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English songs v2, Rise Against – Prayer of the Refugee

Rise Against – Prayer of the Refugee

Warm yourself by the fire, son

And the morning will come soon

I'll tell you stories of a better time

In a place that we once knew

Before we packed our bags

And left all this behind us in the dust

We had a place that we could call home

And a life no one could touch

Don't hold me up now

I can stand my own ground

I don't need your help now

You will let me down, down, down!

Don't hold me up now

I can stand my own ground

I don't need your help now

You will let me down, down, down!

We are the angry and the desperate

The hungry, and the cold

We're the ones who kept quiet

And always did what we were told

But we've been sweating while you slept so calm

In the safety of your home

We've been pulling out the nails that hold up

Everything you've known

Don't hold me up now

I can stand my own ground

I don't need your help now

You will let me down, down, down!

Don't hold me up now

I can stand my own ground

I don't need your help now

You will let me down, down, down!

So open your eyes, child

Let's be on our way

Broken windows and ashes

Are guiding the way

Keep quiet no longer

We'll sing through the day

Of the lives that we've lost

And the lives we've reclaimed

Don't hold me up now

I can stand my own ground

I don't need your help now

You will let me down, down, down!

Don't hold me up now

I can stand my own ground

I don't need your help now

You will let me down, down, down!

Don't hold me up

(I don't need your help, I'll stand my ground)

Don't hold me up

(I don't need your help)

No! No! No!

Don't hold me up!

(I don't need your help, I'll stand my ground)

Don't hold me up!

(I don't need your help, I'll stand my ground)

Don't let me down, down, down, down, down!

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Rise Against – Prayer of the Refugee Восстание|Против|Молитва беженца|||Беженец ||Gebet|||Flüchtling انهض|ضد|||| Levantarse||||| قم ضد – صلاة اللاجئ Rise Against - Gebet des Flüchtlings Rise Against - Προσευχή του πρόσφυγα Rise Against – Prayer of the Refugee Rise Against - Oración del refugiado Rise Against - Prière du réfugié Rise Against - Preghiera del rifugiato ライズアゲインスト - 難民の祈り 라이즈 어게인 - 난민의 기도 Rise Against - Modlitwa uchodźcy Rise Against - Oração do Refugiado Rise Against - Молитва беженца Rise Against - Mültecinin Duası Повстань проти - Молитва біженця 奋起反抗——难民的祈祷 奮起反抗——難民的祈禱

Warm yourself by the fire, son Abrígate|Abrígate|||fuego|hijo دفئ نفسك بالنار يا بني Aquece-te junto à lareira, filho

And the morning will come soon |||llegará|llegará|pronto وسوف يأتي الصباح قريبا

I'll tell you stories of a better time |||Geschichten|||| سأخبرك قصصًا عن وقت أفضل

In a place that we once knew ||||||kannten في مكان عرفناه ذات يوم

Before we packed our bags ||bevor wir packten|| قبل أن نحزم حقائبنا

And left all this behind us in the dust ||||||||пыли ||||||||Staub وتركنا كل هذا خلفنا في الغبار

We had a place that we could call home |||posto||||| لقد كان لدينا مكان يمكننا أن نسميه منزلًا

And a life no one could touch وحياة لا يستطيع أحد أن يلمسها

Don't hold me up now لا تمسك بي|||| لا تمسكني الآن

I can stand my own ground |posso|||proprio|posizione أنا قادر على الوقوف على أرضي Ich kann meinen eigenen Weg gehen

I don't need your help now لا أحتاج مساعدتك الآن

You will let me down, down, down! سوف تخذلني، ستخذلني، ستخذلني!

Don't hold me up now لا تمسكني الآن

I can stand my own ground |||||meinen Mann stehen أنا قادر على الوقوف على أرضي

I don't need your help now

You will let me down, down, down! |||||Mi deluderai, giù!|

We are the angry and the desperate ||||||отчаявшиеся ||||||verzweifelt نحن الغاضبون واليائسون

The hungry, and the cold ||||Il freddo الجائع والبرد

We're the ones who kept quiet |||||still ||||rimasti|tranquilli نحن الذين التزمنا الصمت Wir sind diejenigen, die geschwiegen haben

And always did what we were told وفعلنا دائما ما قيل لنا

But we've been sweating while you slept so calm |||потели||||| |||geschwitzt|||geschlafen hast||so ruhig |||sudando|||dormivi così tranquillo|| |hemos||||||| |||流汗||||| لكننا كنا نتعرق بينما كنت نائمًا بهدوء

In the safety of your home ||безопасности||| ||In der Sicherheit||| ||Nella sicurezza||della tua| في أمان منزلك

We've been pulling out the nails that hold up ||выдергиваем|||гвозди||| ||herausziehen|||||| ||tirando via|||chiodi||| لقد قمنا بسحب المسامير التي كانت صامدة

Everything you've known كل ما تعرفه

Don't hold me up now لا تمسكني الآن

I can stand my own ground

I don't need your help now

You will let me down, down, down!

Don't hold me up now

I can stand my own ground

I don't need your help now

You will let me down, down, down!

So open your eyes, child لذا افتح عينيك يا صغيري

Let's be on our way دعونا نواصل طريقنا

Broken windows and ashes |||пепел |||Asche |||cenere النوافذ المكسورة والرماد Ventanas rotas y cenizas

Are guiding the way |ведут путь|| |den Weg weisen|| Stanno guidando|Stanno guidando|stanno guidando|la via هل يرشدون الطريق Guían el camino

Keep quiet no longer |||non più لا تصمت بعد الآن

We'll sing through the day ||durch|| ||per tutto||giornata Cantaremos todo el día

Of the lives that we've lost De las vidas que hemos perdido

And the lives we've reclaimed ||||вернули себе ||||zurückgewonnen ||||E le vite che abbiamo recuperato ||||重新夺回 Y las vidas que hemos recuperado

Don't hold me up now No me retengas ahora

I can stand my own ground Puedo mantenerme firme

I don't need your help now No necesito tu ayuda ahora

You will let me down, down, down! ¡Me decepcionarás, me decepcionarás, me decepcionarás!

Don't hold me up now No me retengas ahora

I can stand my own ground |||||posizione Puedo mantenerme firme

I don't need your help now |||||adesso No necesito tu ayuda ahora

You will let me down, down, down! |dejarás||||| ¡Me decepcionarás, me decepcionarás, me decepcionarás!

Don't hold me up No me retengas

(I don't need your help, I'll stand my ground) (No necesito tu ayuda, me mantendré firme)

Don't hold me up No me retengas

(I don't need your help) (No necesito tu ayuda)

No! Nein! ¡No! No! No!

Don't hold me up!

(I don't need your help, I'll stand my ground) ||||||||Standpunkt я|||||||| Yo|||||||| (No necesito tu ayuda, me mantendré firme)

Don't hold me up! Don't hold me up! ¡No me retrases!

(I don't need your help, I'll stand my ground) (No necesito tu ayuda, me mantendré firme)

Don't let me down, down, down, down, down!