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LIDA Stories, The sound of birds in the morning

The sound of birds in the morning

Yulia, her husband, and their little daughter lived in a small, quiet village in Ukraine. Yulia loved being woken every morning by the sound of birds. She never thought she would live far away from home, or not be woken up by the sound of birds in the morning.

Her husband was always complaining about not having enough money and he began drinking heavily. They decided to try their luck in Portugal. Maybe there they could earn more money to build a house and make a better future for their family.

Yulia adapted well to her new home, and she started working as a cleaner. Her clients really appreciated her hard work and her polite attitude. Her husband, on the other hand, felt more and more left out. Because of his drinking problem, employers did not trust him and would not give him work.

One day he started yelling at Yulia. Then, he started pushing her. The shouting and beatings got worse, especially when he was drunk. Yulia was afraid for herself and her daughter, but she had no idea what she could do.

When Yulia finally had to go to the emergency room in the hospital with a broken arm, they told her that domestic violence was a huge problem in Portugal. They also said that it was a crime and she should report it to the police.

Yulia was exhausted and did not want her little daughter to grow up in a home where she witnessed violence every day. Yulia realised that the signs of abuse had been there all along, even if it took many different forms.

Yulia went to a women's shelter, where she felt safer than she had in a long time. She had not felt like that since she was woken up by the sound of birds in the morning.

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Yulia, her husband, and their little daughter lived in a small, quiet village in Ukraine. Юлия, ее муж и их маленькая дочь жили в маленькой тихой деревушке на Украине. 尤利娅、她的丈夫和他们的小女儿住在乌克兰一个安静的小村庄里。 Yulia loved being woken every morning by the sound of birds. |amava||||||||| Юля любила, чтобы каждое утро ее будили звуки птиц. She never thought she would live far away from home, or not be woken up by the sound of birds in the morning. Она никогда не думала, что будет жить вдали от дома, что по утрам ее не будут будить звуки птиц. 她从来没有想过自己会住在离家很远的地方,或者早上不会被鸟声叫醒。

Her husband was always complaining about not having enough money and he began drinking heavily. ||||lamentandosi||||abbastanza|||||| Ее муж постоянно жаловался, что ему не хватает денег, и начал сильно пить. 她的丈夫总是抱怨没有足够的钱,并且开始酗酒。 They decided to try their luck in Portugal. Они решили попытать счастья в Португалии. 他们决定去葡萄牙碰碰运气。 Maybe there they could earn more money to build a house and make a better future for their family. Возможно, там они смогут заработать больше денег, чтобы построить дом и обеспечить лучшее будущее для своей семьи. 也许在那里他们可以赚更多的钱来盖房子,为家人创造更美好的未来。

Yulia adapted well to her new home, and she started working as a cleaner. ||||||||||lavorando||| Юля хорошо адаптировалась в новом доме и начала работать уборщицей. 尤莉亚很好地适应了她的新家,她开始做清洁工。 Her clients really appreciated her hard work and her polite attitude. Клиенты очень ценили ее трудолюбие и вежливое отношение. 她的客户非常欣赏她的辛勤工作和礼貌的态度。 Her husband, on the other hand, felt more and more left out. ||||||||||escluso| Ее муж, напротив, чувствовал себя все более и более обделенным. 另一方面,她的丈夫感到越来越被忽视。 Because of his drinking problem, employers did not trust him and would not give him work. |||||datori di lavoro|||||||||| Из-за его проблемы с алкоголем работодатели не доверяли ему и не давали работу.

One day he started yelling at Yulia. Однажды он начал кричать на Юлю. 有一天,他开始对尤莉亚大喊大叫。 Then, he started pushing her. Затем он начал толкать ее. 然后,他开始推她。 The shouting and beatings got worse, especially when he was drunk. |||percosse||||||| Крики и побои становились все сильнее, особенно когда он был пьян. 喊叫和殴打变得更加严重,尤其是当他喝醉的时候。 Yulia was afraid for herself and her daughter, but she had no idea what she could do. Юля боялась за себя и свою дочь, но не представляла, что можно сделать. 尤莉亚为自己和女儿感到担心,但她不知道自己能做什么。

When Yulia finally had to go to the emergency room in the hospital with a broken arm, they told her that domestic violence was a huge problem in Portugal. Когда Юлии пришлось обратиться в приемный покой больницы со сломанной рукой, ей сказали, что домашнее насилие - огромная проблема в Португалии. 当尤莉亚最终不得不带着骨折的手臂去医院急诊室时,他们告诉她家庭暴力在葡萄牙是一个大问题。 They also said that it was a crime and she should report it to the police. Они также сказали, что это преступление и ей следует обратиться в полицию.

Yulia was exhausted and did not want her little daughter to grow up in a home where she witnessed violence every day. ||||||||||||||||||assistette a||| 尤利娅精疲力尽,不希望她的小女儿在每天目睹暴力的家庭中长大。 Yulia realised that the signs of abuse had been there all along, even if it took many different forms. 尤莉亚意识到虐待的迹象一直存在,尽管形式多种多样。

Yulia went to a women's shelter, where she felt safer than she had in a long time. |||||rifugio||||||||||| 尤利娅去了妇女庇护所,在那里她感觉很长一段时间以来都没有安全过。 She had not felt like that since she was woken up by the sound of birds in the morning. 自从早上被鸟叫声吵醒以来,她还没有这样的感觉。