentada ereta, рама. Это была фотография женщины в меховой шапке и меховом боа. Она сидела прямо, Çerçeve. Kürk şapkalı ve kürk boalı bir kadın resmiydi. Orada dik oturuyordu, в рамці. Це була фотографія жінки в хутряній шапці та хутряному боа. Вона сиділа прямо, 画框那是一张女人的照片,戴着一顶毛皮帽子和一条毛皮蟒蛇。她直挺挺地坐在那里、

lifting up in the direction of the viewer a solid fur muff, into which her entire forearm ||||в сторону|||зритель||||муфта|||||предплечье |||||||||||fur handwarmer tube|||||arm levantando|para cima|na direção de|o|direção do espectador||o|espectador|um|muff de pelagem|de pele|muff de pelagem|em direção a|o qual|ela|todo o|antebraço |||||||||||Pelzhandschuh||||| |||||||||||مخدة الفراء|||||الساعد |||||||||||manguito de piel|||||antebrazo ترفع في اتجاه المشاهد فخذاً صوفياً صلباً، حيث كان ذراعها الكامل داخلها. lifting up in the direction of the viewer a solid fur muff, into which her entire forearm levantando en dirección al espectador un manguito de piel sólida, en el que todo su antebrazo 彼女の前腕全体がその中に収まっている。 levantando na direção do observador uma capa de pele maciça, na qual seu antebraço inteiro подняв в сторону зрителя массивную меховую муфту, в которую было засунуто все ее предплечье. izleyiciye doğru kaldırarak, ön kolunun tamamının içine girdiği sert bir kürk manşonu піднімаючи в бік глядача масивну хутряну муфту, в яку закутане все її передпліччя 朝观看者的方向举起一个结实的皮套,她的整个前臂都套在里面

had disappeared. tinha desaparecido|desapareceu كان قد اختفى. había desaparecido. tinha desaparecido. исчезла. ortadan kaybolmuştu. 消失了。

Gregor's glance then turned to the window. The dreary weather—the raindrops were falling Грегора|взгляд||обернулась|||||угрюмый|||капли дождя|| Gregor|look|||||||gloomy||||| de Gregor|olhar|então|voltou-se|para|a|janela|a|sombrento|o tempo|a|as gotas de chuva|estavam a cair|caíam ||||||||阴沉的||||| |نظرة|||||||الكئيب||||| de Gregor|mirada||se dirigió|||||sombrío||||| اتجهت نظرة جريجور بعد ذلك إلى النافذة. الطقس الكئيب - كانت قطرات المطر تتساقط La mirada de Gregor se dirigió entonces a la ventana. El tiempo era lúgubre: caían gotas de lluvia. O olhar de Gregor volta-se então para a janela. O tempo estava sombrio, as gotas de chuva caíam Взгляд Грегора обратился к окну. Унылая погода - капли дождя падали Gregor'un bakışları daha sonra pencereye döndü. Hava kasvetliydi, yağmur damlaları düşüyordu. 格雷戈尔的目光随即转向窗外。沉闷的天气--雨点淅淅沥沥地下着

audibly down on the metal window-ledge—made him quite melancholy. громко||||||||||меланхол بصوت مسموع||||||حافة النافذة||||حزين جداً clearly audible||||||metal window sill|||| audivelmente||||||||||melancólico audiblemente||||||repisa de metal|||| بصوت مسموع على حافة النافذة المعدنية - جعله يشعر بالحزن الشديد. audiblemente en el alféizar metálico de la ventana, le puso melancólico. O facto de o seu pai ter batido com força no parapeito metálico da janela deixou-o bastante melancólico. и, опустившись на металлический подоконник, он стал совсем меланхоличным. Metal pencere pervazından gelen sesler onu oldukça melankolik yapıyordu. 在金属窗棱上发出的声响,让他颇为忧郁。

Why don't I keep sleeping for a little while longer, and forget all this foolishness? he ||||||||||||||глупость| ||||||||||||||nonsense| ||||||||||||||tonterías| لماذا لا أستمر في النوم لفترة أطول قليلاً، وأنسَ كل هذا الهراء؟ هو ¿Por qué no sigo durmiendo un poco más y olvido toda esta tontería? él もうしばらく眠り続けて、この愚かなことを忘れてしまおうか? Porque é que não continuo a dormir mais um pouco e esqueço todas estas tolices? Почему бы мне не поспать еще немного и не забыть все эти глупости? Neden bir süre daha uyumaya devam etmiyorum ve tüm bu saçmalıkları unutmuyorum? 何不再多睡一会儿,忘掉这一切的愚蠢?他

thought. فكر. pensó. 以为。

But this was entirely impractical, for he was used to sleeping on his right side, and |||совершенно|непрактично||||||||||| لكن هذا كان غير عملي تمامًا، لأنه كان معتادًا على النوم على جانبه الأيمن، و Pero esto era totalmente impracticable, porque estaba acostumbrado a dormir sobre su lado derecho, y Mas isso era completamente impraticável, porque ele estava habituado a dormir sobre o lado direito, e Но это было совершенно непрактично, так как он привык спать на правом боку, и Ancak bu hiç pratik değildi, çünkü sağ tarafına yatmaya alışkındı ve 但这完全不切实际,因为他习惯于右侧卧,而且

in his present state he couldn't get himself into this position. But no matter how hard ||||||||||положение||||| في حالته الحالية، لم يكن يمكنه الوصول إلى هذا الوضع. ولكن بغض النظر عن مدى صعوبة en su estado actual no podía ponerse en esta posición. Pero por mucho que w swoim obecnym stanie nie mógł znaleźć się w takiej sytuacji. Ale bez względu na to, jak bardzo no estado em que se encontrava, não podia colocar-se nesta posição. Mas por muito que se esforce В своем нынешнем состоянии он не мог попасть в такое положение. Но как бы ни старался Şu anki durumuyla kendini bu pozisyona getiremezdi. Ama ne kadar zor olursa olsun 以他现在的状态,他不可能让自己陷入这种境地。但无论如何努力

he threw himself onto his right side, he always rolled again onto his back. He must |||||||||переворачивался|||||| قذف نفسه على جانبه الأيمن، كان يتدحرج دائمًا مرة أخرى على ظهره. يجب أن se tiraba sobre su lado derecho, siempre volvía a rodar sobre su espalda. Debía se atirava para o lado direito, rolava sempre de novo para as costas. Deve если он переворачивался на правый бок, то всегда перекатывался на спину. Он должен kendini sağ tarafına attığında, her zaman tekrar sırt üstü yuvarlanırdı. O olmalı 他把自己摔到右侧时,总是又滚到背上。他必须

have tried it a hundred times, closing his eyes so that he would not have to see the يكون قد حاولها مئة مرة، مغلقًا عينيه حتى لا يضطر لرؤية ال haberlo intentado cien veces, cerrando los ojos para no tener que ver el já o tentou uma centena de vezes, fechando os olhos para não ter de ver o пробовал это сотню раз, закрывая глаза, чтобы не видеть Yüzlerce kez denedi, gözlerini kapattı, böylece onu görmek zorunda kalmayacaktı. 他已经尝试了上百次,闭上眼睛,这样他就不必看到

wriggling legs, and gave up only when he began to feel a light dull pain in his side which встряхивающиеся|||||||||||||тупая|боль|||| Squirming|||||||||||||mild persistent||||| تتلوى|||||||||||||خفيف||||| retorciéndose|||||||||||||sordo||||| 扭动的|||||||||||||||||| أرجل تتلوى، واستسلم فقط عندما بدأ يشعر بألم خفيف كليل في جانبه الذي wriggling legs, and gave up only when he began to feel a light dull pain in his side which y sólo se dio por vencido cuando empezó a sentir un ligero dolor sordo en el costado. そして、脇腹に軽い鈍痛を感じ始めてから、あきらめた。 e só desistiu quando começou a sentir uma dor ligeira e surda no lado do corpo que Он не мог оторваться от своих ног и сдался только тогда, когда почувствовал легкую тупую боль в боку, которая Bacaklarını kıpırdattı ve ancak yan tarafında hafif bir acı hissetmeye başladığında pes etti. 他的双腿不停地扭动,直到他的身体开始感到轻微的钝痛,这才放弃。

he had never felt before. لم يشعر به من قبل. he had never felt before. que nunca antes había sentido. которую он никогда не испытывал раньше. 他从未有过这种感觉。

Oh, God! he thought, what a demanding job I've chosen, day in, day out on the road! ||||||требовательная|||выбрал||||||| يا إلهي! فكر، ما أتعس وظيفة اخترتها، يوماً بعد يوم على الطريق! ¡Oh, Dios! pensó, ¡qué trabajo tan exigente he elegido, día tras día en la carretera! なんて過酷な仕事を選んでしまったんだろう! Oh, Deus! pensou ele, que trabalho exigente escolhi, dia após dia na estrada! О Боже! подумал он, какую же сложную работу я выбрал, день за днем находясь в дороге! 哦,上帝啊!他想,我选择了一份多么艰苦的工作,日复一日地奔波在路上!

The stresses of selling are much greater than the work going on at head office, and |стрессы||продаж|||больше||||||||| ضغوط البيع أكبر بكثير من العمل الذي يجري في المكتب الرئيسي، و Las tensiones de la venta son mucho mayores que el trabajo que se realiza en la oficina central, y 販売におけるストレスは、本社で行われている仕事よりもはるかに大きい。 O stress da venda é muito maior do que o trabalho na sede, e Стресс, связанный с продажами, гораздо сильнее, чем работа в головном офисе, и 销售工作的压力远远大于总部的工作,而且

in addition to that, I have to cope with the problems of travelling, the worries about |в дополнение||||||справляться с|||||||| |||||||lidiar con|||||||| بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يجب أن أواجه مشاكل السفر، والقلق بشأن Además de eso, tengo que hacer frente a los problemas de los viajes, las preocupaciones sobre それに加えて、旅先での問題や、"震災 "に関する心配事にも対処しなければならない。 Para além disso, tenho de lidar com os problemas das viagens, as preocupações com Кроме того, мне приходится справляться с проблемами, связанными с путешествиями, переживаниями по поводу 除此之外,我还得应付旅行中的各种问题,担心

train connections, irregular bad food, temporary and constantly changing human relationships |связи|непостоянный|||временные|||меняющиеся||отношения между людьми ||poor quality|||||||| روابط القطارات، والطعام السيء غير المنتظم، والعلاقات البشرية المؤقتة والمتغيرة باستمرار 電車の乗り継ぎ、不規則な不味い食事、一時的で常に変化する人間関係 ligações de comboio, má alimentação irregular, relações humanas temporárias e em constante mudança железнодорожные переезды, нерегулярное плохое питание, временные и постоянно меняющиеся человеческие отношения tren bağlantıları, düzensiz kötü yiyecekler, geçici ve sürekli değişen insan ilişkileri 火车接驳、不定期的糟糕食物、临时且不断变化的人际关系

which never come from the heart. To hell with it all! التي لا تأتي أبداً من القلب. إلى الجحيم مع كل ذلك! que nunca salen del corazón. ¡Al diablo con todo! それは決して心から出たものではない。すべてクソくらえだ! que nunca vêm do coração. Para o inferno com tudo isso! которые никогда не исходят из сердца. К черту все это! asla kalpten gelmez. Hepsinin canı cehenneme! 从来都不是发自内心的。让这一切都见鬼去吧!

He felt a slight itching on the top of his abdomen. He slowly pushed himself onto his |||незначительное|зуд|||||||||||| ||||حكة خفيفة|||||||||||| ||||sensation of itch||||||stomach area|||||| |||ligero|picazón leve|||||||||||sobre| شعر بحكة خفيفة على قمة بطنه. بدأ يدفع نفسه ببطء إلى الأعلى. Sintió un ligero picor en la parte superior del abdomen. Se impulsó lentamente sobre su Sentiu uma ligeira comichão na parte superior do abdómen. Empurrou-se lentamente para o seu Он почувствовал легкий зуд в верхней части живота и медленно опустился на спину. Karnının üst kısmında hafif bir kaşıntı hissetti. Kendini yavaşça yatağının üzerine itti. 他感到腹部上方有些瘙痒。他慢慢地把自己推到

back closer to the bedpost, so that he could lift his head more easily, found the itchy |ближе|||ножка кровати||||||||||||зудящий ||||عمود السرير|||||||||||| ||||poste de cama|||||levantar|||||||"que picaba" عاد أقرب إلى عمود السرير ، بحيث يمكنه رفع رأسه بسهولة أكبر ، وجد الجزء الذي كان مثارًا للحكة más cerca de la pata de la cama, para poder levantar la cabeza con más facilidad, encontró el picor ベッドポストに背中を近づけ、頭を上げやすくした。 de volta para perto da coluna da cama, para que pudesse levantar a cabeça mais facilmente, encontrou a comichão Прижавшись спиной к столбику кровати, чтобы легче было поднять голову, он обнаружил зудящую başını daha rahat kaldırabilmek için yatağın direğine yaklaştırdı ve kaşıntılı 他的后背更靠近床柱,这样他可以更容易地抬起头,发现痒痒的

part, which was entirely covered with small white spots. He did not know what to make ||||||||пятна||||||| ||||||||manchas blancas pequeñas||||||| وهو مغطى بالكامل بخصاص بيضاء صغيرة. لم يعرف ماذا يفعل به parte, que estaba completamente cubierta de pequeñas manchas blancas. No sabía qué hacer その部分には小さな白い斑点があった。彼は、何をどうすればいいのかわからなかった。 parte, que estava inteiramente coberta de pequenas manchas brancas. Ele não sabia o que fazer часть, которая была полностью покрыта маленькими белыми пятнами. Он не знал, что делать tamamen küçük beyaz lekelerle kaplı olan kısmı. Ne yapacağını bilmiyordu. 的部分,上面布满了小白点。他不知道

of them, and wanted to feel the place with a leg. But he retracted it immediately, for |||||||||||||убрал её||| |||||||||||||سحبها||| |||||||||||||withdrew||| وأراد أن يشعر بالمكان بساقه. لكنه سحبها على الفور ، لأن de ellos, y quiso palpar el lugar con una pierna. Pero la retiró inmediatamente, pues e quis apalpar o local com uma perna. Mas retirou-a imediatamente, pois Он хотел пощупать это место ногой, но тут же отдернул ее, так как ve bir bacağıyla yeri yoklamak istedi. Ama hemen geri çekildi, çünkü 他想用腿去摸摸这个地方。但他马上又缩了回去,因为

the contact felt like a cold shower all over him. |контакт|||||||| كان الاتصال بمثابة دش بارد تغمره بالكامل. el contacto le sentó como una ducha de agua fría. 冷たいシャワーを全身に浴びるような感覚だった。 o contacto foi como um duche frio sobre ele. прикосновение к нему было подобно холодному душу. temas onun üzerinde soğuk bir duş gibi hissettirdi. 这种接触让他全身都像是被淋了冷水澡。

He slid back into his earlier position. This getting up early, he thought, makes a man |вернулся|||||||||||||| |returned|||||||||||||| |se deslizó||||anterior||||||||||hombre انزلق مرة أخرى إلى وضعه السابق. هذا الاستيقاظ المبكر، كما فكر، يجعل الرجل Volvió a su posición anterior. Esto de levantarse temprano, pensó, hace a un hombre 早起きは男を作る、と彼は思った。早起きは人を育てる、と彼は思った。 Deslizou de novo para a sua posição anterior. Este levantar cedo, pensou ele, faz um homem Он вернулся в прежнее положение. Раннее вставание, подумал он, делает человека Daha önceki pozisyonuna geri döndü. Bu erken kalkma, diye düşündü, bir adamı 他又回到了刚才的姿势。他想,早起让一个男人

quite idiotic. A man must have his sleep. Other travelling salesmen live like harem |совершенно идиот|||||||||торговцы|||гарем |||||||||sales||||luxurious lifestyle |bastante idiota||||||||||||"harén" غبيًا تمامًا. يجب أن يحصل الرجل على نومه. الباعة المسافرون الآخرون يعيشون مثل الحريم bastante idiota. Un hombre debe tener su sueño. Otros vendedores ambulantes viven como harén bastante idiota. Um homem deve ter o seu sono. Outros caixeiros-viajantes vivem como um harém Идиотизм. Человек должен высыпаться. Другие коммивояжеры живут как в гареме. Oldukça aptalca. İnsanın uykusu olmalı. Diğer gezgin satıcılar harem gibi yaşarlar.

women. For instance, when I come back to the inn during the course of the morning to write ||например|||||||гостиница|||||||| ||على سبيل المثال||||||الـ||||||||| |||||||||small hotel|||||||| ||por ejemplo||||||||||||||| النساء. على سبيل المثال، عندما أعود إلى النزل خلال ساعة الصباح لكتابة mulheres. Por exemplo, quando volto à estalagem durante a manhã para escrever Например, когда я возвращаюсь в гостиницу в течение утра, чтобы написать Kadınlar. Örneğin, sabahları yazı yazmak için otele döndüğümde

up the necessary orders, these gentlemen are just sitting down to breakfast. If I were |||||господа||||||||| الطلبات الضرورية، يكون هؤلاء السادة يجلسون للتو لتناول الإفطار. إذا حاولت las órdenes necesarias, estos caballeros se están sentando a desayunar. Si yo fuera e a dar as ordens necessárias, estes senhores estão agora a tomar o pequeno-almoço. Se eu fosse и отдать необходимые распоряжения, а эти джентльмены как раз садятся завтракать. Если бы я был Bu beyler daha yeni kahvaltıya oturdular. Eğer ben olsaydım

to try that with my boss, I'd be thrown out on the spot. Still, who knows whether that ||||||||выгнан||||||||| ||||||me echarían||||||al instante||||| ذلك مع رؤسائي، لطردوني على الفور. على أي حال، من يعرف ما إذا كان ذلك intentar eso con mi jefe, me echarían en el acto. Aun así, quién sabe si eso 上司にそんなことをしようものなら、私はその場で放り出されるだろう。それでも、それが se tentasse fazer isso com o meu patrão, seria imediatamente posto na rua. Ainda assim, quem sabe se isso если бы я попробовал сделать это со своим боссом, меня бы выгнали на месте. Тем не менее, кто знает, может быть, это Bunu patronumla deneseydim, anında kovulurdum. Yine de, kim bilir bu

mightn't be really good for me? If I didn't hold back for my parents' sake, I'd have ||||||||||||||من أجل والدي|| قد لا يكون حقًا جيدًا لي؟ لو لم أتمسك من أجل والديّ، لكونت قد 私のためにならないのでは?両親のために我慢しなかったら、私は não seria realmente bom para mim? Se eu não me contivesse por causa dos meus pais, teria если бы я не сдерживалась ради родителей, я бы benim için gerçekten iyi olmayabilir mi? Eğer ailemin hatırı için kendimi tutmasaydım. 也许对我来说真的不太好?如果不是为了父母的缘故我忍住了

quit ages ago. I would have gone to the boss and told him just what I think from the bottom استقلت منذ زمن. كنت سأذهب إلى المدير وأخبره بما أفكر به من أعماق hace mucho tiempo. Habría ido con el jefe y le habría dicho exactamente lo que pienso desde el fondo már régen kilépett. Elmentem volna a főnökhöz, és elmondtam volna neki, hogy mit gondolok alulról. とっくに辞めたよ。私だったら、上司のところに行って、自分が思っていることをありのままに話したと思う。 demitir-me-ia há muito tempo. Teria ido ter com o patrão e ter-lhe-ia dito exatamente o que penso do fundo do poço Я бы пошел к боссу и сказал ему все, что думаю. yıllar önce istifa ettim. Patrona gider ve en alttan ne düşündüğümü söylerdim.

of my heart. He would have fallen right off his desk. How weird it is to sit up at that ||||||سقط|||مكتبه|||||||||| قلبي. كان سيسقط من مكتبه على الفور. كم هو غريب أن أجلس في ذلك de mi corazón. Se habría caído de su escritorio. Qué raro es sentarse en ese a szívemben. Egyből leesett volna az asztaláról. Milyen furcsa, hogy felült az ember. 私の心の中に。彼は机からすぐに落ちただろう。そんなときに席を立つのは、なんと奇妙なことだろう。 do meu coração. Ele teria caído da secretária. Como é estranho sentar-se assim Он бы упал прямо со своего стола. Как странно сидеть за этим столом.

desk and talk down to the employee from way up there. The boss has trouble hearing, so ||||||empleado desde abajo|||||||||| المكتب والتحدث بصورة متعالية تجاه الموظف من هناك. المدير لديه مشكلة في السمع، لذلك escritorio y hablar condescendientemente al empleado desde tan arriba. El jefe tiene problemas de audición, así que 机の上から従業員を見下すように話す。社長は耳が遠いので O patrão tem dificuldade em ouvir e fala com o empregado lá de cima. O patrão tem problemas de audição, por isso Босс плохо слышит, поэтому 办公桌并从上面与员工交谈。老板听力不好,所以

the employee has to step up quite close to him. Anyway, I haven't completely given up ||||||||||||||renunciado completamente| يجب على الموظف أن يقترب منه كثيرًا. على أي حال، لم أتخلَ تمامًا عن el empleado tiene que acercarse bastante a él. De todos modos, aún no me he rendido por completo. 従業員は彼のかなり近くまで行かなければならない。とにかく、私は完全にあきらめたわけではない o empregado tem de se aproximar bastante dele. De qualquer modo, não desisti completamente работнику приходится подходить к нему очень близко. В любом случае, я не полностью отказался от

that hope yet. Once I've got together the money to pay off my parents' debt to him—that تلك الأمل بعد. بمجرد أن أحصل على المال لسداد دين والدي لأجله— a esa esperanza. Una vez haya reunido el dinero para pagar la deuda de mis padres con él, eso その望みはまだない。両親の借金を返すための資金ができたら......。 essa esperança ainda. Quando tiver juntado o dinheiro para pagar a dívida dos meus pais para com ele - isso Как только я соберу деньги, чтобы выплатить ему долг моих родителей - это будет... 那个希望还没有。一旦我凑齐了钱来还清我父母欠他的债——

should take another five or six years—I'll do it for sure. Then I'll make the big break. يجب أن يستغرق الأمر خمس إلى ست سنوات أخرى - سأفعل ذلك بالتأكيد. ثم سأحقق الانفجار الكبير. debería tomar otros cinco o seis años, lo haré seguro. Entonces haré el gran cambio. あと5、6年はかかるだろう。そうしたら、大ブレークするつもりだ。 deve demorar mais cinco ou seis anos - fá-lo-ei de certeza. Depois, vou fazer a grande oportunidade. Я точно сделаю это, но только через пять или шесть лет. Тогда я сделаю большой прорыв.

In any case, right now I have to get up. My train leaves at five o'clock." على أي حال، الآن يجب أن أستيقظ. قطاري يغادر في الساعة الخامسة. En cualquier caso, ahora mismo tengo que levantarme. Mi tren sale a las cinco en punto. いずれにせよ、今は起きなければならない。列車は5時に出るから」。 Em todo o caso, agora tenho de me levantar. O meu comboio parte às cinco horas". В любом случае, сейчас мне нужно вставать. Мой поезд отходит в пять часов".

He looked over at the alarm clock, ticking away by the chest of drawers. |||||||||||set|| |||||||ticando|||||| لقد نظر إلى ساعة المنبه، التي كانت تطرق بجانب خزانة الملابس. Miró el reloj despertador, que marcaba el tiempo en la cómoda. 彼はタンスのそばで時を刻んでいる目覚まし時計に目をやった。 Olhou para o despertador, que fazia tique-taque junto à cómoda. Он посмотрел на будильник, тикающий возле комода.

Good God! he thought. It was half-past six, and the hands were going quietly on. It was ¡Dios mío! pensó. Eran las seis y media, y las agujas seguían avanzando tranquilo. Era 彼は思った。時半、手は静かに動いていた。それは Santo Deus! pensou. Eram seis e meia e os ponteiros estavam a trabalhar calmamente. Eram Боже правый! подумал он. Было уже полшестого, а стрелки часов спокойно продолжали работать.

past the half-hour, already nearly quarter to. Could the alarm have failed to ring? One pasada la media hora, casi cuarto para. ¿Podría haber fallado la alarma en sonar? Uno 時半を過ぎ、すでに25分近くになっている。アラームが鳴らなかったのだろうか?一人 Passava da meia hora, já era quase um quarto de hora. Será que o alarme não tocou? Um Прошло полчаса, уже почти четверть часа. Мог ли будильник не прозвенеть? Один

saw from the bed that it was properly set for four o'clock. Certainly it had rung. Yes, |||||||||||||||sounded| vio desde la cama que estaba programada correctamente para las cuatro en punto. Ciertamente había sonado. Sí, viu da cama que estava corretamente acertado para as quatro horas. De certeza que tinha tocado. Sim, С кровати он увидел, что часы поставлены на четыре часа. Конечно, они прозвонили. Да, 从床上看到四点钟是合适的。当然它已经响了。是的,

but was it possible to sleep through that noise which made the furniture shake? Now, ¿pero era posible dormir con ese ruido que hacía temblar los muebles? Ahora, しかし、家具を揺るがすあの騒音の中で眠れるものだろうか?さて、 mas será que era possível dormir com aquele barulho que fazia tremer os móveis? Agora, Но разве можно было заснуть под этот шум, от которого тряслась мебель? Сейчас, Ama mobilyaları titreten o gürültüde uyumak mümkün müydü? Şimdi, 但是有可能在家具摇晃的声音中入睡吗?现在,

it's true he'd slept quietly, but evidently he'd slept all the more deeply. Still, what É verdade que tinha dormido tranquilamente, mas é evidente que tinha dormido ainda mais profundamente. Mesmo assim, o que Правда, он спал тихо, но, очевидно, тем более крепко. И все же, что

should he do now? The next train left at seven o'clock. To catch that one he would have to ||||||||||||board|||||| que deve ele fazer agora? O próximo comboio parte às sete horas. Para o apanhar, teria de Следующий поезд отправлялся в семь часов. Чтобы успеть на него, нужно было

go in a mad rush. The sample collection wasn't packed up yet, and he really didn't feel particularly |||apresurado|apuro||||||||||||| entrar en un frenesí. La colección de muestras aún no estaba empacada, y realmente no se sentía particularmente fresco y activo. 慌てて出かけた。サンプル・コレクションはまだ荷造りされていなかったし、彼は特に何も感じていなかった。 ir com uma pressa louca. A coleção de amostras ainda não estava empacotada e ele não se sentia particularmente Коллекция образцов еще не была собрана, и он не чувствовал себя особенно

fresh and active. And even if he caught the train, there was no avoiding a blow-up with fresh and active. And even if he caught the train, there was no avoiding a blow-up with Y aunque lograra tomar el tren, no podría evitar una discusión con el jefe, porque el mandadero de la empresa habría esperado el tren de las cinco. friss és aktív. És még ha el is érte a vonatot, nem lehetett elkerülni a konfliktust a フレッシュでアクティブ。そして、たとえ電車に乗ったとしても、次のような衝突は避けられない。 fresco e ativo. E mesmo que apanhasse o comboio, não havia como evitar uma explosão com И даже если бы он успел на поезд, то не смог бы избежать разрыва с

the boss, because the firm's errand-boy would have waited for the five o'clock train and ||||company's|small task|||||||||| ||||de la empresa||||||||||| en punto というのも、会社の使い走りが5時の電車を待っていただろうからだ。 o patrão, porque o moço de recados da empresa teria esperado pelo comboio das cinco horas e босс, потому что мальчик на побегушках у фирмы ждал бы пятичасового поезда и

reported the news of his absence long ago. He was the boss's minion, without backbone ||||||||||||手下|| |||||||||||boss|follower or subordinate||courage or strength informó sobre la noticia de su ausencia hace mucho tiempo. Era el esbirro del jefe, sin carácter ni inteligencia már régen jelentette a távollétének hírét. A főnök kegyence volt, gerinctelen. 彼はボスの手先だった。彼はボスの手下で、気骨がない A notícia da sua ausência foi dada há muito tempo. Ele era o lacaio do patrão, sem espinha dorsal давно сообщили о его отсутствии. Он был приспешником босса, без хребта.

or intelligence. Well, then, what if he reported in sick? But that would be extremely embarrassing, |||||||||||||||awkward situation Bueno, entonces, ¿y si reportara enfermo? Pero eso sería extremadamente vergonzoso vagy intelligencia. Akkor mi van, ha beteget jelentett? De az rendkívül kínos lenne, あるいは諜報活動。では、彼が病欠届を出したとしたら?しかし、それは非常に恥ずかしいことだ、 ou inteligência. Bem, então, e se ele se apresentasse doente? Mas isso seria extremamente embaraçoso, или разведки. Ну, а если он придет с больничного? Но это было бы крайне неловко,

and suspicious, because during his five years' service Gregor hadn't been sick even once. y sospechoso, porque durante sus cinco años de servicio Gregorio no se había enfermado ni una sola vez. 5年間の勤務中、グレゴールは一度も病気になったことがなかったからだ。 e desconfiado, porque durante os seus cinco anos de serviço Gregor não tinha estado doente nem uma única vez. и подозрительно, потому что за пять лет службы Грегор ни разу не болел.

The boss would certainly come with the doctor from the health-insurance company, and would El jefe seguramente vendría con el médico de la compañía de seguro médico y O chefe viria certamente com o médico da companhia de seguros de saúde e Босс обязательно придет с врачом из страховой компании и будет Patron kesinlikle sağlık sigortası şirketinden bir doktorla birlikte gelecek ve

reproach his parents for their lazy son, and cut short all objections with the insurance blame|||||||||||||| reprocharía a sus padres por tener un hijo perezoso, y cortaría todas las objeciones con los comentarios del médico del seguro. repreender os pais pelo filho preguiçoso e cortar todas as objecções com o seguro Упрекнул родителей за ленивого сына и пресек все возражения по поводу страховки. Tembel oğulları için ailesine sitem etti ve sigorta şirketiyle olan tüm itirazlarını kısa kesti.

doctor's comments. For him, every one was completely healthy, but really lazy about Para él, todos estaban completamente sanos, pero realmente eran perezosos con comentários do médico. Para ele, todos eram completamente saudáveis, mas muito preguiçosos em relação a Для него все были абсолютно здоровы, но очень ленивы в отношении Doktorun yorumları. Onun için, herkes tamamen sağlıklıydı, ama gerçekten tembeldi.

work. And besides, would the doctor in this case be totally wrong? Apart from a really ||||||||||||aside from||| munka. És különben is, az orvos ebben az esetben teljesen tévedne? Eltekintve egy igazán 仕事だ。それに、この場合の医者は完全に間違っているだろうか?本当に trabalho. Além disso, será que o médico, neste caso, estaria totalmente errado? Para além de um И, кроме того, разве доктор в этом случае может быть полностью неправ? Кроме действительно

excessive drowsiness after the long sleep, Gregor, in fact, felt quite well, and even 过度的||||||||||||| extreme|sleepiness|||||||||||| 長い眠りの後の過度の眠気に襲われたが、グレゴールは実際、とても元気だった。 sonolência excessiva após o longo sono, Gregor, de facto, sentia-se bastante bem, e até чрезмерная сонливость после долгого сна, Грегор, на самом деле, чувствовал себя вполне хорошо, и даже 长时间睡眠后,格雷戈尔感到过度困倦,事实上,他感觉很好,甚至

had a really strong appetite. As he was thinking all this over in the greatest haste, without tinha um apetite muito forte. Enquanto pensava em tudo isto com a maior das pressas, sem У него был очень сильный аппетит. Пока он обдумывал все это с величайшей поспешностью, без gerçekten çok iştahlıydı. Bütün bunları büyük bir aceleyle düşünürken

being able to make the decision to get out of bed—the alarm-clock was indicating exactly ||||||去|||||||||| ser capaz de tomar a decisão de sair da cama - o despertador indicava exatamente не мог принять решение встать с постели - будильник показывал ровно Yataktan kalkmaya karar verebilmek için -çalar saat tam olarak şunu gösteriyordu

quarter to seven—there was a cautious knock on the door by the head of the bed. 7時15分。ベッドの頭側のドアが用心深くノックされた。 às sete e quinze - bateram cautelosamente à porta da cabeceira da cama. Без четверти семь раздался осторожный стук в дверь у изголовья кровати. Yediye çeyrek kala yatağın baş ucundaki kapı dikkatle çalındı.

"'Gregor,' a voice called. It was his mother. It's quarter to seven. Don't you want to be グレゴール」と呼ぶ声がした。それは彼の母親だった。もう7時15分よ。もう7時15分よ。 "'Gregor', uma voz chamou-me. Era a mãe dele. São quinze para as sete. Não queres estar "Грегор, - позвал голос. Это была его мать. Уже без четверти семь. Разве ты не хочешь быть "'Gregor,' diye seslendi bir ses. Annesiydi. Saat yediye çeyrek var. Olmak istemiyor musun

on your way?' The soft voice. Gregor was startled when he heard his voice answering. It was ||||||||taken aback|||||||| お帰りですか?柔らかな声。返事をする声を聞いてグレゴールは驚いた。それは A caminho? A voz suave. Gregor ficou assustado quando ouviu a sua voz a responder. Era a voz de Уже едешь?" Мягкий голос. Грегор был поражен, когда услышал свой голос в ответ. Это был

clearly and unmistakably his earlier voice, but in it was intermingled, as if from below, ||||||||||mixed together with|||| しかし、その中に、まるで下から聞こえてくるような声が混じっていた、 A sua voz anterior era clara e inconfundível, mas nela se misturava, como se viesse de baixo, Ясно и отчетливо звучал его прежний голос, но в него вмешивались звуки, как бы доносившиеся снизу, Açık ve net bir şekilde daha önceki sesi, ama sanki aşağıdan geliyormuş gibi karışmıştı,

an irrepressibly painful squeaking, which left the words positively distinct only in |uncontrollably||squeaking sound|||||||| un chirrido irreprimiblemente doloroso, que dejaba las palabras positivamente distintas sólo en どうしようもなく苦しそうなキーキー音で、言葉ははっきりと聞き取れなかった。 um guincho irreprimivelmente doloroso, que deixava as palavras positivamente distintas apenas em неудержимо болезненный скрип, из-за которого слова были отчетливо различимы только в önlenemez derecede acı veren bir gıcırdama, sözcüklerin sadece

the first moment, and distorted them in the reverberation, so that one didn't know if ||||altered|||||||||| el primer momento, y los distorsionaba en la reverberación, de modo que uno no sabía si no primeiro momento, e distorceu-os na reverberação, de modo que não se sabia se в первый момент, и исказили их в реверберации, так что нельзя было понять, не ve yankılanma sırasında onları çarpıttı, öyle ki, biri

one had heard correctly. Gregor wanted to answer in detail and explain everything, but Gregor quiso responder con detalle y explicarlo todo, pero se tinha ouvido bem. Gregor queria responder em pormenor e explicar tudo, mas Грегор хотел ответить подробно и все объяснить, но

in these circumstances he confined himself to saying, ||||limited||| ||circunstancias||||| en estas circunstancias se limitó a decir, nestas circunstâncias, limitou-se a dizer, В этих обстоятельствах он ограничился словами, Bu koşullar altında sadece şunu söylemekle yetindi,

"'Yes, yes, thank you, mother. I'm getting up right away.' Because of the wooden door, "'Sim, sim, obrigado, mãe. Vou-me já levantar. Por causa da porta de madeira, "Да, да, спасибо, мама. Я сейчас же встану". Из-за деревянной двери,

the change in Gregor's voice was not really noticeable outside. So his mother calmed down ||||||||obvious|||||| el cambio en la voz de Gregor no se notó mucho fuera. Así que su madre se calmó a mudança na voz de Gregor não era realmente percetível no exterior. Por isso, a mãe acalma-se изменения в голосе Грегора не были заметны на улице, поэтому его мать успокоилась. Gregor'un sesindeki değişiklik dışarıdan pek fark edilmiyordu. Bu yüzden annesi sakinleşti.

with this explanation, and shuffled off. However, as a result of the short conversation, the ||||shuffled off|||||||||| Sin embargo, como resultado de la breve conversación, el com esta explicação, e foi-se embora. No entanto, na sequência desta breve conversa, o В результате короткого разговора, он был вынужден уйти.

other family members became aware that Gregor was unexpectedly still at home, and already ||||||||inesperadamente||||| os outros membros da família aperceberam-se de que Gregor, inesperadamente, ainda estava em casa e já Другим членам семьи стало известно, что Грегор неожиданно оказался дома и уже

his father was knocking on one side door, weakly, but with his fist. o pai estava a bater a uma porta lateral, debilmente, mas com o punho. Его отец стучал в одну из боковых дверей, слабо, но с силой. Babası yan kapılardan birine vuruyordu, güçsüzce ama yumruğuyla.

"'Gregor! Gregor!' he called out. "'Gregor! Gregor!", gritou ele. "Грегор! Грегор!" - крикнул он. "'Gregor! Gregor!' diye seslendi.

"'What's going on?' "'O que é que se passa? "Что происходит?

And after a short while he urged him on again in a deeper voice. ||||||催促||||||| そしてしばらくして、彼はまた深い声で促した。 E, passado pouco tempo, voltou a incitá-lo com uma voz mais profunda. И через некоторое время он снова призвал его к действию более глубоким голосом. Kısa bir süre sonra daha yüksek bir sesle onu tekrar teşvik etti.

"'Gregor! Gregor!'

At the other side door, however, his sister knocked lightly. No entanto, na porta do outro lado, a irmã bateu levemente. Однако в дверь с другой стороны легонько постучала его сестра.

"'Gregor! Are you all right? Do you need anything?' Gregor directed answers in both "'Gregor! Estás bem? Precisas de alguma coisa? Gregor responde em ambos os sentidos "Грегор! Ты в порядке? Тебе что-нибудь нужно?" Грегор отвечал в обоих направлениях.

directions. direcções. направления.

"'I'll be ready right away.' "『すぐに準備します。 "'Estarei pronto imediatamente'. "Я буду готов прямо сейчас". "Hemen hazır olacağım.

He made an effort, with the most careful articulation, and by inserting long pauses between the individual ||||||||enunciation|||||||| 彼は、細心の注意を払いながら、また、個々の言葉の間に長いポーズを挟みながら、努力した。 Esforçou-se, com a articulação mais cuidadosa, e inserindo longas pausas entre as frases individuais Он старался, тщательно выговаривая слова и вставляя длинные паузы между отдельными фразами. Çok dikkatli bir ifade ile ve her bir cümlenin arasına uzun duraklamalar koyarak çaba gösterdi.

words, to remove everything remarkable from his voice. His father turned back to his breakfast. ||||notable|||||||||| 父親が朝食に戻った。父親は朝食に戻った。 palavras, para retirar da sua voz tudo o que era notável. O pai volta ao seu pequeno-almoço. Отец вернулся к завтраку. Sesinden dikkat çekici her şeyi çıkarmak için kelimeler. Babası kahvaltısına geri döndü.

However, the sister whispered, No entanto, a irmã sussurrou, Однако сестра прошептала,

"'Gregor! Open the door! I beg you!' "'Gregor! Abre a porta! Peço-te! "Грегор! Открой дверь! Я прошу тебя!

Gregor had no intention of opening the door, but congratulated himself on his precaution, |||||||||||||foresight Gregor no tenía intención de abrir la puerta, pero se felicitó por su precaución, グレゴールはドアを開けるつもりはなかったが、自分の用心深さを自画自賛した、 Gregor não tinha intenção de abrir a porta, mas felicitou-se pela sua precaução, Грегор не собирался открывать дверь, но похвалил себя за предусмотрительность, Gregor'un kapıyı açmaya niyeti yoktu ama aldığı önlemden dolayı kendini tebrik etti,

acquired from travelling, of locking all doors during the night, even at home. First he wanted az utazások során szerzett tapasztalat, hogy éjszakára minden ajtót be kell zárni, még otthon is. Először is azt akarta. 旅先で身につけた、夜間は家でもすべてのドアに鍵をかけるという習慣だ。彼はまず adquirida em viagem, de trancar todas as portas durante a noite, mesmo em casa. Primeiro, ele queria Приобретенная в путешествиях привычка запирать на ночь все двери, даже дома. Сначала он хотел Seyahat ederken edindiği, gece boyunca evde bile tüm kapıları kilitleme alışkanlığı. İlk istediği

to stand up quietly and undisturbed, get dressed, above all have breakfast, and only then consider |||||sin ser molestado|||||||||| csendben és zavartalanul felkelni, felöltözni, mindenekelőtt megreggelizni, és csak azután gondolkodni. 誰にも邪魔されずに静かに立ち上がり、着替えを済ませ、何よりも朝食を摂る。 levantar-se calmamente e sem ser incomodado, vestir-se, sobretudo tomar o pequeno-almoço, e só depois pensar встать тихо и без помех, одеться, прежде всего позавтракать, и только потом подумать о том. sessizce ve rahatsız edilmeden ayağa kalkmak, giyinmek, her şeyden önce kahvaltı etmek ve ancak ondan sonra

further action, for—he noticed this clearly—by thinking things over in bed he would not reach mais acções, pois - ele apercebeu-se disso claramente - ao pensar nas coisas na cama, não chegaria a дальнейшие действия, ибо, как он ясно заметил, обдумывая все в постели, он не достигнет Çünkü -bunu açıkça fark etmişti- yatakta düşünerek daha fazla eyleme geçemeyecekti. 进一步的行动,因为——他清楚地注意到这一点——通过在床上思考他无法达到的目标

a reasonable conclusion. He remembered that he had already often felt a light pain or 妥当な結論である。彼は以前から、しばしば軽い痛みを感じていたことを思い出した。 uma conclusão razoável. Lembrou-se que já tinha sentido muitas vezes uma dor ligeira ou Он вспомнил, что уже не раз чувствовал легкую боль или makul bir sonuç. Daha önce de sık sık hafif bir ağrı ya da acı hissettiğini hatırladı.

other in bed, perhaps the result of an awkward lying position, which later turned out to outro na cama, talvez devido a uma posição deitada incómoda, que mais tarde se verificou ser друг друга в постели, возможно, в результате неудобной позы, которая, как выяснилось позже, была yatakta, belki de garip bir yatış pozisyonunun sonucu olarak, daha sonra ortaya çıkan

be purely imaginary when he stood up, and he was eager to see how his present fantasies ||||||||||keen|||||| ||||||||||||||||fantasías actuales ser puramente imaginário quando se levantou, e estava ansioso por ver como as suas fantasias actuais когда он встал, то был чисто воображаемым, и ему не терпелось увидеть, как его нынешние фантазии ve şimdiki fantezilerinin nasıl olduğunu görmek için sabırsızlanıyordu.

would gradually dissipate. That the change in his voice was nothing other than the onset ||fade away||||||||||||beginning que se iria dissipar gradualmente. Que a mudança na sua voz não era outra coisa senão o início da что изменения в его голосе были не чем иным, как началом yavaş yavaş yok olacaktı. Sesindeki değişikliğin, yeni bir hastalığın başlangıcından başka bir şey olmadığını.

of a real chill, an occupational illness of commercial travellers, of that he had not |||||work-related||||||||| de um verdadeiro resfriado, uma doença profissional dos viajantes comerciais, da qual ele não tinha настоящую простуду, профессиональную болезнь торговых путешественников, о которой он не Gerçek bir soğuk algınlığı, ticari yolcuların meslek hastalığı.

the slightest doubt. It was very easy to throw aside the blanket. He needed only to push 些細な疑問でも。毛布を捨てるのはとても簡単だった。彼はただ a mais pequena dúvida. Era muito fácil deitar fora o cobertor. Bastava empurrar Было очень легко отбросить одеяло, нужно было только надавить на него. en ufak bir şüphe duymadı. Battaniyeyi bir kenara atmak çok kolaydı. Tek yapması gereken

himself up a little, and it fell by itself. But to continue was difficult, particularly O meu filho levantou-se um pouco e caiu sozinho. Mas continuar era difícil, sobretudo Он немного приподнялся, и она упала сама собой. Но продолжать было трудно, особенно Kendini biraz kaldırdı ve kendiliğinden düştü. Ama devam etmek zordu, özellikle de

because he was so unusually wide. He needed arms and hands to push himself upright. Instead porque ele era tão invulgarmente largo. Precisava de braços e mãos para se levantar. Em vez disso Потому что он был необычайно широк. Ему нужны были руки, чтобы выпрямиться. Вместо этого Çünkü alışılmadık derecede genişti. Kendini dik tutmak için kollara ve ellere ihtiyacı vardı. Bunun yerine

of these, however, he had only many small limbs, which were incessantly moving with |||||||||||constantly|| No entanto, tinha apenas muitos membros pequenos, que se moviam incessantemente com Однако из них у него было только множество маленьких конечностей, которые постоянно двигались с Bununla birlikte, sadece çok sayıda küçük uzvu vardı ve bunlar sürekli hareket halindeydi.

very different motions, and which, in addition, he was unable to control. If he wanted to ||movements||||||||||||| movimentos muito diferentes e que, além disso, não conseguia controlar. Se ele quisesse совершенно разные движения, которые, к тому же, он не мог контролировать. Если бы он хотел

bend one of them, then it was the first to extend itself, and if he finally succeeded dobrar um deles, então foi o primeiro a estender-se, e se finalmente conseguiu Если он сгибал одну из них, то она первой разгибалась, и если в конце концов ему удавалось onlardan birini bükerse, o zaman kendini ilk uzatan o olur ve sonunda başarırsa

doing what he wanted with this limb, in the meantime all the others, as if left free, ||||||arm|||at the same time||||||| fazendo o que queria com este membro, enquanto todos os outros, como se estivessem livres, Он делал все, что хотел, с этой конечностью, а все остальные тем временем как бы оставались свободными, Bu uzvuyla istediğini yapıyor, bu arada diğer uzuvları da sanki serbest bırakılmış gibi,

moved around in an excessively painful agitation. ||||very||state of distress movia-se numa agitação excessivamente dolorosa. двигался в чрезмерном болезненном возбуждении. aşırı acı verici bir telaş içinde hareket etti.

But I must not stay in bed uselessly, said Gregor to himself. Mas não devo ficar na cama inutilmente, disse Gregor para si próprio. Но я не должен бесполезно лежать в постели, сказал себе Грегор. Ama boşu boşuna yatakta kalmamalıyım, dedi Gregor kendi kendine.

At first he wanted to get out of bed with the lower part of his body, which, by the No início, quis sair da cama com a parte inferior do corpo, que, pelo Сначала он хотел встать с кровати нижней частью тела, которая, по 起初他想用下半身下床,但结果却是这样。

way, he had not yet looked at, and which he also couldn't picture clearly, proved itself que ele ainda não tinha visto, e que também não conseguia imaginar claramente, revelou-se способ, на который он еще не смотрел и который также не мог четко представить, проявил себя henüz bakmadığı ve net bir şekilde resmedemediği bir şekilde kendini kanıtladı

too difficult to move. The attempt went so slowly, when, having become almost frantic, |||||||||||||desperately anxious demasiado difícil de mover. A tentativa foi tão lenta, quando, tendo-se tornado quase frenética, Попытка продвигалась так медленно, что, когда она стала почти бешеной, 太难移动了。尝试进行得如此缓慢,当他几乎变得疯狂时,

he finally hurled himself forward with all his force, and without thinking, he chose ||threw himself forward||||||||||| Finalmente, atirou-se para a frente com toda a sua força e, sem pensar, escolheu Наконец он бросился вперед со всей силой и, не задумываясь, выбрал Sonunda kendini tüm gücüyle ileri attı ve hiç düşünmeden 他最终用尽全力向前冲去,不假思索地选择了

his direction incorrectly, and he hit the lower bedpost hard. The violent pain he felt A sua direção estava errada e ele bateu com força na coluna inferior da cama. A dor violenta que sentiu он неправильно выбрал направление и сильно ударился о нижний столбик кровати. Сильная боль, которую он почувствовал yönü yanlıştı ve yatağın alt direğine sertçe çarptı. Hissettiği şiddetli acı

revealed to him that the lower part of his body was at the moment probably the most sensitive. revelou-lhe que a parte inferior do seu corpo era, de momento, provavelmente a mais sensível. Ему стало ясно, что нижняя часть его тела в данный момент, пожалуй, самая чувствительная. Vücudunun alt kısmının o anda muhtemelen en hassas bölge olduğunu fark etti.

Thus he tried to get his upper body out of bed first, and turned his head carefully toward Assim, tentou levantar primeiro a parte superior do corpo da cama e virou cuidadosamente a cabeça para Поэтому он попытался сначала поднять с кровати верхнюю часть тела и осторожно повернул голову в сторону Böylece önce vücudunun üst kısmını yataktan çıkarmaya çalıştı ve başını dikkatlice

the edge of the bed. He managed to do this easily, and in spite of its width and weight |corner of||||||||||||||||| a borda da cama. Conseguiu fazê-lo facilmente e, apesar da sua largura e peso Он легко справился с этим, и, несмотря на ширину и вес yatağın kenarına koydu. Bunu kolayca başardı ve yatağın genişliğine ve ağırlığına rağmen

his body-mass at last slowly followed the turning of his head. But as he finally raised A massa do seu corpo, por fim, acompanhou lentamente a viragem da sua cabeça. Mas quando finalmente levantou Наконец, масса его тела медленно последовала за поворотом головы. Но когда он наконец поднял Sonunda vücut kütlesi yavaşça başının dönüşünü takip etti. Ama sonunda başını kaldırdığında

his head outside the bed in the open air, he became anxious about moving forward any a sua cabeça fora da cama, ao ar livre, ficou ansioso por avançar qualquer высунув голову из кровати на свежий воздух, он стал беспокоиться о том, как продвинуться дальше. başını yatağın dışına, açık havaya çıkardığında, ilerleme konusunda endişelenmeye başladı.

further in this manner, for if he allowed himself eventually to fall by this process, なぜなら、もし彼がこのようなプロセスで堕落することを許したなら、彼はさらに堕落してしまうからだ、 mais adiante desta forma, pois se ele se deixasse cair por este processo, И если бы он позволил себе в конце концов упасть таким образом, Çünkü bu süreç sonunda kendisinin düşmesine izin verirse,

it would take a miracle to prevent his head from getting injured, and at all costs he seria preciso um milagre para evitar que a sua cabeça ficasse ferida, e a todo o custo Потребуется чудо, чтобы не повредить голову, и во что бы то ни стало он Başının yaralanmasını önlemek için bir mucize gerekirdi ve her ne pahasına olursa olsun

must not lose consciousness right now. He preferred to remain in bed. não deve perder a consciência neste momento. Ele preferia ficar na cama. не должен терять сознание прямо сейчас. Он предпочитал оставаться в постели. şu anda bilincini kaybetmemeliydi. Yatakta kalmayı tercih etti.

However, after a similar effort, while he lay there again, sighing as before, and once ||||||||||with a sigh|||| No entanto, depois de um esforço semelhante, enquanto ele estava novamente deitado, suspirando como antes, e uma vez Однако после аналогичного усилия, когда он снова лежал, вздыхая, как прежде, и однажды Ancak, benzer bir çabadan sonra, yine orada yatarken, daha önce olduğu gibi iç çekti ve bir kez

again saw his small limbs fighting one another, if anything worse than earlier, and didn't 彼の小さな手足が互いに争っているのを見た。 voltou a ver os seus pequenos membros a lutarem uns contra os outros, se é que era pior do que antes, e não снова увидел, как его маленькие конечности борются друг с другом, если не хуже, чем раньше, и не yine küçük uzuvlarının birbiriyle savaştığını gördü, hatta öncekinden daha kötüydü ve

see any chance of imposing quiet and order on this arbitrary movement, he told himself ||||establishing||||||random|||| この恣意的な動きに静寂と秩序を与える可能性があると、彼は自分に言い聞かせた。 ver qualquer hipótese de impor calma e ordem a este movimento arbitrário, disse a si próprio видя возможность навязать спокойствие и порядок этому произвольному движению, он сказал себе bu keyfi harekete sükunet ve düzen getirme şansını görerek kendi kendine şöyle dedi

again that he couldn't possibly remain in bed, and that it might be the most reasonable ベッドに寝ているわけにはいかない。 que não podia ficar na cama, e que talvez fosse o mais razoável Он снова понял, что не может оставаться в постели, и что это было бы самым разумным. tekrar yatakta kalamayacağını ve bunun en mantıklısı olabileceğini söyledi.

thing to sacrifice everything if there was even the slightest hope of getting himself coisa de sacrificar tudo se houvesse a mais pequena esperança de se conseguir пожертвовать всем, если есть хоть малейшая надежда получить себя kendini kurtarmak için en ufak bir umut varsa her şeyi feda edecek bir şey

out of bed in the process. At the same moment, however, he didn't forget to remind himself, da cama. Ao mesmo tempo, porém, não se esqueceu de se lembrar, Однако в тот же момент он не забыл напомнить себе об этом, yataktan kalktı. Ancak aynı anda kendine hatırlatmayı da ihmal etmedi,

from time to time, of the fact that calm, indeed the calmest, reflection, might be better |||||||||||most peaceful|||| |||||||||de hecho|||||| 冷静な、いや、もっとも冷静な反省は、より良いものであるかもしれない。 de vez em quando, do facto de que a reflexão calma, ou mesmo a mais calma, pode ser melhor время от времени, о том, что спокойное, самое спокойное размышление может быть лучше zaman zaman, sakin, hatta en sakin düşüncenin daha iyi olabileceği gerçeğini 有时,事实上,冷静,实际上是最冷静的反思,可能会更好

than the most confused decisions. At such moments he directed his gaze as precisely 最も混乱した決断よりも。そのような時、彼は視線を正確に do que as decisões mais confusas. Nesses momentos, dirigia o seu olhar com a maior precisão В такие моменты он направлял свой взгляд как можно точнее. en karışık kararlardan bile. Böyle anlarda bakışlarını tam olarak

as he could toward the window, but, unfortunately, there was little confident cheer to be had しかし、残念ながら、自信に満ちた歓声はほとんど聞こえなかった。 mas, infelizmente, não havia muito ânimo confiante как мог, направился к окну, но, к сожалению, уверенного настроения там не было. Pencereye doğru gidebildiği kadar gitti, ama ne yazık ki kendinden emin bir şekilde neşelenecek pek bir şey yoktu

from a glance at the morning mist, which concealed even the other side of the narrow ||||||||obscured||||||| de um olhar para o nevoeiro matinal, que escondia até o outro lado da estreita от взгляда на утренний туман, скрывавший даже другую сторону узкого dar yolun diğer tarafını bile gizleyen sabah sisine bakarak

street. улица.

"'It's already seven o'clock,' he told himself at the last striking of the alarm-clock. "Já são sete horas", disse a si próprio ao último toque do despertador. "Уже семь часов", - сказал он себе при последнем ударе будильника.

"'Already seven o'clock, and still such a fog!' "'Já são sete horas, e ainda há tanto nevoeiro! "Уже семь часов, а все еще такой туман! "Saat yedi oldu ve hala sis var!

And for a little while longer he lay quietly, with weak breathing, as if perhaps waiting E, durante mais algum tempo, ficou deitado em silêncio, com a respiração fraca, como se talvez estivesse à espera И еще некоторое время он лежал тихо, со слабым дыханием, как будто ожидая.

for normal and natural conditions to re-emerge out of the complete stillness. 完全な静寂の中から、正常で自然な状態が再び現れるように。 para que as condições normais e naturais ressurjam da completa quietude. чтобы из полной неподвижности вновь возникли нормальные и естественные условия. Normal ve doğal koşulların tam bir durgunluktan yeniden ortaya çıkması için.

And then he said to himself, E depois disse para si próprio, И тогда он сказал себе,

"'Before it strikes a corner past seven, whatever happens, I must be completely out "'Antes de bater uma esquina depois das sete, aconteça o que acontecer, tenho de estar completamente fora "До того, как пробьет семь, что бы ни случилось, я должен быть в полном ауте. "'Saat yediyi geçmeden, ne olursa olsun, tamamen dışarıda olmalıyım.

of bed. Besides, by then someone from the office will arrive to inquire about me, because ベッドの上だ。それに、その頃にはオフィスの誰かが私のことを尋ねてくるだろう。 da cama. Além disso, nessa altura já deve ter chegado alguém do escritório para perguntar por mim, porque Кроме того, к тому времени придет кто-нибудь из офиса и поинтересуется мной, потому что yatakta. Ayrıca, o zamana kadar ofisten biri beni sormaya gelir, çünkü

the office will open before seven o'clock.' o escritório abrirá antes das sete horas". офис откроется до семи часов".

And he made an effort then to rock his entire body-length out of the bed with a uniform ||||||||||||||||||consistent motion そして、彼は全身を一様にベッドから揺すり出すように努力した。 E esforçou-se então por se balançar a todo o comprimento do corpo para fora da cama, com um movimento uniforme И тогда он сделал над собой усилие, чтобы выкатиться из кровати во всю длину своего тела с равномерным Sonra da tüm vücudunu yataktan dışarıya doğru sallamak için çaba sarf etti. 然后他努力用制服将整个身体从床上摇起来

motion. If he let himself fall out of bed in this way, his head, which in the course movimento. Se ele se deixasse cair da cama desta forma, a sua cabeça, que no decurso Если он позволит себе упасть с кровати таким образом, то его голова, которая в процессе hareket. Bu şekilde yataktan düşmesine izin verirse, başı, ki bu sırada 运动。如果他让自己以这种方式从床上掉下来,他的头当然会

of the fall he intended to lift up sharply, would probably remain uninjured. His back da queda que pretendia levantar bruscamente, provavelmente ficaria ileso. As suas costas при падении он намеревался резко подняться, и, вероятно, остался бы невредим. Его спина keskin bir şekilde yukarı kaldırmayı planladığı düşüşten muhtemelen yara almadan kurtulacaktı. Sırtı

seemed to be hard. Nothing would really happen to that as a result of the fall. His greatest parecia ser duro. Nada lhe aconteceria realmente em consequência da queda. O seu maior Казалось бы, все было непросто, но в результате падения с ним ничего не случилось. Его величайший sert görünüyordu. Düşme sonucunda ona gerçekten hiçbir şey olmayacaktı. Onun en büyük 似乎很难。秋天不会真正发生任何事情。他最伟大的

reservation was a worry about the loud noise which the fall must create, and which presumably concern|||||||||||||||likely A reserva foi uma preocupação com o ruído forte que a queda deve provocar e que, presumivelmente оговорка была связана с беспокойством по поводу громкого шума, который должен создать падение, и который, предположительно çekincesi, düşüşün yaratacağı ve muhtemelen

would arouse, if not fright, then at least concern on the other side of all the doors. |stir up||||||||||||||| 怯えはしないまでも、少なくともドアの向こう側には心配があるだろう。 despertaria, se não medo, pelo menos preocupação do outro lado de todas as portas. по ту сторону всех дверей вызвал бы если не испуг, то, по крайней мере, беспокойство. tüm kapıların diğer tarafında korku değilse bile en azından endişe uyandırırdı.

However it had to be tried. しかし、それは試されなければならなかった。 No entanto, tinha de ser tentado. Тем не менее, нужно было попробовать. Ancak denenmesi gerekiyordu.

As Gregor was in the process of lifting himself half out of bed—the new method was more Como Gregor estava a tentar levantar-se da cama - o novo método era mais В это время Грегор поднимался с постели - новый метод был более Gregor kendini yarı yarıya yataktan kaldırırken -yeni yöntem daha iyiydi

of a game than an effort—he needed only to rock with a constant rhythm. It struck 关于|||||||||||||||| de um jogo do que de um esforço - ele só precisava de balançar com um ritmo constante. Atingiu Это было скорее игрой, чем усилием - ему нужно было только раскачиваться в постоянном ритме. Это поразило Bir çabadan çok bir oyun gibiydi; tek yapması gereken sabit bir ritimle sallanmaktı. Vurdu

him how easy all this would be if someone were to come to his aid. Two strong people, ele como tudo isto seria fácil se alguém viesse em seu auxílio. Duas pessoas fortes, Как легко все это было бы, если бы кто-то пришел ему на помощь. Два сильных человека,

he thought of his father and the servant-girl, would have been quite sufficient. They would pensou no pai e na criada, teria sido suficiente. Eles он думал о своем отце и служанке, было бы вполне достаточно. Они бы Babasını ve hizmetçi kızı düşünmesi yeterli olurdu. Onlar

have only had to push their arms under his arched back to get him out of the bed, to bastava empurrar os braços por baixo das suas costas arqueadas para o tirar da cama, para достаточно было просунуть руки под его выгнутую спину, чтобы вытащить его из кровати, чтобы onu yataktan çıkarmak için kollarını sırtının altından geçirmeleri yeterliydi.

bend over with their load, and then merely to exercise patience and care that he completed dobrar-se com a sua carga e, em seguida, apenas ter paciência e cuidado para que ele completasse нагнуться с грузом, а затем просто проявить терпение и осторожность, чтобы он завершил yükleriyle birlikte eğilmeleri ve ardından sadece sabır ve özen göstererek

the flip on to the floor, where his diminutive legs would then, he hoped, acquire a purpose. ||||||||small||||||find|| その小柄な足が、目的を達成することを期待したのだ。 a cambalhota para o chão, onde as suas pequenas pernas adquiririam então, esperava ele, um objetivo. Он перевернулся на пол, где его маленькие ножки, как он надеялся, обретут цель. Yerde takla atarken, küçücük bacaklarının o zaman bir amaç edineceğini umuyordu.

Now quite apart from the fact that the doors were locked, should he really call out for ドアに鍵がかかっていたことはさておき、彼は果たして大声で呼ぶべきだろうか? Agora, para além do facto de as portas estarem trancadas, deveria ele chamar por Если не считать того, что двери были заперты, стоило ли ему звать Kapıların kilitli olduğu gerçeğini bir kenara bırakırsak, gerçekten de

help. In spite of all his distress, he was unable to suppress a smile at this idea. ||||||suffering|||||hold back||||| 助けてください。苦悩にもかかわらず、彼はこの考えに笑みを抑えることができなかった。 ajuda. Apesar de toda a sua angústia, não conseguiu reprimir um sorriso perante esta ideia. Несмотря на все свои переживания, он не смог подавить улыбку при этой мысли. Yardım. Tüm sıkıntısına rağmen bu fikir karşısında gülümsemesini bastıramadı.

He had already got to the point where, by rocking more strongly, he maintained his equilibrium |||||||||||||||balance Já tinha chegado ao ponto em que, balançando-se com mais força, mantinha o equilíbrio Он уже дошел до того, что, раскачиваясь сильнее, сохранял равновесие. Daha güçlü bir şekilde sallanarak dengesini koruduğu bir noktaya çoktan gelmişti

with difficulty, and very soon he would finally have to decide, for in five minutes it would あと5分もすれば、彼は決断を迫られる。 с трудом, и очень скоро он должен был принять решение, потому что через пять минут она должна была ve çok yakında nihayet karar vermek zorunda kalacaktı, çünkü beş dakika içinde

be a quarter past seven. Then there was a ringing at the door of the apartment. 時15分。その時、アパートのドアのベルが鳴った。 eram sete e quinze. De seguida, ouviu-se um toque à porta do apartamento. На часах было четверть седьмого, и тут раздался звонок в дверь квартиры. yediyi çeyrek geçiyordu. Sonra dairenin kapısı çalındı.

"'That's someone from the office,' he told himself, and he almost froze, while his small "'É alguém do escritório', disse a si próprio, e quase congelou, enquanto o seu pequeno "Это кто-то из офиса", - сказал он себе и почти замер, в то время как его маленький

limbs only danced around all the faster. For one moment everything remained still. os membros só dançavam mais depressa. Por um momento, tudo ficou imóvel. Конечности только быстрее заплясали вокруг. На мгновение все замерло. uzuvlar sadece daha hızlı dans etti. Bir an için her şey hareketsiz kaldı.

"'They aren't opening,' Gregor said to himself, caught up in some absurd hope. But, of course, "Não estão a abrir", disse Gregor para si próprio, tomado por uma esperança absurda. Mas é claro, "Они не открываются", - сказал себе Грегор, охваченный какой-то нелепой надеждой. Но, конечно же, "'Açılmıyorlar,' dedi Gregor kendi kendine, saçma bir umuda kapılmıştı. Ama tabii ki,

then, as usual, the servant-girl, with her firm tread, went to the door and opened it. |||||||||firm steps||||||| depois, como de costume, a criada, com o seu passo firme, dirigiu-se à porta e abriu-a. Затем, как обычно, девушка-служанка твердой походкой подошла к двери и открыла ее. Sonra, her zamanki gibi, hizmetçi kız sert adımlarla kapıya gitti ve onu açtı.

Gregor needed to hear only the first word of the visitor's greeting, to recognize immediately Gregor só precisou de ouvir a primeira palavra da saudação do visitante, para reconhecer imediatamente Грегору достаточно было услышать только первое слово из приветствия посетителя, чтобы сразу же понять 格雷戈尔只需要听到访客问候的第一句话,就能立即认出

who it was—the manager himself. Why was Gregor the only one condemned to work in a ||||||||||||forced|||| quem era, o próprio diretor. Porque é que Gregor era o único condenado a trabalhar numa Кто это был - сам управляющий. Почему только Грегор был обречен работать в Kim olduğunu, müdürün kendisi. Neden bir tek Gregor'u bir iş yerinde çalışmaya mahkum etmişlerdi?

firm where, at the slightest lapse, someone immediately attracted the greatest suspicion? |||||mistake|||||| ほんの些細な手違いでも、誰かがすぐに最大の疑念を抱くような会社だろうか? empresa onde, ao mais pequeno lapso, alguém atraía imediatamente as maiores suspeitas? фирма, где при малейшей оплошности кто-то сразу же вызывал наибольшие подозрения? En ufak bir hatada, birinin hemen en büyük şüpheyi çektiği firma?

Were all the employees then collectively, one and all, scoundrels? Among them, was there |||||||||dishonest people|||| そのとき、従業員は全員、一人残らず悪党だったのだろうか?その中に Seriam então todos os empregados coletivamente, todos e cada um, canalhas? Entre eles, havia Были ли тогда все работники коллективно, все до одного, негодяями? Были ли среди них O zaman tüm çalışanlar hep birlikte alçak mıydı? Bunların arasında 难道所有的员工统统都是无赖吗?其中,有

then no truly devoted person, who, if he failed to use just a couple of hours in the morning ||genuinely|dedicated||||||||||||||| 真に献身的な人であれば、朝の2、3時間でも失敗すれば então, nenhuma pessoa verdadeiramente devota, que, se não utilizasse apenas um par de horas de manhã Нет ни одного по-настоящему преданного человека, который, если ему не удается использовать хотя бы пару часов утром. o zaman gerçekten kendini adamış hiçbir insan, sabahları sadece birkaç saatini kullanmayı başaramazsa 那么就没有一个真正忠诚的人,如果他不能利用早上的几个小时

for office work, would become abnormal from pangs of conscience, and really be in no state |||||||guilty feelings||guilt feelings|||||| オフィスワークのために、良心の呵責から異常な状態になり、本当にそのような状態になることはないだろう。 para o trabalho de escritório, tornar-se-ia anormal por dores de consciência, e não estaria realmente em condições de для офисной работы, станет ненормальным от мук совести и действительно будет не в состоянии vicdan azabından anormalleşirdi ve gerçekten hiçbir durumda olmazdı.

to get out of bed? Was it really not enough to let an apprentice make inquiries, if such |||||||||||||trainee||ask questions|| ベッドから起き上がるために?弟子に問い合わせをさせるだけでは不十分だったのだろうか? para se levantar da cama? Será que não bastava deixar um aprendiz fazer perguntas, se Неужели недостаточно было позволить ученику навести справки, если такой

questioning was even necessary? Must the manager himself come, and, in the process, must it O questionamento era mesmo necessário? Terá de vir o próprio diretor e, nesse processo, terá de Нужно ли вообще проводить допрос? Должен ли приехать сам менеджер, и, в процессе, должен ли он

be demonstrated to the entire innocent family, that the investigation of this suspicious que a investigação deste caso suspeito seja demonstrada a toda a família inocente продемонстрировать всей невинной семье, что расследование этого подозрительного

circumstance could be entrusted only to the intelligence of the manager? And more as a |||assigned||||||||||| このような状況は、監督の知性にのみ委ねられるものなのだろうか?ましてや circunstância só poderia ser confiada à inteligência do gestor? E mais ainda como что можно было бы доверить только интеллекту менеджера? И, скорее, как

consequence of the excited state into which this idea put Gregor, than as a result of consequência do estado de excitação em que esta ideia colocou Gregor, do que como resultado de Следствие возбужденного состояния, в которое привела Грегора эта идея, а не результат

an actual decision, he swung himself with all his might out of the bed. There was a uma decisão concreta, levantou-se da cama com todas as suas forças. Havia um Приняв реальное решение, он со всей силы взметнулся с кровати.

loud thud, but not a real crash. The fall was absorbed somewhat by the carpets, and, |muffled heavy sound|||||||||cushioned||||| Um baque forte, mas não um verdadeiro estrondo. A queda foi um pouco absorvida pelos tapetes e.., Громкий стук, но не настоящее крушение. Падение было немного поглощено коврами, и..,

in addition, his back was more elastic than Gregor had thought. For that reason, the dull Além disso, as suas costas eram mais elásticas do que Gregor pensava. Por essa razão, o Кроме того, его спина оказалась более упругой, чем предполагал Грегор. По этой причине тупая

noise was not quite so conspicuous, but he had not held his head up with sufficient care, |||||noticeable||||||||||| O ruído não era tão visível, mas ele não tinha levantado a cabeça com o cuidado suficiente, шум не так бросался в глаза, но он недостаточно осторожно держал голову,

and had hit it. He turned his head, irritated and in pain, and rubbed it on the carpet. e tinha-lhe batido. Virou a cabeça, irritado e com dores, e esfregou-a no tapete. Он повернул голову, раздраженный и страдающий от боли, и потерся о ковер.

"'Something has fallen in there,' said the manager in the next room on the left. "'Caiu ali qualquer coisa', disse o gerente da sala ao lado, à esquerda. "Там что-то упало", - сказал управляющий из соседней комнаты слева.

Gregor tried to imagine to himself whether anything similar to what was happening to Gregor tentou imaginar para si próprio se algo semelhante ao que estava a acontecer com Грегор попытался представить себе, нет ли чего-нибудь похожего на то, что происходило с

him to-day could also have happened at some point to the manager. At least one had to que lhe aconteceu hoje, também poderia ter acontecido a qualquer momento ao gerente. Pelo menos um tinha de Он мог случиться и с менеджером в какой-то момент. По крайней мере, один должен был

concede the possibility of such a thing. However, as if to give a rough answer to this acknowledge|||||||||||||||| その可能性は認める。しかし、これに対して大まかな答えを与えるかのように admitir a possibilidade de tal coisa. No entanto, como que para dar uma resposta aproximada a esta questão Однако, как бы давая приблизительный ответ на этот вопрос

question, the manager now, with a squeak of his polished boots, took a few determined という質問に、マネージャーは磨き上げたブーツをキュッキュッと鳴らしながら、意を決してこう言った。 pergunta, o gerente, agora com um rangido das suas botas polidas, tomou algumas На этот вопрос управляющий, скрипя начищенными ботинками, сделал несколько решительных шагов.

steps in the next room. From the neighbouring room on the right, the sister was whispering passos no quarto ao lado. Do quarto vizinho, à direita, a irmã sussurrava Из соседней комнаты справа доносился шепот сестры

to inform Gregor. para informar o Gregor. чтобы сообщить Грегору.

"'Gregor, the manager is here.' "'Gregor, o gerente está aqui'. "Грегор, пришел менеджер".

"'I know,' said Gregor to himself. But he did not make his voice loud enough so that "'Eu sei', disse Gregor para si próprio. Mas não fez uma voz suficientemente alta para que "Я знаю", - сказал себе Грегор, но голос его был недостаточно громким, чтобы

his sister could hear. услышала его сестра.

"'Gregor,' his father now said from the neighbouring room on the left, "Gregor", disse agora o pai, do quarto vizinho, à esquerda, "Грегор, - сказал его отец из соседней комнаты слева,

"'Mr. Manager has come, and is asking why you have not left on the early train. We don't "'O Sr. Gerente chegou e está a perguntar porque é que não partiram no comboio da manhã. Nós não "Пришел мистер менеджер и спрашивает, почему вы не уехали ранним поездом. Мы не

know what we should tell him. Besides, he also wants to speak to you personally. So Кроме того, он хочет поговорить с вами лично.

please open the door. He will be good enough to forgive the mess in your room.' por favor, abre a porta. Ele terá a bondade de perdoar a desarrumação do vosso quarto". Пожалуйста, откройте дверь. Он будет достаточно добр, чтобы простить беспорядок в вашей комнате".

In the middle of all this, the manager called out in a friendly way, No meio de tudo isto, o gerente chamou-o de uma forma amigável, В самый разгар всего этого менеджер дружелюбно окликнул нас,

"'Good morning, Mr. Samsa.' "'Bom dia, Sr. Samsa.' "Доброе утро, мистер Самса".

"'He is not well,' said his mother to the manager, while his father was still talking "'Ele não está bem', disse a mãe ao gerente, enquanto o pai continuava a falar "Ему нездоровится", - сказала мать управляющему, пока отец продолжал говорить.

at the door. у двери.

"'He is not well, believe me, Mr. Manager. Otherwise, how would Gregor miss a train? 「彼は具合が悪いのですよ、支配人さん。そうでなければ、グレゴールが列車に乗り遅れるわけがない。 "'Ele não está bem, acredite, Sr. Diretor. Caso contrário, como é que o Gregor perderia um comboio? "Он нездоров, поверьте мне, господин управляющий. Иначе как бы Грегор опоздал на поезд?

The young man has nothing in his head except business. I am almost angry that he never ||||||||除了|||||||| O jovem não tem nada na cabeça a não ser negócios. Estou quase zangado por ele nunca У этого молодого человека в голове нет ничего, кроме бизнеса. Я почти сержусь, что он никогда не

goes out at night. Right now he's been in the city eight days, but he's been at home sai à noite. Neste momento, está na cidade há oito dias, mas tem estado em casa

every evening. He sits there with us at the table, and reads the newspaper quietly, or todas as tardes. Senta-se connosco à mesa e lê o jornal em silêncio, ou

studies his travel schedules. It is quite a diversion for him to busy himself with fretwork. ||||||||distraction|||||||intricate woodwork 彼は旅行のスケジュールを研究している。フレッジワークで忙しくするのは、彼にとってかなりの気分転換になる。 estuda os seus horários de viagem. Para ele, é uma grande diversão ocupar-se com trabalhos manuais.

For instance, he cut out a small frame over the course of two or three evenings. You'll Por exemplo, ele recortou uma pequena moldura durante duas ou três noites. Vai ter de

be amazed how pretty it is. It's hanging right inside the room. You'll see it immediately, ficarão surpreendidos com a sua beleza. Está pendurado no interior do quarto. Vai vê-lo imediatamente, ne kadar güzel olduğuna şaşıracaksınız. Odanın içinde asılı duruyor. Hemen göreceksiniz,

as soon as Gregor opens the door. Anyway, I'm happy that you're here, Mr. Manager. assim que o Gregor abrir a porta. De qualquer forma, estou contente por estar aqui, Sr. Diretor.

By ourselves we would never have made Gregor open the door. He's so stubborn, and he's |||||||||||||obstinate|| Sozinhos, nunca teríamos obrigado o Gregor a abrir a porta. Ele é tão teimoso, e é

certainly not well, although he denied that this morning." certamente não está bem, embora o tenha negado esta manhã".

"'I'm coming right away,' said Gregor, slowly and deliberately, and didn't move, ||||||||with intention||| "'Vou já', disse Gregor, lenta e deliberadamente, e não se mexeu,

so as not to lose one word of the conversation. para não perder uma palavra da conversa.

"'My dear lady, I cannot explain it to myself in any other way,' said the manager. "'Minha cara senhora, não consigo explicar-me de outra forma', disse o gerente.

"'I hope it is nothing serious. On the other hand, I must also say that we businesspeople, ||||||||||||||||business professionals "Espero que não seja nada de grave. Por outro lado, também devo dizer que nós, empresários,

luckily or unluckily, however one looks at it, very often simply have to overcome a slight por sorte ou por azar, seja qual for o ponto de vista, muitas vezes têm apenas de ultrapassar uma ligeira

indisposition for business reasons. So can Mr. Manager come in to see you now?' asked unavailability|||||||||||||| indisposição por motivos profissionais. Então o Sr. Gerente pode entrar para o ver agora?

his father impatiently, and knocked once again on the door. o pai, impaciente, bateu de novo à porta.

"'No,' said Gregor.

In the neighbouring room on the left a painful stillness descended. In the neighbouring room |||||||||painful silence||||| No quarto vizinho, à esquerda, desceu uma quietude dolorosa. No quarto vizinho

on the right the sister began to sob. Why didn't his sister go to the others? She'd |||||||cry uncontrollably||||||||| 右のほうで、妹がすすり泣き始めた。なぜ妹は他の人のところに行かなかったのだろう?彼女は à direita, a irmã começou a soluçar. Porque é que a irmã não foi ter com os outros? Ela

probably just gotten out of bed now, and hadn't even started to get dressed yet. Then why provavelmente tinha acabado de sair da cama e ainda nem sequer se tinha começado a vestir. Então porquê

was she crying? Because he wasn't getting up, and wasn't letting the manager in, because Ela estava a chorar? Porque ele não se levantava e não deixava entrar o gerente, porque

he was in danger of losing his position, and because then his boss would badger his ||||||||||||||harass or nag| corria o risco de perder o seu posto de trabalho, e porque o seu patrão o incomodava

parents once again with the old demands? Those were probably unnecessary worries right now. pais mais uma vez com as velhas exigências? Essas eram provavelmente preocupações desnecessárias neste momento.

Gregor was still here, and wasn't thinking at all about abandoning his family. At the Gregor continuava aqui e não pensava de todo em abandonar a família. No

moment he was lying right there on the carpet, and no one who knew about his condition would momento estava deitado no tapete, e ninguém que soubesse do seu estado

have seriously demanded that he let the manager in. But Gregor wouldn't be casually dismissed |||||||||||||easily|ignored or brushed off exigiram seriamente que ele deixasse entrar o diretor. Mas Gregor não seria despedido casualmente

right away because of this small discourtesy, for which he would find an easy and suitable ||||||rudeness||||||||| logo por causa dessa pequena descortesia, para a qual ele encontraria uma solução fácil e adequada

excuse later on. It seemed to Gregor that it might be far more reasonable to leave him desculpa mais tarde. Pareceu a Gregor que talvez fosse muito mais razoável deixá-lo

in peace at the moment, instead of disturbing him with crying and conversation. But it was |||||||interrupting|||||||| em paz naquele momento, em vez de o perturbar com choros e conversas. Mas era

the very uncertainty which distressed the others, and excused their behaviour. ||||upset|||||| a própria incerteza que angustiava os outros e desculpava o seu comportamento.

"'Mr. Samsa!' the manager was now shouting, his voice raised. "'Sr. Samsa!", gritava agora o gerente, com a voz mais elevada.

"'What's the matter? You are barricading yourself in your room, answer with only a "'O que é que se passa? Estás a barricar-te no teu quarto, respondes apenas com um

yes and a no, are making serious and unnecessary troubles for your parents, and neglecting ||||||||||||||ignoring sim e não, estão a criar problemas sérios e desnecessários aos vossos pais e a negligenciar

— I mention this only incidentally — your commercial duties in a truly unheard-of manner. ||||by the way||||||||| - あなたの商業的職務は実に前代未聞のものだ。 - Refiro este facto apenas a título acessório - as suas funções comerciais de uma forma verdadeiramente inédita.

I am speaking here in the name of your parents and your employer, and I am requesting you, 私はここで、あなたの両親と雇用主の名において、あなたにお願いしているのです、 Falo aqui em nome dos vossos pais e do vosso patrão, e peço-vos,

in all seriousness, for an immediate and clear explanation. I am amazed! I am amazed! 真面目に、即座に明確な説明を求めて。驚いた!私は驚いている! com toda a seriedade, para uma explicação imediata e clara. Estou espantado! Estou espantado!

I thought I knew you as a calm, reasonable person, and now you appear suddenly to want Pensava que o conhecia como uma pessoa calma e razoável, e agora parece que de repente quer

to start parading around in weird moods. The chief indicated to me earlier this very day 変な気分で練り歩き始めた。今日、チーフは私にこう言った。 para começar a desfilar por aí com humores estranhos. O chefe indicou-me hoje mesmo

a possible explanation for your neglect, that concerned the collection of cash entrusted ||||||||||||assigned to you あなたの怠慢を説明できる可能性がある。 uma possível explicação para a sua negligência, que dizia respeito à recolha de dinheiro confiado

to you a short while ago. But in truth I almost gave him my word of honour that this 少し前に君に話した。しかし実は、私はほとんど彼に、この para si há pouco tempo. Mas, na verdade, quase lhe dei a minha palavra de honra de que este

explanation could not be correct. However, now I see here your unimaginable pig-headedness, |||||||||||||stubbornness の説明が正しいはずがない。しかし今、私はここにあなたの想像を絶する豚頭を見た、 a explicação não poderia estar correcta. No entanto, agora vejo aqui a sua inimaginável teimosia,

and I am totally losing any desire to speak up for you in the slightest, and your position そして、私はあなたのために発言する意欲を完全に失いつつある。 e estou a perder completamente qualquer desejo de falar por si, e a sua posição

is not at all the most secure. Originally I intended to mention all this to you privately, ||||||safe|||||||||| 最も安全とは言えない。もともと、私はこのことをすべてあなたに内密に話すつもりだった、 não é de todo a mais segura. Inicialmente, tencionava falar-lhe de tudo isto em privado,

but since you are letting me waste my time here uselessly, I don't know why the matter mas já que me deixa perder o meu tempo aqui inutilmente, não sei porque é que o assunto

shouldn't come to the attention of your parents. Your productivity has also been very unsatisfactory ||||||||||||||below expectations ご両親の目に留まるべきではありません。あなたの生産性も非常に不満足です。 não deve chegar ao conhecimento dos teus pais. A sua produtividade também tem sido muito insatisfatória

recently. Of course it's not the time of year to conduct exceptional business, we recognise that, 最近のことです。もちろん、今は特別なビジネスを行う時期ではない、 recentemente. É claro que não é a melhor altura do ano para fazer negócios excepcionais, reconhecemos isso,

but a time of year for conducting no business? There is no such thing at all, Mr. Samsa, しかし、1年のうちで、何の用事もない時期があるのですか?そのようなことはまったくありませんよ、サムサさん、 mas uma altura do ano para não fazer negócios? Isso não existe de todo, Sr. Samsa,

and such a thing must never be." e tal coisa nunca deve acontecer".

But Mr. Manager called Gregor, beside himself, and in his agitation forgetting everything else. ||||||||||distress||| しかし、支配人はグレゴールに電話をかけた。 Mas o Sr. Diretor chamou o Gregor, que estava fora de si e que, na sua agitação, se esquecia de tudo o resto.

I'm opening the door immediately, this very moment. A slight indisposition, a dizzy spell, ||||||||||||lightheaded feeling| 今この瞬間、すぐにドアを開ける。ちょっとした不調、めまいの発作、 Estou a abrir a porta imediatamente, neste preciso momento. Uma ligeira indisposição, uma tontura,

has prevented me from getting up. I'm still lying in bed right now, but I'm quite refreshed once impediu-me de me levantar. Neste momento, ainda estou deitado na cama, mas já me sinto bastante revigorado

again. I'm in the midst of getting out of bed. Just have patience for a short moment. また今、ベッドから起きようとしているところなんだ。しばらくの辛抱だ。 de novo. Estou a meio de me levantar da cama. Tenham paciência por um breve momento.

Things are not going as well as I thought, but things are all right. How suddenly this can 思っていたほど物事はうまくいっていないが、大丈夫だ。突然のことだが As coisas não estão a correr tão bem como eu pensava, mas estão bem. Como isso pode acontecer de repente

overcome someone! Only yesterday evening everything was fine with me, my parents certainly know that. 誰かに打ち勝つ昨日の夕方までは何も問題なかった。 vencer alguém! Ainda ontem à noite estava tudo bem comigo, os meus pais sabem-no bem.

Actually, just yesterday evening I had a small premonition. People must have seen that in me. ||||||||feeling of foreboding||||||| 実は昨日の夕方、小さな予感がしたんだ。人々は私の中にそれを見たに違いない。 De facto, ainda ontem à noite tive uma pequena premonição. As pessoas devem ter visto isso em mim.

Why have I not reported that to the office? But people always think that they'll get over sickness なぜ私はそれをオフィスに報告しなかったのだろう?でも、みんな病気は治ると思っている。 Porque é que eu não comuniquei isso ao escritório? Mas as pessoas pensam sempre que vão ultrapassar a doença

without having to stay at home. Mr. Manager, take it easy on my parents. There is really 家にいなくてもマネージャーさん、私の両親には手加減してあげてください。本当に sem ter de ficar em casa. Sr. Diretor, tenha calma com os meus pais. Há realmente

no basis for the criticisms which you are now making against me, and really nobody has said あなたが今、私に対して行っている批判には何の根拠もない。 não há qualquer fundamento para as críticas que agora me fazem e, de facto, ninguém disse

a word to me about it. Perhaps you have not read the latest orders which I shipped. Besides, now それについて私に一言。おそらく、私が発送した最新のオーダーをお読みになっていないのでしょう。それに今は uma palavra para mim sobre isso. Talvez não tenha lido as últimas encomendas que enviei. Além disso, agora

I'm setting out on my trip on the eight o'clock train. The few hours' rest have made me stronger. Vou fazer a minha viagem no comboio das oito horas. As poucas horas de descanso tornaram-me mais forte.

Mr. Manager, do not stay. I will be at the office in person right away. Please, Sr. Diretor, não fique. Estarei no escritório em pessoa imediatamente. Por favor,

please have the goodness to say that, and to convey my respects to the chief." チーフによろしくお伝えください」。 por favor, tenha a bondade de dizer isso e de transmitir os meus cumprimentos ao chefe".

While Gregor was quickly blurting all this out, hardly aware of what he was saying, ||||speaking impulsively|||||||||| Enquanto Gregor dizia tudo isto rapidamente, mal se apercebia do que estava a dizer,

he had moved close to the chest of drawers without effort, probably as a result of the tinha-se aproximado da cómoda sem esforço, provavelmente devido à

practice he had already had in bed, and now he was trying to raise himself up on it. prática que já tinha tido na cama, e agora estava a tentar erguer-se sobre ela.

Actually, he wanted to open the door, he really wanted to let himself be seen by and to speak Na verdade, ele queria abrir a porta, queria mesmo deixar-se ver e falar

with the manager. He was keen to witness what the others now asking about him would say when com o diretor. Estava ansioso por ver o que diriam os outros que agora perguntavam por ele quando

they saw him. If they were startled, then Gregor had no more responsibility and could be calm. ||||||surprised or shocked|||||||||| o vissem. Se ficassem assustados, Gregor não tinha mais responsabilidades e podia ficar calmo.

But if they accepted everything quietly, then he would have no reason to get excited, Mas se eles aceitassem tudo calmamente, então ele não teria razão para ficar excitado,

and, if he got a move on, could really be at the station around eight o'clock. e, se ele se despachasse, poderia estar na estação por volta das oito horas.

At first he slid down a few times on the smooth chest of drawers, but at last he gave himself a Primeiro, escorregou algumas vezes sobre a cómoda lisa, mas, por fim, deu a si próprio um

final swing, and stood upright there. He was no longer at all aware of the pains in his lower body, 最後の一振りをして、その場に直立した。もう下半身の痛みはまったくわからない、 O último baloiço e ficou de pé. Já não tinha qualquer consciência das dores na parte inferior do corpo,

no matter how they might still sting. Now he let himself fall against the back of a nearby chair, ||||||hurt||||||||rear support|||| たとえそれがまだ刺すような痛みであっても。今、彼は近くの椅子の背もたれに体を預けた、 não importa o quanto ainda possam picar. Agora deixou-se cair contra as costas de uma cadeira próxima,

on the edge of which he braced himself with his thin limbs. By doing this he gained control over ||||||steadied|||||||||||| その縁に、彼は細い手足で体を支えた。こうすることで、彼は na borda da qual se apoiava com os seus membros finos. Desta forma, conseguiu controlar a

himself and kept quiet, for he could now hear the manager. マネージャーの声が聞こえたからだ。 e manteve-se calado, pois já conseguia ouvir o gerente.

"'Did you understand a single word?' the manager asked the parents. 「一言でも理解できましたか? "Perceberam uma única palavra?", perguntou o gerente aos pais.

"'Is he playing the fool with us?' 「私たちをバカにしているのか? "'Ele está a fazer-nos de parvos?'

"'For God's sake!' cried the mother, already in tears. 「母親はすでに涙ぐんでいた。 "'Por amor de Deus!', gritou a mãe, já em lágrimas.

"'Perhaps he's very ill, and we're upsetting him. 「彼は重病で、私たちは彼を動揺させているのかもしれない。 "'Talvez ele esteja muito doente e nós estamos a perturbá-lo.

"'Greta! Greta!' she yelled at that point. 「グレタ!グレタ!』」。 "'Greta! Greta!", gritou ela nessa altura.

"'Mother?' called the sister from the other side. "'Mãe?' chamou a irmã do outro lado.

They were making themselves understood through Gregor's room. 二人はグレゴールの部屋で自分たちのことを理解していた。 Estavam a fazer-se entender no quarto de Gregor.

"'You must go to the doctor right away. Gregor is sick. Hurry to the doctor. "'Tens de ir imediatamente ao médico. O Gregor está doente. Vai depressa ao médico.

Have you heard Gregor speak yet?' グレゴールの話はもう聞いた? Já ouviste o Gregor falar?

"'That was an animal's voice,' said the manager, remarkably quietly, ||||||||surprisingly| 今のは動物の声だ」と支配人は静かに言った、 "Era a voz de um animal", disse o gerente, com uma calma notável,

in comparison to the mother's cries. 母親の叫び声に比べれば。 em comparação com os gritos da mãe.

"'Anna! Anna!' yelled the father, through the hall into the kitchen, clapping his hands. "'Anna! Anna!", gritou o pai, atravessando o corredor até à cozinha, batendo palmas.

"'Fetch a locksmith, right away!' Get||locksmith service|| "'Chamem um serralheiro, imediatamente!

The two young women were already running through the hall with swishing skirts. |||||||||||rustling|swishing skirts 二人の若い女性はすでにスカートを揺らしながらホールを駆け抜けていた。 As duas jovens já estavam a correr pelo corredor com as saias a abanar.

How had his sister dressed herself so quickly, and yanked open the doors of the apartment? |||||||||pulled forcefully|||||| 妹はどうやってあんなに素早く服を着て、アパートのドアを開けたのだろう? Como é que a sua irmã se vestiu tão depressa e abriu as portas do apartamento?

One couldn't hear the doors closing at all. They probably had left them open, ドアが閉まる音はまったく聞こえなかった。おそらく開けっ放しだったのだろう、 Não se ouvia as portas a fecharem-se. Provavelmente tinham-nas deixado abertas,

as is customary in an apartment where a huge misfortune has taken place. ||usual|||||||||| 大きな災難に見舞われたアパートでよくあることだ。 como é habitual num apartamento onde ocorreu uma grande desgraça.

However, Gregor had become much calmer. All right, people did not understand his words any more, No entanto, Gregor tinha-se tornado muito mais calmo. Tudo bem, as pessoas já não entendiam as suas palavras,

although they seemed clear enough to him, clearer than previously, perhaps because his ears had 彼の耳には、以前よりもはっきりと聞こえた。 embora lhe parecessem suficientemente claras, mais claras do que antes, talvez porque os seus ouvidos tinham

gotten used to them. But at least people now thought that things were not all right with him, もう慣れた。でも、少なくとも今は、みんなは彼のことが大丈夫ではないと思っている、 habituou-se a eles. Mas pelo menos agora as pessoas pensavam que as coisas não estavam bem com ele,

and were prepared to help him. The confidence and assurance with which the first arrangements e estavam preparados para o ajudar. A confiança e a segurança com que as primeiras disposições

had been carried out made him feel good. He felt himself included once again in the circle A ação que tinha sido levada a cabo fazia-o sentir-se bem. Sentiu-se novamente incluído no círculo

of humanity, and was expecting from both the doctor and the locksmith, without differentiating de humanidade, e esperava tanto do médico como do serralheiro, sem diferenciar

between them with any real precision, splendid and surprising results. In order to get as clear ||||||excellent||||||||| 両者の間には、本当に正確で、素晴らしく、驚くべき結果がある。できるだけ明確にするために entre eles com uma precisão real, resultados esplêndidos e surpreendentes. Para obter resultados tão claros

a voice as possible for the critical conversation which was imminent, he coughed a little, and ||||||||||about to happen||cleared his throat||| possível para a conversa crítica que estava iminente, tossiu um pouco e

certainly took the trouble to do this in a really subdued way, since it was possible that even this ||||||||||muted or restrained|||||||| certamente que se deu ao trabalho de o fazer de uma forma muito moderada, uma vez que era possível que mesmo este

noise sounded like something different from a human cough. He no longer trusted himself to decide O ruído soava a algo diferente de uma tosse humana. Já não confiava em si próprio para decidir

any more. Meanwhile, in the next room it had become really quiet. Perhaps his parents were mais. Entretanto, no quarto ao lado, tinha-se tornado muito silencioso. Talvez os seus pais estivessem

sitting with the manager at the table, whispering. Perhaps they were all leaning against the door, sentado com o gerente à mesa, a sussurrar. Talvez estivessem todos encostados à porta,

listening. Gregor pushed himself slowly towards the door with the help of the easy-chair, 聞いている。グレゴールは安楽椅子の助けを借りて、ゆっくりとドアに向かって体を動かした、 ouvir. Gregor empurrou-se lentamente para a porta com a ajuda da poltrona,

let go of it there, threw himself against the door, held himself upright against it largou-a ali, atirou-se contra a porta, manteve-se de pé contra ela

and rested there momentarily from his exertion. Then he made an effort to turn the key in the ||||||physical effort||||||||||| そして、しばらくそこで休んだ。そして、鍵を回そうとした。 e descansou aí momentaneamente do seu esforço. Depois, esforçou-se por rodar a chave na

lock with his mouth. Unfortunately, it seemed that he had no real teeth. How, then, was he to grab を口でロックした。残念ながら、彼には本物の歯がないようだった。では、どうやって com a boca. Infelizmente, parecia que não tinha dentes a sério. Então, como é que ele ia agarrar

hold of the key? But to make up for that, his jaws were naturally very strong. With their help, 鍵を握る?しかし、それを補うために、彼の顎はもともと非常に強かった。その助けを借りて segurar a chave? Mas para compensar isso, as suas mandíbulas eram naturalmente muito fortes. Com a ajuda deles,

he managed to get the key really moving. He didn't notice that he was obviously inflicting |||||||||||||||causing harm conseguiu pôr a chave em movimento. Não se apercebeu de que estava obviamente a infligir

some damage on himself, for a brown fluid came out of his mouth, flowed over the key, 彼の口から茶色の液体が出て、鍵の上に流れ落ちたのだ、 O que lhe causou danos, pois saiu-lhe da boca um líquido castanho que escorreu sobre a chave,

and dripped onto the floor. |fell in drops||| と床に滴り落ちた。 e pingou no chão.

"'Just listen for a moment,' said the manager in the next room. 「隣の部屋のマネージャーが言った。 "'Ouve só um momento', disse o gerente na sala ao lado.

"'He's turning the key!' For Gregor that was a great encouragement. But they all should have 鍵を回している!』。グレゴールにとって、それは大きな励ましだった。しかし、彼らはみな "'Ele está a rodar a chave! Para Gregor, isso foi um grande incentivo. Mas todos eles deviam ter

called out to him, including his father and mother. "'Come on, Gregor!' they should have 彼の父と母も含めて、彼に呼びかけた。さあ、グレゴール!」彼らはこう言ったはずだ。 chamaram-no, incluindo o pai e a mãe. "'Anda, Gregor!', deviam ter dito

shouted. "'Keep going, keep working on the lock!'' と叫んだ。続けて、ロックに取り掛かれ!」。 gritou. "Continua, continua a trabalhar na fechadura!

Imagining that all his efforts were being followed with suspense, he bit down frantically |||||||||anticipation||||nervously 自分の努力がすべてサスペンスで追いつめられていることを想像しながら、彼は必死に噛みしめた。 Imaginando que todos os seus esforços estavam a ser seguidos com suspense, mordeu freneticamente

on the key with all the force he could muster. As the key turned more, he danced around the lock. |||||||||gather|||||||||| 鍵に力を込めた。鍵がさらに回ると、彼は鍵の周りを舞った。 na chave com toda a força que conseguiu reunir. À medida que a chave rodava mais, ele dançava à volta da fechadura.

Now he was holding himself upright only with his mouth, and he had to hang on to the key, 今は口だけで体を支え、鍵にしがみつかなければならない、 Agora estava a manter-se de pé apenas com a boca, e tinha de se agarrar à chave,

or then press it down with the whole weight of his body as necessary. あるいは、必要に応じて全体重をかけて押さえる。 ou então pressioná-lo com todo o peso do seu corpo, conforme necessário.

The quite distinct click of the lock as it finally snapped really woke Gregor up. カチッと音がして、グレゴールは目を覚ました。 O estalido bastante nítido da fechadura, quando finalmente se partiu, acordou Gregor.

Breathing heavily, he said to himself, 大きく息をつきながら、彼は自分に言い聞かせるように言った、 Respirando pesadamente, disse para si próprio,

"'So I didn't need the locksmith!' and he set his head against the door-handle, だから鍵屋は必要なかったんだ!」そして彼はドアハンドルに頭をぶつけた、 "'Então não precisei do serralheiro!' e encostou a cabeça à maçaneta da porta,

to open the door completely. Because he had to open the door in this way, it was already para abrir completamente a porta. Como teve de abrir a porta desta forma, já estava

open very wide without him yet being really visible. He first had to turn himself slowly abrir-se muito bem sem que ele seja ainda realmente visível. Primeiro, teve de se virar lentamente

around the edge of the door, very carefully, of course, if he didn't want to fall awkwardly on もちろん、転んで怪我をしたくはなかったが。 à volta da borda da porta, com muito cuidado, claro, se não quisesse cair desajeitadamente sobre

his back right at the entrance into the room. He was still preoccupied with this difficult movement, ||||||||||||focused on|||| 彼は、部屋の入り口のところで背中を丸めていた。彼はまだこの難しい動きに夢中だった、 O seu corpo está de costas, mesmo à entrada da sala. Continua a preocupar-se com este movimento difícil,

and had no time to pay attention to anything else, when he heard the manager exclaim aloud, e não teve tempo para prestar atenção a mais nada, quando ouviu o gerente exclamar em voz alta,

"'Ooooh!' It sounded like the wind whistling. And now he saw him, nearest to the door, "'Ooooh!' Parecia o assobio do vento. E agora ele viu-o, mais perto da porta,

pressing his hand against his open mouth, and moving slowly back, as if an invisible 手を開いた口に押し当てながら、ゆっくりと後ろに下がっていく。 pressionando a mão contra a boca aberta, e recuando lentamente, como se um invisível

constant force was pushing him away. His mother, in spite of the presence of the manager, 絶え間ない力が彼を遠ざけていた。母親は、マネージャーがいるにもかかわらず、こう言った、 uma força constante empurrava-o para longe. A sua mãe, apesar da presença do gerente,

she was standing there with her hair sticking up on end, still amiss from the night, ||||||||||||disheveled||| 彼女は髪を逆立てて立っていた、 Ela estava ali de pé, com o cabelo em pé, ainda desorientada da noite, 她头发竖立站在那里,仍然对夜晚感到不安,

was looking at his father with her hands clasped. She then went two steps towards ||||||the girl||held together tightly|||||| estava a olhar para o seu pai com as mãos entrelaçadas. Depois deu dois passos em direção a

Gregor and collapsed, right in the middle of her skirts, which were spread out all around her, |||||||||dress or clothing|||laid out|||| Gregor e caiu, mesmo no meio das suas saias, que se espalharam à sua volta,

her face sunk on her breast, completely concealed. His father clenched his fist with a hostile |||||||hidden from view|||tightly closed||||| O rosto afundado no peito, completamente escondido. O pai cerrou o punho com um gesto hostil

expression, as if he wished to push Gregor back into his room, then looked uncertainly expressão, como se quisesse empurrar Gregor para o seu quarto, depois olhou com incerteza

around the living-room, covered his eyes with his hands, and cried, so that his mighty breast shook. 両手で目を覆い、泣きながらリビングルームを囲んだ。 A sala de estar, cobriu os olhos com as mãos e chorou, de tal forma que o seu poderoso peito tremeu.

At this point Gregor did not take one step into the room, but leaned his body from the inside Nessa altura, Gregor não deu um passo para dentro do quarto, mas inclinou o corpo para dentro

against the firmly bolted wing of the door, so that only half his body was visible, as well as |||securely fastened||||||||||||||| contra o batente da porta firmemente aparafusado, de modo a que apenas metade do seu corpo fosse visível, bem como

his head, tilted sideways, with which he peeped over at the others. Meanwhile it had become much ||leaned|||||glanced sneakily||||||||| 首を横に傾げて、他の選手たちを覗き込んでいた。そうこうしているうちに a cabeça, inclinada para o lado, com a qual espreitava os outros. Entretanto, tinha-se tornado muito

brighter. Standing out clearly from the other side of the street was a part of the endless 明るい。通りの反対側からくっきりと浮かび上がっていたのは、果てしなく続く道の一部だった。 mais brilhante. Destacava-se claramente do outro lado da rua uma parte da interminável

grey-black house situated opposite. It was a hospital, with its severe regular windows breaking |||located||||||||||| casa cinzenta e preta situada em frente. Era um hospital, com as suas janelas severas e regulares a quebrar

up the façade. The rain was still coming down, but only in large individual drops, visibly and ファサードを見上げた。雨はまだ降り続いていたが、一粒一粒が大きく、目に見えるかたちで降っていた。 a fachada. A chuva continuava a cair, mas apenas em grandes gotas individuais, visíveis e

firmly thrown down one by one onto the ground. The breakfast-dishes were standing piled around 朝食用の食器が、次々と地面に投げ捨てられた。朝食用の食器類は firmemente atiradas uma a uma para o chão. Os pratos do pequeno-almoço estavam empilhados à volta

on the table, because for his father breakfast was the most important meal-time in the day, na mesa, porque para o seu pai o pequeno-almoço era a refeição mais importante do dia,

which he prolonged for hours by reading various newspapers. Directly across the opposite wall ||extended||||||||||| 彼は何時間も新聞を読み続けた。真向かいの壁 que prolongava durante horas com a leitura de vários jornais. Diretamente do outro lado da parede oposta

hung a photograph of Gregor from the time of his military service. It was a picture of him as a pendurou uma fotografia de Gregor do tempo do seu serviço militar. Era uma fotografia dele como um

lieutenant, as he, smiling and worry-free, with his hand on his sword, demanded respect for his 中尉は、剣に手をかけたまま、微笑みながら、心配することなく、彼に敬意を求めた。 tenente, enquanto ele, sorridente e sem preocupações, com a mão na espada, exigia respeito pelo seu

bearing and uniform. The door to the hall was ajar, and since the door to the apartment was |||||||||partially open|||||||| 佇まいも制服も。ホールへのドアは開いており、アパートへのドアは porte e uniforme. A porta do hall estava entreaberta, e como a porta do apartamento estava

also open, one could see out into the landing of the apartment and the start of the staircase アパートの踊り場と階段の始まりが見える。 também aberta, podia-se ver o patamar do apartamento e o início da escada

going down. Now, said Gregor, well aware that he was the only one who had kept his composure, |||||||||||||||||calmness a descer. Agora, disse Gregor, consciente de que era o único que tinha mantido a compostura,

I'll get dressed right away, pick up the collection of samples, and set off. You'll allow Vou vestir-me imediatamente, pegar na coleção de amostras e partir. Deixarás

me to set out on my way, will you not? You see, Mr. Manager, I am not pig-headed, and I am happy 私の旅立ちを祝福してくれませんか?私は頭が固いわけではありません。 para me pôr a caminho, não é verdade? Está a ver, Sr. Gerente, eu não sou teimoso, e estou feliz

to work. Travelling is exhausting, but I couldn't live without it. Where are you going, Mr. Manager? para trabalhar. Viajar é cansativo, mas não poderia viver sem isso. Onde é que vai, Sr. Gerente?

To the office? Really? Will you report everything truthfully? A person can be incapable of work ||||||||honestly||||||| オフィスに?本当に?すべて正直に報告するのか?仕事ができなくなることもある Para o escritório? A sério? Vai relatar tudo com sinceridade? Uma pessoa pode ser incapaz de trabalhar

momentarily, but that's precisely the best time to remember the earlier achievements, 一瞬のことだが、それこそ以前の成果を思い出すのに最高のタイミングなのだ、 momentaneamente, mas essa é precisamente a melhor altura para recordar as conquistas anteriores,

and to consider that later, after the obstacles have been shoved aside, the person will work all ||||||||||pushed|||||| e considerar que, mais tarde, depois de os obstáculos terem sido afastados, a pessoa trabalhará todo o tempo

the more eagerly and intensely. I am really so indebted to Mr. Chief, you know that perfectly |||||||||grateful to||||||| mais ansiosa e intensamente. Estou mesmo em dívida para com o Sr. Chefe, sabe perfeitamente que

well. On the other hand, I am concerned about my parents and my sister. I'm in a fix, but I'll まあね。その一方で、両親や妹のことも心配だ。困っていますが、私は bem. Por outro lado, estou preocupado com os meus pais e a minha irmã. Estou num aperto, mas vou

work myself out of it again. Don't make things more difficult for me than they already are. また自分で解決するんだ。これ以上、物事を難しくしないでくれ。 e voltar a safar-me. Não tornes as coisas mais difíceis para mim do que já são.

Speak up on my behalf in the office. People don't like travelling salesmen, I know that. ||||represent me||||||||||| オフィスでは私に代わって話してください。出張セールスマンは嫌われますよ。 Fala em meu nome no escritório. As pessoas não gostam de caixeiros-viajantes, eu sei disso.

People think they earn pots of money, and thus lead a fine life. People don't even have any 人々は自分が大金を稼ぎ、それで立派な生活を送っていると思っている。人々は As pessoas pensam que ganham rios de dinheiro e que, por isso, têm uma vida óptima. As pessoas nem sequer têm

special reason to think through this judgment more clearly. But you, Mr. Manager, you have a razão especial para refletir mais claramente sobre este julgamento. Mas o Sr. Diretor, tem uma

better perspective on what's involved in other people—even, I tell you in total confidence, 他の人たちと何が関係しているのか、よりよく見通すことができる、 melhor perspetiva sobre o que está envolvido nas outras pessoas - mesmo, digo-vos com toda a confiança,

a better perspective than Mr. Chairman himself, who, in his capacity as the employer, |||||Board leader|||||||| 使用者としての立場である会長自身よりも、より良い視点を持っている、 uma melhor perspetiva do que o próprio Sr. Presidente, que, na sua qualidade de empregador,

may let his judgment make casual mistakes at the expense of an employee. You also know well enough 従業員の犠牲の上に、彼の判断が何気ないミスを犯すかもしれない。また、あなたは pode deixar que o seu julgamento cometa erros casuais em detrimento de um empregado. Também sabe o suficiente

that the travelling salesman who is outside the office almost the entire year, can become so que o caixeiro-viajante, que passa quase todo o ano fora do escritório, possa tornar-se tão

easily a victim of gossip, coincidences, and groundless complaints, against which it's |||||chance occurrences||unfounded|||| facilmente vítima de mexericos, coincidências e queixas infundadas, contra as quais é

impossible for him to defend himself, since, for the most part, he doesn't hear about them at all, É impossível para ele defender-se, uma vez que, na maior parte dos casos, nem sequer ouve falar deles,

and only then, when he's exhausted after finishing a trip, and at home, gets to feel in his own body |||||||||journey|||||||||| e só então, quando está exausto depois de terminar uma viagem, e em casa, consegue sentir-se no seu próprio corpo

the nasty consequences, which can't be thoroughly explored back to their origins. ||||||completely||||| その結果、その起源を徹底的に追求することはできない。 as consequências nefastas, que não podem ser exploradas em profundidade até às suas origens.

Mr. Manager, don't leave without speaking a word telling me that you'll at least concede that ||||||||||||||acknowledge| 支配人、一言も話さずに帰らないでください。 Sr. Diretor, não se vá embora sem me dizer uma palavra que pelo menos admita que

I'm a little in the right." But at Gregor's first words, the manager had already turned away, 私は少し正しい」。しかし、グレゴールの第一声に、マネージャーはすでに背を向けていた、 Estou um pouco à direita". Mas às primeiras palavras de Gregor, o gerente já se tinha afastado,

and now he looked back at Gregor over his twitching shoulders with pursed lips. During Gregor's speech ||||||||||||tight closed|||| e agora olhava para Gregor por cima dos seus ombros contraídos, com os lábios franzidos. Durante o discurso de Gregor

he was not still for a moment, but kept moving away towards the door, without taking his eyes não parou um momento, mas continuou a afastar-se em direção à porta, sem tirar os olhos

off Gregor, but really gradually, as if there was a secret ban on leaving the room. He was already まるで部屋を出ることを禁止されているかのように。彼はすでに de Gregor, mas muito gradualmente, como se houvesse uma proibição secreta de sair do quarto. Ele já estava

in the hall, and given the sudden movement with which he had finally pulled his foot out of the no corredor, e dado o movimento brusco com que acabou por tirar o pé da

living room, one could have believed that he had just burned the sole of his foot. In the hall, ||||||||||||bottom|||||| リビングルームでは、足の裏を火傷したのかと思うほどだった。ホールで、 Na sala de estar, podia-se acreditar que tinha acabado de queimar a sola do pé. No corredor,

however, he stretched his right hand out away from his body towards the staircase, しかし、彼は右手を体から離して階段に向かって伸ばした、 No entanto, estendeu a mão direita para longe do corpo, em direção à escada,

as if some truly supernatural relief was waiting for him there. Gregor realized that he must not, まるで超自然的な安堵感が彼を待っているかのように。グレゴールは、それではいけないと悟った、 como se um alívio verdadeiramente sobrenatural o estivesse a esperar ali. Gregor apercebeu-se de que não devia,

under any circumstances, allow the manager to go away in this frame of mind, especially if his どんなことがあっても、監督がこのような心境で出て行くことを許すわけにはいかない。 em qualquer circunstância, permitir que o gestor se vá embora neste estado de espírito, especialmente se o seu

position in the firm was not to be placed in the greatest danger. His parents did not understand 会社での地位が最大の危険にさらされることはなかった。彼の両親は A sua posição na empresa não devia ser colocada em grande perigo. Os seus pais não compreendiam

all this very well. Over the long years they had developed the conviction that Gregor was set up ||||||||||||belief||||| このことはすべてよく理解していた。長い年月の間に、彼らはグレゴールがハメられたのだと確信するようになった。 tudo isto muito bem. Ao longo dos anos, tinham desenvolvido a convicção de que Gregor tinha sido tramado

for life in his firm, and in addition they had so much to do nowadays with their present troubles, para a vida na sua empresa e, além disso, tinham muito a ver com os seus problemas actuais,

that all foresight was foreign to them. But Gregor had this foresight. The manager must be held back, ||ability to predict|||||||||ability to foresee|||||| 先見の明というものは、彼らにとっては異質なものだった。しかしグレゴールには先見の明があった。監督は抑えなければならない、 que toda a previsão lhes era estranha. Mas Gregor tinha essa previsão. O gerente deve ser retido,

calmed down, convinced, and finally won over. The future of Gregor and his family really depended acalmado, convencido e finalmente conquistado. O futuro de Gregor e da sua família dependia realmente

on it. If only the sister had been there! She was clever. She had already cried while Gregor was nela. Se ao menos a irmã lá estivesse! Ela era esperta. Já tinha chorado enquanto Gregor estava a

still lying quietly on his back, and the manager, this friend of the lady's, would certainly let ainda deitado tranquilamente de costas, e o gerente, esse amigo da senhora, certamente deixaria

himself be guided by her. She would have closed the door to the apartment and talked him out of ele próprio ser guiado por ela. Ela teria fechado a porta do apartamento e tê-lo-ia dissuadido de

his fright in the hall. But the sister was not even there. Gregor must deal with it himself. o seu susto no corredor. Mas a irmã nem sequer lá estava. Gregor tem de lidar com isso sozinho.

Without thinking that as yet he didn't know anything about his present ability to move, Sem pensar que ainda não sabia nada sobre a sua atual capacidade de movimento,

and that his speech possibly, indeed probably, had once again not been understood, 彼のスピーチは、おそらく、いや、おそらく、またしても理解されなかったのだろう、 e que o seu discurso possivelmente, ou mesmo provavelmente, não tinha sido compreendido mais uma vez,

he left the wing of the door, pushed himself through the opening, and wanted to go over to saiu da asa da porta, empurrou-se pela abertura e quis ir até

the manager, who was already holding tight on to the handrail with both hands on the landing in ||||||||||safety railing||||||| o gerente, que já estava a agarrar-se ao corrimão com as duas mãos no patamar em

a ridiculous way. But as he looked for something to hold on to, with a small scream, Gregor de uma forma ridícula. Mas enquanto procurava algo a que se agarrar, com um pequeno grito, Gregor

immediately fell down onto his numerous little legs. Scarcely had this happened, when he felt, ||||||||Barely|||||| その瞬間、彼は無数の小さな脚の上に倒れこんだ。そうなって間もなく、彼は感じた、 caiu imediatamente sobre as suas numerosas perninhas. Mal isto tinha acontecido, ele sentiu,

for the first time that morning, a general physical well-being. The small limbs had firm その朝初めて、身体全体が元気になっていた。小さな手足はしっかりしていた。 pela primeira vez nessa manhã, um bem-estar físico geral. Os membros pequenos estavam firmes

floor under them. They obeyed perfectly, as he noticed to his joy, and strove to carry him |||||||||||||tried very hard||| chão debaixo deles. Eles obedeceram perfeitamente, como ele notou para sua alegria, e esforçaram-se por o levar

forward in the direction he wanted. Right away he believed that the final amelioration of all |||||||||||||improvement of all|| 彼が望む方向へと前進した。彼はすぐに、最終的なすべての改善について、次のように考えた。 na direção que desejava. Desde logo, acreditou que a melhoria final de todos os

his suffering was immediately at hand. But at the very moment when he lay on the floor, o seu sofrimento estava imediatamente próximo. Mas no preciso momento em que se deitou no chão,

rocking in a restrained manner quite close and directly across from his mother, |||controlled||||||||| 母親の真向かいで、抑え気味に揺れた、 balançando de forma contida, bem perto e diretamente em frente da mãe,

who had apparently totally sunk into herself, she suddenly sprang right up, with her arms spread far |||||||||leaped||||||| 彼女は突然、両手を大きく広げて立ち上がった。 que, aparentemente, se tinha afundado totalmente em si mesma, levantou-se de repente, com os braços abertos

apart and her fingers extended, and cried out,—'Help! for God's sake! help!' She held her 助けて!お願いだから助けて!」。助けて!お願いだから!助けて!」。 e os dedos estendidos, e gritou: "Socorro! Por amor de Deus! Socorro! Ela segurava-a

head bowed down, as if she wanted to view Gregor better, but ran senselessly back, contradicting |Bent forward||||||||||||without thinking|| cabeça baixa, como se quisesse ver melhor o Gregor, mas correu sem sentido para trás, contradizendo

that gesture, forgetting that behind her stood the table with all the dishes on it. When she そのジェスチャーは、彼女の後ろにすべての食器が置かれたテーブルがあることを忘れていた。彼女が esse gesto, esquecendo-se de que atrás dela estava a mesa com todos os pratos. Quando ela

reached the table she sat down heavily on it, as if absentmindedly, and did not appear to notice at |||||||||||without thinking||||||| Quando chegou à mesa, sentou-se pesadamente sobre ela, como que distraída, e não pareceu reparar em nada

all that next to her coffee was pouring out onto the carpets in a full stream from the large 彼女の隣では、コーヒーがカーペットに溢れ出ていた。 tudo o que, ao lado dela, o café jorrava sobre os tapetes, num jato intenso, da grande

overturned container. "'Mother!' said Gregor quietly, and looked over towards her. The manager spilled|||||||||||| O contentor virado. "'Mãe!', disse Gregor em voz baixa, e olhou para ela. O diretor

momentarily had disappeared completely from his mind. At the sight of the flowing coffee, 一瞬、彼の頭から完全に消えた。流れてくるコーヒーを見て、 O café que tinha sido feito, por momentos, tinha desaparecido completamente da sua mente. Ao ver o café a correr,

Gregor couldn't stop himself snapping his jaws in the air a few times. At that his mother screamed グレゴールは思わず顎を数回鳴らした。それを見て母親が叫んだ。 Gregor não se conteve e estalou os maxilares no ar algumas vezes. A mãe gritou

all over again, hurried from the table, and collapsed into the arms of his father, who was 慌ててテーブルから離れ、父親の腕の中に倒れ込んだ。 voltou a sair da mesa e caiu nos braços do pai, que estava

rushing towards her. But Gregor had no time now for his parents, the manager was already on the correndo em direção a ela. Mas Gregor não tinha tempo para os seus pais, o gerente já estava a caminho.

staircase. His chin level with the banister, the manager looked back for the last time. ||chin||||handrail|||||||| 階段。あごを手すりと水平にし、マネージャーは最後に振り返った。 escada. Com o queixo ao nível do corrimão, o gerente olhou para trás pela última vez.

Gregor took an initial movement to catch up to him if possible. But the manager must have グレゴールは、できれば彼に追いつこうと初動をとった。しかし、マネージャーは Gregor fez um primeiro movimento para o alcançar, se possível. Mas o diretor deve ter

suspected something, because he made a leap down over a few stairs and disappeared, still shouting, 何かを疑ったのか、彼は階段を数段飛び越え、叫びながら姿を消した、 suspeitou de alguma coisa, porque deu um salto por cima de umas escadas e desapareceu, ainda a gritar,

"'Oh!' The sound echoed throughout the entire stairwell. |||||||staircase area "'Oh!" O som ecoou por toda a escadaria.

Now, unfortunately, this flight of the manager also seemed to bewilder his father completely. ||||||||||confuse||| さて、残念なことに、マネージャーのこの逃亡は父親を完全に困惑させたようだった。 Infelizmente, este voo do gerente também parecia confundir completamente o seu pai.

Earlier he had been relatively calm, for instead of running after the manager himself, 先ほどまで、彼は比較的落ち着いていた、 Antes, tinha estado relativamente calmo, pois em vez de correr atrás do gerente,

or at least not hindering Gregor from his pursuit, with his right hand he grabbed hold of ||||blocking|||||||||||| ou, pelo menos, que não impedisse Gregor de o perseguir, agarrou com a mão direita

the manager's cane, which he had left behind with his hat and overcoat on a chair. With his left hand ||walking stick||||||||||heavy outer garment|||||||

his father picked up a large newspaper from the table, and stamping his feet on the floor, 父親はテーブルの上にあった大きな新聞を手に取り、床を足で踏み鳴らした、

he set out to drive Gregor back into his room by waving the cane and the newspaper. 彼は杖と新聞を振りかざしてグレゴールを部屋に追い返そうとした。

No request of Gregor's was of any use, no request would even be understood. No matter how willing he グレゴールのどんな要求も何の役にも立たず、どんな要求も理解されない。グレゴールがどんなに喜んで

was to turn his head respectfully, his father just stomped all the harder with his feet. |||||||||stomped harder|||||| 父親が敬礼して顔を向けると、父親は足で強く踏みつけた。

Across the room from him his mother had pulled open a window, in spite of the cool weather,

and leaning out with her hands on her cheeks, she pushed her face far outside the window.

Between the alley and the stairwell a strong draft came up, the curtains on the window flew

around, the newspapers on the table swished, and individual sheets fluttered down over the floor. ||||||moved quickly|||||||| テーブルの上の新聞紙が揺れ、一枚一枚が床に舞い落ちた。

The father relentlessly pressed forward, pushing out sibilance like a wild man. Now, ||without stopping||moved ahead|||hissing sounds|||||

Gregor had no practice at all in going backwards, it was really very slow going. If Gregor only had ||||||||in reverse|||||||||| グレゴールは後ろ向きに進む練習をまったくしていなかった。もしグレゴールが

been allowed to turn himself around he would have been in his room right away, but he was afraid to

make his father impatient by the time-consuming process of turning around, and each moment he 父親を焦らせたのは、振り向くという時間のかかる作業だった。

faced the threat of a mortal blow on his back or his head from the cane in his father's hand. 父親が手にした杖で背中や頭を殴られ、致命傷を負う恐れがあったのだ。

Finally Gregor had no other option, for he noticed with horror that he did not understand yet how to |||||||||||||||||in what way|

maintain his direction going backwards, and so he began, amid constantly anxious sideways glances |||||||||in the middle||||

in his father's direction, to turn himself around as quickly as possible, although in truth this

was only done very slowly. Perhaps his father noticed his good intentions, for he did not

disrupt Gregor in this motion, but with the tip of the cane from a distance he even directed Gregor's

rotating movement here and there. If only his father had not hissed so unbearably! Because of |||||||||||whispered angrily|||| あちこちで動きがあった。父親が耐え難いほどヒスさえ起こさなければ!なぜなら

that Gregor totally lost his head. He was already almost totally turned around, when, always with グレゴールが完全に正気を失ったのだ。グレゴールは、すでに完全に後ろを向いていた。

this hissing in his ear, he just made a mistake and turned himself back a little. But when he |persistent noise||||||||||||||||| 耳元でヒスノイズが鳴り響いた。しかし

finally was successful in getting his head in front of the door opening it became clear that そして、ついにドア開口部の前に頭を出すことに成功した。

his body was too wide to go through any further. Naturally his father, in his present mental state, 彼の身体は、これ以上進むには広すぎたのだ。当然、父親も現在の精神状態では

had no idea of opening the other wing of the door a bit to create a suitable passage for Gregor to ドアの反対側の翼を少し開けて、グレゴールが通るのに適した通路を作るという考えはなかった。

get through. His single fixed thought was that Gregor must get into his room as quickly as を通り抜けた。グレゴールが自分の部屋に早く入ることだけを考えていた。

possible. He would never have allowed the elaborate preparations that Gregor required to orient |||||||detailed||||||get oriented 可能だ。彼は、グレゴールが必要とする入念な準備を決して許さなかっただろう。

himself, and thus perhaps get through the door. On the contrary, as if there were no obstacle, ||therefore||||||||||||||

and with a peculiar noise, he now drove Gregor forwards. Behind Gregor the sound at this point |||strange||||||||||||| と独特の音を立てて、今度はグレゴールを前方に追いやった。グレゴールの背後で、この時の音は

was no longer like the voice of only a single father. Now it was really no longer a joke, は、もはや一人の父親だけの声ではなかった。今では本当に冗談ではなくなった、

and Gregor forced himself, come what might, into the door. One side of his body was lifted up. そしてグレゴールは、何があろうとも無理矢理ドアの中に入った。体の片側が持ち上げられた。

He lay at an angle in the door opening, his one flank was sore with the scraping. |||||||||||side|||||rubbing against 彼はドアの開口部に斜めに横たわり、片方の脇腹は擦り傷で痛んでいた。

On the white door ugly blotches were left. Soon he was stuck fast, and would not have been able |||||stains||||||||||||| 白いドアには醜いしみが残っていた。彼はすぐに動けなくなった。

to move any more on his own. The tiny legs on one side hung twitching in the air above, これ以上自分で動くことはできない。片側の小さな脚は上空でピクピクと動いていた、

and the ones on the other side were pushed painfully into the floor. Then his father

gave him one really strong liberating push from behind, and he scurried, bleeding severely, |||||||||||hurriedly moved forward|| 背後から本当に強い解放の一押しをすると、彼はひどい出血をしながら逃げ出した、

far into the interior of his room. The door was slam-shut with the cane, and finally it was quiet. ||||||||||||||walking stick||||| 部屋の奥深くまで。ドアは杖でバタンと閉められ、ようやく静かになった。