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LIDA Stories, Finding a job

Finding a job

Alisha needs to find a job because her family needs money for food and clothes.

Alisha did not work in her home country, but she is good at cooking and likes talking to people.

Maybe she could work in a restaurant? Alisha searches on the Internet for job postings.

She finds an advert for a chef. That is someone who cooks in a restaurant.

She goes for the job interview. The restaurant manager tells her they need someone who has trained as a chef.

Alisha is disappointed, but she takes a course called “Food and hospitality”. She hopes this will help her to get a job in a restaurant.

Alisha has to work in a restaurant as part of her training course. She does not get paid, but she gets work experience.

She adds the details of the course to her CV. A CV is a description of all the work she has done and all the courses she has taken.

Next time Alisha goes for a job interview at a restaurant, she is offered the job. It is hard work. She often has to work in the evening, when her children are home from school.

She is proud that she has got a job so that she can buy food and clothes for her family with her own money.

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Finding a job Einen Job finden Encontrar trabajo پیدا کردن یک شغل Trouver un emploi 仕事を探す 일자리 찾기 Encontrar um emprego Поиск работы İş bulma Пошук роботи 寻找工作 正在找工作

Alisha needs to find a job because her family needs money for food and clothes. Алише нужно найти работу, потому что ее семье нужны деньги на еду и одежду. 艾丽莎需要找一份工作,因为她的家人需要钱来买食物和衣服。

Alisha did not work in her home country, but she is good at cooking and likes talking to people. |||||||рідна країна||||||||||| Алиша не работала на родине, но хорошо готовит и любит общаться с людьми. Alisha在祖国没有工作,但她擅长做饭,喜欢与人交谈。

Maybe she could work in a restaurant? Может быть, она могла бы работать в ресторане? 也许她可以在餐馆工作? Alisha searches on the Internet for job postings. Алиша ищет в Интернете объявления о работе. 艾丽莎在互联网上搜索招聘信息。

She finds an advert for a chef. |||annuncio||| Она находит объявление о поиске повара. 她发现一则厨师广告。 That is someone who cooks in a restaurant. Это тот, кто готовит в ресторане. 那是在餐馆做饭的人。

She goes for the job interview. Она идет на собеседование. 她去参加工作面试。 The restaurant manager tells her they need someone who has trained as a chef. Менеджер ресторана говорит ей, что им нужен человек, прошедший обучение на шеф-повара. 餐厅经理告诉她,他们需要接受过厨师培训的人。

Alisha is disappointed, but she takes a course called “Food and hospitality”. Алиша разочарована, но она берет курс "Еда и гостеприимство". 艾丽莎很失望,但她选修了一门名为“食品和酒店管理”的课程。 She hopes this will help her to get a job in a restaurant.

Alisha has to work in a restaurant as part of her training course. Алиша должна работать в ресторане в рамках своего учебного курса. 作为培训课程的一部分,艾丽莎必须在一家餐厅工作。 She does not get paid, but she gets work experience. Она не получает зарплату, но приобретает опыт работы. 她没有报酬,但获得了工作经验。

She adds the details of the course to her CV. |||||||||резюме Она добавляет сведения о курсе в свое резюме. 她在简历中添加了课程的详细信息。 A CV is a description of all the work she has done and all the courses she has taken. Автобиография - это описание всей проделанной работы и всех пройденных курсов.

Next time Alisha goes for a job interview at a restaurant, she is offered the job. В следующий раз Алиша приходит на собеседование в ресторан, и ей предлагают эту работу. 下次艾丽莎去餐厅面试时,她得到了这份工作。 It is hard work. Это тяжелый труд. She often has to work in the evening, when her children are home from school. Часто ей приходится работать в вечернее время, когда ее дети возвращаются из школы. 当她的孩子们放学回家时,她经常不得不在晚上工作。

She is proud that she has got a job so that she can buy food and clothes for her family with her own money. Она гордится тем, что устроилась на работу и может на свои деньги покупать еду и одежду для своей семьи. 她很自豪自己找到了一份工作,这样她就可以用自己的钱为家人购买食物和衣服。