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LIDA Stories, The weather

The weather

It is sunny.

It is cloudy.

It is raining.

It is windy.

It is snowing.

It is cold.

It is hot.

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The weather Das Wetter El clima Le temps Il tempo 天気 날씨 O tempo Погода Hava durumu Погода 天气 天氣

It is sunny. ||阳光明媚 Hace sol. Солнечно.

It is cloudy. ||多云 Облачно.

It is raining. Идет дождь.

It is windy. ||多风 ||ventoso Ветрено.

It is snowing. ||下雪 ||está nevando Nevica. Идет снег.

It is cold. ||冷 Холодно.

It is hot. ||热 Жарко.